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DOS Batch File
288 lines
@REM "This Batch file is a alternitive to using the"
@REM "Operation: Fighting Tiger install program."
@REM "To run, type:"
@REM " INSTOFT <Source Drive> <Destination Drive> [path]"
@REM " (Example: INSTOFT A: C:"
@REM " if OFT disks will be in Drive A and your"
@REM " FALCON3 subdirectory is on Drive C.)"
@REM " if Falcon is stored in GAMES\FAL3"
@REM " rather than \FALCON3)"
@REM "So the [path] parameter is optional."
@REM "This batch file assumes that you have used the"
@REM "default subdirectory name of FALCON3 when you"
@REM "installed Falcon 3.0"
@REM "If you used a different name for your FALCON3"
@REM "subdirectory, change all occurances of \FALCON3"
@REM "in this batch file with \<subdir name>"
@REM " (Example: \FAL3 )"
@REM "Written by Karl Maurer at the suggestion"
@REM "of Randy Angle."
@REM "The Authors of this Batch file promise nothing"
@REM "more than that this batch file will take up"
@REM "disk space. No warenty is intended or implied."
@REM "Revision 01"
@REM "September 16, 1992"
@echo "Alternate Operation: Fighting Tiger Install Script "
@echo "by Spectrum HoloByte Customer Support Department "
@echo "Version 01 - 09/16/92 "
@echo "-Checking for proper source drive syntax-"
@echo "-Source drive is: %1"
@if "%1"=="A:" goto DEST
@if "%1"=="B:" goto DEST
@if "%1"=="a:" goto DEST
@if "%1"=="b:" goto DEST
@echo "You must define a Valid Source Drive. "
@echo "IF your OFT disk is in DRIVE A use: INSTOFT A: C: "
@goto END
@echo "-Checking for proper destination drive syntax-"
@echo "-Destination Drive is: %2"
@if "%2"=="C:" goto START
@if "%2"=="c:" goto START
@if "%2"=="D:" goto START
@if "%2"=="d:" goto START
@if "%2"=="E:" goto START
@if "%2"=="e:" goto START
@if "%2"=="F:" goto START
@if "%2"=="f:" goto START
@if "%2"=="G:" goto START
@if "%2"=="g:" goto START
@if "%2"=="H:" goto START
@if "%2"=="h:" goto START
@if "%2"=="I:" goto START
@if "%2"=="i:" goto START
@if "%2"=="J:" goto START
@if "%2"=="j:" goto START
@if "%2"=="K:" goto START
@if "%2"=="k:" goto START
@if "%2"=="L:" goto START
@if "%2"=="l:" goto START
@if "%2"=="M:" goto START
@if "%2"=="m:" goto START
@if "%2"=="N:" goto START
@if "%2"=="n:" goto START
@if "%2"=="O:" goto START
@if "%2"=="o:" goto START
@if "%2"=="P:" goto START
@if "%2"=="p:" goto START
@if "%2"=="Q:" goto START
@if "%2"=="q:" goto START
@if "%2"=="R:" goto START
@if "%2"=="r:" goto START
@if "%2"=="S:" goto START
@if "%2"=="s:" goto START
@if "%2"=="T:" goto START
@if "%2"=="t:" goto START
@if "%2"=="U:" goto START
@if "%2"=="u:" goto START
@if "%2"=="V:" goto START
@if "%2"=="v:" goto START
@if "%2"=="W:" goto START
@if "%2"=="w:" goto START
@if "%2"=="X:" goto START
@if "%2"=="x:" goto START
@if "%2"=="Y:" goto START
@if "%2"=="y:" goto START
@if "%2"=="Z:" goto START
@if "%2"=="z:" goto START
@echo "You must define a place on your HARD DRIVE "
@echo "where you have FALCON3. You can NOT install "
@echo "OFT to a floppy. "
@echo "Proper syntax is: "
@echo "INSTOFT <source drive> <destination drive> "
@echo "<source drive> is the drive that you have the "
@echo "Operation: Fighting Tiger disk in. "
@echo "This is either A: or B: "
@echo "<destination drive> is the drive on which you "
@echo "installed Falcon 3.0. "
@echo "This is usually something like C: or D: "
@echo "If you did NOT install Falcon 3.0 to a "
@echo "directory called FALCON3, then you will "
@echo "need to provide a third parameter like this: "
@echo "INSTOFT A: C: <path> "
@echo "Where <path> is something like FAL3 or "
@goto END
@set SOURCE1=%1
@set DESTIN1=%2
@echo "-checking Path syntax-"
@if NOT "%3"=="" goto REDEFINE
@goto START2
@set FALPATH=%3
@echo "-Path is: %FALPATH%"
@echo "-checking to see if FALCON3.EXE is in %DESTIN1%\%FALPATH%"
@echo "I am sorry, but I could not find FALCON3.EXE in the"
@echo "%FALPATH% subdirectory on drive %DESTIN1%."
@echo "Are you sure you gave me the right information?"
@goto END
@echo "Alternate Operation: Fighting Tiger Install Script "
@echo "by Spectrum HoloByte Customer Support Department "
@echo "Version 01 - 09/16/92 "
@echo "Now Beginning Install"
@echo "Place OFT Disk 1 in Drive %SOURCE1%"
@echo "Alternate Operation: Fighting Tiger Install Script "
@echo "by Spectrum HoloByte Customer Support Department "
@echo "Version 01 - 09/16/92 "
@echo "-Switching to Drive %DESTIN1%"
@echo "-Changing to directory %DESTIN1%\%FALPATH%\ARMSDATA\"
@echo "-Copying PATCH.EXE from Disk 1"
@echo "-Changing to directory %DESTIN1%\%FALPATH%\"
@echo "-Copying PATCH.EXE from Disk 1 again"
@echo "-Copying PATCH1.RTP to PATCH.RTP"
@echo "Alternate Operation: Fighting Tiger Install Script "
@echo "by Spectrum HoloByte Customer Support Department "
@echo "Version 01 - 09/16/92 "
@echo "We are now going to run PATCH to install the"
@echo "first part of OFT. This may take quite a while."
@echo "Alternate Operation: Fighting Tiger Install Script "
@echo "by Spectrum HoloByte Customer Support Department "
@echo "Version 01 - 09/16/92 "
@echo "Please Remove OFT Disk 1 from the drive "
@echo "and instert OFT Disk 2. "
@echo "Alternate Operation: Fighting Tiger Install Script "
@echo "by Spectrum HoloByte Customer Support Department "
@echo "Version 01 - 09/16/92 "
@echo "-Copying PATCH2.RTP to PATCH.RTP"
@echo "Alternate Operation: Fighting Tiger Install Script "
@echo "by Spectrum HoloByte Customer Support Department "
@echo "Version 01 - 09/16/92 "
@echo "We are now going to run PATCH again to install"
@echo "the second part of OFT. This may take quite a"
@echo "while again."
@echo "Alternate Operation: Fighting Tiger Install Script "
@echo "by Spectrum HoloByte Customer Support Department "
@echo "Version 01 - 09/16/92 "
@echo "Now we will delete the garbage files that "
@echo "are not compatible with OFT that may be "
@echo "in your Falcon 3.0 directory. "
@echo "If it says "File Not Found", that is normal "
@echo "and it only means that no file by that name "
@echo "was in the directory. There is no cause for "
@echo "alarm in this case."
@REM "The following lines are taken directly from"
@REM "the DELGARB.BAT file that is on OFT disk 1."
del *.squ
del *.mtv
del *.cam
del *.war
del *.fla
del *.tmp
del *.dmp
del *.sym
del *.vcr
del squ*.mis
del dump?.tmp
del dmp*.
del cdump?.tmp
del buff.tmp
del madbuff.tmp
del theater.bin
del mission.mis
del redflag.mis
del vcr.mis
del temp?.dat
del gary.dmp
del occupy.map
@del patch.exe
@del patch.rtp
@echo "Alternate Operation: Fighting Tiger Install Script "
@echo "by Spectrum HoloByte Customer Support Department "
@echo "Version 01 - 09/16/92 "
@echo "-Now changing to Directory %DESTIN1%\%FALPATH%\ARMSDATA\"
@echo "-Copying PATCHARM.RTP to PATCH.RTP"
@echo "Alternate Operation: Fighting Tiger Install Script "
@echo "by Spectrum HoloByte Customer Support Department "
@echo "Version 01 - 09/16/92 "
@echo "We are now going to run PATCH for the last time"
@echo "to install the 3rd and final part of OFT. This"
@echo "may once again take some time."
@del patch.exe
@del patch.rtp
@echo "Alternate Operation: Fighting Tiger Install Script "
@echo "by Spectrum HoloByte Customer Support Department "
@echo "Version 01 - 09/16/92 "
@echo "Operation: Fighting Tiger has now been installed. "
@echo "It is suggested that you reboot your computer at "
@echo "this time and use the same boot technique that you"
@echo "normally use for Falcon 3.0 to play."
@echo "Thank you for your patience."
@echo "Spectrum HoloByte Customer Support Department"