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After reading the text of the Seattle Fly-in, and the comments
about a possible Fly-in to Reno about Air Race time, Sept. 12-15
1991, I decided to try my hand at ASD. The following is my first
serious attempt at ASD, and I hope you can figure it out, have
Files are:- STEADRAM.MOD
RNOSTD.DOC (The file you are reading.)
I used SD-3 and C.Manrique's APTFIX to delete the old runways,the
runway's are exposed on the default scenery, I used the current
edition of U.S.Terminal Procedures, to design both the Reno and
Stead Facilities so the airports should be correct, and I used FS
co-ords to locate them.
RNO.MOD puts you on the gen.aviation ramp at Reno Cannon, N of
the main terminal, this is the area that you will have to park
for Race week, as no private aircraft are allowed at Stead during
the races, perhaps someone can invoke a CPAA license(as in
Poet's) and get permission to land there.
At Reno-Cannon, some of the bldgs. are the Fire Sta. just S of
the control tower, the blue hangars N of the tower are the home
of the Nv. Air Nat'l Guard, World Champion Recon Sqdrn.most of
their F-4's are presently engaged in looking for Saddam, so only
two on the ramp. The small bldg. directly N of the main terminal
is the U.S.Customs bldg. On the E side of the airport are two
fuel storage tanks and, for your convenience a Fuel box. Going S
on the E side is the GSA services bldg. with an FAA Learjet
parked, next is Jimsair terminal used mostly for charter, and
private aircraft.
Just N.W of the airport the big bldg. with the lake alongside is
Bally's Hotel and Casino (formerly M.G.M). The lake directly N of
the airport is Paradise lake (an abandoned fish hatchery). The
white high rise N.E. of the airport is the Nugget Casino and
Hotel, with swimming pool on the roof of the western wing, this
casino extends to the other side of the E-W. Freeway I-80, so you
can gamble while the traffic passes overhead.
The R.R tracks divide Reno, and Sparks has a large Freight Depot,
hence all the R.R. tracks, the other Freeway N-S is U.S.395.
To the West is the City of Reno, the area shown is the downtown
Casino area, and "The Biggest Little City" arch at N.17807.2149
E.6160.8750 is a very small ASD suspension bridge.
The Island in the river is Wingfield Park, S. of the river is the
old Courthouse N.17804.6368 E.6159.8477 directly across Virginia
St. is the Pioneer Theatre Auditorium, with domed roof(a very
large flat tree).
Going N. on Virginia St. are several Casino's, namely Cal-
Neva,Virginian,Harrah's, Harolds ,Fitzgeralds, not particularly
in that order, to the W. the Hilton, and E. Harrah's again and
their Parking garage. Through the Arch the first Casino is the El
Dorado, then the two white bldg's represent the Circus-Circus.
Continuing N. is the University of Nevada,Reno, the first bldg.
on the S. end of the Quad is Morrill Hall, the other end has the
Mackay Mines Building. North and West of the Quad are the
Getchell Library, Manzanita Lake, and the two older bldg's are
Manzanita Hall and Lincoln Hall, the round building further N. is
the Lawlor Events Center, and Mackay Stadium and the Cashell
Field House.
The scenery for Stead is in the same file, approx 9 ml. N.W. of
the City.
Starting at the W.end of the ramp N.17871.8438 E.6162.8282, are
two white Hangars the one with the cars parked behind it is the
Air Race Offices, directly across the ramp the six very small
blue buildings are Sani-hut's a very important part of Race Week.
Going E.again the large tent is referred to as the Banquet tent,
perhaps it could substitute for the Blue Max of Seattle Fly-in
fame. The small Hangar to the N.E is for Bi-plane/F1 Aircraft.
The White Bleachers are reserved seating, the yellow Seating in
front of them is Preferred seating, and the Brown Bleachers to
the E.are Gen. Admission.
The Control Tower directly behind the reserved seating is the
race Control Tower, behind that the other building is Race HQ.
and more of those very important blue buildings, the other
Control Tower is the regular FAA Tower.
The Yellow line on the ramp designates the Pit area during the
Directly N. of the White Bleachers just across the East/West
runway is The Home Pylon, which is the Start/Finish line, the
actual pylon's are smaller than those I have put in the file, and
as you don't see them until you are right on top of them, I have
marked the 3 courses on the ground.
The WHITE line is the unlimited course, approx 9.2 ml/lap.
The RED line is the AT-6 course, approx 5 ml/lap
The YELLOW is the IF1/Biplane course, approx 3.1 ml/lap.
All the Races are flown in a CCW direction.
I did not put in any timing gates, but they would be an easy
addition, and for those of you that have eagle eyes, and
fantastic reflexes, you can erase then lines marking the courses,
the pylons are color coded with the lines, except the Home pylon
which is Black & White.
The STEADRAM.MOD puts you on the ramp in front of the Biplane
Hangar, the Aircraft is my Grandsons, he will be eligible for a
license in about 16yrs. so if you fly it please be careful.
Reno-Cannon has ILS on 16R/34L localizer 110.9, and like the real
thing one localizer serves both directions, and is located at the
S. end of 34L.
RNOSTD.DY1 is very small, two parked F-4's at the Nat'l Guard
Hangar, one F-4 Taxiing to 16R, a 767 waiting for a gate, the FAA
Learjet parked at the GSA bldg. and a Fuel truck at the Fueling
As I said this is the first go around, and I hope you have as
much fun playing with it as I did. Enjoy!
Frank Wright 76635.3641