TORONTO.TXT - An addition to Toronto.doc, (which is included with TORONT.ARC & TORONTO.ZIP), with FS Coordinates for Airports and Navigational Facilities.
The following is a list of Airports etc. included in TORONTO.SC1 and/or TORPLUS.SC1. Facilities marked * are only found in the TORPLUS file.
Airport N. Coordinates E. Coordinates
Brampton 18145 19066
Buttonville 18216 19218
Downsview 18153 19191
*Hamilton (Mount Hope) 17886 19071
*Markham 18245 19248
*Niagara Falls, N.Y. 17902 19375
*Oshawa 18254 19362
Pearson (Toronto) International 18116 19145
*St. Catharines 17927 19302
Toronto Island 18107 19217
ND Beacons KHz
Ash 242 17991.7 19085.8
Buttonville 248 18241.9 19226.7
Downsview 356 18156.9 19186.1
Gibraltar Point 290 18099.7 19219.8
*Hamilton 221 17863.6 19048.4
Kleinburg 412 18205.3 19147.5
Lima (Toronto) 368 18097.7 19170.9
*Niagara Falls 329 17902.0 19356.3
*Oshawa 391 18236.4 19356.3
*St. Catharines 408 17905.9 19279.7
Omnirange Stations MHz
*Ash 115.0 17953.0 19034.4
Kleinburg 114.5 18229.0 19123.0
Niagara Falls 116.5 17905.0 19370.0
Toronto 117.4 18121.0 19138.6
Some of the above frequencies etc. may be obsolete. I would appreciate receiving any up to date information.