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<[HighWing] A.HUNKIN> what is the latest beta version and when will the next
beta version be out... what are the improvements
<[The Sim Team] HOLOBYTE> The latest version of Falcon 3.0 is version
3.0c...and is the final release...until the Campaign Disk later this summer.
<R.WILSON31> 1st thanx for a good sim! my ? has to do with the red flag saving
of allied forces altitude. I have a problem with the altitudes staying after a
<[The Sim Team] HOLOBYTE> First off, could everyone let us know what version
they are talking about when they ask a question (i.e. version 3.0a, 3.0c,
etc.) That was a problem we found that we fixed in version 3.0c.
<P.GOST> What is the latest news on the new sim for EBS.
<[The Sim Team] HOLOBYTE> The next EBS title will get you down and dirty. A-10
Warthog. Yes, A-10 Warthog. F/A-18 is on indefinite hold.
<[[SHADOW 3.0A] R.VEST> I am using 3.0a and have trouble getting voice on boot
up. i keep trying re booting until i get a hi pitched squeel then i know it
will work
<[The Sim Team] HOLOBYTE> You should call our Customer Support line
(510-522-1164) and get a 3.0c patch disk. This will fix many of the problems
you may have.
<[[SHADOW 3.0A] R.VEST> i have a lot of dificulty id'ing enemy on the ground
until its too late the auto seemes to know... well ahead of me , can the enemy
be given an iff... as in air or better
<[The Sim Team] HOLOBYTE> There are a couple things you can do. First off, the
enemy units are colored brown, while friendly units are gray and green. The
other thing you can do is lock on and shoot at the target and hit the Q key
you'll see what you shot at...but too late? Also, you may be able to identify
the target by using your Maverick REO. In A-10, we are going to be adding a
FAC (Forward Air Controller) that will be able to describe enemy locations.
<[3.0c Mopic] A.BBAUX> Thanks, first I would like to say glad you guys took
the time to show up. and, I wanted to know as a game play hint, How do you
avoid SAMS in Version c since I am having alot of trouble avoiding them..
answer and I will ask my last.
<[The Sim Team] HOLOBYTE> One thing you can do is include ECM pods on your
wingmen and then you should turn on YOUR ECM. This will give the go ahead to
your wingmen to use their own ECM pods.
<[3.0c Mopic] A.BBAUX> what this an answer to my question?
<[The Sim Team] HOLOBYTE> To the SAMs question...Use the 9 view and use the F3
and F4 keys to look around for incoming SAMs. This will give you enough time
to react and avoid them as they approach. For A-10, we plan to add a "SAM
Padlock view". This should improve SAM sighting.
<[3.0c Mopic] A.BBAUX> OK good on the A10, Now when the campagin disk comes
out are more stuff fixes, be added to those who have pervious versions, and is
there a cost with this crazy question I know.. had to ask..
<[The Sim Team] HOLOBYTE> The Campaign Disk should have some more improvements
to Falcon but it is a separate cost because it includes 3 new theaters: Korea,
Japan and India.
<[Sionnach] D.F.MITCHELL> OK. I'd like to know if the two F3.0 books are out
yet. If not, any ideas when? I need all the help I can get :-). More info
about campaign disk pls. Love this sim, by the way. Can one zoom the map
during flight (C)?
<[The Sim Team] HOLOBYTE> No, the F3 books haven't been released yet. Pete
Bonanni's book (Falcon 3.0 Air Combat) should be out at the end of the month
or so. The other book, I haven't heard when it will be out. Other questions:
No, you can't zoom the map during flight. What else do you want to know about
the Campaign Disk?
<[Sionnach] D.F.MITCHELL> Thanks. What files should I back up to save
my roster during campaign. Any details on campaign and improvements.
<[The Sim Team] HOLOBYTE> There are going to be three new campaigns in the
theaters I listed before. FOR BACKUP PURPOSES ONLY: The files you should back
up are *.cam, *.war, *.squ, *.fla, *.mtv, temp*.dat and other files with
recent dates!
<[Reaper] CYBERSIM> Will it be necessary to buy the campaign disks to get the
bug fix? What will registered users have to pay to get this? Will be it made
available on-line?
<[The Sim Team] HOLOBYTE> Since the Campaign Disk is still under development,
it's hard to determine exactly what the update policy will be.
<[Reaper] CYBERSIM> Allrighty. Assuming I wanted to return Falcon and get a
refund, is there any set time limit? Do I return it to the store or to you?
<[The Sim Team] HOLOBYTE> If you bought it directly from us, you can return it
directly to us. however, if you purchased it from a dealer, you need to return
it to... the dealer.
<P.HAUPT2> (3.0c) Will wingmen activate ECM if assigned to an independent
<[The Sim Team] HOLOBYTE> Unfortunately, the answer is "no" :-( Even if the
wingmen turned ECM on, it wouldn't still work because there wasn't enough RAM
for it to be effective.
<P.HAUPT2> OK. IOK. Is a SIM for Super VGA possible & would it require
a high throughput i.e. 486 machine?
<[The Sim Team] HOLOBYTE> According to the programming geniuses around me,
you could certainly do a Super VGA 3-D real-time simulation. BUT it would
still have a slow frame rate because of the slow IO to the VGA card. So now
the limiting factor is the bus speed of the video card, not the CPU processor
<[Harp] FT.HARPER> Ok. There always seems to be a high density of anti-air
units at targets, more than can be eliminated by suppression flights. What can
we do to suppress them better? (3.0c)
<[The Sim Team] HOLOBYTE> #1: Fly low. Very low. As low as possible without
hitting the ground. #2: Carry an ECM pod for yourself and use it. #3:
Suppression flights should load up with Mavericks and Shrikes. And HARMs! #4:
Send in a high-speed flight as a decoy.
<[Harp] FT.HARPER> Guns seem to be the primary weopon for wingmen, was this a
design decision and if so why?
<[The Sim Team] HOLOBYTE> Against which kind of targets? If you're referring
to air targets, then the wingmen of course, use guns when they run out of
air-to-air missiles. Or if they get in close.
<WISHER> I just have one question. Is the 3.0c update in the GEnie library
<[The Sim Team] HOLOBYTE> Yep, it's called F3FIXC.ZIP.
<R.ZAMORA3> ((3.0c) will sending other flights to bomb other targets
help the campaing?
<[The Sim Team] HOLOBYTE> Not really :-) because the campaign is based on the
success of your assigned mission. Everything else is calculated based on the
success and failure of what you do :-)
<R.ZAMORA3> Wich theatre would you consider to be easier to complete?
<[The Sim Team] HOLOBYTE> According to the Testing Expert behind me :-),
Kuwait is the easiest.
<T.KLASSEN1> are you working on Falcon for VR yet, and if so can you make
me a deal on a Pitts S1S as trade in
<[The Sim Team] HOLOBYTE> Well, we are certainly planning to bring FALCON to
Virtuality sometime :-) but don't have any kind of date yet. Hope you get a
chance to try Virtuality out! It's pretty cool ;-)
<T.KLASSEN1> CES in Chicago?
<[The Sim Team] HOLOBYTE> Well, Spectrum HoloByte will be exhibiting in CES
in Chicago. Not sure what we'll be showing, though!
<T.WESTDORP1> Nice TRY on F3, but it still needs work. I don't know where
all the sunshine is coming from but...AB5...How can you put f3C out with the
IFF still FU, the new debrief giving wrong counts and mission scoring still
flakey and expect us to buy a campaign disk???
<[The Sim Team] HOLOBYTE> We know there's a lot of problems with FALCON 3.0,
and we're still looking at them. Not sure which mission scoring problem
you're referring to, but you can e-mail me and we'll put it on our list.
<T.WESTDORP1> Inaccurate counts on planes lost (more than sent on mission!),
successful ratings (good switch) when I think they were unsuccessful etc.I
think big question now is how do I get my $$$ back since I've had F3 from my
dealer since 12/14 waiting for SH to do the right thing???
<[The Sim Team] HOLOBYTE> If you bought FALCON 3.0 directly from us, you can
certainly return it to us. We are aware of the erroneous plane counts and
mission ratings.
<[Highwing 30a] A.HUNKIN> tell us about Campaign Disk contentsif you can..
and the A-10.. is that a seperate product or add on to Falcon.. also.. what is
standard fighter procedure to outfly a SAM?... ooops disregard Campainge disk
question... the F16 yaws badly when you use th ethe [] keys.. its not
graduated... at least not on my computer.. any suggestions?
<[The Sim Team] HOLOBYTE> The first Campaign Disk will be in the Asian
Theater, and will cover Russia/Japan, India/Pakistan and North Korea/South
Korea. Lots of new terrain :-)
Our A-10 simulation will be a totally separate product -- especially since the
2 planes are so different! It will emphasize CAS and Battlefield Interdiction
missions, as well as flying low and sloooow.
Oops, to outfly a SAM, you need to decoy it into the ground. Don't forget to
use chaff and flares! The rudder works more smoothly with an analog stick
rather than the keyboard keys.
<[Highwing 30a] A.HUNKIN> is it possible to have a "tower" view in a
new version?
<[The Sim Team] HOLOBYTE> Actually, we haven't had a lot of requests for a
Tower View :-) We had one in FALCON AT, but no one seemed to notice.
<P.GOST> What's the scoop on negotiations with a host service for network EBS,
and is there any truth to the rumors about there being "bad blood" between
GEnie and SH?
<[The Sim Team] HOLOBYTE> "Bad blood"??? What "bad blood"? :-) Not sure
what.. the rumors are. We have investigated putting EBS on a host system, but
haven't done anything concrete yet.
<P.GOST> #2 Why was the IFF feature left off of the TM FCS or WCS? Why
redundant speed brakes?
<[The Sim Team] HOLOBYTE> Because we were silly :-) We didn't realize taht
that many people would buy both the ThrustMaster FCS and WCS. In fact, we
were talking to the ThrustMaster guys a few weeks ago about this. We're hoping
that they or we can come up with something to take advantage of the coolie hat
on the FCS as well as change the redundant speed brakes button to something
more useful ;-)
<M.COLLETTI1> Been playing head to head with a 286 and 486 direct link GREAT!
Question is: Does ECM effectivness DECREASE with higher difficulty levels? And
vice versa?
<[The Sim Team] HOLOBYTE> Glad to hear that head-to-head is working for you!
As far as I know, the ECM effectiveness stays the same,
<M.COLLETTI1> Hi Fidelity Flight Mode on my 286 with a co-processor seems to
cause My plane to inexplicably disintegrate after a few min flight time No so
with my 486. just curious.
<[No.19] HOLOBYTE> Sorry about that weird log-off. Hmmm, I haven't ever heard
of a problem like that before :-( Does it matter what weight load you carry?
<M.COLLETTI1> Tried flight with no ordinance. same problem. Not a problem.
Works great with my 486.
<[No.19] HOLOBYTE> Well, unfortunately, we don't have any 286s in-house but I
haven't noticed any problem with our 386s. I'll keep it on our list of things
to look at someday.
<[3.0c Mopic] A.BBAUX> Thanks, my question in which I has all buffered
up til I hit the wrong key and forgot..just will ask a new one.. There was
talk about SH not having a good design for gound detail therefore, A10 was on
hold. Is that to say that Now you havea good platform and will this require
rewriting falcon 3.0a[-c]'s ground display
<[No.19] HOLOBYTE> Well, from what I've seen, we'll definitely be
concentrating on improving the ground detail. Of course, no matter what we
do, it'll definitely affect the frame rate. Simple equation of the more stuff
you put onscreen, the slower you can move those pixels :-) Anyway, it turns
out we had a lot of ground-based stuff in FALCON 3.0 that I didn't know about
in terms of moving ground units around. Not very necessary when you're
usually flying 500 or 600 KTS. But we'll use it in our A-10 sim!
<[3.0c Mopic] A.BBAUX> But how does or how will it effect old versions of
Falcon 3.0 and will it require a new installation process
<[No.19] HOLOBYTE> We're still hashing out the details for our A-10 sim, but I
don't see it affecting FALCON 3.0 as of yet.
<D.RAWLE> Thanks for the depth on this sim. -- worth the effort!! Does
accellerated flight mode impair performance of autopilot or wingmen? /
<[No.19] HOLOBYTE> Does the accelerated mode affect the game? Not really,
autopilot and everything else should function fine :-)
<[[SHADOW]] R.VEST> Will ther be ID's for friendly airfields and iff on HUD as
real timers. how do I send bogus flight simultanously with my lead flight is
it in manual, where?
<[No.19] HOLOBYTE> Ummm, let me see if I understand your question correctly
:-) Why would you need IDs for friendly airfields? Right now, you have to
figure out how to time your flights to end up at the same waypoint together
<[[SHADOW]] R.VEST> I have been court martialed for bombing DUR on airfields
and also have not gotton credit for success on primary targets on long flights
I would like to land and xfer to home base
<[No.19] HOLOBYTE> Hmmm, not sure exactly what the problem is there :-(
Maybe you can e-mail me on this
<P.GOST> Is there any chance that some of us LOYAL falconers here on
the GAME RT could be beta testers A-10 (volunteers)?
<[No.19] HOLOBYTE> We mostly recruit our outside testers from online networks
:-) So if you're interested, then you can e-mail me your name, addresses,
phone numbers and details on your computer system. Include relevant experience
if any :-)
<[steve] S.BREWSTER1> OK, three short ones. One: I lose my CAP pilots, after I
finish my bombing run, anyway to recall them instead of having them loiter
over dangerous areas?
<[No.19] HOLOBYTE> If you assigned the CAP pilots on a separate
mission, then you don't have any direct
control over them. Sorry about that.
<[steve] S.BREWSTER1> Two: Is there any way to refuel and rearm to take
second crack at mission?
<[No.19] HOLOBYTE> We had hoped to put in mid-air refuelling and some way to
rearm in FALCON 3.0, but ran out of both time and RAM :-) Maybe for some
future product! Btw, I talked to some fighter jocks. Rearming isn't usually
in a flight plan.
<[steve] S.BREWSTER1> Last: In Red Flag, air and ground vehicle destruction is
noted in debrief, building destruction is not. How to tell if you hit
<[No.19] HOLOBYTE> Well, if your primary mission goal was to destroy a
building and you're rated "successful" on it, then you hit it! Otherwise,
ummm, no way I can think of.
<[steve] S.BREWSTER1> Thanks , even with lockups is GREAT game, music
<SCORPIA> No.19 and designers, thank you for being here tonight!
<[No.19] HOLOBYTE> Thanks, Scorpia!
<[steve] S.BREWSTER1> Thanks, SH.
<[No.19] HOLOBYTE> No problem, guys! Would you believe that we're
going to redo the manual one more time!
<SCORPIA> The transcript should be up by the weekend in the library.
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