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Approach Control
Version 2.0
A Pre-compiler for the Microsoft
Flight Simulator's Aircraft and
Adventure Factory
(c) 1993 by John Mechalas
This program is shareware. It may be distributed freely provided that
it is not modified in any way, and that all the accompanying files
in this archive are distributed with it.
Please read the MANIFEST files for directions on where all files should
be located in order for Approach Control to function properly.
Do you like what you see? If so, and you want to encourage future
development, then please register this product. The cost of this
package is dependant upon what you think it's worth: If it's worth
$5, send me $5 ... if you think it's worth $10, send me $10. If you
don't think it's worth anything...well...then, that's okay, too. But
please contact me no matter what you decide. A lot of time and effort
went into this program, and if there is sufficient interest, I will
continue to upgrade and enhance its features.
Send your registration (Name, Address, and E-Mail address if applicable) to:
John Mechalas
2830 Townway Road
Danville, IL
If you have internet or Compu$erve access, you can E-Mail me at:
mechalas@gn.ecn.purdue.edu (Internet) <-- I prefer you use this one
john@jg.cso.uiuc.edu (Internet)
71673.3041@compuserve.com (Compu$erve)
My purdue.edu E-Mail address will be valid until the summer of '94,
but my Compu$erve and jg.cso addresses should be permanent. My home
address will be valid indefinitely.