Game Killer
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QuestMaker Version 2.20 sample game is really a game makers tutorial.
Only a few scenes are included to help the game developer understand
how QuestMaker works. After starting QuestMaker select "Play Game"
from the QuestMaker Main Menu.
The first Screen displayed is a graphic file named INTRO1.PCX. You
can change this graphic in your game using a Paint Program. INTRO1.PCX
is a great for a title scene for your game. The next scene to be
displayed is INTRO2.PCX. This graphic is a good place to include game
start-up information as well as information on how to get the your game
sequel and any shareware information if your game is to be distributed
as shareware. Both graphics are 640 X 200 EGA graphics mode.
QuestMaker always starts the game with graphic G22.PCX as the first
scene. The next graphic scene displayed depends on which direction
the game player moves the game character and/or commands entered by
the game player on the screen.
Note the screen number is in the upper right of your screen. Also note,
you can press the F8 key to determine the Row and Column number of
the game character anytime during game play.
One way to understand what is happening on each screen is to do a Print
Screen of the Screen Control Data prior to moving thru each example scene.
To do this, select Screen Control Editor from the main Questmaker menu,
press the <N> key, and press the Print Screen key for each screen
control data screen. Then return to the game for examination.
One other help is to print the script editor files by selecting the
list function from the script editor. You can print each page by
pressing print screen.
For this tutorial enter the following game player commands (Verb and
Subject) to understand the results of scripts entered via the
Script Editor. You can go back later and see the actual scripts in
the Script Editor database. Hazard Codes or Operation codes cause
actions to be taken during game play.
Also notice the screen G13 (when you get to it). It is a good example
of how boundries and barriers work.
Screen G03 shows a good example of a Walk behind.
(ENTER FOLLOWING VERB and SUBJECTS on specified screen numbers.)
Screen # Verb Subject OP CODE Results
------- --------------- ------- -------------------------------
G22 Look Around 90 Displays text then waits for
enter key to display more text.
(Program looks for another verb
and subject match on "Look Around")
G22 Look Around Displays text and no futher action.
(second match) Since the above script was first
in the database, a match will
always occur there first.
A blank Op Code means no further
action is taken.
G22 Get Mail 15 Checks game character position
according to the position field in
the Script editor. If OK, adds
the words in the Reserved Field to
the Game Inventory. If not OK,
displays words "Not Close Enough"
Also, adds any points specified
in the Points field.
G22 Open mail 20 Checks to see if word in the
Resevered Field is in inventory
if so, uses object, (no longer
can be used again) then adds
points if specified and displays
script per Response Script fields.
G22 Open Door 50 Checks game character Position.
If OK, jumps to screen number
and location specified in Reserved
Field. Word "OK" displayed.
G22 Read Map 91 Shows a map of mideast. Since
MAP.PCX is in the Reserved field,
the file MAP.PCX is displayed.
This code can be used to add
additional graphics to your
games. Graphics must be 640 x 200
16 color mode.
Note the Jump can be to any valid screen number. In this example we
used 44 to show it does not have to be an screen above or next to
the screen you are moving from.
G44 Look Around Gives Script Info
G44 Get key 10 Picks up a Key from the shelf
and adds Key to inventory if
you are close enough to it.
Also, add any points per Point
Score field.
Good time to check inventory here by pressing the <Tab> key or <F1>.
G44 Leave 50 Return to screen G22 per reserved
field if close enough per position
Now move game charcter to your left and exit to screen number G12.
Notice new sound per Screen Controls. You can press the cursor key
to move the game character and stop the audio any time you switch
from screen to screen (or just listen if you like the short tune).
G12 Look around Gives info per script
G12 Open Door 50 Jump to screen number and location
per Reserved Field if close enough
per Position Field.
G11 Look Around Gives info per script
G11 Pick up bottle 10 Adds Bottle to inventory per
word "Bottle" in Reserved Field
if close enough per Position Field.
Also note the strange bottle
is removed from the screen. Object
was placed there per Screen Control
editor using the objects in the
game objects list A to Z.
Also, add any points per Point
Score field.
G11 Look Desk 60 Checks game character Position.
If close enough, displays text.
If not, displays words "Not Close
enough." In this example, nothing
important is revield.
G11 Get Brew 40 Checks to see if object specified
in reserved field is in Inventory
yet. If not, shows response script.
If in Inventory, jumps to next
"Get Brew" match in script database
and responds according to Hazard
(Operation) code. In this example
the code below.
G11 Get Brew 15 Get the brew from the pot if you
have the "Bottle" in the inventory
list. Add "Brew" to inventory.
Also, add any points per Point
Score field.
This is a good time to Save your Game!
Press the <F3> key and type in "Test1". You can start over by restoring
your game on the beginning game screen by pressing <F5> and typing the
name of the game you saved.
G11 Drink Brew 40 Check if Brew is in Inventory
if not present response.
If so, look for next match in
data base for Drink Brew.
G11 Drink Brew 30 A true game hazard. You die.
The game end screen GEND.PCX
is displayed. The program allows
you to start over.
After starting the game over you return to the G11 screen.
G11 leave 50 Jump back to screen specified
in the Reserved Field if you
are close enough to the door
specified in the Position field.
You should now be back to G12. Move the game character again to the
next screen to the left (G02).
G02 Look, Look around displays script per match.
Now walk toward the small camp fire on the edge of the cliff. A good
time to do a save first!
As you walk too close to the fire see what happens per the ZAP field
location in the Screen Control Editor for this screen number.
Now walk south or down if you have just returned from your saved game.
You should enter screen number G03. This is an example of a walk behind
area where the game character is not seen as it walks behind an area
specified in the walk behind area in the screen control data.
Also, this scene has a Quantum Point location specified at the end of
the large pipe that adds a point for passing that location.
If you pass the same location again it will NOT add another point.
If you missed the Quantum point, try walking back thru the pipe at a
differnt location.
For this example there is no return to the left of the screen or above.
So move on to the right and view the G13 screen for an example of
another quantum point location and special effect when moving across that
location of a color change and sound. This happens as a result of
information in the Screen Control data for screen number G13.
Also, notice where you can walk and not walk on this screen. This is
a good example screen for most of the Screen Control Data. To leave
this screen, take a short cut back to screen G23 by moving north or up.
Now move your game character to the right back thru G22 and on to G32.
G32 read sign 70 Displays response text then
executes DOS command per
Reserved Field, in this example
plays a music tune via Mus.com
G32 view sign 71 Executes DOS command per Reserved
Field, in this example, we play
some music notes via Mus.com file.
(No text displayed with 71 code.)
Look around and move to g42. The rest of the game functions can be
followed by typing Look and following the suggested actions.
G42 Open Door Displays Response "which door" per
response script.
G42 Open Door 50 Jump to screen number and location
per Reserved Field if close enough
per Position Field.
G42 open bar door 31 Checks for KEY in inventory, if
not there, game ends. An example
of a hazard.
G52 This screen when entered shows an example of the D/P in the
Screen Control Editor showing a graphic picture overlay.
It is a great way to add text or other pictures to a scene.
G52 Buy/Get Token 85 Checks for Quantum points and
position location. If you do
not have a Quantum Point to
use, the program displays you
do not have one. If you do
the program adds to score and
puts word in Reservered Field
in inventory, then displays
text per Response script.
Note: The word Quantum can be change to any name you want by entering
a name in the "SPARE" field on the Screen Control Editor for screen
number 22. Examples; Bucks, Diamonds, Strength, Money, Power, etc.
G52 Enter/Go in 40 Checks for Token per inventory,
City Dock then skips to next match if
in inventory. If not displays
text in Response script.
G52 Enter/Go in Ok we could go on from here
and use the code 50 to jump to
another screen but we will leave
the rest of creating the game to
G22 Win game 32 This tests the Game Win Op code.
It displays the WIN.PCX and
asks if you would like to play
again. Game win can also be
a result of getting the maximum
number of points.
Just in case we failed to tell you about the way QuestMaker searches
for a match on "verb" and "subject/noun", you should note the search
is sequential. In other words, the first time the match occurs in the
script data base, an action occurs. So if you add an action later on
with the same "verb" and "subject" it may never execute. You may
need to go back an insert a script to accomplish your desired results.
To insert scripts, you can edit over previous scripts per screen number,
then add scripts you want to occur later on. Also, you can remove
a script by editing the script and changing the screen number to 99,
then sort the database by pressing F3. Screen number 99's will be
removed when a sort occurs.
The sort function will only sort scripts per screen number. Scripts
with the same screen number are not sorted (remain in the order entered).
You can get more game samples if you are still having trouble creating
QuestMaker games. When you register QuestMaker you will get the latest
fixes and game developement hints. Also, you can order a samples disk,
which contains several game samples from developers like you.
If you plan to start a game from scratch, it is better to delete the
SE.DAT and SE.INX files and start over adding script data. When using
the QuestMaker Script Editor, these files will be created as you add
new script data.
Screen Control Editor is not to difficult to just edit for each
scene. So, you need NOT delete the SCE.DAT or SCE.INX files. Just
modify the existing Screen Controls using the Screen Control Editor.