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Text File  |  1994-05-24  |  24KB  |  338 lines

  1. AIDS94.ZIP     100671  05-24-94  AIDS94[AIDS94.ZIP] COVERS THE AIDS EPIDEMIC,
  2.                                | PAST, PRESENT, AND FUTURE. INCLUDES INTER-
  3.                                | ACTIVE MATHEMATICAL MODEL, EXPOSURE CALCU-
  4.                                | LATOR, 9 WAYS TO AVOID HIV, 13 NON-SEX WAYS
  5.                                | TO GET HIV, 2 STUDIES OF 'SAFE SEX' SAFETY,
  6.                                | AND EXTENSIVE ON-SCREEN EDUCATION MATERIAL.
  7.                                | USE FOR PERSONAL, BUSINESS, GOVMNT LONG TERM
  8.                                | PLANNING AND PUBLIC EDUCATION. ALL THE
  9.                                | INFORMATION ABOUT AIDS/HIV THAT THEY DON'T
  10.                                | WANT THE PUBLIC TO KNOW.
  11. AMN31129.ZIP     7384  05-24-94  Med Notes, American Medical News 11/29/93.
  12.                                | (Newest File Date: 01-12-94)
  13. AMN31213.ZIP    10802  05-24-94  Med Notes, American Medical News 12/13/93.
  14.                                | (Newest File Date: 01-13-94)
  15. AMN31227.ZIP     6768  05-24-94  Med Notes, American Medical News 12/27/93.
  16.                                | (Newest File Date: 01-30-94)
  17. AMN9401.ZIP     35250  05-24-94  American Med Notes, 1/94. (Newest File Date:
  18.                                | 03-23-94)
  19. BREADS8.ZIP     45668  05-24-94  BREAD RECIPES - 152
  20.                                | MEAL-MASTER v8.00 Format
  21. CANDYBAR.ZIP    10887  05-24-94  37 Mm Recipes Using Candy as an Ingredient.
  22.                                | (Newest File Date: 04-17-94)
  23. CARDBK10.ZIP   324123  05-24-94  An electronic cardiovascular textbook that
  24.                                | covers a broad selection of cardiovascular
  25.                                | subjects. This is the first in a series of
  26.                                | planned medical specialities that will be
  27.                                | written for shareware electronic publication.
  28.                                | Cardbk version 1.0 will allow you to examine
  29.                                | the first 15 topics out of about 100 topics.
  30.                                | Registration is $25.00, giving you access to
  31.                                | all topics. VGA IS REQUIRED.
  32. CBUPDA01.ZIP   272093  05-24-94  Micro Cookbook 4.0c Update & patch The
  33.                                | enclosed two-file set will upgrade an
  34.                                | existing REGISTERED version of Micro Cookbook
  35.                                | to vers. 4.0c - the current 1994 release.
  36.                                | (File 1 of 2)
  37. CBUPDA02.ZIP   700252  05-24-94  Micro Cookbook 4.0c Update & patch The
  38.                                | enclosed two-file set will upgrade an
  39.                                | existing REGISTERED version of Micro Cookbook
  40.                                | to vers. 4.0c - the current 1994 release.
  41.                                | (File 2 of 2)
  42. CFSNWS31.ZIP    12857  05-24-94  Chronic Fatigue Syndrome newsletter no. 31 (3
  43. CFS_29.ZIP      15311  05-24-94  Chronic Fatigue Syndrome news no. 29
  44. CFS_30.ZIP       9715  05-24-94  Chronic FAtigue Syndrome news no. 30
  45. CHEESE8.ZIP    108717  05-24-94  CHEESE RECIPES - 366
  46.                                | MEAL-MASTER v8.00 Format
  47. CHILI30.ZIP     27729  05-24-94  A collection of prize winning chili recipes.
  48.                                | (Newest File Date: 01-06-94)
  49. CHOCOLA8.ZIP    99386  05-24-94  CHOCOLATE RECIPES - 259 MEAL-MASTER v8.00
  50.                                | Format
  51. COMPA201.ZIP   277371  05-24-94  The Diabetic Companion 2.01 w/OTII support. A
  52.                                | Complete Diabetes Logbook software program.
  53.                                | Includes automatic posting of glucose results
  54.                                | from your ONE TOUCH II and automatic posting
  55.                                | of your standard insulin injection amounts.
  56.                                | Supports faxing of your logbook to your
  57.                                | health care provider and graphing of results
  58.                                | as will as a wide range of other features.
  59. CONDIMEN.ZIP   353500  05-24-94  MasterCook II Condiemnts - over 500 condiment
  60.                                | recipes for the MasterCook II cooking
  61.                                | software. (Newest File Date: 03-29-94)
  62. COOKIES8.ZIP    21691  05-24-94  COOKIE RECIPES - 78
  63.                                | MEAL-MASTER v8.00 Format
  64. DESSERT8.ZIP   138902  05-24-94  DESSERT RECIPES - 479
  65.                                | MEAL-MASTER v8.00 Format
  66. DIETDE2.ZIP     62513  05-24-94  DIET-DEAL - color coded cards count daily
  67.                                | calories and help manage diets. (Newest File
  68.                                | Date: 03-20-94)
  69. DRUGDEMO.ZIP   158617  05-24-94  The Family Computer Guide to Drugs and Drug
  70.                                | Abuse. A Color-Graphic Presentation for
  71.                                | Parents and Kid! Check it out!
  72. EFFEXOR.ZIP      3159  05-24-94  Factsheet about the new antidepressant venlaf
  73. GROCER36.ZIP    46997  05-24-94  THE GROCER V3.6 GREAT!!! home helper A
  74.                                | grocery shopping database & helper Now stores
  75.                                | 500 food items.
  76. H2O2.ZIP        21276  05-24-94  Interesting text files on the medical uses of
  77.                                | hydrogen peroxide. Really neat. (Newest File
  78.                                | Date: 10-17-92)
  79. HERBP1.ZIP     276921  05-24-94  HERB POWER v1.0 The ultimate guide to the
  80.                                | power of herbs. This Spectacular, colorful,
  81.                                | and user friendly program will teach what you
  82.                                | need to know abou natures medicines, and how
  83.                                | it will effect your live. Among the many
  84.                                | features you'll discover is a full
  85.                                | description of each herb. This includes
  86.                                | cultivation, cooking, medical uses with the
  87.                                | latest research findings and remedies, beauty
  88.                                | secrets, and other herb uses
  89. HERBTXT.ZIP     94794  05-24-94  HERBS Text files on use of herbs. Very good
  90.                                | reference.
  91. HICN701.ZIP     12723  05-24-94  Health Infocom Net medical news v. 7 no. 1.
  92. HOWMINDH.ZIP    66329  05-24-94  Self-help psychology book on how to free
  93.                                | yourself from negative emotions and
  94.                                | conditioning. If you apply the principles in
  95.                                | this book, it can have a profound effect on
  96.                                | your inner state. Hypertext format. Includes
  97.                                | pictures.
  98. LIVE5.ZIP       15733  05-24-94  Live Happier & Longer - is a guide to
  99.                                | longevity through better health and a more
  100.                                | positive outlook on life. It includes 100
  101.                                | longevity tips, longevity statistics, and
  102.                                | sources of more information on the subject.
  103. MAINDSH8.ZIP   145261  05-24-94  MAIN DISH RECIPES - 468 MEAL-MASTER v8.00
  104.                                | Format
  105. MCOOK134.ZIP   293826  05-24-94  MicroCook v1.34 <ASP> from NORSKi Software.
  106.                                | Recipe collection database for DOS. Easy to
  107.                                | use menus and editors with full mouse
  108.                                | support. 2000+ recipes per database and
  109.                                | number of databases only limited by disk
  110.                                | Export and Imports. Import Meal-Master(tm)
  111.                                | ASCII recipes. Duplicate recipe checking.
  112.                                | Powerful searches in index and database. Mark
  113.                                | recipes as deleted in Index or editor. 250
  114.                                | recipes included. Work great in Windows too.
  115. MDPERL21.ZIP   293495  05-24-94  MD-PEARLS 2.1 - Over 4,000 Medical Acronyms
  116.                                | and Abbreviations in listing that can help
  117.                                | you to understand medical technical writing,
  118.                                | journals, and charts. Hundreds of Computer-
  119.                                | related Acronyms as well. Look-up is very
  120.                                | rapid and easy. Designed with HyperPad, a
  121.                                | hypertext object-oriented program with an
  122.                                | amazingly intuitive interface. Great for
  123.                                | physicians, medical students,insurance,
  124.                                | nursing students, peer-reviewers, legal
  125.                                | assistants, researchers, transcriptionists,
  126.                                | and anyone wanting to conquer "Med-Speak".
  127.                                | Needs 386 or 486. Registration $35.
  128. MEAT8.ZIP       65454  05-24-94  MEAT RECIPES - 221
  129.                                | MEAL-MASTER v8.00 Format
  130. MEDITRAK.ZIP    39479  05-24-94  Avoid inadvertent over-payment of medical
  131.                                | bills. Track all of your medical/dental
  132.                                | bills, prescription costs, insurance
  133.                                | payments, and your payments. MEDITRAK puts
  134.                                | them all together and provides reports on how
  135.                                | much you paid/overpaid your providers, how
  136.                                | much your total yearly costs were, and your
  137.                                | prescription costs. Simple & organized.
  138.                                | (Newest File Date: 02-01-94)
  139. MEDITRK3.ZIP    40203  05-24-94  MediTrak - is a medical billing tracker. A
  140.                                | report writer is included for presciption
  141.                                | reports, yearly reports and more.
  142. MM800.ZIP      206419  05-24-94  Meal Master recipe database v 8.0. New
  143.                                | 12/21/93. The all time best recipe database
  144.                                | and the easiest to use. Shopping lists, up to
  145.                                | 65,000 recipes can be added, allows
  146.                                | import/export to and from other bases. Add
  147.                                | your own categories and more! Worth
  148.                                | downloading! (Newest File Date: 01-01-94)
  149. MM800RU.ZIP    121557  05-24-94  Registered utilities for Meal Master v 8.00
  150.                                | Allows you to change categories, view
  151.                                | statistics, change colors, and more. Works
  152.                                | only with the registered version! New
  153.                                | 12/21/93. (Newest File Date: 01-01-94)
  154. MM801.ZIP      206845  05-24-94  Meal Master version 8.01 Maintenance update.
  155.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-20-94)
  156. MM801RU.ZIP    121583  05-24-94  Meal Master Registered User Utilityies V8.01.
  157.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-20-94)
  158. MM80B.ZIP      199894  05-24-94  MEAL-MASTER v8.00 - Sophisticated and easy to
  159.                                | use recipe manager! Excellent search,
  160.                                | shopping list, index, rescale, and print
  161.                                | features. Supports English and Metric
  162.                                | measures, including automatic conversion, and
  163.                                | decimal or common fractions. Very flexible!
  164.                                | Unequalled export/import support, includes
  165.                                | conversion program for other popular recipe
  166.                                | formats. Dos application; also runs great in
  167.                                | a Window under Windows or DesqView!
  168. MMCONV17.ZIP    75410  05-24-94  Convert recipes to MealMaster format
  169. MMCYBER3.ZIP    47253  05-24-94  CYBEREALM Cookbook vol 3. A variety of recipe
  170.                                | to dinners to whatever, all in Meal Master fo
  171.                                | Cyberealm BBS, Watertown NY 315-786-1120 or 3
  172.                                | These recipes are straight from the snowy kit
  173.                                | all are great. Compiled for you by: Linda
  174.                                | Fields, Sysop, Cyb Direct Author Support BBS
  175.                                | of Meal Master -- n
  176. MMDRINKS.ZIP    28863  05-24-94  MMDRINKS - This collection of 100 recipes is
  177.                                | for a wide variety of non alcoholic drinks.
  178.                                | They may be imported directly into MEAL
  179.                                | MASTER, version 8 or greater.
  180. MMM120.ZIP     107149  05-24-94  ME & MY METABOLISM V1.20 <ASP> Effects of
  181.                                | Lifestyle on Your Energy Balance- Examines
  182.                                | basal metabolic rate, assesses total energy
  183.                                | expenditure, and evaluates eating style.
  184.                                | You'll be surprised to discover how small
  185.                                | changes in exercise, caloric intake or even
  186.                                | the types of food you eat can make a dramatic
  187.                                | difference in your weight. Education -
  188.                                | Science MOONSTONE SOFTWARE
  189. MMMENU8D.ZIP    89865  05-24-94  MMMenu v8.00d - This program was designed to
  190.                                | allow you to use Meal-Master with recipes
  191.                                | stored in compressed format (PKZIP, LHARC,
  192.                                | ZOO, etc.). Title alphbetization and batch
  193.                                | duplicate flagging are other features. Can
  194.                                | now extract messages from .QWK files! New
  195.                                | option allows the use of an external
  196.                                | spell-checker.
  197. MMMENU8G.ZIP    94316  05-24-94  Mmenu V.8g. Collection of Utility Programs
  198.                                | for Meal-Master Version 8. Includes
  199.                                | Compression, Duplicate Checking,
  200.                                | Alphabetization and Conversion of Other
  201.                                | Formats. Please Backup Your Files Before
  202.                                | Using Compression. (Newest File Date:
  203.                                | 03-21-94)
  204. MN931220.ZIP     9153  05-24-94  Med Notes, American Medical News 12/20/93.
  205.                                | (Newest File Date: 02-17-94)
  206. MN940103.ZIP     8383  05-24-94  Med Notes, American Medical News 01/03/94.
  207.                                | (Newest File Date: 02-16-94)
  208. MN940110.ZIP     9419  05-24-94  Med Notes, American Medical News 01/10/94.
  209.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-18-94)
  210. MN940117.ZIP     8656  05-24-94  Med Notes, American Medical News 01/17/94.
  211.                                | (Newest File Date: 02-14-94)
  212. MN940131.ZIP     8077  05-24-94  Med Notes, American Medical News 01/31/94.
  213.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-23-94)
  214. MN940214.ZIP    10841  05-24-94  Med Notes, American Medical News 02/14/94.
  215.                                | (Newest File Date: 04-22-94)
  216. MYF451.ZIP     342544  05-24-94  MYF v4.51 <ASP> MYF is a complete food
  217.                                | manager designed for food manufacturers,
  218.                                | institutional food planners and cooks,
  219.                                | restaurant managers, bakers, dietitians,
  220.                                | diabetics, and the home shopper. Its use is
  221.                                | easy enough for the novice, yet comprehensive
  222.                                | enough for the professional. MYF tracks cost,
  223.                                | protein, carbohydrates, fat, cholesterol,
  224.                                | fatty acids, fiber, vitamins, minerals, food
  225.                                | exchanges, and %RDI. Outputs NLEA Lables.
  226. OTVIEW.ZIP     113501  05-24-94  One-Touch BG Meter Utility Program for
  227.                                | Diabetes. (Newest File Date: 01-27-94)
  228. PARKINS.ZIP      2964  05-24-94  First person article on Parkinson's. (Newest
  229.                                | File Date: 02-24-94)
  230. POWERCA3.ZIP    27961  05-24-94  Internet FAQ (answers to freq. asked qns.) on
  231.                                | the relationship between powerlines and
  232.                                | cancer. 3-94 version.
  233. PPSNET.ZIP       6702  05-24-94  Post-Polio Article Reprint - Networking and
  234.                                | Support Groups. (Newest File Date: 04-20-94)
  235. PPSNIH.ZIP       5179  05-24-94  1992 NIH grant info on Post-Polio.
  236.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-30-94)
  237. PPSRSRC.ZIP      8130  05-24-94  Post-Polio Article Reprint - Community
  238.                                | Resources.
  239.                                | (Newest File Date: 04-20-94)
  240. PPS_SSA.ZIP      5218  05-24-94  Assistance in filing for SSA on the basis of
  241.                                | Post-Polio. (Newest File Date: 03-30-94)
  242. PTRNS11K.ZIP    93771  05-24-94  Patterns v1.1K: intelligent weight loss tool
  243.                                | that works w/any diet pgm to reveal patterns
  244.                                | of change w/in your weight history, using AI;
  245.                                | provides an early warning when your weight
  246.                                | may be about to rise w/out you realizing that
  247.                                | it is about to happen; 01/03/94; Ted M.
  248.                                | Parker. (Newest File Date: 01-03-94)
  249. RCPBX22B.ZIP    43732  05-24-94  The Recipe Box V2.2 - Recipe Card Organizer
  250.                                | and Printer. (Newest File Date: 04-16-94)
  251. RCPE_220.ZIP   197528  05-24-94  RECIPE BOX V2.20 <ASP> - A Culinary Toolkit
  252.                                | developed to bring the power of the PC into
  253.                                | the kitchen. Whether you are a five star
  254.                                | chef, kitchen gourmet or a food service
  255.                                | professional, Recipe Box has the power and
  256.                                | versatility to manage your culinary demands.
  257.                                | 512 kb RAM, hard disk recommended, mouse
  258.                                | support. From Sunrise Software, $14.95
  259. REC1045.ZIP      4246  05-24-94  Usenet: rec.food.recipes Charter. (Newest
  260.                                | File Date: 01-03-94)
  261. REC1046.ZIP     14321  05-24-94  Usenet: rec.food.recipes Logfile. (Newest
  262.                                | File Date: 01-03-94)
  263. REC1047.ZIP      5193  05-24-94  Usenet: rec.food.recipes COLLECTION:
  264.                                | Desserts, cookies. (Newest File Date:
  265.                                | 01-03-94)
  266. REC1048.ZIP      9826  05-24-94  Usenet: rec.food.recipes COLLECTION:
  267.                                | Vietnamese Spring Roll. (Newest File Date:
  268.                                | 01-03-94)
  269. REC1049.ZIP      4281  05-24-94  Usenet: rec.food.recipes Charter. (Newest
  270.                                | File Date: 01-10-94)
  271. REC1050.ZIP     16075  05-24-94  Usenet: rec.food.recipes Logfile. (Newest
  272.                                | File Date: 01-10-94)
  273. REC1051.ZIP     21779  05-24-94  Usenet: rec.food.recipes rec.food.cooking FAQ
  274.                                | and conversion file. (Newest File Date:
  275.                                | 01-10-94)
  276. REC1052.ZIP      9055  05-24-94  Usenet: rec.food.recipes COLLECTION: Sun
  277.                                | Dried Tomato Recipes. (Newest File Date:
  278.                                | 01-10-94)
  279. REC1053.ZIP     16328  05-24-94  Usenet: rec.food.recipes Logfile. (Newest
  280.                                | File Date: 01-16-94)
  281. REC1054.ZIP      4281  05-24-94  Usenet: rec.food.recipes Charter. (Newest
  282.                                | File Date: 01-16-94)
  283. REC1055.ZIP      4541  05-24-94  Usenet: rec.food.recipes Ketchups &
  284.                                | Choucroute Garni. (Newest File Date:
  285.                                | 01-17-94)
  286. REC1057.ZIP      4340  05-24-94  Usenet: rec.food.recipes Charter. (Newest
  287.                                | File Date: 01-26-94)
  288. REC1058.ZIP     18878  05-24-94  Usenet: rec.food.recipes Logfile. (Newest
  289.                                | File Date: 01-26-94)
  290. REC1059.ZIP      4281  05-24-94  Usenet: rec.food.recipes Charter. (Newest
  291.                                | File Date: 01-31-94)
  292. REC1060.ZIP     21054  05-24-94  Usenet: rec.food.recipes Logfile. (Newest
  293.                                | File Date: 01-31-94)
  294. RECIPIES.ZIP   112985  05-24-94  A recipies manager with samples. (Newest File
  295.                                | Date: 01-06-84)
  296. SAUCES8.ZIP     45616  05-24-94  SAUCE RECIPES - 178
  297.                                | MEAL-MASTER v8.00 Format
  298. SHOPR401.ZIP   290572  05-24-94  The ALL NEW Shopper's Assistant 4.0 will save
  299.                                | you time, steps and money on your weekly
  300.                                | trips to the grocery. Organizes your list for
  301.                                | efficent shopping and reminds you to use
  302.                                | those coupons to trim your bill. Make your
  303.                                | list in less than half the time of any other
  304.                                | program and a tiny fraction of the time it
  305.                                | takes to do it by hand.
  306. SOUPS_UP.ZIP    33281  05-24-94  166 Mm Recipes Using Packaged or Canned
  307.                                | Soups. (Newest File Date: 04-17-94)
  308. SRILANKA.ZIP    15121  05-24-94  Meal master recipes - srilankan.
  309.                                | (Newest File Date: 04-03-94)
  310. SUDSW30.ZIP    268473  05-24-94  Suds, beer brewers' recipe database and
  311.                                | logbook. (Newest File Date: 03-26-94)
  312. VEDA4.ZIP       15745  05-24-94  VEDA Newsletter. From the Vestibular
  313.                                | Disorders Association. Winter/94 newsletter.
  314.                                | Contains info for persons suffering from
  315.                                | vertigo, dizziness and other inner ear
  316.                                | problems. (Newest File Date: 02-06-94)
  317. VEGAN2.ZIP     109286  05-24-94  A collection of 319 vegetarian (vegan)
  318.                                | recipes. May be imported into the Meal-Master
  319.                                | recipe program.
  320. WEDA.ZIP       187708  05-24-94  Getting Married? Wedding arranger pgm. ASP.
  321.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-06-94)
  322. _SSHOP21.ZIP   233166  05-24-94  Shopping List 2.1 for DOS Requires
  323.                                | !SSLIBR.ZIP (for regular) or !SSLIBX.ZIP (for
  324.                                | 32-bit extended) to run. Shining Star
  325.                                | Software's Shopping List program includes
  326.                                | fields for aisle, item, category, price,
  327.                                | quantity, coupons, total, pantry inventory,
  328.                                | and more. It also includes customizeable
  329.                                | reports to screen, file, browse, or printer.
  330.                                | Includes a Diary, Calendar, Capture, Text
  331.                                | File edit and create, and Calculator. Written
  332.                                | in an event-driven, user-friendly interface
  333.                                | with multiple window access, drop down sticky
  334.                                | menus, mouse support, hot keys, buttons,
  335.                                | radios, popups, search & replace, on-line
  336.                                | help, & printable manual. Supports VGA,
  337.                                | color, monochrome.