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Text File  |  1994-01-14  |  19KB  |  276 lines

  1. 2NDREAL1.ZIP  1273493  01-16-94  ▀▀▀▀█ ██▀▀█ ██▀▀▄                  1/2
  2.                                | ── ██▀▀▀ ███ █ ███ █ ──R─E─A─L─I─T─Y──▄
  3.                                | ▀▀ ███ ▄ ▀▀▀   ▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
  4.                                | sp ███▄█  b y   F u t u r e   C r e w
  5.                                | ┌───────────────────────────────────────┐
  6.                                | │  ■ The winning demo of Assembly'93 ■  │
  7.                                | │     · SB, SB Pro and GUS support ·    │
  8.                                | └───────────────────────────────────────┘
  9.                                | In  DOLBY SURROUND  Where Available
  10.                                | Uploaded by: Edmund Taylor
  11.                                | (Newest File Date: 10-07-93)
  12. 2NDREAL2.ZIP   790384  01-16-94  ▀▀▀▀█ ██▀▀█ ██▀▀▄                  2/2
  13.                                | ── ██▀▀▀ ███ █ ███ █ ──R─E─A─L─I─T─Y──▄
  14.                                | ▀▀ ███ ▄ ▀▀▀   ▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
  15.                                | sp ███▄█  b y   F u t u r e   C r e w
  16.                                | ┌───────────────────────────────────────┐
  17.                                | │  ■ The winning demo of Assembly'93 ■  │
  18.                                | │     · SB, SB Pro and GUS support ·    │
  19.                                | └───────────────────────────────────────┘
  20.                                | In  DOLBY SURROUND  Where Available
  21.                                | Uploaded by: Edmund Taylor
  22.                                | (Newest File Date: 10-07-93)
  23. AASS204.ZIP    160872  01-16-94  Ansi/Avatar Animation Slide Show Ver04 View
  24.                                | Ansi Type Files, Plays Ansi Music Too! Built
  25.                                | In File Manager, Several Different File
  26.                                | Viewing Modes. Mouse Support, Fast! Ralin
  27.                                | (Newest File Date: 10-14-93)
  28. ACID406.ZIP     25972  01-16-94  Acid Warp V4.06 By Noah Spurrier and Mark
  29.                                | Bilk. This is Acid Warp for DOS. It's an
  30.                                | eye-candy program. Run it and watch the
  31.                                | pretty colors. Each picture is the graphic
  32.                                | representation of a mathematical function.
  33.                                | All math is done with integer approximations
  34.                                | so Acid Warp should be pretty fast even on
  35.                                | machines without a math chip. It might take
  36.                                | as long as 30 to 40 seconds to generate each
  37.                                | picture on a slow machine.
  38.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-24-93)
  39. ACIDFEAR.ZIP    60356  01-16-94  Another Little Intro By ACiD VGA/SB.
  40.                                | (Newest File Date: 05-29-93)
  41. AW406.ZIP       25598  01-16-94  Acid Warp 4.06 Eye Candy Program for VGA The
  42.                                | flicker problem on some monitors is fixed in
  43.                                | this version. (Newest File Date: 08-24-93)
  44. BACKHOE.ZIP    114514  01-16-94  AutoDesk Animator.FLI file. (Newest File
  45.                                | Date: 05-28-93)
  46. BARTVS.ZIP     122392  01-16-94  Graphics & Soundblaster animation of Bart
  47.                                | Simpson vs. Robocop. Excellent!
  48. BBS_SHOW.ZIP   148317  01-16-94  * The Best Promotional Tool For A BBS! * =
  49.                                | "JUST RELEASED!" BBS Showcase Version 1.0
  50.                                | = = Sound Blaster and Mouse Supported! = =
  51.                                | Smart SYSOPS: Download this program today
  52.                                | and find out how to get more users to
  53.                                | Subscribe to your board! NOVEMBER 1, 1993
  54.                                | (You'll Love It!).
  55. BEAVIS4.ZIP    568932  01-16-94  ┌=─=─=─=─=─=─=─=─=─=─=─=─=─=─=-=─=─=─=┐
  56.                                | ║         BEAVIS & BUTTHEAD IV        ║
  57.                                | ║   BUTTHEAD HAS A NERVOUS BRAKE DOWN ║
  58.                                | ├=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=┤
  59.                                | ║  PEGAMATION COMPUTER GRAPHICS IMAGE ║
  60.                                | │  SELF VIEWING -  Hi Resolution SVGA │
  61.                                | ║ w/PEGASOUND - SOUND BLASTER SUPPORT ║
  62.                                | │  SUPER HIGH QUALITY COLOR ANIMATION │
  63.                                | ║         Exclusively from:           ║
  64.                                | │  The PEGASUS PROJECT [813]481-5575  │
  65.                                | └=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=┘
  66. BITS93.ZIP      36971  01-16-94  C00l VGA demo With ASM Source.
  67. BODYGIRL.ZIP   288620  01-16-94  640X480 animation of a woman walking NICE.
  68. BOO_.ZIP       212028  01-16-94  A Fun Electronic Halloween Card (SVGA req.)
  69.                                | Freeware from IMAGE`FX.
  70.                                | (Newest File Date: 10-29-93)
  71. CLOWGORI.ZIP   690293  01-16-94  FLI Morph of a Clown changing in to a
  72.                                | Gorilla. The morph was created using RMorf
  73.                                | version 0.3 By Richard Goedeken. Produce and
  74.                                | uploaded by Louis Aube
  75.                                | (Newest File Date: 10-02-93)
  76. CURRY4.ZIP     111805  01-16-94  Nice intro done by the CURRY FRIKA group.
  77.                                | (Newest File Date: 09-14-93)
  78. DANCGIRL.ZIP   575915  01-16-94  Dancing Girls Graphic Birthday Card.
  79.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-30-93)
  80. DMAKE150.ZIP   157827  01-16-94  THE DEMOMAKER v1.50 <ASP> Creates slide shows
  81.                                | Create demos and slide shows for any DOS text
  82.                                | program. Software authors can create graphic
  83.                                | presentations of their software! BBS Sysops
  84.                                | can create slide shows to demonstrate the
  85.                                | features on their systems! A powerful & easy
  86.                                | to use utility. Minor update adds more space
  87.                                | in dialog boxes (increased to 512 characters)
  88.                                | Released as fully functional shareware!
  89. DRACULA1.ZIP   169370  01-16-94  FLI animation of the title DRACULA that I
  90.                                | created Dirk VF. (Newest File Date: 09-04-93)
  91. DWRK_11.ZIP    160856  01-16-94  Demo Workshop V1.1 - Demo & Tutorial Maker.
  92.                                | Create standalone presentations using actual
  93.                                | screens recorded (in motion) from DOS
  94.                                | programs. Edit the recording with the DW
  95.                                | presentation editor like editing a movie. Cut
  96.                                | and resequence scenes, add pop-up menus &
  97.                                | text windows. Special effects too! No
  98.                                | programming required. Creates .EXE file as
  99.                                | output. This release fixes bugs in V1.0. ASP
  100.                                | Shareware from P2 Enterprises.
  101. EDWAVE.ZIP      48356  01-16-94  Fli animation: 3D waveform. (Newest File
  102.                                | Date: 05-28-93)
  103. EMCONJ.ZIP     215493  01-16-94  FLI animation of the Earth and Moon. This is
  104.                                | an animation using real pictures taken by a
  105.                                | passing space probe. (Newest File Date:
  106.                                | 03-31-93)
  107. EWATCH30.ZIP   211887  01-16-94  Earthwatch V3.0 graphic display program that
  108.                                | displays in real-time a dynamic Mercator
  109.                                | Projection map of the world.
  110.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-16-93)
  111. EXECGM11.ZIP   287262  01-16-94  New! V1.2 the gaming forum's 256c vga
  112.                                | soundblaster demo! Totally awesome music! The
  113.                                | best you ever heard! The gaming forum is the
  114.                                | first inter- active video/pc gaming magazine
  115.                                | that is all free! The gaming forum holds
  116.                                | monthly discount game auction, and a lot of
  117.                                | contests! .
  118. FE_FROG.ZIP    640834  01-16-94  Fli file super NEAT. (Newest File Date:
  119.                                | 08-18-93)
  120. FIREDEMO.ZIP   128937  01-16-94  Amazing demo of realtime flames. Assembly
  121.                                | source included.
  122.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-21-93)
  123. FNW.ZIP         24842  01-16-94  Cool animation for TheDRAW. Done by me. Cool
  124.                                | story! (Newest File Date: 07-12-93)
  125. GPLOGO.ZIP     101243  01-16-94  Fli animation microprose gprix demo. (Newest
  126.                                | File Date: 08-31-93)
  127. GREENH.ZIP     252220  01-16-94  ----------------------------------
  128.                                | M E G A   B U S T E R S
  129.                                | present
  130.                                | GREEN HOUSE DENTRO
  131.                                | ----------------------------------
  132.                                | <--- Another one from France! --->
  133. GRR_.ZIP        81343  01-16-94  Aggression '93 intro by Epical.
  134.                                | (Newest File Date: 10-10-93)
  135. HEADROOM.ZIP   313590  01-16-94  FLI animation of a rotating head winking.
  136.                                | (Newest File Date: 02-14-93)
  137. HOLWEEN.ZIP    109452  01-16-94  Holoween Animation - self running.
  138.                                | (Newest File Date: 05-28-93)
  139. INCONEXI.ZIP   472013  01-16-94  ┌────────────────────────╖
  140.                                | │  INCONEXIA, by Iguana  ║
  141.                                | ├────---··· · · ···--────╢
  142.                                | │ An Iguana/VangeliSTeam ║
  143.                                | │ production of 1993.    ║
  144.                                | ├────---··· · · ···--────╢
  145.                                | │ 386 or higher required ║
  146.                                | │ Supports SB/Pro/16ASP  ║
  147.                                | │ · ···---──────---··· · ║
  148.                                | │  E N J O Y    I T ! !  ║
  149.                                | ╘════════════════════════╝
  150. KWHALE.ZIP     626761  01-16-94  MPEG of Killer Whales.
  151. LAVA2.ZIP      260119  01-16-94  FLI animation of a raytraced lava lamp.
  152.                                | (Newest File Date: 04-21-93)
  153. LUNATIC.ZIP    191263  01-16-94  Lunatic - Demo  [1/1]
  154.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-22-93)
  155. MINODINO.ZIP    79850  01-16-94  Mino Dino (Shareware) 3-D environment created
  156.                                | using Virtual Reality Studio. Very strange
  157.                                | and entertaining (children, especially).
  158.                                | (Newest File Date: 02-27-93)
  159. MJORDAN.ZIP    306068  01-16-94  The chicago bulls main man in a .fli and .snd
  160.                                | file format. Need ultrafli to view.
  161.                                | (Newest File Date: 05-25-93)
  162. MLDEM1.ZIP    1396123  01-16-94  Metal and Lace demo from MegaTech. This gives
  163.                                | all programs to run the 256 color demo with
  164.                                | sound support. Speach requires mldem2.zip.
  165.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-30-93)
  166. MLDEM2.ZIP     793941  01-16-94  Metal and Lace Demo optional speech package.
  167.                                | Requires mldem1.zip to run.
  168.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-21-93)
  169. MLINTRO.ZIP    229626  01-16-94  VGA SoundBlaster Intro/Demo Program from
  170.                                | MagicLand BBS. Animated Graphics, plus SB
  171.                                | .MOD quality sound track, gotta see it! (To
  172.                                | start demo, run: Runme.bat).
  173.                                | (Newest File Date: 09-25-93)
  174. MOON_CC.ZIP    237825  01-16-94  Short animation (FLC) of craft landing on
  175.                                | satellite and occupant about to step out.
  176.                                | Player included. (Newest File Date: 08-16-93)
  177. NICERED.ZIP    199340  01-16-94  Cool morph I made using WinMorph 1.2, it
  178.                                | morphs a nice looking red car into a GREAT
  179.                                | looking woman in a red bodysuit! Check it
  180.                                | out! (Newest File Date: 08-24-93)
  181. OBSESS.ZIP     485673  01-16-94  Obsession - Small Demo From Assembly '93.
  182.                                | (Newest File Date: 07-31-93)
  183. ORBWHIRL.ZIP    46859  01-16-94  --==≡≡  O R B I T    W H I R L  ≡≡==--
  184.                                | Watch a storm of Mandelbrot-Set orbits
  185.                                | whirl around on your screen.  FREEWARE
  186.                                | C SOURCE By Marc Coram  (VGA REQUIRED)
  187.                                | Fascinating -- Informative -- Colorful
  188.                                | Visualize  Chaos  Theory  at  Work
  189.                                | Interactive Bifurcation Diagram
  190.                                | 
  192.                                | THEIR FIRST PC DEMO - - << OUTBURST >> -
  193.                                | (Newest File Date: 07-06-93)
  194. PARTY3.ZIP      76562  01-16-94  Tuarus PC Presents:
  195.                                | a real quick,short and painless
  196.                                | "Meet us at the Party Intro!"
  197.                                | supporting Adlib/SB
  198. PCTECH.ZIP      10186  01-16-94  An article from PC Tech journal describing
  199.                                | 256 color animation. (Newest File Date:
  200.                                | 06-22-93)
  201. PLANB.ZIP       64116  01-16-94  PLANB VGA demo by SONIC-PC (Newest File Date:
  202.                                | 07-31-93)
  203. PSPYCE.ZIP     429925  01-16-94  Spyce presents: · ∙P∙A∙R∙A∙S∙P∙Y∙C∙E∙ ·
  204.                                | A demo with Vga/Sb released on 19.03.93
  205. RACER_X.ZIP     51846  01-16-94  A fli of Racer X from Speed Racer Unzip then
  206.                                | type "racerx"
  207. REALMDEM.ZIP   999014  01-16-94  A nice fli animation demonstrating some of
  208.                                | the possibilities that Realm Professional
  209.                                | Services has to offer. We do Broadcast
  210.                                | Quality Animations or still pics. The
  211.                                | possibilities are endless. This Fli Includes
  212.                                | an animation of a dolphin swimming... An
  213.                                | animation first! Check IT OUT! (Newest File
  214.                                | Date: 08-23-93)
  215. REN_ANIM.ZIP    48939  01-16-94  FLI of Ren & Stimpy dancing. Looks great if
  216.                                | you can play it with the HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY
  217.                                | song.
  218. RMORF03.ZIP    344009  01-16-94  ██▓▓▒▒░░    Make Your Own Morphs!   ░░▒▒▓▓██
  219.                                | ║ See beautiful girl morph into a vicious  ║
  220.                                | ║ cheetah!  ■  Create your own morphs and  ║
  221.                                | ║ convert them into a .FLI animation.  ■   ║
  222.                                | ║ Program reviewed in July 1993 issue of   ║
  223.                                | ║ Dr. Dobb's Journal.  Fast!               ║
  224.                                | ╚══════════════════════════════════════════╝
  225. ROBOROO.ZIP    227875  01-16-94  Awesome robot kangaroo .gl file-needs
  226.                                | grasp35.
  227.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-12-93)
  228. SEAMOON3.ZIP   452393  01-16-94  This is an animation of a planet rotating
  229.                                | above a sea. High-res 256 colors. Type "Play
  230.                                | seamoon3.flc" to begin. Partially done with
  231.                                | Vistapro. 1993.
  232.                                | (Newest File Date: 07-02-93)
  233. SHULKANM.ZIP    33608  01-16-94  Animation from space hulk! Vga. (Newest File
  234.                                | Date: 08-18-93)
  235. SKINDEEP.ZIP  1056981  01-16-94  An excellent 30-frame morphing animation.
  236.                                | Watch the beautiful lass turn into a hideous
  237.                                | skull - hence the name, SKINDEEP! Requires
  238.                                | VGA and a .FLI viewer capable of displaying
  239.                                | 320x200 or better. This is WELL done, check
  240.                                | it out!
  241.                                | (Newest File Date: 10-20-93)
  242. SOFTPOEM.ZIP   202317  01-16-94  SoftPoem (Robert Kendall; $0; #) is a work of
  243.                                | interactive video poetry. It uses the
  244.                                | computer as its medium rather than the
  245.                                | printed page. Text is brought to life with
  246.                                | graphics and animation. Requires 640K RAM, a
  247.                                | hard disk and EGA/VGA.
  248. SPRTBIKE.ZIP   358130  01-16-94  The first SportBike BBS intro. VGA/SB SB not
  249.                                | required, but VERY nice! D/L and see.
  250.                                | (Newest File Date: 10-11-93)
  251. STARS11.ZIP     32047  01-16-94  A relaxing starfield simulation. Good screen
  252.                                | (Newest File Date: 05-31-93)
  253. TFAGZBBS.ZIP    10798  01-16-94  ╔════════────·· · · ··────═══════╗
  254.                                | ╠════[ Ground Zero Presents ]════╣
  255.                                | ║▓▒░    a Little BBS intro    ░▒▓║
  256.                                | ╠════════════════════════════════╣
  257.                                | ║ Tasm Paradise +31-(0)15-563571 ║
  258.                                | │                                │
  259.                                | · SamsPlace     +31-(0)74-911195 ·
  260.                                | │                                │
  261.                                | ║ Real World    +31-(0)53-330190 ║
  262.                                | ╚════════────·· · · ··────═══════╝
  263.                                | 386 required.. :)
  264. TFA_HALL.ZIP   127698  01-16-94  ╔════════────·· · · ··────═══════╗
  265.                                | ╠════[ Ground Zero Presents ]════╣
  266.                                | ║▓▒░ The Halloween '93 Intro! ░▒▓║
  267.                                | ╠════════════════════════════════╣
  268.                                | ║ Why always these X-mass demos? ║
  269.                                | │ Be true to the gang! No X-mass │
  270.                                | ·      Celebrate Halloween!      ·
  271.                                | │ Released at the HalloweenParty │
  272.                                | ║In my head last night 30 Oct '93║
  273.                                | ╚════════────·· · · ··────═══════╝
  274. TROPICMM.ZIP    83066  01-16-94  VGA Animated Tropical Beach by Micro Madness.
  275. WOLVIE.ZIP      41643  01-16-94  Wolverine Animation.