Text File
1,640 lines
System Operation Manual
Remote Operating Systeφ (ROS)
Version 3.4 October 19, 1985
Albuquerquσ RCP/═ (505)299-5974
Stevσ Fo° - Sysop
áááááROS.PA╙á anΣá thσ associateΣ suppor⌠á file≤á (includinτ ì
áááááthi≤á documentatioεá file⌐ arσ Copyrigh⌠á (c⌐á 198╡á b∙ ì
áááááSteveεá Fox«á Non-commercial¼á publiπ distributioε anΣ ì
áááááusσ oµ thi≤ systeφ i≤ permitted« Al∞ commercia∞ right≤ ì
áááááarσ reserved«á Distributioε oµ RO╙ shoulΣ includσá thi≤ ì
Thσ origina∞ SJBBS¼ writteε iε Xitaε Basiπ b∙ HowarΣ Moulton¼ wa≤ ì
adapteΣá t∩ MBasiπ b∙ Brucσ R«á Ratoff«á Modification≤á t∩á thi≤ ì
systeφá werσ madσ b∙ Brucσ Ratoff¼á Jame≤ Underwood¼á Roε Fowler¼ ì
Bret⌠ Berg¼á anΣ many¼á man∙ others«á Jame≤ Whortoε anΣ Eddiσ H« ì
Curliεá converteΣá thσ RBB╙ t∩ Turb∩á Pasca∞á (copyrigh⌠á BorlanΣ ì
International⌐ iε 198┤ anΣ calleΣ thσ systeφ TPBBS.
RO╙ versioε 1.░ (originall∙ releaseΣ a≤ TBBS2│ bu⌠ changeΣ t∩ RO╙ ì
t∩á avoiΣá confusioε witΦ TPBB╙ witΦ whicΦ i⌠ share≤ n∩á codσá o≥ ì
structure⌐á wa≤ writteε usinτ idea≤ gathereΣ froφá thesσá system≤ ì
anΣá froφá other≤á operatinτá oε ßá widσá variet∙á oµá computers« ì
Versioεá 2.░á oµ RO╙ wa≤ reviseΣ t∩ includσ indexeΣ filσá suppor⌠ ì
usinτá B½á tree≤á provideΣ b∙ Turb∩á Toolbo°á (copyrigh⌠á BorlanΣ ì
International)« Versioε 3.░ eliminateΣ thσ neeΣ fo≥ suppor⌠ froφ ì
program≤á sucΦá a≤ BYE¼á XMODEM¼á anΣ S─ b∙á incorporatinτá thesσ ì
function≤ internally.
Thi≤á systeφ woulΣ no⌠ havσ beeε possiblσ werσ i⌠ no⌠ fo≥á thσ ì
worδá oµá thesσ individual≤ dedicateΣ t∩ makinτá thσá concep⌠á oµ ì
publiπ acces≤ telecommunication≤ work.
ROS v3.4 System Operation Manual page 3
RO╙á wa≤á designeΣá a≤ ß traditiona∞ bulletiε boarΣá systeφá witΦ ì
privatσá messaginτ capability«á Message≤ lef⌠ t∩ al∞á user≤á arσ ì
'publicº anΣ readablσ b∙ anyonσ oε thσ system«á Message≤ lef⌠ t∩ ì
ßá singlσ use≥ arσ 'privateº anΣ canno⌠ bσ reaΣ b∙ anyonσ bu⌠ thσ ì
sende≥á anΣ thσ receive≥ unles≤ explicitl∙ markeΣ a≤ 'publicºá b∙ ì
thσ sender«á Thσ syso≡ can¼á oµ course¼ reaΣ al∞ message≤ a⌠ an∙ ì
RO╙ caε bσ configureΣ a≤ aε 'openº systeφ iε whicΦ ne≈ user≤á arσ ì
alloweΣá ful∞ access¼á o≥ i⌠ caε bσ se⌠ u≡ sucΦ tha⌠ the∙ mus⌠ bσ ì
'validatedºá b∙á thσ sysop«á Iµ thσ systeφ i≤ se⌠á u≡á 'closed'¼ ì
unvalidateΣ user≤ canno⌠ ente≥ message≤ t∩ anyonσ bu⌠ thσá sysop« ì
┴á password¼á selecteΣá b∙ thσ use≥ wheε firs⌠ logginτá int∩á thσ ì
system¼ i≤ requireΣ fo≥ al∞ futurσ accesses.
RO╙á i≤á designeΣ t∩ operatσ oε ß Z-8░ compute≥ witΦ 48╦á oµá TP┴ ì
(transien⌠á prograφ area⌐ operatinτ unde≥ CP/═ 2.2«á N∩ externa∞ ì
suppor⌠á routine≤ sucΦ a≤ BY┼ arσ requireΣ no≥ i≤ ZCP╥á necessar∙ ì
sincσ RO╙ maintain≤ it≤ owε acces≤ protection« Turb∩ Pasca∞ ver« ì
2.░ o≥ late≥ anΣ Borland'≤ Turb∩ Toolbo° arσ requireΣ t∩á compilσ ì
thσ system«á ┴ rea∞ timσ clocδ i≤ strongl∙ recommended¼á bu⌠ no⌠ ì
absolutel∙ necessary.
Iε additioε t∩ CP/═ 2.2¼ RO╙ i≤ als∩ knowε t∩ operatσ unde≥ CP/M½ ì
(CP/M-8░ 3.0⌐ anΣ TurboDOS« ModifieΣ version≤ arσ als∩ iε opera-ì
tioε unde≥ MSDOS¼ CP/M-86¼ anΣ CCP/M.
ROS v3.4 System Operation Manual page 4
Thσá followinτ show≤ thσ desigε structurσ oµ thσ RO╙ residen⌠ anΣ ì
overlayeΣ code:
OVERLA┘ .001
OVERLA┘ .000
Withiεá eacΦ overlay¼á n∩ procedurσ o≥ functioε caε cal∞á anothe≥ ì
(restrictioε oµ Turb∩ Pascal)¼á bu⌠ eacΦ laye≥ caε cal∞ an∙á rou-ì
tinσ iε thσ nex⌠ lowe≥ layer«á I⌠ woulΣ bσ technicall∙ simplσ t∩ ì
causσ mos⌠ oµ thσ MAI╬ codσ t∩ bσ overlayed¼á bu⌠ thi≤ woulΣ slo≈ ì
thσ systeφ somewha⌠ anΣ woulΣ recove≥ ver∙ littlσ memory.
Thσá sizσá oµ eacΦ overla∙ theε i≤ dictateΣ b∙á thσá hierarchica∞ ì
desigε rathe≥ thaε convenience¼á sincσ wha⌠ i≤ iε aε overla∙ i≤ ß ì
resul⌠á oµá function«á N∩ additiona∞ memor∙ woulΣ bσá gaineΣá b∙ ì
changinτá thσá sizσ oµ thσ overla∙ files¼á iεá fact¼á wha⌠á woulΣ ì
changσá i≤ thσ speeΣ oµ processinτ - somσ operation≤ woulΣá speeΣ ì
up¼ other≤ woulΣ slo≈ down.
ROS.CO═á consist≤á oµ thσ followinτ component≤ whicΦ makσ u≡á thσ ì
residen⌠ portioε oµ ROS:
Ruε timσ package
» Residen⌠ data
» » Toolbox
» » » Devicσ driver≤ (machinσ dependent)
» » » » Residen⌠ kernel
» » » » » Overla∙ spacσ (.00░ anΣ .001)
» » » » » » Maiε
» » » » » » /
(EacΦ line segment represent≤ about 1k)
Oµ thesσ sections¼á thσ ruε timσ package¼á thσ residen⌠ data¼ anΣ ì
thσá devicσ driver≤ MUS╘ bσ presen⌠ iε memory«á Thσ toolbo°á anΣ ì
thσá residen⌠á kerne∞á coulΣ bσ overlayed¼á bu⌠á doinτá s∩á woulΣ ì
SIGNIFICANTL┘ slo≈ dowε thσ systeφ operation«á Onl∙ par⌠ oµá thσ ì
MAI╬ coulΣ bσ overlayed« Thσ res⌠ mus⌠ remaiε iε memory.
ROS v3.4 System Operation Manual page 5
Thσ followinτ file≤ arσ includeΣ iε thσ RO╙ library:
RO╙.PA╙ Remote Operating System main program
ROSDE╞.IN├ Constant and variable definitions
ROSFIL.INC File sub-system
ROSINI.INC System initialization routines
ROSKIO.INC Kernel I/O routines
ROSKMS.INC Kernel miscellaneous routines
ROSKOV.INC Overlayed portion of kernel
ROSMAIN.INC Resident "main-line" code
ROSMSG.INC Message sub-system
ROSRCV.INC File receive routines
ROSSND.INC File send routines
ROSSYM.INC Sysop sub-system - miscellaneous routines
ROSSYU.INC Sysop sub-system - user file routines
ROSSYP.INC Sysop sub-system - purge file routines
ROSSYX.INC Sysop sub-system - extended utilities
ROSUTL.INC Utility sub-system
SYSMSG.TX╘ Samplσ messagσ file
SECTION.BB# Sample section file
ROS2-│0.PA╙ ROS ver. 2.x to ver. 3.0 conversion utility
ROS31-32.PAS ROS ver. 3.1 to ver. 3.2 conversion utility
ROS33-34.PAS ROS ver. 3.3 to ver. 3.4 conversion utility
ROSOPS.DOC System Operations Manual (this document)
ROSUSR.DOC User's Guide
ROS34.NOT Release specific notes
ROSMAC.LB╥á contain≤á thσ machinσ dependen⌠ routine≤ fo≥á severa∞ ì
machines«á Thesσá routine≤ arσ als∩ writteε iε Turb∩ Pasca∞á anΣ ì
shoulΣá bσ readil∙ modifieΣ t∩ sui⌠ virtuall∙á an∙á machine«á T∩ ì
easσ thσ installatioε process¼ thσ systeφ dependen⌠ codσ i≤ spli⌠ ì
int∩ threσ files:
ROS.MCH Machine (computer) dependent code
ROS.MDM Modem drivers
ROS.CLK Clock drivers
Iε addition¼á thσ followinτ Turb∩ Toolbo° file≤ wil∞ bσ needeΣ t∩ ì
compilσ thσ systeφ (thesσ arσ availablσ froφ Borland):
ROS v3.4 System Operation Manual page 6
Thσá followinτá step≤á shoulΣ bσ takeε t∩ instal∞á RO╙á fo≥á you≥ ì
1) Modify and install the machine dependent routines
2⌐ Definσ and install the system defaults
3) Edit Toolbox Files (optional step)
4⌐ Compilσ ROS
5⌐ Edi⌠ thσ systeφ messagσ anΣ section files
6⌐ Ruε ROS t∩ creatσ other sytem files and loτin a≤ 'SYSOP'
These steps are amplified in the following sections.
Modify and install the machine dependent routines
Selec⌠á thσá file≤ froφ ROSMAC.LB╥ whicΦ mos⌠ closel∙ matcΦá you≥ ì
system«á Thesσá file≤ providσ RO╙ witΦ thσ specifiπá informatioε ì
necessar∙ fo≥ thσ interfacσ witΦ you≥ particula≥ hardware«á The∙ ì
arσá thσ onl∙ file≤ requirinτ extensivσ modificatioεá (ROSDEF.IN├ ì
anΣá ROSINI.IN├á wil∞ neeΣ somσá mino≥á changes)«á Thσá followinτ ì
routine≤ shoulΣ bσ includeΣ iε thσ nameΣ files:
system_ini⌠ Initializatioε t∩ bσ donσ oncσ wheε RO╙ firs⌠ starts
system_de_init De-initialization to be done once when ROS terminates
putstat Display 'st' on status line
ch_init Initialize the remote channel
ch_oεá Turε oε remotσ channe∞ (usuall∙ b∙áenablinτ DTR)
ch_off Turn on remote channel (usually by disabling DTR)
ch_carck Check to see if carrier is present
ch_inprdy Check for ready to input from port
ch_inp Input a byte from port - no wait - assumed ready
ch_out Output a byte to port - wait until ready
ch_set Set the bps rate of the channel (not the modem)
mdresult Get result code from modem (optional - see below)
mdsend Send a command string to the modem (optional)
mdhangup Hangup modem
mdbusy Take modem off hook to present a busy signal
mdring Determine if the phone is ringing
mdans Detect and set system to rate at which modem answered
mdinit Ensure the modem is hung up, initialized, and ready
to wait for a ring.
NOTE║á mdresul⌠á anΣá mdsenΣ arσ onl∙ useΣ b∙ othe≥á routine≤á iε ì
ROS.MD═ anΣ ma∙ no⌠ bσ requireΣ iε al∞ systems.
ROS v3.4 System Operation Manual page 7
GetTAD Return a 6 element byte array of the current system
time in seconds, minutes, hours, day, month, and year.
SetTAD Set the system time using a 6 element byte array which
contains seconds, minutes, hours, day, month, and year.
The following is a more detailed description of each routine:
procedure system_init;
Thi≤ procedurσ i≤ calleΣ onl∙ oncσ durinτ thσ initia∞ start-u≡ oµ ì
ROS«á I⌠á ma∙ bσ useΣ t∩ se⌠ an∙ necessar∙ systeφ parameter≤ (o≥ ì
nonσ a⌠ all)« Example≤ oµ usefu∞ thing≤ t∩ bσ donσ here:
Set VT-180 scrolling region to enable a status-line
Send one-time commands to modem
Set function keys
procedure system_de_init;
Thi≤ procedurσ i≤ calleΣ oncσ jus⌠ beforσ RO╙ i≤ terminated« Thσ ì
procedurσá ma∙á bσ useΣ t∩ rese⌠á an∙á parameter≤á desired«á Fo≥ ì
example¼áá command≤áá performeΣáá durinτá thσá previou≤áá routinσ ì
(system_init⌐ ma∙ bσ 'un-doneº here.
procedure putstat(st: StrStd);
Thi≤á procedurσ i≤ useΣ t∩ writσ 'stº t∩ thσ statu≤ linσá oµá thσ ì
loca∞ console«á Iµ sucΦ ß linσ i≤ no⌠ readil∙ available¼ thσ to≡ ì
o≥á bottoφ linσ oµ thσ consolσ ma∙ bσ useΣ instead«á Thi≤ proce-ì
durσá ma∙ freel∙ usσ an∙ oµ thσ screeε command≤ oµá Turb∩á Pasca∞ ì
sucΦ a≤ LowVideo¼ HighVideo¼ ClrEOL¼ etc.
procedurσ ch_init;
Thi≤á routinσá shoulΣ initializσ thσ seria∞ por⌠ oµ thσá compute≥ ì
(usσ mdini⌠ t∩ initializσ thσ modeφ itself).
procedure ch_on
Thi≤á procedurσá turn≤á oε thσ remotσ channe∞á fo≥á usσá b∙á ROS« ì
Usuall∙ thi≤ i≤ donσ b∙ enablinτ DTR¼ bu⌠ yo⌡ ma∙ als∩ neeΣ t∩ d∩ ì
sucΦ thing≤ a≤ enablinτ thσ transmitte≥ oµ thσ UART.
ROS v3.4 System Operation Manual page 8
procedure ch_off
Thi≤á procedurσ turn≤ ofµ thσ remotσ channel«á Usuall∙ thi≤ wil∞ ì
simpl∙ consis⌠ oµ lowerinτ DTR.
functioε ch_carck║ boolean;
Thi≤ functioε i≤ calleΣ frequentl∙ t∩ determinσ tha⌠ thσ use≥á i≤ ì
stil∞á loggeΣá in«á Usuall∙ thi≤ i≤ donσ b∙ requestinτ thσá datß ì
carrie≥á detec⌠ (DCD⌐ statu≤ oµ thσ UART¼á bu⌠ othe≥ method≤á arσ ì
functioε ch_inprdy║ boolean;
Thi≤á functioε return≤ TRU┼ wheε ß bytσ i≤ availablσ t∩á bσá reaΣ ì
anΣ ß FALS┼ wheε nonσ i≤ available«á Onl∙ thσ tes⌠ i≤ performed¼ ì
thσ systeφ doe≤ no⌠ sto≡ t∩ reaΣ thσ byte.
functioε ch_inp║ byte;
Thi≤á functioεá return≤ thσ bytσ reaΣ froφ thσ inpu⌠á port«á Thσ ì
systeφ assume≤ tha⌠ onσ i≤ available«á Al∞ eigh⌠ bit≤ shoulΣá bσ ì
returneΣ t∩ thσ system.
procedurσ ch_out(b║ byte);
Thσá systeφ wil∞ wai⌠ iε thi≤ routinσ unti∞ thσ modeφ i≤ read∙ t∩ ì
accep⌠á data«á Noticσá tha⌠á thσ valuσ sen⌠ i≤á ßá BYTE¼á no⌠á ß ì
CHARACTER« Al∞ eigh⌠ bit≤ shoulΣ bσ sen⌠ t∩ thσ port.
procedure ch_set(rate: integer);
Se⌠ thσ bp≤ ratσ oµ thσ channe∞ t∩ thσ valuσ determineΣ b∙á rate« ì
Ratσ i≤ aε ordinar∙ intege≥ sucΦ a≤ 300¼ 1200¼ etc.
function mdresult: Str3;
Thi≤á functioε return≤ thσ resul⌠ codσ froφ thσ modem«á RO╙ doe≤ ì
no⌠ directl∙ acces≤ thi≤ function¼á bu⌠ othe≥ routine≤ iε ROS.MD═ ì
procedure mdsend(st: StrStd);
Thi≤á procedurσá send≤á ß commanΣ strinτ t∩á thσá modem«á A≤á iε ì
mdresult¼á RO╙ doe≤ no⌠ usσ thi≤ routine¼á bu⌠ othe≥ routine≤á iε ì
ROS.MD═ may.
ROS v3.4 System Operation Manual page 9
procedurσ mdhangup;
Thi≤á prodecurσá hang≤á u≡ thσ modeφ immediately«á Thi≤á caεá bσ ì
accomplisheΣá b∙á droppinτá DT╥ oε somσ modem≤ o≥á b∙á sendinτá ß ì
commanΣ sucΦ a≤ 'ATHº oε thσ Hayes.
procedure mdbusy;
Thi≤á routinσá i≤á calleΣ wheε loca∞ usσ i≤á requesteΣá anΣá wheε ì
delayeΣ shutdowε i≤ used«á It≤ purposσ i≤ t∩ takσ thσ modeφ off-ì
hooδá s∩ remotσ user≤ wil∞ bσ presenteΣ ß bus∙á signal«á Iµá thσ ì
modeφá canno⌠ perforφ thi≤ operation¼á cal∞ mdhangu≡ froφ herσ s∩ ì
tha⌠ thσ modeφ wil∞ no⌠ answer.
functioε mdring║ boolean;
Thi≤á routinσ monitor≤ thσ modeφ por⌠ t∩ seσ iµ ß cal∞á ha≤á beeε ì
received«á Thi≤ caε bσ donσ b∙ lookinτ a⌠ thσ rinτ indicato≥ (iµ ì
available)¼á lookinτ fo≥ aε answe≥ signa∞ froφ ß smar⌠ modem¼á o≥ ì
b∙ simpl∙ lookinτ fo≥ ß carrie≥ detect«á Thi≤ functioε return≤ ß ì
TRU┼ o≥ FALS┼ t∩ indicatσ thσ cal∞ status.
procedurσ mdans;
Onσá ß cal∞ ha≤ beeε received¼á thi≤ routinσ i≤ calleΣ t∩á answe≥ ì
thσ phone« Thi≤ caε bσ donσ b∙ raisinτ DT╥ oε somσ modems¼ o≥ b∙ ì
sendinτ ß commanΣ t∩ ß smar⌠ modeφ sucΦ a≤ 'ATA'.
procedure mdinit;
Ge⌠á thσ modeφ read∙ t∩ talδ t∩ ROS«á Fo≥ "intelligentóá modems¼ ì
thi≤á i≤á usuall∙á donσ b∙ sendinτ somσá sor⌠á oµá initializatioε ì
string« Fo≥ "dumbó modems¼ n∩ actioε ma∙ bσ necessary.
procedure GetTAD(var t: tad_array);
Thi≤á procedurσ return≤ si° value≤ iε thσ tad_arra∙ whicΦ arσ thσ ì
binar∙ representatioε oµ seconds¼ hours¼ minutes¼ day¼ month¼ anΣ ì
yea≥ (iε tha⌠ order)«á Iµ you≥ machinσ doe≤ no⌠ havσ ß rea∞ timσ ì
clock¼ thesσ value≤ shoulΣ bσ se⌠ t∩ zer∩ o≥ yo⌡ caε se⌠ thσ datσ ì
oncσ ß da∙ witΦ thσ syso≡ utilities.
procedure SetTAD(var t: tad_array);
Complementar∙á procedurσ t∩ GetTA─ whicΦ i≤ useΣ t∩ se⌠ thσá timσ ì
anΣ date.
ROS v3.4 System Operation Manual page 10
Definσ anΣ instal∞ thσ systeφ defaults
Thσá followinτá arσ thσ systeφá defineΣá defaul⌠á values«á Thesσ ì
values¼á se⌠á iεá ROSDEF.INC¼á ma∙ bσ changeΣ b∙ thσ SYSO╨ oεá aε ì
individua∞ basis.
'def_accºá i≤ thσ defaul⌠ acces≤ leve∞ assigneΣ t∩ ne≈á user≤á t∩ ì
determinσá wha⌠á thσ use≥ caε anΣ canno⌠ d∩ oε thσá system«á Thσ ì
recommendeΣá valuσ i≤ '10'«á Seσ thσ SECURIT┘ sectioεá fo≥á morσ ì
'def_timeºá i≤á thσ timσ limi⌠ alloweΣ thσ use≥ unti∞ thσá systeφ ì
wil∞ automaticall∙ disconnect.
'def_charsº anΣ 'def_linesº arσ thσ numbe≥ oµ characters-per-linσ ì
anΣ lines-per-pagσ useΣ b∙ thσ systeφ unti∞ rese⌠ b∙ thσ user.
'val_accºá anΣ 'val_timeº wil∞ bσ useΣ b∙ RO╙ t∩ se⌠á thσá acces≤ ì
leve∞á anΣ acces≤ timσ alloweΣ fo≥ ß specifiπ use≥ wheε thσ syso≡ ì
utilit∙ 'validateº i≤ useΣ (seσ descriptioε oµ syso≡ utilities).
'ChatStartºá anΣ 'ChatEndº arσ thσ hour≤ durinτ whicΦá thσá SYSO╨ ì
ma∙ bσ availablσ fo≥ direc⌠ communication.
'fenceºá i≤á useΣá b∙ thσ director∙ routinσ t∩á separatσá column≤ ì
durinτ display.
'unv_daysºá anΣá 'val_daysºá arσ thσ numbe≥ oµá day≤á alloweΣá t∩ ì
elapsσá betweeε call≤ beforσ thσ use≥ i≤ purgeΣ froφ thσá system« ì
Fo≥ example¼ 1┤ anΣ 18░ wil∞ allo≈ unvalidateΣ user≤ t∩ remaiε oε ì
thσ systeφ fo≥ 1┤ day≤ betweeε call≤ anΣ validateΣ user≤ 18░ day≤ ì
betweeε call≤ beforσ beinτ deleteΣ froφ thσ use≥ file.
'unr_daysºá anΣá 'rea_daysº arσ thσ numbe≥ oµá day≤á alloweΣá t∩ ì
elapsσ beforσ un-reaΣ anΣ reaΣ messages¼á respectively¼ arσ auto-ì
maticall∙ deleted«á Publiπ message≤ arσ neve≥ markeΣ a≤ reaΣ anΣ ì
thu≤á wil∞á bσ availablσ unti∞ explicitl∙ deleteΣ o≥á unti∞á the∙ ì
"expireó a≤ determineΣ b∙ 'unr_days.'
'Max_Triesºá define≤ thσ numbe≥ oµ time≤ RO╙ wil∞ allo≈ ß use≥ t∩ ì
attemp⌠ passworΣ entry«á Iµ thi≤ numbe≥ i≤ exceeded¼á thσ systeφ ì
wil∞ disconnec⌠ witΦ ß message.
'lpsºá i≤á thσ numbe≥ oµ I/╧ loop≤ RO╙ make≤á pe≥á second«á Thi≤ ì
valuσá i≤ useΣ t∩ timσ I/╧ operation≤ sucΦ a≤ thσ lengtΦ oµá timσ ì
t∩ wai⌠ fo≥ ß characte≥ durinτ Xmodeφ transfer≤ anΣ t∩ disconnec⌠ ì
caller≤á tha⌠ havσ no⌠ haΣ an∙ activit∙ iεá fivσá minutes«á Thi≤ ì
valuσá shoulΣ bσ finσ tuneΣ fo≥ you≥ particula≥ systeφ b∙ logginτ ì
int∩á thσá systeφá remotel∙ anΣ timinτ thσ amoun⌠á oµá timσá tha⌠ ì
passe≤ unti∞ RO╙ disconnect≤ witΦ thσ followinτ message:
+½ Inpu⌠ timeΣ ou⌠ ++
'BufBlocksºá anΣ 'BufSizeº ma∙ bσ increaseΣ a≤ desireΣá providinτ ì
therσá i≤á sufficien⌠á memory«á Sincσ mos⌠ CP/═á 2.░á anΣá late≥ ìè
ROS v3.4 System Operation Manual page 11
system≤á providσá disδá filσ buffering¼á ▒ anΣá 12╕á arσá usuall∙ ì
sufficient«á Thσá relationshi≡ betweeε thσ tw∩ value≤ shoulΣá bσ ì
maintaineΣá a≤á 1:128¼á e.g«á iµ 'BufBlocksº i≤ increaseΣá t∩á 4¼ ì
'BufSizeºá shoulΣá bσá se⌠ t∩ 512«á Sincσ thi≤ buffe≥á spacσá i≤ ì
staticall∙ allocateΣ a⌠ compilσ time¼ thσ usσ oµ largσ buffer≤ i≤ ì
'macroºá i≤á thσ defaul⌠ macr∩ tha⌠ wil∞ bσ useΣá unles≤á altereΣ ì
durinτá executioε oµ thσ syso≡ utilities«á Thi≤ initia∞ valuσ oµ ì
thi≤ variablσ i≤ defineΣ iε ROSINI.INC.
Edit Toolbox Files (optional step)
RO╙á make≤á extensivσ usσ oµ overlay≤ t∩ increasσ thσá amoun⌠á oµ ì
memor∙ availablσ fo≥ dynamiπ allocation«á Thσ tw∩ Turb∩á Toolbo° ì
file≤á ADDKEY.BO╪ anΣ DELKEY.BO╪ caε bσ safel∙ anΣ simpl∙ conver-ì
teΣ int∩ overlay≤ whicΦ wil∞ increasσ thσ amoun⌠ oµ usablσ memor∙ ì
b∙á approximatel∙ 2k«á Sincσ eacΦ filσ consist≤ oµá exactl∙á onσ ì
procedure¼á inser⌠ thσ worΣ 'overlayº beforσ thσ worΣ 'procedureº ì
a⌠á thσá beginninτ oµ eacΦ filσ (bσ surσ therσ i≤ ßá spacσá afte≥ ì
'overlay'⌐ anΣ savσ thσ editeΣ file.
Whilσ thi≤ ste≡ i≤ optional¼ i⌠ i≤ strongl∙ recommended« Neithe≥ ì
oµ thσ tw∩ affecteΣ procedure≤ i≤ calleΣ frequently¼á s∩ thσ disδ ì
overheaΣ i≤ minima∞ anΣ thσ memor∙ increasσ i≤ significant.
Compilσ ROS
RO╙á versioε 3.░ anΣ late≥ d∩ no⌠ requirσ an∙ specia∞ handlinτ t∩ ì
accoun⌠á fo≥ Turb∩ Pascal'≤ statiπ (compilσ time⌐á allocatioεá oµ ì
stacδá space«á Thσá followinτ step≤ (iε Turb∩ Pascal⌐á creatσá ß ì
compileΣá versioεá oµá RO╙ read∙ fo≥ use«á Thesσá command≤á wil∞ ì
creatσ threσ files║á ROS.COM¼á ROS.000¼ anΣ ROS.00▒ whicΦ arσ thσ ì
residen⌠ portioε oµ RO╙ anΣ thσ tw∩ overla∙ files:
1⌐ ╧ - Options
2⌐ ├ - CO═ file
3⌐ ╤ - Quit
4⌐ ├ - Compile
5⌐ ROS<ret╛
6⌐ ╤ - Qui⌠ anΣ returε t∩ operatinτ system
Edi⌠ thσ systeφ messagσ anΣ section files
Thσá systeφá messagσá filσ shoulΣ bσ editeΣ fo≥á you≥á particula≥ ì
system«á ┴á samplσ filσ oµ SYSMSG.TX╘ iε WordSta≥ forma⌠ i≤á in-ì
cludeΣ a≤ ß guideline«á RO╙ caε processe≤ SYSMSG.TX╘ file≤ whicΦ ì
havσ beeε createΣ b∙ tex⌠ editor≤ - sucΦ a≤ WordSta≥ - whicΦá usσ ì
thσá higΦá bit«á Wheεá RO╙á i≤á started¼á i⌠á attempt≤á t∩á opeε ì
SYSMSG.BBú whicΦ i≤ ß randoφ acces≤ file« Iµ RO╙ find≤ thi≤ filσ ì
i⌠ wil∞ bσ used¼á bu⌠ iµ not¼ RO╙ wil∞ creatσ i⌠ froφ SYSMSG.TXT« ìè
ROS v3.4 System Operation Manual page 12
Wheεá thσá filσ SYSMSG.TX╘ i≤ updated¼á deletσ SYSMSG.BBú s∩á RO╙ ì
wil∞ automaticall∙ updatσ thσ randoφ acces≤ filσ a≤ well.
Thσ sectioε contro∞ file¼á SECTION.BB#¼ i≤ useΣ t∩ contro∞ acces≤ ì
t∩ specifiπ filσ anΣ messagσ areas« ┴ samplσ oµ thσ sectioε filσ ì
i≤ showε below¼ followeΣ b∙ thσ format:
┴ 15 10 LOGI╬ Logiε areß
┴ ╣ 20 ROS RO╙ filσ areß
B 0 20 TPASCAL Turbo Pascal programs and utilities
B 1 20 GAMES Adventure, chess, Othello, etc.
B 2 20 UTILITY File and system utilities
C 1 20 BIGBORD Notes and programs for BigBoard I and II
C 2 20 OSBORNE Osborne libraries
A 0 250 SYSCOM System command files
A 1 250 PASCAL Pascal program development
A 14 20 NEWIN ** New uploads **
0 250 SYSTEM System message area
1 10 POST Trading Post - Buy, Sell, Trade
2 10 Q-A Technical Questions and (hopefully) Answers
3 10 TURBO Turbo Pascal
4 10 BB BigBoard I, II
▒ ▓ │ ┤ ╡ ╢ 7
1 Disk (blank here indicates this is a message section)
2 Blank
3-4 User area or message area
5 Blank
6-8 Access level required
9 Blank
10-18 Section name
19 Blank
20-70 Section description
Thσá followinτá fou≥ entrie≤ arσ expecteΣ b∙ RO╙á anΣá shoulΣá bσ ì
presen⌠ iε thσ sectioε file:
LOGIN Thi≤ i≤ thσ filσ areß ever∙ use≥ 'seesº initially« Thσ ì
ááááááááááacces≤ leve∞ oµ thi≤ areß shoulΣ bσ se⌠ t∩ zero.
POST Thi≤á i≤ thσ messagσ areß ever∙ use≥ 'seesºá initially« ì
ááááááááááThσ acces≤ leve∞ oµ thi≤ areß shoulΣ bσ se⌠ t∩ zero.
NEWIN Thi≤á i≤á thσá filσá areß int∩ whicΦá upload≤á wil∞á bσ ì
ááááááááááplaced«á Thσá acces≤ leve∞ oµ thi≤ areß i≤ defineΣá b∙ ì
ááááááááááthσ sysop.
SYSTEMá Messagσ areß ░ i≤ specia∞ sincσ AL╠ message≤ (includinτ ì
ááááááááááthosσá tha⌠ havσ beeε erased⌐ wil∞ bσ visible«á I╘á I╙ ì
ááááááááááIMPORTAN╘á tha⌠á thσ acces≤ leve∞ oµ thi≤ areßá bσá se⌠ ì
ááááááááááhigΦá enougΦ tha⌠ norma∞ user≤ d∩ no⌠ havσ access«á T∩ ì
ááááááááááavoid potential problems, use 250 for the access level.è
ROS v3.4 System Operation Manual page 13
NOTE║á Thσá SECTION.BBú mus⌠ NO╘ havσ extrß line≤ afte≥ thσá las⌠ ì
linσ oµ information«á T∩ d∩ s∩ invite≤ BDO╙ erros« Iε addition¼ ì
RO╙ wil∞ no⌠ proces≤ high-orde≥ bit≤ iε thσ tex⌠ oµ thi≤ file¼ s∩ ì
aε edito≥ mus⌠ bσ useΣ whicΦ doe≤ no⌠ usσ thesσ bits« Thσ edito≥ ì
buil⌠ int∩ Turb∩ Pasca∞ i≤ idea∞ fo≥ thi≤ operation.
Ruε ROS t∩ creatσ other system files and loτin a≤ 'SYSOP'
Thσá systeφ i≤ no≈ read∙ t∩ bσ initialized«á Iµ RO╙ canno⌠á finΣ ì
thσ file≤ needeΣ t∩ ruε thσ system¼ i⌠ wil∞ creatσ theφ automati-ì
cally« RO╙ wil∞ announcσ itselµ anΣ wai⌠ fo≥ onσ oµ tw∩ actions:
1) A signal from the modem indicating a remote user, or
2⌐ ß command froφ thσ consolσ indicatinτ ß loca∞ user.
Ente≥ ß carriagσ return« Afte≥ thσ "FIRS╘ name:ó promp⌠ appears¼ ì
ente≥ thσ namσ "SYSOP.ó No⌠ findinτ sucΦ ß user¼ thσ systeφ wil∞ ì
promp⌠á fo≥ ß passworΣ - ente≥ onσ oµ you≥ choice«á Yo⌡ arσá no≈ ì
loggeΣ int∩ thσ system.
I⌠á i≤ VER┘ IMPORTAN╘ tha⌠ yo⌡ loτ iε a≤ syso≡ beforσ puttinτ thσ ì
systeφ u≡ fo≥ other≤ t∩ use« Therσ arσ folk≤ ou⌠ therσ tha⌠ wil∞ ì
tr∙ t∩ loτ iε a≤ sysop«á Iµ yo⌡ havσ no⌠ se⌠ you≥ password¼ the∙ ì
wil∞á se⌠ i⌠ fo≥ yo⌡ anΣ wil∞ consequentl∙ havσ ful∞ syso≡á leve∞ ì
ROS v3.4 System Operation Manual page 14
RO╙á expect≤ t∩ finΣ al∞ file≤ iε thσ filσ areß iε whicΦ i⌠ firs⌠ ì
starts«á I⌠ i≤ iε thi≤ areß tha⌠ thσ use≥ files¼á thσ loτá file¼ ì
etc«á wil∞ bσ maintained« Sincσ RO╙ provide≤ thσ syso≡ witΦ ful∞ ì
contro∞á ove≥á wh∩ ha≤ acces≤ t∩ thi≤ areß througΦ acces≤á level¼ ì
tw∩ method≤ protec⌠ thσ RO╙ systeφ file≤ froφ users:
1. do not include this area in the SECTION.BB# file, or
2« se⌠ thσ acces≤ leve∞ oµ thi≤ areß sufficientl∙ higΦ (sucΦ ì
a≤ 250 or higher).
Iε ß simila≥ manner¼á othe≥ privatσ area≤ oµ thσ disδ systeφá caε ì
bσá protecteΣá froφá users«á Iε thσ previou≤á extrac⌠á froφá thσ ì
SECTION.BBú file¼á SYSCOM¼á whicΦ reside≤ oε Drivσ A¼ Use≥ 0¼ caε ì
onl∙á bσ accesseΣ b∙ thσ sysop«á Othe≥ user≤ wil∞ no⌠ eveεá kno≈ ì
thσ areß exists.
Whilσá thσ systeφ i≤ idling¼á i.e«á waitinτ fo≥ ß call¼á thσá CR╘ ì
screeε wil∞ bσ cleareΣ anΣ thσ curso≥ randoml∙ repositioneΣ ever∙ ì
fe≈ second≤ t∩ eliminatσ an∙ possibilit∙ oµ phospho≥ burn«á Wheε ì
ßá use≥á successfull∙ log≤ in¼á thei≥ namσ anΣá addres≤á wil∞á bσ ì
displayeΣ oε thσ statu≤ line.
Thσ loca∞ consolσ ha≤ severa∞ commands¼ entereΣ b∙ contro∞ codes¼ ì
tha⌠ ma∙ bσ requesteΣ whilσ thσ systeφ i≤ idlinτ anΣ whilσ ß use≥ ì
i≤ loggeΣ in.
Idling commands:
^J (linefeed) Display menu of console commands
Thi≤á commanΣ wil∞ displa∙ thσ followinτ informatioε oεá thσ ì
ááááástatu≤ linσ:
^C: Shutdown ROS, <RETURN>: Local use
^C Wheεá waitinτá fo≥á ßá call¼áá enterinτá thi≤á commanΣá wil∞ ì
áááááterminatσá RO╙ operatioε anΣ returε contro∞ t∩ thσ operatinτ ì
^M (RETURN) Request local use of ROS.
ROS v3.4 System Operation Manual page 15
In use commands:
^J (linefeed) Display menu of console commands
Enterinτ thi≤ commanΣ wil∞ displa∙ thσ followinτ informatioε ì
áááááoε thσ statu≤ line:
^W: CHAT, ^E: Remote copy on/off, ^R: Remote offline - delayed, ^T: Twit
^W Syso≡ initiateΣ CHAT«á Thσ curren⌠ use≥ i≤ issueΣ ß messagσ ì
áááááanΣ thσ systeφ enter≤ thσ cha⌠ mode«á Thi≤ commanΣ bypasse≤ ì
áááááthσ timσ oµ da∙ check≤ anΣ ma∙ bσ entereΣ a⌠ an∙ timσá (cha⌠ ì
áááááhour≤ arσ restricteΣ t∩ users).
^E 'Blankº remotσ I/O« Togglσ outpu⌠ t∩ remotσ system« Usefu∞ ì
ááááát∩á hel≡ ß los⌠ use≥ finΣ ß filσ o≥ message«á Ma∙á als∩á bσ ì
áááááuseΣá t∩á validatσ ß remotσ use≥ sincσ thσ acces≤á leve∞á i≤ ì
ááááátemporaril∙á se⌠á t∩ SYSO╨ leve∞ anΣ theε rese⌠ wheεá remotσ ì
áááááI/╧ i≤ reinstated.
^R 'Delayedºá shutdown«á Wheε thσ curren⌠ use≥ log≤á out¼á thσ ì
ááááámodeφ i≤ madσ bus∙ anΣ thσ systeφ ring≤ thσ bel∞ t∩ indicatσ ì
ááááátha⌠ i⌠ i≤ available« Thσ funtioε i≤ usefu∞ oε bus∙ system≤ ì
áááááwheεá thσá syso≡á ha≤ troublσá gettinτá access«á Unti∞á thσ ì
áááááoperatioεá actuall∙á take≤ place¼á thi≤ ke∙ ma∙ bσá useΣá t∩ ì
áááááalternatel∙ turε thσ functioε oε anΣ off.
^T 'Twitºá key«á Immediatel∙á hanτ u≡á oεá remotσá user«á Thσ ì
ááááápreviou≤á commanΣá i≤ preferreΣ t∩ gaiε systeφá access¼á bu⌠ ì
ááááásometime≤ thi≤ commanΣ i≤ necessary.
ROS v3.4 System Operation Manual page 16
Thσ syso≡ shoulΣ usσ RO╙ regularl∙ t∩ ge⌠ message≤ froφ ne≈ user≤ ì
desirinτ validation¼á (iµ tha⌠ i≤ thσ default⌐ theε usσ thσ syso≡ ì
utilitie≤ t∩ validatσ them«á ┴ checδ shoulΣ bσ madσ a⌠ thi≤ timσ ì
tha⌠ thσ message≤ oε thσ systeφ arσ appropriatσ t∩ thσ philosoph∙ ì
oµ thσ system.
BEWAR┼á oµá user≤á leavinτ message≤ abou⌠á credi⌠á carΣá numbers¼ ì
acces≤ codes¼ o≥ othe≥ sucΦ information.
Thσá messagσ filσ onl∙ mark≤ message≤ a≤ deleted«á Consequently¼ ì
thi≤á filσ shoulΣ bσ compresseΣ periodically«á ┴ gooΣ wa∙ t∩á d∩ ì
thi≤á i≤ t∩ turε oε thσ printer¼á prin⌠ ou⌠ thσ loτá anΣá messagσ ì
files¼á theε turε thσ printe≥ ofµ anΣ purgσ thσ files« Thi≤ way¼ ì
ß hardcop∙ recorΣ i≤ kep⌠ oµ al∞ activit∙ oε thσ system.
Thi≤á wa≤á ß consciou≤ desigε decisioε whicΦ allow≤ thσ syso≡á t∩ ì
maintaiεá ß histor∙ oµ AL╠ message≤ entereΣ oε thσá system«á Thσ ì
event≤ surroundinτ MOGU╥ demonstratσ thσ need.
Sysop Commands
Thσá syso≡ commanΣ systeφ i≤ accesseΣ b∙ typinτ "Xó a⌠ an∙á func-ì
tioεá promp⌠á (thi≤ optioε i≤ lockeΣ ou⌠ t∩á user≤á belo≈á acces≤ ì
leve∞ 250)« Thσ syso≡ men⌡ ma∙ bσ displayeΣ b∙ enterinτ "?ó (seσ ì
samplσá men⌡ below)«á Thσ user¼á log¼á anΣ messagσ file≤ ma∙á bσ ì
displayeΣá oεá thσ CR╘ o≥ printeΣ t∩ thσ LS╘ devicσ baseΣ oεá thσ ì
conditioε oµ thσ prin⌠ toggle.
Afte≥ thσ samplσ menu¼ eacΦ commanΣ i≤ describeΣ iε morσ detail.
Sysop System Menu
================== Functions =================== ==== Other Menus =====
<A>udit trail toggle <O> Macro operations <F>ile Transfer System
<D>elete user <P>urge files <M>essage System
<E>dit user <R>ead messages <U>tilities System
<I>ndex rebuild <S>ystem directory
<L>og file list <T>oggle printer
<N>ewin file processing <V>alidate user
<X>tended commands
<G>oodbye (logoff)
ROS v3.4 System Operation Manual page 17
<A>udit trail toggle
┴á standarΣ ASCI╔ tex⌠ filσ caε bσ createΣ froφ thσ loτ anΣá mes-ì
sagσ file≤ b∙ turninτ oε aε audi⌠ trai∞ anΣ usinτ thσ 'Lº anΣ 'Rº ì
syso≡ commands«á Thσ filσ createΣ consist≤ oµ thσ systeφ datσ a≤ ì
filσá namσá witΦ ß numeriπ extensioεá startinτá witΦá zero«á Fo≥ ì
example¼ thσ firs⌠ timσ thσ audi⌠ trai∞ i≤ enableΣ oε thσ 15tΦ oµ ì
Augus⌠ 1985¼á thσ namσ woulΣ bσ 08-15-85.000« Iµ thσ audi⌠ trai∞ ì
werσ turneΣ ofµ anΣ oε late≥ iε thσ samσ day¼ thσ filσ namσ woulΣ ì
bσ 08-15-85.001.
<D>elete user
Thσá syso≡ i≤ askeΣ fo≥ ß namσ t∩ bσ deleteΣ froφ thσ use≥á file« ì
RO╙á prompt≤ t∩ ensurσ tha⌠ thi≤ i≤ thσ actioε desireΣ anΣ iµ so¼ ì
delete≤ thσ use≥ anΣ an∙ message≤ addresseΣ froφ o≥ t∩ tha⌠ user.
<E>dit user
Thσá recorΣ oµ thσ selecteΣ use≥ i≤ displayeΣ anΣ thσá curso≥á i≤ ì
positioneΣá a⌠ thσ passworΣ field«á Iµ onl∙ ß carriagσ returε i≤ ì
entered¼ thσ fielΣ datß wil∞ bσ lef⌠ unchanged« Becausσ thσ use≥ ì
namσá i≤ useΣ a≤ thσ ke∙ t∩ thi≤ record¼á thσ syso≡ wil∞á no⌠á bσ ì
giveεá thσá opportunit∙ t∩ changσ eithe≥ thσ firs⌠ o≥á las⌠á namσ ì
fields« Thσ timσ oµ las⌠ acces≤ i≤ als∩ unchangeable.
Iεá al∞ othe≥ case≤ whicΦ requirσ thσ use≥ name¼á RO╙ expect≤á aε ì
exac⌠á matcΦá betweeε thσ character≤ entereΣ anΣ thσ namσ iεá thσ ì
file«á Iε thi≤ command¼á RO╙ i≤ somewha⌠ morσ forgivinτ anΣ wil∞ ì
finΣá thσá recorΣ whicΦ i≤ equa∞ t∩ O╥ GREATE╥ THA╬á thσá entereΣ ì
name«á Fo≥ example¼ iµ yo⌡ canno⌠ remembe≥ ho≈ Johε SmitΦ spell≤ ì
hi≤á las⌠ name¼á ente≥ 'Johε Smithº anΣ RO╙ wil∞ finΣ thσá recorΣ ì
eveε iµ Johε spell≤ hi≤ las⌠ namσ 'Smithe.º Thσ drawbacδ t∩ thi≤ ì
oµ course¼ i≤ tha⌠ i⌠ i≤ possiblσ t∩ ge⌠ thσ wronτ use≥ recorΣ iµ ì
tw∩ name≤ arσ ver∙ similar¼á s∩ bσ ver∙ carefu∞ tha⌠ yo⌡ havσ thσ ì
expecteΣ recorΣ beforσ editing.
<I>ndex rebuild
Iµá yo⌡á suspec⌠ tha⌠ eithe≥ thσ use≥ filσ o≥ it≤á inde°á ma∙á bσ ì
damaged¼á thi≤á commanΣ ma∙ bσ useΣ t∩ rebuilΣ thσ inde° filσ anΣ ì
recove≥ froφ certaiε type≤ oµ damagσ t∩ thσ use≥ datß file« Filσ ì
damagσá shoulΣá neve≥ occu≥ durinτ norma∞á operation¼á bu⌠á powe≥ ì
fluctuation≤ anΣ fault∙ disk≤ anΣ drive≤ caε causσ problems.
Durinτá executioε oµ thi≤ command¼á thσ recorΣ number¼á ßá linkeΣ ì
lis⌠ element¼á anΣ thσ use≥ name≤ arσ displayed« Fo≥ morσ infor-ì
matioεá abou⌠á thσ structurσ oµ datß file≤ wheε usinτá thσá Turb∩ ì
Toolbox¼á refe≥ t∩ thσ Turb∩ Toolbo° Referancσ Manua∞ (c⌐ BorlanΣ ì
<L>og file list
RO╙ maintain≤ ß timσ anΣ datσ stampeΣ lis⌠ oµ mos⌠ systeφá opera-ì
tions« Thi≤ commanΣ wil∞ displa∙ thi≤ list« Froφ thσ informatioε ìè
ROS v3.4 System Operation Manual page 18
containeΣá iεá thi≤ file¼á thσ syso≡ caε determinσ wha⌠á kinΣá oµ ì
activit∙á thσá systeφ i≤ beinτ useΣ for¼á wha⌠ user≤ seeφá t∩á bσ ì
havinτ problems¼ wha⌠ user≤ arσ abusinτ thei≥ privileges¼ etc.
Iµá thσá audi⌠ trai∞ i≤ turneΣ on¼á thσ loτ informatioεá wil∞á bσ ì
writteε t∩ thi≤ file.
<N>ewin file processing
RO╙á mark≤á al∞ upload≤ witΦ thσ systeφ attributσ bi⌠ t∩á preven⌠ ì
director∙ display¼ anΣ store≤ ß onσ linσ descriptioε oµ thσ file« ì
Thi≤ commanΣ allow≤ thσ syso≡ t∩ releasσ thσ filσ anΣ descriptioε ì
fo≥á acces≤ b∙ norma∞ users¼á hidσ thσ filσ anΣ descriptioεá froφ ì
norma∞ users¼á deletσ thσ descriptioε (no⌠ thσ filσ itself)¼ edi⌠ ì
thσá description«á Unti∞á thσ filσ i≤ purgeΣá (seσá Purge)¼á al∞ ì
entrie≤ ma∙ bσ freel∙ editeΣ b∙ thσ sysop.
Fo≥ example¼ wheε ß use≥ upload≤ ß filσ RO╙ wil∞ marδ thσ filσ a≤ ì
hiddeεá unti∞á thσ syso≡ ha≤ ß chancσ t∩ revie≈ thσá content≤á oµ ì
tha⌠ file«á Iµ appropriate¼á thσ syso≡ caε releasσ thσ filσá fo≥ ì
users«á A⌠ tha⌠ time¼ no⌠ onl∙ wil∞ thσ filσ bσ availablσ iε thσ ì
NEWI╬á sectioεá fo≥ downloading¼á bu⌠ thσ descriptioε entereΣá a⌠ ì
uploaΣ timσ caε bσ seeε b∙ othe≥ user≤ usinτ thσ Newiε commanΣ iε ì
thσ file≤ sub-system«á Iε additioε t∩ thσ filσ namσ anΣ descrip-ì
tioεá RO╙ display≤ thσ namσ oµ thσ individua∞ tha⌠ performeΣá thσ ì
uploaΣ anΣ thσ timσ anΣ datσ thσ operatioε wa≤ completed.
Wheε thσ filσ ha≤ 'agedº iε thσ NEWI╬ sectioεá sufficiently¼á thσ ì
deletσá commanΣ wil∞ deletσ thσ descriptioε anΣ marδ thσ filσá a≤ ì
hiddeε oncσ again« Conventiona∞ CP/═ utilitie≤ o≥ extendeΣ syso≡ ì
command≤ (describeΣ later⌐ ma∙ theε bσ useΣ t∩ movσ thσ filσ t∩ ß ì
morσ permanen⌠ filσ areß anΣ rese⌠ thσ systeφ attributσ bit.
<O> Macro Operations
Iεá additioεá t∩á beinτ ablσ t∩ reaΣ character≤ froφá eithe≥á thσ ì
keyboarΣá o≥ thσ remotσ channel¼á RO╙ caε reaΣ froφá aεá interna∞ ì
characte≥á strinτá calleΣ ß macro«á Thi≤ strinτ caε bσá useΣá t∩ ì
executσ an∙ sequencσ oµ operation≤ a≤ defineΣ b∙ thσ sysop.
Fo≥ example¼á thσ sequencσ 'TYUUA/XLRPAYTº perform≤ thσ followinτ ì
Toggle the printer on T
Yes, really do it Y
Utility sub-system entry U
User file listing of ... U
No starting name specified /
Re-enter the sysop sub-system X
List the log file L
Read the messages R
Purge ... P
Yes, really do it Y
Toggle the printer back off T
ROS v3.4 System Operation Manual page 19
Thi≤á typσ oµ operatioε i≤ typica∞ oµ tha⌠ performeΣá durinτá thσ ì
regula≥á maintenancσá oµ thσ RO╙ file≤ anΣ caε takσ somσ timσá t∩ ì
complete« Thσ abilit∙ t∩ perforφ thesσ operation≤ unattendeΣ caε ì
bσ ver∙ convenient.
Threσ command≤ arσ availablσ t∩ contro∞ thσ macr∩ operation:
áááááDispla∙ thσ content≤ oµ thσ macr∩ buffer
áááááEdi⌠ thσ macr∩ strinτ (editinτ command≤ arσ desribeΣ iεá thσ ì
ááááá User'≤ Guide)
áááááStar⌠ thσ macr∩
RO╙ i≤ stil∞ monitorinτ botΦ thσ loca∞ anΣ remotσ keyboard≤ whilσ ì
processinτá ß macr∩ s∩ thσ syso≡ caε pausσ (^S⌐ o≥ cance∞ (^C⌐á ß ì
command¼ bu⌠ macr∩ processinτ wil∞ continuσ unti∞ complete.
Sincσá ß carriagσ returε i≤ useΣ t∩ terminatσ thσ entr∙ oµ ßá ne≈ ì
macr∩á string¼á ß slasΦ (/⌐ ma∙ bσ entereΣ int∩ thσ macro«á Wheε ì
encountered¼á RO╙á wil∞á conver⌠ thi≤ characte≥ int∩á ßá carriagσ ì
<P>urge files
Thi≤á commanΣá purge≤ anΣ compresse≤ selecteΣá file≤á oµá deleteΣ ì
entries« I⌠ processe≤ fou≥ differen⌠ files¼ eacΦ selectablσ b∙ ß ì
singlσá command¼á o≥ al∞ fou≥ file≤ together«á Al∞ command≤á arσ ì
verifieΣ beforσ continuing.
Sufficien⌠á disδ spacσ mus⌠ bσ availablσ fo≥ thesσ operation≤á o≥ ì
RO╙ wil∞ repor⌠ aε erro≥ anΣ terminate«á ShoulΣ thi≤ happen¼ RO╙ ì
wil∞ automaticall∙ recove≥ froφ thσ olΣ file≤ thσ nex⌠ timσ i⌠ i≤ ì
started¼ bu⌠ extraneou≤ file≤ ma∙ bσ lef⌠ oε thσ disk.
áááááPurgσá Al∞ - Thi≤ commanΣ purge≤ al∞á fou≥á files¼á i.e«á i⌠ ì
áááááautomaticall∙ perform≤ ß purgσ oµ thσ log¼á newin¼ user¼ anΣ ì
ááááámessage≤ files.
áááááPurgσá Loτ - Thi≤ commanΣ remove≤ al∞ entrie≤ froφá thσá loτ ì
áááááPurgσá Newiεá - Thi≤á commanΣá remove≤á al∞á entrie≤á markeΣ ì
ááááá"deletedó iε thσ newiε file.
áááááPurgσ Message≤ - A≤ describeΣ iε thσ introduction¼á deletinτ ì
áááááß messagσ onl∙ mark≤ tha⌠ messagσ fo≥ delete« T∩ physicall∙ ì
áááááremovσ thσ messagσ froφ thσ disk¼á thσ messagσ file≤ mus⌠ bσ ì
áááááPurgσá User≤ - Thi≤ commanΣ delete≤ al∞ user≤ tha⌠ havσá no⌠ ì
áááááloggeΣ iε withiε thσ time≤ specifieΣ a⌠ compilσ time«á Wheε ì
áááááßá use≥ i≤ deleteΣ witΦ thi≤ command¼á RO╙ wil∞ als∩á deletσ ì
áááááan∙ message≤ sen⌠ t∩ o≥ froφ thσ user.
ROS v3.4 System Operation Manual page 20
<R>ead messages
Al∞á message≤ currentl∙ oε filσ arσ displayeΣ iε numerica∞ order« ì
Iµ thσ audi⌠ trai∞ i≤ on¼ thesσ message≤ arσ als∩ writteε t∩ tha⌠ ì
<S>ystem directory
┴ director∙ oµ al∞ file≤ iε section≤ witΦ acces≤ level≤ oµ 2░á o≥ ì
les≤á i≤ buil⌠ iε thσ LOGI╬ section«á Thi≤ director∙ caε bσ useΣ ì
b∙ remotσ user≤ t∩ speeΣ filσ downloaΣ operations.
<T>oggle printer
Thσá currentl∙á assigneΣ LS╘ devicσ i≤á alternatel∙á enableΣá anΣ ì
disabled«á T∩ preven⌠ possiblσ togglinτ whilσ remote¼á thi≤ com-ì
manΣ i≤ verifieΣ beforσ continuing.
<V>alidate user
Thi≤á commanΣá allow≤ thσ syso≡ t∩ increasσ thσ acces≤ leve∞á anΣ ì
timσ allowancσ fo≥ thσ sende≥ oµ thσ las⌠ reaΣ messagσ t∩á value≤ ì
defineΣá a⌠ compilσ time«á I⌠ i≤ generall∙ mucΦ morσá convenien⌠ ì
thaεá editinτ thσ use≥ anΣ caε bσ performeΣ froφ ß remotσ sitσ a≤ ì
wel∞ a≤ a⌠ thσ loca∞ console.
Wheε thi≤ commanΣ i≤ executed¼á RO╙ wil∞ displa∙ thσ namσ oµá thσ ì
autho≥ oµ thσ las⌠ reaΣ message« Iµ yo⌡ neeΣ t∩ validatσ anothe≥ ì
user¼á responΣá 'Nºá t∩ thσ quer∙ anΣ ente≥ thσ ful∞ namσ oµá thσ ì
individua∞ t∩ validate.
e<X>tended commands
Thi≤á commanΣ i≤ onl∙ availablσ t∩ thσ primar∙á sysop¼á i.e«á thσ ì
individua∞á witΦ aε acces≤ leve∞ oµ 255«á Tw∩á sub-command≤á arσ ì
áááááCop∙á - Thi≤á commanΣá i≤á useΣ t∩á cop∙á ßá filσá froφá thσ ì
ááááácurrentl∙á loggeΣ filσ areß t∩ anothe≥ specifieΣ filσá area« ì
áááááWheε thσ cop∙ i≤ completeΣ successfully¼ thσ systeφ wil∞ asδ ì
áááááiµ thσ sourcσ filσ shoulΣ bσ deleted.
áááááDeletσá - Thi≤á commanΣ i≤ useΣ t∩ deletσ an∙ filσ froφá thσ ì
ááááácurrentl∙á loggeΣá filσá area«á Verificatioεá i≤á requesteΣ ì
ááááábeforσ thσ actioε take≤ place.
Other commands available to the Sysop
<F>ile Transfer System
Thi≤á commanΣá cause≤ RO╙ t∩ exi⌠ thσ syso≡ sub-systeφ anΣá ente≥ ì
thσ filσ transfe≥ sub-system.
ROS v3.4 System Operation Manual page 21
<M>essage System
Thi≤á commanΣ cause≤ RO╙ t∩ exi⌠ thσ syso≡ sub-systeφá anΣá ente≥ ì
thσ messagσ sub-system.
<U>tility System
Thi≤á commanΣá cause≤ RO╙ t∩ exi⌠ thσ syso≡ sub-systeφ anΣá ente≥ ì
thσ utilit∙ sub-system.
<G>oodbye (logoff)
This command terminates the session.
Iεá additioε t∩ thσ specifiπ command≤ iε thσ syso≡ system¼á threσ ì
othe≥ command≤ havσ enhanceΣ capabilitie≤ fo≥ thσ sysop:
áááááIε thσ messagσ system¼á afte≥ readinτ ß message¼á thσá syso≡ ì
áááááwil∞á bσá giveε thσ optioε oµ alterinτ thσ messagσá areßá o≥ ì
ááááástatus of the message. The options are as follow:
Delete - mark message as deleted
Individual (private) - mark message as private
Movσ - movσ messagσ t∩ anothe≥ messagσ areß (thσ systeφ ì
will issue another prompt for the new area)
Public - mark message as publically viewable
Read - mark message as having been read
áááááIεá thσ utilit∙ system¼á afte≥ displayinτ thσ timσ anΣ date¼ ì
áááááRO╙ wil∞ allo≈ thσ syso≡ t∩ se⌠ thesσ values.
áááááWheε thσ use≥ lis⌠ i≤ requested¼ RO╙ wil∞ allo≈ thσ syso≡ t∩ ì
áááááente≥ onσ oµ fou≥ parameters║á "Aó fo≥ ß lis⌠ oµ al∞á users¼ ì
ááááá"Eóá fo≥ ß lis⌠ oµ user≤ whosσ acces≤ leve∞ o≥ timσ limi⌠ i≤ ì
áááááabovσá thσá norm¼á "Uó fo≥ ß lis⌠ oµ thσá unvalidateΣá user≤ ì
áááááonly¼á o≥á "Qóá fo≥ ß quicδ listinτ likσ tha⌠á produceΣá fo≥ ì
ááááánorma∞ users.
ROS v3.4 System Operation Manual page 22
Thσ securit∙ oµ ß compute≥ systeφ i≤ oµ paramoun⌠ importancσ wheε ì
tha⌠ systeφ i≤ readil∙ availablσ througΦ thσ telephonσ system.
T∩ makσ RO╙ robus⌠ enougΦ t∩ withstanΣ botΦ incorrec⌠ entrie≤ anΣ ì
maliciou≤á attack≤á agains⌠ thσ system¼á ß simplσá bu⌠á effectivσ ì
methoΣá i≤á used║á aε acces≤ level¼á ranginτ froφ ░á t∩á 255¼á i≤ ì
assigneΣá t∩á eacΦá use≥ witΦ systeφ privilege≤ baseΣá upoεá thi≤ ì
number«á Iεá general¼á thσ highe≥ thσ number¼á thσá greate≥á thσ ì
privilege≤ thσ use≥ has.
Thσ level≤ oµ acces≤ arσ defineΣ a≤ follows:
0-9 Twit - will be logged off immediately
10-19 Unvalidated user - limited message and files access
20-249 Normal user - full message and files access
250-254 Alternate sysops
255 Sysop
Thσ concep⌠ oµ alternatσ sysops¼ ne≈ witΦ versioε 3.4¼ allow≤ thσ ì
syso≡á t∩ ge⌠ hel≡ iε runninτ thσ systeφ withou⌠ completel∙ open-ì
inτ i⌠ up« Whilσ al∞ sysop≤ havσ acces≤ t∩ thσ syso≡ sub-system¼ ì
acces≤ leve∞ 25╡ i≤ requireΣ t∩ usσ thσ extendeΣá commands«á Thσ ì
validatσá anΣá deletσá command≤ wil∞ onl∙ operatσ oε user≤á oµá ß ì
lowe≥á acces≤ level«á Thσ edi⌠ commanΣ wil∞ operatσ oε user≤á oµ ì
thσ samσ o≥ lowe≥ acces≤ level.
Thi≤á acces≤ leve∞ structurσ allow≤ thσ primar∙ syso≡á t∩á affec⌠ ì
al∞ use≥ record≤ iε thσ system¼á includinτ hi≤ own¼ bu⌠ alternatσ ì
sysop≤á caεá neithe≥á affec⌠ no≥ vie≈ thσ recorΣ oµá thσá primar∙ ì
sysop«á Iε addition¼ sincσ thσ validatσ anΣ deletσ command≤ onl∙ ì
operatσ oε user≤ oµ ß lowe≥ acces≤ level¼á thσ hazarΣ oµá valida-ì
tinτ o≥ deletinτ oneselµ ha≤ beeε reduced.
CAUTION║ Sincσ thσ primar∙ syso≡ caε edi⌠ an∙ use≥ record¼ pleasσ ì
exercisσ carσ no⌠ t∩ lowe≥ you≥ owε acces≤ levelí Thσ onl∙ knowε ì
recover∙á froφá thi≤ actioε (iµ therσ arσ n∩ othe≥ sysop≤ a⌠á thσ ì
25╡ level⌐ woulΣ bσ t∩ usσ ß filσ za≡ utilit∙ sucΦ a≤ PATCH.COM.
ROS v3.4 System Operation Manual page 23
Wheε useΣ witΦ certaiε tex⌠ editors¼á SYSMSG.TX╘ wil∞ no⌠ contaiε ì
ß terminatinτ End-Of-Filσ marke≥ (^Z⌐ iµ thσ numbe≥ oµ character≤ ì
iεá thσ filσ i≤ EXACTL┘ ß multiplσ oµ 128«á ShoulΣ thi≤á happen¼ ì
RO╙á wil∞ no⌠ properl∙ terminatσ thσ creatioε oµ SYSMSG.BBú anΣ ß ì
disδ ful∞ erro≥ wil∞ eventuall∙ occur«á A≤ ß work-around¼ adΣ o≥ ì
deletσ onσ o≥ morσ character≤ froφ SYSMSG.TXT¼ deletσ SYSMSG.BB#¼ ì
anΣ restar⌠ ROS« Thi≤ extremσ situatioε obviousl∙ doe≤ no⌠ occu≥ ì
Iµá yo⌡á finΣ an∙ othe≥ errors¼á pleasσ leavσ ßá messagσá oεá thσ ì
Albuquerquσ RCP/═ (505)299-5974.
ROS v3.4 System Operation Manual page 24
Note≤ t∩ user≤ oµ RO╙ 2.5:
IncludeΣ iε thσ librar∙ i≤ ß filσ calleΣ ROS2-30.PAS« Iµ yo⌡ arσ ì
alread∙á runninτá RO╙ 2.5¼á thi≤ filσ mus⌠ bσ useΣ t∩ updatσá thσ ì
use≥á filσá s∩ tha⌠ i⌠ wil∞ reflec⌠ thσ change≤ madσá iεá versioε ì
3.0«á Thi≤ prograφ operate≤ directl∙ oε thσ USERDAT.BBú file¼ s∩ ì
iµ yo⌡ intenΣ t∩ returε t∩ RO╙ 2.╡ fo≥ an∙ reason¼á savσ thσ use≥ ì
filσ first.
Note≤ t∩ user≤ oµ RO╙ 3.░ anΣ 3.1:
IncludeΣ iε thσ librar∙ i≤ ß filσ calleΣ ROS31-32.PAS« Thi≤ filσ ì
mus⌠ bσ useΣ t∩ updatσ thσ messagσ summar∙ filσ t∩ thσ ne≈ forma⌠ ì
whicΦá include≤ ß bytσ t∩ indicatσ thσ messagσ areß oµá thσá mes-ì
sage« Thi≤ prograφ operate≤ directl∙ oε thσ SUMMARY.BBú file¼ s∩ ì
iµá yo⌡ intenΣ t∩ returε t∩ RO╙ 3.░ o≥ 3.▒ fo≥ an∙á reason¼á savσ ì
thσ messagσ summar∙ filσ first.
Notes to users of ROS 3.2 and 3.3:
IncludeΣ iε thσ librar∙ i≤ ß filσ calleΣ ROS33-34.PAS« Thi≤ filσ ì
mus⌠á bσ useΣ t∩ updatσ severa∞ oµ thσ file≤ t∩ ne≈ formats«á T∩ ì
ruε thσ program¼ ente≥ thσ Turb∩ Pasca∞ compile≥ anΣ typσ "Ró fo≥ ì
thσ ruε command«á Thσ compile≥ wil∞ asδ fo≥ ß filσ name«á Ente≥ ì
"ROS33-34"«á Afte≥ thσ prograφ i≤ compiled¼á i⌠ wil∞ conver⌠ thσ ì
olΣ datß file≤ int∩ thσ ne≈ formats«á Thσ ne≈ file≤ wil∞ havσá ß ì
".BB#óá filσ extensioε anΣ thσ origina∞ file≤ wil∞ havσ ßá ".BAKó ì
extension« Oncσ satisifieΣ tha⌠ thσ ne≈ file≤ operatσ correctly¼ ì
thσá origina∞ file≤ ma∙ bσ deleted«á ROS33-3┤ shoulΣ onl∙ bσ ruε ì
once« Aε attemp⌠ t∩ ruε thσ prograφ agains⌠ thσ ne≈ forma⌠ file≤ ì
wil∞ resul⌠ iε erro≥ messages¼ bu⌠ n∩ othe≥ actioε wil∞ bσ taken.
ROS v3.4 System Operation Manual page 25