Text File
43 lines
ACCTS is a Turbo Pascal program for keeping accounts of home expenses
and incomes. The use of overlays has allowed the number of records to be
stretched to the maximum that the limited capacity of a Microbee CIAB's
memory can support. Thus the constant MaxRec has been set to 720, but of
course this constant can be changed to accomodate 128K Microbees.
The Search facility is very fast and allows records to be retrieved
by date, amount, description or cheque number. When searching or changing
records, the entries with the relevant characteristic (e.g. date) will be
displayed on the screen with a progressive number appended to them, so
that the user can indicate which record he wishes to change.
As records are entered, they are automatically sorted by date. At any
time during the running of the program it is possible to list to screen or
to a printer the ledger arranged by accounts or by date, or to list a
single account or the accounts' balance. Just follow the prompts that
appear on the screen.
There is a certain amount of validation on the dates entered (the
day entry cannot exceed the length of a particular month, the month entry
cannot be less than one or more than 12, the year cannot be less than 86),
but no allowance has been made for leap years, in order to contain as much
as possible the length of the code.
The limitation imposed by the number of records (still ample in my
opinion for home use of the program) could be perhaps circumvented by
retaining in memory only a linked list of record numbers, that could be
rearranged easily when sorting, but I think the access time required to
say list all records would be too much of an overhead. Nevertheless I
would be interested in any mods to the program along these lines.
I have been using the program for a while, and I think I have ironed
out the (numerous) bugs that were present initially. Howvever, as anybody
knows, there is not such a thing as a bug-free program; I would be
grateful for any comments and corrections arising out of use of the
Max Care
Ph (02) 9381396 a.h.