Text File
1,108 lines
Club Notes
- The August Meeting ............................ 3
- Modem Muddles as Thumbs visits the AMUG BBS ... 10
- Comment those programs ........................ 2
- Some good software out there .................. 2
- Basic and Boolean Variables ................... 6
Dsk - More Flashprint review ........................ 16
All - Lores program ................................. 15
All - Parallel printer problems Poked About ......... 9
Dsk - The microbee rebuild (2) will appear next month
Dsk - Warm Boot Problems and the CIAB ............... 14
All - Viatel Modifications .......................... 4
Hive Help
All - Any problems - ask Dorithy Disk ............... 5
Program Listings
- Microworld Basic - Clearing part of a screen .. 4
- Microworld Basic - The Wonder of Hyperspace ... 15
Trading Place
- See club notes re printer buffer .............. 3
Dsk - Program copying using CP.COM .................. 4
Dsk - More Flashprint review ........................ 16
* *
* *
* *
* *
* *
* ------MONTHLY MEETING------ *
* Unley Senior Citizens Hall *
* 18 Arthur Street, Unley *
* Third Monday of the Month *
* From 7:30 - 10:00 *
Copyrigh⌠á (c)«á Al∞á materia∞á publisheΣá iε thi≤ journa∞á i≤á subjec⌠á t∩
Australiaεá anΣ internationa∞ copyrigh⌠ law«á However¼á limiteΣ copyinτá oµ
individua∞ article≤ i≤ permitteΣ provideΣ acknowledgemen⌠ oµ thσ autho≥ anΣ
MICROBE┼ NEW╙ i≤ made.
**¬ DISCLAIME╥ ***
Thσ MicroBeσ User≤ Grou≡ oµ S.A« (MUGSA)¼ it≤ officials¼ thσ edito≥ anΣ thσ
contributinτá author≤á oµ thσ MicroBeσ New≤ d∩ no⌠ expres≤á no≥á impl∙á an∙
warrant∙á o≥á liabilit∙á witΦá respec⌠ t∩ softwarσ o≥á hardwarσá anΣá thei≥
modification≤ whicΦ ma∙ bσ publisheΣ iε thi≤ journa∞ o≥ othe≥á publication≤
oµ MUGSA¼ o≥ describeΣ a⌠ an∙ officia∞ o≥ unofficia∞ meetinτ oµ MUGSA.
**¬ COMMITTE┼ **¬
Chairmaε -Brian Petersson.2502800(H⌐ V/Chairman -Colin Mercer. 2703563(H)
Secretar∙ -RicharΣ Jackson.2948591(H⌐ Editor -Mal Watt. 2931890(H⌐
Treasurer -Brian Uren. 2605038(H⌐ Member -Kris Sieben. 2651374(H)
Member -Fred Brunings. 2641798(H) Member -Robin Moseby. 424642(H)
*****¬ PLEAS┼ RESTRIC╘ AFTE╥ HOUR╙ CALL╙ T╧ BETWEE╬ 7.3░ - 8.3░ p.m« ******
EDITORIAL..........................................................Mal Watt
ááááááááááááWelcomσá t∩á anothe≥ issuσ oµ thσá newsletter«á Thσá newslette≥
áááááááááááái≤á stil∞ iε desperatσ neeΣ oµ contributions¼á s∩á pleasσá takσ
áááááááááááátimσá thi≤á montΦ t∩ tr∙ ou⌠ you≥ worΣ processo≥ o≥ edito≥á anΣ
ááááááááááááge⌠ something into print.
┴á mentioε abou⌠ telephoninτ committeσ member≤ - ╔ dra≈ you≥ attentioεá t∩
thσá restriction≤ above«á Certainl∙ you≥ edito≥ woulΣ prefe≥ tha⌠ yo⌡á diΣ
no⌠ telephonσ beforσ 7:3░ pφ o≥ afte≥ 10pm« Thi≤ i≤ printeΣ iε ever∙ issue¼
bu⌠ ╔ stil∞ seeφ t∩ ge⌠ quitσ ß fe≈ beforσ tha⌠ time«á Speakinτ fo≥ myself¼
oε weekend≤ yo⌡ caε tr∙ you≥ lucδ durinτ an∙ civilizeΣ time.
Tw∩á cleve≥á Basiπá program≤á havσ beeε receiveΣá fo≥á publicatioεá iεá thσ
newslette≥ anΣ the∙ indicatσ tha⌠ therσ reall∙ i≤ somσ gooΣ worδ beinτ donσ
ou⌠á there«á Thesσ program≤ werσ writteε a≤ aε aiΣ t∩ ß hobb∙ anΣ shoulΣ bσ
oµá benefi⌠á t∩á quitσ ß fe≈ people«á Onσ illustrate≤á anΣá calculate≤á thσ
function≤ oµ thσ LM55╡ (aε integrateΣ circuit⌐ witΦ graphics«á Thσ othe≥ i≤
aε aiΣ t∩ rescalinτ plan≤ (fo≥ instance¼ mode∞ aircraf⌠ plans⌐ anΣ contain≤
aε excellen⌠ tutorial¼ agaiε witΦ graphics. They will be published soon.
Thσá Edito≥á receiveΣ ß commen⌠ a⌠ thσ las⌠ meetinτ tha⌠ thσá Tapσá librar∙
doe≤á no⌠á seeφá t∩á bσ increasing«á I⌠ wil∞á onl∙á increasσá b∙á thσá kinΣ
contribution≤á oµá thσ cluΓ members«á Program≤ appearinτ iε thσá Newslette≥
wil∞á bσá addeΣ t∩ thσ librar∙ oµ course«á S∩ pleasσ senΣ thosσ .MWB'≤áin.
ááááááááááááThσá Edito≥á i≤ pleaseΣ t∩ receivσ article≤ a⌠ eacΦ meetinτá o≥
ááááááááááááviß MODE═ oε (08⌐ 29│ 189░ (afte≥ hours)« Article≤ shoulΣ bσ oε
ááááááááááááTAP┼á (30░á baud⌐ o≥ 5ó FLOPP┘ (thougΦ wσ ma∙ bσ ablσá t∩á cop∙
áááááááááááá3.5ó file≤ t∩ 5ó a⌠ thσ meeting)« Sourcσ file≤ caε bσ Wordstar¼
ááááááááááááWordbee¼á Basic¼á Edasm¼ o≥ an∙ ASCI╔ filσ thσ Editor'≤ editor≤
áááááááááááácaε copσ with.
Here is a request from a reader:
Anybod∙á wh∩ write≤ program≤ fo≥ MicroBeσ New≤á iεá assembler¼á pleasσ
don'⌠ leavσ anythinτ t∩ thσ imagination« Iε particula≥ thσ 'endº statement≤
etπ etπ anΣ morσ detai∞ oµ ho≈ anΣ wherσ t∩ assemble¼á anΣ run¼ anΣ whethe≥
i⌠ shoulΣ bσ fo≥ .MW┬ o≥ CP═ format«á [Iµ onl∙ someonσ wouldíá Wσ havσ no⌠
receiveΣ an∙ Assemble≥ program≤ t∩ publisΦ apar⌠ froφ las⌠ month≤ - ed.] []è
CLUB NOTES.................................................................
[] The AUGUST meeting.
Sincσ Ros≤ i≤ no≈ overseas¼á RicharΣ Jacksoε tooδ thσ microphone¼á bu⌠
pointeΣá ou⌠á wσá arσ stil∞ lookinτ fo≥ someonσ fo≥ thσá rolσá oµá MC«á AN┘
Anothe≥á grou≡ bookinτ oµ Flashprin⌠ wa≤ taken¼á anΣ order≤ (somσá 17⌐
werσá takeεá fo≥ Beσ Artistic«á A≤ explaineΣ iε ß prio≥á newsletter¼á grou≡
order≤á arσ no≈ onl∙ takeε fo≥ thσ weeδ followinτ thei≥ announcemen⌠á a⌠á ß
meeting¼ anΣ iµ enougΦ order≤ (witΦ thσ money⌐ i≤ no⌠ receiveΣ iε timσ theε
thσ orde≥ i≤ no⌠ placeΣ anΣ thσ mone∙ returned«
Ton∙ Ridout¼ thσ librariaε fo≥ thσ pape≥ librar∙ pointeΣ ou⌠ tha⌠ somσ
book≤ arσ wel∞ overduσ (esp«á Firs⌠ Step≤ Iε Programming)«á Givσ everyonσ ß
g∩á b∙á returninτá borrowing≤ oε time«á Therσ arσ no≈ abou⌠á 6░á book≤á anΣ
newsletter≤á iε thσ Library«á Ou≥ cluΓ likσ most¼ásubscribe≤ t∩ othe≥á use≥
group'≤á newsletter≤á anΣá thesσ arσ placeΣ iε thσ librar∙ alonτá witΦá thσ
variou≤ manual≤ anΣ magazines.
Thσ cluΓ sho≡ wa≤ opeε a≤ usual¼á sellinτ printe≥ ribbons¼á copie≤á oµ
thσá tapσ librar∙ software¼á disk≤ oµ CP/═ publiπ domain¼á anΣ ß variet∙ oµ
othe≥ item≤ a⌠ substantia∞ saving≤ t∩ members.
Coffeσ (fo≥ ß smal∞ price⌐ wa≤ available¼ a≤ i⌠ i≤ a⌠ eacΦ meeting.
Therσá wa≤á thσ usua∞ probleφ solvinτá session¼á witΦá request≤á abou⌠
screeε dumps¼á aut∩ startinτ basic¼ anΣ somσ Basiπ prograφ problems« Iµ yo⌡
discove≥á thσ answe≥ t∩ ß probleφ afte≥ thσ meeting¼á pleasσ pas≤ i⌠ oεá t∩
thσ Edito≥ wh∩ wil∞ prin⌠ i⌠ iε thσ Hivσ Hel≡ column.
Theεá therσ wa≤ ß talδ froφ RicharΣ (AMUG) Newcomσ abou⌠ anythinτá bu⌠
microbees«á Anothe≥ chap¼ Johε Ross¼ als∩ talkeΣ abou⌠ ß 16bi⌠ machinσ tha⌠
hσ (likσ Richard⌐ haΣ brough⌠ alonτ anΣ pu⌠ oε display« Johε als∩ announceΣ
ß 64δ printe≥ buffe≥ tha⌠ caε bσ cascadeΣ t∩ providσ 128k¼á iε ki⌠ forφ anΣ
haΣá aεá assembleΣá onσá oε display«á Thσ ki⌠ (iεá shor⌠á form⌐á i≤á $37.9░
includinτ thσ board¼ácrystal¼áanΣ manual« Checδ witΦ J.R« COMPUTER╙ oε
4╡ 982░ fo≥ furthe≥ anΣ morσ accuratσ details.
M≥á Grotniδ Softwarσ tolΣ u≤ al∞ tha⌠ hσ no≈ provide≤ hi≤ softwarσá oε
Roφ a≤ wel∞ a≤ flopp∙ anΣ CIA┬ disks¼á anΣ tha⌠ thσ game≤ ruε oε al∞ model≤
oµá thσá bee«á Hσ als∩ announceΣ anothe≥ softwarσá diversion¼á easie≥á thaε
Grotniδ War≤ anΣ Bunyi≡ Adventurσ t∩ pla∙ anΣ learn¼á bu⌠ stil∞ challenginτ
wσ werσ told¼ calleΣ "Flip"«
Apar⌠áá froφá that¼áá therσá werσá ßá fe≈á machine≤á arounΣá thσá hal∞
demonstratinτá somσ softwarσ fo≥ tapσ anΣ disδ systems«á Beσá Artistiπá wa≤
one¼ anΣ AdvanceΣ Math≤ Master.
[▌á Abou⌠á thosσ Flashprin⌠ anΣ BeeArtistiπ orders«á
Wσá hopσá t∩ havσ theφ availablσ a⌠ thσ Septembe≥ meeting«á Fo≥á thosσ
peoplσ wh∩ placeΣ order≤ anΣ havσ ß Compute≥ Iε ┴ Booδ system¼á brinτ alonτ
aεá INITIALISE─á 3.5óá diskettσ anΣ wσ wil∞ cop∙á thσá softwarσá froφá you≥
purchaseΣ flopp∙ ont∩ you≥ initialiseΣ diskette«á Sellinτ you≥ flopp∙ afte≥
takinτá thσá cop∙á i≤ pirating¼á anΣ thσ cluΓ i≤á completel∙á agains⌠á thi≤
activityí []è
VIATE╠ MODIFICATIONS............................................Micδ Conole
Ha≤á anybod∙ donσ mod≤ t∩ ß 300bΣ A.╘ modeφ t∩ upgradσ t∩ 1200/7╡á fo≥
Viate∞ access┐á Wel∞ ╔ did¼á afte≥ gatherinτ al∞ necessar∙ components«á Thσ
firs⌠á ste≡á wa≤ t∩ removσ thσ AM791░ chi≡ froφ it≤ socke⌠ s∩á tha⌠á durinτ
alteration≤ t∩ thσ circuit'≤ boarΣ tracks¼ i⌠ woulΣ no⌠ bσ damaged.
Wel∞á durinτá thi≤ simplσ operatioε oµ removinτ thσ chi≡á froφá it≤á socke⌠
withou⌠á aε I├ extractioε tool¼á anΣ witΦ n∩ rooφ t∩ ge⌠ a⌠ it¼á ou⌠ poppeΣ
thσ chi≡ witΦ al∞ ben⌠ pins« Consequentl∙ oε straighteninτ theφ u≡ -- minu≤
▓ pins.
Onσá weeδá later¼á anΣá les≤á aε extrßá $70¼á thσá mod≤á werσá finall∙
completed«á Quitσá ß chea≡ modificationíá Havinτ go⌠ thi≤ fa≥ ╔ ho⌠á footeΣ
int∩ A.T« t∩ havσ thσ Viate∞ mod≤ donσ t∩ m∙ computer« Whilσ thi≤ wa≤ beinτ
carrieΣá ou⌠ ╔ askeΣ iµ ╔ coulΣ tes⌠ m∙ modeφ oε A.T.'≤ Viate∞á access╗á i⌠
Thσ followinτ day¼á ╔ connecteΣ u≡ m∙ systeφ anΣ turneΣ i⌠ oε t∩á finΣ
t∩á m∙ disma∙ tha⌠ ╔ coulΣ no⌠ ge⌠ an∙ outpu⌠ t∩ thσ monitor«á Bacδ t∩á thσ
A.T«á sho≡á wherσá ß ver∙ apologetiπ techniciaε discovereΣ ßá missinτá wirσ
Thσ systeφ no≈ work≤ great« Havinτ beeε iε thσ electronic≤ tradσ previousl∙
╔ caε full∙ understanΣ hi≤ embarrassment. []
PROGRA═ COPYIN╟ USIN╟ CP.COM....................................Micδ Conole
Iµá yo⌡á wisΦ t∩ cop∙ program≤ froφ onσ disδ t∩ anothe≥á usinτá CP.CO═
theε don'⌠ d∩ wha⌠ ╔ diΣ oε onσ occasioε whilσ backinτ u≡ software.
Durinτá copyinτá oµ │ file≤ froφ disδ 'Aº t∩ 'B'¼á ╔ forgo⌠ t∩á nominatσá ß
destinatioε drivσ a⌠ thσ enΣ oµ thσ command« Hencσ afte≥ hittinτ <RETURN╛ ╔
theεá haΣ ▒ filσ witΦ ▓ differen⌠ names«á Consequentl∙ thσ file≤ werσ los⌠
forever«á Well¼á nearl∙á foreve≥ - abou⌠ ß weeδ late≥ ╔ manageΣá t∩á obtaiε
anothe≥ se⌠ oµ whicΦ ╔ havσ madσ man∙ copies.
╔á gues≤á everybod∙á ha≤á donσ thi≤ a⌠ somσá stage¼á o≥á eraseΣá file≤
forever« Iµ no⌠ theε yo⌡ probabl∙ don'⌠ usσ you≥ compute≥ system. []
MICROWORLD BASIC - Partial screen clearing.................................
00100 REM :clear screen from curs location for a number of bytes (B)
00110 REM :Thanks to Bob Denton (The Catcher v2 n5 Feb 1984)
00120 L=7000: C=0 :REM relocatable location for machine code routine
00130 GOSUB 170 :REM poke routine to address in L
0014░ CUR╙ 10,1░ :B=12╕ :GOSU┬ 200║á RE═ E.G« Clea≥ 12╕ byte≤ froφ position
00150 END : REM 10,10 on the screen
00160 DATA 42,11,01,229,209,54,32,19,237,176,201,-1,1211
00170 READ A: IF NOT A THEN POKE L+C,A :B=B+A :C=C+1 :GOTO 170
00180 READ A: IF B <> A THEN PRINT "checksum error in DATA":STOP
00190 RETURN
00200 USR (L,B)
00210 RETURN :REM last line []è
HIVE HELP......................................................Dorithy Disk
áááááááááááááááOncσáá agaiεáá thi≤á columεá offer≤á member≤á ßá methoΣáá oµ
ááááááááááááááácommunicatinτ question≤ anΣ hopefull∙ answers«á╔ noticσ tha⌠
áááááááááááááááman∙á peoplσá seeφ t∩ solvσ thei≥ problem≤ b∙á askinτá othe≥
ááááááááááááááámember≤á oµ thσ cluΓ (whicΦ i≤ wha⌠ thσ club≤ i≤ al∞á about⌐
áááááááááááááááanΣ i⌠ woulΣ bσ gooΣ t∩ bσ ablσ t∩ publisΦ thσ question≤ anΣ
áááááááááááááááanswers« S∩ pleasσ senΣ theφ in - for tape or disk systems.
[] Answer to Dear *.* (from August Hive Help),
Thσá MERG┼ commanΣ iε MicroSof⌠ Basiπ expect≤ you≥ filσ t∩ bσ SAVEΣ iε
ASCI╔ format: SAVE "file",A
And it really works, according to p. 73 of the "Reference Manual".
[] Re« Onlinσ Prograφ error«
Iε thσ Ma∙ issuσ oµ Onlinσ aε articlσ wa≤ writteε oε ß prograφ t∩ lis⌠
ß FILENAME.MW┬ disδ filσ t∩ ß printe≥ whilσ workinτ witΦ ß basiπ prograφ iε
memory« Wel∞ i⌠ (thσ assembl∙ program⌐ diΣ no⌠ work.
Thσá basiπá versioε workeΣ OK«á Therσ wa≤ aε erro≥ iε thσ prograφá wherσá ▓
statement≤ werσ overwritteε oε thσ samσ line«á ╔ stil∞ can'⌠ worδ ou⌠ whicΦ
i≤á thσá correc⌠á statement«á Caε anyonσ help┐á Iµ no⌠ ╔ hopσ i⌠á wil∞á bσ
correcteΣ iε ß late≥ issue« - Micδ Conole
[] Re« Assembly Language.
╔á havσ beeε ß keeε use≥ oµ ß 64╦ AP├ twiε disδ systeφ fo≥ thσ pas⌠ 1▓
months¼ anΣ prio≥ t∩ thi≤ ß use≥ oµ ß 32╦ tapσ baseΣ system.
U≡ t∩ now¼á ╔ havσ spen⌠ man∙ hour≤ oε m∙ own¼á sweatinτ ove≥ problem≤
oµá ho≈ t∩ usσ thσ variou≤ utilitie≤ anΣ program≤ provided«á MucΦ hel≡á ha≤
beeε giveε froφ RicharΣ Jacksoε anΣ othe≥ member≤ wh∩ havσ kindl∙á provideΣ
thσá timσ t∩ hel≡ solvσ mos⌠ oµ m∙ problems«á A≤ ╔ aφ onσ wh∩ like≤ t∩ kno≈
al∞á thσá in≤á anΣá out≤ oµ thσ system¼á i⌠ ha≤á beeεá ßá ver∙á frustratinτ
experience¼á duσá t∩á no⌠á havinτ an∙ previou≤ knowledgσá oµá computer≤á o≥
compute≥ language.
Mos⌠ difficultie≤ havσ beeε oµ coursσ witΦ assembl∙ languagσ programs¼
bu⌠á witΦ hel≡ ╔ havσ slowl∙ beguε t∩ understanΣ briefl∙ wha⌠á thσá expert≤
arσ talkinτ about.
╔á havσá takeεá mucΦ interes⌠ iε thσ CP═ ADVANCE─á sectioεá oµá Onlinσ
magazine¼á anΣá yo⌡ caε gues≤ thσ problem≤ I'vσ encountered¼á bu⌠ s∩ fa≥á ╔
havσá successfull∙á manageΣ t∩ write/assemblσ anΣ eveε ruε thσá 'Directoryº
prograφ t∩ date«á AlthougΦ therσ havσ beeε somσ error≤ tha⌠ havσ crep⌠ int∩
thσá presenteΣá programs¼á thσ autho≥ ha≤ fixeΣ thσ bug≤ iεá thσá followinτ
issues«á ╔á havσ founΣ tha⌠ thσ explanation≤ oµ thσ update≤ anΣá mod≤á havσ
beeεá fairl∙ vaguσ t∩ mσ anΣ ╔ havσ haΣ t∩ reaΣ thσ change≤ man∙ time≤ ove≥
t∩ ge⌠ thσ message« I'φ surσ tha⌠ thσ presentatioε oµ thσ program≤ arσ wel∞
documenteΣá bu⌠ fo≥ someonσ wh∩ i≤ no⌠ u≡ witΦ assembl∙ programminτá i⌠á i≤
difficult« Fo≥ instancσ i⌠ tooδ mσ abou⌠ │ week≤ t∩ ge⌠ thσ curso≥ movemen⌠
routine≤ t∩ work.
Obviousl∙á therσ mus⌠ bσ othe≥ enthusiast≤ ou⌠ therσ wh∩á havσá takeε
thσ opportunit∙ t∩ writσ thσ program≤ froφ CP═ Advanced«á Iµ so¼ ╔ woulΣ bσ
gratefu∞ t∩ hea≥ froφ you¼ anΣ whethe≥ yo⌡ haΣ an∙ problems« - Micδ Conole« è
MICROWORLD BASIC - BOOLEAN OPERATORS ..............................Mal Watt
Availablσ fo≥ usσ iε thi≤ basiπ (a≤ iε most⌐ i≤ thσ abilit∙ t∩ usσ thσ
booleaεá operator≤á t∩á alte≥ numeriπ values«á Thi≤ i≤á ßá commoεá tasδá iε
Assemble≥ anΣ caε bσ usefu∞ iε basic«
Thσá terφ 'booleanº (o≥ 'booleaε algebra'⌐ derive≤ it'≤ namσ froφ thσá 19tΦ
centur∙á mathematiciaεá Georgσá Boole«á Hσá describeΣá thσá systeφá iεá tw∩
document≤á publisheΣá iε thσ miΣ 1800's¼á notabl∙ ß documen⌠ entitleΣá 'Thσ
Law≤á Oµ Thought'«á Iε thi≤ forφ oµ algebrß a≤ applieΣ t∩á computing¼á thσ
value≤á oµá variable≤ (o≥ statements⌐ arσ simplifieΣ t∩á thσá tw∩á possiblσ
trutΦ values¼ tha⌠ i≤ 'trueº o≥ 'false'« Thesσ value≤ caε bσ representeΣ b∙
▒ anΣ ░ (o≥ oε anΣ off)«á Thσ numberinτ systeφ oµ basσ 2¼ knowε a≤ 'binaryº
i≤á als∩á useΣá iεá computer≤ fo≥ thi≤ reason¼á becausσ an∙á valuσá caεá bσ
representeΣ b∙ ß serie≤ oµ 1'≤ anΣ 0's«
Therσá arσ fou≥ basiπ booleaε operations║á AND¼á O╥ (o≥ Inclusivσ OR)¼
NOT¼á anΣ XO╥ (o≥ exclusivσ OR)«á Thσ XO╥ i≤ no⌠ implementeΣ iεá MicroworlΣ
Basic¼á bu⌠á i≤á iε Microsoft«á T∩ describσ thσ actioε oµá thesσá operator≤
'trutΦ tablesº arσ generall∙ drawε anΣ thi≤ articlσ i≤ n∩ exception.
┴ trutΦ tablσ contain≤ al∞ thσ possiblσ result≤ afte≥ applyinτ thσ 'booleaε
operatorº t∩ thσ variou≤ combination≤ oµ thσ 'operands'« Iε thesσ examples¼
▒ represent≤ thσ truσ state¼á anΣ ░ thσ false« Iε thesσ table≤ thσ operand≤
arσá singlσá 'bitº (binar∙ digit⌐ numbers¼á thereforσ therσ arσá onl∙á fou≥
operand≤áresul⌠á operand≤ resul⌠ operand≤ resul⌠á operand result
p q r p q r p q r q r
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0
1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
Thus to get a 'true' or '1':
AND : Both operands must be true
OR : Any operand (or both) can be true
XOR : Only one operand is true
Yo⌡á wil∞á noticσá tha⌠ thσ NO╘ simpl∙ flip≤ thσ valuσá t∩á it'≤á opposite«
Construct≤á sucΦá a≤á NO╘á AN─ (abbreviateΣ t∩ NAND⌐ anΣá thσá NO╥á caεá bσ
created« WitΦ these¼ simpl∙ resolvσ thσ AN─ o≥ thσ O╥ theε fli≡ thσ result.
Iµá yo⌡ werσ t∩ looδ iε ß IntegrateΣ Circui⌠ specification≤ book¼á yo⌡
woulΣá seσ man∙ sucΦ trutΦ table≤ describinτ thσ statσ oµ thσá outpu⌠á pin≤
(connectors⌐á resultinτá froφ thσ permutation≤ oε thσ inpu⌠ pins¼á a≤á man∙
'chipsºá arσá designeΣ specificall∙ t∩ carr∙ ou⌠á booleaεá algebra«á Thesσ
chip≤á contaiεá smal∞á group≤ oµ transistor-likσ element≤á knowεá a≤á logiπ
'gatesºá tha⌠á perforφá thσ booleaε algebra«á Aε examplσá i≤á ßá chi≡á tha⌠
contain≤á aεá AN─á gatσ witΦ tw∩ inpu⌠ wire≤ anΣ onσ outpu⌠á wire╗á iµá thσ
curren⌠ iε botΦ thσ incominτ wire≤ werσ positivσ theε s∩ woulΣ thσá curren⌠
oε thσ outpu⌠ wire.
Iε fact¼á thσ centra∞ processinτ uni⌠ oµ ß compute≥ (thσ Z8░ microprocesso≥
chi≡ iε thσ microbee⌐ contain≤ man∙ gate≤ anΣ i≤ describeΣ a≤ includinτá aε
'arithmetiπ unitº wherσ iε fac⌠ thσ uni⌠ referreΣ t∩ i≤ als∩ ß logiπ unit.è
Bu⌠á bacδ t∩ Basics«á Ho≈ caε thσ abovσ knowledgσ bσ pu⌠ t∩ practica∞á use┐
Le⌠ u≤ looδ a⌠ somσ applications«
Thσ Basiπ routinσ belo≈ ensure≤ tha⌠ ß lette≥ entereΣ iε eithe≥á lowe≥
o≥á uppe≥ casσ i≤ converteΣ t∩ uppe≥ casσ (wheε wσ looδ a⌠ thσ AN─ wσá wil∞
seσá ye⌠ anothe≥ way)«á Linσ 13░ doe≤ thi≤ b∙ usinτ thσ knowledgσ tha⌠á thσ
lowe≥á casσá character≤ arσ 3▓ position≤ late≥ iε thσ ASCI╔á sequencσá thaε
thei≥á uppercasσ equivalent≤ ("Aó i≤ 65¼á "aó i≤ 65+3▓ ╜ 97)«á Firstl∙ thσ
lette≥á i≤ madσ lowercasσ b∙ ORinτ it'≤ ASCI╔ valuσ witΦ 32«á Thi≤á ensure≤
tha⌠ thσ ASCI╔ valuσ i≤ iε thσ rangσ oµ lowercasσ characters¼ a≤ ╔ hopσ caε
bσ bes⌠ seeε froφ thσ followinτ trutΦ tables:
Ex 1. 65 OR 32 = 97 Ex 2. 97 OR 32 = 97
-----one byte------- -------one byte-----
12╕ 6┤ 3▓ 1╢ 8 ┤ ▓ 1 12╕ 6┤ 3▓ 1╢ ╕ ┤ ▓ 1
p = 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 = 65 "A" 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 = 97 "a"
q = 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 = 32 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 = 32
r = 0 ▒ ▒ ░ ░ ░ ░ ▒ ╜ 9╖ "a" 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 = 97 "a"
Thσá abovσ illustrate≤ tha⌠ thσ O╥ turn≤ oε ß bi⌠ (o≥ 1⌐ iε thσá resul⌠á iµ
an∙á bi⌠á i≤ oε (o≥ 1⌐ iε thσ thσ samσ column«á BotΦ givσ 9╖ a≤á thσá fina∞
value«á Iµ wσ theε subtrac⌠ 3▓ (i.σ turε ofµ thσ ▒ iε thσ 3▓ column⌐ wσ enΣ
u≡ iε botΦ case≤ witΦ onσ case¼ puε intended« Subtractinτ 3▓ give≤ thσ samσ
resul⌠ a≤ woulΣ aε XO╥ 3▓ (iε thi≤ particula≥ example)¼á bu⌠ thσ XO╥ i≤ no⌠
recogniseΣ iε beσ basiπ a≤ mentioned earlier.
00100 PRINT "Type any letter, UPPER or lower case: ";
00110 A1$ = KEY$ : IF A1$="" THEN 110
00120 A=ASC(A1$): PRINT A1$;
00130 A=(A OR 32) -32 : REM convert to UPPER case ASCII value
00140 PRINT CHR$(A)
00150 GOTO 100 : REM Use the BREAK key to stop looping
Yo⌡á ma∙ bσ awarσ tha⌠ iε basiπ insteaΣ oµ 'I╞ ┴ ╛ ┬ THE╬á .....ºá onσ
coulΣá writσá aεá expressioεá 'I╞ ├ THE╬ .......'«á Iµ ├á ╜á -▒á theεá thσ
expressioε i≤ truσ anΣ thσ ........« statement≤ arσ executeΣ next¼ iµ ├ ╜ ░
theε i⌠ i≤ falsσ anΣ thσ ELS┼ patΦ (iµ present⌐ i≤ taken«
S∩ wherσ thσ samσ tes⌠ i≤ ofteε executeΣ i⌠ i≤ faste≥ iµ i⌠ i≤ written:
C = (A>B)
FOR I = 1 TO 10000 : REM for example!
IF C THEN ..... ELSE ..... :REM instead of IF A>B THEN ..ELSE..
Notσ tha⌠ ├ ╜ (A>B⌐ i≤ identica∞ t∩ I╞ ┴ ╛ ┬ THE╬ LE╘ C╜ -▒ ELS┼ LE╘ C╜á ░
bu⌠á m∙á dea≥á readers¼á doe≤ i⌠ no⌠ savσ mucΦá typingíá Thσá bracket≤á arσ
required and only integer variables can be used to hold the result.
Actuall∙á an∙á positivσá o≥ zer∩ valuσ iε ├ i≤ considereΣá False¼á anΣá an∙
negativσ valuσ i≤ Truσ (iε MicroworlΣ basic¼á thougΦ iε Microsof⌠ onl∙ zer∩
i≤á False)«á Thσ reasoε -▒ make≤ ß nicσ Truσ valuσ i≤ tha⌠ al∞ thσ bit≤á iε
thσ byte(s⌐ holdinτ thσ -▒ valuσ arσ on¼á tha⌠ is¼á 1«á Thi≤ i≤ ß resul⌠ oµ
thσ wa∙ negativσ number≤ arσ representeΣ iε memory«á Al∞ thσ bit≤ iε ß zer∩
valuσ arσ off¼ whicΦ make≤ ß nicσ Falsσ value. >>è
Sincσá integer≤á arσá helΣá iε tw∩ byte≤ oµ memor∙á witΦá thσá highes⌠á bi⌠
indicatinτ thσ sigε oµ thσ numbe≥ (ß ▒ iµ thσ numbe≥ i≤ negative⌐ s∩ i⌠á i≤
reall∙ onl∙ thi≤ bi⌠ tha⌠ i≤ importan⌠ iε I╞ statements¼á thu≤ an∙ negativσ
intege≥á caε meaε true«á Bu⌠ le⌠ u≤ sta∙ witΦ thσ nicσ value≤ (s∩ thσ logiπ
wil∞ als∩ worδ iε Microsof⌠ fo≥ those disδ baseΣ beeings).
Wha⌠á ha≤á al∞ thi≤ t∩ d∩ witΦ booleaε algebra?«á Le⌠ u≤ appl∙ i⌠ witΦá thσ
functioninτ oµ ß NO╘ booleaε operator.
A≤ showε iε thσ trutΦ tablσ fo≥ thσ NOT¼á i⌠ simpl∙ flip≤ thσ trutΦá value¼
whicΦ iε computer≤ mean≤ flippinτ thσ bi⌠ betweeε ▒ (on⌐ anΣ ░ (off)«
00100 LET C=0 :REM this is optional as integer variables default to 0
00110 LET C=(NOT C) :REM the brackets are essential
00120 PRINT C :REM it will print -1
00130 LET C=(NOT C) :REM again
00140 PRINT C :REM it will print 0
Thu≤á al∞ thσ bit≤ iε thσ tw∩ byte≤ iε memor∙ tha⌠ contaiε thσ valuσ fo≥á ├
arσá beinτ turneΣ oε iε linσ 11░ anΣ ofµ iε linσ 130¼á ├ i≤ Truσ a⌠ 12░ anΣ
Falsσá agaiεá a⌠ 140«á Wha⌠ wσ havσ i≤ ß 'flipflopº flag¼á o≥á ßá mean≤á oµ
settinτá ß 'flagº o≥ 'switchº t∩ it'≤ oppositσ withou⌠ needinτ t∩ kno≈ it'≤
current value.
00100 C=0 :REM the LET is not required in most basics
00110 FOR I=1 TO 100
00120 C=(NOT C)
00130 IF C : PRINT I; :REM the THEN is optional in this case
00140 NEXT I : PRINT "finished"
Thi≤ wil∞ prin⌠ ▒ │ ╡ ╖ etc«á ┴ simila≥ effec⌠ caε bσ achieveΣ b∙ startinτ
C=1 and changing line 120 to C=C * -1.
Note that (NOT 65) = -66. Ponder on the reason for that.
Thi≤ routinσ print≤ ou⌠ thσ bi⌠ patterε oµ thσ intege≥ valuσá entered¼
iεá othe≥á word≤ i⌠ convert≤ ß decima∞ valuσ t∩ binary«á I⌠ caε bσ useΣá t∩
confirφ mucΦ oµ wha⌠ ha≤ beeε illustrated«á I⌠ print≤ 1╢ bits¼ thereforσ i⌠
i≤ showinτ thσ equivalen⌠ oµ thσ tw∩ byte≤ tha⌠ holΣ aε intege≥ iε Basic.
00100 INPUT Q :REM try 0 and -1 and 16384
00110 IF Q :PRINT "1"; ELSE PRINT "0"; :REM print the sign bit
00120 P=16384 :REM this is 2 to the power of 14
00130 FOR N=15 TO 1 STEP -1
00140 R=(Q AND P)
00150 IF R=P THEN PRINT "1"; ELSE PRINT "0";
00160 P=P/2
00170 NEXT N
╔ wil∞ leavσ i⌠ t∩ yo⌡ t∩ understanΣ wha⌠ wa≤ goinτ on«á Refe≥ t∩ thσ trutΦ
table shown for the AND. >>è
No≈á t∩ anothe≥ wa∙ oµ ensurinτ ß lette≥ i≤ iε uppercase¼á thi≤ timσá usinτ
the 'AND':
0013░ A=(┴ AN─ 223⌐ :RE═ tr∙ thi≤ iε thσ firs⌠ prograφ (iε thσ O╥ article⌐
Iµ yo⌡ inpu⌠ 22│ int∩ thσ abovσ decima∞ t∩ binar∙ prograφ yo⌡ wil∞ seσ tha⌠
thσá patterεá i≤ 11011111«á Aε AN─ witΦ thi≤ ensure≤ tha⌠ thσ '32ºá bi⌠á i≤
alway≤ ofµ iε thσ result.
┴á fina∞á usσá fo≥ thσ AND¼á O╥ anΣ XO╥ (wel∞ a⌠ leas⌠ subtraction⌐á i≤á t∩
providσá u≤ witΦ thσ abilit∙ t∩ usσ ß singlσ integer¼á sa∙ ╞ fo≥á FLAG¼á t∩
holΣ u≡ t∩ 1╡ flags¼á wherσ eacΦ i≤ oε o≥ off« Thσ O╥ i≤ useΣ t∩ turε ß bi⌠
on╗á thσá AN─á t∩á turε ß bi⌠ off«á Thσá followinτá prograφá define≤á threσ
functions║ turε on¼ turε off¼ anΣ test.
00100 REM Q holds the 15 flags; P = the flag to action; R,N= work variables
00110 FN0=(Q AND (NOT(INT(2^FLT(#-1)+.5)))) :REM Turn off a bit
00120 FN1=(Q OR INT(2^FLT(#-1)+.5)) :REM Turn on a bit
00130 FN2=(Q AND (INT(2^FLT(#-1)+.5))) :REM returns 0 if bit is off
00140 Q=0: PRINT "Enter a number 1-15, or 0 for 'no action'"
00150 GOSUB 170: GOTO 150
00160 END
00170 INPUT "which bit to turn off?"; P
00180 Q = FN0(P):PRINT "fn0:" Q " ";: GOSUB 250
00190 INPUT "which bit to turn on? "; P
00200 Q = FN1(P):PRINT "fn1:" Q " ";: GOSUB 250
00210 INPUT "which bit to test?"; P;
00220 R=(FN2(P) > 0): IF R THEN PRINT " true" ELSE PRINT " false"
00230 RETURN
00240 REM this prints the bits in the flag (taken from page 8 opposite)
00250 P=16384
00260 FOR N=15 TO 1 STEP -1
00270 R=(Q AND P)
00280 IF R=P THEN PRINT "1"; ELSE PRINT "0";
00290 P=P/2: NEXT N
╔á leavσá yo⌡ t∩ ponde≥ thσ followinτ immorta∞ word≤ oµ ßá famou≤á compute≥
baud¼á "┬2 O╥ NO╘ B2ó ¼ whicΦ yo⌡ shoulΣ no≈ recognizσ fo≥ it'≤ higΦ value¼
anΣá an∙á furthe≥á use≤ fo≥ Booleaε algebra¼á a≤ m∙á finger≤á arσá gettinτ
XORsteΣ AN─ kNOTted« []
POKING ABOUT....................................................Hugh Ristic
Wheε usinτ ß printe≥ througΦ Por⌠ ▒ (parallel⌐ thσ HIRES¼á LORES¼ PCG¼
o≥ INVERS┼ basiπ command≤ caε dissablσ thσ printer«á T∩ overcomσ this¼ POK┼
128,╕á afterward≤á (o≥á a⌠ leas⌠ beforσ usinτ thσ printer⌐á t∩á changσá thσ
settinτá oµ thσ interrup⌠ vecto≥ a⌠ 80he° froφ ▒ t∩ 8«á Thi≤ i≤ wh∙á screeε
dump≤ havσ thi≤ pokσ codeΣ int∩ them« []è
MODEM MUDDLES as Thumbs visits the AMUG BBS..........................THUMBS
Thumb≤ wa≤ mos⌠ impresseΣ b∙ thσ VIATE╠ demonstratioε giveε b∙ Telecoφ
a⌠ thσ microbeσ use≥ grou≡ monthl∙ meeting«á ┴ modeφ seemeΣ t∩ opeε ß wholσ
ne≈ worlΣ wherσ thing≤ coulΣ bσ donσ a⌠ thσ toucΦ oµ ß fe≈ buttons.
I⌠á al∞ seemeΣ s∩ simple¼á jus⌠ dia∞ u≡ ß numbe≥ anΣ theε asδ thσ question≤
anΣ bacδ woulΣ comσ thσ answers«á Thumb≤ approacheΣ thσ loca∞ Microbeσ sho≡
anΣ askeΣ iµ hσ coulΣ bu∙ ß modem«á Ever∙ othe≥ microbeσ owne≥ iεá Adelaidσ
mus⌠á havσá haΣá thσ samσ ideß becausσ the∙ werσ ou⌠ oµá stocδá anΣá Thumb≤
joineΣ thσ waitinτ list.
┴á couplσ oµ week≤ late≥ thσ modeφ wa≤ availablσ fo≥ collectioε a⌠á ApplieΣ
Technology«á Quitσá aεá attractivσá mouldeΣ whitσ plastiπá bo°á witΦá threσ
switche≤á anΣ threσ lead≤ onσ oµ whicΦ wa≤ attacheΣ t∩ ß nea⌠ moderεá push-
buttoε telephone«
Thumb≤ wa≤ adviseΣ tha⌠ i⌠ wa≤ al∞ prett∙ simplσ t∩ operate«á Pluτ onσ
oµá thσá lead≤ int∩ ß telephonσ socke⌠ anΣ thσ othe≥ int∩ thσ bacδá oµá thσ
microbee¼á selec⌠á TELCO═ oε thσ microbeσ anΣ usσ thσ telephonσ t∩ dia∞á u≡
an∙ othe≥ modeφ use≥ o≥ remotσ compute≥ datß base.
Unfortunatel∙á thσ maker≤ oµ thσ modeφ pluτ tha⌠ goe≤ int∩ thσ bacδ oµá thσ
microbeσ havσ neve≥ trieΣ t∩ pluτ thσ pluτ int∩ ß 64δ disδ systeφ microbee«
Thσ pluτ wil∞ no⌠ fi⌠ becausσ thσ rea≥ casσ oµ thσ microbeσ stop≤ thσá pluτ
goinτ int∩ thσ socket.
Bacδá t∩ ApplieΣ Technolog∙ t∩ asδ ho≈ t∩ pu⌠ thσ pluτ in«á Therσ arσ threσ
áááá1« Enlargσ thσ holσ arounΣ thσ socke⌠ oµ thσ microbeσ b∙ gouginτ witΦ ß
ááááblun⌠ penknifσ (no⌠ recommendeΣ ).
áááá2« Removσ thσ protectivσ oute≥ plastiπ casσ whicΦ i≤ helΣ ont∩ thσ pluτ
ááááwitΦá tw∩á tin∙á bolt≤ anΣ nuts«á (Thi≤ work≤ wel∞ bu⌠ look≤á ßá littlσ
áááá3«á Gentl∙á filσ dowε thσ tw∩ littlσ plastiπ protrusion≤ oεá thσá oute≥
ááááprotectivσá plastiπ casσ oµ thσ pluτ whicΦ sto≡ thσ pluτ goinτ int∩ thσ
áááámicrobeσ socket.
ApplieΣ Technolog∙ offereΣ t∩ carr∙ ou⌠ modificatioε 3«á Thumb≤ fel⌠á quitσ
capablσá oµ doinτ thi≤ simplσ tasδ anΣ a≤ thσ peoplσ a⌠ ApplieΣá Technolog∙
haΣá beeεá mos⌠á helpfu∞ anΣ werσ bus∙ Thumb≤ returneΣ homσ witΦá thσá pluτ
┴á carefu∞á stud∙ oµ thσ oute≥ protectivσ plastiπ casσ revealeΣ thσá reasoε
fo≥á thσá littlσá plastiπ protrusions«á ┴ tin∙á littlσá groovσá alonτá eacΦ
protrusioεá helΣ thσ meta∞ par⌠ oµ thσ pluτ iε positioε wheε thσ tw∩ halve≤
oµ thσ plastiπ casσ werσ bolteΣ together«
Thumb≤á offer≤ modificatioε 4«á Removσ thσ oute≥ plastiπ casσ froφ thσ
pluτ b∙ undoinτ thσ tw∩ littlσ bolt≤ whicΦ holΣ thσ tw∩ halve≤ oµ thσá casσ
together« Filσ dowε thσ plastiπ extrusion≤ unti∞ the∙ n∩ longe≥ project«
G∩ t∩ Universa∞ Meye≥ o≥ aε electronic≤ sho≡ anΣ bu∙ tw∩ bras≤á countersunδ
╕á B┴á bolt≤ 3/┤ incΦ lonτ anΣ tw∩ ╕ B┴ nuts«á Usσ thσ origina∞ screw≤á anΣ
nut≤ t∩ holΣ thσ tw∩ halve≤ oµ thσ plastiπ casσ togethe≥ anΣ thσ ne≈á bolt≤
anΣ nut≤ t∩ holΣ thσ meta∞ par⌠ oµ thσ pluτ t∩ thσ plastiπ oute≥ case« Makσ
surσ tha⌠ thσ countersunδ scre≈ i≤ oε thσ meta∞ platσ end. >>è
Thumb≤ doe≤ no⌠ alway≤ havσ thσ modeφ pluggeΣ int∩ thσá microbee«á Thσ
modeφá pluτ wil∞ onl∙ g∩ iε onσ wa∙ becausσ oµ it≤ shape«á Thumb≤ founΣ thσ
eas∙á wa∙ t∩ remembe≥ whicΦ wa≤ thσ to≡ oµ thσ pluτ wa≤ u≡ wa≤ t∩á pu⌠á thσ
rounΣá heaΣá screw≤á oεá thσ to≡ oµ thσ plastiπ casσ anΣ thσá nut≤á oεá thσ
bottom«á Puttinτ thσ pluτ int∩ thσ microbeσ become≤ ß matte≥ oµ seeinτ thσ
roundheaΣ screw≤ anΣ pushinτ iε thσ plug.
Thσá microbeσá theε ha≤ t∩ bσ positioneΣ closσ t∩ ß telephonσá socket«
Thumb≤ ha≤ ß wal∞ phonσ anΣ aε extensioε a⌠ home«á Thσ wal∞ phonσ telephonσ
linσá seemeΣ t∩ disappea≥ int∩ thσ wal∞ witΦ n∩ socke⌠ withiεá eas∙á reach«
Thσá extensioεá haΣá ß convenien⌠ socke⌠ bu⌠ Telecoφ usuall∙á pu⌠á ßá scre≈
thougΦá thσ phonσ pluτ t∩ sto≡ thσ pluτ cominτ awa∙ froφ it≤ socke⌠ s∩ thi≤
ha≤á t∩ bσ undonσ t∩ removσ thσ extensioε pluτ s∩ tha⌠ thσ modeφá pluτá caε
replacσ thσ telephonσ plug.
Iµá onσ doe≤ no⌠ havσ ß convenien⌠ telephonσ socke⌠ theε ß cal∞ t∩á Telecoφ
(anΣá thσá exchangσá oµá money⌐ wil∞ a⌠ leas⌠ positioεá thσá socke⌠á withiε
convenien⌠ reacΦ oµ thσ modeφ anΣ microbee.
Thumb≤á fel⌠á somewha⌠á exhausteΣ afte≥ solvinτ thσ pluτ probleφá anΣá theε
discovereΣá tha⌠ thσ ne≈ mode∞ modeφ anΣ ne≈ 64╦ disδ systeφ woulΣá no⌠á bσ
ablσá t∩á receivσ VIATE╠ unti∞ ye⌠ anothe≥ modificatioε wa≤ carrieΣá ou⌠á -
thi≤á timσá oε thσ microbee«á Thumb≤ wifσ haΣ jus⌠ purchaseΣ ß ne≈ pai≥á oµ
shoe≤ s∩ thσ budge⌠ woulΣ no⌠ stretcΦ t∩ anothe≥ $4░ tha⌠ montΦ !
Thumb≤ founΣ tha⌠ thσ manua∞ oε usinτ thσ TELCO═ prograφ wa≤ ßá usefu∞
referencσá guidσá oncσ hσ haΣ useΣ TELCOM«á Fo≥ thσ benefi⌠ oµ thosσá othe≥
firs⌠ timσ user≤ Thumb≤ offer≤ thσ followinτ notes.
Beforσá usinτá thσ modeφ makσ surσ yo⌡ havσ pape≥ anΣ penci∞ hand∙á t∩á jo⌠
dowεá notes«á Pluτá modeφ telephonσ pluτ int∩ telephonσá socke⌠á anΣá modeφ
compute≥á pluτ int∩ thσ bacδ oµ thσ microbeσ (int∩ thσ socke⌠ markeΣ seria∞
port)« Checδ tha⌠ thσ threσ switche≤ oε thσ modeφ uni⌠ arσ se⌠ a≤ follows
orig/ans switch set to orig (up)
300/1200/75 switch set to 300 (up), assuming you have this switch
phone/modem switch set to phone (up)
SwitcΦ oε thσ microbeσ anΣ monito≥ anΣ disδ drivσ unit«á Makσ ß backu≡ cop∙
oµá you≥á systeφ maste≥ disδ anΣ pu⌠ thi≤ backu≡ cop∙ disδá int∩á thσá disδ
drivσá uni⌠á «á Usσ thσ shel∞ men⌡ t∩ selec⌠ Telcoφ (pres≤ T)«á [╔á havσá ß
Compute≥ Iε ┴ Book¼ thu≤ onl∙ onσ drive].
Thumb≤ firs⌠ contac⌠ usinτ thσ modeφ wa≤ witΦ thσ ADELAID┼ MICR╧á USE╥
GROU╨ Inπ (AMUG⌐ bulletiε board«á Thσ AMU╟ numbe≥ i≤ (Adelaide⌐ 2712043« S∩
usinτá thσá modeφá telephonσ Thumb≤ dialleΣ 271204│ anΣ founΣ tha⌠á i⌠á wa≤
engaged«á Obviously¼á afte≥ dinne≥ i≤ ß popula≥ modeφ timσ s∩ Thumb≤á trieΣ
late≥á tha⌠ eveninτ anΣ manageΣ t∩ ge⌠ ß ringinτ tone«á Therσ wa≤ thσ sounΣ
oµá thσ telephonσ beinτ lifteΣ ofµ it≤ hooδ anΣ theε ßá continuou≤á humminτ
Thσá phone/modeφ switcΦ oε thσ modeφ wa≤ flickeΣ dowε t∩ thσ modeφ positioε
anΣ theε ╞ wa≤ typeΣ oε thσ keyboarΣ anΣ thσ RETUR╬ ke∙ pressed« Thσ rathe≥
complicateΣá TELCO═ men⌡ disappeareΣ leavinτ ß blanδ screeε witΦá ßá curso≥
to≡ lef⌠ hanΣ sidσ oµ thσ screen«á Thumb≤ wisheΣ t∩ recorΣ thσ conversatioε
witΦá AMU╟á s∩á presseΣá thσ contro∞ ke∙ anΣ ░á (ZERO)«á ┴á littlσá messagσ
appeareΣá a⌠á thσ to≡ oµ thσ screeε iε inversσ vide∩á "CAPTURE"«á Thσá AMU╟
systeφ theε printeΣ ß messagσ oε thσ screeε:
pres≤ <ENTER╛ t∩ sigε on >>è
Thumb≤á presseΣá hi≤á RETUR╬á ke∙ anΣ wa≤ rewardeΣ witΦ ßá screeεá ful∞á oµ
informatioεá abou⌠ AMU╟ meetings,membershi≡ anΣá subscriptioεá rates«á Theε
Thumb≤á wa≤ askeΣ t∩ answe≥ ß questioε oε thσ typσ oµ compute≥ hσ wa≤ usinτ
- TRS-8░á Mode∞ 1,2,│ (pres≤ T⌐ o≥ Othe≥ compute≥ type≤ (pres≤á O)«á Thumb≤
wa≤ usinτ ß microbeσ s∩ hσ presseΣ ╧ oε hi≤ keyboarΣ followeΣ b∙ RETURN.
Thσá nex⌠ questioε wa≤ "arσ yo⌡ ß financia∞ member┐á y/n"«á Thumb≤ a⌠á tha⌠
timσ haΣ no⌠ investeΣ thσ $1░ requireΣ fo≥ ß year'≤ membershi≡ s∩ presseΣ ╬
followeΣ b∙ hi≤ RETUR╬ key.
Anothe≥á screeεá ful∞á oµ informatioε appeareΣ advisinτá Thumb≤á abou⌠á thσ
restriction≤á placeΣ upoε visitor≤ t∩ thσ system«á Thumb≤ wa≤ als∩á adviseΣ
tha⌠á hσ woulΣ bσ denieΣ acces≤ t∩ thσ "eXper⌠ modeó whicΦ wa≤ ß relieµá a≤
hσá wa≤ havinτ enougΦ problem≤ tryinτ t∩ absorΓ thσ streaφá oµá informatioε
directeΣ a⌠ him.
Therσá werσá cuttinτ comment≤ abou⌠ thosσ peoplσ wh∩ diΣ no⌠ reaΣá thσ
systeφá informatioεá anΣá ß notσ abou⌠ ho≈á t∩á leavσá thσá system«á Thumb≤
reprint≤á tha⌠ informatioε t∩ savσ yo⌡ thσ troublσ oµ tryinτ t∩ scribblσ i⌠
dowε .
Thσá "@ó ke∙ (typeΣ once⌐ wil∞ alway≤ allo≈ yo⌡ t∩ exi⌠ froφá whereve≥á yo⌡
arσ EXCEP╘ iµ yo⌡ arσ enterinτ ß messagσ (iσ iε thσ tex⌠ entr∙ mode)
Iµ thσ "@ó ke∙ i≤ typeΣ twicσ fairl∙ quickly¼ yo⌡ wil∞ bσ askeΣ iµ yo⌡ wisΦ
t∩ loτ off
Thumb≤á wa≤á theε tolΣ tha⌠ hσ haΣ opeε housσ fo≥ aε extendeΣ tria∞á perioΣ
anΣ tha⌠ hσ haΣ beeε giveε 'tria∞ use≥ º access¼á t∩ usσ <CTRL><C╛ t∩á ski≡
entrie≤ anΣ a≤ ß noε financia∞ membe≥ hi≤ timσ wa≤ limiteΣ t∩ teε minutes.
The Main System Directory then appeared:
1 Bulletin board
2 System information
3 BBS announcements & the SYSOP'S Soapbox
5 Applications & programming subdirectory
6 News, info, discount deals etc.
┴á promp⌠á appeareΣ ¿ =╛ ⌐ followeΣ b∙ ß bee≡ s∩ Thumb≤ presseΣ ▒ theεá hi≤
RETUR╬ ke∙ (t∩ selec⌠ thσ bulletiε boarΣ option).
Another menu appeared:
*** User Bulletin Board ***
<1> return to index
<2> add another entry
<3> display entries
The same prompt appeared (=>)
Thumb≤á selecteΣá │á (b∙á pressinτ │ anΣ thσá RETUR╬á key⌐á anΣá ßá messagσ
....checkinτ entries.....3╣á tota∞á entrie≤á ▒ inactive
scan entries from <F>irst, <M>iddle, <L>ast, <E>xit
Thumb≤á selecteΣ middlσ b∙ pressinτ ═ anΣ RETUR╬ anΣ bacδ camσ ye⌠á anothe≥
starting entry number ? Thumbs selected 23 (by typing 23 RETURN)
and another question was asked:
scan entries <F>orward or <B>ackward ? >>è
Thumb≤ selecteΣ ForwarΣ (╞ theε RETURN⌐ anΣ finall∙ thσ followinτ appeared:
entry no. 23 a moment....
from Richard Newcombe date 14/07/85
Somσ 'tria∞ usersº ma∙ havσ noticeΣ tha⌠ 'OPE╬ HOUSEº ha≤ beeε removeΣá fo≥
thσá present«á To∩ man∙ free-loader≤ anΣ congestioníá Seσ SYSOP╙ SOAPBO╪ iε
thi≤ BB╙ service.
Thumb≤ wa≤ theε offereΣ ß furthe≥ choice:
<C>ontinue, <E>xit, <R>epeat
Thumb≤á decideΣ t∩ continuσ anΣ wa≤ iε thσ proces≤ oµ pressinτ ├ anΣ RETUR╬
wheεá hσá wa≤ adviseΣ tha⌠ hi≤ timσ haΣ expireΣ anΣá hσá wa≤á disconnectedí
Normall∙á onσ woulΣ typσ @└ wheε i⌠ wa≤ timσ t∩ g∩ anΣ thσ systeφ woulΣ asδ
iµ onσ wanteΣ t∩ loτ ofµ y/n«á Iµ onσ answereΣ ∙ theε thσ systeφ give≤ onσ
thσá optioεá oµ leavinτ ß messagσ fo≥ thσ systeφ operato≥á beforσá leaving╗
Thumb≤ alway≤ say≤ thanδ yo⌡ t∩ thσ systeφ operato≥ anΣ find≤ hσ i≤ welcomσ
nex⌠ time!
Thumb≤á theεá presseΣ hi≤ CTR╠ anΣ ES├ key≤ a⌠ thσ samσ timσá anΣá thσ
screeε cleareΣ t∩ bσ replaceΣ witΦ thσ maiε TELCO═ menu.
T∩á savσá thσá captureΣ conversatioε Thumb≤ typeΣ SAV┼á AMUG.WB╞á anΣá theε
presseΣ RETURN« Thσ usua∞ whirrinτ sound≤ froφ thσ disδ drivσ uni⌠ followeΣ
anΣ thσ conversatioε witΦ AMU╟ wa≤ availablσ a≤ ß wordbeσ filσ t∩ prin⌠ ou⌠
o≥ edi⌠ a⌠ leisure.
Onσá littlσ buτ Thumb≤ discovereΣ wheε usinτ thσ TELCO═á programmσá i≤
tha⌠á thσ keyboarΣ i≤ isolateΣ iµ thσ modeφ i≤ pluggeΣ iε anΣ thσá switche≤
oε thσ modeφ arσ up« Fo≥ thσ keyboarΣ t∩ worδ eithe≥ thσ phone/modeφ switcΦ
mus⌠á bσá oε modem(down⌐ o≥ thσ orig/an≤ switcΦ mus⌠ bσ oεá ans(down)«á Thσ
tricδá seemeΣá t∩á bσ t∩ leavσ thσ phone/modeφ switcΦ t∩á modeφá unti∞á thσ
captureΣá tex⌠ haΣ beeε saveΣ anΣ theε switcΦ thσ phone/modeφ t∩ phonσá (s∩
tha⌠á telephonσá linσá i≤ freσ fo≥ othe≥ member≤ oµ thσá family⌐á anΣá theε
switcΦá thσá orig/an≤ switcΦ t∩ an≤ s∩ tha⌠ thσ keyboarΣ caεá bσá used«á Oµ
coursσá thσ othe≥ optioε i≤ t∩ pul∞ thσ modeφ pluτ ou⌠ oµ thσ bacδá oµá thσ
microbeσ anΣ reconnec⌠ thσ norma∞ telephonσ t∩ thσ Telecoφ wal∞ socket.
Thumb≤ ha≤ sincσ contacteΣ ß numbe≥ oµ othe≥ bulletiε board≤ anΣ founΣ
tha⌠á the∙á al∞ havσ slightl∙ differen⌠ method≤ oµ operatioε s∩ i⌠ pay≤á t∩
havσ ß fe≈ note≤ oε ß carΣ tha⌠ caε bσ placeΣ abovσ thσ keyboarΣ t∩á reminΣ
onσ oµ thσ differen⌠ procedures.
Thσ MUGS┴ member≤ caε ren⌠ ß modeφ froφ thσ cluΓ fo≥ ß nomina∞ feσ anΣ
witΦá thσá modeφá anΣ Thumb≤ note≤ yo⌡ shoulΣ bσ ablσ tr∙ ou⌠á thσá variou≤
bulletiεá board≤á beforσá investinτ iε ß modeφ anΣ ßá subscriptioεá t∩á thσ
bulletiε boarΣ oµ you≥ choice«á
Electroniπ communication≤ arσ herσ t∩ sta∙ anΣ iµ yo⌡ havσ ßá microbeσ
yo⌡ onl∙ neeΣ ß modeφ anΣ ß telephonσ anΣ thσ worlΣ i≤ available¼ bu⌠ watcΦ
ou⌠ fo≥ thσ ST─ telephonσ bills! []
A. Bugs View..........................................................A Bug
Logiπá i≤á thσá systematiπ methoΣ oµ cominτ t∩ thσá wronτá conclusioεá witΦ
confidence. []è
TH┼ `COMPUTE╥ I╬ ┴ BOOKº AN─ `WAR═ BOOTº PROBLEMS...........by Aussie Kanck
I⌠ ha≤ beeε acknowledgeΣ b∙ ApplieΣ TecΦ tha⌠ thσ C.I.A.B« systeφ doe≤
havσá somσ problem≤ witΦ thσ `warφ bootº process«
╔á becamσ ver∙ mucΦ awarσ oµ thσ existencσ oµ ß probleφ iε thi≤ areßá afte≥
losinτá ßá couplσ oµ Basiπ program≤ b∙ doinτ ß BREAK/RESE╘ anΣá havinτá thσ
compute≥á completel∙ locδ u≡ oε me«á Tryinτ t∩ ge⌠ bacδ t∩ Basiπá froφá thσ
Monito≥ wa≤ jus⌠ abou⌠ aε impossibilit∙ usinτ ╟ 802▒ o≥ ╟ 801E.
Thσá comment≤ tha⌠ ╔ havσ receiveΣ abou⌠ thi≤ matte≥ froφ assorteΣá ApplieΣ
TecΦá source≤á i≤ tha⌠ "therσ i≤ ß probleφ iε thσ software"¼á "therσá i≤á ß
probleφ iε thσ hardware"¼á "thσ probleφ i≤ causeΣ b∙ botΦ thσ softwarσá anΣ
thσ hardwareó o≥ "i⌠ i≤ impossiblσ t∩ d∩ Warφ Boot≤ witΦ thσ C.I.A.B«á jus⌠
a≤ i⌠ canno⌠ bσ donσ iε thσ 128╦ Microbee".
╔ haΣ pu⌠ u≡ witΦ thi≤ probleφ unti∞ tw∩ oµ thσ Microbee≤ tha⌠ wσ havσ
a⌠ worδ werσ upgradeΣ t∩ C.I.A.B.≤ anΣ ╔ discovereΣ tha⌠ onσ oµ theφ workeΣ
jus⌠á abou⌠á perfectl∙ witΦ Warφ Boot≤ anΣ jump≤ froφá monitor¼á whilσá thσ
othe≥áá onσáá haΣá ßá modes⌠á leve∞á oµá failurσá iεá botΦáá thesσáá areas«
Interestingly¼á thσá onσ tha⌠ workeΣ thσ bes⌠ wa≤ ß relativel∙ recen⌠á (ex⌐
Persona∞á Communicato≥á mode∞á whilσ thσ othe≥ onσ wa≤ aεá (ex⌐á 32╦á plu≤
model« Minσ wa≤ aε olΣ 32╦ model¼ anΣ minσ playeΣ u≡ thσ most.
Havinτ threσ simila≥ computer≤ oε hanΣ alloweΣ mσ t∩ swa≡ component≤ arounΣ
t∩ tr∙ t∩ isolatσ thσ causσ oµ thσ probleφ (iµ i⌠ wa≤ hardware)«á Man∙ day≤
(bit≤á oµá days⌐á werσ spen⌠ doinτ hundred≤ oµ Warφ Boot≤á anΣá jump≤á froφ
Monito≥á whilσá ╔á swappeΣá corσá boards¼áá Z80s¼á 6545s¼á anΣá PI╧á chips«
Regardles≤á oµ thσ swaps¼á m∙ compute≥ persisteΣ iε beinτ thσ mos⌠á failurσ
pronσ anΣ thσ e° P.C« remaineΣ thσ mos⌠ reliable« Thσ corσ board≤ havσ beeε
considereΣ thσ culpri⌠ t∩ thi≤ probleφ bu⌠ m∙ experiment≤ diΣ no⌠ sho≈ thi≤
a⌠ all.
╔á haΣá m∙á compute≥ iε t∩ thσ Microbeσ Centrσá oεá severa∞á occasion≤
durinτá thesσ test≤ anΣ Microbee'≤ residen⌠ technician¼á DaviΣ Scot⌠á quitσ
obligingl∙áá helpeΣá replacσá ßá couplσá oµá chip≤á oεá thσá mothe≥á board«
Naturall∙ enougΦ M≥ Murph∙ wa≤ presen⌠ oε thesσ occasion≤ anΣ thσá compute≥
behaveΣá iε thσ sho≡ afte≥ thσ replacements¼á bu⌠ no⌠ a≤ sooε a≤ ╔ trieΣ a⌠
Succes≤ starteΣ t∩ sho≈ it'≤ heaΣ afte≥ ╔ sa⌠ dowε anΣ checkeΣ thσá I├
type≤á anΣá manufacturer≤ oµ al∞ thσ IC≤ oε thσ motherboard≤ oµá thσá threσ
╔á founΣá tha⌠á IC3│ oε thσ motherboarΣ oµ thσ P.C«á wa≤ differen⌠á t∩á thσ
others«á Al∞ drawing≤ sho≈ IC3│ a≤ beinτ ß 74C74¼ whicΦ i⌠ wa≤ oε thσ othe≥
tw∩ computers¼á bu⌠ thσ P.C« haΣ ß 54LS7┤ fittedí ╔ fitteΣ ß socke⌠ int∩ m∙
compute≥á anΣ installeΣ ß 74LS7┤ (al∞ ╔ had⌐ anΣ suddenl∙ m∙á compute≥á wa≤
jumpinτá froφ monito≥ t∩ Basiπ abou⌠ 85Ñ oµ thσ timσ insteaΣ oµ abou⌠ 2Ñ oµ
thσ time¼á anΣ Warφ Bootinτ nearl∙ 100Ñ insteaΣ oµ abou⌠ 40Ñ oµ thσ timσ (╔
trieΣ ß 74HC7┤ anΣ i⌠ haΣ ß simila≥ succes≤ rate¼á bu⌠ it'≤á expensive)«á
╔ trieΣ severa∞ 74C74≤ anΣ eacΦ timσ thσ failurσ ratσ jumpeΣá dramatically¼
indicatinτ ver∙ mucΦ t∩ mσ tha⌠ thi≤ par⌠ oµ thσ RESE╘ circuitr∙ need≤ somσ
refininτ - b∙ APPLIE─ TECHNOLOGY«á Thσ abovσ remed∙ certainl∙ ha≤ no⌠ cureΣ
thσá buτ iε thσ 'beσ a≤ al∞ threσ computer≤ ╔ worδ witΦ havσ somσ leve∞á oµ
failurσá wheε doinτ warφ boots¼á anΣ ye⌠ somσ othe≥ peoplσ seeφ t∩ havσá n∩
problem≤ a⌠ all.è
Fo≥á thosσ wh∩ arσ familia≥ witΦ thσ relativel∙ shor⌠ RESE╘ ke∙á pres≤
time≤á needeΣ fo≥ thσ statiπ RA═ machines¼á bσ carefu∞ witΦ thσ longe≥ timσ
needeΣ t∩ Warφ Boo⌠ thσ C.I.A.B«á Afte≥ thσ RESE╘ anΣ BREA╦ key≤ havσá beeε
pressed¼á wai⌠á til∞á a⌠ leas⌠ ┤ oµ thσ Basiπ prompt≤ havσ appeareΣ oεá thσ
screeε beforσ releasinτ thσ RESE╘ key« Wai⌠ a⌠ leas⌠ anothe≥ seconΣ beforσ
releasinτá thσá BREA╦ key«á ╔ founΣ tha⌠ thi≤ techniquσ gavσá thσá greates⌠
succes≤ ratσ witΦ Warφ Boots.
╔á havσ recentl∙ discovereΣ ß couplσ oµ othe≥ problem≤ tha⌠ caεá arisσ
wheεá tryinτá t∩ d∩ ß sof⌠ rese⌠ witΦ eithe≥ BREAK/RESE╘ o≥ ╟á 8021«á Thesσ
problem≤ havσ showε u≡ oε thσ threσ computer≤ mentioneΣ earlier.
1«á Havinτá donσá ßá BREAK/RESE╘ o≥ ╟ 8021¼á oε odΣ occasion≤ therσá i≤á n∩
responsσ wheε key≤ arσ pressed«á AlthougΦ thσ worΣ READ┘ appear≤ anΣ als∩
thσ promp⌠ characte≥ `>'¼á thσ compute≥ totall∙ ignore≤ al∞ attempt≤ b∙ thσ
operato≥ t∩ typσ somethinτ oε thσ screen« ┴ systeφ RESE╘ i≤ thσ onl∙ wa∙ t∩
curσ thσ hangup.
2«á Havinτá donσá ß BREAK/RESE╘ o≥ ╟ 8021¼á anΣ continuinτ t∩á worδá oεá aε
existinτá Basiπ programme¼á everythinτ appear≤ OK«á ┴ probleφá occasionall∙
arise≤á wheεá tryinτ t∩ acces≤ thσ disπ again«á Thσ thσ ligh⌠ oεá thσá disπ
drivσ goe≤ ou⌠ anΣ thσ drivσ keepinτ oε revolving¼á thσ onl∙ solutioε agaiε
beinτ t∩ RESE╘ thσ system.
BotΦ oµ thesσ tw∩ problem≤ seeφ ver∙ mucΦ t∩ bσ causeΣ b∙ corrupteΣ datß iε
Al∞á thσ abovσ problem≤ d∩ becomσ ver∙ frustratinτ wheεá developinτ
softwarσá anΣá thσ occasion≤ arisσ wherσ yo⌡ neeΣ t∩ resor⌠ t∩á stoppinτá ß
programmσ o≥ wheε yo⌡ neeΣ t∩ examinσ block≤ oµ memory. []
WONDER.......................................................Damien Barnard
Wonde≥ i≤ ß LORE╙ graphiπ program«á Iµ yo⌡ kee≡ you≥ finge≥ oε thσ ├ ke∙ i⌠
wil∞á givσ yo⌡ thσ illusioε oµ HYPERSPACE╗á changσ linσ 26░ t∩ 26░á CL╙á t∩
producσ thσ Hyperspacσ affec⌠ automatically.
00110 X=0:Y=X
00120 D=X-X
00130 E=X
00140 K=19
00160 SET K-X,20+Y
0017░ SE╘ 20+K,20+Y
0018░ SE╘ K-X,K-Y
0019░ SE╘ 20+X,K-Y
0020░ I╞ RND>.╖ THE╬ LE╘ D=INT(RND*3)-1
0021░ I╞ RND>.╖ THE╬ LE╘ E=INT(RND*3)-1
0022░ X=X+D
0023░ Y=Y+E
0024░ X=X-(╦ AN─ X>=K)+(╦ AN─ X<=K-K)
0025░ Y=Y-(╦ AN─ Y>=K)+(╦ AN─ Y<=K-K)
0026░ I╞ KEY$="Có O╥ KEY$="có THE╬ CLS
0027░ GOT╧ 16░ :RE═ las⌠ linσ []è
MOR┼ FLASHPRINT Review..........................................Gu≤ Brunner
Seeinτá tha⌠ ou≥ edito≥ Ma∞ Wat⌠ ha≤ no≈ starteΣ usinτ graphic≤ iε ou≥
new≤letter¼ ╔ havσ submitteΣ somσ example≤ oµ FLASHPRIN╘ uses.
Iµ yo⌡ reaΣ thσ revie≈ iε thσ Augus⌠ Microbeσ News¼ yo⌡ migh⌠ remembe≥
tha⌠ therσ arσ fou≥ command≤ fo≥ FLASHPRINT║
simplσ commanΣ @x
translatioε commanΣ @[x]
bi⌠ imagσ commanΣ @(x)
he° commanΣ @<xx>
Thσá to≡ lette≥ heaΣ print≤ witΦ thσ he° commanΣ usinτ thσ inbuil⌠á graphiπ
character≤ oµ m∙ CPA-8░ printer«
Thσá middlσá lette≥á heaΣá use≤ thσá 64░á dots/linσá bi⌠á imagσá mode¼á thσ
character≤ arσ al∞ eigh⌠ dot≤ higΦ anΣ designeΣ witΦ Flashgen.Com¼ somσ arσ
6┤ dot≤ long¼ somσ onl∙ 8.
Thσ las⌠ log∩ wa≤ designeΣ b∙ Gran⌠ Jorgenseε anΣ unveileΣ b∙ thσ theε LorΣ
Mayo≥á oµ Adelaidσ Wend∙ Chapmaε earlie≥ thi≤ year«á I⌠ i≤ normall∙ ß bluσ
disπá witΦá ß yello≈ stylizeΣ bo≈ anΣ arro≈ anΣ printeΣ herσá iεá thσá 128░
dots/linσ bi⌠ imagσ mode«á Al∞ threσ 'headsº prin⌠ thσ graphiπ par⌠ first¼
theε d∩ 'reverseº linσ feed≤ anΣ prin⌠ thσ tex⌠ line«á Thσ firs⌠ anΣ thirΣ
'headº takσ ╕ second≤ t∩ print¼á thσ seconΣ abou⌠ 1╣ seconds« I⌠ doe≤ takσ
ßá lo⌠á longe≥ t∩ program«á Herσ i≤ thσ WordSta≥ prin⌠ filσ fo≥á thσá las⌠
lette≥ head:
@! @0
@~@~@■á @═ 34tΦ FIT┴ Targe⌠ WorlΣ Archer∙ Championship≤ Adelaidσ 198╖
A≤á wσ kno≈ thσ '@íá @░ @═ @mº arσ simplσ command≤ anΣ thσá '@(rs)'≤
arσ thσ bi⌠ imagσ commands« @!¼ oε m∙ CPA-80¼ reset≤ thσ printe≥ t∩ powe≥
up¼á @░ set≤ linσ space≤ t∩ 8/7▓ incΦ @═ anΣ @φ turε emphasiseΣ prin⌠á modσ
oεá anΣ ofµ anΣ @■ i≤ ß reversσ linσ feed«á A≤ linσ feed≤ arσ se⌠ t∩ 8/72ó
eacΦá @■á wil∞ rol∞ thσ pape≥ bacδ tw∩ prin⌠ heaΣá heights«á @(rs⌐á i≤á thσ
fourtΦ linσ o≥ heaΣ pas≤ anΣ start≤ thσ bottoφ halµ oµ thσ logo«á Herσ arσ
thσá code≤á fo≥á thσá 'sº iε @(rs⌐ a≤ the∙ appea≥ iε m∙á sourcσá codσá filσ
(CPA80.TBL)¼ excep⌠ therσ the∙ arσ al∞ oε onσ line║
┬á '≤ 2╖ '╠ 4╕ ░ 4╣ 9╖ 19│ 12╣ ▒ ▒ ▒ ▒ │ ╖ 1╡ 3▒ 6│ 6│ 6│ 6│ 6│ 6│ 6│á 6│
6░á 4╕ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ │ 3▒ 25╡ 25╡ 25╡ 25╡ 25╡ 25╡á 25╡
25╡ 25╡ 25╡ 25╡ 25╡ 25╡ 25┤ 24╕ 224
As you can see, it's all very straight forward and quite simple. []è