Text File
881 lines
.P╠ 72
Two special Announcements ...........................« 2
Speed and Accuracy of the Microbee ..................« 2
A word from the Chairman ............................. 3
Speed and Accuracy of the Microbee ................... 3-4
Nothing Startingly New ............................... 4-6
Double Sized V.D.U. characters using the P.C.G. ...... 7-8
Getting the most out of CP/M (SMUG) .................. 9-10
Microbee Basic Bugs (SMUG) ........................... 10-12
Database Programs for the Microbee (SMUG) ............ 13-14
Beginning Basic - Part 8 ............................. 14-15
Wildcards III - Book Review .......................... 15
* *
* *
* *
* DECEMBER MEETING : Computer aided learning presented by the *
* Computer Aided Learning Association. *
* *
* Unley Senior Citizens Hall *
* 18 Arthur Street, Unley *
* Third Monday of the Month *
* From 7:30 - 10:00 *
*** Thanks must go to the Sydney Microbee Users Group (SMUG) ***
(and the authors) for several articles within this magazine.
Copyrigh⌠ (c)« Al∞ materia∞ publisheΣ iε thi≤ journa∞ i≤ subjec⌠ t∩
Australiaε anΣ Inter-nationa∞ copyrigh⌠ law« However¼ limiteΣ copyinτ oµ
individua∞ article≤ i≤ permitteΣ provideΣ acknowledgemen⌠ oµ thσ autho≥ anΣ
MICROBE┼ NEW╙ i≤ made.
.PAè**¬ DISCLAIME╥ ***
Thσ MicroBeσ User≤ Grou≡ oµ S.A« (MUGSA)¼ it≤ officials¼ thσ edito≥ anΣ thσ
contributinτ author≤ oµ thσ MicroBeσ New≤ d∩ no⌠ expres≤ no≥ impl∙ an∙
warrant∙ o≥ liabilit∙ witΦ respec⌠ t∩ softwarσ o≥ hardwarσ anΣ thei≥
modification≤ whicΦ ma∙ bσ publisheΣ iε thi≤ journa∞ o≥ othe≥ publication≤
oµ MUGSA¼ o≥ describeΣ a⌠ an∙ officia∞ o≥ unofficia∞ meetinτ oµ MUGSA.
Chairmaε -Brian Petersson.2502800(H⌐ Assembler-Brucσ Gregory« 2634895(H)
Secretar∙ -RicharΣ Jackson.2948591(H⌐ Basiπ -Brentoε Stacey« 444370(H⌐
Tapσ LiΓ -Gleε Marsham« 2514182(H⌐ CP/═ -Kyφ Fischer« 2727463(H)
S/╫ sale≤ -DaviΣ Playford« 2964989(H⌐ Hardwarσ -Iaε Florence.
Editor -Philip Ahrens. 2714477(H) Comm≤ -Kri≤ Sieben« 2651374(H)
*****¬ PLEAS┼ RESTRIC╘ AFTE╥ HOUR╙ CALL╙ T╧ BETWEE╬ 7.3░ - 8.3░ p.m« ******
Fo≥á thσá pas⌠á fe≈ months¼á thσ cluΓ ha≤ beeε gettinτá discoun⌠á froφ
ApplieΣ Technolog∙ througΦ ou≥ accoun⌠ a⌠ Gosford« Fo≥ somσ reasoε entirel∙
foreigε t∩ thσ committee¼á A╘ havσ changeΣ thσ system« Iε future¼ financia∞
member≤á oµ MUGS┴ caε no≈ ge⌠ discoun⌠ froφ thσ Microbeσ Technolog∙á Centrσ
a⌠ Unley« Thσ offereΣ amoun⌠ i≤ 10Ñ oε hardware¼ softwarσ anΣ books¼ anΣ 5Ñ
oεá upgrades«á Yo⌡ wil∞ neeΣ t∩ producσ thσ mailinτ labe∞ froφá thσá LATES╘
newslette≥ a≤ prooµ oµ membership«á Ne≈ member≤ wh∩ havσ no⌠ receiveΣ thei≥
firs⌠ magazinσ caε ge⌠ confirmatioε oµ membershi≡ froφ thσ secretary.
AlthougΦ wσ d∩ no⌠ usuall∙ havσ ß meetinτ iε January¼á wσ arσ havinτ ß
specia∞á onσá thi≤ time«á I⌠ i≤ t∩ enablσ member≤ wh∩ can'⌠á survivσá unti∞
Februar∙á withou⌠ ß get-togethe≥ t∩ discus≤ witΦ thσ committeσ thei≥á view≤
oεá thσ cluΓ anΣ it≤ direction«á Onσ thinτ tha⌠ thσ questionnairσ showeΣ i≤
tha⌠á therσá i≤á ßá widσá rangσá oµá idea≤á amongs⌠á members«áá Whils⌠á thσ
questionnairσ wa≤ usefu∞ iε digginτ ou⌠ thesσ views¼á i⌠ i≤ no≈ thσ timσ t∩
havσá somσ opeε discussion«á Thσ meetinτ oε Januar∙ 2▒ wil∞ bσ aεá informa∞
affair«á Therσ wil∞ bσ somσ subject≤ tha⌠ wil∞ bσ brough⌠ up¼á bu⌠ thσ res⌠
wil∞ bσ takeε a≤ i⌠ comes«á Iµ yo⌡ indicateΣ oε you≥ questionnairσ tha⌠ yo⌡
woulΣá likσá t∩á hel≡ iε thσ runninτ oµ thσ club¼á woulΣ likσá t∩á joiεá iε
genera∞ discussioε o≥ arσ jus⌠ ß gooΣ listener¼á pleasσ comσá along«á Usua∞
place¼ usua∞ time.
SPEE─ AN─ ACCURACY┐ .........................................Keviε Burrows.
Recentl∙á ╔ camσ acros≤ (Creativσ Computing¼á Februar∙ 1984⌐ ßá simplσ
benchmarδá writteε b∙ DaviΣ Ah∞ t∩ tes⌠ computationa∞ speed¼á accurac∙á anΣ
thσ randoφ numbe≥ generato≥ iε BASIC«á Thσ articlσ als∩ listeΣ thσ result≤
fo≥ 11╡ differen⌠ computers¼á bu⌠ predictabl∙ n∩ MICROBEE¼ s∩ ╔ jus⌠ haΣ t∩
tr∙ i⌠ oε m∙ 32╦ I├ .
Apparentl∙ thσ benchmark¼á listeΣ below¼á ha≤ beeε thσ subjec⌠ oµ somσ
criticisφ anΣ ß morσ comprehensivσ tes⌠ wa≤ promiseΣ but¼á a≤ ye⌠ ╔ haven`⌠
seeε it.
0011░ FO╥ N0=▒ T╧ 100║ A0=N0
0012░ FO╥ I=▒ T╧ 10
0013░ A0=SQR(A0)║ R0=R0+RND
0014░ NEX╘ I
0015░ FO╥ I=▒ T╧ 10
0016░ A0=A0^2║ R0=R0+RNDè0017░ NEX╘ I
0018░ S0=S0+A0║ NEX╘ N0
0019░ PRIN╘ ABS(1010-S0/5)
0020░ PRIN╘ ABS(1000-R0)
Well¼áá ho≈á diΣá thσá BE┼á anΣá MicroworlΣá Basiπá comparσá witΦá thσ
competition┐á No⌠ to∩ wel∞ I`φ afraid«á Result≤ fo≥ thσ BE┼ arσ listeΣ
iεá Tablσá ▒ anΣ a≤ ß comparisoε thσ publisheΣ result≤ fo≥ ßá selectioεá oµ
micro`≤ i≤ presenteΣ iε Tablσ 2.
Thσ maiε probleφ appear≤ t∩ liσ iε Microworld`≤ handlinτ oµ thσ squarσ
roo⌠á (SQR⌐á anΣ exponentia∞ (^⌐ functions«á SpeeΣ anΣ accurac∙á improveΣ
quitσ considerabl∙ wheε linσ 16░ wa≤ replaceΣ with:
0016░ A0=A0*A0║ R0=R0+RND
Increasinτá thσ numbe≥ iµ significan⌠ digit≤ diΣ increaseΣ accurac∙ bu⌠á a⌠
thσ expensσ oµ speed.
Iε thσ accurac∙ measurσ thσ smalle≥ thσ numbe≥ thσá better¼á 0.000000▒
i≤á excellen⌠á whilσ 0.18780╡ i≤ poor«á A≤ caε bσ seen¼á thσá exponentia∞
functioεá rate≤ ver∙ poorly«á WitΦ thσ alternatσ versioε oµ linσá 16░á botΦ
speeΣ anΣ accurac∙ werσ improved«á However¼ t∩ achievσ reasonablσ result≤
thσ numbe≥ oµ significan⌠ digit≤ mus⌠ bσ increaseΣ froφ thσ defaul⌠ oµ 8.
Versioε Significan⌠ Timσ Accuracy
Digit≤ (min)
╢ 3:0╡ 69.74
╕ 4:3╖ .6401
1░ 6:2╢ .127006
1▓ 8:3╢ .13426
1┤ 11:0╡ .13434
╢ 1:5▓ 15.09
╕ 2:4╖ .155
1░ 3:5┤ .001542
1▓ 5:1┤ .00000665
1┤ 6:4╡ .0000221
Result≤ oµ Ahl`≤ simplσ benchmark
Compute≥ Timσ Accurac∙ Random
NE├ AP├ 0:1▓ .00585937╡ 7.2
BB├ 0:2▒ .000012874603│ 5.2
IB═ P├ 0:2┤ .0115966╕ 6.3
NE├ PC-820▒ 1:4┤ .18780╡ 9.3
Commodorσ 6┤ 1:5│ .001041423╡ 8.9
TRS-8░ Mode∞ ▒ 2:1╣ .033874╡ 12.0
Spectruφ 4:3╣ .000668525╖ 3.5
atarΘ 1200X╠ 6:4╡ .01395╣ 5.2
╔á havσá no⌠ includeΣ thσ result≤ oµ thσ thσ measurσ oµ randomnes≤á a≤
MICROWORL─á BASI├ handle≤ thσ RN─ functioε iε ß differen⌠ wa∙ t∩á Microsof⌠
BASIC¼ whicΦ repeat≤ thσ samσ serie≤ oµ randoφ number≤ witΦ eacΦ ruε oµ thσ
program«á Ah∞ considereΣ tha⌠ result≤ unde≥ 1╡ wherσ gooΣ bu⌠ thosσá ove≥
1╡ wherσ onl∙ fair« Aε averagσ oµ eigh⌠ test≤ oε thσ BE┼ gavσ ß resul⌠ oµ
Wherσá doe≤á thi≤á leavσ thσ BEE┐á Well¼á it≤ no⌠ fas⌠á bu⌠á iµá yo⌡
increasσá thσ numbe≥ oµ significan⌠ digit≤ anΣ avoiΣ usinτ thσá exponentia∞
functioεá theεá it`≤á accurac∙ i≤ quitσ respectable«á Thσá randoφá numbe≥
generato≥ appear≤ i⌠ givσ good¼ iµ randoφ result≤ t∩ thi≤ par⌠ oµ thσ test.è┴ WorΣ froφ thσ Chairmaε ................................« Briaε Petersson.
Wel∞á it'≤á tha⌠ timσ oµ thσ yea≥ agaiε wherσ man∙ oµ yo⌡á wil∞á bσ
thinkinτ oµ holidays,partie≤ anΣ goodtime≤ t∩ bσ had«á Doe≤ thi≤ meaεá tha⌠
yo⌡á wil∞á bσ neglectinτ you≥ MICROBEE'S«á Fo≥ somσ oµ yo⌡ thi≤ ma∙ bσá thσ
case¼á howeve≥ fo≥ other≤ thσ microbee≤ potentia∞ t∩ entertaiε anΣá educatσ
wil∞á bσ used«á Thσ reasoε fo≥ makinτ thi≤ commen⌠ i≤ t∩ poin⌠ ou⌠ tha⌠ thσ
greate≥ thσ rangσ oµ use≤ yo⌡ caε finΣ t∩ d∩ witΦ you≥ compute≥ thσ greate≥
thσ valuσ thσ compute≥ wil∞ bσ t∩ you«
Afte≥ tha⌠ pear∞ oµ wisdoφ ╔ woulΣ likσ t∩ thanδ al∞ oµ thosσ peoplσ
oµá whoφ havσ takeε thσ timσ t∩ participatσ iε thσ man∙ event≤ helΣá durinτ
thi≤áá year«áá Thi≤á cover≤á thσá specia∞á interes⌠áá grou≡áá leaders,gues⌠
speakers,member≤á tha⌠á havσ conducteΣ variou≤ demonstration≤ anΣ thosσá oµ
yo⌡ tha⌠ havσ helpeΣ ruε thσ meetings.
┴ specia∞ thankyo⌡ t∩ thσ edito≥ fo≥ puttinτ u≡ witΦ m∙ gramma≥á anΣ
al∞ oµ ou≥ triviß anΣ als∩ t∩ thσ committeσ member≤ oµ whoφ unknowε t∩ man∙
havσá haΣá t∩ solvσ man∙ problem≤ takinτ u≡ mucΦ oµ thei≥ timσ anΣ tha⌠á oµ
thei≥ families.
Wσá havσ certainl∙ manageΣ t∩ achievσ man∙ discount≤á anΣá benefit≤
fo≥á ou≥ member≤ anΣ hopefull∙ wil∞ continuσ t∩ d∩ so«á Onσ thinτ tha⌠á ha≤
beeεá lackinτá i≤á iεá thσ fielΣ oµ socia∞ event≤ s∩ a≤á t∩á allo≈á member≤
familie≤ t∩ fee∞ tha⌠ the∙ arσ als∩ ß par⌠ oµ thσ club« Thi≤ wil∞ hopefull∙
bσ rectifieΣ iε thσ ne≈ year.
S∩ fo≥ no≈ oε behalµ oµ thσ committeσ anΣ myselµ ╔ wisΦ ever∙ onσ ß
happ∙ anΣ safσ christma≤ anΣ ß prosperou≤ ne≈ year.
Nothinτ Startlingl∙ Ne≈ .......................................« Gu∙ Shute.
Fo≥á al∞ bu⌠ thσ mos⌠ minutσ fractioε iε histor∙ ha≤ thσ existencσá oµ
electroniπá widget≤á giveεá maε thσ contro∞ tha⌠á enable≤á hiφá t∩á review¼
analyse¼ anΣ choosσ thσ past¼ presen⌠ anΣ dabblσ thσ futurσ witΦ aε elemen⌠
oµá hindsigh⌠ totall∙ inequatablσ t∩ hi≤ previou≤ mechanica∞ beasts«á Thi≤
meares⌠á dro≡ oµ Electroniπ Visioε i≤ bringinτ u≤ t∩ thσ doo≥ ste≡á oµá thσ
electroniπ erß whereb∙ man'≤ abilit∙ fo≥ thσ transformatioε oµ thσ simples⌠
theor∙á t∩á onσá oµ thσ mos⌠ comple° anΣ rea∞á phenomenon¼á froφá ßá simplσ
mathematica∞á prooµá t∩á thσá calculatinτ ß oµ ßá spacσá shot¼á caεá exce∞
reachinτá ou⌠ t∩ today'≤ state-of-the-ar⌠ technolog∙ t∩ everyonσ wh∩á want≤
t∩ looδ anΣ anyonσ wh∩ i≤ prepareΣ t∩ reacΦ int∩ thei≥ pocket.
Iεá Australia¼á thσ mos⌠ multitudinou≤ gathering≤ oµ peoplσ havσá beeε
anΣ stil∞ arσ arounΣ agricultura∞ shows« Thσ evolutionar∙ proces≤ oµ trenΣ
i≤á ß gradua∞ process╗á thougΦ witΦ ou≥ live≤ increasingl∙ becominτá morσ
regulated¼ ou≥ moderε societ∙ livinτ b∙ numbers¼ i⌠ woulΣ no⌠ bσ conjecturσ
t∩ accep⌠ tha⌠ thσ presen⌠ emergen⌠ electroniπ technolog∙ t∩ bσ amongs⌠ ou≥
primσ interests¼ iµ wσ a≤ individuals¼ arσ t∩ kee≡ pacσ witΦ thi≤ expansioε
oµ knowledgσ anΣ gro≈ witΦ thσ futurσ thaε rathe≥ thaε onl∙ gaiε experiencσ
througΦ age«á Eveε iµ wσ diΣ thσ leas⌠ b∙ jus⌠ keepinτ aε eyσ oεá advance≤
anΣá assigninτá ßá littlσ gre∙ matte≥ t∩ wha⌠á wσá percieve¼á comprehensivσ
understanding≤á wil∞á makσ u≤ bette≥ off«á Thσ presentatioεá oµá compute≥
technolog∙ thereforσ shoulΣ pla∙ aε importan⌠ par⌠ t∩ us¼ morσ s∩ thaε tha⌠
oµ ß ne≈ breeΣ oµ higΦ yieldinτ milδ cow.
Havinτá dispenseΣá witΦ thσ P╥ fo≥á electronic/technolog∙á exhibition≤
(fo≥á thσ timσ being⌐ conside≥ thσ variou≤ item≤ tha⌠ ac⌠ a≤ ßá turn-oεá t∩
dra≈á peoplσ t∩ thesσ events«á Basically¼á wheε wσ g∩ t∩ aε exhibitioεá wσ
fal∞á iε t∩ tw∩ categorie≤ oµ show-goer¼á eithe≥ thσ viewe≥ o≥ thσá hunted«
Thσá viewe≥ i≤ interesteΣ onl∙ iε entertainment¼á rathe≥ likσ televisioε iε
tha⌠ no⌠ man∙ oµ u≤ woulΣ likσ t∩ livσ thσ wa∙ oµ thσ typica∞ portraya∞á oµ
lawyer¼á cowboy¼á etc.¼á bu⌠ wσ watcΦ i⌠ fo≥ thσ spectacle« Thσ hunteΣ i≤
thσá persoεá oεá thσ screeε anΣ likσ al∞ movie≤ i≤ tendinτá t∩á ßá definitσ
conclusioε froφ thσ ver∙ start.è I⌠á i≤ importan⌠ t∩ realizσ theε ho≈ thσ exhibito≥ react≤ t∩ thσ show-
goer¼á a≤á thσá descriptioε oµ thσ show-goe≥ a≤ presenteΣ herσá i≤á alread∙
beginninτá t∩á classif∙ thσ exhibitor'≤ feeling≤ le⌠ u≤ theε stud∙á hiφá iε
brief«á Thσ exhibito≥ onl∙ fall≤ int∩ onσ bracke⌠ (╔ though⌠ bracket≤á camσ
iε pairs¼á Ed)¼á hσ i≤ therσ t∩ generatσ interest¼á whethe≥ iε ß produc⌠ o≥
membership¼á anΣá t∩á sel∞ whicΦ i≤ thσ aiφ oµ thσ game«á Herσá technique≤
diffe≥á anΣ herσ i≤ wherσ thσ exhibito≥ anΣ show-goe≥ coherσ eithe≥ int∩á ß
gooΣ o≥ baΣ bond.
Correspondingly¼á thσ exhibito≥ bait≤ thσ hunteΣ anΣ thσ viewe≥á look≤
oεá iεá amusement«á I⌠ i≤ thσ aspec⌠ oµ baitinτ tha⌠ i≤ s∩á skillful«á A≤
exhibitor≤á havσá differen⌠á bait≤á anΣ snarσá thσá hunteΣá witΦá differen⌠
methods¼á eacΦá oµá whicΦá i≤ ver∙ ofteε uniquel∙á adapteΣá t∩á thei≥á owε
environment«á Perhap≤á wσ human≤ neve≥ wil∞ eveε graduatσ beyonΣá Darwin'≤
"Origiε oµ thσ Speciesó afterall.
A≤ generall∙ upward≤ oµ 20,00░ peoplσ g∩ t∩ eacΦ sho≈ presenteΣ t∩ thσ
publiπá i⌠ i≤ obviou≤ tha⌠ thσ exhibitors¼á fe≈ a≤ the∙ are¼á wil∞ bσ a⌠ aε
absolutσ minority« A≤ eacΦ i≤ iε competitioε witΦ hi≤ neighbour¼ hσ ha≤ t∩
bσ ablσ t∩ talδ witΦ everyonσ anΣ `huntº dowε thσ enquire≥ anΣ bσ politσ t∩
thσ persoε who'≤ therσ becausσ thσ show'≤ there¼ anΣ stil∞ generatσ a≤ mucΦ
interes⌠á a≤ possible«á Thu≤ hσ acquire≤ thσ mercenar∙ toucΦ oµá thσá heaΣ
hunte≥á (fascinatinτ bu⌠ figurativel∙ truσ Ed⌐ t∩ dea∞ effectivel∙ witΦ al∞
oµá thσá question≤ froφ morσ thaε 60░ peoplσ wh∩ wil∞ pas≤ hi≤á stanΣá eacΦ
┴á shor⌠ stud∙ oµ thesσ technique≤ anΣ wσ caε seσ thσ followinτá sale≤
routine≤ cominτ t∩ light«
Man∙ largσ companie≤ seeφ t∩ usσ thσ samσ trick≤ fo≥ sellinτ computer≤
a≤ ganster≤ fo≥ organizeΣ crime«á Wσ havσ wha⌠ virtuall∙ arσ tantamoun⌠ t∩
t∩á kidna≡á anΣá ransom¼á blackmail¼á break-iεá anΣá entering¼á anΣá lastl∙
Kidna≡ anΣ ransoφ i≤ onσ oµ thσ mos⌠ commonl∙ useΣ method≤ oµá pushinτ
computer≤á oµá perhap≤á no⌠á thσ bes⌠ valuσ oε t∩ ßá unwantinτá o≥á unawarσ
innocents«á A⌠ onσ oµ ou≥ largσ electronics/compute≥ show≤ onσ oµ thσ wel∞
knowε companie≤ haΣ ß hugσ sigε readinτ `Thσ ....« Compute≥ Fo≥ Education'«
Theεá approximatel∙ thirt∙ t∩ fort∙ oµ thesσ computer≤ werσ lineΣ u≡á unde≥
thσá sigε anΣ no⌠ onσ haΣ aε educationa∞ prograφ runninτ bu⌠ werσ eacΦá haΣ
somσ sor⌠ oµ graphic≤ gamσ tha⌠ diΣ no⌠ havσ thσ leas⌠ bi⌠ oµ relevancσá t∩
thσ sign« I⌠ wa≤ clea≥ t∩ seσ tha⌠ thσ ideß wa≤ fo≥ thσ younτ childreε t∩
g∩á homσ pesterinτ thei≥ parent≤ t∩ b∙ tha⌠ computer«á Thu≤ kidnappinτ thσ
parent≤ piecσ oµ minΣ fo≥ thσ ransoφ oµ onσ ...« computer.
Thσ Macquariσ Dictionar∙ define≤ blackmai∞ as,"An∙ paymen⌠ wresteΣá o≥
wrunτá froφá ß persoε b∙ violence¼á intimidation¼á o≥ abusσá oµá authority╗
obtaiε (money¼á information¼á etc.⌐ b∙ force¼ torture¼ threa⌠ o≥ thσ like.ó
Thi≤á ma∙á bσá takinτá ou≥á themσ oµ thσ analog∙á oµá sale≤á operation≤á t∩
organizeΣ crimσ to∩ fa≥ bu⌠ thσ salesmaε wh∩ onl∙ want≤ thσ mone∙ froφ you≥
pocke⌠á neve≥á minΣ wha⌠ compute≥ yo⌡ need¼á fantasie≤ oµ sucΦá thing≤á anΣ
accountabl∙á i≤ giveε ß mentioε fo≥ thi≤ reason«á Ou≥ sellinτ craz∙á fienΣ
caεá onl∙á ge⌠ a≤ nea≥ a≤ t∩ blackmai∞ witΦ tha⌠ oµ thσá intellectua∞á kinΣ
whicΦ hσ ma∙ oµ ma∙ no⌠ manage.
Extrß HarΣ Sel∞ i≤ ß perfec⌠ examplσ oµ thσ resul⌠ oµ thσá competitioε
tha⌠á wσá al∞á facσ iε today'≤ society¼á anΣ onσ oµ thσ way≤á tha⌠á wσá ma∙
misleaΣ ourselve≤ iε thσ strifσ t∩ d∩ ou≥ bes⌠ anΣ reacΦ fo≥ wha⌠ wσ desirσ
a≤á thi≤á ove≥á exaggerateΣá methoΣ oµ sellinτ computer≤á rarel∙á lead≤á t∩
success«á Iε fact¼á peoplσ wh∩ normall∙ `pushº computer≤ to∩ harΣ arσ doinτ
s∩ becausσ someonσ ha≤ go⌠ ß bette≥ produc⌠ thaε theφ anΣ accordingl∙ thei≥
superior≤á arσ becominτ distraugh⌠ witΦ thσ lacδ oµ movinτ stock«á Iεá al∞
thi≤á methoΣá ha≤ thσ hallmark≤ oµ failurσ a≤á potentia∞á customer≤á becomσ
annoyeΣá wheεá thσá salesmaε make≤ hi≤ biΣ t∩ `break-inºá anΣá `enterºá thσ
customer'≤á minΣ anΣ fil∞ i⌠ witΦ thought≤ oµ ho≈ marvelou≤ ß compute≥á hi≤ èbranΣá i≤ and¼á bu⌠ surel∙ yo⌡ mus⌠ realizσ tha⌠ thσ other≤ arσ no⌠ halµ a≤
gooΣ a≤ thi≤ fantastiπ piecσ oµ moderε compute≥ technology¼ eveε iµ yo⌡ caε
pa∙ halµ thσ pricσ fo≥ somethinτ tha⌠ wil∞ d∩ thσ samσ joΓ fo≥ you.
Extortioε ha≤ t∩ bσ thσ Geφ oµ profitablσ crimσ anΣ fo≥ tha⌠ matte≥á ß
hair'≤á breadtΦ froφ consume≥ abusσ becausσ i⌠ stand≤ s∩ closσ t∩ thσ brinδ
oµ wherσ aε actua∞ ac⌠ i≤ punishablσ bu⌠ isn't«á Thi≤ racke⌠ neve≥ wil∞á bσ
caugh⌠ ou⌠ unles≤ ß clums∙ operato≥ foul≤ up« Diplomatiπ extortioε tha⌠ i≤
useΣá iεá iε sale≤ worδ i≤ morσ succinc⌠ anΣ i≤ precisσ enougΦ t∩ bσá drawε
int∩ somσ company'≤ policy« I⌠ i≤ thσ dreadeΣ smal∞ prin⌠ tha⌠ peoplσ wakσ
u≡ iε thσ nigh⌠ jitterinτ ove≥ havinτ realizeΣ tha⌠ the∙ havσ no⌠ reaΣá it«
Thσ complacen⌠ `catch22º tha⌠ ha≤ yo⌡ ove≥ ß barrel« Yo⌡ arσ reassureΣ tha⌠
thσá compute≥á cost≤ onl∙ ╪ dollar≤ anΣ wil∞ d∩ everythinτ yo⌡ wan⌠ i⌠á to¼
late≥á thσ sonτ become≤ becausσ yo⌡ didn'⌠ kno≈ wha⌠ everythinτ yo⌡á wanteΣ
was¼á i⌠ wil∞ no≈ cos⌠ morσ thaε ╪ dollars¼á thereforσ sincσ it'≤ no⌠ doinτ
wan⌠á yo⌡á wan⌠á i⌠á to¼á theε i⌠ mus⌠ havσ cos⌠ ╪á dollar≤á anΣá bσá doinτ
everythinτ yo⌡ want«
Thσá ar⌠á oµá extractinτ mone∙ froφ ß customer≤á pocke⌠á iεá ßá manne≥
pleasinτ t∩ hiφ i≤ thσ reasoε wh∙ sales-stafµ exis⌠ whethe≥ i⌠ i≤ performeΣ
iεá ß consultan⌠ typσ wa∙ o≥ b∙ ove≥ harΣ sell«á Thu≤ a⌠ thσ bar≤ a⌠á sucΦ
show≤á yo⌡ wil∞ alway≤ hea≥ `storie≤ oµ thσ tradeº beinτ exchangeΣá becausσ
b∙á salesmen'≤ standard≤ somethinτ t∩ bσ cherisheΣ anΣ talkeΣ abou⌠ ove≥ ß
beer«á Accordingly¼á thi≤á i≤á onσá oµ thσ universa∞á method≤á oµá sellinτ
anythinτ froφ ß saucepaε t∩ ß yach⌠ anΣ i≤ ß commoε da∙ normality.
Thσ co-ordinatioε oµ sale≤ force≤ i≤ thσ resul⌠ oµ tha⌠ wel∞ knowε bu⌠
littlσá understooΣá interactivσá substancσ defineΣ a≤á thσá engineerinτá oµ
administratioεá combineΣ witΦ thσ entrepreneura∞ art¼á a≤ ßá definitioεá i⌠
sound≤ suspec⌠ bu⌠ doubtlessl∙ i⌠ i≤ management.
Exhibitors¼á thei≥ techniques¼á thσ show-goer≤ mergσ togethe≥ int∩ onσ
thronτá t∩á forφá ß unisoε mas≤ oµ peoplσ jostlinτ iεá thσá interactioεá oµ
trade¼ thσ enΣ resul⌠ iε thσ linσ oµ capitalisφ workinτ t∩ makσ capital.
Iεá Adelaide¼á wσá havσ haΣ thσ benefi⌠ oµ threσ sucΦá exposition≤á oµ
Moderεá technology¼á Comtec¼á (Communication≤ Technolog∙ Fair)¼á thσá SoutΦ
Australiaε Compute≥ Exhibition¼ anΣ thσ New≤ Electroniπ Show« EacΦ dre≈ it≤
owεáá grou≡áá oµáá partie≤á interesteΣá iεá specifiπá area≤áá oµáá compute≥
implementation¼á thσá show≤á werσ designeΣ t∩ attrac⌠ educator≤á (homσá anΣ
school)¼ busines≤ user's¼ anΣ thσ homσ persona∞ computerists¼ respectively«
Thσ computer≤ displayeΣ revealeΣ nothinτ ne≈ oµ notß benσ bu⌠ gavσ thσ
SoutΦá Australiaε ß chancσ t∩ seσ computer≤ revealeΣ earlie≥ iεá thσá year¼
materiall∙á a⌠á thσ fingertip≤ rathe≥ thaε readinτ magazine≤ anΣ gazinτá a⌠
picture≤ anΣ ß chancσ t∩ finΣ ß suitablσ dealer«á T∩ namσ bu⌠ ß fe≈ oµ thσ
makes╗ thσ Microbeσ oµ coursσ receiveΣ thσ norma∞ largσ amount≤ oµ interes⌠
especiall∙ thσ Microbeσ Computer-in-a-Booδ witΦ thσ powerfu∞ 3.╡ incΦá CP/═
disδá systeφ offerinτ cos⌠ verse≤ powe≥ a⌠ it≤ best╗á thσ IB═ Spectruφá fo≥
thosσá wh∩ neeΣ morσ thaε everything¼á thσ T╔ uni⌠ witΦ speecΦá recognitioε
anΣ somσ stunninτ threσ dimensiona∞ graphics╗á Aussa⌠ bringinτ thσ everyda∙
normalit∙ viß spaceagσ communicatioε anΣ oµ coursσ thσ occasiona∞ robo⌠ wa≤
le⌠á losσ seemingl∙ t∩ emphasizσ tha⌠ no⌠ onl∙ Lukσ Skywalke≥ find≤ theφá ß
nuisancσ a≤ mucΦ a≤ ß help.
Thσ onl∙ wa∙ tha⌠ woulΣ bσ appropriatel∙ suitablσ t∩ finisΦ i≤ t∩ givσ
yo⌡ jus⌠ tw∩ contrastinτ comment≤ tha⌠ werσ hearΣ oε thσ Microbeσ stand.
"Somebod∙ elsσ wanteΣ fivσ granΣ t∩ d∩ that."
RemarkeΣ ß show-goe≥ sufferinτ froφ astonishmen⌠ anΣ froφ ß lad∙ iε passinτ
ou≥ vide∩ displaying¼ "ApplieΣ Technology¼ ß perfec⌠ example."
"Isn'⌠ tha⌠ JVC'≤ to≡ oµ thσ rangσ VCR?"èDoublσ SizeΣ V.D.U« character≤ usinτ thσ P.C.G« ........« Gran⌠ Dawson.
Thesσá subroutine≤ werσ writteε t∩ enablσ mσ t∩ emphasizσ tex⌠ oεá thσ
screeε b∙ makinτ theφ doublσ sizeΣ (enlarged).
Firstl∙á PCGLARG┼á mus⌠á bσ calleΣ t∩ setu≡ thσ P.C.G«á raφá witΦá thσ
specia∞á characters¼á comprisinτá al∞á oµ thσ alphabe⌠á character≤á iεá thσ
P.C.G.¼ botΦ uppe≥ anΣ lowe≥ case.
Thσ routinσ calleΣ LRGSTRN╟ wil∞ senΣ string≤ t∩ thσ console¼á iε samσ
fashioε a≤ thσ BDO╙ servicσ numbe≥ ╣ (loaΣ reg«á pai≥ D┼ witΦ thσ star⌠á oµ
thσá strinτ terminateΣ witΦ ß '$')«á EacΦ characte≥ i≤ checked¼á iµ it'≤á ß
lette≥á oµá thσ alphabe⌠ it'≤ converteΣ t∩ uppe≥ casσ anΣ sen⌠ a≤ ßá doublσ
sizeΣá character«á Al∞á othe≥ character≤ arσ sen⌠ iε norma∞á size«á Iµá yo⌡
wisheΣá t∩á displa∙á thσ worΣ 'HELLOº i⌠ woulΣ bσá sen⌠á usinτá thσá P.C.G«
character≤ a≤ 'HhEeLlLlOo'« LRGCHA╥ send≤ onl∙ thσ characte≥ iε reg« A.
Thσá prograφá ha≤ beeε writteε fo≥ ß disδ baseΣ Microbeσ bu⌠ coulΣá bσ
useΣá oε ß tapσ baseΣ machinσ b∙ callinτ thσ RO═ rathe≥ thaε thσá BDOS¼á i⌠
coulΣ als∩ bσ shortened¼á bu⌠ ╔ decideΣ t∩ sta∙ reasonabl∙ compatiblσá witΦ
standarΣ CP/═ routines« GooΣ Luck!!
;Thi≤ prograφ ha≤ beeε writteε fo≥ 'Macro-80º yo⌡ ma∙
;wisΦ t∩ conver⌠ i⌠ fo≥ EDASM«
.radi° 10D
bdo≤ eq⌡ 5
esπ eq⌡ 1bh
las⌠ eq⌡ '$º ;symbo∞ t∩ marδ enΣ oµ string
;PCGLARG┼ i≤ useΣ t∩ setu≡ thσ PC╟ raφ witΦ largσ alphß char.
pcglarge:lΣ hl,0fc10Φ ;thσ 'Aº character
lΣ ix,0fe10Φ ;thσ 'aº character
pcgmore:lΣ b,16
pcgchar:lΣ a,(hl⌐ ;par⌠ oµ char
cp∞ ;complemen⌠ it
pusΦ bπ ;savσ loo≡ count
cal∞ pcgbit
lΣ (ix+0),π ;firs⌠ half
cal∞ pcgbit
lΣ (hl),π ;seconΣ half
po≡ bπ ;restorσ loo≡ count
inπ h∞ ;poin⌠ t∩ nex⌠ char
inπ ix
djn· pcgcha≥ ;kee≡ goinτ til∞ done
lΣ a,l
c≡ 0b0h
j≥ nz,pcgmorσ ;jm≡ no⌠ finished
lΣ a,h
c≡ 0fdh
j≥ nz,pcgmore
re⌠ ;finished
pcgbit║ lΣ b,┤ ;halµ oµ thσ ┴ reg
bitloop:rrcß ;loaΣ bi⌠ int∩ carry
r≥ π ;carr∙ int∩ C
r≥ π ;movσ i⌠ alonτ one
re≤ 7,π ;clea≥ thσ 7tΦ bit
bi⌠ 6,π ;tes⌠ thσ las⌠ bi⌠ in
j≥ z,bitove≥ ;jm≡ iµ i⌠ wasn'⌠ set
se⌠ 7,π ;cop∙ i⌠ iµ i⌠ was
bitover:djn· bitloo≡ ;bacδ agaiε unti∞ finished
re⌠ ;done
;t∩ usσ LRGSTRN╟ loaΣ D┼ witΦ strinτ addr≤ terminateΣ witΦ ß '$'è;D┼ i≤ returneΣ pointinτ t∩ thσ nex⌠ characte≥ afte≥ thσ '$'
;Destroy≤ ┴ reg
lrgstrng:lΣ a,(de⌐ ;ge⌠ character
c≡ las⌠ ;seσ iµ it'≤ thσ las⌠ one
j≥ z,charenΣ ;returε iµ i⌠ was
cal∞ charsor⌠ ;sor⌠ theφ out
cal∞ c,charou⌠ ;non-alphß bu⌠ senΣ it
cal∞ nc,alphacΦ ;alphß cha≥ s∩ senΣ it
inπ dσ ;poin⌠ t∩ nex⌠ char
j≥ lrgstrnτ ;d∩ i⌠ again
charend:inπ dσ ;poin⌠ t∩ nex⌠ char
;t∩ usσ LRGCHA╥ loaΣ ┴ reτ witΦ cha≥ t∩ bσ sent
lrgchar:cal∞ charsor⌠ ;sor⌠ it
j≥ c,charou⌠ ;jm≡ iµ non-alpha
alphach:cal∞ charou⌠ ;senΣ firs⌠ half
se⌠ 5,ß ;se⌠ u≡ othe≥ half
charout:pusΦ aµ ;savσ al∞ regs
pusΦ bc
pusΦ de
pusΦ hl
bi⌠ 7,ß ;seσ iµ i⌠ i≤ ß PC╟ char
j≥ nz,pcgou⌠ ;jm≡ iµ i⌠ is
lΣ c,▓ ;bdo≤ ▓ consolσ outpu⌠ byte
lΣ e,ß ;loaΣ ┼ witΦ character
cal∞ bdo≤ ;senΣ i⌠ t∩ thσ VDU
j≥ pcgre⌠ ;return
pcgout║ lΣ (pcgstrng+2),ß ;storσ cha≥ t∩ bσ sent
lΣ c,╣ ;bdo≤ ╣ consolσ outpu⌠ string
lΣ de,pcgstrnτ ;strinτ t∩ bσ sent
cal∞ bdo≤ ;senΣ it
pcgret║ po≡ h∞ ;restorσ regs
po≡ de
po≡ bc
po≡ af
re⌠ ;bacδ t∩ wherσ yo⌡ camσ from
;PCGSTRN╟ i≤ sen⌠ t∩ enablσ thσ usσ oµ thσ PC╟ characters
pcgstrng:dΓ esc,')º ;reversσ video
dΓ ░ ;characte≥ t∩ bσ sent
dΓ esc,'(º ;non-reversσ video
dΓ '$º ;enΣ iµ strinτ marker
;CHARSOR╘ i≤ useΣ t∩ sor⌠ alphß anΣ non-alphß character≤ carr∙
;i≤ se⌠ iµ non-alphß anΣ al∞ alphß character≤ se⌠ t∩ uppe≥ case
charsort:re≤ 7,ß ;no≈ les≤ theε 80h
c≡ 'A'
j≥ c,nonalphß ;jm≡ iµ <'A'
c≡ 7bh
j≥ nc,nonalphß ;jm≡ iµ >'z'
c≡ 5bh
j≥ c,alphß ;jm≡ iµ uppe≥ case
c≡ 'a'
j≥ c,nonalphß ;jm≡ iµ no⌠ lowe≥ case
alpha║ se⌠ 7,ß ;se⌠ t∩ PC╟ char
re≤ 5,ß ;makσ surσ it≤ uppe≥ case
o≥ ß ;clea≥ carry
nonalpha:c≡ 0ffΦ ;se⌠ carr∙ flag
retèGettinτ Thσ Mos⌠ Ou⌠ Oµ CP/═ .......................« Ton∙ William≤ (SMUG).
Thσá firs⌠ thinτ ╔ shoulΣ tel∞ yo⌡ abou⌠ arσ tw∩ ver∙ gooΣ source≤ oµ chea≡
CP/═ Software
Softwarσ City
1/2╖ Forgσ St.
Blacktown¼ N.S.W.,
Phonσ (02⌐ 62▒ 4242
Archivσ Compute≥ Services
P.O« Bo° 13
2│ Wagne≥ Road
Clayfield¼ Qld¼ 4011
Phonσ (07⌐ 26▓ 2911
BotΦ thesσ place≤ sel∞ ß variet∙ oµ program≤ anΣ Archivσ als∩ distribute≤ ß
largσ amoun⌠ oµ publiπ domaiε softwarσ tha⌠ run≤ unde≥ CP/M«á The∙ arσ botΦ
mai∞ orde≥ businesse≤ anΣ botΦ takσ thσ ubiquitou≤ BankcarΣ s∩ yo⌡á receivσ
you≥ softwarσ withiε ß weeδ oµ orderinτ it.
Softwarσ Cit∙ sel∞ ß ├ compile≥ fo≥ $7░ a≤ wel∞ a≤ ß spellinτ checδ prograφ
fo≥á $60«á Archivσ handlσ thσ CP/═ User'≤ Grou≡ librar∙ anΣ jus⌠ chargσ fo≥
thσá distributioε costs«á Therσ arσ cheape≥ way≤ oµ gettinτá thi≤á softwarσ
thaε througΦ Archivσ bu⌠ onl∙ iµ yo⌡ havσ acces≤ t∩ ß modem.
Freσ Software
Iµ yo⌡ g∩ t∩ thσ troublσ oµ buyinτ ß modeφ yo⌡ caε theε acces≤ severa∞ freσ
networks«á Thesσá arσá calleΣ RCP/═ (Remotσ CP/M⌐ anΣ You≥ Compute≥ haΣá aε
articlσ ß couplσ oµ month≤ ag∩ oε ho≈ t∩ acces≤ onσ oµ thesσ systems« ╔ no≈
havσá acces≤ t∩ severa∞ publiπ domaiε utilitie≤ tha⌠ handlσá filσá transfe≥
througΦá ßá modeφ fo≥ ß CP/═ compute≥ s∩ anyonσ tha⌠ buy≤ ß modeφá caεá ge⌠
thi≤á froφá mσá b∙ sendinτ mσ $▓ (t∩ cove≥ postage⌐ anΣá ßá disk«á ╔á can'⌠
promisσá t∩á returεá i⌠ thσ nex⌠ da∙ a≤ ╔ aφ relyinτ oε thσ kindnes≤á oµá ß
fello≈ use≥ wh∩ ha≤ ß Beσ disδ system¼ bu⌠ ╔ wil∞ returε i⌠ promptly.
N∩ I'φ no⌠ talkinτ doublσ DutcΦ again« Thi≤ i≤ thσ namσ oµ ß ver∙ importan⌠
prograφ tha⌠ ╔ discovereΣ wa≤ beinτ giveε awa∙ b∙ A-T¼á ye≤ Free¼á gratis¼
fo≥á nothing¼á n∩ charge¼á n∩ cost«á (Ge⌠ u≡ ofµ thσ floor¼á i⌠ isn'⌠á tha⌠
surprising¼ i⌠ didn'⌠ cos⌠ theφ anything).
Publiπ Domain
ZCP╥ i≤ ß publiπ domaiε prograφ (tha⌠ mean≤ somσ peoplσ wrotσ it¼ theε gavσ
thσá copyrigh⌠á away¼á ß wonderfu∞ examplσ t∩ al∞ thosσ wh∩á haven'⌠á giveε
anythinτá t∩á thσ SMU╟ librar∙ yet⌐ tha⌠ replace≤ par⌠á oµá CP/M«á Fo≥á thσ
technica∞ i⌠ replace≤ thσ CC╨ o≥ Consolσ CommanΣ Processor¼á that'≤ thσ bi⌠
tha⌠á work≤á ou⌠ wha⌠ you≥ typinτ oε thσ keyboarΣ anΣ trie≤ t∩á figurσá ou⌠
wha⌠ wσ mean⌠ b∙ A:STA╘ B:S?C*.*
Wha⌠ doe≤ i⌠ do?
Thi≤á i≤ ß ver∙ usefu∞ extensioε t∩ CP/═ anΣ caε makσ lifσ ß littlσá easie≥
fo≥á u≤á forgetfu∞ compute≥ users«á Mmos⌠ oµ thσ thing≤ i⌠ doe≤ arσá fairl∙
transparen⌠ t∩ yo⌡ unti∞ yo⌡ wan⌠ theφ s∩ yo⌡ ma∙ actuall∙ havσ i⌠ oεá you≥
systeφá bu⌠ no⌠ kno≈ abou⌠ it«á Thσ mos⌠ obviou≤ thinτ i⌠ doe≤ i≤ makσá thσ
TYP┼ buil⌠ iε commanΣ automaticall∙ pagσ s∩ righ⌠ no≈ (Ye≤ ╔ meaε now⌐ rusΦ
ove≥á t∩ you≥ Beσ anΣ tr∙ ou⌠ thσ TYP┼ command«á Iµ yo⌡ don'⌠ havσ ZCP╥ thσ ètex⌠á wil∞ rusΦ pas⌠ oε thσ screen«á Jus⌠ t∩ makσ surσ tha⌠ y⌡á don'⌠á havσ
ZCP╥á tr∙ TYP┼ [filename▌ ╨ anΣ iµ thi≤ give≤ yo⌡ aε erro≥ messagσ theε yo⌡
don'⌠ havσ thi≤ wonderfu∞ utilit∙ installeΣ iε you≥ system« DON'╘ PANI├ yo⌡
ma∙ actuall∙ havσ i⌠ bu⌠ no⌠ installed.
Looδ a⌠ you≥ systeφ disδ (That'≤ thσ onσ yo⌡ originall∙ go⌠ froφ A-T⌐ fo≥ ß
filσá calleΣá ZCPR.COM«á Iµ yo⌡ havσ thi≤ filσ thaε al∞ yo⌡ havσ t∩á d∩á i≤
instal∞á it«á Therσ shoulΣ bσ ß couplσ oµ file≤ therσ alonτ witΦá ZCPR.COM¼
thesσ arσ calleΣ ZCPR.DO├ AN─ ZCPR.HLP« ZCPR.HL╨ ha≤ thσ informatioε oε thσ
lates⌠á addition≤á t∩ thσ prograφ anΣ ho≈ t∩ usσ theφ anΣ ZCPR.DO├á i≤á thσ
instruction≤á anΣá documentatioεá fo≥ ZCP╥ includinτá ho≈á t∩á instal∞á thσ
prograφ int∩ you≥ presen⌠ system« Thσ assembl∙ listinτ shoulΣ als∩ bσ therσ
fo≥ thσ Microsof⌠ Macro-Assemble≥ iε ß filσ calleΣ BEEZCPR.MA├ anΣ therσ i≤
ß smal∞ messagσ froφ A-╘ iε ß filσ calleΣ CPMZCPR.
Iµá yo⌡á don'⌠ havσ ZCP╥ o≥ somσ oµ thσ file≤ associateΣ witΦ i⌠ anΣá woulΣ
likσá ßá cop∙á (╔ woulΣ recommenΣ it⌐ theε senΣ mσ ß blanδá disδá c/∩á thi≤
journa∞á anΣá ╔ wil∞ pu⌠ i⌠ oε fo≥ you¼á thi≤ i≤ oµá coursσá totall∙á lega∞
becausσ i⌠ i≤ ß publiπ domaiε program« Pleasσ als∩ includσ ß selµ addresseΣ
stampeΣá envelope«á Thσ bes⌠ wa∙ t∩ senΣ disk≤ througΦ thσ pos⌠ i≤ t∩á wra≡
theφá witΦá tw∩á thicknesse≤ oµ corrugateΣ cardboarΣ anΣ sli≡ tha⌠á int∩á ß
paddeΣ pos⌠ bag.
╔á won'⌠á explaiε al∞ thσ detail≤ oµ ZCP╥ iε thi≤ articlσ a≤á ╔á onl∙á havσ
limiteΣá space«á I⌠ shoulΣ sufficσ t∩ sa∙ tha⌠ ZCP╥ i≤ probabl∙ onσ oµá thσ
bette≥á improvement≤á availablσ t∩ CP/═ user≤ anΣ certainl∙á thσá cheapest«
Therσá i≤á ß largσ rangσ oµ softwarσ availablσ freσ througΦ thσ CP/═á user≤
grou≡ anΣ a≤ ╔ managσ t∩ ge⌠ i⌠ converteΣ acros≤ t∩ thσ Beσ ╔ wil∞ tel∞ yo⌡
wha⌠ wσ havσ available« Iµ an∙ oµ m∙ reader≤ havσ ß CP/═ systeφ anΣ ß modeφ
╔á woulΣá appreciatσ ß lette≥ tellinτ mσ ho≈ yo⌡ arσ goinτ anΣ iµá yo⌡á caε
hel≡ takσ somσ softwarσ ofµ onσ oµ thσ RCP/═ system≤ (and¼á oµ course¼á pu⌠
somσá bacδ on⌐ ╔ woulΣ appreciatσ thσ assistance«á M∙ Beσ systeφ i≤ ye⌠á t∩
ge⌠ drive≤ anΣ ß modem¼ bu⌠ i⌠ shoulΣ bσ fairl∙ sooε (╔ hope).
Unti∞ thσ nex⌠ timσ ╔ aφ motivateΣ t∩ writσ onσ oµ thesσ article≤ ╔ biΣ yo⌡
al∞ ß fonΣ farewell«á Remembe≥ t∩ kee≡ oε tryinτ witΦ you≥ computer¼ anΣ iµ
yo⌡ havσ anythinτ t∩ sa∙ writσ t∩ u≤ herσ a⌠ thσ BeeLine«á Actually¼á writσ
t∩ u≤ eveε iµ yo⌡ don'⌠ havσ anythinτ t∩ say¼ wσ jus⌠ likσ gettinτ letters.
Wheεáá ApplieΣá Technolog∙á introduceΣá thσá MicroBeσáá aεáá importan⌠
consideratioεá wa≤á thσá versioεá oµ Basiπ t∩ bσá useΣá anΣá it'≤á cost«á ┴
commercia∞á versioεá - sucΦá a≤ thσ well-knowε MICROSOF╘á woulΣá havσá beeε
expensive¼á anΣá ma∙ no⌠ havσ supporteΣ al∞ thσ function≤á required«á Younτ
Mathe≈ Star≥ (whosσ namσ i≤ burneΣ indelibl∙ int∩ ou≥ mind≤ afte≥ al∞ thosσ
'ColΣá Starts'⌐á wrotσá thσá MicroWorlΣá Basiπá wσá no≈á use«á Despitσá thσ
difficult∙á beginner≤á havσ witΦ REA╠ anΣ INTEGE╥ numbers¼á thσ variet∙á oµ
function≤ supporteΣ iε jus⌠ 16╦ i≤ reall∙ remarkable╗ eveε morσ s∩ wheε yo⌡
realisσá thσá write≥ wa≤ no⌠ ye⌠ 2░ year≤ oldíá Howeve≥á somσá problem≤á d∩
exist¼á anΣá iµ you≥ prograφ doe≤ no⌠ functioε correctly¼á theε checδ thesσ
tw∩á pages«á Onσ smal∞ disappointmen⌠ i≤ tha⌠ fe≈ oµ thesσ bug≤á havσá beeε
fixeΣá iεá late≥á versions«á Incidentall∙ a⌠ almos⌠ ever∙ meetinτá s∩á far¼
member≤á havσá showεá mσ ß prograφ o≥ tw∩ whicΦá doe≤á no⌠á work«á Iεá thσ
majorit∙ oµ cases¼á thσ probleφ i≤ witΦ ß dimensioneΣ array«á Iε MicroWorlΣ
Basiπá yo⌡ MUS╘ dimensioε aε arra∙ beforσ use¼á thσ prograφ wil∞ no⌠ assumσ
tha⌠ aε arra∙ exist≤ already╗ theε yo⌡ mus⌠ bσ extremel∙ carefu∞ no⌠ t∩ usσ
thσá samσ lette≥ a≤ thσ arra∙ fo≥ ß non-arra∙ variablσ o≥ thσ entirσá arra∙
wil∞ bσ cancelled« (C« Tringham).èThσá followinτá problem≤á iε MicroWorlΣ Basiπ havσá beeεá reporteΣá b∙á ou≥
members¼ anΣ thσ Adelaide¼ Canberrß anΣ Melbournσ Use≥ Groups.
ZONE¼á Thσá defaul⌠á valuσ oµ ZON┼ (thσ spacσ inserteΣ b∙ ßá commßá outsidσ
quotσá mark≤á iε ß Prin⌠ Statement⌐ i≤ 8¼á thereforσ wσ shoulΣ ge⌠ ╕á equa∞
Zone≤ oµ ╕ iε ß linσ oµ 6┤ characters«á Bu⌠ i⌠ doe≤ no⌠ worδ ou⌠ tha⌠á way¼
thσ firs⌠ zonσ wil∞ onl∙ bσ ╖ space≤ long¼á anΣ therσ i≤ aε extrß zonσ (No«
9⌐ oµ onl∙ onσ space« Tr∙ thi≤ shor⌠ prograφ anΣ seσ thσ effect.
10░ FO╥ ╔ ╜ ▒ T╧ 9
11░ PRIN╘ "123456",
12░ NEX╘ I:END
Therσá wil∞á onl∙ bσ onσ spacσ betweeε thσ firs⌠ tw∩ zones¼á anΣ thσá nintΦ
zonσ start≤ oε thσ seconΣ line«á Tr∙ increasinτ thσ loo≡ t∩ prin⌠ oε al∞ 1╢
line≤ anΣ yo⌡ wil∞ seσ tha⌠ i⌠ theε jump≤ ever∙ 32nd« zone«
Datß statemen⌠ problems«á Iµ Datß statement≤ witΦ ß lengtΦ sucΦá tha⌠
1┤ singlσ digi⌠ value≤ arσ iε thσ DAT┴ lis⌠ - e.g.
1░ DAT┴ 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0,1,2,3,4
(WitΦá space≤ a≤ shown⌐ - arσ executed¼á ß synta° erro≥ wil∞ result¼á iεá ß
randoφ line¼á dependen⌠ oε thσ linσ numbe≥ giveε iε thσ DAT┴ statement« Thσ
curσá i≤ neve≥ t∩ executσ DAT┴ statements«á Pu⌠ iε aε EN─ statemen⌠á beforσ
yo⌡ ge⌠ t∩ them¼ o≥ bypas≤ theφ witΦ ß GOT╧ statement.
Contro∞á Characters«á Thesσ caε causσ problem≤ iε program≤ whicΦ canno⌠á bσ
easil∙ explained«á Thσ probleφ i≤ tha⌠ thσ Key≤ ESC¼á CTR╠ anΣ LIN┼ FEE─ d∩
no⌠á sho≈ u≡ oε thσ screen¼á bu⌠ the∙ wil∞ affec⌠ thσ runninτ oµ you≥ Basiπ
prograφ iµ the∙ arσ inserteΣ int∩ ß line« (Fo≥ morσ detail≤ seσ thσ articlσ
oε pagσ 15¼ thi≤ issue).
Thσ curσ i≤ t∩ EDI╘ you≥ prograφ linσ b∙ line¼ anΣ yo⌡ wil∞ seσ thσ Contro∞
character≤á a≤ underline≤ oε thσ screen«á Thσ result≤ oµ leavinτ ßá Contro∞
characte≥ iε ß prograφ arσ ver∙ unpredictable¼ bu⌠ iµ the∙ arσ REA─ a≤ par⌠
oµ ß DAT┴ statemen⌠ yo⌡ wil∞ seσ UNPAIRE─ BRACKE╘ ERRORS.
Datß functioε errors«á Iµ exactl∙ 6┤ character≤ o≥ space≤ iε ß DAT┴á state-
men⌠á arσ useΣ iε onσ linσ theε thσ BASI├ ma∙ comσ bacδ witΦ aε OU╘ O╞ DAT┴
statemen⌠á despitσá thσá fac⌠á tha⌠ therσ arσ enougΦá Datßá group≤á iεá thσ
G╪ functioε errors«á Thσ G╪ functioε wil∞ corrup⌠ you≥ Basiπ prograφ iµ thσ
seconΣá strinτ iε ß replacemen⌠ i≤ morσ thaε 1│ character≤ longe≥ thaεá thσ
firs⌠ string« fo≥ examplσ usinτ GX/$/0123456789012345» anΣ implementinτ thσ
commanΣ usinτ thσ Ful∞ sto≡ ke∙ wil∞ d∩ somσ incrediblσá things¼á includinτ
colΣ starts¼á anΣ possibl∙ shiftinτ you≥ entirσ screeε 1╡ character≤ t∩ thσ
Thσá curσá i≤á t∩ increasσ thσ strinτ iε stage≤ iµ yo⌡á mus⌠á increasσá thσ
string≤ usinτ thσ G╪ function.
G╪á Linσ changσ crashes«á I⌠ i≤ no⌠ possiblσ t∩ changσ linσ number≤á usinτ
thσá G╪á command«á Tryinτá thi≤ eithe≥ result≤ iε ß crasΦá o≥á thσá machinσ
loopinτ bacδ t∩ thσ samσ line.
Thσá LOA─á statement.Thσá LOA─ routinσ wil∞ no⌠ operatσ correctl∙á iµá yo⌡
corrup⌠ thσ scratchpaΣ immediatel∙ beforσ use« Tr∙ thi≤ shor⌠ example.
(Iε immediatσ modσ type⌐ HIRES:PLO╘ 1,▒ T╧ 20,20
No≈ type:-
1░ RE═ ß shor⌠ program
No≈ savσ "T"¼ anΣ loaΣ thσ shor⌠ prograφ t∩ tape.
RESET¼ anΣ RewinΣ tape« No≈ tr∙ anΣ LOA─ "T".
Thσá LOA─á routinσá wil∞ bypas≤ thσ routinσ jus⌠á saveΣá becausσá thσá PLO╘
commanΣ useΣ thσ samσ areß a≤ thσ tapσ namσ buffer.èThσá curσ i≤ alway≤ t∩ savσ ß filσ namσ witΦ exactl∙ si°á characters«á Thi≤
wil∞ alway≤ ensurσ ß matcΦ witΦ thσ namσ iε thσ tapσ Buffer.
LEN¼á VAL¼ SEARC╚ ª AS├ strinτ functions« Thesσ wil∞ no⌠ functioε correctl∙
wheε useΣ insidσ statement≤ tha⌠ usσ thσ concentratioε characte≥ "+"
fo≥ example.
▒ - prin⌠ "helloó ½ str(val("1.2345")⌐ ½ "bye"
resul⌠ i≤ 1.23┤ 1.2345bye
▓ - prin⌠ "helloó ½ chr¿ len("good"⌐ +65⌐ ½ "bye"
resul⌠ is:- good
│ - prin⌠ "helloó ½ chr(searcΦ ("hello","e"⌐ ½ 65⌐ ½ "good"
resul⌠ i≤ :- hello
ATA╬á function«á Thi≤á give≤ wildl∙ inaccuratσ result≤ iµ ABS(A0⌐ i≤á les≤
thaε 0.1« Bu⌠ ß fairl∙ gooΣ approximatioε t∩ ATA╬ fo≥ A░ iε thσ rangσ ░ t∩
0.▒á is:- A░á - (A0*A0*A0)/│ ½ (A0*A0*A0*A0*A0)/╡ whicΦ i≤ accuratσá t∩á a⌠
leas⌠ seveε decima∞ places«á Iµ greate≥ accurac∙ i≤ needeΣ tr∙á subtractinτ
(A0*A0*A0*A0*A0*A0*A0)/╖ froφ thσ above.
FRAC╘á Function«á Iµá thσ Fractiona∞ par⌠ oµ A░ iε FRACT(A0⌐ i≤á les≤á thaε
0.01¼á thσá resul⌠á appear≤á correc⌠ iµ printed¼á bu⌠ i⌠ wil∞ no⌠á worδá iε
arithmetiπ calculations.
e.g« A1=1.01:A▓ ╜ FRACT(A1⌐ :PRIN╘ A1-A2« resul⌠ i≤ 1.01
Thσ curσ i≤ t∩ surrounΣ thσ FRAC╘ witΦ thσ ST╥ anΣ VA╠ functions
i.e« A▓ ╜ VAL(STR(FRACT(A1)))
Thi≤ probleφ ha≤ beeε fixeΣ iε Basiπ versioε 5.22e
STRIN╟á Manipulation«á Thi≤ i≤ no⌠ possiblσ witΦ ß Strinτ Arra∙á Variable«
e.g« A1ñ ╜ A0$(1)(;1,3⌐ wil∞ no⌠ work.
I⌠á i≤ necessar∙ t∩ assigε ß dumm∙ non-arra∙ variablσ anΣ manipulatσá that¼
e.g« Z0ñ ╜ A0$(1⌐ ║ A1ñ ╜ Z0$(;1,3)
POIN╘á function«á Thi≤á wil∞á operatσ incorrectl∙ wheε useΣá witΦá thσá 'Hº
modifier«á e.g« POINTH(X,Y⌐ generate≤ aε unpaireΣ bracket≤ error« Thσ tricδ
i≤ t∩ usσ POINT(HX,Y)«á Thi≤ probleφ arise≤ becausσ thσ routinσ t∩á executσ
thσ poin⌠ functioε call≤ ß routinσ whicΦ look≤ fo≥ aε H¼ anΣ theε fo≥ ╪ anΣ
┘á addresses«á Iµá thσ ╚ i≤ present¼á thσ routine≤ modifie≤á thσá addresse≤
appropriately«á Oεá returε t∩ thσ POIN╘ routine¼á thσ specifieΣ addres≤á i≤
supplied« Beforσ callinτ thi≤ routine¼ thσ POIN╘ routinσ check≤ fo≥ aε opeε
bracket«á Hencσá thσá swa≡ iε thσ bracke⌠ anΣ thσ H«á Thσá addres≤á findinτ
routinσ work≤ finσ fo≥ SET╚ X,┘ anΣ RESET╚ X,Y.
PRINTIN╟ CHR(128⌐ Basicall∙ (n∩ pun⌐ thi≤ doesn'⌠ work« Tryinτ t∩ pu⌠ thi≤
int∩á thσá middlσ oµ ß strinτ result≤ iε thσ strinτ beinτ truncateΣ t∩á thσ
chr(128)« Thi≤ i≤ becausσ tha⌠ characte≥ i≤ useΣ t∩ signa∞ 'end-of- stringº
iε al∞ strinτ operations« T∩ prin⌠ CHR(128⌐ usσ PRIN╘ [A▒ 128].
STO╨ anΣ CONT«á Iµ yo⌡ tr∙ t∩ continuσ afte≥ ß STO╨ commanΣ iε ß GOSUB¼ thσ
prograφ wil∞ crasΦ (terribly⌐ oε CONTINUING« Thσ probleφ arise≤ becausσ thσ
STO╨á commanΣá clear≤ thσ STAC╦ whicΦ store≤ thσ RETUR╬á addres≤á froφá thσ
subroutine« Tr∙ thσ followinτ example:-
10░ REM
11░ RE═ Break/Con⌠ buτ iε subroutinσ demonstration
12░ REM
13░ GOSU┬ 1000
14░ END
15░ REM
100░ STOP
101░ PRIN╘ "hello"
102░ RETURNèDATABAS┼ PROGRAM╙ FO╥ TH┼ MICROBE┼ ..............« Pete≥ Caspersonε (SMUG).
Wha⌠ i≤ ß database?
An∙ collectioε oµ informatioε caε bσ ß database«á Usuall∙ i⌠ i≤ composeΣ oµ
onσ o≥ morσ FILES« Al∞ thσ datß tha⌠ thσ SMU╟ secretar∙ hold≤ oε member≤ i≤
ß file«á Thσ namσ anΣ othe≥ usefu∞ detail≤ oµ eacΦ SMU╟ membe≥ i≤ ß RECORD«
Thσ numbe≥ oµ record≤ shoulΣ equa∞ thσ numbe≥ oµ members¼á anΣ eacΦ iteφ oµ
informatioε iε thσ recorΣ (e.g« Postcode¼ o≥ homσ phonσ No.⌐ i≤ ß FIELD.
┴ gooΣ databasσ shoulΣ enablσ yo⌡ t∩ add¼á delete¼á amend¼ sort¼ anΣ selec⌠
an∙á FIEL─ o≥ RECOR─ witΦ ease«á Yo⌡ shoulΣ als∩ bσ ablσ t∩ linδ FILES¼á a≤
lonτ a≤ the∙ havσ a⌠ leas⌠ onσ commoε field«á Iε othe≥ words¼ yo⌡ ente≥ thσ
datß once¼ theε i⌠ i≤ readil∙ availablσ fo≥ an∙ purpose.
┴ largσ database¼á t∩ bσ efficien⌠ require≤ disπ access«á ┴ cassettσá baseΣ
databasσá caε effectivel∙ holΣ iε onσ filσ onl∙ thσ volumσ oµ datß tha⌠ caε
bσ loadeΣ int∩ RA═ a⌠ an∙ onσ time.
Wha⌠ databasσ cassette≤ arσ availablσ fo≥ thσ Microbee?
Perusa∞ oµ thσ magazine≤ showed:-
- Somσ Filσ carΣ inde° system≤ fo≥ arounΣ $15.00
- DATBA╙ froφ A.T.¼ describeΣ a≤ ß "databasσ demonstration,
illustrate≤ thσ concept≤ oµ databasσ management"« Cos⌠ $14.95
- ADDRES╙ FIL┼ Store≤ 80½ addresse≤ iεá 16K¼á etc¼á add«á delete¼
sor⌠á anΣá searcΦ b∙ an∙ field¼á prin⌠ labels«á Froφá Micr∩á B«
Software¼ Perth« Cos⌠ $45.00
- DATMA╬á froφ IW┬ Micr∩ Datß Systems«á Firs⌠ releaseΣ fo≥ $59.9╡
iε Dec«á 1982¼ las⌠ seeε advertiseΣ fo≥ $29.9╡ iε Y.C« magazinσ
iε Junσ 1983.
- DAT┴ BE┼ froφ Digita∞ Concepts¼ $19.9╡ froφ retai∞ outlets.
- BEEDA╘ pre-releasσ version¼á froφ Goodisoε Software¼ Pricσ etc«
Wha⌠ arσ the∙ like?
╔ havσ haΣ ß looδ a⌠ thσ las⌠ threσ oε thσ abovσ list« Usinτ ß hypothetica∞
filσ oµ ninσ fields¼ ranginτ froφ 2░ characte≥ field≤ fo≥ name¼ address¼ t∩
onσá digi⌠ field≤ fo≥ numeriπ indicator≤ fo≥ sorting¼á ╔ produceΣ datßá fo≥
thσ comparisoε tablσ below.
No« oµ record≤ iε 16╦ 4╕ 4▓ 48
Prograφ languagσ Basiπ Machinσ Basic
No« oµ field≤ Use≥ Se⌠ Ma° 1░ 5
Sor⌠ oε an∙ fielΣ Ke∙ fielΣ onl∙ Ye≤ Yes
SearcΦ b∙ fielΣ nonσ Ye≤ Yes
Edit/AmenΣ recorΣ onl∙ deletσ Ye≤ Yes
Lis⌠ wholσ filσ Ye≤ Ye≤ Yes
Lis⌠ selecteΣ field≤ N∩ Ye≤ No
AdΣ numeriπ datß N∩ Ye≤ No
Coun⌠ N∩ Ye≤ No
Prin⌠ N∩ Ye≤ Yes
Forma⌠ Prin⌠ N∩ Ye≤ No
Prin⌠ selecteΣ datß N∩ Ye≤ No
Genera∞ comments
Oµá thσ program≤ tested¼á DAT┴ BE┼ i≤ b∙ fa≥ thσ best«á I⌠ i≤ thσ onl∙á onσ
witΦ arithmetiπ abilities« I⌠ provide≤ ß formatteΣ prin⌠ outpu⌠ fo≥ addres≤
labels¼á bu⌠ onσ columε onl∙ acros≤ thσ page« I⌠ allow≤ printinτ oµ listinτ
b∙ selecteΣ fields¼ o≥ fo≥ selecteΣ records« Other≤ d∩ not.
èDATMA╬ anΣ BEEDA╘ arσ botΦ writteε iε Basic¼á whicΦ allow≤ yo⌡ t∩ adap⌠ thσ
program«á DATMA╬ eveε give≤ yo⌡ somσ help«á Bu⌠ an∙ add-on≤ wil∞ takσá awa∙
filσ storagσ space¼ anΣ thσ purposσ oµ buyinτ ß read∙ madσ prograφ i≤ t∩ d∩
ß particula≥ job¼ no⌠ writσ you≥ owε program.
Thσá threσ program≤ al∞ holΣ simila≥ number≤ oµ files«á ╔ calculateΣ tha⌠ ß
32╦ Microbeσ woulΣ holΣ abou⌠ 24░ file≤ thσ samσ sizσ a≤ ╔ used.
╔á wa≤á disappointeΣá witΦ onσ aspec⌠ oµ DAT┴á BEE«á I⌠á woulΣá bσá greatl∙
improveΣ iµ i⌠ haΣ ß batcΦ updatσ facility¼á s∩ tha⌠ ß dumm∙ fielΣ coulΣ bσ
quickl∙á loadeΣá witΦ ß variable¼á fo≥ sortinτ anΣá printing¼á theεá easil∙
changeΣ fo≥ thσ nex⌠ time.
Iµ ╔ haΣ t∩ givσ aε overal∞ rating¼á ╔ woulΣ givσ DAT┴ BE┼ ╕ ou⌠ oµ 10¼ bu⌠
yo⌡á mus⌠á bea≥á iε minΣ thσ maiε restrictioε i≤ imposeΣá b∙á thσá cassettσ
systeφ oµ filing«á Thσ others¼ ╔ wouldn'⌠ worr∙ with« ╔ woulΣ bσ interesteΣ
iε an∙ comment≤ oε system≤ no⌠ reviewed.
BEGINNIN╟ BASI├ - PAR╘ 8..........« Briaε Uren.
┴á Multiplicatioε Prograφ wa≤ provideΣ iε BB-┤ witΦ ß suggestioε t∩á modif∙
s∩ tha⌠ i⌠ coulΣ bσ useΣ fo≥ Addition¼ Subtractioε anΣ Division« Well¼ herσ
arσ somσ ideas:-
1░ PRIN╘ "Additioε ║ Ho≈ man∙ problems";
2░ INPU╘ N
3░ R=0
4░ K=1
5░ I╞ K>╬ THE╬ LE╘ P1=FLT(R)/FLT(N)*10░ ELS┼ 70
6░ GOT╧ 190
7░ PRIN╘ "Typσ iε ▓ numbers";
8░ INPU╘ A,B
9░ PRIN╘ "Wha⌠ i≤ thσ suφ of";A;ó +";B;
10░ INPU╘ X
11░ I╞ X=A+┬ THE╬ 150
12░ PRIN╘ "Wronτ answer..."
13░ PRIN╘ "Answe≥ is";A+B
14░ GOT╧ 170
15░ PRIN╘ "You≥ right..."
16░ R=R+1
17░ K=K+1
18░ GOT╧ 50
19░ PRIN╘ "FinisheΣ ║ You≥ scorσ is";P1;"%"
20░ END
1░ PRIN╘ "Subtractioε ║ Ho≈ man∙ problems";
9░ PRIN╘ "Wha⌠ i≤ thσ differencσ between";A;ó -";B;
11░ I╞ X=A-┬ THE╬ 150
13░ PRIN╘ "Answe≥ is";A-B
1░ PRIN╘ "Divisioε ║ Ho≈ man∙ problems";
9░ PRIN╘ "Wha⌠ i≤ thσ dividenΣ of";A1;ó /";B1;
11░ I╞ X1=A1/B▒ THE╬ 150
13░ PRIN╘ "Answe≥ is";A1/B1
Thσá RESTOR┼ statemen⌠ reset≤ o≥ reposition≤ thσ pointe≥ bacδ t∩ thσá firs⌠
requireΣá DAT┴á item¼á s∩ tha⌠ i⌠ caε bσ reuseΣ again«á I⌠ i≤ useΣ wherσá ß
prograφá ha≤ morσ thaε onσ sectioε anΣ thσ samσ piecσ o≥ piece≤ oµ DAT┴á i≤
requireΣ iε eacΦ oµ thσ sections¼ e.g« graphs.è
RN─ i≤ ß numeriπ functioε whicΦ allow≤ thσ programme≥ t∩ generatσ ßá randoφ
number«á Thi≤á i≤ ß built-iε routinσ tha⌠ produce≤ ß "surpriseó numbe≥ eacΦ
timσ i⌠ i≤ used.
1░ PRIN╘ "Randoφ Numbers"
2░ FO╥ K=▒ T╧ 5
3░ X=INT(RND*10)+1
4░ PRIN╘ X
5░ NEX╘ K
6░ END
Thi≤ printeΣ ou⌠ randoφ number≤ betweeε ▒ anΣ 10.
Changσ linσ 30,
3░ X=INT(RND*10)
No≈ i⌠ shoulΣ prin⌠ ou⌠ randoφ number≤ betweeε ░ anΣ 9.
Agaiε changσ linσ 30,
3░ X=INT(RND*10)+5
Randoφ number≤ betweeε ╡ anΣ 14.
Merr∙ Christma≤ t∩ all¼ seσ yo⌡ iε 85.
WILDCARD╙ II╔ - ┴ BOO╦ REVIE╫ .............................« Phili≡ Ahrens.
Wildcard≤ II╔ i≤ thσ lates⌠ booδ b∙ Burt¼á ForΣ anΣ Nallawalla«á Therσ
arσá ßá tota∞á oµá si° chapter≤ anΣ ╢á appendice≤á coverinτá somethinτá fo≥
everyone«á Chapter≤ arσ Applications¼á Tip≤ anΣ Techniques¼á Smal∞ Busines≤
Section¼á Utilities¼á Graphic≤á anΣ ß Machinσ Languagσ Gamσá Tutorial«á Bu⌠
don'⌠á bσ fooleΣ b∙ thesσ headings«á Wheε lookinτ morσ closel∙ a⌠ wha⌠á thσ
chapter≤á contaiε Wildcard≤ II╔ caε bσ summeΣ u≡ a≤ ß collectioεá oµá basiπ
anΣ machinσ codσ program≤ fo≥ yo⌡ t∩ typσ iε anΣ modify.
Iµá yo⌡ arσ learninτ eithe≥ basiπ o≥ machinσ codσ theε thi≤ i≤ ßá booδ
fo≥á you«á Therσá arσ man∙ interestinτ anΣ usefu∞ program≤ yo⌡ caε typσá iε
dealinτ witΦ thσ chapte≥ heading≤ ╔ listeΣ before«á ╔ believσ tha⌠ thσ bes⌠
wa∙á t∩ learε programminτ i≤ t∩ typσ iε program≤ tha⌠ havσ beeεá thoroughl∙
explaineΣ anΣ described« Thi≤ wa∙ yo⌡ learε ho≈ thσ man∙ differen⌠ command≤
worδá anΣ wherσ the∙ arσ used«á Oncσ yo⌡ caε correc⌠ thσ occasiona∞á error≤
tha⌠ occu≥ (N∩ ╔ couldn'⌠ finΣ an∙ iε Wildcard≤ III⌐ theε yo⌡ arσ read∙á t∩
tr∙á somσ program≤ oµ you≥ own«á Wildcard≤ II╔ give≤ yo⌡ man∙ opportunitie≤
t∩á improvσá o≥á modif∙ program≤ bu⌠ doesn'⌠ givσá yo⌡á man∙á fresΦá ideas«
Wildcard≤á i≤á describeΣá a≤á "┴á collectioεá oµá programs¼á tip≤á anΣ
technique≤ fo≥ al∞ model≤ oµ thσ MICROBEE"¼á i⌠ leave≤ mσ wonderinτ whethe≥
thσ booδ shoulΣ havσ reall∙ beeε calleΣ "10░ Program≤ fo≥ thσ Microbee"« I⌠
i≤ morσ ß collectioε oµ program≤ thaε ful∞ oµ tip≤ anΣ techniques.
╔á founΣ ver∙ fe≈ ne≈ discoverie≤ o≥ idea≤ tha⌠ ╔ haven'⌠ seeεá beforσ
anΣá thσá machinσ codσ gamσ lef⌠ mσ wonderinτ ho≈ man∙ wil∞ typσ i⌠ iεá anΣ
actuall∙á gettinτ i⌠ goinτ - it'≤ quitσ long«á Overal∞ thougΦ thσá tex⌠á i≤
eas∙á t∩ reaΣ anΣ thσ booδ i≤ oµ ß ver∙ gooΣ quality«á (wh∙ doesn'⌠ ApplieΣ
Technolog∙ producσ thσ samσ higΦ qualit∙ ?)
No≈á tha⌠á morσ book≤ arσ availablσ fo≥ thσ Microbeσ wσ mus⌠á bσá morσ
fuss∙á witΦ wha⌠ book≤ wσ purchase«á Iµ yo⌡ don'⌠ kno≈ wha⌠ ß flowchar⌠á i≤
anΣ yo⌡ couldn'⌠ writσ simplσ basiπ gamσ theε thi≤ booδ i≤ fo≥ you«á Iµ yo⌡
d∩ theε bu∙ thσ Microbeσ Technica∞ Manua∞ instead« è