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T∩ pla∙ "Citade∞ oµ Chaois"¼ yo⌡ neeΣ t∩ understanΣ onl∙ thσ fe≈ ì
instruction≤ which arσ set out below:
1«á Instruction≤ oε thσ disδ iε ß filσ calleΣ GAME.IN╙ explaiε ì
ho≈áthσ gamσ works«á Thi≤ i≤ ß tex⌠ (ASCII⌐ filσ whicΦ caε ì
bσ TYPEΣ and/o≥ printed«áThσ defaul⌠ setting≤ viß WordSta≥ ì
are as follows.
a). Page offset = 8
b). Page length = 66
botΦ oµ whicΦ arσ defaul⌠ setting≤ fo≥ WordSta≥ a≤ supplieΣ ì
by Applied Technology (Microbee Systems Ltd).
2«áá Thσáinstruction≤áarσáals∩áiεáßábinar∙áfilσácalleΣ INSTRUCT.
Thi≤ filσ caε bσ reaΣ viß thσ maiε menu« Thi≤ i≤ calleΣ ì
from the A> prompt with the command CITADEL<c/r>
3. Playing instructions are not included except in this file.
Unlikσ mos⌠ "adventureó games¼ yo⌡ wil∞ no⌠ havσ t∩ GET¼ READ¼ ì
PIC╦ UP¼ G╧ NORT╚ o≥ an∙ othe≥ sucΦ command« Thi≤ gamσ ha≤ beeε ì
madσ eas∙ s∩ al∞ ma∙ play¼ anΣ a≤ i⌠ is¼ n∩ specia∞ talent≤ arσ ì
required to play it.
Al∞ movemen⌠ througΦ thσ gamσ i≤ b∙ simplσ ke∙ press« Yo⌡ wil∞ ì
bσ giveε ß men⌡ oµ move≤ t∩ choosσ froφ a⌠ whicΦ yo⌡ answe≥ b∙ ì
pressinτ thσ appropriatσ numbe≥ key« A⌠ othe≥ time≤ yo⌡ wil∞ bσ ì
askeΣ t∩ pres≤ an∙ ke∙ t∩ advancσ t∩ thσ nex⌠ par⌠ oµ thσ game.
An∙ almos⌠ an∙ timσ durinτ thσ gamσ (excep⌠ durinτ ß fight)¼ yo⌡ ì
may select two other options.
1« B∙ pressinτ thσ "Só key¼ yo⌡ wil∞ bσ takeε t∩ thσ "SAVEó ì
optioε oµ thσ game« A⌠ thi≤ poin⌠ yo⌡ wil∞ bσ giveε tw∩ ì
morσ options« Thesσ arσ t∩ Savσ o≥ Restorσ ß game« Iµ yo⌡ ì
elec⌠ t∩ savσ ß game¼ simpl∙ typσ iε thσ namσ yo⌡ wisΦ t∩ ì
ááááácal∞ you≥ saveΣ gamσ (withou⌠ addinτ aε extension⌐ anΣ thσ ì
ááááágamσ wil∞ bσ saveΣ anΣ yo⌡ wil∞ bσ returneΣ t∩ thσ maiε ì
ááááámenu« Froφ therσ yo⌡ ma∙ star⌠ ß ne≈ game¼ restorσ ß gamσ ì
ááááásaved previously or finish and return to CP/M.
áááááIµ yo⌡ elec⌠ t∩ Restorσ ß game¼ yo⌡ wil∞ bσ requesteΣ t∩ ì
ááááátypσ iε thσ namσ oµ thσ saveΣ gamσ (withou⌠ aε extension)« ì
áááááThi≤ saveΣ gamσ wil∞ theε comσ int∩ pla∙ b∙ placinτ yo⌡ iε ì
áááááthe position from where it was saved from.
áááááGame≤ wil∞ bσ saveΣ t∩ o≥ RestoreΣ froφ thσ defaul⌠ drive« ì
áááááIf another drive is required, use the standard CP/M format.
áááááe.g. B:MYGAME<c/r> or C:mygame<c/r>
áááááThσ filenamσ t∩ bσ saveΣ o≥ restoreΣ is not case sensitive.ìè2.áááB∙ pressinτ thσ "Ló key¼ yo⌡ wil∞ bσ takeε t∩ ß poin⌠ iε ì
áááááthσ gamσ wherσ yo⌡ ma∙ restorσ you≥ LUCK¼ SKIL╠ anΣ ì
áááááSTAMINA« Therσ wil∞ normall∙ bσ n∩ neeΣ t∩ restorσ you≥ ì
áááááLUCK as this is updated each time your luck is tested.
áááááYou≥ SKIL╠ ma∙ forφ timσ t∩ timσ neeΣ t∩ bσ restoreΣ anΣ ì
áááááthi≤ optioε i≤ als∩ giveε althougΦ therσ wil∞ bσ littlσ ì
áááááchange in your skill level.
áááááYou≥ STAMIN┴ wil∞ neeΣ t∩ bσ restoreΣ anΣ thi≤ i≤ als∩ donσ ì
áááááviß thi≤ option« Thσ bes⌠ timσ t∩ updatσ you≥ STAMIN┴ i≤ ì
ááááájust before or after a fight.
áááááWheε yo⌡ Updatσ onσ oµ thesσ threσ attributes¼ thσ amoun⌠ ì
áááááoµ spell≤ yo⌡ havσ wil∞ bσ deminished« Al∞ threσ option≤ a⌠ ì
áááááthi≤ poin⌠ wil∞ restorσ thei≥ respectivσ figure≤ t∩ thσ ì
áááááleve∞ a⌠ whicΦ yo⌡ starteΣ thσ gamσ with«
Ever∙ effor⌠ ha≤ beeε madσ t∩ removσ potentia∞ bug≤, anΣ erro≥ ì
trap≤ havσ beeε included« Iµ thσ prograφ happen≤ t∩ bomΓ ou⌠ oε ì
you¼ yo⌡ shoulΣ bσ askeΣ b∙ thσ compute≥ t∩ recorΣ somσ number≤ ì
tha⌠ wil∞ appea≥ oε thσ screeε anΣ notif∙ thσ writer« Thσse ì
number≤ wil∞ assis⌠ iε an∙ furthe≥ de-bugginτ tha⌠ ma∙ bσ ì
required. The game should be error free!
┴ ne≈ cop∙ oµ thσ gamσ wil∞ bσ forwardeΣ t∩ an∙ wh∩ havσ sucΦ ì
problem≤ provideΣ ß formatteΣ disδ (╡ 1/4ó o≥ │ 1/2ó witΦ forma⌠ ì
type) i≤ supplied; with return postage.
A number appears at the end of the game. If you manage to get
all the way through and you find the number, I would like to hear
which number came up for you.
áááááAndrew Barfoot