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.HE# JUNE - T H E C A T C H E R -1987 #
Thσ followinτ i≤ ß lis⌠ oµ thσ 1986/8╖ committee«á Iµ therσ i≤ anythinτ yo⌡ ì
requirσ o≥ an∙ hel≡ yo⌡ caε givσ us¼á pleasσ d∩ no⌠ hesitatσ t∩ contac⌠ an∙ ì
onσ oµ us, preferably before 9.00 P.M.
Chris Anderson 438-3762 Peter Broughton A/H 347-8114
Russell Crosser (059) 62-5975 Simon Gerraty B/H 420-5827
Mike Holzinger 354-6742 Jim Lobley 758-9169
Mike Thompson 882-5002 John Mitchell 720-2016
$50.00 Full Page $25.00 Half Page $15.00 Quarter Page
$3.00 For service and recurrent items (Less than 5 lines)
No charge for non recurring private sales items
T∩á expeditσ you≥ requests¼á genera∞ correspondencσá t∩ Contribution≤ fo≥ thσ CATCHE╥ ma∙ bσ madσ direc⌠ t∩ thσ ì
MBU╟á AUS╘á IN├ shoulΣ bσ sen⌠ t∩ ou≥ officia∞á addres≤ editor¼ sen⌠ t∩ thσ RBB╙ o≥ b∙ mail« Contribution≤ wil∞ ì
anΣ eacΦ enquir∙ shoulΣ bσ oε seperate forms« bσ accepteΣ viß modem¼ disk≤ (│ 1/2ó o≥ ╡ 1/4")¼ tape,
writteε o≥ typed« Contributions will not be considereΣ
Thσ editor≤ reservσ thσ righ⌠ t∩ edi⌠ al∞ contribution≤ withou⌠ ß namσ anΣ addres≤ and/o≥ membe≥ number« Pleasσ ì
fo≥á thσá sakσá oµ brevity¼á clarit∙á and/o≥á accuracy« includσ ß S.A.┼ fo≥ returε oµ you≥ tape/disk. ì
Letter≤á mus⌠á includσá namσ anΣ addres≤á bu⌠á wσá wil∞ ì
withholΣ sucΦ detail≤ iµ s∩ requested« AlthougΦá al∞á carσ wil∞ bσ takeεá witΦá contributions¼ ì
MBU╟á AUS╘á caεá takσ n∩ responsibilit∙á fo≥á thσá safσì
MBU╟áá AUSTRALI┴á INC«áá it≤á officers¼áá member≤áá anΣ returε oµ an∙ materia∞ supplied« Iµ returε i≤ critical¼ì
contributor≤á accep⌠ n∩ responsibilit∙ fo≥ an∙á damage≤ (something irreplaceable), don't send it. ì
causeΣá t∩á an∙ persoε o≥ propert∙á attributeΣá t∩á an∙ ì
advicσ o≥ informatioε publisheΣ iε Thσ CATCHER. MBU╟á AUS╘ INC«á doe≤ no⌠ condonσ thσ non-authoriseΣ usσ
oµáá copyrigh⌠á software/hardwarσá anΣá thereforσáá als∩
Microworld Basic listings may carry a number at the end condemn≤ unauthorised copying of such material.
of each line. eg. {123}. These are checksum numbers and
shoulΣá shoulΣá no⌠ bσ typeΣ iε a≤ par⌠ oµ thσ listing«á Contribution≤ no⌠ necessaril∙ endorseΣ b∙ MbuτáAus⌠ Inc.
If¼á afte≥á havinτá ß hel≡ reques⌠ publisheΣ iεá Thσá Catche≥á oµ ì
recen⌠ time≤ anΣ subsequentl∙ receiveΣ aε answer¼ coulΣ yo⌡ pleasσ le⌠ ì
mσá kno≈ wha⌠ tha⌠ answe≥ wa≤ s∩ ╔ ma∙ publisΦ it«á Thi≤ reques⌠ come≤ ì
froφá man∙á oµá thσ comment≤ oε thσ surve∙ cards«á Le⌠á u≤á sho≈á somσ ì
consideratioε fo≥ thosσ wh∩ ma∙ havσ thσ samσ problems.
Thank≤á t∩ al∞ oµ yo⌡ wh∩ havσ returneΣ you≥ surve∙ question≤á s∩ ì
promptl∙á anΣ ß specia∞ thank≤ t∩ al∞ thosσ wh∩ assisteΣ b∙ placinτá ß ì
stam≡ oε thσ card«á Iµ yo⌡ haven'⌠ ye⌠ sen⌠ you≥ card¼ pleasσ d∩ s∩ a≤ ì
sooε a≤ yo⌡ can« Somσ remarkablσ trend≤ arσ beginninτ t∩ sho≈ froφ thσ ì
replie≤á wσá havσá already«á Thosσá peoplσá wh∩á havσá no⌠á pu⌠á thei≥ ì
membershi≡ numbe≥ oε thσ carΣ wil∞ probabl∙ finΣ thei≥ comment≤á beinτ ì
reaΣá a≤á "informaló s∩ pleasσ includσ you≥ number«á Result≤á wil∞á bσ ì
passeΣ oε t∩ yo⌡ a≤ sooε a≤ possible«
Onσá oµá thσ trend≤ showinτ froφ thσ star⌠ seem≤ t∩ bσ thσá smal∞ ì
probleφá oµ runninτ thσ Beσ anΣ gettinτ i⌠ t∩ work«á Wσ wil∞ brinτá a⌠ ì
leas⌠á onσ Beσ t∩ thσ maiε meetinτ s∩ thosσ peoplσ havinτ problem≤á o≥ ì
question≤ abou⌠ thσ operatioε oµ thσ Shell¼á ccp¼ o≥ othe≥ program≤ oε ì
thσá Maste≥ disk¼á ma∙ havσ theφ answered«á Pleasσ don'⌠ fee∞ yo⌡á ma∙ ì
looδ sill∙ becausσ yo⌡ don'⌠ know« N∩ onσ i≤ goinτ t∩ poin⌠ a⌠ you« Wσ ì
wil∞ bσ onl∙ to∩ pleaseΣ t∩ kno≈ wσ arσ helpinτ yo⌡ t∩ understanΣ wha⌠ ì
make≤á thσá Beσá ticδ -- iε ß noε technica∞á way«á Therσá wil∞á bσá n∩ ì
demonstration≤ oµ softwarσ o≥ hardwarσ oε thi≤ night«
Duσ t∩ response≤ receiveΣ t∩ date¼á a≤ froφ thi≤ montΦ wσ wil∞ bσ ì
postinτ somσ sign≤ arounΣ thσ hal∞ t∩ hel≡ guidσ yo⌡ t∩ thσ peoplσ yo⌡ ì
wan⌠á o≥ neeΣ t∩ talδ to«á Thσ sign≤ wil∞ bσ alonτ thσ line≤ oµá CP/M¼ ì
BASIC¼á PASCAL¼ o≥ whateve≥ i≤ requesteΣ b∙ you« Thσ ideß i≤ fo≥ thosσ ì
interesteΣ iε sa∙ CP/M¼ wil∞ finΣ other≤ oµ thσ samσ interes⌠ closσ a⌠ ì
hand«á Oεá sigε tha⌠ wil∞ no⌠ bσ displayeΣ wil∞ bσ fo≥ thσ boa⌠ ancho≥ ì
experts¼á S100'≤á etc«á Thesσá peoplσá wil∞á morσá thaεá likel∙á stil∞ ì
congregatσ iε thσ kitchen.
Thσá Mbuτá publiπ domaiε disk≤ shoulΣ bσ oε hanΣ fo≥á copyinτá a⌠ ì
thi≤á meeting«á ┴á chargσá oµ $2.0░ wil∞ bσ madσ t∩ cop∙á an∙á oµá thσ ì
curren⌠ 4╣ vol≤ ont∩ YOU╥ formatteΣ disks« Therσ wil∞ bσ N╧ formattinτ ì
donσ oε thσ night«á Order≤ caε stil∞ bσ placeΣ iε thσ usua∞ manne≥ fo≥ ì
botΦ Mbuτ anΣ al∞ ou≥ othe≥ publiπ domaiε disks«á Also¼á t∩ supplemen⌠ ì
ou≥ curren⌠ supply¼ withiε thσ nex⌠ montΦ o≥ two¼ wσ shoulΣ havσ abou⌠ ì
5░ disk≤ a≤ supplieΣ b∙ thσ OSBORN┼ use≥ group« Ou≥ suppl∙ oµ P─ disk≤ ì
shoulΣá theε tota∞ abou⌠ 500«á Iµ yo⌡ can'⌠ finΣ morσ thaεá enougΦá t∩ ì
kee≡á yo⌡á hackinτá fo≥á year≤ t∩ comσ witΦ wha⌠á tha⌠á lot¼á yo⌡á arσ ì
probabl∙ to∩ bus∙ stealinτ copyrigh⌠ software«
Thi≤á montΦá wil∞ bσ anothe≥ "TRAS╚ AN─ TREASUREóá nigh⌠á a⌠á thσ ì
norma∞ monthl∙ meetinτ s∩ brinτ it¼ sel∞ it¼ swa≡ i⌠ o≥ givσ i⌠ away«
Iµá an∙ onσ elsσ i≤ considerinτ enterinτ thσ competitioε fo≥á thσ ì
"Deptmasteróá software¼á ╔ sugges⌠ yo⌡ ge⌠ you≥ entrie≤ iε beforσá thσ ì
enΣá oµá June«á Duσ t∩ thσ excellen⌠ response¼á wσ wil∞ havσ t∩á closσ ì
entrie≤ afte≥ tha⌠ datσ iε orde≥ t∩ publisΦ theφ all¼á anΣ thσ judginτ ì
nigh⌠ ma∙ havσ t∩ bσ pu⌠ ofµ unti∞ August« Thσ winne≥ wil∞ bσ supplieΣ ì
thσá softwarσ oε ß 13cφ disδ witΦ ß coverinτ lette≥á froφá Dreamcards« ì
Thi≤á wil∞á allo≈ thσ winne≥ t∩ returε thσ disδ t∩ Dreamcard≤á fo≥á aε ì
upgradσ t∩ thσ curren⌠ versioε anΣ swa≡ disδ size≤ iµ required«
╛ ANDREW è Oε ß Recen⌠ Shockù NO╫ Bette≥ Loo⌠ Thaε Ever
B∙ Juliaε Ophe∞ ú 308
I⌠á wa≤á recentl∙ pointeΣ ou⌠ t∩á ß Iεá thσá Junσá `8╡á Catche≥á (p.11⌐ì
Mbuτ meetinτ tha⌠ thσ las⌠ oµ thσá grea⌠ therσá wa≤ ß ti≡ fo≥ morσ nicel∙á copinτì
"origina∞á builΣ i⌠ your-selfers"¼á yeß witΦ varyinτ casσ oε singlσ ke∙ inpu⌠ t∩ì
eveε ß DG-S10░ bloke¼á haΣ succumbeΣá t∩ BASI├á programs¼á tha⌠ wasn'⌠á quitσá a≤ì
thσá ready-built¼á bough⌠ up-anΣ going¼ nicσá a≤ i⌠ migh⌠ havσ been«á ╔ mean⌠ a⌠ì
plastic-encaseΣ imitatioε machinσ lure. thσáá timσá t∩á writσá suggestinτáá thi≤
change¼á bu⌠á neve≥ quitσ go⌠ arounΣá t∩
I⌠á wa≤á witΦ grea⌠ sadnes≤ tha⌠ ╔á rem- it¼á bu⌠ havσ sincσ seeε thσ methoΣ tha⌠ì
embereΣ thσ day≤ wheε m∙ olΣ daΣ cu⌠ pcΓ wa≤ suggesteΣ useΣ iε ß prograφ so¼ latσì
track≤á witΦ ß hamme≥á anΣá cold-chisel¼ agaiε ... ì
o≥á morσ recen⌠ day≤ wheε three-quarter≤ ì
oµ thσ turε u≡ a⌠ ß Mbuτ meetinτ sa⌠á iε 30░á O╬á SEARC╚á (NnSsUuDd,KEY$)+▒á GOT╧ì
embarrasseΣ awσ whilσ thσ other≤ presen⌠ 300,1000,1000,2000,2000,3000,3000,eì
gusheΣááá witΦáá thσáá experience≤ááá oµ i≤ nice≥ (╔ think⌐ a≤ « « .. ì
constructinτ you≥ owε `bee. 30░ O╬ (SEARC╚ (NnSsUuDd,KEY)+3)/▓á GOT╧
300¼ 1000¼ 2000¼ 3000¼ 4000
Thσá terφá "hackeró applieΣ t∩ theφá diΣ ì
no⌠á relatσá t∩ thσ methoΣá oµá removinτ Whilσ a⌠ it¼á therσ wa≤ ß prograφ iε thσì
unwanteΣá pcΓá tracδá witΦá hamme≥áá anΣ Ma∙á `8│ issuσ oµ thσ Catche≥á converteΣì
chise∞ - bu⌠ t∩ thσ stylσ oµ programminτ b∙á thσá theεá edito≥ Dixoεá Kenne∙á (hΘì
tha⌠á gre≈ froφ thσ experiencσ oµ havinτ Dixon⌐á froφá aεá Apri∞á `7╕á issuσáá oµì
constructeΣáá ßáá compute≥áá fo≥áá whicΦ KilobauΣ giveε a≤ `surpriseº program. ì
commercia∞á softwarσá wa≤á no⌠áá readil∙ ì
availablσ immediately¼á s∩ thσ desirσ t∩ Iε `7╕ ╔ haΣ attempteΣ t∩ mentall∙ `runºì
demonstratσá thσá wonde≥ oµá thσá 'bees⌠ thσáá prograφá anΣá haΣá recogniseΣá thσì
requireΣá rollinτ you≥ own¼á bu⌠ initia∞ relevancσá oµ thσ montΦ oµ issuσá - theεì
lacδ oµ expertisσ leaΣ t∩ thσ hackinτ oµ giveε u≡ thσ torturσ realisinτ therσ wa≤ì
las⌠á night≤ attempt¼á t∩ improvσá i⌠á - stil∞ `morσ t∩ come'¼á s∩ ╔ wa≤ inclineΣì
agaiε anΣ again«á Somσ workeΣ fo≥ highe≥ morσá thaε mos⌠ t∩ typσ thσá prograφá iεì
speed¼á somσá fo≥á morσ economiπ usσá oµ wheε remindeΣ oµ i⌠ b∙ it≤ appearancσ iεì
memor∙ - somσ migh⌠ eveε havσ trieΣá fo≥ `Catche≥áá - bu⌠á i⌠á wa≤á linσáá numbe≥ì
morσ elegan⌠ programming. dependen⌠áá anΣáá haΣá beeεáá improperl∙
numbereΣ iε thσ `Catcher.
A⌠áá thσá samσá meetinτá tha⌠á Jiφáá L'≤ ì
conversioε wa≤ announced¼ ß fairl∙ largσ Iµ anyonσ i≤ stil∞ fightinτ witΦ i⌠á it≤ì
numbe≥áá oµá peoplσá indicateΣá lacδá oµ ßá littlσ latσ fo≥ Apri∞ thi≤ year¼á bu⌠ì
familiarit∙ witΦ programming¼á doe≤ seeφ herσ read∙ fo≥ nex⌠ yea≥ - ì
tha⌠á thσ biτ iteφ missinτá froφá today≤ ì
computinτáá i≤á thσá `instant-learεá no- correc⌠ linσ 46░ I╞ ╘ <╛ ░ THE╬ 52░áanΣì
effortº language«á Iε thσ earl∙ day≤á oµ lineù 52░ I╞ ╘ ╝ ░ THE╬ 580 ì
thσ cluΓ peoplσ likσ thσ afore-mentioneΣ ì
Jiφá ╠á anΣ Dixoε Kenne∙ amongs⌠á other≤ theε RENU═ 920,10,860 ì
wen⌠á ou⌠ oµ thei≥ wa∙ t∩ makσá i⌠á eas∙ ì
fo≥ ne≈ member≤ t∩ makσ ß start. ╔á neve≥ thankeΣ Dixoε fo≥ thσ laugh≤á ╔
go⌠á froφ it¼á i⌠ appeal≤ t∩ m∙ sensσ oµ
Maybσá publicatioεá oµá shor⌠á programs¼ humor¼ anΣ I'φ no⌠ eveε ß botanis⌠ - bu⌠ì
sorry¼á ver∙á shor⌠á program≤ witΦá imp- i⌠ doe≤ belonτ t∩ thσ erßá (now¼á sadly¼ì
ressivσ output¼á bu⌠ als∩ begginτ fo≥á ß lonτá gone?⌐á oµá interes⌠á iεá enterinτì
littlσá `hackingºá t∩ improvσ theφá somσ program≤ iε lonτ hanΣ usinτ ß quill¼á o≥ì
morσá - bu⌠á banneΣá froφá thσá bulletiε wa≤ i⌠ ß hamme≥ anΣ chise∞ ? ì
boarΣ - migh⌠ assist.
Secondhand copy of TYPEQUICK preferably on 3 1/2" disk Phone 211 - 1247.
Secondhand xx 80 printer in good condition. Ring Ingrid 870 - 8378.è SELECTIVE BASIC DIRECTORIES Peter Burbidge (833) Competitioε Entry
Afte≥á havinτá beeεá frustrateΣá b∙á thσ Thσá patcΦ i≤ fairl∙ smal∞ anΣá involve≤ì
inabilit∙á oµá MicroworlΣ Disδ BASI├á t∩ changinτá onl∙á ╖á byte≤á t∩á achievσá ßì
displa∙ anythinτ othe≥ thaε AL╠ file≤ iε director∙ sucΦ a≤ DI╥ *.MW┬ o≥ DI╥ *.PI├ì
thσá director∙ oµ ß disk¼á ╔ decideΣá t∩ o≥á DI╥ *.BEE«á ╔ wil∞ givσ detail≤á fo≥ì
investigatσááá thσáá possibilitie≤ááá oµ botΦá DD╘ anΣ prograφ contro∞á patching¼ì
modifyinτáá Basiπáá t∩á givσáá ßáá use≥ fo≥ Basiπ version≤ 6.2▓ 6.2│ 6.2╢ 6.2╕ ªì
selectablσ displa∙ froφ ß DI╥ command. 6.30.
┴á numbe≥á oµá other≤á beforσá mσáá havσ Thσá wa∙ Basiπ doe≤ ß DI╥ i≤ t∩ makσá aεì
attempteΣ way≤ oµ doinτ this¼ sucΦ a≤ b∙ ambiguou≤á filσ namσ sucΦ a≤ ??????????┐ì
machinσá codσ t∩ makσ ß cal∞ t∩ CP/═ fo≥ iε memory¼ movσ thi≤ t∩ locatioε 5CΦ anΣì
ßá director∙á oµá specifiπáá files«áá M∙ d∩ ß BDO╙ call« Beforσ Basiπ blocδ move≤ì
approacΦá i≤á differen⌠ iε tha⌠ ╔á patcΦ thi≤ filσ namσ i⌠ alway≤ recreate≤ i⌠ a⌠ì
BASI├á eithe≥ unde≥ prograφá contro∞á o≥ thσ samσ locatioε b∙ writinτ 1▒ questioεì
unde≥ DD╘ o≥ similar. mark≤á int∩ thi≤ scratcΦá area«á Wha⌠á ╔
havσ donσ i≤ t∩ tel∞ Basiπ t∩ writσ onl∙
Thσ maiε intentioε oµ doinτ thi≤ wa≤ fo≥ ╕ questioε mark≤ anΣ leavσ thσ las⌠ │ a≤ì
thosσ prograφ application≤ wheε yo⌡ neeΣ were«á Thesσá las⌠á │ byte≤ theε caεá bσì
t∩á inpu⌠ t∩ thσ DAT┴ containeΣ iε file≤ manipulateΣá unde≥á prograφá contro∞á t∩ì
witΦá specifiπ exten⌠ type≤ e.τ .DA╘á o≥ givσá ß director∙ oµ wha⌠ yo⌡á want«á M∙ì
PI├ etc«á Unde≥ norma∞ Basiπ i⌠ i≤á ver∙ owε preferreΣ methoΣ i≤ t∩ replacσ thesσì
harΣá t∩ finΣ thesσ file≤ oε ß disδ ful∞ las⌠á │á byte≤ witΦ thσ ASCI╔á codσá fo≥ì
oµá al∞á sort≤ oµ file≤á witΦá differen⌠ MWB¼ thougΦ iµ yo⌡ leavσ theφ unchanged¼ì
exten⌠ types¼á especiall∙ iµ somσ oµ thσ you≥á DI╥á commanΣ wil∞ givσá N╧á outpu⌠ì
name≤á scrol∞ ofµ screen«á Kno≈á wha⌠á ╔ unti∞ yo⌡ perforφ ß SAV┼ o≥ LOAD« Ok¼ s∩ì
mean? le⌠ ge⌠ int∩ it.
Makσ thσ followinτ change≤ choosinτ onl∙ì
thosσ change≤ fo≥ you≥ versioε oµ Basic.ì
| Version | Memory (Decimal) | DDT | From (Dec) | To (Dec) |
| 6.30e | c928 (51496) | 4b28 | 0b (11) | 08 (08) |
| | c92f (51503) | 4b2f | cd (205) | 13 (19) |
| | c930 (51504) | 4b30 | 8c (140) | 13 (19) |
| | c931 (51505) | 4b31 | c7 (199) | 13 (19) |
| | cdc4 (52676) | 4fc4 | 00 (0) | 4d (77)=M |
| | cdc5 (52677) | 4fc5 | 00 (0) | 57 (87)=W |
| | cdc6 (52678) | 4fc6 | 00 (0) | 42 (66)=B |
Oεá thσ nex⌠ pagσ i≤ ß lis⌠ oµ change≤ fo≥ Ver«á 6.23σ Basic«á Thesσ change≤ ma∙á no⌠ ì
worδá a≤ al∞ Ve≥ 6.23σ seeφ no⌠ t∩ bσ thσ same«á
Makσ thσ followinτ change≤ choosinτ onl∙ thosσ change≤ fo≥ you≥ versioε oµ Basic.
Remembe≥á thesσ change≤ caε bσ madσ unde≥ prograφ contro∞ fo≥ temporar∙á changes¼á o≥ ì
fo≥ permanen⌠ change≤ usσ DDT¼ SID¼ Superzap¼ PatcΦ CeBuτ etc« Ho≈ yo⌡ d∩ i⌠ i≤ u≡ t∩ ì
you«á Jus⌠ don'⌠ bσ stupiΣ enougΦ t∩ makσ change≤ t∩ you≥ onσ anΣ onl∙ cop∙ oµ Basic« ì
Makσ ß backu≡ cop∙ first¼ anΣ modif∙ that«
Onσá furthe≥á poin⌠á i≤á tha⌠ SAV┼ o≥ LOA─ wil∞ causσ ß defaul⌠ oµ MW┬á file≤á t∩á bσ ì
displayed«á T∩á overcomσ thi≤ yo⌡ wil∞ havσ t∩ POK┼ thσ exten⌠ int∩á thσá appropriatσ ì
memor∙ iµ yo⌡ wan⌠ anythinτ else.è _______________________________________________________________
| Version | Memory (Decimal) | DDT | From (Dec) | To (Dec) |
| 6.28e | c927 (51495) | 4b27 | 0b (11) | 08 (08) |
| | c92e (51502) | 4b2e | cd (205) | 13 (19) |
| | c92f (51503) | 4b2f | 8b (139) | 13 (19) |
| | c930 (51504) | 4b30 | c7 (199) | 13 (19) |
| | cdc3 (52675) | 4fc3 | 00 (0) | 4d (77)=M|
| | cdc4 (52676) | 4fc4 | 00 (0) | 57 (87)=W|
| | cdc5 (52677) | 4fc5 | 00 (0) | 42 (66)=B|
| 6.26e ⁿ c251 (49745) ⁿ 4451 ⁿ 0b (11) ⁿ 08 (08) |
| | c258 (49752) | 4458 | cd (205) | 13 (19) |
| | c259 (49753) | 4459 | b5 (181) | 13 (19) |
| | c25a (49754) | 445a | c0 (192) | 13 (19) |
| | c6ec (50924) | 48ec | 00 (0) | 4d (77)=M|
| | c6ed (50925) | 48ed | 00 (0) | 57 (87)=W|
| | c6ee (50926) | 48ee | 00 (0) | 42 (66)=B|
| 6.23e | c25c (49756) | 445c | 0b (11) | 08 (08) |
| | c263 (49763) | 4463 | cd (205) | 13 (19) |
| | c264 (49764) | 4464 | c0 (192) | 13 (19) |
| | c265 (49765) | 4465 | c0 (192) | 13 (19) |
| | c6b8 (50872) | 48b8 | 00 (0) | 4d (77)=M|
| | c6b9 (50873) | 48b9 | 00 (0) | 57 (87)=W|
| | c6ba (50874) | 48ba | 00 (0) | 42 (66)=B|
| 6.22e | c210 (49680) | 4410 | 0b (11) | 08 (08) |
| | c217 (49687) | 4417 | cd (205) | 13 (19) |
| | c218 (49688) | 4418 | 74 (116) | 13 (19) |
| | c219 (49689) | 4419 | c0 (192) | 13 (19) |
| | c61a (50714) | 481a | 45 (69) | 4d (77)=M|
| | c61b (50715) | 461b | c6 (198) | 57 (87)=W|
| | c61c (50716) | 461c | 00 (0) | 42 (66)=B|
090 REM SELECTIVE DIRECTORY this ver 00500 RESTORE 10080 √▓▓╣²
for 6.28e BASIC only. 00510 GOTO 10000 √▓▓░²
100 POKE 51495,8:POKE 51502,19: 00600 RESTORE 10090 √▓▓╣²
POKE 51503,19: POKE 51504,19 √░╕╖² 00610 GOTO 10000 √▓▓▒²
110 PRINT "1. DIR *.COM files" √▓░╡² 00700 POKE 51495,11:POKE 51502,205:POKE
120 PRINT "2. '' *.MWB ''" √▓░░² 51503,139:POKE 51504,199 √▒╖┤²
130 PRINT "3. '' *.PIC ''" √▓┤┤² 00710 DIR: END √▒┤╣²
131 PRINT "4. '' *.CAL ''" √▓│▓² 10000 REM Poke DATA for file EXT √▓╡▒²
132 PRINT "5. '' *.SYS ''" √▓░╣² 10010 READ A0$: X=ASC(A0$(;1,1)):
133 PRINT\"6. RESTORE BASIC TO NORMAL" √▒╡░² Y=ASC(A0$(;2,2)):
140 PRINT\\"ENTER YOUR SELECTION"; √░░▒² Z=ASC(A0$(;3,3)) √░╖╣²
150 A0$=KEY √░╕▓² 10020 POKE 52675,X: POKE 52676,Y:
160 A=INT(VAL(A0$)): IF A<1 OR A>6: POKE 52677,Z √▓▒╣²
GOTO 150 √░▒░² 10030 DIR: PRINT √▒╡╖²
170 ON A GOTO200,300,400,500,600,700 √▒╖╢² 10040 A0$=KEY: IF A0$="" THEN 10040
200 RESTORE 10050 √▓▓╣² ELSE PRINT\\: GOTO 100 √▒░▒²
210 GOTO 10000 √▓▒╖² 10050 DATA "COM" √░╖┤²
300 RESTORE 10060 √▓││² 10060 DATA "MWB" √▒░╕²
310 GOTO 10000 √▓▒╕² 10070 DATA "PIC" √▒░▒²
400 RESTORE 10070 √▓││² 10080 DATA "CAL" √░╕┤²
410 GOTO 10000 √▓▒╣² 10090 DATA "SYS" √▒│╕²è COLOUR Competition Entry by Ed Latham
COLOUR.IN├ i≤ ß collectioε oµ procedure≤ predeclareΣ one≤ the∙ replace¼á yo⌡ wil∞ ì
allowinτá ßá natura∞ approacΦá t∩á usinτ havσ n∩ problems¼ unles≤ yo⌡ arσ usinτ ß ì
colou≥á oε Premiuφ serie≤ 128δ Microbee≤ monochromσáá monitor«áá Iεá tha⌠áá case¼ ì
iε Turb∩ Pascal«á Owner≤ oµ 64δ machine≤ COLOURFLI╨ ha≤ n∩ effect. ì
wil∞á neeΣ t∩ makσ somσ change≤á becausσ ì
oµ BIO╙ differences. Thi≤á wholσá exercisσ shoulΣá havσá beeε
unnecessary║ thesσ routine≤ shoulΣ bσ iε
Owner≤ oµ standarΣ machine≤ shoulΣá notσ thσá BIOS¼á accessiblσ througΦá extendeΣ ì
tha⌠á thesσ procedure≤ wil∞ no⌠ worδá oε BIO╙áá CALL≤áá witΦá aεá extrßáá storagσ ì
thei≥áá machine≤á becausσá oµáá hardwarσ locatioεá fo≥á ßá prograφá colou≥á byte« ì
differences«á Iµá anyonσá stil∞á own≤á ß PlaceΣ wherσ the∙ belong¼á the∙ woulΣ bσ ì
standarΣá machine¼á (s)hσ shoulΣ looδ a⌠ faste≥ anΣ ß LO╘ smaller¼ anΣ maybσ eveε ì
BoΓá Burt'≤ codσ (╔ kno≈ it'≤á no⌠á ver∙ causσáá n∩á problem≤á witΦá GOTOX┘áá anΣ ì
good¼á bu⌠ changσ thσ intercep⌠ t∩á looδ LOWVIDE╧ (wha⌠ abou⌠ it¼ MSL?). ì
likσ mine¼ anΣ pu⌠ iε ß seconΣ intercep⌠ ì
t∩ restorσ thσ BIOS¼ i⌠ ma∙ bσ ok). Yo⌡ shoulΣ NO╘ allo≈ an∙ codσ o≥ datß t∩
intrudσá betweeε thσ procedure≤á COLOUR¼
Onσá differencσ betweeε thσ standarΣ anΣ SETUPCOLOURS¼á COLOUROFF¼á COLOURO╬á anΣ ì
premiuφ machine≤ i≤ thσ adoptioε oεá thσ COLOURFLI╨á (al∞á thi≤á mean≤á i≤á don'⌠ ì
premiuφá oµ thσ IB═ P├ colou≥ "standardó writσ an∙ codσ o≥ datß int∩ thosσá part≤ ì
(substandard¼á morσ like)«á Wσ no≈á havσ oµá thσá source)«á Iµ yo⌡ do¼á thσá bytσ ì
fewe≥ colours«á AnΣ ╔ dislikσ thσ names¼ count≤ wil∞ becomσ incorrect¼á anΣá you≥ ì
too¼ s∩ I'vσ changeΣ theφ (╔ noticσ tha⌠ prograφ wil∞ hang. ì
MS╠á changeΣ theφ too¼á bu⌠ thei≥á name≤ ì
arσ nearl∙ a≤ baΣ a≤ IBM's)« Iµ yo⌡ wan⌠ Onσ furthe≥ point«á Thesσ procedure≤ arσ ì
t∩á changσ theφ agaiε (t∩ whatever⌐ fee∞ no⌠ re-entrant¼ anΣ thereforσ shoulΣ no⌠ ì
freσá - pa∙á n∩á attentioεá t∩á m∙á hur⌠ bσá useΣ b∙ AN┘ interrup⌠ process«á The∙ ì
feelings« Note¼ however¼ tha⌠ I'vσ trieΣ ma∙ bσ interrupteΣ a≤ lonτ a≤á register≤ ì
t∩ usσ ß se⌠ oµ meaningfu∞ anΣá accuratσ arσ saved. Now for the definitions. ì
names¼á anΣá i⌠ woulΣ facilitatσ portinτ ì
iµ wσ coulΣ kee≡ t∩ them. COLOUR
If¼ lookinτ througΦ thσ code¼ yo⌡ wonde≥ SYNTAX: colour(foreground,background); ì
wh∙ I'vσ altereΣ thσ WBOO╘ vecto≥ iε thσ FOREGROUN─á anΣ BACKGROUN─ arσá oµá typσ ì
BIO╙ jum≡ tablσ insteaΣ oµ thσ vecto≥ a⌠ SHAD┼ (seσ COLOUR.INC). ì
BASE+1¼ thσ reasoε i≤ tha⌠ iµ thσ vecto≥ ì
a⌠ BASE+▒ i≤ altered¼ yo⌡ can'⌠ finΣ thσ EFFECT: ì
BIOS«á ╔á reckoneΣ tha⌠ therσá migh⌠á bσ Set≤á thσ colou≥ oµ subsequen⌠ WRITE≤ t∩ ì
program≤á (alread∙ iεá existence¼á even⌐ FOREGROUN─ oε BACKGROUND. ì
tha⌠á g∩á lookinτá fo≥ thσá BIOS¼á s∩á ╔ ì
altereΣ WBOOT« Thesσ routine≤ worδ finσ USAGE: ì
witΦáPC╟áácharacters« Wheneve≥á yo⌡ wan⌠ t∩ se⌠ thσ colou≥á oµ
subsequen⌠ WRITEs«á Iµ SETUPCOLOUR╙á ha≤
The∙á als∩á worδ finσ witΦá mos⌠á curso≥ no⌠á beeεá executed¼á i⌠á wil∞á havσá n∩ ì
controls¼á howeve≥ therσ arσ tw∩ probleφ observablσ effect. ì
areas«á WitΦ LOWVIDEO¼ space≤ don'⌠ sho≈ ì
up«á WitΦ GOTOX┘ thσ probleφ i≤ tha⌠á iµ SETUPCOLOURS ì
yo⌡á senΣá thσ curso≥ forwarΣ onσá byte¼ SYNTAX: SetUpColours; ì
thσá olΣ locatioε get≤ coloureΣá iµá thσ EFFECT: ì
characte≥á therσ matche≤ thσ ne≈á columε Clear≤ thσ screen¼ initialise≤ colou≥ t∩ ì
numbe≥ (╔ know¼á thσ probabilit∙ oµ thi≤ thσ default¼á anΣ insert≤ tw∩ intercept≤ ì
i≤áá vanishingl∙á small¼áá bu⌠á i⌠á doe≤ int∩ thσ BIOS. ì
exist)« ╔ havσ handleΣ thesσ problem≤ b∙
writinτá thσá procedurσá COLOURFLI╨áá t∩ 1. CONOU╘á ì
replacσ LOWVIDE╧ (anΣ NORMVIDEO⌐ anΣ thσ i≤áá intercepteΣá s∩á tha⌠á WRITE≤áá arσ ì
procedurσ CUR╙ t∩ replacσ GOTOXY« Iµ yo⌡ coloureΣá accordinτ t∩ thσ settinτá madσ ì
usσá thesσá procedure≤á insteaΣá oµá thσ b∙ COLOUR. ìè2. WBOO╘ COLOURFLIP
i≤á intercepteΣ s∩ tha⌠ wheε thσ prograφ
ends¼á thσ BIO╙ caε bσ restored« Iµ SYNTAX: ColourFlip;
thi≤ i≤ no⌠ done¼á thσ prograφ wil∞á enΣ EFFECT:
witΦ thσ CONOU╘ vecto≥ stil∞ pointinτ t∩ Swap≤á foregrounΣ anΣ backgrounΣ iεá thσ
thσá intercep⌠á iεá thσá TPA«á Thσá nex⌠ colou≥ bytσ iε thσ CONOU╘ intercept.
prograφáá tha⌠á i≤á largσá enougΦáá wil∞ USAGE:áááá
ovrwritσá thσ intercep⌠ witΦ thσá resul⌠ Wheneve≥á yo⌡á wan⌠ t∩á inver⌠á thσá se⌠
tha⌠á i⌠ wil∞ crasΦ wheε i⌠ attempt≤á t∩ colours«á Thi≤á procedurσ replace≤á botΦ
writσ ß character. LOWVIDE╧ anΣ NORMVIDEO.
Iε addition¼ thσ curso≥ locatioε i≤ madσ CURS
availablσá t∩ thσ prograφ iε thσá globa∞ SYNTAX: curs(x,y)╗
intege≥ variablσ CURPOS«á Notσ tha⌠ thi≤ ╪ anΣ ┘ ma∙ bσ eithe≥ BYT┼ o≥ INTEGER.
i≤ no⌠ ß vecto≥ o≥ ß screeε address¼á i⌠
i≤á thσ vide∩ RA═ addres≤ oµ thσ cursor¼ EFFECT:
ie«á wheεá thσ curso≥ i≤ a⌠á (1,1)¼á thσ A≤ GOTXY(x,y)¼ bu⌠ withou⌠ blotches.
valuσ oµ CURPO╙ i≤ 0F000H« Thσ colou≥ i≤
initialiseΣ t∩ thσ default. USAGE:á
Wheneve≥á yo⌡ wan⌠ t∩ senΣ thσ curso≥ t∩
USAGE: ß screeε location¼á usσ thi≤ insteaΣá oµ
Oncσ onl∙ a⌠ thσ beginninτ oµ ßá prograφ GOTOXY«á Wha⌠ i⌠ doe≤ i⌠ turε thσ colou≥
(eg«áá a⌠á initialisation)«áá Thσá firs⌠ off¼á theεá cal∞ GOTOXY¼á theε turεá thσ
thing≤á thi≤ procedurσ doe≤ i≤ checδá t∩ colou≥ oε again.
seσ iµ i⌠ ha≤ alread∙ beeε executed¼ anΣ
iµ s∩ i⌠ exit≤ immediately¼ s∩ iµ yo⌡ d∩ COLOURS
thσ dumΓ thinτ i⌠ won'⌠ d∩ an∙ harm. SYNTAX: Colours(foreground¼ background);
COLOUROFF meter≤ oµ typσ SHADE.
SYNTAX: ColourOff;
Truncate≤á thσ CONOU╘ intercep⌠ s∩á tha⌠ Assign≤á thσá foregrounΣ anΣá backgrounΣ
WRITE≤á arσ no⌠ coloured«á CURPO╙á stil∞ colour≤ a⌠ thσ curren⌠ curso≥ positioε
get≤ updated¼ though. t∩ FOREGROUN─ anΣ BACKGROUND.
Wheεáá yo⌡á don'⌠á wan⌠á t∩á colou≥á thσ Wheneve≥ yo⌡ wan⌠ t∩ kno≈ thσ colour≤ a⌠
character≤á yo⌡ arσ writing¼á eg«á t∩á ß thσ curren⌠ curso≥ location«á Notσá tha⌠
par⌠á oµ thσ screeε tha⌠ i≤ alread∙á thσ thesσá arσá no⌠ necessaril∙ thσ samσá a≤
righ⌠ colour¼ anΣ thσ colou≥ tha⌠ i≤ se⌠ thσ se⌠ colours.
i≤á (o≥ ma∙ be⌐ different«á UseΣ iε CUR╙
(seσ below). Well¼á that'≤á it«á Iµá anyonσá ha≤á an∙
comments¼ááá suggestion≤áá o≥áá problem≤
COLOURON concerninτá an∙á oµá thσá procedure≤á iε
COLOUR.IN├ ╔ caε bσ reacheΣ mos⌠á night≤
SYNTAX: ColourOn╗ afte≥ 7pφ (EST⌐ oε (03⌐á 484-2847«á Thi≤
EFFECT: goe≤á fo≥á owner≤á oµ 64δá machine≤á anΣ ì
ááááá Restores the CONOUT intercept. standarΣááá machines¼áááá too«ááá Anyonσ ì
distributinτá source-codσá program≤áá i≤ ì
USAGE: requesteΣáá t∩á retaiεá thσá credit≤á iε ì
Wheεáá yo⌡á wan⌠á t∩á turεá thσáá colou≥ COLOUR.IN├ (ie« leavσ m∙ namσ iε there)« ì
procedurσá oε again«á UseΣ iε CUR╙á (seσ EΣá Lathaφ. Thi≤ filσ i≤ oε thσ RBB╙ anΣ ì
below). oε MbuτáDisδ .050.áE─ ì
Competition entry by Arthur Solomon, Millbrook, Victoria.
PURPOSE OF PROGRAM: Yo⌡á havσ t∩ decidσ wha⌠ yo⌡ wil∞ usσ a≤
marker≤ anΣ wha⌠ the∙ wil∞ represent«á ╔
Thσá purposσ oµ thσ Marke≥á Prograφ chosσ a≤ marker≤ thσ symbol≤ |,^,\,`« ╔ ì
i≤á t∩ enablσ individua∞ words¼á phrase≤ useΣ thσ marker≤ |ⁿ fo≥ ITALICS¼á `α fo≥ ì
o≥ block≤ oµ tex⌠ t∩ bσ highlighteΣ wheε COMPRESSED¼á \▄ fo≥ EXPANDE─ anΣ ^▐á fo≥ ì
W'beσá tex⌠ i≤ printeΣ ou⌠á - eithe≥á b∙ EMPHASIZE─ááá (BOLDFACE⌐áá PRINT«ááá Fo≥ ì
puttinτáá tha⌠á par⌠á oµá thσá tex⌠áá iε example¼á supposσ iε thσ Wordbeσ tex⌠á ╔ ì
ITALICS¼áá o≥áá EMPHASIZE─áá (BOLDFACE)¼ wan⌠ t∩ writσ thσ phrasσ "Ne≈ Guineaó iε ì
EXPANDE─ o≥ COMPRESSE─ PRINT. ITALICS«á ╔á precedσ anΣ tai∞ thσ phrasσ
"Ne≈á Guineaó witΦ pair≤ oµá markers«á ╔
HISTORY: writσá i⌠ thu≤ "||Ne≈ Guinea||"«á Iµá ╔
wan⌠áá t∩á writσá thσá worΣá "NOTEóáá iε
╔á wrotσ thσ origina∞ MARKE╥ prograφá iε EMPHASIZE─á PRINT¼áá ╔á writσá i⌠áá thu≤ ì
1983¼á basinτ i⌠ upoε aε articlσ writteε "^^NOTE^^". ì
b∙áá Michae∞áá Dunba≥á iεáá "Electronic≤ ì
International"« Hi≤ ideß wa≤ t∩ identif∙ S∩ fa≥ wσ onl∙ havσ thi≤ phrasσ anΣ thi≤ ì
word≤á o≥á phrase≤á iεá W'beσá tex⌠áá b∙ worΣá pickeΣá ou⌠ b∙ "markers"«á Wσá no≈ ì
finger≤á (|)¼á g∩ t∩ thσ Monito≥ anΣá t∩ havσ t∩ turε thesσ marker≤ int∩á printe≥ ì
locatσá thosσ finger≤ witΦ thσ ╙ commanΣ code≤á (Wσá canno⌠á d∩á i⌠á directl∙á iε ì
anΣá replacσ theφ witΦá thσá appropriatσ W'beσ becausσ i⌠ wil∞ no⌠ accep⌠ printe≥ ì
printe≥áá codes«áá AlthougΦáá ßáá littlσ code≤ iε thσ bod∙ oµ text╗á thi≤ i≤á wh∙ ì
cumbersome¼ i⌠ wa≤ ß lo⌠ easie≥ thaε thσ wσ havσ t∩ bσ s∩ deviou≤ abou⌠ it!). ì
norma∞á method≤ useΣ t∩ highligh⌠ ß par- ì
ticula≥á worΣ - i.e«á b∙ usσ oµ thσá .E╙ T∩áá turεá thesσá marker≤á int∩á printe≥ ì
W'beσ commanΣ anΣ jugglinτ oµ thσá text« codes¼á wσ usσ thσ MARKER.EDT/MARKER.OB╩ ì
Hσá suggesteΣá tha⌠ ßá machinσá languagσ filσá thus║á Froφá W'bee¼á wσ usσ thσá ┼ ì
coulΣá bσá writteε t∩ appl∙á hi≤á methoΣ commanΣá t∩ returε t∩ CP/═ wherσ wσá pu⌠ ì
automatically«á ╔ wrotσ tha⌠ prograφ anΣ thσá MARKE╥ filσ int∩ memor∙á a⌠á B000╚ ì
calleΣ i⌠ thσ MARKE╥ PROGRAM« Iε 198│ i⌠ b∙ usinτ thσ commanΣ GE╘ B00░ MARKER.ED╘ ì
wa≤ writteε fo≥ ß RO═ baseΣ machine¼ bu⌠ (o≥ MARKER.OBJ)«á Froφ CP/═ wσ returε t∩ ì
iεá 198╖á i⌠á wa≤ reviseΣá fo≥á thσá 64δ W'bee¼á g∩ t∩ Monito≥ again¼ anΣ wσ typσ ì
C.I.A.B« CP/═ Microbee. ╟ B000«á Thσ prograφ wil∞ no≈ searcΦ thσ
W'beσáá filσáá fo≥á thσá "markersóáá anΣ
PREPARATION OF THE MARKER FILE: automaticall∙á replacσá theφá witΦáá thσ
printe≥á codes«á Thσá prograφ wil∞á theε
Froφ thσ Sourcσ code¼á preparσ aε objec⌠ returε yo⌡ t∩ thσ file. ì
codσá filσ anΣ storσ i⌠ oε thσ samσ disδ ì
tha⌠á contain≤á you≥á Wordbeσá files«á ╔ No≈ thi≤ procedurσ migh⌠ becomσá tediou≤ ì
prepareΣá m∙ filσ witΦ EDASM«á ╔á nameΣ iµá wσ wen⌠ througΦ i⌠ fo≥ EAC╚ worΣá o≥ ì
thσ objec⌠ languagσ filσ a≤ MARKER.EDT« phrasσá etc«á wσ wisheΣ t∩ highligh⌠á iε
thσ Wordbeσ text¼á bu⌠ sincσ MARKE╥ i≤ ß
USE OF THE MARKER PROGRAM: prograφá whicΦá caε swiftl∙á searcΦá thσ
WHOL┼á oµá thσ Wordbeσá file¼á therσá i≤
G∩ t∩ W'beσ anΣ loaΣ ß filσ yo⌡ wan⌠á t∩ nothinτá t∩ preven⌠ u≤ froφ writinτ man∙ ì
edi⌠áá fo≥á thσá purposσá oµáá insertinτ page≤ oµ text¼ usinτ thσ "markersó a≤ wσ ì
emphase≤á sucΦ a≤ italic≤ int∩ thσ text¼ go¼ anΣ theε afte≥ ß completσ sessioε oµ ì
o≥á simpl∙ opeε ß ne≈ filσ iµá tha⌠á i≤ writing¼ usinτ thσ MARKE╥ prograφ a⌠ thσ ì
you≥ intention«á (Le⌠ u≤ assumσ yo⌡ havσ ver∙ enΣ t∩ changσ al∞ thσ marke≥ usage≤ ì
somσáá sucΦáá filσá a≤áá MARKER.ED╘áá o≥ int∩á printe≥á codes«á Iε thi≤á wa∙á thσ ì
MARKER.OB╩á oεá thσá disk.⌐á "Markóá thσ procedurσá outlineΣ abovσá become≤á ver∙ ì
word¼á phrase≤á o≥á block≤á oµá tex⌠á b∙ fas⌠ indeed. ì
precedinτá i⌠ anΣ closinτ i⌠ witΦá PAIR╙ ì
oµá thesσ "markers"«á Pair≤ oµá marker≤ FURTHER NOTES:- ì
mus⌠á bσ useΣ becausσ wσ mus⌠ allo≈á fo≥ ì
sendinτá thσ ES├ codσ t∩ thσ printe≥á a≤ 1« D∩ takσ gooΣ carσ tha⌠ yo⌡ usσ marke≥ ì
wel∞ a≤ thσ printe≥ codσ itself« pair≤ a⌠ thσ beginninτ AN─ closσ oµ eacΦ ìèword¼ phrasσ o≥ blocδ iε thσ W'beσ text¼ Microbees«áá I⌠á caεá bσá adapteΣá quitσì
otherwisσá yo⌡ wil∞ havσ somσá ver∙á odΣ simpl∙á fo≥á thσ RO═ baseΣá machine≤á b∙ì
results«á Iµá thi≤ doe≤ occur¼á yo⌡ wil∞ changinτ STAR╘ L─ HL,2500╚ t∩ STAR╘ì
havσá t∩á g∩ bacδ t∩ wherσá thσá troublσ L─áá HL,900╚áá anΣá b∙áá changinτáá L─ì
start≤á anΣ erasσ al∞ thσá marker≤á witΦ DE,(221DH⌐ t∩ L─ DE,(051DH). ì
thσ Wordbeσ ^╟ commanΣ anΣ theε reinser⌠ ì
them«á Doublσá checδ thσ marker≤á BEFOR┼ 4« Thi≤ prograφ wil∞ no⌠ worδ a≤ i≤ witΦì
yo⌡áá cal∞áá thσá MARKE╥á prograφáá int∩ GRAPHI├á W'bee«á T∩ adap⌠ i⌠ t∩á GRAPHI├ì
operation! W'bee¼áá yo⌡á mus⌠á changσá STAR╘áá L─
HL,(2500h⌐ t∩ STAR╘ L─ HL,(2201H)¼á anΣ
2« Thσ prograφ wa≤ writteε fo≥ aε Epsom- L─ DE,(221DH⌐ t∩ L─ DE,(1F1DH). ì
typσ printe≥ whosσ printer-code≤ D╧á NO╘ ì
contaiεá an∙ morσ thaε TW╧á terms«á E.G« 5«á Printer≤á var∙á ß littlσ witΦá thei≥ì
thσá MB-10░ printe≥ use≤ THRE┼ term≤á iε printinτ codes«á Checδ thσ code≤ oµ you≥ì
thσ printe≥ codσ fo≥ ITALICS¼á thu≤ thi≤ printe≥ fo≥ italics¼á emphasizeΣá print¼ì
prograφá woulΣá no⌠ worδ fo≥ italic≤á oε expandeΣá prin⌠ etc«á ╔ usσ ß BMC-8░ anΣì
tha⌠ machine« ╔ havσ no⌠ beeε successfu∞ it≤á codσ fo≥ italic≤ i≤ ES├ 52/ES├á 53╗ì
iε adaptinτ thσ MARKE╥ prograφ fo≥á tha⌠ fo≥á expandeΣ prin⌠ ES├ 14/ES├á 20╗á fo≥ì
machine. compresseΣ prin⌠ ES├ 15/ES├ 18¼á anΣ fo≥
emphasizeΣá prin⌠ ES├á 69/ES├á 70«á (Al∞
3«áá Thσá prograφá i≤á writteεá fo≥á thσ figure≤ arσ decimal). ì
ordinar∙á WORDBE┼ prograφ fo≥ disδ baseΣ ì
ORG 0B000H ;A safe place for programme
LD B,00H ;Set counter no.1.
LD C,00H ;Set counter no.2.
LD D,00H ;Set counter no.3.
LD E,00H ;Set counter no.4.
START LD HL,2500H ;Initialise file pointer
COME PUSH DE ;Save contents of D and E
LD DE,(221DH) ;Find top of Wordbee file
LD A,L ;Test for file end,LSB
JP NZ,BEGIN ;Not end, go to main program
LD A,H ;Test for end of file, MSB
JP Z,100H ;File end, return to Wdbee
BEGIN POP DE ;Marker programme begins
LD A,(HL) ;Bring first byte from file
CONT CP 7CH ;Test for marker (|)
JR NZ,EMPHAS ;if none, to next section
LD (HL),01BH ;replace marker with code
INC B ;increment counter
INC HL ;increment pointer
BIT 0,B ;test if cycle odd/even
JR Z,ITALIC ;if even cycle then jump
LD (HL),034H ;replace marker with code
JR ADVAN1 ;jump over next instruction
ITALIC LD (HL),035H ;replace marker with code
ADVAN1 INC HL ;increment pointer
JR COME ;continue process
EMPHAS CP 05EH ;test for marker ( )
JR NZ,EXPAND ;if not, to next section
LD (HL),01BH ;replace marker with codeè INC C ;increment counter
INC HL ;increment pointer
BIT 0,C ;test if cycle odd/even
JR Z,EMPOFF ;if even cycle then jump
LD (HL),045H ;replace marker with code
JR ADVAN2 ;jump over next instruction
EMPOFF LD (HL),046H ;replace marker with code
ADVAN2 INC HL ;increment pointer
JR COME ;continue process
EXPAND CP 05CH ;test for marker (\)
JR NZ,COMPRS ;if not, to next section
LD (HL),01BH ;replace marker with code
INC D ;increment counter
INC HL ;increment pointer
BIT 0,D ;test if cycle odd/even
JR Z,EXPOFF ;if cycle even, jump
LD (HL),0EH ;replace marker with code
JR ADVAN3 ;jump over next instruction
EXPOFF LD (HL),014H ;replace marker with code
ADVAN3 INC HL ;increment pointer
JR COME ;continue process
COMPRS CP 060H ;test for marker (`)
JR NZ,ADVAN4 ;if not, continue
LD (HL),01BH ;replace marker with code
INC E ;increment counter
INC HL ;increment pointer
BIT 0,E ;test if cycle odd/even
JR Z,COMPOF ;if cycle even, jump
LD (HL),0FH ;replace marker with code
JR ADVAN4 ;jump over next instruction
COMPOF LD (HL),012H ;replace marker with code
ADVAN4 INC HL ;increment pointer
JR COME ;back to base!
(A⌐á SUPERGOL╞á [mwb▌
┴á tw∩á dimensiona∞á hires/hires▓ versioε oµ thi≤ popula≥á sport«á Thσá baτ ì
offer≤ 1│ club≤ plu≤ putter« Tw∩ mode≤ ║
Fairwa∙ anΣ green« Continiou≤ displa∙ oµ al∞ relevan⌠ information.
Thi≤á prograφá convert≤á thσ compute≥á int∩á ßá scientifiπá calculator«á Iε ì
additioε t∩ al∞ usua∞ calculato≥ features¼ specia∞ application≤ sucΦ as:
1). Sorting, 2). Basic Statistical elements,
3). Pythagoras, 4). Decimal to Vulgar fraction conversion,
5). Add./sub. of vulgar fractions, and,
6)« Solutioε oµ quadratiπ anΣ simultaneou≤ linea≥ equation≤ available.
Cost : (A) $15.00 Tape or $21.00 for a 3 1/4" disk.
(B) $195.0 Tape or $26.00 for a 3 1/4" disk.
G. GARDOZ, 33 FRASER ST., CLUNES, Vic., 3370è DIRSORT.MWB Competition Entry By Paul Shannon MBUG member 1219
Therσá havσá beeεá man∙á gooΣá men⌡ 6« Typσ RUN¼ anΣ tes⌠ you≥ program. ì
program≤á writteεá iε MicroworlΣá BASIC¼ ì
particularl∙á sincσá thσ adven⌠á oµá thσ N.B«á Oncσ yo⌡ havσ followeΣ thσá abovσì
"aut∩ bootó version≤ oµ BASIC«á Somσ oµ steps¼á d∩á no⌠á lis⌠ line≤ 10░ t∩á 160«ì
thesσ program≤ contaiε thσ name≤ oµá al∞ Instead¼áá typσá LIS╘á 170,<CR>«á Also¼ì
thσááá appropriatσááá file≤áá iεááá datß Renumberinτá line≤ 10░ t∩ 16░ ma∙á causσì
statements«á Other≤á displa∙á al∞á filσ thσ prograφ t∩ crash. ì
name≤á oε thσ screen¼á usinτá thσá BASI├ ì
"DIRóá command¼áá anΣá theεá "PEEKóá thσ OPERATIN╟ INSTRUCTIONS ì
desireΣá filename≤á froφ screeεá memory« ì
EacΦá methoΣ ha≤ it≤ owεá disadvantages« Anyonσá famila≥á witΦá thσá CP/═áá "DIRóì
Thσ forme≥ methoΣ ma∙ forcσ thσ use≥á t∩ commanΣá shoulΣá finΣá DIRSORT.MWBéá ver∙ì
edi⌠á datßá line≤ ever∙ timσ ßá filσá i≤ eas∙á t∩ use«á Use≥ command≤ mus⌠ bσ iεì
addeΣ o≥ deleteΣ froφ thσ disk¼á o≥ wheε onσá oµ tw∩ forms¼á eithe≥á ßá director∙ì
ßá disδ i≤ changed«á Thσ latte≥á methoΣ request¼áá o≥áá ßáá reques⌠á t∩á RU╬áá ßì
ofteεá fill≤ thσ screeε witΦá irrelevan⌠ MicroworlΣ BASI├ program«á ┴á director∙ì
CO═ files¼ DOC's¼ e⌠ cetera« Wheε therσ reques⌠ mus⌠ bσ writteε iε thσ form: ì
arσ morσ thaε 6┤ file≤ oε thσ disk¼ (anΣ ì
thσá screeε i≤ full⌐ thi≤ methoΣ become≤ DI╥ {d:}{FILENAME.EXT} ì
ver∙ cumbersome«
Iε othe≥ words¼ yo⌡ shoulΣ typσ thσ worΣ
Thσ problem¼ a≤ ╔ seσ it¼ lie≤ witΦ DIR¼áá followeΣá b∙á aεá optiona∞á drivσì
thσ lacδ oµ flexabilit∙ iε BASIC'≤ "DIRó lette≥ anΣ colon¼ (iµ ß drivσ othe≥ thaεì
command«á If¼ froφ BASIC¼ yo⌡ coulΣ usσ thσ loggeΣ drivσ i≤ desired⌐ followeΣ b∙ì
wildcards¼á sucΦá a≤ thosσ supporteΣá b∙ thσ typσ oµ file≤ required« Thσ commanΣì
thσ CP/═ "DIRó command¼á excellen⌠á men⌡ DIR¼ááá b∙ááá itselµáá wil∞áá causσáá aεì
program≤áá coulΣá theεá bσá ver∙á easil∙ alphabetizeΣá director∙ oµ al∞ file≤á oεì
written«á Thi≤á i≤á wherσá DIRSORT.MWBé thσ disδ t∩ bσ displayed«á DI╥ A:¼ wil∞ì
come≤ in«á Iε simplσ terms¼ DIRSORT.MWBé changσ thσ loggeΣ drivσ t∩ drivσ A¼ theεì
allow≤á thσá use≥á t∩á reques⌠á ßáá disδ displa∙á al∞á thσ file≤ oεá tha⌠á drive«ì
director∙áá usinτáá thσá samσáá command≤ DI╥á B:BASIC.COMé wil∞ displa∙á BASIC.CO═ì
supporteΣá b∙ CP/M«á Thσ questioεá marδ iµ thσ filσ BASIC.CO═ i≤ oε thσ disδá iεì
anΣ asterisδ wildcard≤ arσ useΣá exactl∙ drivσ B. ì
a≤á the∙ woulΣ bσ iε CP/M«á Iε additioε ì
t∩ this¼á thσ director∙ i≤ automaticall∙ ┴ "?ó ma∙ bσ useΣ a≤ ß wildcarΣ t∩ matcΦì
alphabetizeΣá beforσ i≤ i≤ displayeΣá oε an∙ singlσ characte≥ iε thσ filσ namσ o≥ì
thσá screen«á Sincσ ß largσ portioεá oµ filσá extention«á Fo≥ example¼á iµ you≥ì
thσáá prograφá i≤á writteεá iεáá machinσ disδá haΣá file≤á nameΣá BEEBOP.MW┬á anΣì
language¼á thσ processinτ timσ i≤ onl∙ ß BEEBIP.MWB¼á thσ commanΣ DI╥ BEEB?P.MWBì
fractioεá oµá ß seconΣá longe≥á thaεá i⌠ woulΣá causσá botΦá filσá name≤á t∩áá bσì
normall∙á take≤ fo≥ thσ "DIRó commanΣ t∩ displayed. ì
bσ processed.
Aεáá asterisδá (*⌐á ma∙á bσá useΣá a≤á ß
GETTING STARTED wildcarΣáá t∩áá matcΦá an∙áá numbe≥áá oµ
character≤áá iεá thσáá filσáá name¼áá o≥
1«áTypσ iε thσ loade≥ prograφá exactl∙ extention«áá Thσáá asterisδá character¼ì
a≤ listed. must¼á however¼ bσ thσ las⌠ characte≥ iε
2« Savσ ß cop∙ t∩ disk¼ jus⌠ iε casσ oµ thσáá filenamσáá o≥áá extention«áá (An∙ì
ß typinτ error«á (Yo⌡ wil∞ neeΣ thi≤ alphanumeriπáá character≤áá afte≥ááá anΣì
loade≥ program¼ iµ yo⌡ wisΦ t∩ modif∙ asterisδá wil∞á bσá ignored.⌐á If¼á fo≥ì
éDIRSORT.MWBé a⌠ ß late≥ date.⌐ example¼á yo⌡ wanteΣ t∩ finΣ iµ thσ disδ
3« RU╬ thσ program. containeΣ thσ abovσ mentioneΣ files¼ yo⌡
4«áWheεá prompteΣ witΦ ß questioε mark¼ coulΣ typσ DI╥ BEE*.MWBé o≥ DI╥ B*.M*¼ o≥ì
pres≤ thσ breaδ key¼ theε deletσ linσ eveε DI╥ B??B*.?W*¼á thougΦ ╔ don'⌠ kno≈ì
220¼ anΣ al∞ line≤ afte≥ linσ 600. wh∙ yo⌡ woulΣ wan⌠ to.
5«áSavσá thi≤ fina∞ cop∙ unde≥ ßá namσ ì
differen⌠ froφ thσ loade≥ program. T∩á loaΣ anΣ ruε ß prograφá FUNTIME.MWB¼ èfo≥áá example¼áá yo⌡áá neeΣá onl∙áá typσ tha⌠ thσ abovσ explanation≤ wil∞ providσ ì
FUNTIMEéá anΣá pres≤ RETURN«á ShoulΣá yo⌡ enougΦá informatioε fo≥ user≤ t∩á modif∙ ì
reques⌠ ß prograφ whicΦ doe≤ no⌠á exist¼ DIRSORT.MWBé a≤ required« Belo≈ arσ somσ ì
i≤á no⌠á ß .MW┬ file¼á o≥ i≤ simpl∙á no⌠ suggestion≤ t∩ ge⌠ yo⌡ started. ì
understooΣ b∙ thσ program¼ you≥ compute≥ ì
wil∞ politel∙ queriσ you≥ entry. 1«á Somσá user≤á ma∙ wan⌠ t∩á reaΣá al∞
filename≤ int∩ aε array¼ perhap≤ eveε t∩
B« Al∞ use≥ command≤ shoulΣ bσ typeΣ iε pu⌠ theφ int∩ datß statement≤ oµ anothe≥ ì
capita∞á letters«áá Sincσá al∞á keyboarΣ program« T∩ reaΣ you≥ director∙ int∩ aε ì
inpu⌠á i≤á pu⌠ int∩ uppe≥á casσá b∙á thσ array¼ adΣ thσ followinτ lines: ì
prograφ (linσ 230)¼á therσ i≤ n∩ neeΣ t∩ ì
usσá thσá shif⌠ o≥ locδ ke∙s. 541 STRS(16*N):DIM F1(N) ì
542 I=24578:FOR J = 1 TO N:T0$=""
DIRSORT.MWBéá contain≤ fivσá subroutines« 544 F1$(J)=T0$:I=I+15:NEXT J ì
Thσ firs⌠ i≤ writteε iε BASI├ anΣ caε bσ 545 FOR I=1TON:PRINTI,F1$(I):NEXTI:END ì
founΣ iε line≤ 23░ t∩ 390« Thi≤ routinσ ì
analyse≤ thσ use≥ inpu⌠ anΣ store≤ i⌠ iε 2a«á DIRSORT.MWBé caε bσ easil∙ modifieΣ ì
higΦ memor∙ (5FD0h)¼ fo≥ late≥ use. t∩á bσ useΣ a≤ ß men⌡ prograφ whicΦ wil∞
onl∙á displa∙ .MWBé files«á T∩ d∩á this¼
Thσá seconΣá shor⌠ routinσ i≤á founΣá iε loaΣ u≡ you≥ fina∞ cop∙ anΣ typσ iεá thσ ì
line≤á 40░á t∩ 450¼á anΣ iε ß shor⌠á M/╠ followinτ lines. ì
routinσá storeΣá iεá linσáá 160«áá Wha⌠ ì
happen≤ herσ i≤ tha⌠ ß director∙ reques⌠ 30 CLS:POKE 257,1:A0$="DIR *.MWB" ì
i≤á made¼á bu⌠ insteaΣ oµ beinτ sen⌠á t∩ 465 PRINT"Directory of drive "D0$; ì
screeεá memory¼á i⌠ i≤ sen⌠ t∩ 600░ hex¼ 570 INPUT"Type in the name of the ì
wherσ i⌠ caε bσ compacteΣ anΣ analysed. desired program: "A0$:RUN A0$
571 REM Add your own routines here
Anothe≥ M/╠ routine¼ storeΣ iε linσ 130¼ 572 END ì
anΣá calleΣá b∙á linσá 470¼á strip≤á thσ ì
director∙á oµ unnecessar∙ C/R's¼á L/F's¼ 2b«á T∩ makσ thσ displa∙ morσ readable¼ ì
o≥áá Director∙áá letters¼áá s∩áá a≤áá t∩ yo⌡ ma∙ wisΦ t∩ displa∙ onl∙ filσ names¼ ì
facilitatσ alphabetizing. ignorinτá filσá extentions«áá Makσá thσ
followinτ change≤ t∩ thσ datß lines:
Thσ fortΦ routinσ i≤ storeΣ iε line≤ 11░ ì
anΣ 120¼á anΣ i≤ calleΣ b∙ linσ 520« I⌠ LINE 950║ Changσ thσ "65ó t∩ "76"¼át∩ ì
sort≤ thσ director∙ alphabetically. allo≈ 7╡ filσ name≤ pe≥ screen.
LINEá960║áChangσ thσ "4ó t∩á"5"¼át∩ dis-
Thσ fina∞ routine¼á thσ onσ tha⌠ ╔ founΣ pla∙ fivσ name≤ pe≥ line. ì
mos⌠ challanging¼á i≤ founΣ iε line≤ 14░ LIN┼á990║áChangσ thσ "13ó t∩á"9"¼át∩ dis-ì
anΣ 150¼á anΣ calleΣ b∙ linσá 550«á Thi≤ pla∙áonl∙áthσáfirs⌠á╣ chr≤ oµ thσ name. ì
scan≤á thσá relocateΣá anΣá alphabetizeΣ ì
directory¼á compare≤á eacΦ entr∙ t∩á thσ 3«á E.G«á t∩á displa∙á al∞ .COMéá files¼ ì
user'≤ requesteΣ specifications«á Here¼ followeΣáb∙áal∞ .MWB¼ makσáthesσ changes:ì
thσ "?ó anΣ "*ó wildcard≤ arσ processed.
30 POKE 257,1:A0$="DIR *.COM":GOSUB 250
Therσá i≤á anothe≥ routinσ whicΦ i≤á no⌠ 231 A0$="DIR *.MWB":GOSUB 250 ì
reall∙ par⌠ oµ thσ maiεá program«á Tha⌠ 232 INPUT"Type in the name of the ì
i≤ thσ BASI├ loade≥ oµ thσ M/╠ routines¼ desired program: "A0$:RUN A0$ ì
iε linσ 61░ anΣ thσ followinτ lines. 570 RETURN
CUSTOMISIN╟ DIRSORT.MWB Disclaimer:éá Permissioεá i≤ granteΣá fo≥
individual≤á t∩á usσá anΣá modif∙áá thi≤
I⌠á wa≤á no⌠á m∙ intentioεá t∩á writσá ß prograφáá fo≥á privatσá usσá only«áá N∩ ì
"flashóá men⌡á program«áá M∙á goa∞á wa≤ commercia∞ distributioε oµ thi≤ program¼ ì
simpl∙á t∩á givσ user≤ ßá routinσá whicΦ o≥á program≤á containinτá routine≤á froφ ì
woulΣáá allo≈á theφá t∩á writσá program≤ thi≤á program¼á i≤ alloweΣá withou⌠á thσ ì
accordinτá t∩ thei≥ owεá needs«á ╔á hopσ author'≤ writteε permission« ìèLAST MEETING streamlineΣá s∩ tha⌠ yo⌡ wil∞ ge⌠á quicδ
servicσá witΦá ß smilσ s∩ ste≡ int∩á thσ
Therσá seem≤ t∩ bσ morσ anΣ morσá peoplσ bazaa≥á anΣ sa∙ hell∩ t∩á Johεá Mitchel∞ ì
attendinτ eacΦ meeting¼ whethe≥ i⌠ i≤ t∩ anΣ hi≤ merr∙ banΣ oµ helpers. ì
bu∙á u≡á oε somσ oµ thσ bargain≤ a⌠á thσ ì
Bazaa≥á o≥á jus⌠á plaiεá talkinτáá abou⌠ T∩á al∞ thosσ peoplσ wh∩ don⌠ kno≈á wha⌠ì
computers¼á Microbee≤á oµ course«á I⌠ i≤ thσá Mbuτ Publiπ Domaiε disδá collectioεì
gooΣá t∩á seσá s∩ man∙á peoplσá a⌠á thσ consist≤á of¼á ╔ thinδ tha⌠ i⌠ i≤á abou⌠ì
meetings«á Thσá presiden⌠ gavσ ßá shor⌠ timσá tha⌠á yo⌡ go⌠ ß holΣ oµá thσá Disδì
speecΦá oε wha⌠ thσ cluΓ ha≤ beeεá upt∩ Cataloτá a⌠ eithe≥ meetinτ froφ thσ Disδì
thσá las⌠á montΦá anΣá hσá als∩áá spokσ Libriaε Stevσ Jepson. ì
briefl∙á oεá thσá surve∙ card≤á iεá thσ ì
Catcher«á Iµ yo⌡ havσ no⌠ ye⌠á completeΣ REVIEW of MBUG PUBLIC DOMAIN DISK # 043ì
anΣ sen⌠ ofµ you≥ carΣ pleasσ d∩ so« Thσ ì
ideßáá oµá thσá surve∙á i≤á s∩á wσáá thσ Wel∞á no≈á ont∩á MBU╟á .43«áá Thi≤á disδì
Committeσááá caεááá hel≡áá servσááá thσ contain≤á ß compleatσ tutoria∞ oεá Turb∩ì
membershi≡áá bette≥á o≥á t∩á obtaiεáá ß Pascal« Therσ arσ tw∩ READ.M┼ file≤ tha⌠ì
directioεá fo≥ thσ Club«á Jus⌠ iεá casσ givσ yo⌡ ß brieµ rundowε oε thσ tutoria∞ì
tha⌠áá yo⌡á haven⌠á hearΣá therσá i≤áá ß oε thσ disk¼á i⌠ tell≤ yo⌡ t∩ lis⌠ t∩ ßì
competitioε runninτ fo≥ thσ mos⌠á usefu∞ printe≥á thσá releven⌠ tex⌠á file≤á tha⌠ì
articlσáá iεá thσá Catcher«áá Thσáá bes⌠ concidσá witΦ thσ lessons«á Therσ i≤á a⌠ì
articlσá o≥ mos⌠ useful¼á voteΣ on¼á b∙ leas⌠á onσá examplσá prograφá witΦá eacΦì
thσ membershi≡ shal∞ receive¼á free¼á ß lessoεá tha⌠á yo⌡ eithe≥á havσá t∩á man-ì
cop∙á oµ Debtmaster¼á whicΦ wa≤á kindl∙ ipulatσá o≥ ruε o≥ both«á Ho≈ comple° i≤ì
donateΣá b∙ Lindsa∙ ForΣ oµá Dreamcard≤ Turb∩áyo⌡ migh⌠áask┐ ì
softwarσá t∩ bσ giveε awa∙ iε thσá forφ ì
oµá ß prizσ fo≥ ßá competition«á Iµá yo⌡ Wel∞ ╔ don'⌠ kno≈ bean≤ abou⌠ Turb∩á bu⌠ì
thinδáá tha⌠á yo⌡á havσá ßá usefu∞á tip¼ a⌠á las⌠ ╔ aφ learninτ something«á Therσì
prograφ o≥ article¼ marδ i⌠ competitioε i≤ no⌠ ß grea⌠ dea∞ morσ ╔ caε sa∙ abou⌠ì
entr∙á anΣ givσ i⌠ t∩ thσ edito≥á o≥á ß ß tutoria∞ serie≤ excep⌠ tha⌠ i⌠ i≤ ver∙ì
committeσááá membe≥áá fo≥ááá inclusion« ver∙á eas∙ t∩ understanΣ anΣ eveε ╔á caεì
Remembe≥á yo⌡á havσ t∩ bσ iε i⌠ t∩á wiε writσá ß smal∞ prograφ iε turb∩á anΣá i⌠ì
it¼ s∩ pu⌠ finger≤ t∩ keyboarΣ anΣ senΣ real∙á runs¼á eveε morσ s∩ ╔ kne≈ wha⌠ ╔ì
iε thosσ entrie≤ now...« wa≤ doing«á Iµ yo⌡ havσ haΣ aεá interes⌠
iε learninτ Turbo¼á orde≥ thi≤ disδ froφ
Thσá peoplσá froφá Exiteδá werσá a⌠á thσ thσá Disδ Librar∙ o≥ brinτ alonτ ßá disδì
meetinτá las⌠ montΦá demonstratinτá thσ t∩á thσ nex⌠ meetinτ anΣ picδ u≡ ßá cop∙ì
ne≈á versioεá oµá Beeartistiπá fo≥á thσ fo≥ $2.0░ froφ thσ MBU╟ copyinτ service«ì
Premiuφá serie≤á Bee«á The∙á werσá als∩ Iε casσ yo⌡ werσ wondering¼á othe≥ club≤ì
sellinτáá upgrade≤á t∩á you≥áá origina∞ chargσá u≡á t∩ $15.0░ t∩ cop∙á ßá publiπì
softwarσá fo≥ $20.00«á No⌠ baΣ service. domaiεá disδ anΣ MBU╟ wil∞ suppl∙ ß P.D«ì
Disδá fo≥ $5.0░ fo≥ ╡ 1/┤ disδ o≥á $7.5░
Fo≥á peoplσá a⌠á thσá las⌠á meetinτá wh∩ fo≥ │ 1/▓ disk. ì
brough⌠á alonτ ß formatteΣá disδá therσ ì
werσá copie≤ oµ thσ MBU╟ publiπá domaiε FO╥á SAL┼á $ñ FO╥ SAL┼ $ñ FO╥á SAL┼ ì
disk≤á fo≥ thσ smal∞ pricσ oµ $2.0░ pe≥ 128δá Corebaord«á BranΣ Ne≈ (no⌠á used)«ì
disδ copyinτ fee«á Al∞ tha⌠ yo⌡ havσ t∩ $10░áBoΓ Wisσ afte≥á 8.pφá 762-395╕ ì
d∩á i≤ selec⌠ ß volumσ numbe≥á anΣá al∞ ì
thσá program≤á arσá pu⌠ oεá you≥á disk« Brothe≥áááá EP4┤áááá Printer-Typewriter-ì
Wherσá elsσá caε yo⌡ ge⌠ u≡ t∩á 380δá oµ Terminal¼ Beσ Cable¼ $250« Singlσ and/o≥ì
suitablσ softwarσ fo≥ onl∙ $2.0░ s∩ nex⌠ continou≤ paper« Lindsa∙ Pace« 870-7119.ì
meetinτ brinτ alonτ you≥ blanδ formatteΣ ì
disδá anΣá asδ fo≥ thσ volumσá tha⌠á yo⌡ Dua∞á drivσ AP├ 64δ Colou≥á witΦá S'warσì
want«á BotΦ disδ size≤ arσ catereΣá fo≥ (n∩ monitor⌐á$1000«á848-920▒ ì
s∩á comσ alonτ anΣ havσ ß looδ wha⌠á i≤ ì
oε thσ MBU╟ publiπ domaiε collectioε oµ 56δá M'beσá Dreamdisδá controller«á 2x8░ì
Disks« tracδ drives¼á Greeε monitor¼ s'warσ anΣ
Catchers«á$900«áON╧ Michae∞áWoodward«
Thσá operatioεá oµ thσ bazaa≥á ha≤á beeε 76│á- 404╢ ìè Radio control model aircraft Orientation Trainer MODELAIR.MWB
Competition Entry By Mark Bishop 19.5.87
Amongs⌠ m∙ hobbie≤ i≤ flyinτ radio- powe≥ (climb/descen⌠ rate« Thσ aircraf⌠ì
controlleΣáá mode∞áá aircraft«áá ╔áá aφ i≤áá initiall∙á plotteΣá a⌠áá ßáá randoφì
teachinτá m∙ 1░ yea≥ olΣ son¼á bu⌠á likσ positioεááááá b∙áááá ßáááá 'Vºáááá whicΦì
mos⌠á peoplσá ne≈ t∩ thσ hobb∙ hσá find≤ increases/decrease≤ iε sizσ wheεá cominτì
thσáá apparen⌠á aileron/rudde≥áá contro∞ towards/goinτá away«áá Wheεá ßá winτá i≤ì
reversa∞ effec⌠ wheε flyinτ toward≤ you¼ lowered¼ thσ aircraf⌠ move≤ sideway≤ anΣì
difficul⌠áá t∩áá learn«ááá Wheεáá flyinτ descend≤á iεá proportioε t∩á banδá anglσì
inverted¼á elevato≥ effec⌠ als∩á appear≤ applied«á Apparen⌠ elevato≥ pitcΦ effec⌠ì
reversed« Thσ contro∞ effec⌠ i≤ actuall∙ decrease≤á witΦ increasinτ distance«á ┴ì
thσá samσ al∞ thσ timσ FRO═ TH┼á MODEL'≤ smal∞á landinτ stri≡ i≤ plotteΣ anΣá thσì
POIN╘ O╞ VIEW« Decidinτ tha⌠ therσ mus⌠ objec⌠á i≤ t∩ lanΣ oε thi≤ stri≡ witΦá ░ì
bσ ß quicke≥ anΣ les≤ destructivσ wa∙ t∩ banδ angle« Slo≈ o≥ barrel-roll≤ caε bσì
learn¼ ╔ wrotσ thi≤ program. done¼á bu⌠ elevato≥ authorit∙ i≤ lo≈á s∩
n∩á loops¼á anΣá thσ aircraf⌠á wil∞á no⌠
MODELAIR.MW┬áá simulate≤á ßáá mode∞ stall« ì
aircraf⌠á goinτ eithe≥ directl∙ awa∙á o≥ ì
towarΣá you«á Control≤á arσ ßá joystick¼ Thi≤á prograφá i≤ no⌠ ßá full-blowε ì
whicΦá caε bσ moveΣ diagonall∙ fo≥á botΦ aircraf⌠ simulator¼á anΣ ha≤ limitation≤ ì
elevato≥á anΣ aileroε togethe≥ (bacδá i≤ duσ t∩ n∩ proportiona∞ joystick¼á bu⌠á ╔ ì
U╨á ie«á oppositσ t∩á compute≥á games)« thinδ i⌠ achieve≤ thσ intentioε oµ beinτ ì
Key≤á contro∞á (A⌐á fl∙á away¼á (T⌐á fl∙ ßáá radi∩áá controlleΣá mode∞áá aircraf⌠ ì
toward¼á (I⌐á initializσá position¼á (R⌐ orientatioεá trainer«á Pleasσá forwarΣ ì
0010░ RE═ Radi∩ controlleΣ mode∞ aircraf⌠ Orientatioε Traine≥ {148}
00110 REM v 19/5/87 Mark Bishop {147}
00120 REM {150}
00130 ON ERROR GOTO 1300 {157}
00140 SD 4: REM saves calculation time {149}
00150 POKE 220,16: REM remove cursor, poke 220,15 to restore {063}
00160 CLS:CURS 15,6:PRINT "Radio controlled model aircraft" {144}
00170 CURS 22,8: PRINT "Orientation Trainer" {181}
00180 CURS 22,10: PRINT "Mark Bishop 19.5.87" {000}
00190 OUT 1,255: REM init. parallel/joystick port for input {209}
00200 DIM X(5),Y(5): REM wing tip co-ordinate store {139}
00210 DIM S0(360),C0(360): REM store for sine/cosine {172}
00220 FOR Z=0 TO 360 STEP 5: REM quicker to find sine/cosine from an array than
calculate each time. {059}
00230 S0(Z)=SIN(((FLT(Z))/360)*6.283) {032}
00240 C0(Z)=COS(((FLT(Z))/360)*6.283) {024}
00250 NEXT Z {050}
00260 CLS: CURS 10,3: UNDERLINE:PRINT "Mode change keys":NORMAL {205}
00270 CURS 10,5:PRINT "T model flies TOWARDS you" {048}
00280 CURS 10,6:PRINT "A model flies AWAY from you" {219}
00290 CURS 10,7:PRINT "I initialize" {128}
00300 CURS 10,8:PRINT "R rough air (toggle on/off)" {170}
00310 CURS 10,9:PRINT "? help" {048}
00320 CURS 10,11:UNDERLINE: PRINT"Controls":NORMAL {183}
00330 CURS 10,13:PRINT "Joystick elevator/aileron (mode 2)" {021}
00340 CURS 10,14:PRINT "1 to 9 power (descent/climb rate)" {056}
00350 FOR Z=1 TO 7000: NEXT Z: CLS {212}
00360 P2=5: REM initial power (climb/descent) setting {205}
00370 M0=1: R0=1: REM initial mode fly away, rough air off {003}
00380 R1=10: REM rough air strength, 0 = maximum {252}
00390 CLS: HIRES: REM re-init. for subsequent flights here {127}
00400 X(3)=0: Y(3)=0: T=0: U=0: X(4)=0: Y(4)=0: REM init plotr {076}è00410 FOR Z=0 TO 511 STEP 3: SET Z,17: NEXT Z: REM ground {220}
00420 PLOT 230,18 TO 280,18: REM landing area {232}
00430 V=INT(RND*311)+100: W=150: REM init position on screen {019}
00440 S1=100: S1=S1/2: REM initial wing span {255}
00450 B0=0: B1=15: REM initial bank and bank increment. {029}
00460 REM 90 must be exactly divisible by bank increment. {157}
00470 P0=50: REM initial pitch increment {247}
00480 GOSUB 790: REM calculate aircraft position {246}
00490 GOSUB 1080: REM plot aircraft {048}
00500 GOSUB 1210: REM print bank, pwr, dir. at bottom of screen {053}
00510 A=IN(0): K0$=KEY$: REM check for joystick & key input {117}
00520 A=15-(A AND 15): REM convert to positive logic {173}
00530 REM Main program loop starts here {153}
00540 IF (K0$="T" OR K0$="t") THEN LET M0=-1: REM fly towards {078}
00550 IF (K0$="A" OR K0$="a") THEN LET M0=1: REM fly away {061}
00560 IF (K0$="I" OR K0$="i") THEN GOTO 390: REM re-start pgm {055}
00570 IF (K0$="R" OR K0$="r") THEN LET R0=R0*(-1):REM rough air {233}
00580 IF (K0$="?" OR K0$="/") THEN GOTO 260: REM help {007}
00590 REM power (climb/descent rate) {159}
00600 IF (VAL(K0$)>=1 AND VAL(K0$)=<9) THEN LET P2=VAL(K0$) {224}
00610 REM rough air routine {152}
00620 IF (A=0 AND R0=-1) THEN LET B=INT(RND*R1): IF B=0 THEN LET A=INT(RND*15):
REM no control input and rough air selected on {102}
00630 B= -(A AND 8): IF B THEN LET B0=B0+(B1*M0): GOTO 650: REM left ail {023}
00640 B= -(A AND 4): IF B THEN LET B0=B0-(B1*M0): REM right ail {008}
00650 IF B0 < -180 THEN LET B0=B0+360 ELSE IF B0 > 180 THEN LET B0=B0-360 {145}
00660 B= -((A AND 1) OR (A AND 2)): IF B THEN GOSUB 920:
REM adj screen position for elev input {216}
00670 S1=S1-((S1/100)*M0): REM increase approaching size {253}
00680 IF S1 <2 THEN CLS: CURS 28,8: PRINT "LOST MODEL":K0$="I": GOTO 730 {024}
00690 P0=S1/2: REM increase/decrease elev effect with size {124}
00700 GOSUB 990: REM adjust screen position for bank,span,power {227}
00710 GOSUB 790: REM calculate plot {240}
00720 GOSUB 1080: REM plot aircraft {046}
00730 IF K0$="I" THEN FOR Z=1 TO 5000: NEXT Z: GOTO 390 {155}
00740 GOSUB 1210: REM print bank, pwr, dir. at bottom of screen {059}
00750 GOTO 510: REM end of main program loop {154}
00760 REM {160}
00770 REM calculate aircraft plot x(1),y(1) right wingtip {159}
00780 REM v,w centre; x(2,y(2)left wingtip {162}
00790 GOSUB 850: X(1)=V+INT(S0(INT((B2+75)))*S1) {026}
00800 GOSUB 870: X(2)=V+INT(S0(INT((B2-75)))*S1) {021}
00810 GOSUB 850: Y(1)=W+INT((C0(INT(B2+75))*S1)/2) {061}
00820 GOSUB 870: Y(2)=W+INT((C0(INT(B2-75))*S1)/2) {065}
00830 RETURN {109}
00840 REM adjust bank angle if outside 0 - 360 with dihedral. {159}
00850 IF B0+75 < 0 THEN LET B2=B0+360: RETURN {027}
00860 IF B0+75 > 360 THEN LET B2=B0-360: RETURN ELSE LET B2=B0 :RETURN {129}
00870 IF B0-75 < 0 THEN LET B2=B0+360: RETURN {027}
00880 IF B0-75 > 360 THEN LET B2=B0-360: RETURN ELSE LET B2=B0 :RETURN {129}
00890 REM {162}
00900 REM calculate plot position on screen {156}
00910 REM up elevator {155}
00920 IF B0 < 0 THEN LET B2=B0+360 ELSE LET B2=B0 {072}
00930 B= -(A AND 2): IF B THEN LET V=V+INT((S0(INT(B2)))*P0):
LET W=W+INT((C0(INT(B2)))*P0/2): RETURN {111}
00940 REM down elevator {160}
00950 B= -(A AND 1): IF B THEN LET V=V-INT((S0(INT(B2)))*P0/2):
LET W=W-INT((C0(INT(B2)))*P0/2): RETURN {102}è00960 REM {162}
00970 REM adjust screen position for bank, span, power {161}
00980 REM adjust x co-ord for applied bank and span {164}
00990 IF ABS(B0)=< 90 THEN LET V=V+INT(ABS(B0)*S1*.005*SGN(B0)) {218}
01000 IF ABS(B0) > 90 THEN LET V=V-INT((180-ABS(B0))*S1*.002*SGN(B0)) {071}
01010 REM adjust y co-ord for applied bank and pitch increment {200}
01020 W=W-INT((ABS(B0)/180)*P0*.5) {042}
01030 W=W+INT((P2-5)*2): REM adjust Y co-ord for power applied {216}
01040 IF W < 18 THEN LET W=18: REM don't land below ground {064}
01050 RETURN {167}
01060 REM {201}
01070 REM plot aircraft + save co-ords {202}
01080 IF (Y(1)<18 OR Y(2)<18) THEN CURS 25,16:PRINT "*** CRASHED ***";:K0$="I":RETURN {053}
01090 IF ((X(1)> 611 AND X(2)> 611) OR ( X(1) < -100 AND X(2) < -100)) THEN
CURS 28,8: PRINT "LOST MODEL": K0$="I": RETURN {169}
01100 IF (Y(1) > 355 AND Y(2) > 355) THEN CURS 28,8:PRINT "LOST MODEL": K0$="I":RETURN {216}
01110 PLOTR X(3),Y(3) TO T,U TO X(4),Y(4): REM last acft plot {214}
01120 IF (X(1)<0 OR X(1)>511 OR Y(1)>255 OR V<0 OR V>511 OR W<18 OR W>255 OR
X(2)<0 OR X(2)>511 OR Y(2)>255) THEN RETURN:
REM no plot if out of hires limits {124}
01130 PLOT X(1),Y(1) TO V,W TO X(2),Y(2): REM new acft plot {158}
01140 X(3)=X(1): Y(3)=Y(1): T=V: U=W: X(4)=X(2): Y(4)=Y(2): REM save co-ords for plotr {142}
01150 B= -(A AND 1): IF ((V > 0 AND V < 511) AND W <= 18 AND B) THEN CURS
24,16: PRINT "** HARD LANDING **";: K0$="I":GOTO 1180 {123}
01160 IF ((V > 230 AND V < 280) AND W <= 18 AND B0=0) THEN CURS 24,16:
PRINT "** GOOD LANDING **";:K0$="I": GOTO 1180 {226}
01170 IF ((V > 0 AND V < 511) AND W <= 18) THEN CURS 27,16:PRINT "** LANDED **";: K0$="I" {001}
01180 RETURN {169}
01190 REM {207}
01200 REM print bank, pwr, dir. at bottom of screen {201}
01210 CURS 1,16:PRINT "Bank ";:CURS 6,16 {134}
01220 IF (B0 <0 AND M0=1) THEN PRINT "L"; ELSE IF (B0 >=0 AND M0=1) THEN PRINT "R"; {047}
01230 IF (B0 <0 AND M0=-1) THEN PRINT "R"; ELSE IF (B0 >=0 AND M0=-1) THEN PRINT "L"; {135}
01240 PRINT ABS(B0);: REM bank angle {129}
01250 CURS 13,16: PRINT "Pwr ";P2; {238}
01260 CURS 45,16: IF R0=-1 THEN PRINT "R/air."; ELSE PRINT" "; {180}
01270 CURS 52,16: PRINT "Fly ";: IF M0=-1 THEN PRINT "towards."; ELSE PRINT "away. "; {152}
01280 RETURN {172}
01290 REM {210}
01300 RUN: REM error routine {243}
01310 REM END OF LISTING {201}
SALESMAN.MW┬á Sorr∙á fo≥ ß lacδ oµ descriptioε oε thi≤ listinτ las⌠ month«á I⌠á ma∙ ì
servσ t∩ writer≤ a≤ ß noticσ tha⌠ al∞ software/hardwarσ need≤ somσ documentation«á Iε ì
thσá casσ oµ s'ware¼á thi≤ coulΣ bσ includeΣ a≤ RE═ statement≤ o≥ a≤ par⌠ oµ ßá MENU¼ ì
perhap≤á controllinτ thσ saiΣ prograφ o≥ a≤ ß hel≡ calleΣ u≡ b∙ ke∙ pres≤ durinτá thσ ì
prograφ operation.
Salesmaεá wa≤ supplieΣ witΦ somσ doc≤ bu⌠ duσ t∩ somσ lacδ oµ foresigh⌠ oε m∙á behalµ ì
anΣ thσ spacσ lef⌠ iε thσ Catcher¼ i⌠ wa≤ no⌠ included«
Salesman.mwΓ i≤ ß productioε scheduler«á Conside≥ ╡ product≤ neeΣ t∩ bσ madσ withiε ß ì
se⌠á timσá scalσá anΣá al∞ oµ thesσ product≤ neeΣ t∩á bσá manufactureΣá iεá differinτ ì
quantitie≤ iε orde≥ t∩ kee≡ thosσ assemblinτ thσ finisheΣ produc⌠ iε parts« B∙ keyinτ ì
iε thσ quantitie≤ anΣ thσ ratσ a⌠ whicΦ the∙ arσ required¼á i⌠ wil∞ sor⌠ ou⌠ thσ bes⌠ ì
orde≥ oµ production«á I⌠ wa≤ s∩ nameΣ a≤ i⌠ coulΣ bσ useΣ b∙ ß salesmaε t∩á determinσ ì
thσ mos⌠ efficien⌠ methoΣ oµ callinτ oε client≤ iε differen⌠ towns« ╔ wil∞ leavσ thi≤ ì
fo≥á yo⌡ t∩ figurσ ou⌠ wha⌠ change≤ (iµ any⌐ neeΣ t∩ bσ madσ t∩ thσ listinτ fo≥á thi≤ ì
o≥ othe≥ variation≤ oµ thσ prograφ t∩ worδ fo≥ you.è DEFINE YOUR TERMS A Study in Judgementalism By Fred Gohlke.
Reprinted from ACJ-NJ Club News May 1987
Wel∞ yo⌡ al∞ kno≈ ho≈ ╔ enjo∙ expressinτ FITS THE BILL ì
opinion≤á abou⌠á thσá worlΣá arounΣá me« ì
Well¼ thi≤ onσ jumpeΣ u≡ anΣ bi⌠ me. It'≤áá official«áá Williaφá Gates¼áá 31¼
founde≥ oµ Microsof⌠ Corp.¼ i≤ thσ firs⌠
Durinτáá m∙á origina∞á terφá a≤áá edito≥ billionairσá iεá thσá persona∞á compute≥ì
(arounΣá 198░á anΣá 1981⌐ ╔á devoteΣá aε business«á (froφ thσ MarcΦ 23rΣ issuσ oµì
issuσ t∩ "FOCUS║á SOFTWAR┼á PIRACY"«á Iε thσ Ne≈ Yorδ Dail∙ News) ì
it¼ ╔ editorializeΣ ardentl∙ agains⌠ thσ ì
practicσ oµ copyinτ commercia∞ software« Obviously¼ there'≤ morσ thaε onσ kinΣ oµì
Clearly¼áá a⌠á leas⌠á iεá m∙á view¼á thσ pirate. ì
definitioε was,
┴á billioníá ┴ thousanΣ millioníá That'≤
SOFTWARE THE UNSCRUPULOUS ACT OF nearl∙á ß hundreΣ millioε ßá yea≥á sincσ
PIRACY DUPLICATING thσá origina∞á BASI├á wa≤á s∩á copiousl∙
THE COPYWRITTEN WORK OF OTHERS copieΣá tha⌠á i⌠ becamσá ßá standard«á ┴
hundreΣ millioε ß year¼á whilσ Microsof⌠
Durinτá thσ latσ 70's¼á softwarσá pirac∙ refuseΣ t∩ providσ hel≡ fo≥ user≤ oµ it≤ì
haΣáá beeεá ßá "hotóáá topic«áá Magazinσ product≤ oε thσ ground≤ tha⌠ i⌠ couldn'⌠ì
articles¼ letter≤ t∩ thσ editor¼ anΣ thσ `affordºáá thσá higΦá cos⌠á oµá completσì
exchangσá newsletter≤ al∞ discusseΣá thσ support«á Well¼á maybσá it'≤ timσ fo≥á ßì
themσá froφá myriaΣ point≤ oµá view«á Iε redefinition¼ like: ì
1976¼á Bil∞á Gate≤ oµ Microsof⌠ sen⌠á aε ì
"Opeε lette≥ t∩ Hobbyistsó t∩ thσ ACJNJ« SOFTWARE TH┼ UNSCRUPULOU╙ AC╘ O╞ ì
I⌠á deploreΣá thσ practicσá oµá softwarσ PIRACY OVERCHARGING ì
copying«áá AlthougΦá hσá refraineΣá froφ OTHERS FOR COPY WRITTEN WORK.ì
accusinτá ou≥ cluΓ oµá encouraginτá sucΦ ì
activit∙á a⌠ cluΓ meetings¼á hi≤á inten⌠ Doe≤áá thi≤á sugges⌠á tha⌠áá thσáá firs⌠ì
wa≤ clear«á S∩ clear¼á iε fact¼á tha⌠ wσ difinitioεá i≤ invalid┐á Oµ coursσá not«ì
establisheΣá ßá polic∙á prohibitinτá thσ Stealinτá i≤á reprehensible¼á regardles≤ì
copyinτá oµ commercia∞ softwarσ whicΦ i≤ wh∩á doe≤á it«á Thσ fac⌠á tha⌠á powerfu∞ì
stil∞ iε effect«á AnΣ there¼ a≤ fa≥ a≤ ╔ interes⌠á group≤ likσ softwarσ lobbyist≤ì
wa≤ concerned¼ thσ matte≥ rested. caεáá influencσáá ou≥áá governmen⌠ááá t∩
criminalizσá onσá forφ oµá pirac∙á whilσ
Bu⌠á n∩á opinioε shoulΣá remaiεá static« sanctifyinτá anothe≥á doesn'⌠ alte≥á thσì
Judgement≤ shoulΣ bσ reevaluateΣ a≤á ne≈ fac⌠ tha⌠ ß thieµ i≤ stil∞ ß thief. ì
informatioε come≤ t∩ light«á And¼ lo¼ iε ì
recen⌠ day≤ we'vσ found,
_ _
Wσ havσ recentl∙ receiveΣ froφ Microbeσ System≤ Ltd.¼á ß lis⌠ oµ technica∞ note≤ ì
anΣ change≤ t∩ severa∞ problem≤ iε thσ Microbee« Thesσ note≤ wil∞ bσ bublisheΣ iε thσ ì
cominτ month≤ s∩ al∞ ma∙ correc⌠ thesσ problem≤ iµ the∙ havσ occureΣ iε thei≥ Bee«á ┴ ì
cop∙á oµ thσ note≤ i≤ helΣ b∙ thσ pape≥ library«á Iµ therσ i≤ anyonσ wh∩ canno⌠á wai⌠ ì
fo≥ theφ t∩ bσ published¼á yo⌡ haΣ bette≥ checδ theφ ou⌠ iε thσ library« Followinτ i≤ ì
ß lis⌠ oµ changes.
1/ JSK-91 Keyswitch "WOBBLE" fix. 2/ Additional capacitors to the clock circuits.
3/ Graphics print crash fix. 4/ RS232 self test failures.
5/ DRAM timing modifications.
HEL╨ ?┐á HEL╨ ?┐ HEL╨ ?┐ HEL╨ ??éá
Caεá ╔á usσ aε 8░ tracδ ╡ 1/4ó drivσ (higΦ capacity⌐ witΦ ßá MYTE╦á Portable«á Lauriσ ì
Tapliε 795-1111
02B├ Volumσ ▓ (Oct.83-Sept.84⌐.................. $15.0░
03BC Volume 3 (Oct.84-Sept.85).................. $15.00
04UB Volume 4 (Oct.85-Sept.86)
(Unbound-Only enough for 4).................... $15.00
MB01 MAGAZINE BINDERS (For ONLINE)................ $ 8.00
5HCK Drive Head Cleaning Kit 5.25" ................. $12.00
3HCK Drive Head Cleaning Kit 3.5" .................. $15.00
01B┴ BeeArtistiπá (Graphiπ S/W⌐á.................... $35.0░
001W Write Hand Man (Order) .................... $40.00
0BKP Beekeeper (see review Catcher Jan. '87)........ $90.00
1FPF Flashprint 4 (with Flashkey) ............... $50.00
002S Poor Persons Spooler (Order) ................ $45.00
003S Poor Persons Spreadsheet (Order)............. $45.00
004S Poor Persons Spelling Checker (Order)......... $30.00
005S Poor Persons Window System (Order)........... $40.00
006S Poor Persons Menus (Order)................... $38.00
007S Poor Persons Keyed Sequential Files (Order).... $45.00
00PM Printmaster Editor ............................ $25.00
80P╥ Carboε Printe≥ Ribboε
(suit xyz.80/100 printers) .......... $ 8.00
¬ááDISK╙ ááááá *
3SMS Blank 3.5" Disks, MAXELL SSDD, Box of 10 ....... $40.00
3SDB Blank 3.5" Disks, VERTBATIM SSDD Box of 10 ..... $40.00
3SDS Blanδ 3.5ó Disk≤, VERTBATIM SSDD Singles ....... ñ 5.00
3DSF Blank 3.5" Disks, BASF DSDD Plastic Box of 5 ... $25.00
5DDS Blank 3.5" Disks VERTBATIM SSDD Singles ........ $20.00
5DSSáBlanδ 5.25ó Disks, NASHUA DSDD Singles ......... $ 2.00
00PB Don Mc Kenzie Printer Buffers
PC Board and Eprom ......................... $ 39.00
Full 8-64K kit (of parts) .................. $ 95.00
Full 256K Kit (of parts) ................... $115.00
03DD 1MEG. (Unformatted) NEC 3.5" Third Height DS/FDD $200.00
05DD 1MEG/1.6MEG DUAL SPEED 5.25" Disk Drive ........ $200.00
01T├ REA╠ TIM┼ CLOCK KIT╙ (see May Catcher)......... $ 25.00
(slows down MICROBEE for games)..... $ 15.00
(Lockable, holds 100).......... $ 18.00
5B10 DISK LIBRARY BOX 5.25" (holds 10) ..............$ 3.00
(Lockable, holds 40) .......... $ 18.00
All postal orders to be sent to MBUG AUSTRALIA SALES
T∩ avoiΣ delays¼á al∞ order≤ mus⌠ includσ cheque¼ posta∞ orde≥ orì
Bankcard authorization for the total amount(inc. postal & handling
charges). Allow 21 days for the return of goods, or pick-up at the
next meeting.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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Postal Fees (within Aust.) Sub-Totals Items $_________
$10 to $20 order :$2.50 Postage & Handling Fee $_________
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Certified Mail add $1.00 Security Post add $5.00