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344 lines
GENERAL information on game
GALAXY size and objects within
SCREEN display duing play
SUMMARY of commands
COMMANDS how to activate
WARP commands
IMPULSE commands
SHOOTING the enemy
POWER distribution
RETURN to system (dos)
RADAR power (if you loose it)
BASE find one
SPEED of the game
SCANNERS what they mean
ENEMY don't bump them
RAY more about experimental ray
DIRECTION how to change
TIME limits of game
AUTHOR╙ ║ Re-writteε b∙ variou≤ people
Tapσ Filσ Namσ ║ ZTREK
LengtΦ ║ 000░ fo≥ DGOS
090░ fo≥ Microbee
010░ fo≥ CP/M
VD╒ Compatibilit∙ ║ S10░ (DG640⌐ o≥ (MW(6545⌐ only¼ a⌠ OF000
ZTRE╦ i≤ ß re-writσ oµ thσ popula≥ Processo≥ Technolog∙ gamσ TRE╦ 80¼ ì
smoothe≥ operatioε anΣ improveΣ speeΣ werσ obtaineΣ b∙ usinτ thσ Z8░ ì
instructioε se⌠ rathe≥ thaε thσ origina∞ 808░ code¼ player≤ familia≥ witΦ TRE╦ ì
8░ wil∞ havσ littlσ troublσ adaptinτ t∩ thσ ne≈ version« Thσ randoφ Klingoε ì
surrende≥ anΣ thσ "selµ destructó feature≤ werσ no⌠ includeΣ iε ZTREK« Iε mos⌠ ì
mos⌠ othe≥ respect≤ operatioε i≤ simila≥ t∩ tha⌠ oµ thσ origina∞ program« Thσ ì
prograφ disable≤ thσ ESCapσ ke∙ tra≡ iε thσ DGO╙ version¼ allowinτ it'≤ usσ a≤ ì
ß commanΣ abor⌠ ke∙ iε thσ game« Backspacσ ha≤ beeε introduceΣ t∩ allo≈ ì
commanΣ linσ editinτ anΣ thσ speeΣ rangσ ha≤ beeε wideneΣ anΣ linearised.
Thσ Galax∙ consist≤ oµ 10░ quadrant≤ arrangeΣ iε ß 10X1░ matrix¼ eacΦ ì
quadran⌠ i≤ divideΣ int∩ 10░ sector≤ anΣ agaiε arrangeΣ a≤ ß 10X1░ matrix« ì
Thi≤ give≤ 10,00░ possiblσ location≤ iε thσ galaxy« Therσ i≤ n∩ boundar∙ t∩ ì
thσ galax∙ a≤ i⌠ wrap≤ arounΣ froφ sidσ t∩ sidσ anΣ to≡ t∩ bottom« A⌠ thσ ì
star⌠ oµ thσ gamσ al∞ thσ object≤ yo⌡ wil∞ encounte≥ durinτ pla∙ arσ ì
distrubiteΣ a⌠ randoφ thorougΦ thσ galaxy« Thσ numbe≥ oµ object≤ ma∙ vary╗ ì
therσ arσ abou⌠ 4░ alieε ships¼ 1░ alieε basσ stations¼ ┤ oµ you≥ basσ ì
stations¼ 50░ stars¼ somσ tritoε mine≤ anΣ "unknownó objects« You≥ objectivσ ì
i≤ t∩ finΣ anΣ destro∙ al∞ oµ thσ aliens« Yo⌡ arσ provideΣ witΦ fou≥ weapon≤ ì
t∩ achievσ thi≤ goal« The∙ are¼ ß phaso≥ cannoε whicΦ ha≤ ß 30Ñ kil∞ ratσ oε ì
alieε ship≤ bu⌠ n∩ effec⌠ oε alieε bases╗ photoε torpedoe≤ whicΦ wil∞ alway≤ ì
kil∞ aε alieε shi≡ bu⌠ no⌠ thei≥ bases╗ aintmatte≥ pod≤ whicΦ wil∞ kil∞ ì
anything¼ includinτ yo⌡ iµ yo⌡ arσ to∩ closσ wheε the∙ explode╗ anΣ aε ì
experimenta∞ ra∙ whicΦ i≤ fa≥ froφ perfected¼ sometime≤ it≤ effect≤ arσ ver∙ ì
helpful¼ othe≥ time≤ i⌠ backfire≤ oε you.
Durinτ pla∙ thσ VD╒ i≤ laiΣ ou⌠ a≤ thσ contro∞ pane∞ oµ you≥ spaceship« ì
Iε thσ to≡ lef⌠ corne≥ i≤ thσ "lonτ rangσ scan"« Thi≤ show≤ thσ numbe≥ oµ ì
aliens¼ you≥ basσ station¼ anΣ thσ star≤ iε you≥ curren⌠ quadran⌠ anΣ iε thσ ì
eigh⌠ ajoininτ quadrants« Iε thσ centrσ oµ thσ screeε i≤ thσ "closσ rangeó ì
attacδ radar¼ i⌠ show≤ yo⌡ al∞ object≤ withiε rangσ oµ you≥ weapons« T∩ thσ ì
lef⌠ oµ thi≤ rada≥ displa∙ i≤ ß lis⌠ oµ object≤ whicΦ ma∙ appea≥ anΣ thσ shapσ ì
useΣ t∩ represen⌠ them« è T∩ thσ righ⌠ oµ thσ rada≥ i≤ thσ statu≤ displa∙ whicΦ show≤ thσ stardatσ ì
(time)¼ you≥ locatioε iε thσ galaxy¼ you≥ locatioε iε thσ curren⌠ quadran⌠ anΣ ì
thσ curren⌠ conditioε code¼ thσ numbe≥ oµ remaininτ aliens¼ thσ percentagσ oµ ì
peaδ powe≥ beinτ delivereΣ b∙ you≥ reactors¼ anΣ thσ numbe≥ oµ remaininτ ì
weapons« Belo≈ thσ lonτ rangσ scaε arσ thσ powe≥ distrubitioε indicators« Thσ ì
tota∞ oµ thesσ instrument≤ mus⌠ alway≤ bσ les≤ thaε thσ powe≥ availablσ o≥ ì
reacto≥ overloaΣ wil∞ occur« I⌠ i≤ you≥ responsibilit∙ a≤ captaiε t∩ ensurσ ì
tha⌠ thi≤ doe≤ no⌠ occur.
Belo≈ thesσ display≤ i≤ ß lis⌠ oµ thσ command≤ tha⌠ ma∙ bσ used« Thσ ì
bottoφ line≤ oµ thσ VD╒ arσ useΣ t∩ conve∙ message≤ froφ you≥ ship≤ personne∞ ì
anΣ thσ oε boarΣ battlσ computer« Thσ gamσ i≤ playeΣ iε "rea∞ timeó s∩ i⌠ i≤ ì
importan⌠ fo≥ yo⌡ t∩ familairisσ yourselµ witΦ thσ usσ oµ al∞ thσ displays¼ ì
compas≤ bearings¼ anΣ command≤ beforσ venturinτ int∩ dee≡ spacσ a≤ yo⌡ won'⌠ ì
havσ mucΦ timσ t∩ thinδ oncσ thσ Klingon≤ arrivσ oε you≥ screens« The∙ don'⌠ ì
sta∙ stil∞ fo≥ yo⌡ t∩ takσ po⌠ shot≤ at¼ anΣ the∙ d∩ figh⌠ back!!!!!!
╖ ⁿ ▒
▄ ⁿ /
╢ --------X------- 2
» ⁿ \
╡ ⁿ 3
Thσ directioε tha⌠ yo⌡ movσ you≥ spaceship¼ anΣ thσ directioε tha⌠ ì
weapon≤ arσ fireΣ i≤ specifieΣ b∙ aε eigh⌠ positioε compas≤ bearing¼ weathe≥ ì
yo⌡ thinδ oµ thesσ a≤ U╨ DOW╬ LEF╘ RIGH╘ etc« o≥ NORT╚ SOUT╚ EAS╘ WES╘ etc« i≤ ì
no⌠ importan⌠ bu⌠ wσ wil∞ cal∞ theφ NORT╚ SOUT╚ etc« iε thi≤ description« ì
Directioε ░ ╜ NORTH¼ ▒ ╜ NORT╚ EAST¼ ▓ ╜ EAST¼ anΣ s∩ oε rounΣ t∩ ╖ whicΦ i≤ ì
NORT╚ WEST« Thσ diagonal≤ arσ truσ 4╡ degrees╗ yo⌡ canno⌠ movσ oε othe≥ ì
intermediatσ angles« Alieε ship≤ arσ no⌠ s∩ restricted¼ the∙ caε attacδ yo⌡ ì
regardles≤ oµ thσ anglσ o≥ object≤ whicΦ ma∙ bσ iε between.
Al∞ command≤ arσ activateΣ b∙ pressinτ thσ <RETURN╛ ke∙ afte≥ thσ commanΣ ì
ha≤ beeε entered¼ anΣ arσ stoppeΣ o≥ aborteΣ b∙ pressinτ thσ <ESC>apσ key.ô ES├ ì
doe≤ no⌠ returε t∩ DGOS.Mos⌠ command≤ wil∞ sto≡ b∙ themselµ wheε thσ requireΣ ì
functioε i≤ completed« Some¼ likσ War≡ modσ arσ endles≤ anΣ mus⌠ bσ terminateΣ ì
b∙ thσ player« Somσ user≤ wil∞ no⌠ havσ ß singlσ ke∙ fo≥ ESCape¼ usσ spacσ ba≥ ì
instead« The∙ wil∞ howeve≥ generall∙ ge⌠ ß messagσ froφ thσ compute≥ queryinτ ì
thσ spacσ ke∙ a≤ aε unknowε command« Thi≤ messagσ shoulΣ bσ ignoreΣ b∙ thesσ ì
╫ ║ WAR╨ commanΣ :- HigΦ speeΣ movσ thorougΦ thσ galaxy« Yo⌡ arσ no⌠ ì
affecteΣ b∙ star≤ o≥ othe≥ object≤ whilσ iε thi≤ mode« Thσ forφ oµ enterinτ ì
thi≤ commanΣ i≤ ╫ directioε <RETURN>« e.g« W░ move≤ yo⌡ nortΦ ß lo⌠ faste≥ ì
thaε Dicδ Smith'≤ helicopte≥ eve≥ could.
╔ ║ IMPULS┼ commanΣ :- slo≈ speeΣ movσ thorougΦ thσ curren⌠ quadrent« Iµ ì
yo⌡ don'⌠ sto≡ yourself¼ o≥ ruε int∩ somethinτ oε thσ wa∙ yo⌡ wil∞ enΣ u≡ ì
stoppinτ somewherσ iε thσ nex⌠ adjoininτ quadrant« Yo⌡ ma∙ alte≥ thσ directioε ì
whilσ movinτ jus⌠ b∙ pressinτ thσ ne≈ directioε key« Yo⌡ ma∙ als∩ changσ thσ ì
speeΣ yo⌡ arσ movinτ b∙ enterinτ ß thirΣ valuσ iε thσ commanΣ linσ e.g« I┤ ì
wil∞ movσ south¼ o≥ I4░ wil∞ movσ soutΦ a⌠ thσ slowes⌠ possiblσ speeΣ o≥ I4╣ ì
a⌠ thσ fastes⌠ speed.
╘ ║ Firσ torped∩ iε thσ requireΣ directioε e.g« T╢ fo≥ west.
╨ ║ Firσ phaso≥ iε thσ giveε direction.
┴ ║ LauncΦ antimatte≥ poΣ (givσ number⌐ iε thσ directioε given¼ e.g« A1╖ ì
wil∞ launcΦ poΣ numbe≥ ▒ iε ß nortΦ wes⌠ direction« I⌠ wil∞ continuσ t∩ wande≥ ì
aimlessl∙ unti∞ exploded.
╪ ║ Explodσ antimatte≥ poΣ (givσ number⌐ e.g« X▓ wil∞ explodσ poΣ numbe≥ ▓ ì
devastatinτ thσ secto≥ i⌠ i≤ iε anΣ thσ surroundinτ ╕ sector≤ bσ carefu∞ no⌠ ì
t∩ venturσ int∩ thi≤ areß a≤ i⌠ i≤ deadl∙ fo≥ al∞ timσ (mus⌠ bσ ß nuclea≥ ì
devicσ !!!).
┼ ║ Firσ thσ experimenta∞ ray¼ n∩ directioε i≤ given« I⌠ i≤ quitσ capablσ oµ ì
causinτ enougΦ troublσ withou⌠ yo⌡ tryinτ t∩ guidσ i⌠ í
─ ║ Alte≥ amoun⌠ oµ powe≥ madσ availablσ t∩ an∙ particula≥ function,thσ ì
tota∞ oµ al∞ powe≥ distrubiteΣ mus⌠ no⌠ exceeΣ thσ indicateΣ availablσ ì
percentage.I⌠ wil∞ bσ necessar∙ fo≥ yo⌡ t∩ regularl∙ adjus⌠ thσ distrubitioε ì
a≤ alieε attack≤ weakeε you≥ shields¼ knocδ ou⌠ you≥ scanner≤ anΣ weakeε you≥ ì
reactors« Thσ exac⌠ amoun⌠ necessar∙ fo≥ eacΦ devicσ t∩ functioε i≤ fo≥ yo⌡ t∩ ì
determinσ ¿ ╔ aφ no⌠ goinτ t∩ spoi∞ al∞ you≥ fun)« Thσ forma⌠ i≤ ─ ì
(function)(value⌐ e.g« DW1╡ wil∞ pu⌠ 15Ñ oµ thσ availablσ powe≥ t∩ thσ war≡ ì
motors¼ o≥ DT0░ wil∞ disablσ thσ torped∩ tubes.
╠ ║ Returε t∩ DGOS« Therσ arσ tw∩ othe≥ device≤ tha⌠ havσ no⌠ beeε discusseΣ ì
yet« The∙ arσ thσ tritoε mine≤ anΣ thσ "unknownó objects« Tritoε mine≤ arσ ì
abou⌠ a≤ friendl∙ a≤ Dr« Who'≤ Dalek≤ (anΣ abou⌠ twicσ a≤ deadly)« Therσ solσ ì
missioε i≤ tota∞ destruction« Yo⌡ havσ n∩ weapoε tha⌠ wil∞ destro∙ theε anΣ ì
shoulΣ yo⌡ bσ foolisΦ enougΦ t∩ try¼ yo⌡ wil∞ finΣ thei≥ retributioε t∩ bσ ì
swif⌠ anΣ sure« The∙ trigge≥ ver∙ easil∙ s∩ pa⌠ gentl∙ iµ yo⌡ wan⌠ t∩ makσ ì
friend≤ witΦ one« Thσ unknowε object≤ havσ ß randoφ effect« Iµ yo⌡ bum≡ int∩ ì
onσ i⌠ wil∞ probabl∙ jus⌠ stea∞ somσ oµ you≥ power« Iµ yo⌡ shoo⌠ a⌠ onσ i⌠ ma∙ ì
jus⌠ benΣ you≥ sho⌠ o≥ i⌠ ma∙ star⌠ randoml∙ firinτ torpedoe≤ o≥ phasor≤ ì
itself« Thσ unknowε object≤ caε bσ destroyed« Therσ arσ man∙ othe≥ effect≤ i⌠ ì
ma∙ have« Onσ oµ thσ morσ friendl∙ one≤ i≤ t∩ fil∞ thσ quadran⌠ witΦ tritoε ì
mine≤ (oε tipp∙ toe≤ here).
A⌠ thσ star⌠ oµ thσ gamσ anΣ a⌠ appropriatσ stage≤ durinτ it¼ thσ rada≥ ì
wil∞ bσ useΣ a≤ ß visua∞ telephonσ screen« Yo⌡ wil∞ seσ thσ robot≤ a⌠ missioε ì
contro∞ o≥ thσ klingon≤ talkinτ t∩ you.
Conditioε codσ GREE╬ ║ ß gooΣ timσ t∩ experiment¼ therσ arσ n∩ nastie≤ around.
Conditioε codσ RE─ ║ therσ arσ enemie≤ iε thσ quadrant¼ the∙ ma∙ bσ hiding.
Conditioε codσ CRITICA╠ ║ watcΦ you≥ powe≥ distribution¼ o≥ g∩ anΣ refuel.
"REACTO╥ OVERLOADEDó ║ powe≥ distrubitioε exceed≤ tota∞ availablσ percentage.
"SHIELD╙ FALLIN╟ APARTó ║ distributσ powe≥ t∩ deflector≤ o≥ movσ ou⌠ oµ thσ ì
"COMPUTE╥ MALFUNCTIONó ║ onl∙ engine≤ wil∞ operate¼ g∩ finΣ ß basσ anΣ refuel.
Iµ torpedoe≤ o≥ phasor≤ don'⌠ worδ checδ powe≥ distrubition.
"FROZE╬ TIMEó ║ thσ enem∙ arσ sittinτ ducks¼ enjo∙ yourself.
I⌠ i≤ ß gooΣ ideß t∩ kee≡ aε eyσ oε you≥ surrounding≤ t∩ finΣ ß safσ ì
escapσ route« Iµ yo⌡ loosσ rada≥ power¼ thσ displa∙ wil∞ blanδ anΣ yo⌡ mus⌠ ì
no⌠ onl∙ pu⌠ morσ powe≥ int∩ thσ radar¼ bu⌠ mus⌠ movσ you≥ shi≡ t∩ causσ thσ ì
prograφ t∩ redra≈ thσ display¼ anΣ wh∩ want≤ t∩ bum≡ int∩ tritoε mine≤ iε thσ ì
Earl∙ iε thσ gamσ finΣ a⌠ leas⌠ onσ oµ you≥ base≤ anΣ remembe≥ it≤ co-ì
ordinate≤ s∩ tha⌠ yo⌡ caε returε quickl∙ iµ yo⌡ sustaiε majo≥ damagσ iε ß ì
battle« Thσ base≤ wil∞ alway≤ remaiε iε thσ samσ quadrant≤ anΣ ma∙ bσ useΣ a≤ ì
ofteε a≤ required« T∩ docδ witΦ ß basσ jus⌠ "RAMó it¼ speeΣ doe≤ no⌠ matter« ì
Wheε yo⌡ docδ yo⌡ arσ full∙ refuelled¼ al∞ weapon≤ arσ restoreΣ anΣ an∙ damagσ ì
i≤ repaired.
A⌠ time≤ thσ prograφ doe≤ no⌠ appea≥ t∩ responΣ t∩ ß command« Thi≤ i≤ ì
usuall∙ becausσ wa≤ aε useΣ characte≥ froφ ß previou≤ commanΣ lef⌠ iε thσ ì
buffer« Jus⌠ retypσ thσ commanΣ line.
Wheε playinτ thσ gamσ a⌠ ver∙ slo≈ speed≤ thσ displa∙ caε takσ ß lonτ ì
timσ t∩ bσ updateΣ (conditioε codσ ma∙ sho≈ RE─ fo≥ severa∞ second≤ afte≥ yo⌡ ì
havσ destroyeΣ ß Klingon⌐ s∩ i⌠ i≤ usuall∙ les≤ confusinτ t∩ usσ ß faste≥ ì
speeΣ (▓ o≥ 3⌐ a⌠ thσ star⌠ anΣ se⌠ thσ impulsσ speeΣ t∩ ░ witΦ you≥ firs⌠ ì
movσ commanΣ (seσ impulsσ directions⌐ thi≤ wil∞ makσ thσ gamσ ruε a⌠ ß ì
reasonablσ speeΣ ye⌠ stil∞ givσ yo⌡ timσ t∩ stee≥ you≥ shi≡ arounΣ thσ ì
Thσ lonτ rangσ scaε i≤ iε group≤ oµ threσ numbers«
Thσ FIRS╘ numbe≥ iε eacΦ grou≡ i≤ thσ numbe≥ oµ alien≤ iε tha⌠ quadrant.
Thσ SECON─ i≤ ▒ iµ therσ i≤ ß basσ statioε anΣ ░ iµ not.
Thσ THIR─ i≤ thσ numbe≥ oµ star≤ iε thσ quadrant.
Wheε searchinτ fo≥ ß spacσ (base⌐ statioε selec⌠ war≡ drivσ iε an∙ ì
directioε anΣ looδ a⌠ thσ ╣ group≤ fo≥ ß ▒ t∩ appea≥ iε thσ centrσ positioε oµ ì
ß group« Sincσ thσ galax∙ wrap≤ arounΣ yo⌡ wil∞ neeΣ t∩ changσ directioε ever∙ ìèfe≈ second≤ til∞ yo⌡ finΣ one« T∩ d∩ thi≤ jus⌠ pres≤ thσ ne≈ directioε key« ì
Sometime≤ the∙ arσ difficul⌠ t∩ find« I⌠ i≤ ß bi⌠ likσ lookinτ fo≥ fou≥ ì
needle≤ iε ß haystack.
Yo⌡ canno⌠ destro∙ klingon≤ b∙ ramminτ them« Al∞ yo⌡ wil∞ ge⌠ fo≥ you≥ ì
troublσ i≤ ß rudσ remarδ froφ aε alieε robo⌠ anΣ ß den⌠ iε you≥ shields.
A≤ stateΣ previously¼ thσ experimenta∞ ra∙ produce≤ randoφ ì
áááááeffects¼ somσ helpful¼ somσ not« Thσ effect≤ includσ :---
ááááá- Causσ yo⌡ t∩ firσ ß torped∩ iε ever∙ direction¼ (therσ i≤ ì
áááááusuall∙ ß tritoε minσ arounΣ somewhere.
ááááá- Causσ thσ enem∙ t∩ becomσ invisibl∙ (the∙ arσ harΣ enougΦ t∩ ì
áááááhi⌠ wheε yo⌡ caε seσ thσ beggers).
- Freezσ timσ fo≥ thσ alien≤ (ß bi⌠ easie≥ t∩ hi⌠ now).
- Causσ thσ compute≥ t∩ malfunction« Onl∙ thσ Impulsσ anΣ War≡ ì
ááááácommand≤ wil∞ operatσ wheε thi≤ happens« Timσ t∩ finΣ ß basσ ì
- Disablσ War≡ drive« Thi≤ i≤ wherσ yo⌡ reall∙ neeΣ t∩ kno≈ wherσ ì
áááááthσ neares⌠ basσ statioε is« It'≤ ß lonτ wa∙ oε thσ starte≥ ì
ááááámoto≥ lookinτ iε u≡ t∩ 10,00░ locations.
- Destro∙ itselµ ..« oΦ wel∞ wσ werσ bette≥ ofµ withou⌠ thσ ┬ ì
áááááthinτ anyway.
- Causσ thσ klingon≤ t∩ surrender« Wha⌠ diΣ ╔ jus⌠ sa∙ thosσ ì
ááááánast∙ thing≤ for.
áááá- I⌠ caε backfirσ oε yo⌡ .« no≈ yo⌡ kno≈ why.
- Scramblσ u≡ thσ quadrant¼ usuall∙ no⌠ ver∙ serious.
- Causσ ß changσ iε spacia∞ structurσ ..« ß prett∙ effect.
Don'⌠ forge⌠ tha⌠ yo⌡ caε changσ directioε iε eithe≥ war≡ o≥ impulsσ modσ ì
b∙ jus⌠ enterinτ thσ ne≈ directioε key« D∩ no⌠ pres≤ return.
AlthougΦ therσ i≤ ß clocδ tickinτ awa∙ (stardate⌐ therσ i≤ n∩ timσ limi⌠ ì
fo≥ thσ game.Wheε yo⌡ becomσ proficien⌠ a⌠ killinτ al∞ thσ klingon≤ yo⌡ caε ì
tr∙ anΣ bea⌠ you≥ bes⌠ previou≤ time.
Don'⌠ becomσ discourageΣ iµ yo⌡ kee≡ gettinτ zappeΣ beforσ yo⌡ ge⌠ to∩ ì
man∙ oµ thσ aliens¼ i⌠ require≤ ß lo⌠ oµ practicσ t∩ kno≈ ho≈ t∩ quickl∙ ì
redestributσ powe≥ t∩ thσ correc⌠ place≤ anΣ iε thσ correc⌠ amounts« Als∩ ì
gettinτ t∩ instantl∙ recognisσ wha⌠ directioε t∩ firσ you≥ torpedoe≤ help≤ ì
considerably« Mos⌠ oµ thσ damagσ i≤ causeΣ b∙ thσ enem∙ graduall∙ damaginτ ì
you≥ shi≡ (reductioε oµ availablσ power⌐ whilσ yo⌡ arσ tryinτ t∩ worδ ou⌠ iµ ß ì
diagona∞ torped∩ sho⌠ wil∞ hi⌠ o≥ not.
Lot≤ oµ happ∙ hunting.....>
Ma∙ thσ farcσ bσ witΦ you«