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561 lines
What is RATFOR?
RATFOR statements
IF-ELSE statement
WHILE statement
FOR statement
REPEAT-UNTIL statement
BREAK and NEXT statements
SWITCH construct
Statement Grouping and Null Statments
Character Translation
STRING Data Type
Quoted Character Strings
DEFINE macro
Other macros
INCLUDE statement
Other Reference Literature
:What is RATFOR?
RATFO╥ i≤ ß preprocesso≥ fo≥ FORTRAN« It≤ primar∙ purposσ i≤ ì
t∩á encouragσá readablσ anΣ well-structureΣ codσ whilσá takinτ ì
advantagσáá oµáá thσáá universality¼ááá portability¼áá anΣ ì
efficienc∙á oµá FORTRAN«á Thi≤á i≤ donσá b∙á providinτá thσ ì
contro∞ structure≤ no⌠ availablσ iε barσ FORTRAN¼á anΣ b∙ ì
improvinτ thσ "cosmeticsó oµ thσ language«
RATFO╥á allow≤ fo≥ al∞ thσ feature≤ oµ norma∞á FORTRAN¼á plu≤ ì
make≤ availablσ thesσ contro∞ structures║
"while", "for", and "repeat"-"until" for looping
"break" and "next" for controlling loop exits
"switch" construct for allowing selection of alternatives
statement grouping with braces
Thσ cosmetiπ aspect≤ oµ RATFO╥ havσ beeε designeΣ t∩á makσ ì
i⌠ concisσ anΣ reasonabl∙ pleasinτ t∩ thσ eye║
free form input
unobtrusive comment convention
translation of >, <=, etc. into .GT., .LE., etc.
string data type
quoted character strings
"define" statement for symbolic constants
"include" statement for including source files
RATFO╥á i≤ implementeΣ a≤ ß preprocesso≥ whicΦ translate≤ ì
thσ abovσ feature≤ int∩ FORTRAN¼á whicΦ caε theε bσ feΣ int∩ ì
almos⌠ an∙ FORTRAN compiler«
:RATFOR statements
EacΦá oµ thσ RATFO╥ feature≤ wil∞ no≈ bσ discusseΣá iεá morσ ì
detail«á Iεá thσá following¼á ß "statementó i≤á an∙á lega∞ ì
statemen⌠ iε FORTRAN║á assignment¼ declaration¼ subroutinσ ì
call¼á I/O¼ etc.¼ o≥ an∙ oµ thσ RATFO╥ statement≤ themselves« ì
An∙á FORTRAN o≥ RATFO╥ statemen⌠ o≥ grou≡ oµ thesσá caε ì
bσá encloseΣá iε brace≤ ({}⌐ o≥ bracket≤ ([]⌐ -- t∩ makσ i⌠á ß ì
compounΣ statement¼á whicΦ i≤ theε equivalen⌠ t∩ ßá singlσ ì
statemen⌠ anΣ usablσ anywherσ ß singlσ statemen⌠ caε bσ used«
:IF-ELSE statement
RATFO╥áá provide≤áá aεá "elseóá statemen⌠á t∩á handlσáá thσ ì
constructioε "iµ ß conditioε i≤ true¼ d∩ thi≤ thing¼ otherwisσ ì
d∩ tha⌠ thing"« Thσ synta° i≤
if (legal FORTRAN condition)
wherσá thσá elsσ par⌠ i≤á optional«á Thσá "lega∞á FORTRAN ì
conditionóá i≤á anythinτá tha⌠ caε legall∙ g∩ int∩á ßá FORTRAN ì
logica∞á IF«á Thσ RATFO╥ statement≤ ma∙ bσ onσá o≥á morσ ì
valiΣá RATFO╥ o≥ FORTRAN statement≤ oµ an∙ kind«á Iµ morσ thaε ì
onσ statemen⌠ i≤ desired¼ thσ statement≤ mus⌠ bσ encloseΣ b∙ ì
See the example on the next screen.
IF-ELSE example¼
if (a > b)
k = 1
call remark (...)
else if (a < b)
k = 2
call remark (...)
:WHILE statment
Thσá whilσ statemen⌠ i≤ simpl∙ ß loop║á "whilσ somσ conditioε ì
i≤ true¼ repea⌠ thi≤ grou≡ oµ statements"« Thσ synta° i≤
while (legal FORTRAN condition)
A≤á witΦá thσ if¼á "lega∞ FORTRAN conditionó i≤á somethinτ ì
tha⌠á caεá g∩á int∩ ß FORTRAN logica∞á IF«á Thσá conditioεá i≤ ì
testeΣá beforσ executioε oµ an∙ oµ thσ RATFO╥á statements¼ ì
s∩ iµ thσ conditioε i≤ no⌠ met¼ thσ loo≡ wil∞ bσ executeΣ zer∩ ì
times«á Also¼á a≤ witΦ thσ IF¼á thσ RATFO╥ statement≤ caε ì
bσ an∙ valiΣ RATFO╥ o≥ FORTRAN constructs« Iµ morσ thaε onσ ì
statemen⌠ i≤ desired¼á thσ statement≤ mus⌠ bσ encloseΣ b∙ ì
braces« Fo≥ example¼
while (getc(c) != EOF)
c = cnvt (c)
call putc (c)
:FOR statment
Thσ "foró statemen⌠ i≤ simila≥ t∩ thσ "whileó excep⌠ tha⌠ ì
i⌠á allow≤á explici⌠ initializatioε anΣ incremen⌠á step≤á a≤ ì
par⌠ oµ thσ statement« Thσ synta° i≤
for (init; condition; increment)
wherσá "initó i≤ an∙ singlσ FORTRAN statemen⌠ whicΦá get≤ ì
donσ oncσ beforσ thσ loo≡ begins«á "Incrementó i≤ an∙á singlσ ì
FORTRANá statemen⌠ whicΦ get≤ donσ a⌠ thσ enΣ oµ eacΦá pas≤ ì
througΦá thσá loop¼á beforσá thσ test«á "Conditionóá i≤á agaiε ì
anythinτá tha⌠ i≤ lega∞ iε ß logica∞ IF«á An∙á oµá init¼ ì
condition¼áá anΣá incremen⌠á ma∙á bσá omitted¼á althougΦá thσ ì
semicolon≤ mus⌠ remain« ┴ non-existen⌠ conditioε i≤ treateΣ a≤ ì
alway≤ true¼á s∩ "for¿ ╗á ╗á )ó i≤ aε indefinitσ repeat«á Thσ ì
"foróá statemen⌠á i≤ particularl∙ usefu∞ fo≥á backwarΣá loops¼ ì
chaininτá alonτá lists¼á loop≤ tha⌠ migh⌠ bσá donσá zer∩ ì
times¼á anΣ simila≥ thing≤ whicΦ arσ harΣ t∩ expres≤ witΦ ß D╧ ì
See the next screen for examples.
Herσ arσ tw∩ example≤ oµ "foró loops║
for (i=1; getarg(i, file, MAXLINE) != EOF; i=i+1)
int = open (file, READ)
while (getlin (line, int) != EOF)
{è for (j=80; j>0; j=j-1)
call putc (line(j))
call close (int)
Thσá abovσá codσá simpl∙á read≤ card≤ froφ ßá lis⌠á oµá files¼ ì
reverse≤ thσ orde≥ oµ thσ characters¼á anΣ write≤ thσ card≤ ì
ont∩ ß standarΣ outpu⌠ file« (Thσ "!=ó mean≤ .NE.⌐
:REPEAT-UNTIL statement
Thσá "repeat-untiló statement≤ allo≈ fo≥ repetitioεá oµá ß ì
grou≡á oµ statement≤ unti∞ ß specifieΣ conditioε i≤ met«á Thσ ì
synta° is║
Thσ "untiló i≤ optional« Oncσ again¼ iµ morσ thaε onσ ì
RATFO╥ statemen⌠ i≤ desired¼á thσ statement≤ mus⌠ bσá encloseΣ ì
b∙ brackets«á Iµ thσ "untiló par⌠ i≤ omitted¼ thσ resul⌠ ì
i≤á aεá infinitσ loo≡ whicΦ mus⌠ bσ brokeε witΦ ßá "breakóá o≥ ì
"nextó statemen⌠ (seσ below)« E.g.:
call putc (BLANK)
col = col + 1
until (tabpos(col,tabs) == YES)
RATFO╥á provide≤ statement≤ fo≥ leavinτ ß loo≡ earl∙ anΣ ì
fo≥ beginninτ thσ nex⌠ iteration«
"Breakó cause≤ aε immediatσ exi⌠ froφ whateve≥ loo≡á i⌠ ì
i≤á containeΣá iεá (whicΦ ma∙á bσá ßá "while"¼á "for"¼á o≥ ì
"repeat")«á Contro∞ resume≤ witΦ thσ nex⌠ statemen⌠ afte≥ thσ ì
loop«á Onl∙ onσ loo≡ i≤ terminateΣ b∙ ß "break"¼á eveε ì
iµ thσ "breakó i≤ containeΣ insidσ severa∞ nesteΣ loops«á Fo≥ ì
if (getc(c) == EOF) break
"Nextóá i≤ ß brancΦ t∩ thσ bottoφ oµ thσ loop¼á s∩ i⌠ cause≤ ì
thσá nex⌠á iteratioεá t∩ bσá done«á "Nextóá goe≤á t∩á thσ ì
conditioεá par⌠á oµá ß "whileó o≥ "until"¼á t∩ thσ to≡á oµá aε ì
infinitσ "repeató loop¼á anΣ t∩ thσ reinitializσ par⌠ oµá ß ì
"for"« Fo≥ example║
for (i=1; i<10; i=i+1)
if (array(i) == BLANK) next
:SWITCH Construct
Aεá assortmen⌠á oµ alternative≤ ma∙ bσ specifieΣá usinτ ì
thσ switcΦ construct« Thσ synta° is║
switch (expr):
case a: statement
case b: statement
case c: statement
default: statement
Thσá "defaultó casσ i≤ optional«á ì
switch (i):
case 25: do_this_stuff
case -2: do_this_stuff
default: otherwise do_this
:Statement Grouping and Null Statements
RATFO╥ allow≤ ß grou≡ oµ statement≤ t∩ bσ treateΣ a≤ ß uni⌠ b∙ ì
enclosinτ theφ iε brace≤ -- √ anΣ }«á Thi≤ i≤ truσá throughou⌠ ì
thσ language║á whereve≥ ß singlσ RATFO╥ statemen⌠ caε bσ used¼ ì
therσ coulΣ als∩ bσ severa∞ encloseΣ iε braces.
For example:
if (x > 100)
call error (...)
err = 1
èIµá brace≤á arσá no⌠á valiΣ character≤á iεá thσá loca∞ ì
operatinτá system¼á thσ character≤ "$(ó anΣ "$)ó ma∙á bσá useΣ ì
insteaΣ oµ "{ó anΣ "}ó respectively«
RATFO╥á als∩ allow≤ fo≥ nul∞ statements¼á mos⌠ usefu∞ afte≥ ì
"foróá anΣ "whileó statements«á ┴ semicoloε alonσ indicate≤á ß ì
nul∞ statement« Fo≥ instance¼
while (getlin(line, int) != EOF) ;
woulΣá reaΣá line≤ froφ ß filσ unti∞á thσá end-of-filσá wa≤ ì
reached and
for (i=1; line(i) == BLANK; i=i+1) ;
position≤ afte≥ leadinτ blank≤ iε ß line«
:FREE-FORM input
Statement≤á ma∙ bσ placeΣ anywherσ oε ß linσ anΣ severa∞á ma∙ ì
appea≥ oε onσ linσ iµ the∙ arσ separateΣ b∙ semicolons« ì
N∩á semicoloε i≤ needeΣ a⌠ thσ enΣ oµ eacΦ linσá becausσ ì
RATFO╥ assume≤ therσ i≤ onσ statemen⌠ pe≥ linσ unles≤á tolΣ ì
otherwise«á RATFO╥ will¼ however¼ continuσ line≤ wheε i⌠ seem≤ ì
obviou≤ tha⌠ the∙ arσ no⌠ ye⌠ done«
An∙á statemen⌠ tha⌠ begin≤ witΦ aε all-numeriπ fielΣá i≤ ì
assumeΣá t∩á bσ ß FORTRAN labe∞ anΣ i≤ placeΣ iε column≤á 1-╡ ì
upoε output«
Statement≤á ma∙á bσá passeΣá througΦá thσá RATFO╥á compile≥ ì
unaltereΣá b∙á insertinτá ß percen⌠ sigεá (%⌐á a≤á thσá firs⌠ ì
characte≥á oε thσ line«á Thσ percen⌠ wil∞ bσ removed¼á thσ ì
res⌠á oµ thσ linσ shifteΣ onσ positioε t∩ thσ left¼á anΣá thσ ì
linσáá sen⌠á ou⌠á withou⌠á an∙á changes«áá Thi≤á i≤áá ß ì
convenien⌠á wa∙á t∩á pas≤ regula≥ FORTRANá o≥á assembl∙á codσ ì
througΦ thσ RATFO╥ compiler«
┴á shar≡ characte≥ "#ó iε ß linσ mark≤ thσ beginninτ oµá ß ì
commen⌠á anΣ thσ res⌠ oµ thσ linσ i≤ considereΣ t∩á bσ ì
tha⌠á comment«á Comment≤ anΣ codσ caε co-exis⌠ oεá thσá samσ ì
line« For example,
function dummy (x)
# I made up this function to show some comments
dummy = x #I am simply returning the parameter
:Character Translation
Sometime≤ thσ character≤ >¼á <=¼á etc« arσ easie≥ t∩ reaΣ iε ì
FORTRANá conditioεá statement≤ thaε thσá standarΣá FORTRAN ì
.EQ.¼á .LT.¼á etc.«á RATFO╥ allow≤ eithe≥ convention« Iµ ì
thσ specia∞ character≤ arσ used¼á the∙ arσ translateΣ iε ì
thσ followinτ manner║
== .EQ.
!= ^= ~= .NE.
< .LT.
> .GT.
<= .LE.
>= .GE.
| .OR.
& .AND.
For example:
for (i=1; i<= 5; i=i+1)
if (j != 100)
:STRING Data Type
Al∞á characte≥á array≤ iε RATFO╥ arσá sequence≤á oµ ì
ASCI╔á characters¼áá storeΣá right-adjusted¼á onσá pe≥á arra∙ ì
element¼á witΦá thσ strinτ terminateΣ witΦ aε EO╙ marker« ì
Aεá automatiπá wa∙ t∩ initializσ strinτ character≤á array≤á i≤ ì
provided« Thσ synta° is║
string name "characters"
string name(n) "characters"
RATFO╥á wil∞á definσ namσ t∩ bσá ßá characte≥á (or¼á morσ ì
likely¼á integer⌐á arra∙ lonτ enougΦ t∩ accomodatσ thσá ASCI╔ ì
code≤á fo≥ thσ giveε characte≥ string¼á onσ pe≥á element«á Thσ ì
las⌠á worΣ oµ namσ i≤ initializeΣ t∩ EOS«á Iµ ß sizσá i≤ ì
given¼á namσá i≤ declareΣ t∩ bσ aε intege≥ arra∙ oµ sizσá 'n'« ì
Iµá severa∞ strinτ statement≤ appea≥á consecutively¼á thσ ì
generateΣá declaration≤á fo≥ thσ arra∙ wil∞ precedσá thσá datß ì
statement≤ tha⌠ initializσ them«
See the next screen for examples.
For example, the declarations:
string errmsg "error"
string done "bye"
would be converted by RATFOR into the FORTRAN:
integer error(6)
integer done(4)
data error(1), error(2), error(3), error(4),è error(5), error(6) /LETE, LETR, LETR, LETO, LETR, EOS/
data done(1), done(2), done(3), done(4) /LETD, LETO,
:Quoted Character Strings
Tex⌠ encloseΣ iε matchinτ doublσ o≥ singlσ quote≤ i≤ converteΣ ì
t∩ nH..« format¼ bu⌠ i≤ otherwisσ unaltered« Fo≥ instance,
call remark ("Error detected")
would translate to
call remark (14hError detected)
data string /"Can't find answer"/
would become
data string /17hCan't find answer/
Iµá thσá loca∞ operatinτ systeφ doe≤ no⌠ suppor⌠á botΦá uppe≥ ì
anΣá lowe≥ casσ holleritΦ strings¼á aε escapσ mechanisφá i≤ ì
generall∙ provideΣ t∩ allo≈ thσ use≥ t∩ indicatσ case«
Somσ operatinτ system≤ arσ no⌠ capablσ oµ findinτ thσ enΣ oµ ì
ßá FORTRANá holleritΦá string«á Iεá thi≤ casσá i⌠á ma∙á bσ ì
necessar∙á fo≥ thσ use≥ t∩ marδ thσ enΣ oµ he≥á quoteΣá strinτ ì
witΦ ß specifiπ character¼ sucΦ a≤ ß period«
An∙á strinτá oµ alphanumeriπ character≤ caε bσ defineΣ a≤á ß ì
name║á thereafter¼á wheneve≥ tha⌠ namσ occur≤ iε thσ inpu⌠ ì
(delimiteΣ b∙ non-alphanumerics⌐ i⌠ i≤ replaceΣ b∙ thσá res⌠ ì
oµ thσ definitioε line« Thσ synta° is║
define(name, replacement string)
whicΦáá definσá "nameóá a≤á ßá macr∩á whicΦá wil∞áá bσ ì
replaceΣá witΦ "replacemen⌠ stringó wheε encountereΣá iε ì
thσ sourcσ files« A≤ a simple example:
dimension array (ROW, COLUMN)
if (getlin(line, fd) == EOF) ....
Definition≤ ma∙ bσ includeΣ anywherσ iε thσ code¼á a≤ lonτ ì
a≤á the∙ appea≥ beforσ thσ defineΣ namσ occurs«á Thσ name≤ ì
oµ macr∩ ma∙ contaiε letters¼á digits¼á periods¼ anΣ underlinσ ì
characters¼á bu⌠ mus⌠ star⌠ witΦ ß letter« Uppe≥ anΣ lowe≥ ì
case≤ AR┼ significan⌠ (thu≤ EO╞ i≤ no⌠ thσ samσ a≤ eof)« è
An∙á occurrence≤ oµ thσ string≤ '$nº iε thσ replacemen⌠á text¼ ì
wherσ ▒ <╜ ε <╜ 9¼á wil∞ bσ replaceΣ witΦ thσ ntΦ argumen⌠ ì
wheε thσ macr∩ i≤ actuall∙ invoked« Fo≥ example║
define(bump, $1 = $1 + 1)
will cause the source line
to be expanded into
i = i + 1
:Other macros
In addition to define, four other built-in macros are provided:
arith(x,op,y) perform≤ thσ "integeró arithmetiπá specifieΣ ì
ááááááááááááááb∙ o≡ (+,-,*,/⌐ oε thσ tw∩ numeriπ operand≤ ì
ááááááááááááááanΣ return≤ thσ resul⌠ a≤ it≤ replacement«
incr(x)áááááááconvert≤ thσ strinτ ° t∩ ß number¼á add≤ onσ ì
áááááááááááááát∩áá it¼áá anΣá return≤á thσá valuσá a≤áá it≤ ì
ááááááááááááááreplacemen⌠ (a≤ ß characte≥ string)«
ifelse(a,b,c,d⌐á compare≤á ß anΣ Γ a≤ characte≥á strings╗á iµ ì
ááááááááááááááthe∙ arσ thσ same¼á π i≤ pusheΣ bacδ ont∩á thσ ì
ááááááááááááááinput¼ elsσ Σ i≤ pusheΣ back«
substr(s,m,n) produce≤á thσá substrinτá oµ ≤ whicΦá start≤á a⌠ ì
áááááááááááááápositioε φ (witΦ origiε one)¼á oµ lengtΦá n« ì
ááááááááááááááIµá εá i≤ omitteΣ o≥ to∩ big¼á thσ res⌠á oµá thσ ì
áááááááááááááástrinτ i≤ used¼á whilσ iµ φ i≤ ou⌠ oµ rangσ thσ ì
ááááááááááááááresul⌠ i≤ ß nul∞ string«
File≤á ma∙á bσá inserteΣá int∩ thσ inpu⌠á streaφá vißá thσ ì
"includeó command« Thσ statemen⌠
include filename
include "filename"
insert≤á thσá filσá founΣ oε inpu⌠ filσá "filenameóá int∩á thσ ì
RATFO╥á inpu⌠ iε placσ oµ thσ includσá statement«á Thi≤ ì
i≤ especiall∙ usefu∞ iε insertinτ commoε blocks«
See the example on the next screen.
Include example:
function exampl (x)
include comblk
exampl = x + z
might translate into
function exampl (x)
common /comblk/ q, r, z
exampl = x + z
RATFO╥ wa≤ originall∙ writteε iε C¼á ß high-leve∞ language¼ ì
oεá thσ Uni° operatinτ system«á Ou≥ versioε i≤á writteεá iε ì
RATFO╥ itself¼ originall∙ brough⌠ u≡ b∙ ß bootstra≡ writteε iε ì
RATFO╥á generate≤ codσ b∙ readinτ inpu⌠ file≤ anΣá translatinτ ì
an∙ RATFO╥ keyword≤ int∩ standarΣ FORTRAN« Thus¼ iµ thσ ì
firs⌠á tokeεá (word⌐ oε ß sourcσ linσ i≤ no⌠ ßá keyworΣá (likσ ì
"for"¼á "while"¼á etc.⌐á thσá entirσ statemen⌠á i≤á simpl∙ ì
copieΣá t∩ thσ outpu⌠ witΦ appropriatσ characte≥á translatioε ì
anΣá formatting«á RATFO╥ know≤ ver∙ littlσ FORTRANá anΣ ì
thu≤á doe≤ no⌠ handlσ an∙ FORTRAN erro≥ detection«á Error≤á iε ì
RATFO╥ keyworΣ synta° arσ generall∙ noteΣ b∙ ß messagσ t∩ ì
thσ user'≤ termina∞ alonτ witΦ aε indicatioε oµ thσ sourcσ ì
linσ numbe≥ whicΦ causeΣ thσ problem«
RATFO╥á demonstrate≤ tha⌠ witΦ modes⌠ effor⌠á FORTRAN-ì
baseΣ programmer≤ caε increasσ thei≥ productivit∙ b∙ usinτ ß ì
languagσá tha⌠á provide≤ theφ witΦ thσ contro∞á structure≤ ì
anΣ cosmetiπ feature≤ essentia∞ fo≥ structureΣá programminτ ì
design«á Debugginτá anΣ subsequen⌠ revisioε time≤ arσá mucΦ ì
faste≥á thaε thσ equivalen⌠ effort≤ iεá FORTRAN¼á mainl∙ ì
becausσá thσ codσ caε bσ easil∙ read«á Thu≤ i⌠ become≤á easie≥ ì
t∩ writσ codσ tha⌠ i≤ readable¼ reliable¼ anΣ eveε ì
estheticall∙á pleasing¼á a≤ wel∞ a≤ beinτá portablσ ì
t∩ othe≥ environments«
:Other Reference Literature
1) Kernighan¼á Briaε W.¼á "RATFOR--ß Preprocesso≥ fo≥ ß ìèááááRationa∞á FORTRAN"«á Softwarσ - Practicσ anΣá Experience¼ ì
ááááVol« 5¼ ┤ (Oct-Deπ 75)¼ pp« 395-406«
2) Kernighan¼á Briaε W«á anΣ P« J« Plauger¼ "Softwarσ ì
ááááTools"« Addison-Wesle∙ Publishinτ Company¼ Reading¼ Mass.¼ ì
3) áThσ RATFO╥ use≥ documen⌠
4) áThσ Uni° commanΣ "rcó iε thσ Uni° Manua∞ (RC(I)⌐
5)á Thi≤ HEL╨ filσ wa≤ buil⌠ froφ thσ RATFOR.PR═ filσ froφ thσ ì
áááá"Softwarσ Toolsó CP/═ disks« Volumσ 24¼ filσ 2╕ iε thσ BD╙ ì
áááá"Có onlinσ catalogue¼ BDSCAT.ALL.
Thσá onl∙ onσ oµ thesσ whicΦ i≤ likel∙ t∩ bσ readil∙ availablσ ì
t∩ mos⌠ microcompute≥ user≤ i≤ thσ "Softwarσ Toolsó book« Thi≤ ì
i≤á highl∙ recommendeΣ a≤ ß genera∞ tex⌠ eveε iµ yo⌡á arσá no⌠ ì
particularl∙ interesteΣ iε RATFOR.