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682 lines
-A Add Members
-B Brief Toggle
-C Close Library
-D Delete Members
-E Extract Members
-F Filesweep Mode
-G Get Filespec
-H Help
-K Krunch Library
-L List Members
-N Rename Members
-O Open Library
-P Print Members/Files
-Q Unsqueeze Members
-R Replace Members
-S String Search
-T Replace/Add Members
-U Drive/User Change
-V View Members
-W Wildcard Open
-X Exit Nulu
-Y Disk Directory
-Z Zap Disk Files
-< Redirect Imput
-> Redirect Output
Syntax: -a filespec[ filespec...]
Usσá thi≤ commanΣ t∩ adΣ file≤ froφ disδ t∩ thσ curren⌠á library«
NUL╒ wil∞ makσ ß serie≤ oµ passe≤ througΦ thσá directory¼á addinτ
file≤ a≤ i⌠ goes¼á unti∞ thσ lis⌠ oµ matchinτ file≤ i≤ exhausted«
Iµá ß matchinτ filenamσ alread∙ exist≤ a≤ aε activσ membe≥ iε thσ
library¼á it≤á namσá wil∞ bσ displayeΣ anΣ thσ filσ wil∞á no⌠á bσ
Iεá al∞ filσ additioε anΣ replacemen⌠ operations¼á iµá ßá deleteΣ
entr∙á oµá identica∞á sizσ caε bσ located¼á tha⌠ disδá spacσá anΣ
director∙ entr∙ wil∞ bσ useΣ rathe≥ thaε allocatinτ ne≈ spacσ fo≥
thσ file« Thi≤ mean≤ tha⌠ i⌠ wil∞ bσ necessar∙ t∩ reclaiφ wasteΣ
disδ spacσ les≤ often.
Aε L╒ stylσ CR├ wil∞ bσ generateΣ fo≥ eacΦ filσ added.
Syntax: -b
Thi≤ toggle≤ thσ promptinτ mode«á Thσ releasσ versioε oµ NUL╒ i≤
setu≡ t∩ prin⌠ thσ ful∞ namσ oµ thσ curren⌠ modσ fo≥ ß prompt¼ a≤
iεá "-AdΣá member≤ A0:>"«á Iµ BRIE╞ i≤ turneΣ oε thσá use≥á wil∞
simpl∙ seσ "-┴ A0:>"« NUL╒ ma∙ bσ permanentl∙ patcheΣ t∩ defaul⌠
Thi≤ commanΣ close≤ thσ curren⌠ library¼ writinτ it≤ director∙ t∩
disδ iµ an∙ change≤ havσ beeε madσ t∩ thσ directory« Thσ librar∙
director∙ i≤ NEVE╥ writteε excep⌠ wheε thσ librar∙ i≤ closed¼á s∩
bσá surσ t∩ d∩ it«á Iµ yo⌡ forge⌠ t∩ d∩ s∩ anΣ removσ thσá disk¼
NUL╒á wil∞á promp⌠á yo⌡ fo≥ thσ disδ agaiε anΣá wil∞á attemp⌠á t∩
Somσ othe≥ operation≤ tha⌠ causσ thσ curren⌠ librar∙ t∩ bσ closeΣ
are: -k, -o, -w, -x
Syntax: -d filespec[ filespec (filespec)...]
Syntax: -d du:filespec[ du:filespec...]
Iµ thσ drive/use≥ specificatioε i≤ included¼á thσ DELET┼ functioε
wil∞á appl∙á t∩ file≤ oε disk¼á otherwisσ i⌠ applie≤á t∩á librar∙
membe≥ files.
Membe≥á file≤á matchinτ thσ giveε filespeπ wil∞ bσ giveεá deleteΣ
statu≤á iεá thσ librar∙ directory¼á excep⌠ wheε thσá filespeπá i≤
encloseΣ iε parenthesis«á Iε tha⌠ casσ matchinτ deleteΣá member≤
wil∞á bσ giveε activσ status«á Tha⌠ is¼á the∙ wil∞ bσ undeleted«
Iµ thσ filenamσ oµ ß matchinτ deleteΣ membe≥ filσ alread∙á exist≤
a≤ aε activσ member¼á thσ filenamσ wil∞ bσ displayeΣ anΣ thσ filσ
wil∞ no⌠ bσ undeleted.
Iµ thσ membe≥ filσ beinτ deleteΣ ha≤ ß sizσ oµ zer∩ sectors¼á it≤
entr∙á wil∞á bσá entirel∙á REMOVE─ froφá thσá librar∙á directory¼
thereb∙ creatinτ ß new¼ freσ entry.
Syntax: -e filespec[=newfilespec filespec du:filespec...]
Usσá thi≤ commanΣ t∩ extrac⌠ activσ membe≥ files«á Iµ extractioε
t∩ thσ curren⌠ drive/use≥ areß i≤ desired¼á n∩ furthe≥ synta°á i≤
necessary«á T∩á indicatσ anothe≥ drive¼á however¼á ß destinatioε
drive/use≥á areßá ma∙ bσ includeΣ iε thσá sourcσá filespec«á Fo≥
examplσá "-σ a5:**ó woulΣ extrac⌠ al∞ activσ member≤ t∩ drivσá A¼
use≥á areßá 5«á File≤ ma∙ bσ renameΣ a≤ wel∞á a≤á redirecteΣá b∙
indicatinτá ß filespeπ alonτ with¼á o≥ iε placσ of¼á ß drivσ use≥
specificatioε followinτ aε equal≤ sign.
Examples: 1« "-σ *asm=*bak"
Extrac⌠ al∞ file≤ witΦ ß typσ oµ .AS═ t∩ thσ default
áááááááááádrive/use≥ renaminτ theφ witΦ thσ filetypσ oµ .BAK.
2. "-e *asm=5:*.txt"
ááááááááááExtrac⌠á al∞ file≤ oµ typσ .AS═ t∩ use≥ areß ╡á oµá thσ
áááááááááádefaul⌠ drive¼ renaminτ eacΦ witΦ thσ .TX╘ filetype.
3. "-e fred.txt=sam.txt jane.inf=c8:girls.dbf"èááááááááááExtrac⌠áá thσá membe≥á filσá FRED.TX╘á t∩á thσá defaul⌠
áááááááááádrive/use≥ unde≥ thσ namσ oµ SAM.TXT¼á anΣ extrac⌠á thσ
áááááááááámembe≥á filσ JANE.IN╞ t∩ use≥ areß ╕ oµ drivσá C║á witΦ
ááááááááááthσ filenamσ GIRLS.DBF.
Thσ tw∩ redirectioε rule≤ t∩ remembe≥ are║
ááááá1«á Iµá ß destinatioε filespeπ i≤ entereΣ i⌠ canno⌠ bσá an∙
áááááles≤ ambiguou≤ thaε thσ sourcσ filespec¼á i.e.¼á "*asm=*bakó
ááááái≤ valiΣ whilσ "**=*bakó i≤ no⌠ valid.
ááááá2«á An∙ filespeπ followinτ aε equal≤ sigε take≤á precedencσ
áááááove≥á an∙á drive/use≥ specificatioε iε thσ sourcσá filespec¼
ááááái.e.¼á "-σá 6:*asm=*bakó woulΣ extrac⌠ al∞ membe≥ file≤á t∩
áááááthσ curren⌠ drive/user¼ renaminτ them¼ anΣ woulΣ ignorσ thσ
ááááá"6:ó specification.
Durinτ extraction¼á ß CR├ i≤ generateΣ fo≥ eacΦ file«á Afte≥ thσ
destinatioεá filσá ha≤á beeε closed¼á thσá CR├á s∩á generateΣá i≤
compareΣá t∩á thσ CR├ fo≥ tha⌠ librar∙ membe≥ tha⌠ wa≤ storeΣá iε
thσá librar∙á directory¼á iµ tha⌠ valuσá wa≤á non-zero«á Iµá thσ
result≤á arσá no⌠ identical¼á aε erro≥ messagσ wil∞ bσá displayeΣ
beforσ thσ nex⌠ membe≥ filσ o≥ filespeπ wil∞ bσá processed«á Thσ
erroneou≤á destinatioεá filσá wil∞ no⌠ bσ deleteΣ froφá disδá b∙
NUL╒ a≤ ß resul⌠ oµ thi≤ error.
Syntax: -f
Thi≤á commanΣá place≤ NUL╒ iε it≤ seconΣá operationa∞á mode¼á thσ
fileswee≡á mode«á Thi≤á allow≤á thσá use≥ t∩á movσá througΦá thσ
director∙ oµ activσ membe≥ file≤ a≤ iµ the∙ werσ individua∞ file≤
beinτá examineΣ b∙ ß prograφ likσ NSWEEP«á Thσ fileswee≡á mode'≤
commanΣ lis⌠ i≤ a≤ follows:
A Next member B Previous member
C Close library D Delete member
E Extract member F Find member
L Log new drive/user M Mass operations
O Open new library P Print member
Q Unsqueeze member R Rename member
T Tag member U Untag member
V View member W Wildcard rename
X Exit NULU Y Disk directory
Z NULU command mode ? Help!
Becausσ oµ thσ extremσ similarit∙ betweeε thesσ command≤ anΣá thσ
command≤ oµ NULU'≤ commanΣ mode¼ onl∙ ß shor⌠ descriptioε oµ eacΦ
commanΣ wil∞ bσ given.
A -- Advance to next member
(spacebar, cr, or lf produces the same result)è B -- Back up to previous member
C -- Close the current library
D -- Delete current member file
E -- Extract current member file
(prompt allows redirection)
F -- Find first member matching input filespec
L -- Change drive/user defaults
(returns file pointer to the top of the file list
and untags all member files)
M -- Mass operations on all tagged files
(allow≤ááá Deletion¼áááá Extraction¼ááá Printing¼
Unsqueezing¼ o≥ Viewing)
O -- Open new library (closes the current library)
P -- Dumps the current member file to LST:
(unsqueezes if needed)
Q -- Extract current member file, unsqueezing if
necessary (prompt allows redirection)
R -- Rename current member file
T -- Tag current member
U -- Untag current member
V -- View current member file (unsqueezes if needed)
W -- Wildcard rename (prompts for oldname & newname)
X -- Exit NULU (closes all files)
Y -- Get disk directory for default drive/user
(returns file pointer to the top of the file list
and untags all member files)
Z -- Return to NULU command mode
(current library remains open)
? -- Print the filesweep mode menu
If¼á wheε thσ fileswee≡ modσ i≤ entered¼á o≥ afte≥ ß librar∙á ha≤
beeε closed¼ therσ i≤ no⌠ ß librar∙ currentl∙ open¼ thσ fileswee≡
modσá wil∞ promp⌠ witΦ "N∩ librar∙ openó anΣ wil∞ accep⌠ onl∙ thσ
followinτ commands: L,O,X,Y,Z,?
Likewise¼á iµ ß librar∙ i≤ opeε bu⌠ onl∙ ha≤ ß director∙ witΦá n∩
othe≥á activσá members¼á thσá messagσ "N∩ membe≥ filesóá wil∞á bσ
printeΣ anΣ onl∙ thσ command≤ listeΣ abovσ wil∞ bσ accepted.
Durinτ fileswee≡ operation¼ eacΦ filσ wil∞ bσ listeΣ iε thσ orde≥
iε whicΦ i⌠ i≤ founΣ iε thσ directory¼á alonτ witΦ thσ sizσ iεá ╦
tha⌠á thσá filσ woulΣ occup∙ iµ i⌠ werσ extracteΣ t∩ thσá defaul⌠
Iµá thσá fileswee≡á modσ i≤ terminateΣ b∙ ß returεá t∩á thσá NUL╒
commanΣ mode¼á an∙ command≤ tha⌠ followeΣ thσ "-Fó commanΣ oε thσ
previou≤ NUL╒ commanΣ linσ wil∞ bσ executed.
Syntax: -g filespec
NUL╒á wil∞á searcΦ fo≥ thσ filespeπ indicated«á Iµ i⌠ i≤á found¼èprocessinτ continues« Iµ not¼ thσ use≥ i≤ prompteΣ t∩ inser⌠ thσ
disδá containinτá tha⌠ filespec«á Thσ drivσ i≤á theεá rese⌠á anΣ
searcΦ again«á Thσ prograφ wil∞ promp⌠ foreve≥ unti∞ i⌠ receive≤
thσá prope≥á filespeπ o≥ unti∞ ß ^├ i≤ entered¼á forcinτ NUL╒á t∩
continuσ withou⌠ thσ filespeπ beinτ found.
Thi≤á commanΣá caεá bσá usefu∞ wheε attemptinτá t∩á contro∞á NUL╒
througΦ ß submi⌠ utilit∙ likσ DRI'≤ SUBMIT.COM«
Fo≥á example¼á onσ migh⌠ typσ "nul⌡ -∩ a:asφ -τá b5:-work.00╡á -σ
b10║á -τ a0:-5.00╡ -x"« Afte≥ loading¼ NUL╒ woulΣ opeε ß librar∙
calleΣá ASM.LB╥ oε drivσ A║á iε thσ curren⌠ use≥ area«á Nex⌠, i⌠
woulΣ searcΦ use≥ areß ╡ oµ drivσ B║ fo≥ filespeπ -WORK.00╡ unti∞
i⌠ wa≤ found« Theε al∞ activσ membe≥ file≤ woulΣ bσ extracteΣ t∩
use≥ areß 1░ oµ drivσ B:« Finally¼ NUL╒ woulΣ searcΦ use≥ areß ░
oµ drivσ A║ fo≥ ß filespeπ calleΣ -5.00╡ unti∞ found« Then¼ NUL╒
woulΣ terminate«
Noticσá herσ tha⌠ thσ ASM.LB╥ didn'⌠ havσ t∩ bσ closeΣ beforσ thσ
searcΦ fo≥ thσ fina∞ filespeπ becausσ n∩ changσ haΣ beeε madσá t∩
thσ librar∙ directory«á Iµ ß changσ haΣ beeε made¼ afte≥ thσ ne≈
filespeπ haΣ beeε loaded¼á NUL╒ woulΣ havσ demandeΣ thσ disδ witΦ
ASM.LB╥á bacδ s∩ i⌠ coulΣ updatσ thσ directory«á Therefore¼á thσ
GE╘ operatioε woulΣ bσ effectivel∙ negated.
Syntax: -h
Print the command mode menu.
Syntax: -k[ <number of entries to allow]
Eveεá thougΦá al∞ member≤ arσ kep⌠ iε alphabetica∞ orde≥á a⌠á al∞
times¼ wheε ß membe≥ i≤ deleteΣ thσ disδ spacσ i⌠ occupie≤ i≤ no⌠
releaseΣá t∩á thσá operatinτ systeφ unti∞ thσ KRUNC╚á commanΣá i≤
KRUNC╚ consist≤ oµ thσ followinτ steps:
ááááá1« Iµ ß filσ oµ thσ samσ namσ a≤ thσ librar∙ alread∙ exist≤
áááááiεá thσá defaul⌠á drive/use≥á areßá AN─á TH┼á LIBRAR┘áá FIL┼
áááááORIGINATE╙ FRO═ ┴ DIFFEREN╘ DRIVE/USER¼ ß messagσ indicatinτ
ááááátha⌠á thσá filσá exist≤á wil∞ bσ displayeΣá anΣá thσá KRUNC╚
ááááácommanΣá wil∞á bσ skipped«á Yo⌡ mus⌠ deletσá thσá offendinτ
áááááfilσ o≥ changσ drive/use≥ areß beforσ thσ KRUNC╚ caεá bσ
ááááá2. The library is closed.
ááááá3«á ┴á ne≈á librar∙á calleΣ WORK-LBR.$$ñ i≤ openeΣá iεá thσ
ááááádefaul⌠á drive/use≥ areß anΣ thσ use≥ i≤ prompteΣá t∩á inpu⌠
áááááthσá numbe≥ oµ file≤ tha⌠ thσ ne≈ librar∙ shoulΣ bσ ablσá t∩
ááááácontain«á Iµá thσ use≥ want≤ jus⌠ enougΦ entrie≤ t∩ contaiε
áááááthσá currentl∙ activσ members¼á thσ numbe≥ ▒ o≥á an∙á numbe≥èáááááles≤á thaε o≥ equa∞ t∩ thσ curren⌠ numbe≥ oµ activσá entrie≤
áááááma∙á bσ entered«á Iµ thσ optiona∞ paramete≥ listeΣ abovσ i≤
áááááentered¼á i⌠á wil∞ bσ useΣ a≤ thσ numbe≥ oµá entries«á (Thσ
áááááKRUNC╚á proces≤ ma∙ bσ aborteΣ herσ b∙ typinτ RETUR╬á o≥á 0«
áááááPleasσá notσá tha⌠ thσ librar∙ director∙ count≤ a≤ aεá entr∙
áááááanΣ wil∞ automaticall∙ bσ accounteΣ fo≥ b∙ NULU.)
ááááá4«á Oncσá WORK-LBR.$$ñ i≤ opened¼á thσ activσ membe≥á file≤
áááááfroφ thσ origina∞ librar∙ wil∞ bσ copieΣ onσ b∙ onσ int∩ thσ
áááááne≈ library«á Thσ cop∙ routinσ use≤ ß recursivσ proces≤á t∩
ááááácop∙á a≤á man∙á file≤ a⌠ onσ timσ a≤á possible«á ┴á CR├á i≤
ááááácalculateΣ fo≥ eacΦ membe≥ a≤ i⌠ i≤ copied«á Iµ thi≤ numbe≥
ááááádoe≤á no⌠á matcΦá thσ CR├ recordeΣ iε thσá origina∞á librar∙
ááááádirectory¼á thσá messagσ "CR├á ERROR-Continue┐á (y/n)óá wil∞
áááááappea≥ afte≥ thσ filenamσ iε question«á ┴ repl∙ oµ "Nó wil∞
áááááresul⌠á iεá thσ worδ librar∙ beinτ deleteΣ anΣ thσá origina∞
ááááálibrar∙ beinτ re-opened« Otherwise¼ thσ newl∙ generateΣ CR├
áááááfo≥á thσá filσ wil∞ bσ storeΣ iε thσ director∙á oµá thσá ne≈
ááááá5«á Thσá olΣ librar∙ i≤ deleteΣ anΣ WORK-LBR.$$ñ i≤ renameΣ
áááááwitΦ thσ olΣ librar∙ name.
Examples: 1. "-k"
ááááááááááThσ librar∙ woulΣ bσ KRUNCHeΣ t∩ thσ defaul⌠ drive/use≥
ááááááááááarea«á Thσ use≥ woulΣ bσ prompteΣ t∩ npu⌠ thσ numbe≥ oµ
ááááááááááentrie≤ t∩ allow.
á2« "-δ <1"
ááááááááááThσ librar∙ woulΣ bσ KRUNCHeΣ t∩ thσ defaul⌠ drive/use≥
ááááááááááareß witΦ jus⌠ enougΦ entrie≤ t∩ contaiε al∞á currentl∙
ááááááááááactivσ membe≥ files.
áááááááááá3« "-⌡ b5║ -δ <63"
ááááááááááThσá defaul⌠á drive/use≥ areß woulΣ bσ changeΣá t∩á B5║
áááááááááábeforσá thσ KRUNC╚ begins«á Theε thσ librar∙ woulΣá bσ
ááááááááááKRUNCHed¼ allowinτ 6│ entries.
áááááááááá4« "-⌡ b5║ -δ <▒ -⌡ a0║ -δ <63"
ááááááááááThσá defaul⌠á drive/use≥ areß woulΣ bσ changeΣá t∩á B5║
áááááááááábeforσá thσ KRUNC╚ begins«á Thσ KRUNC╚ woulΣ commence¼
ááááááááááallowinτá onl∙á enougΦ entrie≤ t∩á contaiεá al∞á activσ
áááááááááámembers«á Thσ drive/use≥ areß woulΣ bσ changeΣ t∩ A0:«
ááááááááááThen¼á thσ librar∙ woulΣ bσ KRUNCHeΣ again¼ allowinτ 6│
Syntax: -l[ filespec]
Syntax: -l[ (filespec)]
Usσá thi≤ commanΣ t∩ lis⌠ thσ content≤ oµ thσ librar∙á directory«
EacΦá membe≥á filenamσá wil∞á printeΣ followeΣá b∙á thσá startinτèrelativσá secto≥á numbe≥ iε thσ librar∙ file¼á thσá sizσá oµá thσ
membe≥ iε sectors¼ thσ sizσ iε ╦ tha⌠ thσ filσ woulΣ occup∙ iµ i⌠
werσ t∩ bσ extracteΣ t∩ thσ defaul⌠ drive/use≥ area¼á anΣ thσ CR├
fo≥ thσ file«á Finally¼á ß reca≡ oµ thσ sizσ oµ al∞ membe≥ file≤
listeΣá i≤ printed¼á alonτ witΦ thσ numbe≥ oµ sector≤ occupieΣ b∙
deleteΣ files.
Thσ parameter≤ listeΣ abovσ caε bσ useΣ t∩ contro∞ thσá selectioε
oµ file≤ fo≥ display«
Examples:á1« "-l"
ááááááááááAl∞ activσ membe≥ file≤ listed.
áááááááááá2« "-∞ **"
ááááááááááAl∞ activσ membe≥ file≤ listed.
áááááááááá3« "-∞ (**)"
ááááááááááAl∞ deleteΣ membe≥ file≤ listed.
áááááááááá4« "-∞ *asm"
ááááááááááAl∞á activσá membe≥á file≤á matchinτá thσá filespeπá oµ
áááááááááá????????.AS═ listed.
áááááááááá5« "-∞ (fred.txt)"
ááááááááááAl∞ deleteΣ membe≥ file≤ calleΣ FRED.TX╘ listed.
áááááááááá(Notσ tha⌠ i≤ I╙ possiblσ t∩ havσ morσ thaε onσ deleteΣ
áááááááááá filσ witΦ thσ samσ name.)
Syntax: -n oldfilespec=newfilespec[...]
Syntax: -n (oldfilespec)=newfilespec[...]
Thi≤á commanΣá i≤ useΣ t∩ renamσ activσ o≥ deleteΣ membe≥á files«
Wildcard≤ arσ full∙ supported¼ bu⌠ thσ newfilespeπ caε bσ n∩ les≤
ambiguou≤ thaε thσ oldfilespec«á DeleteΣ member≤ ma∙ bσá renameΣ
b∙ enclosinτ thσ oldfilespeπ ONL┘ iε parenthesis.
Examples:á1« "-ε *asm=*bak"
ááááááááááAl∞á activσ member≤ matchinτ thσ filespeπá ????????.AS═
ááááááááááwoulΣ bσ renameΣ witΦ ß filetypσ oµ .BAK.
áááááááááá2« "-ε (fred.txt)=sam.txt"
ááááááááááThσá firs⌠ deleteΣ membe≥ filσ calleΣ FRED.TX╘ woulΣ bσ
áááááááááárenameΣá t∩ SAM.TXT«á Al∞ othe≥ member≤ matchinτá tha⌠
ááááááááááfilespeπáá woulΣá bσá listeΣá alonτá witΦáá ßáá messagσ
ááááááááááindicatinτ tha⌠ the∙ coulΣ no⌠ bσ renamed.
áááááááááá3« "-ε **=**"
ááááááááááAl∞á activσ membe≥ file≤ woulΣ bσ listed¼á eacΦ witΦá ß
áááááááááámessagσá indicatinτá tha⌠á the∙ coulΣá no⌠á bσá renameΣ
áááááááááábecausσ thσ namσ alread∙ exists.
:-O OPEN A LIBRARYè Syntax: -o filename[ <number of entries to allow]
WitΦ thσ exceptioε oµ thσ fileswee≡ Opeε Librar∙ command¼ thi≤ i≤
thσá onl∙ methoΣ t∩ opeε o≥ creatσ ß library«á NUL╒ wil∞á searcΦ
fo≥á thσ filenamσ indicated«á Iµ i⌠ i≤ found¼á i⌠ wil∞ bσ openeΣ
anΣá ß messagσ wil∞ bσ displayeΣ indicatinτ thσ sizσ oµ thσá Datß
Transfe≥á Buffer«á Thi≤ i≤ thσ numbe≥ oµ sector≤ iε memor∙á tha⌠
NUL╒á wil∞ havσ t∩ usσ iε extracting¼á addinτ o≥á copyinτá membe≥
Iµá thσá filσá i≤ no⌠ found¼á thσ use≥ wil∞ bσ prompteΣá fo≥á thσ
numbe≥ oµ entrie≤ t∩ allo≈ iε thσ ne≈ library«á Iµ thσá optiona∞
paramete≥á abovσ i≤ passed¼á thσ numbe≥ wil∞ bσ useΣ t∩ determinσ
thσ director∙ sizσ oµ thσ library«á Al∞ directorie≤ caεá contaiε
somσ multiplσ oµ ┤ entries« Al∞ number≤ inpu⌠ wil∞ bσ roundeΣ u≡
t∩ thσ neares⌠ multiplσ oµ 4« Remembe≥ tha⌠ thσ director∙ itselµ
count≤á a≤ onσ entr∙ anΣ tha⌠ NUL╒ wil∞ automaticall∙ makσá spacσ
fo≥ it.
The filename passed must be unambiguous.
Dependinτá oεá availablσ memory¼á librarie≤ witΦ a≤ man∙á a≤á 80░
entrie≤á (theoretically⌐á caεá bσ opened«á Bu⌠ watcΦá thσá Datß
Buffe≥ Sizeíá Iµ i⌠ i≤ les≤ thaε ╣ sector≤ yo⌡ wil∞ no⌠ bσá ablσ
t∩ unsqueezσ an∙ files« WitΦ ß use≥ TP┴ oµ 58k¼ ╔ havσ beeε ablσ
t∩á opeε librarie≤ witΦ n∩ morσ thaε 58┤ tota∞ member≤ anΣá stil∞
bσá lef⌠ witΦ ß buffe≥ oµ ╣ sectors«á (Seσ -╝ commanΣ anΣ ho≈ i⌠
affect≤ librar∙ memory.)
Syntax: -p filespec[ filespec (filespec)...]
Syntax: -p du:filespec[ du:filespec...]
Iµá thσ drive/use≥ specificatioε i≤ included¼á thσ PRIN╘ functioε
wil∞á appl∙á t∩ file≤ oε disk¼á otherwisσ i⌠ applie≤á t∩á librar∙
membe≥ files.
WitΦá thi≤á command¼á thσ asciΘ content≤ oµá file≤á matchinτá thσ
filespec≤á giveε wil∞ bσ dumpeΣ t∩ thσ lis⌠ device«á Iµ thσ filσ
i≤ squeezed¼ NUL╒ wil∞ unsqueezσ it« DeleteΣ librar∙ member≤ ma∙
bσ listeΣ b∙ enclosinτ thσ appropriatσ filespeπ iε parenthesis.
Syntax: -q filespec[=newfilespec filespec...]
Thi≤ commanΣ i≤ identica∞ iε operatioε anΣ synta° t∩ thσá EXTRAC╘
command¼á excep⌠ tha⌠ iµ thσ matchinτ member≤ arσ squeezed¼á the∙
wil∞ bσ unsqueezed.
Syntax: -r filespec[ filespec...]
Thi≤á commanΣá i≤á identica∞ iε operatioε anΣ synta° t∩á thσá AD─ècommand¼á excep⌠ tha⌠ matchinτ file≤ wil∞ bσ addeΣ t∩ thσ librar∙
ONL┘ iµ the∙ alread∙ exis⌠ iε thσ library« The∙ wil∞ bσ deleted¼
theε thσ ne≈ file≤ wil∞ bσ added.
Syntax: -s filespec "string to search for"
Syntax: -s du:filespec "string to search for"
Iµ thσ drive/use≥ specificatioε i≤ included¼á thσ SEARC╚ functioε
wil∞á appl∙á t∩ file≤ oε disk¼á otherwisσ i⌠ applie≤á t∩á librar∙
membe≥ files.
Thi≤á provide≤á ßá wa∙ t∩ d∩ ß SIMPL┼ searcΦ fo≥ ßá giveεá strinτ
amonτ ß grou≡ oµ files«á Iµ thσ "strinτ t∩ searcΦ foró i≤á founΣ
yo⌡á wil∞á bσá notified«á Al∞ file≤ searcheΣá arσá listed«á Thσ
individua∞á linσ oε whicΦ thσ iteφ wa≤ matcheΣ i≤á no⌠á displayeΣ
becausσ thσ matcΦ i≤ no⌠ madσ oε ß linσ basis«á Tha⌠ is¼ yo⌡ ma∙
searcΦá .CO═á file≤á o≥á squeezeΣ .OV╥ file≤ jus⌠á a≤á easil∙á a≤
searchinτ tex⌠ files«á However¼ thσ implementatioε i≤ admittedl∙
rathe≥á weaδ a⌠ thi≤ poin⌠ a≤ thing≤ likσ contro∞ character≤á anΣ
tab≤á arσá rippeΣá ou⌠á oµ thσ commanΣá linσá beforσá thσá searcΦ
functioεá eveε see≤ thσ command«á Enjo∙ i⌠ anΣ I'l∞á improvσá i⌠
Syntax: -t
Thi≤á commanΣá i≤á ßá combinatioεá oµ thσá AD─á anΣá thσá REPLAC┼
commands« Iµ thσ file≤ d∩ no⌠ exis⌠ iε thσ library¼ the∙ wil∞ bσ
added« Iµ the∙ d∩ exist¼ the∙ wil∞ bσ replaced.
Syntax: -u new drive/user
Usσ thi≤ commanΣ t∩ changσ thσ defaul⌠ drive/use≥ area«á ┴ coloε
":ó mus⌠ follo≈ thσ drive/use≥ spec« Fo≥ example¼ "-⌡ a5:ó woulΣ
switcΦ thσ defaul⌠ drive/use≥ areß t∩ A5:.
Syntax: -v filespec[ filespec (filespec)...]
Syntax: -v du:filespec[ du:filespec...]
Iµá thσ drive/use≥ specificatioε i≤ included¼á thσ VIE╫á functioε
wil∞á appl∙á t∩ file≤ oε disk¼á otherwisσ i⌠ applie≤á t∩á librar∙
membe≥ files.
Thi≤á commanΣ wil∞ lis⌠ thσ asciΘ content≤ oµ al∞ file≤á matchinτ
thσá giveεá filespeπá t∩ thσá consolσá device«á DeleteΣá librar∙
member≤áá ma∙áá bσá indicateΣá b∙á enclosinτá thσáá filespeπáá iε
parenthesis« Iµ thσ file≤ arσ squeezed¼ the∙ wil∞ bσ unsqueezed«
A⌠ eacΦ page¼ NUL╒ wil∞ accep⌠ onσ oµ thσ followinτ commands:
1. ^X to skip to the next matching file
2. ^C to abort further listingè 3. L to list one line
4. CR, space, or LF to list another full page
A⌠á thσá enΣá oµ eacΦ filσ thσ messagσá "Pres≤á RETURNóá wil∞á bσ
displayeΣ anΣ NUL╒ wil∞ wai⌠ fo≥ ß keystrokσ beforσ movinτ t∩ thσ
nex⌠ matchinτ file.
Syntax: -w filespec commands to process
For advanced users only.
Thi≤á caεá bσá onσ oµ thσ mos⌠ powerful¼á anΣ possibl∙á thσá mos⌠
dangerous¼ oµ al∞ NUL╒ commands« I⌠ allow≤ thσ use≥ t∩ specif∙ ß
grou≡ oµ librarie≤ oε whicΦ t∩ le⌠ ß se⌠ oµ command≤ operate.
Fo≥ example¼á "-≈ a5:*lb≥ -ló woulΣ opeε al∞ file≤ founΣ oε drivσ
┴á iεá use≥ areß ╡ a≤ librarie≤ anΣ lis⌠ thσá content≤á oµá each«
Thi≤ woulΣ happeε iε sequencσ fo≥ al∞ matchinτ file≤ iε thσ orde≥
iεá whicΦá the∙á werσ founΣ iε thσá directory«á Notσá tha⌠á thi≤
commanΣá ha≤á thσá samσ effec⌠ a≤ thσ -╧ commanΣ excep⌠á tha⌠á i⌠
processe≤ wildcarΣ librar∙ filespec≤ anΣ tha⌠ thσ user'≤á contro∞
ove≥á eacΦá librar∙á openeΣ i≤ limiteΣ t∩ thσá singlσá linσá tha⌠
invoke≤ thσ -╫ command«á Tha⌠ is¼á al∞ command≤ applyinτ t∩ eacΦ
librar∙ openeΣ mus⌠ bσ containeΣ oε thσ onσ commanΣ line.
Thσá adven⌠á oµ thi≤ commanΣ i≤ thσ reasoε tha⌠ certaiεá command≤
tha⌠á useΣá t∩ bσ restricteΣ t∩ NC╞ redirectioεá file≤á arσá no≈
availablσ a⌠ thσ commanΣ level.
This command:
"-w *lbr -k <5 -p ** -l -' "hit enter for next file " -:"
would result in the following for each matching file:
1) The library would be KRUNCHed to 5 members.
2) All member files would be sent to LST:.
3) The library directory would be listed.
4) The prompt, "PRESS ENTER FOR NEXT FILE " would be
displayed to CON:
5) NULU would wait for the user to press RETURN before
passing control back to -W which would then do the
same thing for the next library.
"-≈á *lb≥á -fóá allow≤ mσ t∩ looδ a⌠ ß lo⌠ oµá librarie≤á througΦ
fileswee≡ withou⌠ havinτ t∩ kno≈ thei≥ names.
"-≈ *lb≥ -╝ command.ncfó DOESN'╘ WORK«á ╔ wil∞ worδ oε tha⌠á fo≥
nex⌠ time¼ iµ therσ i≤ ß nex⌠ time.
Usσ ß lo⌠ oµ cautioε wheε usinτ thi≤ command«á I⌠ i≤ ne≈ eveε t∩
me¼ bu⌠ ╔ havσ founΣ i⌠ t∩ bσ EXTREMEL┘ useful.
:-X EXIT NULUè Syntax: -x
Thi≤á commanΣá wil∞ se⌠ ß flaτ indicatinτ tha⌠ wheεá thσá curren⌠
NUL╒ commanΣ linσ i≤ exhausted¼á NUL╒ shoulΣ terminate«á Bu⌠ thσ
commanΣá i≤ actuall∙ ß toggle«á Iµ i⌠ i≤ entereΣ twicσ oε ß linσ
thσá effec⌠ oµ thσ seconΣ issuancσ wil∞ bσ t∩ negatσá thσá first«
Notσ tha⌠ thσ suppor⌠ fo≥ commanΣ chaininτ ha≤ beeε removed.
Examples: 1« "-x"
ááááááááááThσáá terminatioεá flaτá wil∞á bσá se⌠á anΣá NUL╒á wil∞
ááááááááááterminatσ wheε thσ curren⌠ commanΣ linσ i≤ exhausted.
áááááááááá2« "-° -x"
ááááááááááThσ terminatioε flaτ i≤ se⌠ anΣ theε reset«á NUL╒ doe≤
ááááááááááno⌠ terminate.
Syntax: -y[ filespec]
Thi≤á commanΣá wil∞á prin⌠á aε unsorteΣá director∙á oµá thσá disδ
indicateΣá b∙á thσ paramete≥ passed¼á o≥ ß completσ director∙á iµ
nonσá i≤ passed«á Thσ scopσ oµ thσ director∙ ma∙ bσá limiteΣá b∙
indicatinτá thσá appropriatσ ambiguou≤ filespec«á Iµ thσ diφá o≥
reversσá vide∩á string≤ havσ beeε defined¼á NUL╒á wil∞á usσá tha⌠
characteristiπá t∩ indicatσ tha⌠ certaiε filσ attributσ bit≤á arσ
se⌠ iε eacΦ filename.
Syntax: -z filespec
Usσá thi≤ commanΣ t∩ deletσ disδ file≤ whilσ stil∞ runninτá NULU«
EacΦá filσá matchinτ thσ ambiguou≤ filespeπ giveε wil∞ bσá listeΣ
anΣá deleted«á Librarie≤á caε bσ deleteΣ jus⌠ a≤ easil∙á a≤á an∙
othe≥ typσ oµ file¼á s∩ bσ careful« Thσ onl∙ protectioε affordeΣ
i≤á tha⌠á thσá librar∙ currentl∙ open¼á iµá any¼á wil∞á neve≥á bσ
Syntax: -< filename
Thi≤á commanΣ wil∞ causσ NUL╒ t∩ opeε thσ filenamσ indicateΣá anΣ
begiεá acceptinτ command≤ froφ i⌠ insteaΣ oµ receivinτ theφá froφ
thσá console«á Thi≤ typσ oµ filσ is¼á iε effect¼á ß NUL╒ CommanΣ
File«á Thσá filetypσá wil∞ defaul⌠ t∩ ".NCFó iµ n∩á filetypσá i≤
specified«á Synta° oµ thσ command≤ iε thi≤ filσ i≤ compatiblσ iε
ever∙áá wa∙á t∩á thσá synta°á useΣá iεá norma∞á NUL╒áá operation«
Additiona∞áá function≤áá havσá beeεá addeΣá t∩áá facilitatσáá thσ
developmen⌠ oµ NC╞ files«á EacΦ commanΣ linσ iε thσ filσ mus⌠á bσ
terminateΣá b∙ ß CR,LF¼á anΣ wil∞ bσ converteΣ t∩ uppe≥ casσá anΣ
echoeΣá t∩ thσ consolσ beforσ processing«á Thσ las⌠ linσ iεá thσ
filσ shoulΣ enΣ witΦ a⌠ leas⌠ tw∩ CR,L╞ combinations«á Afte≥ al∞
NC╞ command≤ havσ beeε processed¼ contro∞ wil∞ bσ returneΣ t∩ thσ
console«á An∙á command≤á appearinτ afte≥ ß "-<ó commanΣ wil∞á bσ
Iµ anothe≥ "-<ó commanΣ i≤ encountereΣ iε thσ file¼á thσá curren⌠
commanΣ filσ wil∞ bσ suspendeΣ anΣ thσ ne≈ filσ opened« Wheε thσ
command≤á iε tha⌠ ne≈ filσ havσ al∞ beeε processed¼á contro∞ wil∞
"returnóá t∩ thσ filσ tha⌠ "calledó thσ ne≈ file«á Thi≤á nestinτ
caεá continuσ t∩ thσ leve∞ alloweΣ b∙ thσ numbe≥ oµá inpu⌠á file≤
patcΦ describeΣ iε NUL╒ MODIFICATION«á (I⌠ caε actuall∙ continuσ
t∩á ßá mucΦ deepe≥ leve∞ iµ n∩ librar∙ i≤ open¼á bu⌠á what'≤á thσ
point┐ Hmmm..« maybσ ß tutorial...)
The filename passed must be unambiguous.
Oµá thσ followinτ commands¼á thesσ arσ valiΣ onl∙á wheεá receiveΣ
froφ aε NC╞ file║á -j¼á -z¼á -"«á Thσ other≤ ma∙ bσ useΣ a⌠ an∙
timσá bu⌠ arσ includeΣ herσ anΣ arσ omitteΣ froφ thσ men⌡ becausσ
oµ thei≥ programmatiπ nature.
Syntax: -j line number
Usσá thi≤á commanΣá t∩ havσ NUL╒ star⌠á readinτá commanΣ
áááááááááline≤á froφá thσá curren⌠ NC╞ filσ a⌠á thσá linσá numbe≥
áááááááááindicated«á Fo≥á example¼á "-Ω 1ó woulΣ causσá NUL╒á t∩
ááááááááástar⌠á readinτ line≤ froφ thσ curren⌠ NC╞ filσ beginninτ
áááááááááa⌠á linσ numbe≥ 1«á ForwarΣ anΣ backwarΣ reference≤á arσ
áááááááááallowed«á ┴ referencσ t∩ linσ numbe≥ ░ wil∞ bσá ignored«
áááááááááAn∙á reference≤ t∩ non-existen⌠ linσ number≤ wil∞á causσ
áááááááááthσ curren⌠ NC╞ filσ t∩ terminate¼á thereb∙ returninτ t∩
áááááááááthσá nex⌠á highe≥ NC╞ level¼á o≥ t∩ thσ commanΣ modσá iµ
áááááááááthi≤ i≤ thσ highes⌠ NC╞ level.
Note that if you add or delete any lines in an NCF file,
that will completely foul up any jump commands in that
file. That's a bug, not a feature.
Syntax: -z
This command toggles all output to the console device.
That is, if this command is issued once, all console
output is shut down, with the exception of the special
commands listed below. Issue it again, and console
output will be re-enabled.
Syntax: -' "text to print"
Use this command to print text to the console, no matter
what the condition of the console output toggle. Text to
be printed must be enclosed in quotes. The opening
quote MUST be present, but the closing quote is onlyè necessary to delimit any following commands.
Syntax: -mode to chain to -" "prompt" -failure mode
My method of syntax diagramming falls utterly short of
describing this command, I know. Let's take it one step
at a time. This command allows the NULU programmer to
specify the mode to which he wishes to pass a parameter,
prompt the user for that parameter, and to also specify
actions to be taken if no response is received from the
áááááááááFo≥ example:
ááááááááá "-∙ *lb≥ -∩ -ó "opeε whicΦ library┐ ó -Ω 65535"
Would result in:
1. A directory listing of all files with a type of .LBR
would be listed to the console device if the console
were toggled on.
2. The OPEN LIBRARY mode would be transparently entered
just long enough for NULU to take note of it.
3. The console would be prompted with the message:
(CR, LF)
and NULU would wait for the user to enter a line of text
NOT EXCEEDING the length of the prompt(!). If the user
entered and RETURN by itself or a null line, the prompt
would reappear on the next line. If the user entered a
valid line, the first word on that line (delimited by a
space, tab, etc.) would be passed to the OPEN LIBRARY
mode and the balance of the line would be ignored. If,
on the other hand, the user entered an ESCAPE followed
by a RETURN (1bh, 0dh) the commands after the prompt
would be executed and control would be passed to line
number 65535, almost surely a non-existent line, thereby
terminating the current NCF file.
Some commands which normally accept parameters cannot
receive parameters from this mode because they are
decodeΣ differently« Thesσ include║
ááááááááá-:¼ -;¼ -l¼ -n¼ -x¼ -y¼ ->
Syntax: -: -failure mode
This command will force NULU to wait for the RETURN
(0dh) character to be input to the console device. If a
RETURN is received, the balance of the command line willè be ignored. If a ^C is entered, the remaining commands
on the line will be executed.
Syntax: -; comment about this kludge of a JCL
This command will cause NULU to ignore all text
appearing after the command on the same physical command
Syntax: -> filename
Syntax: ->
WitΦ thσ firs⌠ forφ oµ thi≤ command¼á NUL╒ outpu⌠ wil∞ bσ sen⌠ t∩
thσ filenamσ indicated«á Thσ defaul⌠ filetypσ oµ ".NOFó wil∞á bσ
useΣ iµ n∩ filetypσ i≤ specified« Iµ thσ filσ alread∙ exists¼ i⌠
wil∞á bσ deleted«á Al∞ specia∞ character≤ tha⌠ thσ use≥ ma∙ havσ
patcheΣ int∩ NUL╒ (seσ below¼á NUL╒ MODIFICATION⌐ wil∞ bσ sen⌠ t∩
thσá filσ a≤ well¼á witΦ thσ exceptioε oµ thσ EO╞á character¼á 2╢
(1ah)«á Thσá onl∙ outpu⌠ no⌠ echoeΣ t∩ thσ filσ wil∞á bσá outpu⌠
causeΣ b∙ viewinτ o≥ printinτ ß membe≥ file« Eveε iµ thσ consolσ
ha≤á beeεá turneΣá ofµ b∙ aε NC╞ file¼á al∞ consolσá outpu⌠á wil∞
continuσ t∩ bσ sen⌠ t∩ thi≤ file.
The filename passed must be unambiguous.
Unde≥á thσ seconΣ forφ oµ thi≤ command¼á thσ curren⌠ outpu⌠ file¼
iµá an∙ wil∞ bσ closed«á Wheε NUL╒ i≤ causeΣ t∩á terminate¼á thσ
curren⌠ outpu⌠ filσ i≤ closeΣ alonτ witΦ thσ curren⌠ library¼á iµ