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91 lines
Command Line
Submit File Conventions
E╪ i≤ ß nift∙ anΣ fas⌠ wa∙ oµ executinτ .SU┬ files¼á (use≤ raφ a≤ ì
thσá SU┬ filσ buffe≥ rathe≥ thaε spreadinτ i⌠ ou⌠ oεá disk)«á E╪ ì
als∩á allow≤ batcΦ entr∙ oµ ß serie≤ oµ command≤ whicΦ i⌠á store≤ ì
iεá memor∙á fo≥ subsequen⌠ continuou≤á execution«á E╪á relocate≤ ì
itselµá anΣ it≤ buffe≥ t∩ higΦ memor∙ jus⌠ belo≈ CC╨ anΣá adjust≤ ì
thσ CP/═ BDO╙ entr∙ t∩ protec⌠ itself.
E╪á replace≤á thσ function≤ oµ botΦ SUBMIT.CO═ anΣ XSUB.CO═á froφ ì
Digita∞ Research¼ Inc. and is named "SUBMIT.COM" on this system.
:Command Line
EX may be invoked two ways:
1. EX cr
Thi≤á forφ wil∞ causσ E╪ t∩ promp⌠ witΦ ß linσá numbe≥ ì
áááááááááááanΣá `:ºá fo≥á eacΦ commanΣ linσ t∩á bσá executed«á ┴ ì
ááááááááááácarriagσá returεá entereΣá b∙á itselµá terminate≤á thσ ì
ááááááááááápromptinτá anΣ start≤ executioε oµ thσá commanΣá line≤ ì
ááááááááááátha⌠ havσ beeε entered.
2. EX <submit file> <parameters> cr
Thi≤ forφ wil∞ causσ E╪ t∩ loaΣ thσ <submi⌠ file╛ int∩ ì
ááááááááááámemor∙á anΣ perforφ <parameters╛ substitutioε thσ samσ ì
áááááááááááa≤ SUBMIT¼á witΦ thσ additioε oµ thσ `^$º suppor⌠á fo≥ ì
ááááááááááámissinτá parameters«á Afte≥ al∞ parameter≤ havσá beeε ì
ááááááááááásubstituteΣá thσ tex⌠ froφ thσ filσ i≤ executeΣ a≤á iµ ì
áááááááááááwa≤ entereΣ froφ thσ console.
EX.CO═á ma∙ bσ terminateΣ durinτ executioε b∙ enterinτá control-├ ì
froφ thσ console.
:Submit File Conventions
[note║á unles≤á otherwisσ stated¼á thσ `<.......>º sequence≤á arσ ì
useΣá onl∙á t∩á indicatσ characte≥ string≤ tha⌠á mus⌠á bσ ì
replaceΣ witΦ thσ value≤ described.]
^<ß character║á┴ thr⌡ underscore╛
áááááááááááááá generate≤á thσ correspondinτá contro∞á character« ì
áááááááááááááááLowercasσ letter≤ ß thr⌡ · arσ converteΣ t∩ upperì
$<▒á thr⌡ 9╛
ááááágenerate≤á paramete≥á <▒ thr⌡ 9╛ substitutioεá thσá samσá a≤ ì
áááááSUBMIT¼ unles≤ `^$º i≤ beinτ useΣ a≤ describeΣ below.
^$<parm▒ parm2.....parm9╛
ááááágenerate≤á ß lis⌠ oµ parameter≤ tha⌠ wil∞ bσ useΣ iε thσ $<▒ ìèáááááthr⌡ 9╛ paramete≥ substitutioε iµ thσ use≥ doe≤ no⌠á providσ ì
áááááan∙á parameter≤á o≥á onl∙ somσ oµ thσ parameter≤ oεá thσá E╪ ì
ááááácommanΣ line.
;;ááágenerate≤á aε E╪ onl∙ commen⌠ (thσ ;╗á anΣ thσ remainde≥á oµ ì
áááááthσ curren⌠ linσ arσ no⌠ moveΣ t∩ thσ E╪ commanΣ buffer.).
|áááágenerate≤ ß Carriagσ Return.
^|ááágenerate≤ ß Carriagσ Returε anΣ Linσ Feed.
áááááwil∞á eliminatσá al∞ character≤ froφ thσ las⌠á ⁿá thr⌡á thi≤ ì
^.ááátoggle≤á prin⌠ suppressioε fo≥ character≤ froφ SUBMI╘á file« ì
ááááá(Example║ DI╥ ^.*.COM^« wil∞ executσ DI╥ *.CO═ bu⌠ onl∙ DI╥ ì
áááááwil∞ bσ echoeΣ t∩ thσ console.)
^#áááMessage suppression toggle.
^<áááforce≤á immediatσá displa∙á oµ thσ character≤á followinτá i⌠ ì
áááááunti∞ ^╛ i≤ encountered«á ^<char╛ contro∞ support¼ $<▒ thr⌡ ì
ááááá9╛á paramete≥á substitution¼áá anΣá $<char╛á escapσá suppor⌠ ì
ááááácontinue≤ durinτ thi≤ displa∙ mode«á (Example║ ^<^[ETes⌠ E╪ ì
ááááá1.4^|^╛á wil∞ generatσ thσ sequencσ t∩ clea≥ thσá screeεá oε ì
áááááthσá H/Z1╣ termina∞ anΣ displa∙ `Tes⌠ E╪ 1.4º a⌠ thσá upper-ì
ááááálefthanΣá corne≥ oµ thσ screeε anΣ thσ curso≥ wil∞ bσ oε thσ ì
ááááánex⌠ line.)
^:á ácause≤ E╪ t∩ re-executσ thσ .SU┬ filσ froφ thσ beginning.
^?ááácause≤á E╪ t∩ wai⌠ fo≥ ß carriagσ returε responsσá froφá thσ ì
áááááconsole« Control-├ wil∞ terminatσ E╪ a⌠ thi≤ poin⌠ also.
$$ááágenerate≤ thσ ñ (dollar-sign).
$^ááágenerate≤ thσ ▐ (care⌠ o≥ up-arrow).
$|ááágenerate≤ thσ ⁿ (brokeε vertica∞ bar).