Information on how to install/use on RCPM systems. Read the SD.HIS file
for the history of updates to this program..------------------------------------------------------------------------H NOTE: May be assembled with ASM, LASM, M80, MAC or SLRMACC
A feature has been added that does away with the need for several
versions of SD.COM. It allows the inclusion of a 4, 6, or 8 on the com-
mand line which relates to 40, 64 or 80 character displays. (2, 3, or 4
filenames per line.) The default value is that stored in NPL and LPS if
MAXCL is NO, and the value at MAXCL and LPS1, 2 or 3 if MAXCL is YESS
MAXCL - this equate, if YES, enables RCP/M operators to store the
value of 2, 3, or 4 at the locatHHdefined by MAXC. Just have your
signon or RBBS program ask for or assign a value for NPL (names per
line) and store it at the location MAXC. The suggested addresses for
MAXC are 3BH if using 3EH for the wheeel byte loclocon or 3EH if using
3BH for the wheel l te. No need to keep several versions of SD online
for various users, such as DIR40, DIR64loco
The following equates are the values for the number of lines per
screen (LPS) to be changed as needed when MAXCL = YESloco
LPS1 - this is the number of lines per screen if NPL = 3. (64 col
LPS2 - this is the number of lines perion reereef NPL < 3. (40 col
option)tion))))These additional equates allow one to specify the number of lines
that will be displayed for each of the optional formats (4 & 6). This
would allow one to set up SD for optional remote use with a TRS-80 Mod
100 (for example) by setting LPS2 to a value of 8loco
Here are some command line examples:
HIf MAXCL = yes SD <cr>
HWill display all files on current drive using the value stored at
MAXC to determine the number of filenames per lineloco
SD $6 <cr>
Will display all files on the current drive and display files in the
64 column mode (3 filenames per line). It will also store a 3 at the
memory n ition defined by MAXC for subsequent use se SD or any other
utility that uses the variable filenamemeline functionloco
If MAXCL = NO SD <cr>
HWill display all files on the current drive using the value defined
the NPL equateloco
SD $4 <cr>
Will display all files on the current drive and display files in the
awcolumn mode (2 filesnamenameine). It will revert to the modmode-
fined ed NPL on subsequent uses of SD.
HKTHREE - this equate allows control over the number of columns used
in the display of file sizes. If KTHREE = YES, then only three digits
will be used, lims pering proper ESl of file sizes to 999k or less. If
KTHREE = NO, then SD will use five digits, allowing files as large as
64,535k to bge se sayed. The advantaaof using KTHREEatelYES is that
you may use a fence charcter even in the four file file mode. This
makes ths thsplay y e readable. (Note: KTHREE only changes the dse say
of individual file sizes and totals are not affected.)
HPDRI RI & PRUS - these equates allow (if YES) or disallow (if NO)
the printing of the drive and/or user numbers at the front of each file
line. These affect only the CRT format and all printer formats
still report thge rive (and user if REPUSR = YES) numbers. This allows
the the of the user number withouou drive specificatHHif this
format is needneed A good example would be a 40-column format used on
a RBBS which makes use of a larlarnumber number ser areasloco
NOMORE - This equate, if true, adds an adds perional LF after the [se ]
messreae at the end othe the preae. If not set, when running remote and
being removed for later printing, the e ore] messreae isnameier-written n
the next directory entry and shows as trash on a printprint. Not a
problem for n il useloco
PRLIBXC t- if this equate is set 'NO' when PRDI and PRUS are 'YES', SD
will suppress the the f drive/user numbers on LBR R se say
lines. One may wish to use this format if PRBRDRatelYble on aRBRR- allowallow printing of a quasi-border around the left side
of library file member lines if set 'YES'. This makes for a se read-
able format when ESling a lararumber of LBLBiles. (Try it both
ways until you decide if if want this 64,n on or offispl
USELC - This equate can be set to put the attribute
character(s) into lower case for
$SYS, $R/O and $ARCRCribute bitsloco
REVIs ths This equate will allow using reverse video on
se say, if available, to show the
attrirepte cha chaers; vidYS, $R/O and
$; C
LCW - This equate can be be to al usinthe use of
C and/or REVID, ONLY, if the WHEELLtion))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) is set
HIn pladisplay of the $U option, , inel specify the Drive/User with the
You may still ate he $U option if desired, although nseemem
DU: form$R$R$Rh easier and se logical method. File lengths over
four megabytes are re d correctlyloco
sles inel be stion)toption vertical or horizontal listings, although
this must be be when the program is assembled for a particular system.
The disucutHHcopy is disufor for cal alphabetizSSn sinC -most
non-RCPM users will like
aprefer this presentation. (SYSOPs will need
to set amsumber of equates and o sessemble the file in any eventispl
SD.COM hahaupport for .. files (an 'L' 64,n to list their mem-
ber files) and supporor a or the "WHEEL" byte 64,n. Size ohowbrary
mch aer files are showw 'k'loco
To use SD.COMfile i
B>SD ows all non .SYS files on current
SD *.* remome as SD <ret>
XC t?ve/ESls a help guide with a(slaes ocommands
of ithis 6XC t*.ASMASMtion)ts all .ASMhe n current
apvis auser
B HELLO.*.*ows all files this D/U starting ing HEL thei thei equa.TXT $ADDws all all ed Nhe n all all , i usersf tXC tMDM.* $ADL s all files ststng ng MDM on all
and user areaareain all liy eries
HIn addition to the filename option, up to 11 command line 64,ns
inel be specifiuldddOOon on lds are predisplayded by a single dollar signlocoExample: SD B:$ADnU0fpR s (Upp
tcase and/or lower-case e used.)
Snumber sdisplayr tthin the othe on field are insignificant i.e., "$ SADN U0FPshowis
equivalent to is
e S A D N U0
P"). The on
aexdisplay sta condisplayrns the
Rshow64,n, cannot remoy 5", must st n addU5", etcloco
Users shofor . also be CCare of two restrictions on the command line
format. SXC tscanporoentire ce cUSEine for a dollar sign precedboboat least 1 blank to delim nthe beginning othe the oe oe od. For this
o seson, invoking SD SD a A nd line such as: "SD $ $AEEa$Rillecll,
sinC -l lill consns
he first dleaar ar
L the the the de-
Foter. If d oneed to descify a filename whose first reeracter $ $ leaar r file mfile m it with a a code as in se fiXC tAAAsASMh". I. Ihis
usertanceewill consider ideider lor lor loign in inficant as nis
not not ded s sa a nkloco
You give u1 che ability to s isn/Olly search fatelYbfilename , cse
name begin de-h a '$$ HoweverRCRch msuwill be listed, along g
othertherif th thei mmSine beg $CU3show(or any other o stas) were spue,-
formd. U
OPTIreefAL COMMANDSfile i ----------------- In addAshow- aM.*sers: Causes SD to dse say directore ons of all
to po ses
rting as uns uneaeautHe ond iTIe
'Uhelneed or, if the CUCUtion is oCUCtted, o ses
0 and continuing up through the MAXUSR value from the
theiDRV-HIHI table. (suppEL=TRUE and the ) anLtion))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) set,
n addD er
isk o stay Allows SD tion)tsear; Cll dll d drives
online essressr 5ith )
Srst disk linallowed (nor-
maman addAshowshowiderEEa$r examplL Cn addSD B:$$ will result
in SD searching all drives s inni 5ith linBloco "SD $ADNwill resultcontSD sSD shing all fiuauto-
anni 5ith the A A , reclrdless what
lind os sated onloco
n addFFfile s ths ony The didiory file m
apvit "Sbe echoed to
file named "DISK.DIR
Sall f DEFAULT T . If
this name alSD <re cexists thes iL Cn user userut
apvit will
be APPENDEXC tto the end of the file. "DISwhoaraara
otherwise start as a new file. The aand feature al-
cor you to buildhe ne one massive file on on efault
lin $AEaining yogut fs of all of your disks,
gh file m hbubuo concantenate a swarm of ctedividhe ds$STIectory filesww"LLvailistlistny Library file memberUSRUavy n followededy their length in 'k'. The total lloweh of the entire
g SD in the 'F' and/or 'A' modes when you$Son't wans un64,n. e prompmodmlowing d odoy n. The ini-
number syse propro "Snot be
apvit intopro vailut file or tor t
the printer (if either is enabled).)."OOonlyonlys T $YS files: Most CP/Mll astemsmsve at . Tst s s
few T $YS msuwhichmsormally do ovmodmtion)ttion)t requethouggthert dirberUry listing. This fiuaN$4 reefLY thaute Nn
files. (R/O files sr 'g ny ovrmal listing.) It i files (very handy feat "Sn as folreversLBLng uore dSYSO$Rse ]d te oe quick
aat l .SYS ADNw (will l cae/e sety yut the
attribute charblater the lower case for 35th Nn and R/O
files, we recFfconsits use. REVB4 "Sallow using file i se
ve/Eeo SD <reractif burec
n adde e - printer osuppE
orOPs all S ole o
vt to Fchoed
show-in sP/M he )devidisplay, wUSEihe -Rmodmidhniciflengtseding ot
memo 0fiuaQ(RQuiccy sr 'NEW files: Sr ')
Sles that the
NOT have
ohive flag in a file's hin- te ceer- sety yuThis will o $$ files files s T been uploaded or recentlythertddlim HIHo. . example, te ve a he )of ing asL $$d
les in in sesn alas as is aul lFFenterfiuaN$XC t $ADQthe l lF the new files in just entlo se that d oare currentlalue f horged into ewrust e $juaiS(Rsyin a ed o Nn (Rsmands files unde included in the
user ut rather thaM hEXuppresLCW. (le. d
ltion)tyourhe attory fte o Sctercont the r case, easily and in sPs T disk
ng untier fiing ang aNn R/Oen .Sneed is exerciLCWy yu as msuwill also then Irentlttory fte o Scter inloco
nlae caseOOEVctorwill e o
sing reverse n ruloco
the thr lor $ (sls,fiuaQthert nd f(Ruser 64,ny A$STthe h a ific35tS
e user num-
ber for th 5ith files (vy of the ongnd fxxshowwhere the nk
#$Rgreatn addFhan 0, reptthe l greatn addFhan a h a ifi the fLLalue not ust e xdisplayed 15. The user therwDRVcllon
e in illrintal nabprop#$Rblatof rang. (omit-M. Rallow f this n$Rh a ifir 'gn a pre- ItM 2 mands em. nd f1showi files (leif w, reptbob 1showis notpu this respect, the 'ut op-
tion differs E am the otherase s iTIat ch aesesny theispblaes ; E mam/O files oaiV(RSD version number and date is ESlthe
"ai4, 6, or 8(Rslenames perthe ot beg tionS mhese will allowyourhe user tion)ts isny thedisplay mber of filesk per linsn addUed toe uLCWcont yo.-. The format used relates t s40, 64, or 80 o Scter displaycor ich 0fe 2, 3 or 4mplprogrames per line, respectivellows If MAXCL = YES,ww"h a ified value n ttorell d the memory n itHHde-d
ned by MAXC..)f MAXCL = NO)
Sl SD file i filenbblat 1yourhe value defined by NPL after aang TRUtional
fCUtt. If MAXCL= YE drivend WHLCL = YES then SD will
not allow the file oor anyse A nd line 64,ns and
will will cLBLalue stored at MAXC for ESlloco
If an unrecognized oneed "allow llrintal user therwDRVcllon) is
det user. Ih the c ond line e in played bblat 1 the cons$$ s uneshow-
point where the error wale,et useruld Ior any REPERR fiuaNis disabled,
, sull charbore et to syg os i A nd line number sst the SD aif w fieldlocoIn this situ35t, allsigniedepropnumber wou defrecet bblat 1 the
snaof i, if the all-DIR
and/or all-user 64,nsn al enabled it inel DEEETsirable to restrict seamayes. To facilit attthis, a(anes ois i$;
clu rn SD (d "se ]d at labeln addhe ne RVshowtteontinuing thHoh "he ARV")locoThe ta64lonsistL Cn ter.ingle this 6Xfor eblah linRsseamayborintin-
se ]d with 'A- Eblah this 6Xcant SD <rerangirs 0-31 and defineec
highestpropnumber user u, sull sr f for that paged cular orO The
highestl ldisplay mber be Clyt$Rdefined by the lengtse say or any(anblelocoIf four DBCP/present bettanen he ne RV and he ARV, then fiuA-XC tcan be
sr fuld The sARC -/Olin theu U the he ne Reehe ARV(anes oin ed,maecFmum
confimelratHHfor 16 $C. condtanO. delete all DBs referencing $Cn at are not e e ilaes oon on tDDmands. EveTIousplay, sull interuser ae a hattempts to seamay ov$;existTT $C, there reahen Eis no pointcontalDLow$RhXC tto always selytl lin sbe ed o chaeIr2 hor"O the nelocoDepending on r ' on t B taS is S trXC t?Ltand r 'long ith )akes to lee a hthe S, OS know oor any select error, it cofor . remove some time.
HYou donto theware to be runse ]d NZCPR or ZCPR2 to use the ) anL, MAXCL,
e SER, or MAXDRIVE this 6X of ctures, ini-st Ir on t signon or RBBS pro-
gram asscharb and store the corede values is iproper loc35ts to setn ese fenewres, or add code to BYEy yron ru the corede valuecor en thougg ovmte user hors on (beforo 0ntering ItMt thg