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File List
93 lines
CP/M. Sep. 1994. Walnut Creek CDROM.
Simtel CP/M Emacs Source
path: \simtel\emacs\src
Name Size Date Description
============ ======== ======== =====
00README.1ST 896 07-07-94
BASIC.C 2176 07-07-94 right arrow and left arrow; bound to
| keystrokes and also called by many overlays.
BSEARCH.C 3072 07-07-94 search backwards.
BUFFER.C 2304 07-07-94 this is what's left in the root segment from
| the original buffer.c
CCLASS.C 4480 07-07-94 "ctype" type of stuff.
CCLASS.H 256 07-07-94 character class, better for an editor than
| ctype.h
CFGNAMES.H 3072 07-07-94 belongs to mapkeys.c; It's in archive 1;
| cfgnames.h describes the mappings for
| overlays in ME.COM. It gives the UECS name,
| the key to which the name is bound by
| default, the overlay number, the function
| within the overlay, and the UECS command
| number. The default binding isn't necessarily
| the same as that in mapping.h. This file is
| included by both mapkeys.c and meconfig.c.
COPYREG.C 1024 07-07-94 "copy region" overlay command.
DOMAPKEY.SUB 128 07-07-94 How to compile mapkeys.c
ED.H 5632 07-07-94 microemacs main include file
FILENAME.C 1920 07-07-94 rename file; rename buffer
FILEREAD.C 640 07-07-94 read a new file into current buffer
FILERITE.C 640 07-07-94 write current buffer with new file name
FILESAVE.C 768 07-07-94 save
FILEVISI.C 2304 07-07-94 edit a new file in its own buffer, or, go to
| the buffer that already contains it. Finds
| their addresses by reading ME.SYM. Both of
| the programs are pretty nifty
GETREG.C 1792 07-07-94 subroutine included in the overlays of all
| "region" commands.
GROWWIN.C 1408 07-07-94 make window larger
KBUF.C 1408 07-07-94 store and recover deleted text
KILLBUF.C 1408 07-07-94 remove a buffer from the list of buffers and
| free its resources.
KILLREG.C 640 07-07-94 kill region
LDELETE.C 1792 07-07-94 delete "n" bytes
LDELNEWL.C 2688 07-07-94 delete a newline
LFREE.C 1280 07-07-94 free a line
LINE.C 2304 07-07-94 lalloc() and lchange()
LINSERT.C 2816 07-07-94 insert a character
LISTBUF.C 6016 07-07-94 list active buffers
LNEWLINE.C 1536 07-07-94 insert newline
LOWREG.C 896 07-07-94 lowercase region
MAPPING.H 5376 07-07-94 default bindings
MEDISP.C 2304 07-07-94 display a line
MEDISP.H 1024 07-07-94 microemacs display routines, include file
MEMAIN.C 2176 07-07-94 main()
MEMISC.C 1536 07-07-94 get input
MEML.C 4352 07-07-94 message line routines
METAB.C 512 07-07-94 binding tables.
METAB.H 2304 07-07-94 include file for programs that need to know
| about keystroke bindings and how they are
| handled.
MEUPDATE.C 4480 07-07-94
MEVT.C 1536 07-07-94
MEXEQ.C 1664 07-07-94
MVUPWIN.C 2048 07-07-94
ONLYWIN.C 2304 07-07-94
OVBGN.ASM 896 07-07-94
OVEXIT30.C 2304 07-07-94
OVKBDM29.C 1664 07-07-94
OVMDLN28.C 1664 07-07-94
OVMISC1.C 3200 07-07-94
OVOPEN32.C 384 07-07-94
OVOPWR33.C 256 07-07-94
OVREAD27.C 2176 07-07-94
OVREADIN.C 2688 07-07-94
OVUDFB31.C 8320 07-07-94 The most important overlay of all.
OVWORD1.C 3968 07-07-94
OVWRIT34.C 1280 07-07-94
POSTING.0 12672 07-07-94 slightly old general info from the internet
| posting.
POSTLIST.TXT 6183 07-07-94 some file descriptors from the internet
| posting.
READIN.C 896 07-07-94 Included by fileread...
SHRNKWIN.C 1280 07-07-94
SPLITWIN.C 2048 07-07-94
SRCDIST.LBR 185728 07-13-94 Library form of these files
TELANSI.C 1152 07-07-94
UPREG.C 896 07-07-94
USEBUF.C 1536 07-07-94
WINDOW.C 768 07-07-94
WRITEOUT.C 1408 07-07-94 Included by filesave, filerite...
Z80EMACS.DOC 6144 07-07-94 General intro, and commercial
ZMAXS01.LZR 89728 06-20-93 Crunched form of Library files of these files