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C/C++ Source or Header
810 lines
#include <stdio.h>
#include <new.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <File.h>
#include "Neural_network.h"
void Neural_network::allocate_matrices ()
// Time to allocate the entire neural_net structure
// Activation matrices
hidden1_act = new double [num_hidden1];
hidden2_act = new double [num_hidden2];
output_act = new double [num_outputs];
// Weight matrices
input_weights = new double [num_hidden1 * num_inputs];
hidden1_weights = new double [num_hidden2 * num_hidden1];
hidden2_weights = new double [num_outputs * num_hidden2];
// Learning rate matrices for each weight's learning rate.
// Needed for delta-bar-delta algorithm
input_learning_rate = new double [num_hidden1 * num_inputs];
hidden1_learning_rate = new double [num_hidden2 * num_hidden1];
hidden2_learning_rate = new double [num_outputs * num_hidden2];
// Learning rate deltas for each weight's learning rate.
// Needed for delta-bar-delta algorithm.
input_learning_delta = new double [num_hidden1 * num_inputs];
hidden1_learning_delta = new double [num_hidden2 * num_hidden1];
hidden2_learning_delta = new double [num_outputs * num_hidden2];
// Delta bar matrices for each weight's delta bar.
// Needed for delta-bar-delta algorithm.
input_learning_delta_bar = new double [num_hidden1 * num_inputs];
hidden1_learning_delta_bar = new double [num_hidden2 * num_hidden1];
hidden2_learning_delta_bar = new double [num_outputs * num_hidden2];
// Weight delta matrices for each weights delta.
// Needed for BackPropagation algorithm.
input_weights_sum_delta = new double [num_hidden1 * num_inputs];
hidden1_weights_sum_delta = new double [num_hidden2 * num_hidden1];
hidden2_weights_sum_delta = new double [num_outputs * num_hidden2];
// Sum of delta * weight matrices for each weight.
// Needed for BackPropagation algorithm.
hidden1_sum_delta_weight = new double [num_hidden2 * num_hidden1];
hidden2_sum_delta_weight = new double [num_outputs * num_hidden2];
/* Done neural net allocation */
void Neural_network::initialize_matrices (double range)
int x,y;
double rand_max;
training_examples = 0;
examples_since_update = 0;
rand_max = RAND_MAX;
/* Initialize all weights from -range to +range randomly */
for (x = 0; x < num_hidden1; ++x)
hidden1_sum_delta_weight [x] = 0.0;
for (y = 0; y < num_inputs; ++y)
input_weights [x * num_inputs + y] = rand () / rand_max * range;
if ( rand () < (RAND_MAX / 2) )
input_weights [x * num_inputs + y] *= -1.0;
input_weights_sum_delta [x * num_inputs + y] = 0.0;
input_learning_rate [x * num_inputs + y] = learning_rate;
input_learning_delta [x * num_inputs + y] = 0.0;
input_learning_delta_bar [x * num_inputs + y] = 0.0;
for (x = 0; x < num_hidden2; ++x)
hidden2_sum_delta_weight [x] = 0.0;
for (y = 0; y < num_hidden1; ++y)
hidden1_weights [x * num_hidden1 + y] = rand () / rand_max * range;
if ( rand () < (RAND_MAX / 2) )
hidden1_weights [x * num_hidden1 + y] *= -1.0;
hidden1_weights_sum_delta [x * num_hidden1 + y] = 0.0;
hidden1_learning_rate [x * num_hidden1 + y] = learning_rate;
hidden1_learning_delta [x * num_hidden1 + y] = 0.0;
hidden1_learning_delta_bar [x * num_hidden1 + y] = 0.0;
for (x = 0; x < num_outputs; ++x)
for (y = 0; y < num_hidden2; ++y)
hidden2_weights [x * num_hidden2 + y] = rand () / rand_max * range;
if ( rand () < (RAND_MAX / 2) )
hidden2_weights [x * num_hidden2 + y] *= -1.0;
hidden2_weights_sum_delta [x * num_hidden2 + y] = 0.0;
hidden2_learning_rate [x * num_hidden2 + y] = learning_rate;
hidden2_learning_delta [x * num_hidden2 + y] = 0.0;
hidden2_learning_delta_bar [x * num_hidden2 + y] = 0.0;
void Neural_network::deallocate_matrices ()
// Time to destroy the entire neural_net structure
// Activation matrices
delete hidden1_act;
delete hidden2_act;
delete output_act;
// Weight matrices
delete input_weights;
delete hidden1_weights;
delete hidden2_weights;
// Learning rate matrices for each weight's learning rate.
// Needed for delta-bar-delta algorithm
delete input_learning_rate;
delete hidden1_learning_rate;
delete hidden2_learning_rate;
// Learning rate deltas for each weight's learning rate.
// Needed for delta-bar-delta algorithm.
delete input_learning_delta;
delete hidden1_learning_delta;
delete hidden2_learning_delta;
// Delta bar matrices for each weight's delta bar.
// Needed for delta-bar-delta algorithm.
delete input_learning_delta_bar;
delete hidden1_learning_delta_bar;
delete hidden2_learning_delta_bar;
// Weight delta matrices for each weights delta.
// Needed for BackPropagation algorithm.
delete input_weights_sum_delta;
delete hidden1_weights_sum_delta;
delete hidden2_weights_sum_delta;
// Sum of delta * weight matrices for each weight.
// Needed for BackPropagation algorithm.
delete hidden1_sum_delta_weight;
delete hidden2_sum_delta_weight;
/* Done neural net deallocation */
Neural_network::Neural_network (int number_inputs, int number_hidden1,
int number_hidden2, int number_outputs,
double t_epsilon, double t_skip_epsilon,
double t_learning_rate, double t_theta,
double t_phi, double t_K, double range) :
num_inputs (number_inputs), num_hidden1 (number_hidden1),
num_hidden2 (number_hidden2), num_outputs (number_outputs),
epsilon (t_epsilon), skip_epsilon (t_skip_epsilon),
learning_rate (t_learning_rate), theta (t_theta), phi (t_phi),
K (t_K), training_examples (0), examples_since_update (0)
allocate_matrices ();
initialize_matrices (range);
Neural_network::Neural_network (char *filename, int& file_error,
double t_epsilon, double t_skip_epsilon,
double t_learning_rate, double t_theta,
double t_phi, double t_K) :
epsilon (t_epsilon), skip_epsilon (t_skip_epsilon),
learning_rate (t_learning_rate), theta (t_theta), phi (t_phi),
K (t_K), examples_since_update (0),
hidden1_act (0), hidden2_act (0), output_act (0),
input_weights (0), hidden1_weights (0), hidden2_weights (0),
input_learning_rate (0), hidden1_learning_rate (0),
hidden2_learning_rate (0), input_learning_delta (0),
hidden1_learning_delta (0), hidden2_learning_delta (0),
input_learning_delta_bar (0), hidden1_learning_delta_bar (0),
hidden2_learning_delta_bar (0), input_weights_sum_delta (0),
hidden1_weights_sum_delta (0), hidden2_weights_sum_delta (0),
hidden1_sum_delta_weight (0), hidden2_sum_delta_weight (0)
file_error = read_weights (filename);
int Neural_network::read_weights (char *filename)
File *fp;
int x;
long iter;
if ( ((fp = new File (filename,"rt")) == NULL) ||
(!fp->is_open ()) )
printf ("Could not read weights from file '%s'\n",filename);
return (-1);
/* First read in how many iterations have been performed so far */
fp->scan ("%ld",&iter);
printf ("Iterations = %ld\n",iter);
/* Next read in how many input nodes, hidden1 nodes, hidden2 nodes */
/* and output nodes. */
fp->scan ("%d%d%d%d",&num_inputs,&num_hidden1,&num_hidden2,&num_outputs);
// Deallocate previous matrices
deallocate_matrices ();
/* Allocate new matrices with new size */
allocate_matrices ();
// Initialize all matrices and variables
initialize_matrices (1.0);
training_examples = iter;
/* Read input->hidden1 weights from file. */
for (x = 0; x < num_inputs * num_hidden1; ++x)
fp->scan ("%lf",&input_weights [x]);
/* Read hidden1->hidden2 weights from file. */
for (x = 0; x < num_hidden1 * num_hidden2; ++x)
fp->scan ("%lf",&hidden1_weights [x]);
/* Read hidden2->output weights from file. */
for (x = 0; x < (num_hidden2 * num_outputs); ++x)
fp->scan ("%lf",&hidden2_weights [x]);
/* Now all the weights have been loaded */
delete fp;
return (0);
int Neural_network::save_weights (char *filename)
File *fp;
int x;
if ( ((fp = new File (filename,"wt")) == NULL) ||
(!fp->is_open ()) )
printf ("Could not save weights to file '%s'\n",filename);
return (-1);
/* First write out how many iterations have been performed so far */
fp->form (" %ld\n",training_examples);
/* Next write out how many input nodes, hidden1 nodes, hidden2 nodes */
/* and output nodes. */
fp->form (" %d %d %d %d\n",num_inputs,num_hidden1,num_hidden2,num_outputs);
/* Write input->hidden1 weights to output. */
for (x = 0; x < num_inputs * num_hidden1; ++x)
fp->form ("%10.5f ",input_weights [x]);
if ( (x % 5) == 4 )
fp->form ("\n");
fp->form ("\n\n");
/* Write hidden1->hidden2 weights to output. */
for (x = 0; x < num_hidden1 * num_hidden2; ++x)
fp->form ("%10.5f ",hidden1_weights [x]);
if ( (x % 5) == 4 )
fp->form ("\n");
fp->form ("\n\n");
/* Write hidden2->output weights to output. */
for (x = 0; x < (num_hidden2 * num_outputs); ++x)
fp->form ("%10.5f ",hidden2_weights [x]);
if ( (x % 5) == 4 )
fp->form ("\n");
fp->form ("\n\n");
fp->flush ();
printf ("Flushed file\n");
fp->close ();
printf ("Closed file\n");
delete fp;
/* Now all the weights have been saved */
return (0);
void Neural_network::set_size_parameters (int number_inputs,
int number_hidden1, int number_hidden2,
int number_outputs, double range)
double *new_input_weights,*new_hidden1_weights,*new_hidden2_weights;
double rand_max;
int x;
rand_max = RAND_MAX;
// Allocate new weight matrices with new size
new_input_weights = new double [number_hidden1 * number_inputs];
new_hidden1_weights = new double [number_hidden2 * number_hidden1];
new_hidden2_weights = new double [number_outputs * number_hidden2];
// Copy over all weights
// Input weights
for (x = 0; x < number_hidden1 * number_inputs; ++x)
// IF the new size is larger than the old size, THEN make new connections
// a random weight between +-range.
if ( x >= (num_hidden1 * num_inputs) )
new_input_weights [x] = rand () / rand_max * range;
if ( rand () < (RAND_MAX / 2) )
new_input_weights [x] *= -1.0;
new_input_weights [x] = input_weights [x];
// Hidden1 weights
for (x = 0; x < number_hidden2 * number_hidden1; ++x)
// IF the new size is larger than the old size, THEN make new connections
// a random weight between +-range.
if ( x >= (num_hidden2 * num_hidden1) )
new_hidden1_weights [x] = rand () / rand_max * range;
if ( rand () < (RAND_MAX / 2) )
new_hidden1_weights [x] *= -1.0;
new_hidden1_weights [x] = hidden1_weights [x];
// Hidden2 weights
for (x = 0; x < number_outputs * number_hidden2; ++x)
// IF the new size is larger than the old size, THEN make new connections
// a random weight between +-range.
if ( x >= (num_outputs * num_hidden2) )
new_hidden2_weights [x] = rand () / rand_max * range;
if ( rand () < (RAND_MAX / 2) )
new_hidden2_weights [x] *= -1.0;
new_hidden2_weights [x] = hidden2_weights [x];
// All weights have been copied.
// Change size paramters
num_inputs = number_inputs;
num_hidden1 = number_hidden1;
num_hidden2 = number_hidden2;
num_outputs = number_outputs;
// Deallocate all matrices
deallocate_matrices ();
// Allocate new nerual network matrices with the correct size and initialize
allocate_matrices ();
initialize_matrices (1.0);
// Now deallocate new randomly initialized weight matrices and assign them
// to the new weight matrices that have the correct weight values.
delete input_weights;
delete hidden1_weights;
delete hidden2_weights;
input_weights = new_input_weights;
hidden1_weights = new_hidden1_weights;
hidden2_weights = new_hidden2_weights;
void Neural_network::back_propagation (double input [],
double desired_output [],
int& done)
int x,y;
int size;
double delta,sum_delta,*weight,*p_sum_delta,*p_learning_delta;
/* First check if training complete. */
for (x = num_outputs - 1; x >= 0; --x)
if ( fabs (desired_output [x] - output_act [x]) > epsilon )
done = 0;
/* Go backward through list for speed */
size = num_hidden2;
/* First calculate deltas of weights from output to hidden layer 2. */
for (x = num_outputs - 1; x >= 0; --x)
weight = &hidden2_weights [x * size];
p_sum_delta = &hidden2_weights_sum_delta [x * size];
p_learning_delta = &hidden2_learning_delta [x * size];
for (y = num_hidden2 - 1; y >= 0; --y)
/* Formula delta = (desired - actual) * derivative
derivative = S(1 - S)
Also calculate sum of deltas * weight for next layer.
delta = (desired_output [x] - output_act [x])
* SLOPE * output_act [x] * (1.0 - output_act [x]);
hidden2_sum_delta_weight [y] += delta * weight [y];
p_learning_delta [y] += delta;
/* Now multiply by activation and sum in weights sum delta */
p_sum_delta [y] += delta * hidden2_act [y];
/* Next calculate deltas of weights between hidden layer2 and hidden
layer 1 */
size = num_hidden1;
for (x = num_hidden2 - 1; x >= 0; --x)
sum_delta = hidden2_sum_delta_weight [x];
weight = &hidden1_weights [x * size];
p_sum_delta = &hidden1_weights_sum_delta [x * size];
p_learning_delta = &hidden1_learning_delta [x * size];
for (y = num_hidden1 - 1; y >= 0; --y)
/* Formula delta = SUM (previous deltas*weight)
* derivative
previous deltas already muliplied by weight.
derivative = S(1 - S)
Also calculate sum of deltas * weight to save from doing
it for next layer.
delta = sum_delta * hidden2_act [x] *
(1.0 - hidden2_act [x]) * SLOPE;
hidden1_sum_delta_weight [y] += delta * weight [y];
p_learning_delta [y] += delta;
/* Now multiply by activation and sum in weights_sum_delta */
p_sum_delta [y] += delta * hidden1_act [y];
hidden2_sum_delta_weight [x] = 0.0;
/* Finally calculate deltas of weights between hidden layer 1 and input
layer */
size = num_inputs;
for (x = num_hidden1 - 1; x >= 0; --x)
sum_delta = hidden1_sum_delta_weight [x];
p_sum_delta = &input_weights_sum_delta [x * size];
p_learning_delta = &input_learning_delta [x * size];
for (y = num_inputs - 1; y >= 0; --y)
/* Formula delta = SUM (previous deltas*weight)
* derivative * activation of input
previous deltas already muliplied by weight
derivative = S(1 - S)
delta = sum_delta * hidden1_act [x] *
(1.0 - hidden1_act [x]) * SLOPE;
p_learning_delta [y] += delta;
p_sum_delta [y] += (delta * input [y]);
hidden1_sum_delta_weight [x] = 0.0;
/* Now all deltas have been calculated and added into their appropriate
neuron connection. */
double Neural_network::calc_forward (double input [], double desired_output [],
int& num_wrong, int& skip, int print_it,
int& actual_printed)
int x,y,wrong;
int size;
double *weight,error,abs_error;
skip = 1;
wrong = 0;
error = 0.0;
/* Go backward for faster processing */
/* Calculate hidden layer 1's activation */
size = num_inputs;
for (x = num_hidden1 - 1; x >= 0; --x)
hidden1_act [x] = 0.0;
weight = &input_weights [x * size];
for (y = num_inputs - 1; y >= 0; --y)
hidden1_act [x] += (input [y] * weight [y]);
hidden1_act [x] = S(hidden1_act [x]);
/* Calculate hidden layer 2's activation */
size = num_hidden1;
for (x = num_hidden2 - 1; x >= 0; --x)
hidden2_act [x] = 0.0;
weight = &hidden1_weights [x * size];
for (y = num_hidden1 - 1; y >= 0; --y)
hidden2_act [x] += (hidden1_act [y] * weight [y]);
hidden2_act [x] = S(hidden2_act [x]);
/* Calculate output layer's activation */
size = num_hidden2;
for (x = num_outputs - 1; x >= 0; --x)
output_act [x] = 0.0;
weight = &hidden2_weights [x * size];
for (y = num_hidden2 - 1; y >= 0; --y)
output_act [x] += hidden2_act [y] * weight [y];
output_act [x] = S(output_act [x]);
abs_error = fabs (output_act [x] - desired_output [x]);
error += abs_error;
if ( abs_error > epsilon )
wrong = 1;
if ( abs_error > skip_epsilon )
skip = 0;
if ( wrong )
if ( print_it == 2 )
for (x = 0; x < num_outputs; ++x)
printf ("%6.4f ",output_act [x]);
else if ( print_it && wrong )
for (x = 0; x < num_outputs; ++x)
printf ("%6.4f ",fabs (desired_output [x] - output_act [x]));
return (error);
void Neural_network::update_weights ()
int x,y;
int size;
double rate,*p_ldelta,*p_ldelta_bar,*weight,*p_lrate,*p_sum_delta;
// Check to see if any changes have been calculated.
if ( examples_since_update == 0 )
/* Go backward for slightly faster processing */
/* First add deltas of weights from output to hidden layer 2. */
size = num_hidden2;
for (x = num_outputs - 1; x >= 0; --x)
p_ldelta = &hidden2_learning_delta [x * size];
p_ldelta_bar = &hidden2_learning_delta_bar [x * size];
weight = &hidden2_weights [x * size];
p_lrate = &hidden2_learning_rate [x * size];
p_sum_delta = &hidden2_weights_sum_delta [x * size];
for (y = num_hidden2 - 1; y >= 0; --y)
rate = p_ldelta [y] * p_ldelta_bar [y];
if ( rate < 0.0 )
p_lrate [y] -= (phi * p_lrate [y]);
else if ( rate > 0.0 )
p_lrate [y] += K;
weight [y] += (p_lrate [y] * p_sum_delta [y]);
p_sum_delta [y] = 0.0;
p_ldelta_bar [y] *= theta;
p_ldelta_bar [y] += ((1.0 - theta) * p_ldelta [y]);
p_ldelta [y] = 0.0;
/* Next add deltas of weights between hidden layer2 and hidden
layer 1 */
size = num_hidden1;
for (x = num_hidden2 - 1; x >= 0; --x)
p_ldelta = &hidden1_learning_delta [x * size];
p_ldelta_bar = &hidden1_learning_delta_bar [x * size];
weight = &hidden1_weights [x * size];
p_lrate = &hidden1_learning_rate [x * size];
p_sum_delta = &hidden1_weights_sum_delta [x * size];
for (y = num_hidden1 - 1; y >= 0; --y)
rate = p_ldelta [y] * p_ldelta_bar [y];
if ( rate < 0.0 )
p_lrate [y] -= (phi * p_lrate [y]);
else if ( rate > 0.0 )
p_lrate [y] += K;
weight [y] += (p_lrate [y] * p_sum_delta [y]);
p_sum_delta [y] = 0.0;
p_ldelta_bar [y] *= theta;
p_ldelta_bar [y] += ((1.0 - theta) * p_ldelta [y]);
p_ldelta [y] = 0.0;
/* Finally add deltas of weights between hidden layer 1 and input
layer */
size = num_inputs;
for (x = num_hidden1 - 1; x >= 0; --x)
p_ldelta = &input_learning_delta [x * size];
p_ldelta_bar = &input_learning_delta_bar [x * size];
weight = &input_weights [x * size];
p_lrate = &input_learning_rate [x * size];
p_sum_delta = &input_weights_sum_delta [x * size];
for (y = num_inputs - 1; y >= 0; --y)
rate = p_ldelta [y] * p_ldelta_bar [y];
if ( rate < 0.0 )
p_lrate [y] -= (phi * p_lrate [y]);
else if ( rate > 0.0 )
p_lrate [y] += K;
weight [y] += (p_lrate [y] * p_sum_delta [y]);
p_sum_delta [y] = 0.0;
p_ldelta_bar [y] *= theta;
p_ldelta_bar [y] += ((1.0 - theta) * p_ldelta [y]);
p_ldelta [y] = 0.0;
/* Now all deltas have been added into their appropriate neuron
connection. */
training_examples += examples_since_update;
examples_since_update = 0;
int Neural_network::calc_forward_test (double input [],
double desired_output [],
int print_it, double correct_eps,
double good_eps)
int x,y,wrong,good;
wrong = 0;
good = 0;
/* Go backward for faster processing */
/* Calculate hidden layer 1's activation */
for (x = num_hidden1 - 1; x >= 0; --x)
hidden1_act [x] = 0.0;
for (y = num_inputs - 1; y >= 0; --y)
hidden1_act [x] += (input [y] *
input_weights [x * num_inputs + y]);
hidden1_act [x] = S(hidden1_act [x]);
/* Calculate hidden layer 2's activation */
for (x = num_hidden2 - 1; x >= 0; --x)
hidden2_act [x] = 0.0;
for (y = num_hidden1 - 1; y >= 0; --y)
hidden2_act [x] += (hidden1_act [y] *
hidden1_weights [x*num_hidden1 + y]);
hidden2_act [x] = S(hidden2_act [x]);
/* Calculate output layer's activation */
for (x = num_outputs - 1; x >= 0; --x)
output_act [x] = 0.0;
for (y = num_hidden2 - 1; y >= 0; --y)
output_act [x] += hidden2_act [y] *
hidden2_weights [x * num_hidden2 + y];
output_act [x] = S(output_act [x]);
if ( fabs (output_act [x] - desired_output [x]) > good_eps )
wrong = 1;
else if ( fabs (output_act [x] - desired_output [x]) > correct_eps )
good = 1;
if ( print_it )
for (x = 0; x < num_outputs; ++x)
printf ("%6.4f ",output_act [x]);
if ( wrong )
return (WRONG);
else if ( good )
return (GOOD);
return (CORRECT);
void Neural_network::kick_weights (double range)
int x;
double rand_max;
double variation;
rand_max = RAND_MAX;
/* Add from -range to +range to all weights randomly */
for (x = 0; x < (num_hidden1 * num_inputs); ++x)
variation = rand () / rand_max * range;
if ( rand () < (RAND_MAX / 2) )
variation *= -1.0;
input_weights [x] += variation;
for (x = 0; x < (num_hidden2 * num_hidden1); ++x)
variation = rand () / rand_max * range;
if ( rand () < (RAND_MAX / 2) )
variation *= -1.0;
hidden1_weights [x] += variation;
for (x = 0; x < (num_outputs * num_hidden2); ++x)
variation = rand () / rand_max * range;
if ( rand () < (RAND_MAX / 2) )
variation *= -1.0;
hidden2_weights [x] += variation;