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Text File
782 lines
Developed by: Paul Klink
Documentation covers release: 1.03
Release Status: ShareWare (See end of doc.)
Retab is a task that allows you to reformat ascii text files
so that the tab characters represent a different number of
characters. This is best explained by explaining the reason why
I wrote this program. It all started like this .........
I have a C compiler so I write C programs. When
one writes C source files one indents various lines of
text in the source file to make it easier to
understand. For example:
printf("Print this\n");
i = 0; /*initialise i*/
while (i < 10)
printf("i now equals %d\n", i);
i = i + 1; /*increment i*/
printf("Counting finished\n");
Ignore all the gobbledygook and just note how 2 of the
lines are indented and 2 of them have comments after
them. One can indent them by either typing in the
extra spaces before the line or one can indent them by
inserting tab characters. I find editing much easier
if I indent the lines in my source files by using tabs.
No problems so far.
The problem begins when one gets fussy about how
far one wants to indent lines. Over the years I have
determined that for me, the optimum indent size for C
source files is 3 characters. So I set up my text
editor accordingly, and write my files. Now comes the
problem! When I either:
- type the files to the screen,
- print the files on particular printers
- or even, try to debug the program under
Lattice C CodeProbe debugger,
the whole file format is a mess as the tab characters
are interpreted to represent 8 characters rather than 3
characters as my editor did. Columns don't align,
lines are far longer, words are not where I expect them
etc. Even worse, some devices I have used do not like
any tab characters.
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My solution to this problem is this program. It
will add/remove spaces/tabs so that the file is
reformatted for an environment that uses a different
size tab. Then you can print the file out in that
environment and it will look exactly the same as it did
in the other environment.
A quick definition of a tab character. This is
'the ascii character that is inserted in the file when
the TAB key on the keyboard is pressed. This is almost
always ascii 9'. Note: This does not include the case
where the TAB character is expanded to the relevant
number of space characters.
This program can operate on any text file. It can reformat
it for new tab size, convert all tabs into spaces or it can
convert spaces into tabs. It will follow a set of rules that
ensure that the reformatting is done correctly. C programmers
take note, an option exists that will ensure that any white space
enclosed within double quotes will not be reformatted. Even C
escaped double quotes (ie. \") and C comments are handled with
this option. Another option will allow you to protect white
space that is enclosed within any specified ascii character.
Another option allows you to trim all spaces and tabs at the end
of the lines. You can even use the Amiga shell environmental
variables to specify various options.
Now down to the nitty gritty.
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The process Retab can only be used from the CLI or SHELL
environment. The following command line starts the process
retab [opts] <source file> [opts] [<dest. file>] [opts]
opts are sets of options that can be
<source file> is the name of the source file. This
file holds the data that is to be
<dest. file> is the name of the file to which the
reformatted data will be sent.
[] All parameters enclosed within square
brackets are optional.
As you can see, the only parameter that has to be included is the
source file name. If the destination file name is not specified,
then the source file is overwritten with the reformatted data.
The options let you control how the reformatting is to be
done. If an option is not specified on the command line, then a
default value will be used for that option. In some cases, the
default can be specified by Amiga environmental variables. The
following four notes relate to how options are specified on the
command line.
NOTES: * The order of options on the command line is not
* The option letters are shown in lower case letters
below. They can be entered in either UPPER or
LOWER case letters.
* Some options may be followed by some data relating
to that option (Eg. A Number). The option and the
data may be separated by an equal sign (=). The
equal sign is shown below within square brackets
to show that it is optional. Do not type in the
square brackets in any case.
* Options can be strung together in one command line
parameter. For example:
-nt specifies both options -n and -t
-n-t also specifies options -n and -t
-nti=3 specifies options -n, -t and -i.
The -i option uses the data 3.
If an option is followed by data, that option must
be the last option specified in the command line
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The next section describes all the options that can be specified
on the command line.
-i[=]<source file tab size>
This option specifies what number of characters
the tabs represent in the source file. The number
can be in the range of 0 to 32767. If -i=0 is
specified, then the following happens.
Retab will replace strings of white
space with tab characters. Any existing
tab characters in the source file
represent a size as specified by the -o
If -i=0 and -o=0, then no retabbing will
If this option is not specified on the command
line, then retab will try to obtain this value by
examining the number inside the environmental
variable 'ReTabInTab'. If this environmental
variable does not exist, or it does not contain a
valid numerical string, or the -n option is
specified, then the default value of 8 is used.
-o[=]<destination file tab size>
This option specifies what number of characters
the tabs will represent in the destination file.
The number can be in the range of 0 to 32767. If
-o=0 is specified, the following happens.
Retab will expand all tabs in the source
file into the relevant number of spaces
in the destination file.
If this option is not specified on the command
line, then retab will try to obtain this value by
examining the number inside the environmental
variable 'ReTabOutTab'. If this environmental
variable does not exist, or if it does not contain
a valid numerical string, or the -n option is
specified, then the default value of 0 is used.
This option will trim all lines of any trailing
spaces and/or tabs as it reformats it. That is,
the line will end at the last visible character.
This option will also be active if the
environmental variable 'ReTabTrim' exists and the
-n option is not specified. It does not matter
what ReTabTrim contains.
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-p[[=]<protect character>]
In some cases you might want spaces and tabs that
are enclosed within a certain character, not to be
reformatted. This will be especially true of
strings within language source files.
Example: (Say a variant of BASIC)
PHONE1$ = 'J. Smith 876-5432'
PHONE2$ = 'S. Jackson 765-4321'
In this example, you do not want to reformat any
tabs or spaces between the character ' hence, in
the command line you would specify <-p='> (do not
include the <> characters).
If there are an odd number of <protect characters>
on the line, then all of the tabs and spaces after
the last <protect character> to the end of the
line are protected. Trimming though will still
occur if the -t option is specified.
If -p is placed on the command line without a
<protect character> then the default character "
(double quote) is used.
If the -p option is not specified on the command
line, then (if the -n option is not specified)
retab will see if the environmental variable
'ReTabProtect' exists. If so, the protect feature
will be active and the protect character will be
the first character in the string contained in the
environmental variable. A double quote character
will be used if it holds a Null string.
This option is very similar to the -p=" option but
it is used for reformatting C source files. Like
-p=", it will protect all spaces and tabs between
double quote characters, but with the following
two differences.
- It will detect C escaped double quotes,
(that is, \") and it will not consider
these as protect characters.
- It will not consider any double quote
characters that are within C comment
fields to be protect characters.
Always use this option if you are reformatting C
source files.
This option will also be active if the
environmental variable 'ReTabCQuote' exists and
the -n option is not specified. It does not
matter what ReTabCQuote contains.
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If this option is specified, it will disable retab
from checking for environmental variables if an
option is not specified on the command line. The
inbuilt default will be used for all options not
-l[=]<Maximum Source file line length>
This specifies the maximum length line the source
file can have within it. If a line in the source
file is longer than this, the task will abort the
retab operation and print a message showing which
line number was too long. This feature will
probably help you if you inadvertently retab a
binary file. It also is used internally in the
program to determine how much memory is needed.
The value specified must be in the range 0 to
32767. If this option is not specified on the
command line, a default value of 256 is used.
This option prints a help message to the standard
output file (normally the screen). This message
summarises what retab does and how it is used. It
briefly describes all the options. The message
will also display the programs release number.
There are 5 environmental variables which can be set up to
specify what actions the process retab should take if the
relevant options are not on the command line. In effect, these
environmental variables specify new defaults. The -n option
forces the program to ignore all environmental variables and use
the inbuilt defaults. The use of the environmental variables is
covered in the previous section, but they will be summarised
ReTabInTab (-i option)
This environmental variable defines the default size of
tabs in the source file. It must contain a numerical
ascii string in the range 0 to 32767.
ReTabOutTab (-o option)
This environmental variable defines the default size of
tabs in the destination file. It must contain a
numerical ascii string in the range 0 to 32767.
ReTabTrim (-t option)
If this environmental variable exists, then all lines
will be trimmed of trailing spaces and tabs. The
contents of ReTabTrim are ignored.
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ReTabProtect (-p option)
The first character within this environmental variable
is the protect character to be used. If it does not
contain any characters, a double quote character (") is
used. All spaces and tabs enclosed within the protect
character are not reformatted.
ReTabCQuote (-c option)
If this environmental variable exists, all spaces and
tabs enclosed within double quote characters (") will
not be reformatted. Double quote characters are not
considered as protect characters in the following two
instances. A C escaped double quote character (\") is
not considered one of the protect characters. Double
quotes within C comment fields are not considered as
protect characters.
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The following examples demonstrate the usage of the task
a) If you have a file called 'mysrc' that in which tabs
represent 3 spaces and you want them to represent 8 spaces:
retab mysrc -i=3 -o=8
b) If you want to also trim all lines of trailing spaces and
retab -i=3 -o=8 mysrc -t
Note that the position of options in the command line do not
c) You may always want to trim all lines. To save you from
always having to type in the option -t, you may specify it
with its environmental variable.
setenv ReTabTrim 1
retab -i=3 mysrc -o=8
retab -i=3 yoursrc -o=8
It does not matter what data the environmental variable
ReTabTrim contains.
d) You may want to leave the file 'mysrc' unchanged but create
a new file, 'newdest', which has the new format.
retab mysrc newdest -i=3 -o=8
e) If the new file is to have all the tab characters replaced
by spaces:
retab -i=3 mysrc -o=0 spacdest
Once again, note that the position of the options in the
command line do not matter.
f) If you want to replace spaces in a file with tabs (you may
find it easier to edit the file this way):
retab -i=0 spacesrc -o=4 tabdest
The file 'tabdest' will have as many spaces as allowable
replaced with tabs that represent a size of four characters.
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g) You may need to do this for a lot of files. In this case it
would be easier to set up some environmental variables. You
may also want to trim the lines of some of these files.
setenv ReTabInTab 0
setenv ReTabOutTab 4
setenv ReTabTrim
retab spac1src tab1dest
retab spac2src tab2dest
retab spac3src tab3dest
retab -i=3 tab1src -o=0 spac1dest
retab -i=3 tab2src spac2dest -n
The second last line in the above examples, show how the
command line options will overrule environmental variables.
File spac1dest will have no tabs within it. The last line
shows the action of the -n option. File 'spac2dest' will
not have any of its lines trimmed. It will also have all
its tabs replaced by spaces as that is the inbuilt default.
h) C programmers should always reformat their C source files
with the -c option.
retab -i=3 csrc.c -co=8 cdest.c
setenv ReTabCQuote 1
retab -i=3 csrc.c -o=8 cdest.c
i) Some other files may use other characters to mark strings or
other data. An example are the Lattice LMK files
(makefiles). They use the character < to enclose data.
retab -i=0 makesrc -o=8 makedest -p=<
j) If you have a file that has very long lines in it, say up to
10000 characters, you will have to use the -l option.
retab -i=3 longsrc -o=8 longdest -l=10001
Do not make the -l value too large or retab may not be able
to run as it may not be able to get enough memory for its
internal work areas. In this case you will get the message,
'Could not obtain the required memory!'
and it will not perform the retabbing operation.
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k) If you have files with tab characters representing a size of
3 characters, you could develop a special 'type' command for
these files.
alias mytype retab -i=3 -o=8 [] *
mytype <source file>
l) Retab can be used to trim all lines of trailing spaces and
tabs without any retabbing of tabs within a file.
retab -i0 -o0 -t srcfile
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This section presents some technical information about how
the task works.
- The Retabbing
Retab identifies space/tab groups. Space/tab groups are
sets of consecutative characters that are either space or
tab characters. Space/tab groups can not cross line
If the -i option <> 0
The spaces and tabs within a space/tab group will be
reformatted if that space/tab group contains at least
one tab character. Otherwise the spaces in the
space/tab group will not be retabbed.
If the -i option = 0
As in the previous case, spaces and tabs within a
space/tab group will be reformatted if that space/tab
group contains at least one tab character. All tab
characters represent a tab size as specified by the
-o option.
If there are only spaces in the space/tab group, it
will still be reformatted if the group covers at least
one tab division on the line. A line is divided into
tab divisions. The -o option specifies the size of
these divisions. For example, on a line:
If -o=3,
characters 1 to 3 - 1st tab division
characters 4 to 6 - 2nd tab division
characters 7 to 9 - 3rd tab division
If -o=8,
characters 1 to 8 - 1st tab division
characters 9 to 16 - 2nd tab division
characters 17 to 24 - 3rd tab division
If -i=0 and -o=0 then tab divisions are undefined as no
retabbing takes place.
Note: If the -i option does not equal 0,
then the -i option specifies the
tab division size in the source
file and the -o option specifies
the tab division size in the
destination file.
- Temporary files and multitasking.
If the retab is started with no destination file in the
command line (ie, source file will be overwritten), retab
will create a temporary file in which it places the
reformatted data. In this case, if the retabbing was
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successful, then the source file is deleted and the
temporary file is renamed to the name of the source file.
This temporary file will always be created in the same
directory as the source file. It will have the name:
xx is a number between 00 and 99
Retab will always ensure that it does not overwrite an
existing temporary file. This allows retab to be made
resident and more that one copy of it can run
simultaneously. Retab is a pure process!
If for any reason retab is aborted, then you may have to
purge the directory of any retab temporary files.
- Command line parameters
Some notes about command line parameters.
* For the -i, -o, and -l options, white space may be
placed between the option and the option data. If the
equal sign is used (=), then it must immediately follow
the option letter.
* For the -p option, no white space can exist between the
option letter and the option data.
* If a file name contains white space, enclose it within
double quotes.
* If a file name begins with a dash (-), then the file
will have to be renamed as retab cannot accept a file
name beginning with a dash.
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Three files should be included within this package:
retab The executable process
retab.doc This documentation in ascii format
retab.wpf This documentation in WordPerfect
format. (Amiga version 4.1)
No ancillary files are required when running retab.
This is shareware and the normal shareware rules apply. If
you find this program useful you owe me. Say $20 (AUS). Send
cheques payable to an Australian Bank to my address:
Paul Klink
PO. Box 169
Woori-Yallock 3139
I'm interested in any feedback. Especially of bugs. If you find
any bugs, and want an immediate update, I'll try my best to fix
them as soon as possible and send you out an update BUT you will
have to have registered plus send $7 for disk and postage.
If you are interested in the source files, write to me and I
will think about it.
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