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1,303 lines
; *** Include Library for Handling Character Strings ***
; 05.08.89 v 1.770 JM =AMIGA= Metacc Macro Assembler
; Edited: two bugs fixed on GETIWORD -> v1.3 12.11.88
; <ESC>, <LF>, "*" included to BLKCPY -> v1.4 20.11.88
; JM's STRCMP added -> v1.5 21.11.88
; "addslash, remslash, extfname" added ->1.51 22.11.88
; "peekword" added, "strlib" changed to use BSR ->1.52 TM 25.11.88
; "blkncpy, getbcpl, putbcpl" -> v1.53 25.11.88
; "stable" added, ".S"'s added to branches
; -> v1.55 29.12.88
; "strscmpi" added -> v1.56 14.01.89
; "sblk, chkslash" added -> v1.57 20.01.89
; "getbcpl" modified to return a1 -> v1.58 19.02.89
; "findnth" added -> v1.59 19.02.89
; "ptrlist, listlen, strlist, tsort" added -> v1.6 20.02.89
; "tokcmp, findtok" added -> v1.61 20.02.89
; "gettokw" added -> v1.62 01.03.89
; "strcmpi, tsorti, strrev" added -> v1.7 04.03.89
; sortentry.comments added -> v1.71 04.03.88
; bubble inflation included into "tsort" and
; "tsorti" -> v1.72 07.03.89
; pull's changed for a68k -> v1.73 11.03.89
; comments of "stable" mod. -> v1.74 260389
; "tokcmp" debugt (now does not change a0 if
; it points to NULL) -> v1.75 110589
; "getrawdata" created -> v1.76 210589
; *t, *T added to "blkcpy" -> v1.761 050689
; "blkcpy" now does not convert any T into
; a tabulator -> v1.762 100689
; code compressed & speeded up -> v1.763 22.06.89
; "findtok" debugt (now accepts also 'z' in the word)
; -> v1.764 02.07.89
; "addsuffix" and "remsuffix" created by JM -> v1.77 050889
; "findtok" changed to skip over the token (at a0),
; if it found the token from the list (just
; as 'tokcmp' does) -> v1.764b 07.08.89
*T STRLIB.I * Metacc Include File
*T Version 1.77b
*T Date 07.08.89
; peekword (peek integer string /double longword/)
; in: a0=*string;
; call: strlib peekword;
; out: d1:d0=string;
; notes: /see getiwordu/
; getiword (get integer string /double longword/)
; in: a0=*string;
; call: strlib getiword;
; out: a0=*newstring; d1:d0=string;
; notes: /included characters are:/
; /a-z, A-Z for first character/
; /a-z, A-Z, 0-9 for other characters/
; /no more than 8 characters will be fetched/
; getiwordu (get integer string and ucase /double longword/)
; in: a0=*string;
; call: strlib getiwordu;
; out: a0=*newstring; d1:d0=string;
; notes: /see getiword/
; getrawdata (get raw data string)
; in: a0=*from, a1=*to;
; call: strlib getrawdata;
; out: a0=*from_rest, a1=*to_end, d0=length_of_TO;
; notes: /The 'raw data' may include one or more
; of the following elements, separated by
; commas, ending with a blank or NULL:
; "blubblub" 8-bit ascii data
; 123 or 123.b 8-bit decimal data
; $ab or $ab.b 8-bit hexadec data
; 1234.w 16-bit decimal data
; $12ab.w 16-bit hexadec data
; 123456.l 32-bit decimal data
; $12ab56.l 32-bit hexadec data
; ** Requires 'numlib' (getval)
; /
; ucase (convert character to upper case /byte/)
; in: d0=char;
; call: strlib ucase;
; out: d0=newchar;
; locase (convert character to lower case /byte/)
; in: d0=char;
; call: strlib locase;
; out: d0=newchar;
; skipblk (skip blanks /32, 9, 10/)
; in: a0=*string;
; call: strlib skipblk;
; out: a0=*newstring; d0=num_of_skipped_chars;
; sblk (simple skip blanks /32, 9, 10/)
; in: a0=*;
; call: strlib sblk;
; out: a0=*;
; isalpha (check if alpha /a-z, A-Z/)
; in: d0=char;
; call: strlib isalpha;
; out: p=(flags) result; /eq if true/
; isalphanum (check if alphanumeric /a-z, A-Z, 0-9/)
; in: d0=char;
; call: strlib isalphanum;
; out: p=(flags) result; /eq if true/
; isnumeric (check if numeric /0-9/)
; in: d0=char;
; call: strlib isnumeric;
; out: p=(flags) result; /eq if true/
; strupr (string to upper case /null terminated/)
; in: a0=*string;
; call: strlib strupr;
; strlwr (string to lower case /null terminated/)
; in: a0=*string;
; call: strlib strlwr;
; strcpy (string copy /null terminated/)
; in: a0=*source_string; a1=*target_string;
; call: strlib strcpy;
; strscmp (simple string compare /null terminated/)
; in: a0=*first_string; a1=*second_string;
; call: strlib strscmp;
; out: p.z=(boolean) result; /eq if equals/
; notes: /does not compare alpha order, just/
; /equality/
; strscmpi (simple string compare /case-insensitive/)
; in: a0=*first_string; a1=*second_string;
; call: strlib strscmpi;
; out: p.z=(boolean) result; /eq if equals/
; notes: /does not compare alpha order, just/
; /equality/
; blkncpy (string copy /length-limited blkcpy/)
; in: a0=*source_string; a1=*target_string; d0=max_length;
; call: strlib blkncpy
; out: a0=*rest_of_string=*(BLANK or NULL);
; a1=*after_target_string=(*NULL)+1;
; d0=num_of_chars_left_in_buffer;
; notes: /*n, *N = newline (10)/
; /*e, *E = esc (27)/
; /*t, *T = tab (9)/
; blkcpy (string copy /blank or comma terminated/)
; in: a0=*source_string; a1=*target_string;
; call: strlib blkcpy;
; out: a0=*rest_of_string=*(BLANK or NULL);
; a1=*after_target_string=(*NULL)+1;
; notes: /the target string will be null-terminated/
; /whilst the source string terminates/
; /with either blank, comma or null/
; /quotes "" enbrace strings with blanks/
; /"*" (in quotes) as in the CLI cmds/
; isblank (check if blank /32, 9, 10/)
; in: d0=char;
; call: strlib isblank;
; out: p.z=(boolean) result; /eq if blank/
; strlen (compute string length & end address/ null terminated)
; in: a0=*string;
; call: strlib strlen;
; out: d0=length; a0=(*NULL)+1;
; strnth (find nth string in list / null terminated/)
; in: a0=*string_list; d0=(uword) count;
; call: strlib strnth;
; out: a0=*string; d0=(uword) $ffff;
; notes: /high speed, 4 instructions incl. rts./
; /each string of the list is terminated/
; /with a null byte. double-null (end-of-list)/
; /will not be noticed./
; findnth (find string from list /null terminated/)
; in: a0=*string; a1=*list;
; call: strlib findnth;
; out: d0=count;
; notes: /0 stands for the first string, -1 for error/
; /the list should be terminated by an empty/
; /string./
; strcmp (compare strings /null terminated/)
; in: a0=*first_string; a1=*second_string;
; call: strlib strcmp;
; out: p.flags=result;
; notes: /results flags as CMP first_string, second_string/
; /compares also lexicographity/
; strcmpi (compare strings /case-insensitive/)
; in: a0=*first_string; a1=*second_string;
; call: strlib strcmpi;
; out: p.flags=result;
; notes: /see strcmp/
; addslash (add slash into end of string if not / or :)
; in: a0=*string;
; call: strlib addslash;
; out: a0=*(NULL);
; remslash (remove slash , if present, from end of pathname)
; in: a0=*string;
; call: strlib remslash;
; out: a0=*(NULL);
; chkslash (check if a this string ends with a / or :)
; in: a0=*string;
; call: strlib chkslash;
; out: p.z=result /Z is set if no "/" or ":"/;
; extfname (extract file name from a valid path+filename)
; in: a0=*string;
; call: strlib extfname;
; out: a0=*filename;
; notes: if no filename is present, the last directoryname
; must be followed by slash (/).
; strend (find end of string)
; in: a0=*string;
; call: strlib strend;
; out: a0=*(NULL)+1;
; putbcpl (convert TO BCPL string)
; in: a0=*string; a1=*bcpl_string;
; call: strlib putbcpl;
; out: -
; notes: /the pointers are both APTRs and NOT BPTRs/
; getbcpl (convert FROM BCPL string)
; in: a0=*bcpl_string; a1=*string;
; call: strlib getbcpl;
; out: a1=*NULL;
; notes: /the pointers are both APTRs and NOT BPTRs/
; stable (seek string from table with modulo)
; in: a0=*string, a1=*string_list, d0=*modulo;
; call: strlib stable;
; out: a0=*data_item /==NULL if not found/;
; notes: /the value returned points to the data area/
; /of the string. the parameter given in d0/
; /specifies the length of the data entry./
; /this entry is overskipped between the/
; /string items. a NULL character must exist/
; /after each string./
; /condition codes are set according to the result./
; ptrlist (create string pointer list)
; in: a0=*string_list; a1=*room_for_ptrlist;
; d0=max_number_of_ptrs;
; call: strlib ptrlist;
; out: d0=number_of_ptrs;
; notes: /the string list in a0 should be terminated/
; /by an empty string/
; /collects the starting addresses for each/
; /string into the ptrlist./
; listlen (measure length of a string list)
; in: a0=*string_list;
; call: strlib listlen;
; out: d0=number_of_bytes; d1=number_of_strings;
; notes: /d0 is the number of bytes occupied by/
; /the list, including the end nulls/
; /d1 is the number of the string in the list/
; strlist (convert a ptrlist into a stringlist)
; in: a0=*ptr_list; a1=*room_for_stringlist;
; d0=len_of_buffer;
; call: strlib strlist;
; out: d0=number_of_strings;
; notes: /the check for overflow is only made/
; /between the strings, thus the value/
; /in d0 should be buffersize-<length-of/
; /longest-string>/
; tsort (bubble-sort a ptrlist)
; in: a0=*ptr_list;
; call: strlib tsort;
; notes: /a rather slow (?) way of doing this/
; /empty strings separate "units": only/
; /the units within a unit are ordered./
; /the order of units is not changed./
; tsorti (bubble-sort a ptrlist /case-insensitive/)
; in: a0=*ptr_list;
; call: strlib tsorti;
; notes: /see tsort/
; tokcmp (token compare /case-insensitive/)
; in: a0=*first_string; a1=*second_string;
; call: strlib tokcmp;
; out: p.z=equality; /EQ if token match/
; a0=*end_of_1st_string /if they were EQ;
; otherwise unchanged/
; notes: /first_string may be terminated with/
; /either NULL or BLANK, the second_string/
; /must terminate with a NULL./
; /the first_string does not need to match/
; /the entire string, just the given chars/
; /from the beginning/
; findtok (find token from list /case-insensitive/)
; in: a0=*token; a1=*list;
; call: strlib findtok;
; out: d0=count; /-1 =^ not found/
; a0=*end_of_token /not changed if not found/
; notes: /see tokcmp/
; gettokw (get a token word)
; in: a0=txtptr; a1=*buffer; d0=(UWORD)buffer_length;
; call: strlib gettokw;
; out: a0=txtptr /updated/ ; a1=*buffer;
; p.c=error; /c=1 if buffer overflow/
; notes: /a token word:/
; /- begins with a-z|A-Z|.|_/
; /- other chrs are a-z|A-Z|0-9|.|_/
; /- must be at least 1 char. long/
; strrev (reverse string /null-terminated/)
; in: a0=*string;
; call: strlib strrev;
; notes: /created just for fun - the 40th routine!/
; addsuffix (add suffix (".<suffix>") into end of string)
; in: a0=*suffix; a1=*string;
; call: strlib addsuffix;
; out: a1=*(NULL)+1; a0=*(NULL)+1
; remsuffix (remove suffix, if present, from end of string)
; in: a0=*string;
; call: strlib remsuffix;
; out: a0=*(NULL);
strlib macro
ifnc '\1',''
_STRF\1 set 1
bsr _STR\1
ifd _STRFgetrawdata
_STRgetrawdata push d1-d3/a2-a3
move.l a1,a3
_STRgetrawd1 move.b (a0),d0
beq _STRgetrawd0
cmp.b #32,d0
beq _STRgetrawd0
cmp.b #9,d0
beq _STRgetrawd0
cmp.b #10,d0
beq _STRgetrawd0
cmp.b #'"',d0
bne.s _STRgetrawd2
addq.w #1,a0
_STRgetrawd1b move.b (a0),d0
beq _STRgetrawd0
addq.w #1,d0
move.b d0,(a1)+
cmp.b #'"',d0
bne.s _STRgetrawd1b
subq.w #1,a1
_STRgetrawd1c cmp.b #',',(a0)
bne _STRgetrawd0
addq.w #1,a0
strlib sblk
bra.s _STRgetrawd1
_STRgetrawd2 cmp.b #'-',d0
bne _STRgetrawd3
addq.w #1,a0
numlib getval
neg.l d0
_STRgetrawd2a move.l d0,d1
cmp.b #'.',(a0)
bne.s _STRgetrawd2b
move.b 1(a0),d0
strlib ucase
cmp.b #'B',d0
bne.s _STRgetrawd2c
_STRgetrawd2b move.b d0,(a1)+
_STRgetrawd2b1 lea.l 2(a0),a0
bra.s _STRgetrawd1c
_STRgetrawd2c cmp.b #'W',d0
bne.s _STRgetrawd2d
move.b d0,1(a1)
lsr.l #8,d0
move.b d0,(a1)
lea.l 2(a1),a1
bra.s _STRgetrawd2b1
_STRgetrawd2d cmp.b #'L',d0
bne _STRgetrawd1c
move.b d0,3(a1)
lsr.l #8,d0
move.b d0,2(a1)
lsr.l #8,d0
move.b d0,1(a1)
lsr.l #8,d0
move.b d0,(a1)
lea.l 4(a1),a1
bra.s _STRgetrawd2b1
_STRgetrawd3 numlib getval
bra _STRgetrawd2a
_STRgetrawd0 move.l a1,d0
sub.l a3,d0
pull d1-d3/a2-a3
ifd _STRFstrrev
_STRstrrev push a0-a1/d0
move.l a0,a1
_STRstrrev1 tst.b (a1)+
bne.s _STRstrrev1
subq.w #1,a1
bra.s _STRstrrev3
_STRstrrev2 move.b (a0),d0
move.b -(a1),(a0)+
move.b d0,(a1)
_STRstrrev3 cmp.l a1,a0
blo.s _STRstrrev2
pull a0-a1/d0
ifd _STRFgettokw
_STRgettokw push d0-d1/a1
move.l d0,d1
strlib sblk
move.b (a0)+,d0
cmp.b #'.',d0
beq.s _STRgettokw1 ;tokenword exists
cmp.b #'_',d0
beq.s _STRgettokw1
cmp.b #'A',d0
blo.s _STRgettokw0 ;not tokenword
cmp.b #'Z',d0
bls.s _STRgettokw1
cmp.b #'a',d0
blo.s _STRgettokw0
cmp.b #'z',d0
bls.s _STRgettokw1
_STRgettokw0 subq.w #1,a0
clr.b (a1)
pull d0-d1/a1
_STRgettokw.e pull d0-d1/a1 ;buffer overflow
_STRgettokw1 move.b d0,(a1)+
subq.w #1,d1
beq.s _STRgettokw.e
move.b (a0)+,d0
cmp.b #'.',d0
beq.s _STRgettokw1
cmp.b #'_',d0
beq.s _STRgettokw1
cmp.b #'0',d0
blo.s _STRgettokw0
cmp.b #'9',d0
bls.s _STRgettokw1
cmp.b #'A',d0
blo.s _STRgettokw0
cmp.b #'Z',d0
bls.s _STRgettokw1
cmp.b #'a',d0
blo.s _STRgettokw0
cmp.b #'z',d0
bls.s _STRgettokw1
bra.s _STRgettokw0
ifd _STRFtokcmp
_STRtokcmp push d0-d1/a1
move.l a0,-(sp)
tst.b (a0)
beq.s _STRtokcmp.ne
_STRtokcmp1 move.b (a0)+,d0
beq.s _STRtokcmp.eq
cmp.b #32,d0
beq.s _STRtokcmp.eq
cmp.b #9,d0
beq.s _STRtokcmp.eq
cmp.b #10,d0
beq.s _STRtokcmp.eq
strlib ucase
move.b (a1)+,d1
beq.s _STRtokcmp.ne
cmp.b #'a',d1
blo.s _STRtokcmp.nlc
cmp.b #'z',d1
bhi.s _STRtokcmp.nlc
sub.b #32,d1
_STRtokcmp.nlc cmp.b d0,d1
beq.s _STRtokcmp1
_STRtokcmp.ne move.l (sp)+,a0
moveq #1,d0
bra.s _STRtokcmp0
_STRtokcmp.eq tst.b d0
bne.s _STRtokcmp.eq1
subq.w #1,a0
_STRtokcmp.eq1 addq.w #4,sp
moveq #0,d0
_STRtokcmp0 pull d0-d1/a1
ifd _STRFlistlen
_STRlistlen move.l a0,-(sp)
move.l a0,d0
moveq #-1,d1
_STRlistlen1 tst.b (a0)+
bne.s _STRlistlen1
addq.l #1,d1
tst.b (a0)+
bne.s _STRlistlen1
sub.l a0,d0
neg.l d0
move.l (sp)+,a0
ifd _STRFptrlist
_STRptrlist push a0/a1/d1
move.l d0,d1
moveq.l #-1,d0
_STRptrlist1 move.l a0,(a1)+
addq.l #1,d0
tst.b (a0)
beq.s _STRptrlist3
_STRptrlist2 tst.b (a0)+
bne.s _STRptrlist2
cmp.l d1,d0
blo.s _STRptrlist1
_STRptrlist3 clr.l -(a1)
pull a0/a1/d1
tst.l d0
ifd _STRFstrlist
_STRstrlist push a0-a3/d1
move.l d0,a3
add.l a1,a3
moveq.l #0,d0
_STRstrlist1 move.l (a0)+,a2
move.l a2,d1
beq.s _STRstrlist0
_STRstrlist2 move.b (a2)+,(a1)+
bne.s _STRstrlist2
clr.b (a1)+
addq.l #1,d0
cmp.l a3,d0
blo.s _STRstrlist1
_STRstrlist0 clr.b (a1)
pull a0-a3/d1
tst.l d0
ifd _STRFtsort
_STRtsort push a0-a3/d0-d2
move.l a0,a3
_STRtsort1 move.l a3,a2
moveq #0,d2
_STRtsort2 move.l (a2)+,d0
beq.s _STRtsort3
move.l d0,a0
move.l (a2),d0
beq.s _STRtsort3
move.l d0,a1
strlib strcmp
bhs.s _STRtsort2 ;right order?
move.l a0,(a2) ;no,
move.l a1,-4(a2) ;exc.
addq.l #1,d2
subq.l #4,a2
cmp.l a3,a2
beq.s _STRtsort2
subq.l #4,a2
bra.s _STRtsort2
_STRtsort3 tst.l d2 ;more rounds?
bne.s _STRtsort1
pull a0-a3/d0-d2
ifd _STRFtsorti
_STRtsorti push a0-a3/d0-d2
move.l a0,a3
_STRtsorti1 move.l a3,a2
moveq #0,d2
_STRtsorti2 move.l (a2)+,d0
beq.s _STRtsorti3
move.l d0,a0
move.l (a2),d0
beq.s _STRtsorti3
move.l d0,a1
strlib strcmpi
bhs.s _STRtsorti2 ;right order?
move.l a0,(a2) ;no,
move.l a1,-4(a2) ;exc.
addq.l #1,d2
subq.l #4,a2
cmp.l a3,a2
beq.s _STRtsorti2
subq.l #4,a2
bra.s _STRtsorti2
_STRtsorti3 tst.l d2 ;more rounds?
bne.s _STRtsorti1
pull a0-a3/d0-d2
ifd _STRFfindnth
_STRfindnth push a0-a2 ;a0=str, a1=list: d0=cnt
moveq.l #0,d0
1$ move.l a0,a2
2$ cmpm.b (a1)+,(a2)+
bne.s 3$
tst.b -1(a1)
bne.s 2$
0$ pull a0-a2
tst.l d0
3$ subq.w #1,a1
31$ tst.b (a1)+ ; find end
bne.s 31$
4$ addq.l #1,d0
tst.b (a1) ; last?
bne.s 1$
5$ moveq.l #-1,d0 ; not found
bra.s 0$
ifd _STRFfindtok
_STRfindtok push a1-a2/d1-d2 ;a0=token, a1=list: d0=cnt
moveq.l #0,d2
_STRfindtok1 move.l a0,a2
_STRfindtok2 move.b (a2)+,d0
beq.s _STRfindtok0 ;end; found
cmp.b #32,d0
beq.s _STRfindtok0
cmp.b #9,d0
beq.s _STRfindtok0
cmp.b #10,d0
beq.s _STRfindtok0
strlib ucase
move.b (a1)+,d1
beq.s _STRfindtok3
cmp.b #'a',d1
blo.s _STRfindtok.nlc
cmp.b #'z',d1
bhi.s _STRfindtok.nlc
sub.b #32,d1
_STRfindtok.nlc cmp.b d0,d1
bne.s _STRfindtok3
tst.b d1
bne.s _STRfindtok2
_STRfindtok0 lea.l -1(a2),a0
_STRfindtok0b move.l d2,d0
pull a1-a2/d1-d2
_STRfindtok3 tst.b d1 ; skip to next string
beq.s _STRfindtok4
_STRfindtok3b tst.b (a1)+ ; find end
bne.s _STRfindtok3b
_STRfindtok4 addq.l #1,d2
tst.b (a1) ; last?
bne.s _STRfindtok1
_STRfindtok5 moveq.l #-1,d2 ; not found
bra.s _STRfindtok0b
ifd _STRFstrend
_STRstrend tst.b (a0)+
bne.s _STRstrend
ifd _STRFgetbcpl
_STRgetbcpl push a0/d0
moveq #0,d0
move.b (a0)+,d0
subq.w #1,d0
bmi.s _getbcpl2
_getbcpl1 move.b (a0)+,(a1)+
dbf d0,_getbcpl1
_getbcpl2 clr.b (a1)
pull a0/d0
ifd _STRFputbcpl
_STRputbcpl push a0/d0
move.l a1,-(sp)
addq.l #1,a1
moveq #-1,d0
_putbcpl1 addq.b #1,d0
move.b (a0)+,(a1)+
bne.s _putbcpl1
move.l (sp)+,a1
move.b d0,(a1)
pull a0/d0
ifd _STRFpeekword
_STRpeekword move.l a0,-(sp)
strlib getiwordu
move.l (sp)+,a0
tst.l d0
ifd _STRFgetiwordu
_STRgetiwordu strlib getiword
moveq #7,d1
push a0
move.l a1,a0
_getiwordu1 move.b (a0),d0
strlib ucase
move.b d0,(a0)+
dbf d1,_getiwordu1
move.l (a1),d1
move.l 4(a1),d0
bne.s _getiwordu2
tst.l d1
_getiwordu2 pull a0/a0
ifd _STRFgetiword
_STRgetiword moveq #0,d1
_getiword1 move.b (a0)+,d0
lea _getiwordt(pc),a1
move.l d1,(a1)
move.l d1,4(a1)
strlib isalpha
bne.s _getiword3
move.b d0,7(a1)
_getiword2 move.b (a0)+,d0
strlib isalphanum
bne.s _getiword3
move.b 1(a1),(a1)
move.b 2(a1),1(a1)
move.b 3(a1),2(a1)
move.b 4(a1),3(a1)
move.b 5(a1),4(a1)
move.b 6(a1),5(a1)
move.b 7(a1),6(a1)
move.b d0,7(a1)
tst.b (a1)
beq.s _getiword2
addq.l #1,a0
_getiword3 subq.l #1,a0
move.l (a1),d1
move.l 4(a1),d0
beq.s _getiword4
tst.l d1
_getiword4 rts
_getiwordt dc.l 0,0
ifd _STRFisalphanum
_STRisalphanum strlib isalpha
beq.s _isalphanum1
strlib isnumeric
_isalphanum1 rts
ifd _STRFisalpha
_STRisalpha cmp.b #'A',d0
blo.s _isalpha1
cmp.b #'z',d0
bhi.s _isalpha1
cmp.b #'a',d0
bhs.s _isalpha2
cmp.b #'Z',d0
bhi.s _isalpha1
_isalpha2 cmp.b d0,d0
_isalpha1 rts
ifd _STRFisnumeric
_STRisnumeric cmp.b #'0',d0
blo.s _isnumeric1
cmp.b #'9',d0
bhi.s _isnumeric1
cmp.b d0,d0
_isnumeric1 rts
ifd _STRFstrupr
_STRstrupr push a0
_strupr1 move.b (a0),d0
strlib ucase
move.b d0,(a0)+
bne.s _strupr1
pull a0
ifd _STRFstrlwr
_STRstrlwr push a0
_strlwr1 move.b (a0),d0
strlib locase
move.b d0,(a0)+
bne.s _strlwr1
pull a0
ifd _STRFucase
_STRucase cmp.b #'a',d0
blo.s _ucase1
cmp.b #'z',d0
bhi.s _ucase1
sub.b #32,d0
_ucase1 rts
ifd _STRFlocase
_STRlocase cmp.b #'A',d0
blo.s _locase1
cmp.b #'Z',d0
bhi.s _locase1
add.b #32,d0
_locase1 rts
ifd _STRFstrcpy
_STRstrcpy push a0-a1
_strcpy1 move.b (a0)+,(a1)+
bne.s _strcpy1
pull a0-a1
ifd _STRFblkcpy
_STRblkcpy move.l d0,-(sp)
moveq #-1,d0
strlib blkncpy
move.l (sp)+,d0
ifd _STRFblkncpy
_STRblkncpy push d1
move.l d0,d1
cmp.b #34,(a0)
beq.s _blkncpy3
_blkncpy1 move.b (a0)+,d0
tst.l d1
beq.s _blkncpy1b
move.b d0,(a1)+
subq.l #1,d1
_blkncpy1b tst.b d0
beq.s _blkncpy2
cmp.b #32,d0
beq.s _blkncpy2
cmp.b #9,d0
beq.s _blkncpy2
cmp.b #',',d0
beq.s _blkncpy2
cmp.b #10,d0
bne.s _blkncpy1
_blkncpy2 subq.l #1,a0
subq.l #1,a1
_blkncpy5 tst.l d1
beq.s _blkncpy7
clr.b (a1)+
subq.l #1,d1
_blkncpy7 move.l d1,d0
pull d1/d1
_blkncpy3 addq.l #1,a0
_blkncpy4 move.b (a0)+,d0
beq.s _blkncpy5
cmp.b #34,d0
beq.s _blkncpy5
cmp.b #'*',d0
bne.s _blkncpy7i
move.b (a0)+,d0
beq.s _blkncpy5
cmp.b #'n',d0
beq.s _blkncpyN
cmp.b #'N',d0
bne.s _blkncpynN
_blkncpyN moveq #10,d0
bra.s _blkncpy6
_blkncpynN cmp.b #'e',d0
beq.s _blkncpyE
cmp.b #'E',d0
bne.s _blkncpy6
_blkncpyE moveq #27,d0
_blkncpy6 cmp.b #'t',d0
beq.s _blkncpyT
cmp.b #'T',d0
bne.s _blkncpy7i
_blkncpyT moveq #9,d0
_blkncpy7i tst.l d1
beq.s _blkncpy4
move.b d0,(a1)+
subq.l #1,d1
bra.s _blkncpy4
ifd _STRFstrscmp
_STRstrscmp push a0-a1/d0
_strscmp1 move.b (a0)+,d0
cmp.b (a1)+,d1
bne.s _strscmp2
tst.b d0
bne.s _strscmp1
_strscmp2 pull a0-a1/d0
ifd _STRFstrscmpi
_STRstrscmpi push a0-a1/d0-d1
_strscmpi1 move.b (a0)+,d0
move.b (a1)+,d1
cmp.b #'A',d0
blo.s _strscmpi3
cmp.b #'Z',d0
bhi.s _strscmpi3
add.b #$20,d0
_strscmpi3 cmp.b #'A',d1
blo.s _strscmpi4
cmp.b #'Z',d1
bhi.s _strscmpi4
add.b #$20,d1
_strscmpi4 cmp.b d1,d0
bne.s _strscmpi2
tst.b d0
bne.s _strscmpi1
_strscmpi2 pull a0-a1/d0-d1
ifd _STRFskipblk
_STRskipblk moveq #0,d0
_sskipblk1 cmp.b #32,(a0)
beq.s _sskipblk2
cmp.b #10,(a0)
beq.s _sskipblk2
cmp.b #9,(a0)
beq.s _sskipblk2
_sskipblk2 addq.l #1,a0
addq.l #1,d0
bra _sskipblk1
ifd _STRFisblank
_STRisblank cmp.b #32,d0
beq.s _isblank1
cmp.b #10,d0
beq.s _isblank1
cmp.b #9,d0
_isblank1 rts
ifd _STRFsblk
_STRsblk move.w d0,-(sp)
_STRsblk1 move.b (a0)+,d0
cmp.b #32,d0
beq.s _STRsblk1
cmp.b #10,d0
beq.s _STRsblk1
cmp.b #9,d0
beq.s _STRsblk1
move.w (sp)+,d0
subq.w #1,a0
ifd _STRFstrlen
_STRstrlen move.l a0,d0
_strlen1 tst.b (a0)+
bne.s _strlen1
sub.l a0,d0
addq.l #1,d0
neg.l d0
ifd _STRFstrnth
_STRstrnth1 tst.b (a0)+
bne.s _STRstrnth1
_STRstrnth dbf d0,_STRstrnth1
ifd _STRFstrcmp
_STRstrcmp push a0-a1/d0-d1
_strcmp1 move.b (a0)+,d0 cmp str(a0),str(a1)
beq.s _strcmpe1
move.b (a1)+,d1
beq.s _strcmpe2
cmp.b d0,d1
beq.s _strcmp1
_strcmpe pull a0-a1/d0-d1
_strcmpe1 tst.b (a1)+
beq.s _strcmpe
moveq.l #1,d0
bra.s _strcmpe
_strcmpe2 moveq.l #-1,d0
bra.s _strcmpe
ifd _STRFstrcmpi
_STRstrcmpi push a0-a1/d0-d1
_strcmpi1 move.b (a0)+,d0 cmp str(a0),str(a1)
beq.s _strcmpie1
cmp.b #'A',d0
blo.s _strcmpi1a
cmp.b #'Z',d0
bhi.s _strcmpi1a
add.b #32,d0
_strcmpi1a move.b (a1)+,d1
beq.s _strcmpie2
cmp.b #'A',d1
blo.s _strcmpi1b
cmp.b #'Z',d1
bhi.s _strcmpi1b
add.b #32,d1
_strcmpi1b cmp.b d0,d1
beq.s _strcmpi1
_strcmpie pull a0-a1/d0-d1
_strcmpie1 tst.b (a1)+
beq.s _strcmpie
moveq.l #1,d0
bra.s _strcmpie
_strcmpie2 moveq.l #-1,d0
bra.s _strcmpie
ifd _STRFstable
_STRstable push a1-a2/d0-d2
move.l a0,a2 ;a0=string, a1=list, d0=modulo
move.l d0,d2
_stable1 move.l a2,a0 ;restore string pointer
tst.b (a1)
beq.s _stable5 ;end of table?
_stable2 cmpm.b (a0)+,(a1)+
bne.s _stable3 ;difference found
tst.b -1(a0)
bne.s _stable2 ;end of string?
move.l a1,a0 ;return data pointer
_stable0 move.l a0,d0 ;data ptr in a0, =0 if not fnd
pull a1-a2/d0-d2
_stable3 subq.w #1,a1
_stable4 tst.b (a1)+
bne.s _stable4
add.l d2,a1 ;add modulo
bra.s _stable1 ;next string
_stable5 sub.l a0,a0 ;string not found
bra.s _stable0
ifd _STRFaddslash
_STRaddslash tst.b (a0)+
bne.s _STRaddslash
subq.w #2,a0
cmp.b #':',(a0)
beq.s _addslash2
cmp.b #'/',(a0)+
beq.s _addslash3
move.b #'/',(a0)+
clr.b (a0)
_addslash2 addq.w #1,a0
_addslash3 rts
ifd _STRFchkslash
_STRchkslash move.l a0,-(sp)
_chkslash1 tst.b (a0)+
bne.s _chkslash1
subq.w #2,a0
cmp.b #':',(a0)
beq.s _chkslash2
cmp.b #'/',(a0)
beq.s _chkslash2
cmp.b d0,d0 ;EQ
move.l (sp)+,a0
_chkslash2 cmp.b #'.',(a0) ;NE
move.l (sp)+,a0
ifd _STRFremslash
_STRremslash tst.b (a0)+
bne.s _STRremslash
subq.w #2,a0
cmp.b #'/',(a0)+
bne.s _remslash1
clr.b -(a0)
_remslash1 rts
ifd _STRFextfname
_STRextfname push d0/a1
move.l a0,a1
_extfname1 tst.b (a0)+
bne.s _extfname1
_extfname2 move.b -(a0),d0
cmp.b #':',d0
beq.s _extfname3
cmp.b #'/',d0
beq.s _extfname3
cmp.l a0,a1
bne.s _extfname2
subq.w #1,a0
_extfname3 addq.w #1,a0
pull d0/a1
ifd _STRFremsuffix
_STRremsuffix push a1-a2 a0=string
move.l a0,a1
1$ tst.b (a0)+
bne.s 1$
lea -1(a0),a2 end NULL of string
2$ cmpi.b #'.',-(a0)
beq.s 3$
cmp.l a1,a0
bhi.s 2$
move.l a2,a0 no suffix found
3$ clr.b (a0)
pull a1-a2
ifd _STRFaddsuffix
_STRaddsuffix push d0 a1=dest; a0=suffix
10$ move.b (a1)+,d0
beq.s 11$
cmp.b #'.',d0
bne.s 10$
11$ move.b #'.',-1(a1)
12$ move.b (a0)+,(a1)+
bne.s 12$
pull d0