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AMIGA-FTTERM - a 3278 emulation program for IBM mainframes
using 3708 protocol convertor.
This program was written because of the I wanted a specific
3278 emulation program. If you are an IBM terminal user,
you will appreciate (I hope), the similarity with this program
to the 3278 terminal and 3278 functionality.
This program was written on an Amiga 1000, with a one meg
Insider board. It is written in assembler, and at the time of writing
is 22,220 bytes. As it opens one 8 colour window (32k) and 1 4k serial
buffer for a total of 58 k (approx), any Amiga should be able to run it.
What separates this program from other emulators is:
. An operator information line that includes the system clock
. 6 Colours (two more for requestors)
. Printing capability
. print screen
. 3287 local prints
. Efficient control character transmission
. Code specific for the 3278 world
. keypad defined as PF KEYS
Some of these features are a result of using the 3708 IBM PC FTTERM
protocal and other features are a result of the program.
Getting started.
This program runs from the CLI. It has not been coded (yet)
to run from workbench.
You should have the dataset "DEFAULT.SET" in your current
directory. The program picks up all the options from this file
including BAUD rate and your choice of colours. If you don't
have DEFAULT.SET, you get my choice.
Do not try to change the order of the data in this file.
If you do, your BAUD rate will be very strange and the colours
even stranger. The only thing that you should change in this
file is either the BAUD or the colours.
BAUD can be set at
. 300
. 600
. 1200
. 2400
. 4800
. 9600 (lucky you)
Colours can be set at
|||========> blue values 0-9,a-f
||=========> green values 0-9,a-f
|==========> red values 0-9,a-f
000 is black
fff is white
00f is blue
0f0 is green
f00 is red
Some values in DEFAULT.SET file are irrelevant - half duplex
for example doesn't make much sense, as well as COM 1, COM 2.
(Hold overs from the IBM PC world.) Parity is also fixed for now.
Start the program from the CLI by:
ATDTXXXXXXX usually gets you connected.
When you receive <CONNECT XXXX > , hit enter. A list of
emulators is displayed. Select IBM PC FTTERM Colour.
The number on your network may vary, but as an example
the IBM PC FTTERM colour is "1a" on our host system.
The keyboard functions can be displayed using either the
help key or the menu - help . They are :
RESET - CTRL r ;- use this if parity or <OP> system code
RESHOW - CTRL u ; -use if you need to redisplay the screen
INSERT - CTRL i ; -insert key
CLEAR - CTRL c ; -clear screen
ERASE - CTRL e ; -erase end of file
PRINT - CTRL p ; -print the screen
QUIT - CTRL q ; -quit
ATTENTION CTRL s ; -system attention
PA1 CTRL f1 ; -Page1 key
PA2 CTRL f2 ; -Page2 key
PF1-PF10 F1 - F10 ; -
PF11-PF20 SHIFT F1 - F10 ;
| 7=PF1 | 8=PF2 | 9=PF3 |
| 4=PF4 | 5=PF5 | 6=PF6 |
| 1=PF7 | 2=PF8 | 3=PF9 |
| 0=PF10 | .=PF11|
| -=PF12| ENTER |
For the Amiga 500 or 2000, the keypad is slightly different,
but the keys will perform the same function.
(if you want a numeric key pad , sorry, old 3278
diehards want this too.)
All other keys are normal - delete, tab, backspace etc.
If you have any problems using the keyboard, you can
always refer to (sigh) the 3708 reference manual.
Menu Selection
The menu titled "PROG" contains the
. WINDOW to BACK function
. help
. credits
. quit
The menu titled "BAUD" needs no further explaination.
The menu titled "CONTROL" contains the special key functions
. Reset - use if parity or <OP> conditions arise
(<OP>-trying to type in a protected field).
. Reshow - for a complete screen redisplay
. Print Screen - Dumps the screen to printer
. System Attention - takes you out to netsol
. PA1 and PA2 -
The menu titled FILE TRansfer will do nothing in
with this release. Read on.
The menu titled COLOURS will also do nothing
The menu titled Script will also do nothing.
Print screen. Press CTRL-p.
Print dataset - you can print a host dataset by
using host printing functions. For example, using the TSO
DSPRINT function you can print the host dataset on your printer.
IMS local prints can be directed to the printer as well. To do this,
the network must have the dial port defined as a MLU- a Multiple
Logical Unit. MLU's can be known as NAUs (Network addressable units).
One dial port is a standard SLU-2, the additional
definition on the same port is a SLU-P. Define the SLU-P as a node
10 greater than the SLU-2 (for example). If the SLU-2 is defined
as DNODE002, then the printer node is defined as DNODE012.
Print is directed to DNODE012(for example). This program will pick
up the datastream and print it.
IMS local prints are simple. A change call to the alternate
IOPCB using the lterm DNODE012, then inserts to that PCB will
give you 3287 (printer) support.
File transfers are possible. You will need to implement
a program similar to the IBM program IND$FILE. The program
is written in PLI and assembler, so you will need a PLI compiler,
an assembler and a linkage editor. (pretty common stuff).
The file transfer has not been implemented in this release, as
you will need to download the source to the host. The easiest way
for most people to get the source to the host is through the IBM PC.
To receive the file transfer programs and the latest enhancements,
(menu colour, script, and file transfer), please donate sufficient
funds to cover costs of mailing, disks, and handling. Specify if you
want the programs on IBM format, or Amiga format. If IBM format,
specify 5-1/4 or 3 1/2. - 3 1/2 will be high density 1.2 meg.
At present, the host file transfer system has been coded
for the MVS environment. If you need a file transfer for IMS,
you can take the PLI program and add the IMS code (IOPCBs, DBPCBs,etc)
and change the "DEFAULT.SET" host transfer file name to the IMS
transaction name. Code and use a totally blank MFS DIF/DOF. You
will also have to take out reference in the PLI program to the
DCBTPUT, DCBTGET, and DCBALLO . That's TSO stuff. Replace these
calls with inserts to the IOPCB and DBPCB . Be careful to keep the first
12 bytes the same. These represent the status code, block number,
checksum, and length (in character format). Then do all other IMS
This transfer capability should be of special interest
to those IMS shops that are running GFIS and want to transfer
Amiga IFF files to an IMS Database.
If you have some problems with this emulator or
have some constructive suggestions, write.
There are certain functions that I have not started work on
yet, ( menu colour, script) but then they are not critical.
There will only be one more release. It will correct
any bugs that have been identified and incorporate the colour
and script enhancements. It is only available with file transfer
and will be sent out to those who request it when any and all the bugs
have been fixed.
As IBM would say, no guarantee is suggested or implied - whatever
that means.
If you get a hit on your line that is picked up as
a start print stream character, and you do not have a printer,
you will hang.
Concurrency with print streams and emulation has not
been integrated yet. Emulation will wait until the print stream
has finished. CTRL-U will reshow the last screen.
If your business telephone line or personal line with "call
waiting" accepts incoming calls while you are connected,
you will probably get dropped.
Good luck.