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/* ClockLoader.c */
* StartClock(): - by Jeff Lydiatt, Vancouver, Canada, B.C.
* Business first... This code is NOT to be used for commercial purposes.
* You are granted a limited license to distribute it on a not-for-profit
* basis by any means, including, but not limited to, paper, magnetic media,
* or telecommunications. We have no objection to its appearance on a
* commercial communications network provided it may be obtained for no
* cost over and above the standard connect time charges.
* In addition, we would appreciate it if anyone modifying this code
* would attempt to get the modifications back to us so that we can
* keep some semblance of continuity of versions.
* Jeff Lydiatt
* Larry Phillips, Compuserve, 76703,4322
* Code to load AtermClock, send it a wake up message, and the
* address of the window where the clock/calendar is to be displayed.
* DeleteClock(): Send message to AtermClock to shut down, then
* unload its space.
* This module uses the AmigaDos LoadSeg and CreateProc functions to
* load the clock/calendar, AtermClock, from the current directory and to
* start it as a separate process. With the way the parameters are set up,
* AtermClock thinks it has been loaded by WorkBench and by convention waits
* for a start up message from WorkBench containing some needed parameters.
* This part of the AtermClock code is handled by an initialization program
* provided by Aztec that is called before the "main" subroutine. The loader
* program first sends the wakeup call together with the WorkBench parameters
* that are normally provided by WorkBench. The loader then sends a message
* giving AtermClock the address of the display window, and waits for an
* "OK" reply before returning.
* The DeleteClock() subroutine sends a message to request AtermClock to
* wind up, and waits for a reply. AtermClock does not check the contents
* of the message, so it doesn't matter what the message content is. A
* second "Wait" is needed to capture the "Reply" from AtermClock for the
* loader's first wakeup message. The "Reply" is sent by the Aztec-provided
* exit() code. When the "Reply" has been received, DeleteClock()
* frees any resources opened by the loader and returns.
#include <exec/types.h>
#include <exec/memory.h>
#include <exec/ports.h>
#include <exec/tasks.h>
#include <exec/execbase.h>
#include <intuition/intuition.h>
#include <workbench/startup.h>
#include <functions.h>
#include "Clock.h"
#include "ConsoleIO.h"
#define PRIORITY 0
#define STACKSIZE 4096
#define CLOCKNAME "C:AtermClock"
#define CLOCKNAME2 "AtermClock"
static struct Process *myProcess = NULL;
static struct Process *ClockProc = NULL;
static struct WBStartup *msg = NULL;
static struct ParmMsg *parms = NULL;
static struct Segment *ClockSeg = NULL;
static struct MsgPort *myPort = NULL; /* Pointer to my private port */
static char *startName = "StartMessage";
static char *parmName = "Parameter";
/* Cleanup: after Clock is stopped */
static void CleanUp()
if ( ClockSeg != NULL )
UnLoadSeg( ClockSeg );
if ( msg != NULL ) { FreeMem( msg, (long)sizeof( struct WBStartup ) ); }
if ( parms != NULL) { FreeMem( parms, (long)sizeof( struct ParmMsg ) ); }
if ( myPort != NULL){ DeletePort( myPort ); }
msg = NULL;
parms = NULL;
ClockSeg = NULL;
myPort = NULL;
/* StartClock: as a subtask */
BOOL StartClock( window )
struct Window *window;
register struct WBStartup *wPtr;
register struct ParmMsg *pPtr;
/*-------- See if we have enough scratch memory----------*/
myProcess = (struct Process *)FindTask( NULL );
myPort = CreatePort( "ClockPort", NULL );
msg = (struct WBStartup *) AllocMem(
(long)sizeof( struct WBStartup ), (long)(MEMF_CLEAR) );
parms = (struct ParmMsg *)AllocMem(
(long)sizeof( struct ParmMsg), (long)(MEMF_CLEAR) );
if ( myPort == NULL || msg == NULL || parms == NULL )
PutString( "\x9b33mNOTE: Insufficent memory to run clock!\n\x9bm" );
return FALSE;
wPtr = msg;
pPtr = parms;
/*-------- Load the Clock Program --------------*/
ClockSeg = LoadSeg( CLOCKNAME );
if ( ClockSeg == NULL )
{ ClockSeg = LoadSeg( CLOCKNAME2 );
if ( ClockSeg == NULL )
PutString( "\x9b33mNOTE: No Clock... \"" );
PutString( CLOCKNAME2 );
PutString( "\" must be in your \"C:\" or current directory.\n\x9bm" );
return FALSE;
/*------Create a Process for the Clock----------*/
ClockProc = CreateProc( CLOCKNAME, (long)(PRIORITY),
ClockSeg, (long)(STACKSIZE) );
if ( ClockProc == NULL )
PutString( "\x9b33mCan't start Clock Process.\n\x9bm" );
return FALSE;
/*------- Wake Up the Process we Created -----*/
wPtr->sm_Message.mn_ReplyPort = myPort;
wPtr->sm_Message.mn_Length = sizeof( struct WBStartup );
wPtr->sm_Message.mn_Node.ln_Name = startName;
wPtr->sm_ArgList = NULL;
wPtr->sm_ToolWindow = NULL;
PutMsg( ClockProc, wPtr );
/*------- Now Send the process the address of my window -------*/
pPtr->mm_Message.mn_ReplyPort = myPort;
pPtr->mm_Message.mn_Length = sizeof( struct ParmMsg );
pPtr->mm_Message.mn_Node.ln_Name = parmName;
pPtr->windowPtr = window;
PutMsg( ClockProc, pPtr );
/* ... and wait for reply to Parm msg received */
WaitPort( myPort );
(void) GetMsg( myPort );
return TRUE;
/* Delete the Clock Task. */
void DeleteClock()
if ( ClockProc != NULL )
if ( parms != NULL )
/* Signal the Clock to Stop */
PutMsg( ClockProc, parms );
WaitPort( myPort );
(void) GetMsg( myPort );
if ( msg != NULL )
/* Wait for the Wakeup Message Reply */
WaitPort( myPort );
(void) GetMsg( myPort );
ClockProc = NULL;