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DV Commander version 1.6
A command-line utility for DESQview
by: William E. Allen
Copyright, 1989,90,91 by William E. Allen
P.O. Box 834, Howell, Michigan 48843
DV Commander version 1.6 by William E. Allen [75300,272]
Copyr 1989,90,91 by William E. Allen PO Box 834, Howell, MI 48843
DV Commander version 1.6, is Shareware. If you find this program
valuable and useful, please consider registering it by sending
$15.00 to William E. Allen P.O. Box 834 Howell, Michigan 48843.
Registered users will receive a companion program, DVP Editor.
See the last page of this guide for more information about DVP
The DV Commander program and auxiliary files are copyrighted, but
you are hereby granted permission to make and distribute copies
for personal, non-commercial use. Use them yourself, give copies
to friends and co-workers, or distribute them for a cost-based
fee (of $10.00 or less) as part of a user's group or bulletin
board service. If you wish to distribute these programs in
connection with any other product, or for use in commercial
applications, please contact me for a license agreement. All of
the files that make up this product must be distribute together,
in an UNMODIFIED form.
The files you should have on the diskette, or in the archive are:
DVC.EXE The executable program file
DVC.DOC This documentation
DVC.REG A registration form: COPY DVC.REG PRN
$$-PIF.DVP Example autostart DVP file
DV-PIF.DVP Example DVP: executes DVC Menu DVUTIL
DVUTIL.MNU Example menu file started by DV-PIF.DVP
ST-PIF.DVP Example DVP: executes DVC Start TPC
TPC.DVP Example DVP started by ST-PIF.DVP
TPC.BAT Example batch invoked by TPC.DVP
WHATSNEW.TXT What's new and changed in version 1.6
DESQview, DESQ, and DESQview API are trademarks of Quarterdeck
Office Systems.
DV Commander is like a command-line version of your DESQview
{DESQ} key (usually your Alt key). From the DOS command line it
can do many of the things you would normally do by tapping the
{DESQ} key.
Among DV Commander's features are:
* DESQview Submenu facility
* Spawn a new task
* Execute commands directly from the DESQview menus
* Open a list of windows automatically
* Start a window with prompting for parameters and directory
* Beep for a specified frequency and duration (useful in a
background batch file to signal success or failure)
* Hide or unhide (Show) a window
* Set the window Frame on or off
* Set Justify mode on or off
* Wait for a specified amount of time
* Resize and position a window
* Make a window background or foreground
* Name mail boxes and check for a named mail box (useful for
making sure a program is started only once)
and more.
To use DV Commander, just copy the file DVC.EXE to your hard
disk. DV Commander is easiest to use when it is in a subdirectory
that is included in your PATH, but you can specify the full path
when you invoke DV Commander if its directory is not in your
Once installed, type DVC HELP to see a one-screen overview of its
The format of the DV Commander command line is:
DVC COMMAND <required> [optional] /switches
The first word following DVC is the COMMAND. Some commands have
required parameters, some have optional parameters, and some have
both. Required parameters are represented in <angle brackets> and
optional parameters are represented in [square brackets]. There
are also a couple of switches that can be used with any command.
Here are the DV Commander commands. The format of each command is
shown, followed by a detailed description. Commands can be
entered in upper or lower case, but upper case letters, at the
beginning of the command names, are used here to show the
shortest abbreviation allowed for each command. An ellipsis is
used to show when parameters can be repeated.
Open <dvp file name> [,nn] [,H] ...
Use the Open command to automatically open one or more
windows. You can optionally specify an amount of time to wait
before opening the next window, and you can specify that the
window be hidden after it is opened.
This command is useful to open a default set of windows every
time you start DESQview. To do this, set up a DVP using Change
a Program so that the program name starts with some characters
that will cause it to be placed at the beginning of your Open
menu. Then simply press your Enter Key twice after DESQview
starts and the DESQview menu is displayed. I use "$$AutoStart
Apps" as the program name. Set the program to "DVC.EXE" and
put "OPEN ..." on the parameters line. See the example
$$-PIF.DVP file on the DV Commander release disk (or archive).
Of course you can use the DESQview LEARN facility to establish
your default windows too, but the LEARN facility takes some
global memory, and doesn't give you the option NOT to start
your default windows.
Required Parameters:
<dvp file name> is the name of the DESQview Program
Information File. Specify the full path for the file if it
is not in the current directory. If the DVP file name
follows the standard DESQview convention of xx-PIF.DVP,
where xx is the unique 2 letter code used on the Open
Program menu, you need specify only the first two letters.
Optional Parameters:
[,nn] is a number of 1/10th seconds to wait after opening the
window before continuing to process the command line. nn can
be a number in the range 1 through 3276. A value of 1 will
delay for one tenth of a second, while 3276 will delay for
nearly 55 minutes.
[,H] indicates that the window should be hidden after it is
DVC Open BR,50,H DA,H DO
This example will first open BR-PIF.DVP (Brief Text editor),
allow it to run in the foreground for 5 seconds, then hide
it. Next, DA, the DESQview companions date book, will be
opened and hidden, and finally DO, a full screen DOS shell,
will be opened and left as the foreground task.
Spawn <dvpfile> [d:\path] [params] [title] [exec] [memory]
The Spawn command will open a single DESQview window allowing
you to optionally override certain DVP file parameters.
Required Parameters:
<dvpfile> is the name of the DESQview Program Information
File. Specify the full path for the file if it is not in the
current directory. If the DVP file name follows the standard
DESQview convention of xx-PIF.DVP, where xx is the unique 2
letter code used on the Open Program menu, you need specify
only the first two letters.
NOTE: The DVP file you start with this command need not be
one that you keep on your Open Window menu, and need not
follow the DESQview DVP file name conventions.
Optional Parameters:
[d:\path] is the drive and path to be the default when your
program is started. It will override the drive and path
specified in the DVP file.
[params] are any program parameters you want to pass to your
program when it runs. If you wish to pass any of the
following: Space, Tab, Equals sign, Comma, or Semicolon in
your parameters, enclose the entire string in double quotes
"Like This".
[title] if given will override the default program name
specified in the DVP. It may be a string of up to 30
characters and must be enclosed in double quotes if it
contains any of the special characters mentioned above.
[exec] will override the program/execute parameter in the DVP
[memory] overrides the minimum and maximum memory requirements
specified in the DVP file.
NOTE: The optional parameters, [d:\path] [params] [title]
[exec] and [memory], are positional and they can not be
omitted except on the right. You can use an asterisk (*) to
hold the place of any parameter you do not want to specify.
For example say you wanted to modify only the amount of memory
allocated to a program to 256k and leave all the other
parameters alone you would use a DVC command line something
DVC SPAWN XX * * * * 256
where the four asterisks hold the places of the: DIRECTORY,
Desq <letters and meta commands>
The Desq command stacks keystrokes that open the DESQview main
menu and execute commands from it. You can use this command,
for example, to set the DESQview video options, or to use the
DESQview menus to change colors. You can also use this command
to cause DESQview to switch to another window.
Required Parameters:
<letters and meta commands> are the letters and special
characters you use to select various options from the DESQview
menus. The meta commands let you enter the keys you need to
use with the DESQview menus that you would not ordinarily be
able to type on the command line. The 7 meta commands are:
$U Up arrow key
$D Down arrow key
$L Left arrow key
$R Right arrow key
$T Tab key
$B Backtab key
$E Enter Key
Blank spaces are removed from the command line so you can
enter them freely for clarity.
DVC Desq R C $D$D $E
This example uses the Rearrange Change colors menu to change
the background color to blue. It would be the same as
opening the DESQview main menu {DESQ}, then pressing R to
display the Rearrange menu, then pressing C to display the
Change colors menu, and then pressing the down arrow twice
($D$D), and finally pressing the enter key ($E).
DVC Desq 4
This example will switch to window number 4. You could also
use: DVC Desq S4
DVC Desq R V 2 $E
This example uses the Rearrange Video options menu to switch
your VGA monitor into 30 line text mode.
DVC Desq Q Y
Be careful! This example will shut DESQview down completely!
Note: The DVC Desq command uses the BIOS Keyboard Services
function 5 to stack the keystrokes that DESQview will read. This
function is not supported by IBM BIOS's dated prior to 11/15/85
and may not be supported by all clones.
STart <dvpfile>
The STart command will open a single DVP after prompting you
for, the path and parameters to be used.
A window like this will prompt you to supply the path and
| Directory C:\TP\WORK |
| |
| Parameters WIZBANG |
| |
| F2 Save & Run F3 Run Esc Quit |
Change the Directory and Parameters fields and press F3 to
start the DVP with the new values, or press F2 to save the new
values into the DVP and then start it. You can press ESCape to
quit without saving the new information, or starting the DVP.
The DVP file you start with this command would not usually be
one that you keep on your Open Window menu, and need not
follow the DESQview DVP file name conventions. Use Change A
Program to create the DVP and give it some dummy value, such
as XX for the Keys to Use on Open Menu question. Test it,
using the normal DESQview Open Window menu using any values
you like for the Directory and Parameters questions. When you
are satisfied that it is correct, rename it to another name
(or copy it to another directory), and use Delete a Program to
remove it from the DESQview Open Window menu.
NOTE: Registered users can use the DVP Editor to create and
modify the DVP which is much easier than using Change A
Required Parameters:
<dvpfile> is the name of the DESQview Program Information
File. Specify the full path for the file if it is not in the
current directory. If the DVP file name follows the standard
DESQview convention of xx-PIF.DVP, where xx is the unique 2
letter code used on the Open Program menu, you need specify
only the first two letters.
This example will start TPC.DVP after prompting for the
drive and directory and the program parameters. The TPC.DVP,
in this example, is setup as follows:
Change a Program
Program Name......: TP Command-Line compiler
Keys to Use on Open Menu: XX Memory Size (in K): 512
Program...: C:\DV\TPC.BAT
Parameters: WIZBANG
Directory.: C:\TP\WORK
Writes text directly to screen.......: [N]
Displays graphics information........: [N]
Virtualize text/graphics (Y,N,T).....: [N]
Uses serial ports (Y,N,1,2)..........: [N]
Requires floppy diskette.............: [N]
Press F1 for advanced options Press <- when you are DONE
This DVP invokes a batch file, TPC.BAT, to do a Turbo Pascal
compile in the background. TPC.BAT looks like this:
@echo off
DVC Hide
C:\TP\TPC %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
if errorlevel 1 goto Error
DVC Beep 990,2 0,1 990,3
DVC Beep 330,4 180,12
DVC Resize 1 1 23 78
Menu <mnu file name>
The Menu command is DV Commander's most useful feature. It
lets you extend the DESQview Open Window menu with unlimited
sub menu capabilities.
Required Parameters:
<mnu file name> is the only parameter. It is the name of your
menu file and may contain a path. The file extension of .MNU
will be assumed if omitted. Each line in the file represents
one item on your sub menu. Use any pure ASCII text editor to
create your menu. Each line in your menu file has the
following format.
<description> <dvp> [d:\path] [params] [title] [exec] [mem]
<description> is the text that will be displayed on the
menu. It should be enclosed in double quotes if it
contains any of the following characters: Space, Tab,
Equals sign, Comma, or Semicolon. The first upper case
letter or digit found in the string will be highlighted
and used as the selector character.
Optionally there is a special form of the description you
can use to make the selector character appear on the far
right of the description like DESQview's own menus. For
example the menu line:
"D=DESQview Datebook" DA
would display in the menu as:
DESQview Datebook D
The selector character is the first character followed by
the equals sign (=) in the second position of the
description string.
<dvp> is the name of the DESQview Program Information File.
Specify the full path for the file if it is not in the
current directory. If the DVP file name follows the
standard DESQview convention of xx-PIF.DVP, where xx is
the unique 2 letter code used on the Open Program menu,
you need specify only the first two letters.
[d:\path] is the drive and path you want to be the default
when your program is started.
[params] are any program parameters you want to pass to your
program when it runs. If you wish to pass any of the
following: Space, Tab, Equals sign, Comma, or Semicolon in
your parameters, enclose the entire string in double
quotes "Like This".
[title] will override the default program name specified in
the DVP. It may be a string of up to 30 characters and
must be enclosed in double quotes if it contains any of
the special characters mentioned above.
[exec] will override the program/execute parameter in the
DVP file.
[memory] overrides the minimum and maximum memory require-
ments specified in the DVP file.
NOTE: The optional parameters, [d:\path] [params] [title]
[exec] and [memory], are positional and they can not be
omitted except on the right. You can use an asterisk (*) to
hold the place of any parameter you do not want to specify.
For example say you wanted to modify only the amount of
memory allocated to the program to 128k and leave all the
other parameters alone you would use a line in your menu
file something like:
"D=DESQview Datebook" DA * * * * 128
where the four asterisks hold the places of the: DIRECTORY,
NOTE: A new special line of the form:
%menu "Applications Menu"
allows you to give a name to the menu. If omitted, the title
from the DVP used to execute the DVC MENU command is used as
the menu title.
This command will display a sub menu defined in the file
DVUTIL.MNU. DVUTIL.MNU is an ASCII text file as follows:
%menu "DV Utilities"
"C=DESQview Calculator" CA
"D=DESQview Datebook" DA
"E=Memory Status" MS
"F=DV Shift Install" DVSINS
"L=DESQview Link" DL
"M=Manifest" MFT
"N=DESQview Note Pad" DN
"O=Window Position" WinPos
"P=DESQview Palette" PL
"G=Panel Design Tool" PD
"Q=Q Menu" QMenu
"S=DESQview Setup" SE
"W=QD White Papers" QWhite
The first item on each line is the description to display in
the menu. The items are enclosed in double quotes because
they contain spaces and/or other special characters. There
is room on the menu to display up to 22 characters.
Since the description is of the special form, with the
selector letter in the first position followed by an equals
sign, the menu will be displayed in the DESQview-style with
the selector characters on the far right:
| DV Utilities |
| |
| DESQview Calculator C |
| DESQview Datebook D |
| Memory Status E |
| DV Shift Install F |
| DESQview Link L |
| Manifest M |
| DESQview Note Pad N |
| Window Position O |
| DESQview Palette P |
| Panel Design Tool G |
| Q Menu Q |
| DESQview Setup S |
| QD White Papers W |
You can create the DVP files you invoke with your sub menus
using Change a Program as you usually would. Test them using
your DESQview Open Window Menu. When you are sure the DVP's
work properly, move them to another directory and use Delete
a Program to remove them from your DESQview Open Window
NOTE: Registered users can use the DVP Editor to create and
modify the DVP which is much easier than using Change
A Program.
To invoke your sub menu using the DV Commander program,
setup a DESQview Program Information File as follows:
Change a Program
Program Name......: Menu DVUTIL
Keys to Use on Open Menu: DV Memory Size (in K): 128
Program...: DVC.EXE
Parameters: Menu DVMENU
Directory.: C:\DV
Writes text directly to screen.......: [N]
Displays graphics information........: [N]
Virtualize text/graphics (Y,N,T).....: [N]
Uses serial ports (Y,N,1,2)..........: [N]
Requires floppy diskette.............: [N]
Press F1 for advanced options Press <- when you are DONE
Change a Program Advanced Options
System Memory (in K)..: 1 Max Program Memory Size....: ___
Script Buffer Size....: 0 Max Expanded Memory Size...: ___
Text Pages: 1 Graph Pages: 0 Init Mode: ___ Ints: 00 to FF
Window Position:
Max Height: 25 Starting Height: 1 Starting Row...: 0
Max Width.: 80 Starting Width.: 1 Starting Column: 79
Shared Program
Close on exit.........: [Y] Uses its own colors.......: [N]
Allow Close Window....: [Y] Runs in background .......: [ ]
Uses math coproc......: [N] Keyboard conflict (0-4)...: [0]
Share CPU when FG.....: [Y] Share EGA.................: [Y]
Can be swapped out....: [ ] Protection level (0-3)....: [0]
Press F1 for standard options Press <- when you are DONE
Beep [freq] , [duration] ... /R=n
Use the Beep command to generate a tone of the specified fre-
quency and duration. The frequency is given in Hertz and the
duration is in clock ticks (approximately 18 per second).
This command is useful in a batch file that is running in the
background to signal success or failure. The advantage to using
this DESQview specific program rather than another utility,
like Nortons BE, is that DV Commander uses the DESQview API to
create the sounds and is not dependent upon the timing of the
Optional Parameters:
[freq] is the frequency in Hertz. The default is 900hz.
[duration] is the number of clock ticks to generate the sound.
There are 18.2 clock ticks per second. The default is 7.
/R=n n specifies the number of times to repeat all of the tones
given on the command line.
DVC Beep 900,1 600,1 /R=10
This example produces a 900 Hertz tone for one clock tick
(1/18th of a second) and then a 600 Hertz tone for one clock
tick. The entire sequence is repeated 10 times. The result
sounds like a telephone ringing.
Hide (no parameters)
The Hide command will cause the window where it is executed to
be hidden. The task will continue to execute if it is allow to
to run in the background.
DVC Hide
SHow (no parameters)
SHow is the opposite of the Hide command. It will unhide the
window in which it is executed. This will not make the window
suddenly pop up on top of the foreground window, but it will
make it visible in the background if there are no other windows
covering it.
Frame ON | OFF
The Frame command lets you turn the frame on and off for a
This example will remove the frame from the window where it
is executed. To restore the frame type:
DVC Frame ON
Justify ON | OFF [row, col]
The Justify command lets you set automatic justification mode
on or off for a window. Normally, with justify mode on,
DESQview will automatically scroll your window to keep the
hardware cursor visible. If you set justify mode off, DESQview
will not scroll your window.
Optional Parameters:
[row, col] The row and column of the upper left corner of the
DVC Justify OFF 2,2
Turn justify mode off and position the window so row 2 column
2 are visible in the upper left corner of the DESQview
FOreonly ON | OFF
The FOreonly command lets you select whether the window will
run only when it is in the foreground, or if it will continue
to run when it is switched into the background. The default for
a given window is specified in its DVP.
DVC FOreonly ON
This example will set the window so it runs only when it is
in the foreground. To allow it to run in the background type:
DVC FOreonly OFF
Name <mail box name>
The Name command assigns a name to the default mailbox associa-
ted with the window where it is executed. This is handy when
used in conjunction with the /ONLYIF and /NOTIF command line
switches (defined later) to keep from opening a particular
window more than once.
Required Parameters:
<mail box name> is a name to assign to the default mail box.
DVC Name Fred
In this example DV Commander will attempt to name the default
mailbox "Fred". If there is already a mailbox with the same
name, DV Commander will display an error message and
terminate with an error code of 1. The error code can be
tested in a batch file:
DVC Name Fred
if errorlevel 1 exit
rem continue with batch file...
SUspend (no parameters)
Use the SUspend command to hide a window and suspend it so that
it does not continue to execute in the background.
DVC SUspend
Resize <row>, <col>, <length>, <width>
The Resize command is used to change the location and size of a
Required Parameters:
<row> The top row where the window will start. The number can
be in the range 0 through 25 which will allow you to position
part or all of the window off of the physical screen!
<col> The left-most column where the window will start. It can
be in the range 0 through 80 and can also result in part of
the window being positioned off of the physical screen.
<length> is the new length of the window.
<width> is the new width of the window.
DVC Resize 4,17,20,60
Wait [10th secs]
The Wait command will suspend the window where it is executed
for the specified amount of time.
Optional Parameters:
[10th secs] The amount of time to wait. The default is 10 which
is one second.
Goback (no parameters)
The Goback command will make the window where it is executed
the bottommost in the system. If the window is the foreground
window, the next window in the list becomes the foreground
DVC Goback
GOFore (no parameters)
The GOFore command will make the window where it is executed
the foreground window. Use this command with caution as it may
disrupt the window currently running in the foreground.
Top (no parameters)
This command will make a window the top most window within an
application. This is of little value since any task that has
multiple windows associated with it would have to be DESQview
specific anyway.
TOPSys (no parameters)
The TOPSys command makes the window where it is executed the
topmost window in the system. This should only be used when a
background application has to report something to the user but
does not want to become the foreground window.
This command line switch lets you specify the color that DV
Commander will use. hh is the hex attribute for the color you
want DVC to use. It defaults to /C=07. You must set USES ITS
OWN COLORS to Yes if you specify this switch.
Use the "Quiet" switch to supress and error message windows.
Most errors will still generate messages when this switch is in
effect, but they will simply be displayed on the console rather
than pop up in a DESQview error window.
/ONLYIF=<mail box name>
With this switch in effect the DV Commander command will only
be execute if <mail box name> exists.
/NOTIF=<mail box name>
This switch will prevent the DV Commander command from being
executed if <mail box name> exists. You can use this in
conjunction with the Name command to prevent a window from
being opened more than once.
This switch is used only with the Beep command. The number, n,
specifies the number of times the tones on the command line are
to be repeated. See the Beep command for more information.
* DV Commander has a companion program called DVP Editor. Like
Change a Program, DVP Editor is an editor for your DESQview
Program Information Files. But, unlike CP, DVPEDIT can edit
DVPs with any filename and in any directory. (The extension
must still be DVP.) And, DVPEDIT does not alter your DESQview
Open Window menu in any way. This makes it an ideal associate
to DV Commander. DVPEDIT is also nice because it comfortably
combines both the standard and advanced options screens of
Change a Program into a single easy to edit screen, complete
with context-sensitive help for every question.
If you choose to register DV Commander, you will receive a
diskette containing the latest versions of DVC and DVPEDIT and
you will receive printed documentation for both programs.
Among DVP Editor's features are:
* All questions are on one screen * True context-sensitive
help * More logical screen layout * Edit options that are not
on CP screen * More logical keyboard usage * Edit several
DVPs in one invocation * File names not restricted to
??-PIF.DVP * Edit DVPs on any drive and/or directory * Edit
DVPs that are not on the DESQview Open menu * No ambiguities
(i.e. no blank questions) * Runs outside of DESQview if
desired. * Ideal companion to DV Commander * Free to
registered DV Commander users
* DV Commander will use a Microsoft compatible mouse if the
following two conditions are met.
1. You have your mouse driver loaded (you already knew that!)
2. You have the DVP file that starts DVC.EXE set to either
virtualize text when using DESQview/386 or you have Writes
Directly to screen set to yes, or both. (The supplied
example DVP's have Virtualize Text=Yes).
The reason: Even though DV Commander does NOT write directly
to the screen, and DOES NOT need to be virtualized, the mouse
does. DV Commander checks to see if it is getting direct
access to the screen buffer and only initializes the mouse
driver if so. I found that I got "mouse droppings" when I did
not do this.
* If you wish to use the DV Commander Open command to open a DVP
name in the current directory that begins with a digit, (e.g.
4D for 4DOS) you will need to preface it with ".\" This is
because the command parser for the Open command will treat the
digit as a delay parameter rather than a DVP file name. Using
the form ".\4D" (without the quotes) references the DVP in the
current directory and works around the problem.
Please send comments to: Bill Allen, CompuServe ID [75300,272],
or at P.O. Box 834, Howell, Michigan 48843.
Thank You.