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----------------------[ New User Information - Blt #2 ]-----------------------
Welcome New User To The New Generation POWERbbs. As a new user, you have
access to only certain commands. In order to gain higher access, please
answer questionnaire #1. Type Q at the MAIN menu, and then 1 to answer
questionnaire #1. Answer all the questions FULLY & CORRECTLY. Call back
in a few days, and you should be upgraded.
You can read messages, and leave a comment to the sysop if you need further
assistance. Please do not hesitate to ask any questions. As soon as you are
validated, you will gain access to entering messages, and to the file system.
I have the right, to do, whatever I want on my system, and I am NOT
reliable for anything on this system. You are taking YOUR OWN RISK when
downloading files, and calling this BBS.
Pursuant to the Electronic and Communications Privacy Act of 1986
(18 USC 2510 et. seq.), notice is hereby given that there are no
facilities provided by this system for sending or receiving private
or confidential electronic communications!! ALL messages shall be
deemed to be readily accessible to the general public! DO NOT use
this system for ANY communication for which the sender intends only
the sender and the intended recepient(s) to read! At the very least,
the operators of this system can and do review all communications
transmitted herein!
If you are a new modem user, the following is some information on how to act
on BBS systems. It is written by a fellow sysop, and you might take some of
it to be intresting. Most of the rules are common sense. Remember to read
the other bulletins, and once given access to use that access to the best of
your ability.
If you wish to maintain your welcome on whatever system you happen to call, it
would be to your advantage and to the benefit of all concerned if you observe
these guidelines.
(1) Don't habitually hang up on a system. Every SysOp is aware that accidental
disconnections happen once in a while but we do tend to get annoyed with people
who hang up every single time they call because they are either too lazy to
terminate properly or they labor under the mistaken assumption that the 10
seconds they save on-line is going to significantly alter their phone bill.
"Call Waiting" is not an acceptable excuse for long. If you have it and intend
to use the line to call BBS systems, you should either have it disconnected or
find some other way to circumvent it.
(2) Don't do things like leave yourself a message that says, "Just testing to
see if this thing works". The other messages on the system would not be there
if the system did not work. Also, don't leave messages that say, "Please leave
me a message". If ever there was a person to ignore, it's the one who begs
someone to leave them a message. If you want to get messages, start by reading
the ones that are already online and getting involved in the conversations that
(3) Don't request a chat unless you really have some clear cut notion of what
you want to say and why. Almost any SysOp is more than happy to answer
questions or offer help concerning his system. Unfortunately, because many of
the people who call wish to chat and many of those people have little to say
other than "How old are you?" or something equally irrelevent, more and more
SysOps are ignoring their chat requests all the time.
(4) When you are offered a place to leave comments when exiting a system, don't
try to use this area to ask the SysOp questions. It is very rude to the other
callers to expect the SysOp to carry on a half visible conversation with
someone. If you have a question or statement to make and expect the SysOp to
respond to it, it should always be made in the section where all the other
messages are kept. This allows the SysOp to try to help many people with the
same problem using the least amount of effort on his or her part.
(5) Before you log on a system with your favorite alias or psuedonym, make sure
that handles are allowed. Most SysOps don't want people using handles on the
system. There is not enough room for them; they often start silly games of
one-upsmanhip; it is much nicer to deal with a person on a personal basis and
last but not least, everyone should be willing to take full responsibility for
his or her actions or comments instead of slinging mud from behind a phony
(6) Take the time to register, log on and answer any questionaires properly.
There are no such places as PHILLY, W-CHESTR, BKLYN, NYCNY, LINY, or any of a
thousand other abbreviations people use instead of their proper city. You may
think that everyone knows what PHILLY is supposed to mean, but every BBS has
people calling from all around the country and you should realize that someone
from California may have no idea where PHILLY is.
(7) Don't go out of your way to make rude observations like "Gee, this system
is slow". Most BBS systems are a tradeoff of features. You can generally
assume that if someone is running a particular brand of software, that he is
either happy with it or he'll decide to find another system he likes better.
It does nobody any good when you make comments about something that you
perceive to be a flaw when it is running the way the SysOp wants it to.
Constructive criticism is somewhat more welcome. If you have an alternative
method that seems to make good sense then run it up the flagpole.
(8) When leaving messages, stop and ask yourself whether it is necessary to
make it private. Unless there is some particular reason that everyone
shouldn't know what you're saying, don't make it private. These systems are
called PUBLIC bulletin boards for a reason .... they are intended to be used
and viewed by the public. It's very irritating to other callers when there are
huge blank spots in the messages that they can't read and this stifles
interaction between callers.
(9) If your favorite BBS has a time limit, observe it. If it doesn't, set a
limit for yourself and abide by that instead. Don't tie up a system until it
finally kicks you off and then call back with another name. This same rule
applies to downloading or playing games. Only one person at a time can be
logged on to most BBS systems and it isn't fair to everyone else if you
overstay your welcome. Remember, a BBS is best when it can be left wide open.
If you try and cheat the rules you just hurt everybody by forcing the SysOp to
adopt more strigent policies. Many systems are now locked tighter than a drum
because of people who cheat and abuse.
(10) Don't call a BBS just to look at the list of other BBS numbers. Most
especially don't call a system as a new user and run right to the other numbers
list. There is probably very little that's more annoying to any SysOp than to
have his or her board completely passed over by someone on their way to another
(11) Have the courtesy to pay close attention to the things that pass on your
screen. When a BBS displays your name and asks, "Is this you?", don't say yes
when you can see perfectly well that it is mispelled. Also, don't start asking
questions about simple system operations until you have thoroughly read all of
the instructions that are available to you. Be assured that it isn't any fun
to answer a question for the thousandth time when the answer is prominently
displayed on the system bulletins or instructions. Use some common sense when
you ask your questions. The person who said "There's no such thing as a stupid
question" obviously never operated a BBS.
(12) If by some chance you should encounter an error while you are online
(Heaven forbid!), ALWAYS take the time to leave the SysOp a message describing
the circumstances. Don't just say "There was an error". That is not helpful
in the least. Chances are good that the SysOp knows there was an error. To
correct a problem, it's necessary to know is what you were doing when the error
occurred so that it can be found and corrected. If the error happened after
you input something, tell the SysOp what it was. Remember that a BBS can't
improve unless you're willing to help.
(13) Don't be personally abusive to anyone. It doesn't matter whether you like
a SysOp or another caller or not. The fact remains that the SysOp has a large
investment in making the system available, usually out of the goodness of their
heart. If you don't like a SysOp, a system or another caller, just remember
that you can change the channel any time you want. If there is another caller
that you find particularly offensive, drop a private note to the SysOp voicing
your feelings. If there is no response to your concerns, calling a SysOp names
or making uninformed comments about their lifestyle only shows immaturity.
(14) Keep firmly in mind that you are a guest on any BBS you happen to call.
Don't think of logging on as some sort of "basic human right". Every person
that has ever put a computer system online for the use of other people has
spent a lot of time and money to do so. While a SysOp doesn't expect nonstop
pats on the back, it seems reasonable that he or she should at least be able to
expect fair treatment from his or her callers. This includes following any of
the rules for system use that have been detailed without complaining. Every
SysOp has their own ideas of how their system should be run. It is really not
appropriate to complain about a system's policy. Your options are simple ....
either abide by a system's rules or call some other BBS where you feel more
Most of these rules are just common sense. The moral of the story is to think
before you act.
SysOp - System Operator
BBS - Bulletin Board System
Chat - Speaking to another user while online