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/ Fractal Frenzy 1 / WalnutCreekFractalFrenzy-1.iso / pc / _bbs / dirs.txt < prev    next >
Text File  |  1994-01-19  |  4KB  |  84 lines

  1. \docs\                  Documentation Files
  2. \thumb\                 640 x 480 reduced size thumbails
  3. \programs\              Fractint Programs
  4. \640\barnsley\          Barnsley type Images.
  5. \640\bof\               From "The Beauty of Fractals"
  6. \640\chco\              Formula type Fzppchco
  7. \640\chsq\              Formula type Fzppchsq
  8. \640\cmplxnwt\          Type Complex Newton
  9. \640\coch\              Formula type Fzppcoch
  10. \640\cocoh\             Formula type Fzpcocoh
  11. \640\cocs\              Formula type Fzppcocs
  12. \640\coct\              Formula type Fzppcoct
  13. \640\coex\              Formula type Fzppcoex
  14. \640\cohs\              Formula type Fzppcohs
  15. \640\coht\              Formula type Fzppcoht
  16. \640\colo\              Formula type Fzppcolo
  17. \640\copc\              Formula type Fzppcopc
  18. \640\copch\             Formula type Fzpcopch
  19. \640\cope\              Formula type Fzppcope
  20. \640\cophc\             Formula type Fzpcophc
  21. \640\cophs\             Formula type Fzpcophs
  22. \640\copht\             Formula type Fzpcopht
  23. \640\copo\              Formula type Fzppcopo
  24. \640\copsh\             Formula type Fzpcopsh
  25. \640\copta\             Formula type Fzpcopta
  26. \640\core\              Formula type Fzppcore
  27. \640\cose\              Formula type Fzppcose
  28. \640\coseh\             Formula type Fzpcoseh
  29. \640\cosi\              Formula type Fzppcosi
  30. \640\cosq\              Formula type Fzppcosq
  31. \640\cosr\              Formula type Fzppcosr
  32. \640\cubic\             Formula type Cubic
  33. \640\e1e2\              Manzpower: z^ (e^(1 / (e^ 2)))
  34. \640\ee1e\              Manzpower: z^ (e^(e^ (1 / e)))
  35. \640\ent\               Formula types Ent and Ent2
  36. \640\epscr\             Epsilon Cross
  37. \640\exsh\              Formula type Fzppexsh
  38. \640\ezpep\             fn(z)+fn(pix) function=exp/exp
  39. \640\fender\            Formula type FractalFenderC
  40. \640\ltc\               Type fn*fn function=log,cosxx
  41. \640\lts\               Type fn*fn function=log,sin
  42. \640\magnet\            Magnetic fractal types
  43. \640\mandel\            Mandelbrot set
  44. \640\mandlamb\          Type mandellambda
  45. \640\manfnpe\           Type manfn+exp
  46. \640\manowar\           Type manowar
  47. \640\manwarju\          Type manowarj
  48. \640\mbcompar\          Compares Mandelbrot options
  49. \640\mdphenix\          Type mandphoenix
  50. \640\mhs\               Type mandelfn
  51. \640\misc\              Miscellaneous
  52. \640\misczpp\           Miscellaneous fn(z)+fn(pix)
  53. \640\mmp\               Type marksmandelpower
  54. \640\mulovlay\          Building a multiple overlay
  55. \640\mzpep\             Manzpower: z ^ (e + i pi)
  56. \640\newton\            Types newton, newtonsinexp
  57. \640\phoenix\           Type phoenix
  58. \640\rcl10\             Formula type rcl_10
  59. \640\rich8\             Formula type Richard8
  60. \640\richard\           Other Richard types
  61. \640\shch\              Formula type Fzppshch
  62. \640\shco\              Formula type Fzppshco
  63. \640\shex\              Formula type Fzppshex
  64. \640\shlo\              Formula type Fzppshlo
  65. \640\shsq\              Formula type Fzppshsq
  66. \640\siex\              Formula type Fzppsiex
  67. \640\silvrado\          Formula type Silverado
  68. \640\sis\               Type sqr(1/fn) function=sin
  69. \640\skewmand\          Skewed Mandelbrot set
  70. \640\spca\              SpecC function=cosh/cosxx
  71. \640\spider\            Type spider
  72. \640\tetrate\           Type tetrate
  73. \640\timserr\           Type tim's_error
  74. \640\turbmir\           From "Turbulent Mirror"
  75. \640\zcos\              Formula type Fzppcos
  76. \640\ze2\               Manzpower: z ^ (e ^ 2)
  77. \640\zexpe2\            ZEXPE2: (z^ e)+(z^ (e* pixel))
  78. \640\zexpe_f\           Manzpower: Z ^ e  1/3
  79. \640\zexpg_h\           Manzpower: Z ^ e  2/3
  80. \640\zexpi\             Manzpower: Z ^ e  3/3
  81. \640\zipi\              Manzpower: Z ^ (i * pi)
  82. \640\zsinh\             Formula type Fzppsinh
  83. \640\zz\                Formula types Zz and Zza