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# Internal pre-defined generic scheme support
# In this implementation all schemes are subclassed from
# URI::URL::_generic. This turns out to have reasonable mileage.
# See also draft-ietf-uri-relative-url-06.txt
package URI::URL::_generic; # base support for generic-RL's
require URI::URL;
@ISA = qw(URI::URL);
use URI::Escape qw(uri_escape uri_unescape %escapes);
sub new { # inherited by subclasses
my($class, $init, $base) = @_;
my $url = bless { }, $class; # create empty object
$url->_parse($init); # parse $init into components
$url->base($base) if $base;
# Generic-RL parser
# See draft-ietf-uri-relative-url-06.txt Section 2
sub _parse {
my($self, $u, @comps) = @_;
return unless defined $u;
# Deside which components to parse (scheme & path is manatory)
@comps = qw(netloc query params frag) unless (@comps);
my %parse = map {$_ => 1} @comps;
# This parsing code is based on
# draft-ietf-uri-relative-url-06.txt Section 2.4
# 2.4.1
$self->{'frag'} = uri_unescape($1)
if $parse{'frag'} && $u =~ s/#(.*)$//;
# 2.4.2
$self->{'scheme'} = lc($1) if $u =~ s/^\s*([\w\+\.\-]+)://;
# 2.4.3
$self->netloc("$1") # passing $1 directly fails if netloc is autoloaded
if $parse{'netloc'} && $u =~ s!^//([^/]*)!!;
# 2.4.4
$self->{'query'} = $1
if $parse{'query'} && $u =~ s/\?(.*)//;
# 2.4.5
$self->{'params'} = $1
if $parse{'params'} && $u =~ s/;(.*)//;
# 2.4.6
# RFC 1738 says:
# Note that the "/" between the host (or port) and the
# url-path is NOT part of the url-path.
# however, RFC 1808, 2.4.6. says:
# Even though the initial slash is not part of the URL path,
# the parser must remember whether or not it was present so
# that later processes can differentiate between relative
# and absolute paths. Often this is done by simply storing
# he preceding slash along with the path.
# In version < 4.01 of URI::URL we used to strip the leading
# "/" when asked for $self->path(). This created problems for
# the consitency of the interface, so now we just consider the
# slash to be part of the path and we also make an empty path
# default to "/".
# we don't test for $parse{path} becase it is mandatory
$self->{'path'} = $u;
# Generic-RL stringify
sub as_string
my $self = shift;
return $self->{'_str'} if $self->{'_str'};
my($scheme, $netloc, $frag) = @{$self}{qw(scheme netloc frag)};
my $u = $self->full_path(1); # path+params+query
# rfc 1808 says:
# Note that the fragment identifier (and the "#" that precedes
# it) is not considered part of the URL. However, since it is
# commonly used within the same string context as a URL, a parser
# must be able to recognize the fragment when it is present and
# set it aside as part of the parsing process.
$u .= "#" . uri_escape($frag, $URI::URL::unsafe) if defined $frag;
$u = "//$netloc$u" if defined $netloc;
$u = "$scheme:$u" if $scheme;
# Inline: uri_escape($u, $URI::URL::unsafe);
$u =~ s/([$URI::URL::unsafe])/$escapes{$1}/go;
$self->{'_str'} = $u; # set cache and return
# Generic-RL stringify full path "path;params?query"
sub full_path
my($self, $dont_escape) = @_;
my($path, $params, $query) = @{$self}{'path', 'params', 'query'};
my $p = '';
$p .= $path if defined $path;
# see comment in _parse 2.4.6 about the next line
$p = "/$p" if defined($self->{netloc}) && $p !~ m:^/:;
$p .= ";$params" if defined $params;
$p .= "?$query" if defined $query;
return $p if $dont_escape;
# Inline: URI::Escape::uri_escape($p, $URI::URL::unsafe);
$p =~ s/([$URI::URL::unsafe])/$escapes{$1}/go;
# default_port()
# subclasses will usually want to override this
sub default_port { undef; }
# Methods to handle URL's elements
# These methods always return the current value,
# so you can use $url->path to read the current value.
# If a new value is passed, e.g. $url->path('foo'),
# it also sets the new value, and returns the previous value.
# Use $url->path(undef) to set the value to undefined.
sub netloc {
my $self = shift;
my $old = $self->_elem('netloc', @_);
return $old unless @_;
# update fields derived from netloc
my $nl = $self->{'netloc'} || '';
if ($nl =~ s/^([^:@]*):?(.*?)@//){
$self->{'user'} = uri_unescape($1);
$self->{'password'} = uri_unescape($2) if $2 ne '';
if ($nl =~ /^([^:]*):?(\d*)$/){
my $port = $2;
# Since this happes so frequently, we inline this call:
# my $host = uri_unescape($1);
my $host = $1;
$host =~ s/%([\dA-Fa-f]{2})/chr(hex($1))/eg;
$self->{'host'} = $host;
if ($port ne '') {
$self->{'port'} = $port;
if ($self->default_port == $port) {
$self->{'netloc'} =~ s/:\d+//;
} elsif (defined $self->{'netloc'}) {
$self->{'netloc'} =~ s/:$//; # handle empty port spec
$self->{'_str'} = '';
# A U T O L O A D E R
# Don't remove this comment, it keeps AutoSplit happy!!
# @ISA = qw(AutoLoader)
# The rest of the methods are only loaded on demand. Stubs are neccesary
# for inheritance to work.
#sub netloc; # because netloc is used by the _parse()
sub user;
sub password;
sub host;
sub port;
sub _netloc_elem;
sub epath;
sub path;
sub path_components;
sub eparams;
sub params;
sub equery;
sub query;
sub frag;
sub crack;
sub abs;
sub rel;
sub eq;
# Fields derived from generic netloc:
sub user { shift->_netloc_elem('user', @_); }
sub password { shift->_netloc_elem('password',@_); }
sub host { shift->_netloc_elem('host', @_); }
sub port {
my $self = shift;
my $old = $self->_netloc_elem('port', @_);
defined($old) ? $old : $self->default_port;
sub _netloc_elem {
my($self, $elem, @val) = @_;
my $old = $self->_elem($elem, @val);
return $old unless @val;
# update the 'netloc' element
my $nl = '';
my $host = $self->{'host'};
if (defined $host) { # can't be any netloc without any host
my $user = $self->{'user'};
$nl .= uri_escape($user, $URI::URL::reserved) if defined $user;
$nl .= ":" . uri_escape($self->{'password'}, $URI::URL::reserved)
if defined($user) and defined($self->{'password'});
$nl .= '@' if length $nl;
$nl .= uri_escape($host, $URI::URL::reserved);
my $port = $self->{'port'};
$nl .= ":$port" if defined($port) && $port != $self->default_port;
$self->{'netloc'} = $nl;
$self->{'_str'} = '';
sub epath {
my $self = shift;
my $old = $self->_elem('path', @_);
return '/' if !defined($old) || !length($old);
return "/$old" if $old !~ m|^/| && defined $self->{'netloc'};
sub path {
my $self = shift;
my $old = $self->_elem('path',
map { uri_escape($_,
} @_);
if ($URI::URL::COMPAT_VER_3) {
# We used to get rid of the leading "/" in the path
if (defined $old) {
$old =~ s|^/||;
Carp::croak("Path components contain '/' (you must call epath)")
if $old =~ /%2[fF]/;
return uri_unescape($old);
return undef;
return '/' if !defined($old) || !length($old);
Carp::croak("Path components contain '/' (you must call epath)")
if $old =~ /%2[fF]/ and !@_;
$old = "/$old" if $old !~ m|^/| && defined $self->{'netloc'};
return uri_unescape($old);
sub path_components {
my $self = shift;
my $old = $self->{'path'};
$old = '' unless defined $old;
$old = "/$old" if $old !~ m|^/| && defined $self->{'netloc'};
if (@_) {
join("/", map { uri_escape($_,
} @_));
map { uri_unescape($_) } split("/", $old, -1);
sub eparams { shift->_elem('params', @_); }
sub params {
my $self = shift;
my $old = $self->_elem('params', map {uri_escape($_,$URI::URL::reserved_no_form)} @_);
return uri_unescape($old) if defined $old;
sub equery { shift->_elem('query', @_); }
sub query {
my $self = shift;
my $old = $self->_elem('query', map { uri_escape($_, $URI::URL::reserved_no_form) } @_);
if (defined $old) {
if ($old =~ /%(?:26|2[bB]|3[dD])/) { # contains escaped '=' '&' or '+'
my $mess;
for ($old) {
$mess = "Query contains both '+' and '%2B'"
if /\+/ && /%2[bB]/;
$mess = "Form query contains escaped '=' or '&'"
if /=/ && /%(?:3[dD]|26)/;
if ($mess) {
Carp::croak("$mess (you must call equery)");
# Now it should be safe to unescape the string without loosing
# information
return uri_unescape($old);
# No efrag method because the fragment is always stored unescaped
sub frag { shift->_elem('frag', @_); }
sub crack
my $self = shift;
return $self unless wantarray;
my @c = @{$self}{qw(scheme user password host port path params query frag)};
if (!$c[0]) {
# try to determine scheme
my $base = $self->base;
$c[0] = $base->scheme if $base;
$c[0] ||= 'http'; # last resort, default in URI::URL::new
$c[4] ||= $self->default_port;
# Generic-RL: Resolving Relative URL into an Absolute URL
# Based on RFC1808 section 4
sub abs
my($self, $base, $allow_scheme_in_relative_urls) = @_;
my $embed = $self->clone;
$base = $self->base unless $base; # default to default base
return $embed unless $base; # we have no base (step1)
$base = new URI::URL $base unless ref $base; # make obj if needed
my($scheme, $host, $path, $params, $query, $frag) =
@{$embed}{qw(scheme host path params query frag)};
# just use base if we are empty (2a)
return $base->clone
unless grep(defined($_) && $_ ne '',
# if we have a scheme we must already be absolute (2b),
# but sec. 5.2 also says: Some older parsers allow the scheme name
# to be present in a relative URL if it is the same as the base
# URL scheme. This is considered to be a loophole in prior
# specifications of the partial URLs and should be avoided by
# future parsers.
# The old behavoir can be enabled by passing a TRUE value to the
# $allow_scheme_in_relative_urls parameter.
return $embed if $scheme &&
(!$allow_scheme_in_relative_urls || $scheme ne $base->{'scheme'});
$embed->{'_str'} = ''; # void cached string
$embed->{'scheme'} = $base->{'scheme'}; # (2c)
return $embed if $embed->{'netloc'}; # (3)
$embed->netloc($base->{'netloc'}); # (3)
return $embed if $path =~ m:^/:; # (4)
if ($path eq '') { # (5)
$embed->{'path'} = $base->{'path'}; # (5)
return $embed if defined $embed->{'params'}; # (5a)
$embed->{'params'} = $base->{'params'}; # (5a)
return $embed if defined $embed->{'query'}; # (5b)
$embed->{'query'} = $base->{'query'}; # (5b)
return $embed;
# (Step 6) # draft 6 suggests stack based approach
my $basepath = $base->{'path'};
my $relpath = $embed->{'path'};
$basepath =~ s!^/!!;
$basepath =~ s!/$!/.!; # prevent empty segment
my @path = split('/', $basepath); # base path into segments
pop(@path); # remove last segment
$relpath =~ s!/$!/.!; # prevent empty segment
push(@path, split('/', $relpath)); # append relative segments
my @newpath = ();
my $isdir = 0;
my $segment;
foreach $segment (@path) { # left to right
if ($segment eq '.') { # ignore "same" directory
$isdir = 1;
elsif ($segment eq '..') {
$isdir = 1;
my $last = pop(@newpath);
if (!defined $last) { # nothing to pop
push(@newpath, $segment); # so must append
elsif ($last eq '..') { # '..' cannot match '..'
# so put back again, and append
push(@newpath, $last, $segment);
# it was a component,
# keep popped
} else {
$isdir = 0;
push(@newpath, $segment);
$embed->{'path'} = '/' . join('/', @newpath) .
($isdir && @newpath ? '/' : '');
# The oposite of $url->abs. Return a URL as much relative as possible
sub rel {
my($self, $base) = @_;
my $rel = $self->clone;
$base = $self->base unless $base;
return $rel unless $base;
$base = new URI::URL $base unless ref $base;
my($scheme, $netloc, $path) = @{$rel}{qw(scheme netloc path)};
if (!defined($scheme) && !defined($netloc)) {
# it is already relative
return $rel;
my($bscheme, $bnetloc, $bpath) = @{$base}{qw(scheme netloc path)};
for ($netloc, $bnetloc, $bpath) { $_ = '' unless defined }
$bpath = "/" unless length $bpath; # a slash is default
unless ($scheme eq $bscheme && $netloc eq $bnetloc) {
# different location, can't make it relative
return $rel;
# Make it relative by eliminating scheme and netloc
$rel->{'scheme'} = undef;
# This loop is based on code from Nicolai Langfeldt <janl@ifi.uio.no>.
# It will remove all common initial path components.
while (1) {
#print "PATHS: $path $bpath\n";
my $i = index($path, '/');
last unless $i >=0 && $i == index($bpath, '/') &&
substr($path,0,$i) eq substr($bpath,0,$i);
substr($path, 0, $i+1) = '';
substr($bpath, 0, $i+1) = '';
# Add one "../" for each path component left in the base path
$path = ('../' x $bpath =~ tr|/|/|) . $path;
# Compare two URLs
sub eq {
my($self, $other) = @_;
local($^W) = 0; # avoid warnings if we compare undef values
$other = URI::URL->new($other, $self) unless ref $other;
# Compare scheme and netloc
return 0 if ref($self) ne ref($other); # must be same class
return 0 if $self->scheme ne $other->scheme; # Always lower case
return 0 if lc($self->netloc) ne lc($other->netloc); # Case-insensitive
# Compare full_path:
# According to <draft-ietf-http-v11-spec-05>:
# Characters other than those in the "reserved" and "unsafe" sets
# are equivalent to their %XX encodings.
my $fp1 = $self->full_path;
my $fp2 = $other->full_path;
for ($fp1, $fp2) {
my $x = $1;
my $c = chr(hex($x));
$c =~ /^[;\/?:\@&=+\"\#%<>\0-\040\177]/ ? "%\L$x" : $c;
return 0 if $fp1 ne $fp2;
return 0 if $self->frag ne $other->frag;