Appleton, Thomas C., Usque ad mare; historique de la Garde cÖtiÅre canadienne et des Services de la Marine (Ottawa, Imprimeur de la Reine, 1968 [1969]).
Brown, Cassie, Death on the Ice; the great Newfoundland sealing disaster (Toronto, Doubleday Canada Limited, 1972). Un rÄcit de la tragÄdie de 1914, au cours de laquelle 77 chasseurs de phoques du Newfoundland ont perdu la vie dans des conditions atroces.
Brox, Ottar, Newfoundland Fisherman in the Age of Industry: A Sociology of Economic Dualism (Saint-Jean, Institute of Social and Economic Research, Memorial University of Newfoundland, 1972), Newfoundland Social and Economic Studies.
Chiaramonte, Louis J., Craftsman-Client Contracts; Interpersonal Relations in a Newfoundland Fishing Community (Saint-Jean, Institute of Social and Economic Research, Memorial University of Newfoundland, 1970), Newfoundland Social and Economic Studies, no 10.
Easterbrook, W.T. and Aitken, Hugh G.J., Canadian Economic History (Toronto, Macmillan of Canada, Ädition revue et corrigÄe, 1965).
England, George Allan, The Greatest Hunt in the World (MontrÄal, Tundra Books, rÄimpression 1975).Un excellent rÄcit relatant une expÄdition de chasse au phoque en 1922. CartonnÄ.
Faris, James C., Cat Harbour: A Newfoundland Fishing Settlement (Saint-Jean, Institute of Social and Economic Research, Memorial University of Newfoundland, 1972), Newfoundland Social and Economic Studies, no 3.
Grant, Ruth Fulton, The Canadian Atlantic Fishery (Toronto, The Ryerson Press, 1934).
Gwyn, Richard, Smallwood: The Unlikely Revolutionary (Toronto, McClelland and Stewart, Ädition revue et corrigÄe, 1972). Biographie de l'ancien premier ministre de Terre-Neuve, Joseph R. Smallwood. Existe en Ädition cartonnÄe.
Head, Grant, Eighteenth Century Newfoundland; A Geographic Perspective (Toronto, McClelland and Stewart, 1976), Carleton Library, no 99.
Horwood, Harold, Tomorrow will be Sunday (Don Mills, Ontario, PaperJacks, 1975).
Innis, Harold Adams, The Cod Fisheries; the history of an international economy (Toronto, University of Toronto Press,1954). PremiÅre Ädition: 1940. âtude classique des pÉcheries de l'Atlantique Nord.
Mannion, John J., Point Lance in Transition: The Transformation of a Newfoundland Outport (Toronto, McClelland and Stewart, 1976).
McFarland, Raymond, The Masts of Gloucester: Recollections of a Fisherman (New York, W.W. Norton and Company, 1937).
Mowat, Farley, Wake of the Great Sealers (Toronto, McClelland and Stewart, 1973).
Moyles, R.G., ╟Complaints is Many and Various, But the Odd Divil Likes it╚: Nineteenth Century Views of Newfoundland (Toronto, Peter Martin Associates Limited, 1975), notamment le Chapitre II, Outports and Outport People, pp. 31-61.
Neary, Peter et O'Flaherty, Patrick (Äds), By Great Waters: A Newfoundland and Labrador Anthology (Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 1974), Social History of Canada. Choix de textes tirÄs de l'histoire littÄraire de Terre-Neuve.
Neary, Peter, (Äd.), The Political Economy of Newfoundland, 1929-1972 (Toronto, Copp Clark Limited, 1973), Issues in Canadian history. Collection de rÄcits relatifs ê l'histoire deTerre-Neuve depuis la grande crise. Existe en Ädition cartonnÄe.
Abonnez-vous au Newfoundland Quarterly en Äcrivant ê Case Postale 967, Saint-Jean (TerreNeuve).
Noel, S.J.R., Politics in Newfoundland (Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 1971), Canadian government series no 17. L'histoire de Terre-Neuve au XXe siÅcle. Existe en Ädition cartonnÄe.
Philbrook, Tom, Fisherman, Logger, Merchant, Miner: Social Change and Industrialism in Three Newfoundland Communities (Saint-Jean, Institute of Social and Economic Research, Memorial University of Newfoundland, 1966), Newfoundland Social and Economic Studies, no 1.
Schull, Joseph, The Jinker; a novel (Toronto, Macmillan of Canada, 1968).
Thompson, Frederick Fraser, The French Shore Problem in Newtoundland; an imperial study (Toronto,University of Toronto Press,1961), Canadian studies in history and government, no 2.