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GNU Info File | 1994-12-23 | 42.2 KB | 730 lines |
- This is Info file calc.info, produced by Makeinfo-1.55 from the input
- file calc.texinfo.
- This file documents Calc, the GNU Emacs calculator.
- Copyright (C) 1990, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this
- manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are
- preserved on all copies.
- Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of
- this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided also
- that the section entitled "GNU General Public License" is included
- exactly as in the original, and provided that the entire resulting
- derived work is distributed under the terms of a permission notice
- identical to this one.
- Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this
- manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified
- versions, except that the section entitled "GNU General Public License"
- may be included in a translation approved by the author instead of in
- the original English.
- File: calc.info, Node: Key Index, Next: Command Index, Prev: Summary, Up: Top
- Index of Key Sequences
- **********************
- * Menu:
- * !: Combinatorial Functions.
- * ": Strings.
- * " (HMS forms): HMS Forms.
- * #: Integers.
- * $: Algebraic Entry.
- * %: Basic Arithmetic.
- * &: Basic Arithmetic.
- * & (matrices): Vector and Matrix Arithmetic.
- * ': Algebraic Entry.
- * ' (HMS forms): HMS Forms.
- * (: Incomplete Objects.
- * ): Incomplete Objects.
- * *: Basic Arithmetic.
- * +: Basic Arithmetic.
- * ,: Incomplete Objects.
- * -: Basic Arithmetic.
- * .: Numeric Entry.
- * ..: Incomplete Objects.
- * /: Basic Arithmetic.
- * 0-9: Numeric Entry.
- * :: Basic Arithmetic.
- * ;: Incomplete Objects.
- * <: Basic Commands.
- * =: Variables.
- * >: Basic Commands.
- * ?: Help Commands.
- * @: HMS Forms.
- * {: Basic Commands.
- * }: Basic Commands.
- * A: Basic Arithmetic.
- * a !: Logical Operations.
- * a ": Algebraic Manipulation.
- * a #: Logical Operations.
- * a %: Polynomials.
- * a &: Logical Operations.
- * A (vectors): Vector and Matrix Arithmetic.
- * a *: Summations.
- * a +: Summations.
- * a -: Summations.
- * a .: Logical Operations.
- * a /: Polynomials.
- * a :: Logical Operations.
- * a <: Logical Operations.
- * a =: Logical Operations.
- * a >: Logical Operations.
- * a {: Logical Operations.
- * a a: Polynomials.
- * a b: Algebraic Manipulation.
- * a c: Polynomials.
- * a d: Differentiation.
- * a e: Unsafe Simplifications.
- * a f: Polynomials.
- * a F: Linear Fits.
- * a g: Polynomials.
- * a I: Numerical Integration.
- * a i: Integration.
- * a m: Matching Commands.
- * a M: Algebraic Manipulation.
- * a n: Polynomials.
- * a N: Minimization.
- * a p: Interpolation.
- * a P: Multiple Solutions.
- * a R: Root Finding.
- * a r: Rewrite Rules.
- * a s: Simplifying Formulas.
- * a S: Solving Equations.
- * a t: Taylor Series.
- * a T: Summations.
- * a v: Algebraic Manipulation.
- * a X: Minimization.
- * a x: Polynomials.
- * a [: Logical Operations.
- * a \: Polynomials.
- * a ]: Logical Operations.
- * a _: Extracting Elements.
- * a |: Logical Operations.
- * B: Logarithmic Functions.
- * b #: Related Financial Functions.
- * b %: Percentages.
- * b a: Binary Functions.
- * b c: Binary Functions.
- * b D: Depreciation Functions.
- * b d: Binary Functions.
- * b F: Future Value.
- * b I: Related Financial Functions.
- * b l: Binary Functions.
- * b L: Binary Functions.
- * b M: Related Financial Functions.
- * b n: Binary Functions.
- * b N: Present Value.
- * b o: Binary Functions.
- * b P: Present Value.
- * b p: Set Operations.
- * b r: Binary Functions.
- * b R: Binary Functions.
- * b S: Depreciation Functions.
- * b t: Binary Functions.
- * b T: Related Financial Functions.
- * b u: Set Operations.
- * b w: Binary Functions.
- * b x: Binary Functions.
- * b Y: Depreciation Functions.
- * C: Trigonometric and Hyperbolic Functions.
- * c %: Percentages.
- * c 0-9: Conversions.
- * c c: Conversions.
- * c d: Conversions.
- * c f: Conversions.
- * c F: Conversions.
- * c h: Conversions.
- * c p: Conversions.
- * c r: Conversions.
- * C-d: Stack Manipulation.
- * C-k: Killing From Stack.
- * C-w: Killing From Stack.
- * C-y: Yanking Into Stack.
- * C-_: Undo.
- * D: Undo.
- * d ": Strings.
- * d ,: Grouping Digits.
- * d .: Float Formats.
- * d 0: Radix Modes.
- * d 2: Radix Modes.
- * d 6: Radix Modes.
- * d 8: Radix Modes.
- * d <: Justification.
- * d =: Justification.
- * d >: Justification.
- * d {: Labels.
- * d }: Labels.
- * d b: Normal Language Modes.
- * d B: Normal Language Modes.
- * d C: C FORTRAN Pascal.
- * d c: Complex Formats.
- * d d: Date Formats.
- * d E: Eqn Language Mode.
- * d e: Float Formats.
- * d f: Float Formats.
- * d F: C FORTRAN Pascal.
- * d g: Grouping Digits.
- * d h: HMS Formats.
- * d i: Complex Formats.
- * d j: Complex Formats.
- * d l: Stack Basics.
- * d M: Mathematica Language Mode.
- * d n: Float Formats.
- * d N: Normal Language Modes.
- * d o: Fraction Formats.
- * d O: Normal Language Modes.
- * d p: More About Embedded Mode.
- * d P: C FORTRAN Pascal.
- * d r: Radix Modes.
- * d RET: Display Modes.
- * d s: Float Formats.
- * d SPC: Basic Commands.
- * d T: TeX Language Mode.
- * d t: Truncating the Stack.
- * d U: Normal Language Modes.
- * d W: Maple Language Mode.
- * d w: Error Messages.
- * d z: Radix Modes.
- * d [: Truncating the Stack.
- * d ]: Truncating the Stack.
- * DEL: Stack Manipulation.
- * e: Numeric Entry.
- * E: Logarithmic Functions.
- * F: Integer Truncation.
- * f A: Basic Arithmetic.
- * f B: Advanced Math Functions.
- * f b: Advanced Math Functions.
- * f e: Advanced Math Functions.
- * f E: Logarithmic Functions.
- * f g: Advanced Math Functions.
- * f G: Advanced Math Functions.
- * f h: Basic Arithmetic.
- * f I: Logarithmic Functions.
- * f i: Complex Number Functions.
- * f j: Advanced Math Functions.
- * f L: Logarithmic Functions.
- * f M: Basic Arithmetic.
- * f n: Basic Arithmetic.
- * f Q: Basic Arithmetic.
- * f r: Complex Number Functions.
- * f s: Basic Arithmetic.
- * f S: Basic Arithmetic.
- * f T: Trigonometric and Hyperbolic Functions.
- * f x: Basic Arithmetic.
- * f X: Basic Arithmetic.
- * f y: Advanced Math Functions.
- * f [: Basic Arithmetic.
- * f ]: Basic Arithmetic.
- * G: Complex Number Functions.
- * g A: Managing Curves.
- * g a: Managing Curves.
- * g b: Graphics Options.
- * g c: Basic Graphics.
- * g C: Devices.
- * g C-l: Graphics Options.
- * g C-r: Graphics Options.
- * g C-t: Graphics Options.
- * g D: Devices.
- * g d: Managing Curves.
- * g F: Three Dimensional Graphics.
- * g f: Basic Graphics.
- * g g: Graphics Options.
- * g H: Managing Curves.
- * g h: Graphics Options.
- * g j: Managing Curves.
- * g K: Devices.
- * g k: Graphics Options.
- * g L: Graphics Options.
- * g l: Graphics Options.
- * g N: Graphics Options.
- * g n: Graphics Options.
- * g O: Devices.
- * g p: Managing Curves.
- * g P: Managing Curves.
- * g q: Devices.
- * g r: Graphics Options.
- * g R: Graphics Options.
- * g S: Graphics Options.
- * g s: Graphics Options.
- * g T: Graphics Options.
- * g t: Graphics Options.
- * g v: Devices.
- * g V: Devices.
- * g X: Devices.
- * g x: Devices.
- * g Z: Graphics Options.
- * g z: Graphics Options.
- * H: Inverse and Hyperbolic.
- * h (HMS forms): HMS Forms.
- * H a /: Polynomials.
- * H a d: Differentiation.
- * H a F: Error Estimates for Fits.
- * H a f: Polynomials.
- * H a M: Algebraic Manipulation.
- * H a N: Minimization.
- * H a p: Interpolation.
- * H a R: Root Finding.
- * H a S: Multiple Solutions.
- * H a X: Minimization.
- * h b: Help Commands.
- * H b #: Related Financial Functions.
- * H b F: Future Value.
- * H b L: Binary Functions.
- * H b l: Binary Functions.
- * H b M: Related Financial Functions.
- * H b P: Present Value.
- * H b R: Binary Functions.
- * H b r: Binary Functions.
- * H b t: Binary Functions.
- * H b T: Related Financial Functions.
- * H C: Trigonometric and Hyperbolic Functions.
- * h c: Help Commands.
- * H c 0-9: Conversions.
- * H c c: Conversions.
- * H c f: Conversions.
- * H c F: Conversions.
- * h C-c: Help Commands.
- * h C-d: Help Commands.
- * h C-w: Help Commands.
- * H E: Logarithmic Functions.
- * h f: Help Commands.
- * H F: Integer Truncation.
- * H f B: Advanced Math Functions.
- * H f G: Advanced Math Functions.
- * h h: Help Commands.
- * h i: Help Commands.
- * H I a S: Multiple Solutions.
- * H I C: Trigonometric and Hyperbolic Functions.
- * H I E: Logarithmic Functions.
- * H I F: Integer Truncation.
- * H I f G: Advanced Math Functions.
- * H I L: Logarithmic Functions.
- * H I P: Scientific Functions.
- * H I R: Integer Truncation.
- * H I S: Trigonometric and Hyperbolic Functions.
- * H I T: Trigonometric and Hyperbolic Functions.
- * H I u M: Single-Variable Statistics.
- * H I u S: Single-Variable Statistics.
- * H I v h: Building Vectors.
- * H I V R: Nesting and Fixed Points.
- * H I V U: Nesting and Fixed Points.
- * H I |: Building Vectors.
- * H j I: Rearranging with Selections.
- * h k: Help Commands.
- * H k b: Combinatorial Functions.
- * H k c: Combinatorial Functions.
- * H k e: Combinatorial Functions.
- * H k s: Combinatorial Functions.
- * H L: Logarithmic Functions.
- * h n: Help Commands.
- * H P: Scientific Functions.
- * H R: Integer Truncation.
- * H S: Trigonometric and Hyperbolic Functions.
- * h s: Help Commands.
- * h t: Help Commands.
- * H T: Trigonometric and Hyperbolic Functions.
- * H u C: Paired-Sample Statistics.
- * H u G: Single-Variable Statistics.
- * H u M: Single-Variable Statistics.
- * H u S: Single-Variable Statistics.
- * h v: Help Commands.
- * H v e: Manipulating Vectors.
- * H V H: Manipulating Vectors.
- * H v h: Building Vectors.
- * H v k: Building Vectors.
- * H v l: Manipulating Vectors.
- * H V R: Nesting and Fixed Points.
- * H V U: Nesting and Fixed Points.
- * H |: Building Vectors.
- * I: Inverse and Hyperbolic.
- * i: Help Commands.
- * I a F: Error Estimates for Fits.
- * I a M: Algebraic Manipulation.
- * I a m: Matching Commands.
- * I a S: Multiple Solutions.
- * I B: Logarithmic Functions.
- * I b #: Related Financial Functions.
- * I b F: Future Value.
- * I b I: Related Financial Functions.
- * I b M: Related Financial Functions.
- * I b N: Present Value.
- * I b P: Present Value.
- * I b T: Related Financial Functions.
- * I C: Trigonometric and Hyperbolic Functions.
- * I c p: Conversions.
- * I E: Logarithmic Functions.
- * I F: Integer Truncation.
- * I f e: Advanced Math Functions.
- * I f G: Advanced Math Functions.
- * I k B: Probability Distribution Functions.
- * I k C: Probability Distribution Functions.
- * I k F: Probability Distribution Functions.
- * I k N: Probability Distribution Functions.
- * I k n: Combinatorial Functions.
- * I k P: Probability Distribution Functions.
- * I k T: Probability Distribution Functions.
- * I L: Logarithmic Functions.
- * I M: Recursion Depth.
- * I P: Scientific Functions.
- * I Q: Scientific Functions.
- * I R: Integer Truncation.
- * I S: Trigonometric and Hyperbolic Functions.
- * I T: Trigonometric and Hyperbolic Functions.
- * I u C: Paired-Sample Statistics.
- * I u M: Single-Variable Statistics.
- * I u S: Single-Variable Statistics.
- * I V G: Manipulating Vectors.
- * I v h: Building Vectors.
- * I V R: Reducing.
- * I v s: Extracting Elements.
- * I V S: Manipulating Vectors.
- * I V U: Reducing.
- * I ^: Basic Arithmetic.
- * I |: Building Vectors.
- * J: Complex Number Functions.
- * j ": Rearranging with Selections.
- * j &: Rearranging with Selections.
- * j ': Operating on Selections.
- * j *: Rearranging with Selections.
- * j +: Rearranging with Selections.
- * j -: Rearranging with Selections.
- * j /: Rearranging with Selections.
- * j 1-9: Changing Selections.
- * j a: Making Selections.
- * j b: Making Selections.
- * j c: Making Selections.
- * j C: Rearranging with Selections.
- * j d: Displaying Selections.
- * j D: Rearranging with Selections.
- * j DEL: Operating on Selections.
- * j e: Operating on Selections.
- * j E: Rearranging with Selections.
- * j I: Rearranging with Selections.
- * j L: Rearranging with Selections.
- * j l: Changing Selections.
- * j m: Changing Selections.
- * j M: Rearranging with Selections.
- * j N: Rearranging with Selections.
- * j n: Changing Selections.
- * j O: Making Selections.
- * j o: Making Selections.
- * j p: Changing Selections.
- * j R: Rearranging with Selections.
- * j r: Selections with Rewrite Rules.
- * j RET: Operating on Selections.
- * j S: Making Selections.
- * j s: Making Selections.
- * j u: Making Selections.
- * j U: Rearranging with Selections.
- * j v: Rearranging with Selections.
- * j `: Operating on Selections.
- * K: Keep Arguments.
- * k a: Random Numbers.
- * k b: Combinatorial Functions.
- * k B: Probability Distribution Functions.
- * k c: Combinatorial Functions.
- * k C: Probability Distribution Functions.
- * k d: Combinatorial Functions.
- * k E: Combinatorial Functions.
- * k e: Combinatorial Functions.
- * k f: Combinatorial Functions.
- * k F: Probability Distribution Functions.
- * k g: Combinatorial Functions.
- * k h: Random Numbers.
- * k l: Combinatorial Functions.
- * k m: Combinatorial Functions.
- * k N: Probability Distribution Functions.
- * k n: Combinatorial Functions.
- * k p: Combinatorial Functions.
- * k P: Probability Distribution Functions.
- * k r: Random Numbers.
- * k s: Combinatorial Functions.
- * k t: Combinatorial Functions.
- * k T: Probability Distribution Functions.
- * L: Logarithmic Functions.
- * LFD: Stack Manipulation.
- * M: Recursion Depth.
- * m (HMS forms): HMS Forms.
- * M (modulo forms): Modulo Forms.
- * m A: Simplification Modes.
- * m a: Algebraic Entry.
- * m B: Simplification Modes.
- * m C: Automatic Recomputation.
- * m C: Evaluates-To Operator.
- * m D: Simplification Modes.
- * m d: Angular Modes.
- * m E: Simplification Modes.
- * m f: Fraction Mode.
- * m F: General Mode Commands.
- * m g: Modes Variable.
- * m h: Angular Modes.
- * m i: Infinite Mode.
- * m m: General Mode Commands.
- * m N: Simplification Modes.
- * m O: Simplification Modes.
- * m p: Polar Mode.
- * m R: General Mode Commands.
- * m r: Angular Modes.
- * m S: General Mode Commands.
- * m s: Symbolic Mode.
- * m t: Algebraic Entry.
- * m U: Simplification Modes.
- * m v: Matrix Mode.
- * m w: Working Message.
- * m x: General Mode Commands.
- * M-# #: Basic Commands.
- * M-# ': More About Embedded Mode.
- * M-# 0: Basic Commands.
- * M-# :: Grabbing From Buffers.
- * M-# =: Assignments in Embedded Mode.
- * M-# a: Assignments in Embedded Mode.
- * M-# b: Basic Commands.
- * M-# c: Basic Commands.
- * M-# d: More About Embedded Mode.
- * M-# e: Basic Embedded Mode.
- * M-# f: More About Embedded Mode.
- * M-# g: Grabbing From Buffers.
- * M-# i: Help Commands.
- * M-# j: Assignments in Embedded Mode.
- * M-# k: Keypad Mode.
- * M-# L: Autoloading Problems.
- * M-# m: Naming Keyboard Macros.
- * M-# M-#: Basic Commands.
- * M-# n: More About Embedded Mode.
- * M-# o: Basic Commands.
- * M-# p: More About Embedded Mode.
- * M-# q: Quick Calculator.
- * M-# r: Grabbing From Buffers.
- * M-# s: Help Commands.
- * M-# t: Help Commands.
- * M-# u: Assignments in Embedded Mode.
- * M-# w: Basic Embedded Mode.
- * M-# x: Basic Commands.
- * M-# y: Yanking Into Buffers.
- * M-# z: Invocation Macros.
- * M-# _: Grabbing From Buffers.
- * M-# `: More About Embedded Mode.
- * M-%: Percentages.
- * M-DEL: Stack Manipulation.
- * M-k: Killing From Stack.
- * M-RET: Undo.
- * M-TAB: Stack Manipulation.
- * M-w: Killing From Stack.
- * M-x: Basic Commands.
- * N: Symbolic Mode.
- * n: Basic Arithmetic.
- * o: Stack Basics.
- * o (HMS forms): HMS Forms.
- * P: Scientific Functions.
- * p: Precision.
- * p (error forms): Error Forms.
- * Q: Basic Arithmetic.
- * q: Basic Commands.
- * R: Integer Truncation.
- * r 0-9: Recalling Variables.
- * RET: Stack Manipulation.
- * S: Trigonometric and Hyperbolic Functions.
- * s &: Storing Variables.
- * s (HMS forms): HMS Forms.
- * s *: Storing Variables.
- * s +: Storing Variables.
- * s -: Storing Variables.
- * s /: Storing Variables.
- * s 0-9: Storing Variables.
- * s :: Evaluates-To Operator.
- * s =: Evaluates-To Operator.
- * s A: Operations on Variables.
- * s c: Storing Variables.
- * s D: Operations on Variables.
- * s d: Declaration Basics.
- * s e: Operations on Variables.
- * s E: Operations on Variables.
- * s F: Operations on Variables.
- * s G: Operations on Variables.
- * s H: Operations on Variables.
- * s i: Operations on Variables.
- * s I: Operations on Variables.
- * s l: Let Command.
- * s L: Operations on Variables.
- * s m: Storing Variables.
- * s n: Storing Variables.
- * s P: Operations on Variables.
- * s p: Operations on Variables.
- * s R: Operations on Variables.
- * s r: Recalling Variables.
- * s s: Storing Variables.
- * s T: Operations on Variables.
- * s t: Storing Variables.
- * s U: Operations on Variables.
- * s u: Storing Variables.
- * s x: Storing Variables.
- * s X: Operations on Variables.
- * s [: Storing Variables.
- * s ]: Storing Variables.
- * s ^: Storing Variables.
- * s |: Storing Variables.
- * SPC: Stack Manipulation.
- * T: Trigonometric and Hyperbolic Functions.
- * t +: Business Days.
- * t -: Business Days.
- * t .: Vector and Matrix Formats.
- * t 0-9: Storing Variables.
- * t <: Trail Commands.
- * t >: Trail Commands.
- * t b: Trail Commands.
- * t C: Date Conversions.
- * t d: Trail Commands.
- * t D: Date Conversions.
- * t f: Trail Commands.
- * t h: Trail Commands.
- * t I: Date Functions.
- * t i: Trail Commands.
- * t J: Date Conversions.
- * t k: Trail Commands.
- * t m: Trail Commands.
- * t M: Date Functions.
- * t n: Trail Commands.
- * t N: Date Functions.
- * t o: Trail Commands.
- * t P: Date Functions.
- * t p: Trail Commands.
- * t r: Trail Commands.
- * t s: Trail Commands.
- * t U: Date Conversions.
- * t W: Date Functions.
- * t Y: Date Functions.
- * t y: Trail Commands.
- * t [: Trail Commands.
- * t ]: Trail Commands.
- * TAB: Stack Manipulation.
- * U: Undo.
- * u #: Single-Variable Statistics.
- * u *: Single-Variable Statistics.
- * u +: Single-Variable Statistics.
- * u 0-9: User-Defined Units.
- * u a: Basic Operations on Units.
- * u b: Basic Operations on Units.
- * u C: Paired-Sample Statistics.
- * u c: Basic Operations on Units.
- * u d: User-Defined Units.
- * u e: The Units Table.
- * u G: Single-Variable Statistics.
- * u g: The Units Table.
- * u M: Single-Variable Statistics.
- * u N: Single-Variable Statistics.
- * u p: User-Defined Units.
- * u r: Basic Operations on Units.
- * u S: Single-Variable Statistics.
- * u s: Basic Operations on Units.
- * u t: Basic Operations on Units.
- * u u: User-Defined Units.
- * u v: The Units Table.
- * u V: The Units Table.
- * u x: Basic Operations on Units.
- * u X: Single-Variable Statistics.
- * V #: Set Operations.
- * V (: Vector and Matrix Formats.
- * V +: Set Operations.
- * V ,: Vector and Matrix Formats.
- * V -: Set Operations.
- * V .: Vector and Matrix Formats.
- * V /: Vector and Matrix Formats.
- * V :: Set Operations.
- * V <: Vector and Matrix Formats.
- * V =: Vector and Matrix Formats.
- * V >: Vector and Matrix Formats.
- * V {: Vector and Matrix Formats.
- * V A: Reducing and Mapping.
- * v a: Manipulating Vectors.
- * v b: Building Vectors.
- * v c: Extracting Elements.
- * V C: Vector and Matrix Arithmetic.
- * v d: Building Vectors.
- * V D: Vector and Matrix Arithmetic.
- * V E: Set Operations.
- * v e: Manipulating Vectors.
- * v f: Manipulating Vectors.
- * V F: Set Operations.
- * V G: Manipulating Vectors.
- * V H: Manipulating Vectors.
- * v h: Building Vectors.
- * v i: Building Vectors.
- * V I: Generalized Products.
- * V J: Vector and Matrix Arithmetic.
- * v k: Building Vectors.
- * v l: Manipulating Vectors.
- * V L: Vector and Matrix Arithmetic.
- * v m: Manipulating Vectors.
- * V M: Mapping.
- * v n: Vector and Matrix Arithmetic.
- * V N: Vector and Matrix Arithmetic.
- * V O: Generalized Products.
- * v p: Packing and Unpacking.
- * v p (complex): Complex Number Functions.
- * v r: Extracting Elements.
- * V R: Reducing.
- * v s: Extracting Elements.
- * V S: Manipulating Vectors.
- * v t: Manipulating Vectors.
- * V T: Vector and Matrix Arithmetic.
- * v u: Packing and Unpacking.
- * V U: Reducing.
- * v u (complex): Complex Number Functions.
- * v v: Manipulating Vectors.
- * V V: Set Operations.
- * V X: Set Operations.
- * v x: Building Vectors.
- * V [: Vector and Matrix Formats.
- * V ]: Vector and Matrix Formats.
- * V ^: Set Operations.
- * V ~: Set Operations.
- * w: Error Messages.
- * x: Basic Commands.
- * X: Keyboard Macros.
- * y: Yanking Into Buffers.
- * Y: Defining Simple Commands.
- * Y ?: Defining Simple Commands.
- * z: Programming.
- * Z #: Queries in Macros.
- * Z ': Local Values in Macros.
- * Z (: Loops in Macros.
- * Z ): Loops in Macros.
- * Z /: Loops in Macros.
- * Z :: Conditionals in Macros.
- * Z <: Loops in Macros.
- * Z =: Queries in Macros.
- * Z >: Loops in Macros.
- * Z {: Loops in Macros.
- * Z }: Loops in Macros.
- * Z C: User-Defined Compositions.
- * Z C-g: Conditionals in Macros.
- * Z D: Creating User Keys.
- * Z E: Creating User Keys.
- * Z F: Algebraic Definitions.
- * Z G: Algebraic Definitions.
- * Z I: Invocation Macros.
- * Z K: Naming Keyboard Macros.
- * Z P: Creating User Keys.
- * Z S: Syntax Tables.
- * Z T: Debugging Calc.
- * Z U: Creating User Keys.
- * Z [: Conditionals in Macros.
- * Z ]: Conditionals in Macros.
- * Z `: Local Values in Macros.
- * Z |: Conditionals in Macros.
- * [: Incomplete Objects.
- * \: Basic Arithmetic.
- * ]: Incomplete Objects.
- * ^: Basic Arithmetic.
- * _: Numeric Entry.
- * `: Editing Stack Entries.
- * |: Building Vectors.
- * ~: Prefix Arguments.