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%%% File: utthesis.sty, version 1.0, April 1994
%%% ===========================================
%%% Copyright (c) 1994 by Dinesh Das. All rights reserved.
%%% This file is free and can be modified or distributed as long as
%%% you meet the following conditions:
%%% (1) This copyright notice is kept intact on all modified copies.
%%% (2) If you modify this file, you MUST NOT use the original file name.
%%% This file defines macros used for preparing theses for
%%% The University of Texas at Austin. It has been tested with LaTeX2e.
%%% I do NOT guarantee that it will meet all requirements of the
%%% Graduate School; however, if you find that something violates the
%%% specifications, please send me email at <ddas@cs.utexas.edu> and
%%% I will try to fix it.
%%% Usage:
%%% ======
%%% To use this file with LaTeX2e, make sure your TEXINPUTS environment
%%% variable contains the directory in which this file is located.
%%% Include this file as a package in the preamble:
%%% \documentclass[...]{report}
%%% \usepackage{utthesis}
%%% On non-UNIX systems, there might be different environment variables
%%% that might need to be set. I know nothing about such machines,
%%% however; consult your local guru for details.
%%% To use with LaTeX, set your TEXINPUTS variable as above, and include
%%% this file as a documentstyle option:
%%% \documentstyle[...,utthesis,...]{report}
%%% Also, MAKE SURE you uncomment the lines indicated below.
%%% NOTE: This file DOESN'T work with LaTeX yet; if you know how,
%%% please send me email.
%%% A template for a thesis is provided in the file "utthesis.doc", available
%%% from the same place where you obtained this file.
%%% Command Names:
%%% ==============
%%% ALL command names used in this file that are used to format the
%%% thesis begin with "thesis" (e.g., \thesisauthor). All of these
%%% commands can be changed by the user using \renewcommand, e.g.,
%%% \renewcommand{\thesisauthor}{First M. Last}
%%% after loading the package (in LaTeX2e), or after the \documentstyle
%%% command in LaTeX.
%%% The following is a list of all thesis-related variables used together
%%% with their default values:
%%% \thesisauthor %% Name of the author; defaults to "Ima Student".
%%% \thesismonth %% Month of graduation; defaults to "May".
%%% \thesisyear %% Year of graduation; defaults to "1994".
%%% \thesistitle %% Full title of dissertation; defaults to "Title".
%%% \thesistitletypesize
%%% %% Typesize used to typeset \thesistitle; defaults
%%% %% to \Large.
%%% \thesisauthorpreviousdegrees
%%% %% Previous degrees of author; defaults to "Degree"
%%% \thesissupervisor%% Name of thesis supervisor; defaults to "Supervisor"
%%% \thesisauthoraddress
%%% %% Permanent address of author; defaults to "USA"
%%% \thesisapprovedby%% Approval of dissertation committee; defaults to
%%% %% "Approved by".
%%% \thesisapprovedbytypesize
%%% %% Typesize user to typeset \thesisapprovedby; defaults
%%% %% to \large.
%%% \thesiscopyrightholder
%%% %% Name of copyright holder; defaults to \thesisauthor.
%%% \thesistypist %% Name of thesis typist; defaults to "the author".
%%% \thesistype %% Type of thesis; defaults to "Dissertation".
%%% \thesistypetypesize
%%% %% Typesize used to typeset \thesistype; defaults to
%%% %% \large.
%%% \thesisdegree %% Degree for which thesis is submitted; defaults to
%%% %% "Doctor of Philosophy".
%%% \thesisdegreetypesize
%%% %% Typesize used to typeset \thesisdegree; defaults to
%%% %% \large.
%%% \thesisdegreeabbreviation
%%% %% Abbreviation of \thesisdegree; defaults to "Ph.D.".
%%% \thesiscommitteesize
%%% %% Number of members in thesis committee; defaults to 5.
%%% \thesiscommittee %% Name of thesis committee; defaults to
%%% %% "Dissertation Committee:".
%%% \thesiscommitteetypesize
%%% %% Typesize used to typeset \thesiscommittee; defaults
%%% %% to \large.
%%% \thesisvitahead %% Title of the vita page; defaults to "Vita".
%%% \thesisvitaheadtypesize
%%% %% Typesize used to typeset \thesisvitahead; unused.
%%% \thesisacknowledgmenthead
%%% %% Title of the acknowledgments page; defaults to
%%% %% "Acknowledgments".
%%% \thesisacknowledgmentheadtypesize
%%% %% Typesize used to typeset \thesisacknowledgmenthead;
%%% %% unused.
%%% \thesisacknowledgmentsigname
%%% %% Signature on the acknowledgments page; defaults to
%%% %% \thesisauthor.
%%% \thesisacknowledgmentsignametypesize
%%% %% Typesize used to typeset \thesisacknowledgmentsigname;
%%% %% defaults to \large.
%%% \thesisacknowledgmentsigplace
%%% %% Address used on the acknowledgments page; defaults
%%% %% to "The University of Texas at Austin \\ \thesismonth
%%% %% \thesisyear".
%%% \thesisstudent %% Name of author with previous degrees; defaults to
%%% %% "\thesisauthor, \thesisauthorpreviousdegrees".
%%% \thesisstudenttypesize
%%% %% Typesize used to typeset \thesisstudent; defaults
%%% %% to \large.
%%% \thesisdedication%% Person or thing dedicated to; defaults to
%%% %% "To myself". :-)
%%% Most of the default values will satisfy the Graduate School's
%%% requirements; however, at a minimum, the user SHOULD redefine the
%%% following commands:
%%% \thesisauthor
%%% \thesismonth
%%% \thesisyear
%%% \thesistitle
%%% \thesisauthorpreviousdegrees
%%% \thesissupervisor
%%% \thesisauthoraddress
%%% In addition to the above variables, the following commands are
%%% provided to generate the optional sections of the thesis:
%%% \thesiscopyrightpage
%%% %% Generates the copyright page.
%%% \thesistitlepage %% Generates the title page.
%%% \thesissignaturepage
%%% %% Generates the signature page.
%%% \thesisdedicationpage
%%% %% Generates the dedication page.
%%% There are also a few environments to generate paragraph-like text:
%%% thesisacknowledgments
%%% %% Text of acknowledgments.
%%% thesisabstract %% Text of abstract.
%%% thesisauthorvita %% Text of author's vita.
%%% Bells and Whistles:
%%% ===================
%%% The following commands are provided purely for playing around with.
%%% They should be used in the document preamble (before \begin{document}).
%%% \thesisdraft %% Prints a timestamp at the top of each page. This
%%% %% must be invoked in the document preamble (before
%%% %% \begin{document}).
%%% \leftchapter, \centerchapter, \rightchapter
%%% %% These commands generate left-justified, centered,
%%% %% and right-justified chapter headings, respectively.
%%% \singlespace, \oneandhalfspace, \doublespace
%%% %% These define the line spacing to single-space,
%%% %% one-and-one-half space, and double-space
%%% %% respectively. Note that the minimum spacing
%%% %% required by the Graduate School is \oneandhalfspace,
%%% %% but \singlespace is useful, e.g., when using
%%% %% \thesisdraft.
\typeout{** UT Austin Thesis Style File, version 1.0, April 1994 }
\typeout{** Written by Dinesh Das }
\typeout{** Dept. of Computer Sciences }
\typeout{** The University of Texas at Austin }
%%% Set up page layout parameters.