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Text File  |  1991-07-03  |  22KB  |  476 lines

  1. %% @metafontfile{
  2. %%     filename="cyrspl.mf",
  3. %%     version="2.1",
  4. %%     date="30-MAY-1991",
  5. %%     filetype="Metafont: driver",
  6. %%     copyright="Copyright (C) Humanities and Arts Computing Center,
  7. %%            University of Washington;
  8. %%            all rights reserved.  Copying of this file is
  9. %%            authorized only if either:
  10. %%            (1) you make absolutely no changes to your copy
  11. %%                including name; OR
  12. %%            (2) if you do make changes, you first rename it to some
  13. %%                other name.",
  14. %%     author="American Mathematical Society",
  15. %%     address="American Mathematical Society,
  16. %%            Technical Support Group,
  17. %%            P. O. Box 6248,
  18. %%            Providence, RI 02940,
  19. %%            USA",
  20. %%     telephone="401-455-4080 or (in the USA) 800-321-4AMS",
  21. %%     email="Internet: Tech-Support@Math.AMS.com",
  22. %%     codetable="ISO/ASCII",
  23. %%     checksumtype="line count",
  24. %%     checksum="476",
  25. %%     keywords="amsfonts, tex, metafont , cyrillic ",
  26. %%     abstract="This is the driver file for use with 
  27. %%            the cyrillic fonts in AMSFonts 2.1."
  28. %%     }
  29. %
  30. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  31. % Cyrspl special lowercase cyrillic forms, incl. o
  33. cmchar "The Ukrainian letter i";
  34. numeric dot_diam#; dot_diam#=max(dot_size#,cap_curve#);
  35. beginchar(oct"014",5u#,min(asc_height#,10/7x_height#+.5dot_diam#),0);
  36. define_whole_blacker_pixels(dot_diam);
  37. italcorr h#*slant-serif_fit# + .5dot_diam# -2u#;
  38. adjust_fit(serif_fit#+stem_shift# if monospace:+.25u#fi,serif_fit#-stem_shift#);
  39. pickup tiny.nib; pos1(stem',0); pos2(stem',0);
  40. if odd(w-stem'): change_width; fi
  41. lft x1l=hround(.5w-.5stem'); x1=x2;
  42. top y1=x_height if serifs: +min(oo,serif_drop) fi; bot y2=0;
  43. filldraw stroke z1e--z2e;  % stem
  44. pos3(dot_diam,0); pos4(dot_diam,90);
  45. if serifs: x3r=max(x1r,x1+.5(dot_diam-tiny)-.2jut) else: x3=x1-.5 fi;
  46. top y4r=h+1;
  47. if bot y4l-top y1<slab: y4l:=min(y4r-eps,y1+tiny+slab); fi
  48. x3=x4; y3=.5[y4l,y4r]; dot(3,4);  % dot
  49. if serifs: sloped_serif.l(1,2,a,1/3,.95jut,serif_drop);  % upper serif
  50.  dish_serif(2,1,b,1/3,jut,c,1/3,.9jut); fi  % lower serif
  51. penlabels(1,2,3,4); endchar;
  53. cmchar "The letter dj (looks like barred h with tail)";
  54. beginchar(oct"016",9.5u#,asc_height#,desc_depth#);
  55. italcorr .5[bar_height#,x_height#]*slant-serif_fit#+.5stem#-2u#;
  56. adjust_fit(u#+serif_fit#+stem_shift#,serif_fit#-stem_shift#);
  57. pickup tiny.nib; pos1(stem,0); pos2(stem,0);
  58. pos1'(stem',0); pos2'(stem',0); 
  59. lft x1l=hround(2.5u-.5stem); x1l=x1'l=x2l=x2'l; 
  60. top y1=h; bot y2=0; y1=y1'; y2=y2';
  61. filldraw stroke z1'e--z2'e;  % left stem
  62. if serifs: sloped_serif.l(1',2',b,1/3,jut,serif_drop); % upper left serif
  63.  dish_serif(2,1,c,1/3,jut,d,1/3,jut); % lower left serif
  64. fi
  65. pickup crisp.nib;
  66. x98=0; x99=hround(w-u); y98=y99=.5x_height+.5h; pos98(bar,90); pos99(bar,90);
  67. filldraw stroke z98e--z99e;
  68. pickup tiny.nib;
  69. %w:=12u; 
  70. x23=hround(w-u); y23=bar_height; %2/3[x_height,bar_height]; 
  71. if serifs: pos23(.9stem,0) else: pos23(stem,0) fi;
  72. rt x20l=rt x2r; y20=7/8[x_height,bar_height]; pos20(hair,180);
  73. x21=.45[x20,x23]; top y21r=x_height+oo; pos21(hair,90);
  74. pos24(cap_hair,-90); 
  75. %if serifs: x24=.45[x20,x23] else: x24=.55[x20,x23] fi;  
  76. lft x24r=rt x2r; %even with right edge of stem;
  77. bot y24r=-d;
  78. %filldraw stroke z20e...{right}z21e{right}...z23e{down}...{-6,-3}z24e;
  79. filldraw stroke z20e...{right}z21e & pulled_arc.e(21,23) & pulled_arc.e(23,24);
  80. penlabels(1,2,3,4,20,21,23,24); endchar;
  82. cmchar "The Serbian letter soft t (looks like barred h)";
  83. beginchar(oct"017",11u#,asc_height#,0);
  84. italcorr .5[bar_height#,x_height#]*slant-serif_fit#+.5stem#-2u#;
  85. adjust_fit(.5u#+serif_fit#+stem_shift#,serif_fit#-stem_shift#);
  86. pickup tiny.nib; pos1(stem,0); pos2(stem,0);
  87. pos1'(stem',0); pos2'(stem',0); pos3(stem,0);
  88. lft x1l=hround(2.5u-.5stem); x1l=x1'l=x2l=x2'l; x3=w-x1;
  89. top y1=h; bot y2=0; y1=y1'; y2=y2';
  90. filldraw stroke z1'e--z2'e;  % left stem
  91. h_stroke(2,a,3,4);  % arch and right stem
  92. if serifs: sloped_serif.l(1',2',b,1/3,jut,serif_drop); % upper left serif
  93.  numeric inner_jut; pickup tiny.nib;
  94.  if rt x2r+jut+.5u+1<=lft x4l-jut: inner_jut=jut;
  95.  else: rt x2r+jut+.5u+1=lft x4l-inner_jut; fi
  96.  dish_serif(2,1,c,1/3,jut,d,1/3,jut); % lower left serif
  97.  dish_serif(4,3,e,1/3,inner_jut,f,1/3,jut); fi % lower right serif
  98. pickup crisp.nib;
  99. x98=0; x99=x4; y98=y99=.5x_height+.5h; pos98(bar,90); pos99(bar,90);
  100. filldraw stroke z98e--z99e;
  101. penlabels(1,2,3,4); endchar;
  103. cmchar "The Russian letter yo (looks like e umlaut)";
  104. beginchar(oct"033",7.25u#+max(.75u#,.5curve#),x_height#,0);
  105. italcorr .5[bar_height#,x_height#]*slant+.5min(curve#-1.5u#,0);
  106. adjust_fit(if monospace: .25u#,.5u# else: 0,0 fi);
  107. numeric left_curve,right_curve;
  108. left_curve=right_curve+6stem_corr=curve if not serifs: -3stem_corr fi;
  109. if right_curve<tiny.breadth: right_curve:=tiny.breadth; fi
  110. if left_curve<tiny.breadth: left_curve:=tiny.breadth; fi
  111. pickup tiny.nib; pos1(right_curve,0);
  112. pos2(vair,90); pos3(left_curve,180);
  113. y1=good.y bar_height; top y2r=h+vround 1.5oo; y0l=bot y1;
  114. rt x1r=hround min(w-.5u,w-u+.5right_curve);
  115. lft x3r=hround max(.5u,1.25u-.5left_curve); x2=.5w+.25u;
  116. {{interim superness:=more_super;
  117.  filldraw stroke super_arc.e(1,2)}};  % right bowl
  118. y3=.5[y2,y4]; bot y4r=-oo; x4=x2+.25u;
  119. if serifs: pos4(vair',270); pos5(hair,360);
  120.  y5=max(good.y(.5bar_height-.9),y4l+vair); x5r=x1r;
  121.  (x,y4l)=whatever[z4r,z5]; x4l:=min(x,x4l+.5u);
  122.  filldraw stroke pulled_arc.e(2,3) & pulled_arc.e(3,4)
  123.   ...{x5-x4,5(y5-y4)}z5e; % left bowl, arc, and terminal
  124. else: pos4(vair,270);
  125.  filldraw stroke super_arc.e(2,3) & super_arc.e(3,4);  % left bowl and arc
  126.  pickup fine.nib; pos4'(vair,270); z4=z4';
  127.  pos5(.5[vair,flare],275); rt x5r=hround(w-.6u);
  128.  y5r=good.y(y5r+1/3bar_height-y5); y5l:=good.y y5l; x5l:=good.x x5l;
  129.  filldraw stroke term.e(4',5,right,1,4); fi  % terminal
  130. path testpath; testpath=super_arc.r(2,3) & super_arc.r(3,4);
  131. y1'r=y0r=y0l+.6[thin_join,vair]; y1'l=y0l; x1'l=x1'r=x1;
  132. forsuffixes $=l,r:
  133.  x0$=xpart(((0,y0$)--(x1,y0$)) intersectionpoint testpath); endfor
  134. fill stroke z0e--z1'e;  % crossbar
  135. umlaut(2,q);
  136. penlabels(0,1,2,3,4,5); endchar;
  138. cmchar "The Old Russian letter yatz";
  139. beginchar(oct"053",11u#,body_height#,0);
  140. italcorr .5x_height#*slant+min(.5curve#-u#,-.25u#);
  141. adjust_fit(u#+serif_fit#,0);
  142. pickup tiny.nib; pos1(stem,0); pos2(stem,0);
  143. lft x1l=lft x2l=hround(max(2u,3u-.5stem)); top y1=h-1.5jut; bot y2=0;
  144. filldraw stroke z1e--z2e;  % body of stem
  145. penpos8(.5[vair,bar],90); penpos9(.5[vair,bar],90);
  146. penpos10(curve,0); penpos11(slab,-90); penpos12(slab,-90);
  147. y9=y8=.5[bar_height,x_height]; x9=x11=.5[x1,w-1.5u];
  148. y12r= y11r=0; y10=.5[y11,y9]; 
  149. x9l:=x9l-.5u; x11l:=x11l-.5u; x8=x12=x1; x10r=hround(w-u);
  150. fill stroke z8e..super_arc.e(9,10)& super_arc.e(10,11)..z12e; %bowl
  151. if serifs: nodish_serif(2,1,a,1/3,jut,b,1/3,.5jut) ; fi
  152. %
  153. pickup tiny.nib; 
  154. x71=x1l-2.5u; x72=x1r+2.5u; y71r=y72r=y1- if serifs: 1.5u else: 2u fi;  
  155. pos71(slab,90); pos72(slab,90); filldraw stroke z71e--z72e; % cross
  156. lft x991l=lft x1l;rt x991r=rt x1r; y991r=y991l=y1;
  157. x92=x1l-jut; x93=x1r+jut; y92=y93=y1+2jut;
  158. if hefty: filldraw z1l--z92--z1r--cycle; filldraw z1l--z93--z1r--cycle; else:
  159. filldraw z991l--z92--z991r--cycle; filldraw z991l--z93--z991r--cycle; fi
  160. penlabels(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8); endchar;
  162. cmchar "The letter dotless i";
  163. numeric dot_diam#; dot_diam#=max(dot_size#,cap_curve#);
  164. beginchar("=",5u#,x_height#,0);
  165. define_whole_blacker_pixels(dot_diam);
  166. italcorr h#*slant-serif_fit# + .5dot_diam# -2u#;
  167. adjust_fit(serif_fit#+stem_shift# if monospace:+.25u#fi,serif_fit#-stem_shift#);
  168. pickup tiny.nib; pos1(stem',0); pos2(stem',0);
  169. if odd(w-stem'): change_width; fi
  170. lft x1l=hround(.5w-.5stem'); x1=x2;
  171. top y1=x_height if serifs: +min(oo,serif_drop) fi; bot y2=0;
  172. filldraw stroke z1e--z2e;  % stem
  173. pos3(dot_diam,0); pos4(dot_diam,90);
  174. if serifs: x3r=max(x1r,x1+.5(dot_diam-tiny)-.2jut) else: x3=x1-.5 fi;
  175. top y4r=h+1;
  176. if bot y4l-top y1<slab: y4l:=min(y4r-eps,y1+tiny+slab); fi
  177. x3=x4; y3=.5[y4l,y4r]; %dot(3,4);  % dot
  178. if serifs: sloped_serif.l(1,2,a,1/3,.95jut,serif_drop);  % upper serif
  179.  dish_serif(2,1,b,1/3,jut,c,1/3,.9jut); fi  % lower serif
  180. penlabels(1,2,3,4); endchar;
  182. cmchar "The Russian letter a";
  183. beginchar("a",9u#,x_height#,0);
  184. bh#:=min(ba