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OCR: < < <<< PARex v3.10 >>> > > PAREX-SCRIPTS MANUAL - Release : 16-Jan-94 Copyright 1991-1994 Chris P. Vandierendonck, [AniSYS]. All scripts in the "PARexScripts" have the "s"-bit set, 80 starting from AmigaDS v1.3 you can just type the script to execute it. (Users of earlier versions need to use 'Execute' command to execute the script. ) Note that this directory the is used by some scripts through the "PAREX:" forget to set this assign at system startup! assign, Most of the scripts in the "PAREX:" directory have the following two arguments: - FROMFILE/A : the name of the source file is always required. - PAREXARGS/F : here you can specify any PARex option, without marks. having to put them all between double quotation StripC ram:source SILENT STAT ', where the last two arguments fall I PAREXARGS argument. under the Some may have noticed that no destination file is required. That's because PARex will create a destination file under the name of the source file with the specifiy a destination file, then you must do this under the ".prx" suffix. If however, you want to PAREXARGS argument. ' StripC ram:source TO ram: Source_strip STAT will remove all C-comments from the ram:source file, and save the file as ram:Source_strip, after which detailed information will be given on the processing. AutoVERS Purpose: auto source version updating. Usage: SOURCE/A, REVMAME/A, INIT/S, M2/S, C/S, OBEROM/S, ASM/S, AREXX/S, AMIGADOS/S, PAREXARGS/F Script: "AutoVERS.pxs" Comment: This program script does two things, first it can create a new source file including a header, it can update this source file. secondly To create a new source file, the following arguments must be given : - SOURCE/A : path and name of the new source file - REVNAME/A: name by which you want to update this source file. This name is important since it'll be used to store the PARex v3.1x - PARexScripts Manual - Page 1 version number into an variable called environment "REUNAME . pau". variable is also copied to "EMVARC:" to The make sure that the actual version isn't forgotten the next time we boot up the INIT/S : switch will make AutoVERS to create a Amiga! new source file. If this keyword isn't given then the source file would be updated! MZICIOBERON IASMI AREXXIAMIGADOS: one of these keywords must be used to indicate what sort of source file to create, else AutoVERS assumes it's an AnigaDOS script. In order to create a new source file, AutoVERS needs to have two template files: one For install called "Header_XX", and the header to itself one for the source "BlankSource_XX", where "XX" represents M2, C, OBERON, (e.g. an empty program) called ASM, AREXX or AMIGADOS. Remember to follow this rule when creating files for a new language! The supplied template files are just simple examples and can be template freely adapted to fit your own needs! All files these "PAREX : AutoVERSFiles". must be stored in AutoVERS RAM: source Jummy M2 INIT ' This will create a Modula-II source file 'RAM: source'. The environment variable "Junny" as is used to store the source's current version. To update a source file, you must use the following arguments: - SOURCE/A : path and name of the source file to update. REVNAME/A: name as defined when creating the source file, "ENU : < REUNAME> . pay" land refers which holds to current version number. After calling the AutoVERS, this variable is incremented by 1. The new value is then ""ENVARC : < REVNAME> . pay" copied that to SO the current version isn't forgotten the next time we boot up the Amiga! I ' AutoVERS RAM: source Junny This will update the Jummy variable and use its new value in the RAM:source file. You can then I start to compile the source with the new values. Is done by PARex with the TOUCH option, you must make sure that the size of the header stays the same! So it's important MINSIZE and MAXSIZE for the items to use header that will be updated. the PARex v3.1x - PARexScripts Manual - Page 2 suppose you also want to update the version and other data in the source file itself, then it's best you edit the AutoVERS program and replace the TOUCH option with COMVERT. TOUCH was only used to make updating of large source files very quickly. If your source file is a very large file, then it's more rational to put the program information you want to update in a seperate source file. This will only take a few hundred bytes, and give a much faster update when using CONVERT! ConvertSYS Purpose: convert files between Amiga, MS-DOS,OS/2 & Unix. Usage: FROMFILE/A, MODE/K/A, PAREXARGS/F Script: "ConvertSYS. pxs" Comment: This program will convert files from one computer system to another. Generally some characters from one ASCII code set are replaced by their equivalent value in the other ASCII code set. Use the MODE argument to specify one of the following supported modes : AMIGAtoPC, AMIGAtoOSZ, PCtoAMIGA, PCtoOSZ, OSZtoAMIGA, OSZtoPC. (UNIX modes are to be added later, or 'DIY' !) I ' ConvertSYS ram: text MODE AMIGAtoPC ' This convert the ram:text file to its PC format. will Purpose: puts a searchstring in bold text. Usage: FROMFILE/A, FIND/K/A, PAREXARGS/F Comment: This program will search a file for (string) and put it in bold text in the following a given nane "ve[imFOUNDNAME\e[Om". The original case of the way nane is preserved. Use a text-viewer to see the result. I ' FindBold ran:source FIND p#?x WILD will show I all strings in the ram:source file which match the I pattern, by putting them in bold text. FindLight Purpose: puts a searchstring in reverse white text. Usage: FROMFILE/A, FIND/K/A, PAREXARGS/F Comment: This program will search a file for a given name (string) and put it in reverse text in the following way: "Ne[31:42m<FOUNDNAME>\e[Om". The original case of the result. the name is preserved. Use a text-viewer to see PARex v3. 1x - PARexScripts Manual - Page 3 Purpose: hexadecimal output of a file. Usage: FROMFILE/A, PAREXARGS/F Comment: Using ' HEXDump ram:source TO - SILENT ' will print the ram:source file in hexformat in the Shell window. IF you want C6 "spec in,he If you want to specify a hexdump format, then the formatstr must be the first argument after the source nane. E.g. ' HexDump ram:source "XP8: %88 XAM164" TO . SILENT " NeuCopy Purpose: copy files. Usage: FROMFILE/A, DESTFILE/A, PAREXARGS/F Comment: This program is an enhancement to the "Copy" command, since this script not only copies files, but also gives the opportunity to specify some replace commands to use during the copying . New Type Purpose: shous text files. Usage: FROMFILE/A, PAREXARGS/F Comment: This program is an enhancement to the "Type" command, since this script not only copies files, but also gives the opportunity to specify some replace commands to use during the showing. To output to another file, instead of the Shell window, use the TO option. a11 this script as: " Print"(file> CLOSE", this DocPrint Purpose: prints a text file in elite characters, with its nane as a header. Usage: FROMFILE/A, PAREXARGS/F Comment: Before the actual text of the file, its name printed in bold (elite) text. At the end a page eject is character is send. SrcPrint Purpose: prints a source file in condensed text, with its nane as a header . Usage: FROMFILE/A, PAREXARGS/F Comment: Before the actual text of the file, its name is PARex v3.1x - PARexScripts Manual - Page 4 printed in bold (elite) text. At the end a page eject character is send. StripAREXX Purpose: strips AREXX comments. Usage: FROMFILE/A, PAREXARGS/F Comment: The first comment is left intact, since ARexx demands this! StripDOS Striphsh Purpose: #tripi assembJE ABisce connents. Stripe usage: Catches nested coments also. Striph2 Usage: Front ILEm , Led coments also. StripOBERON Comment: Catches nested comments also. AddCR Purpose: convert LF to CR+CR. Usage: FROMFILE/A, PAREXARGS/F Comment: The Amiga uses LF for an end-of-line code, whereas MS- DOS uses CR+LF. This program will convert all LF codes to CR.LF. If a CR.LF should already exist, then they will be left alone, thus no CR.CR.LF will occur! PARex v3.1X - PARexScripts Manual - Page CutLines Purpose: cut LF+LF+LF ... to L.F.L.F. Usage: FROMFILE/A, PAREXARGS/F Comment: This program will convert a row of LF's with more than two, to LF+LF. StripCR Purpose: converts CR+LF to LF. Usage: FROMFILE/A, PAREXARGS/F Comment: MS-DOS uses CR+LF for an end-of-line code. The Amiga only uses LF. This program will convert all CR+LF codes to LF. ose; strips hard-returns fron a text. Useful when loading a text file run this Progreso listed bi A space, . tabaror another StripNEWPAGE Purpose: strips newpage characters from a file. Usage: FROMFILE/A, PAREXARGS/F Comment: Strips all newpage codes ($0C) from the source file. StripGUIDE Purpose: converts AmigaGuide files to normal text files. Usage: FROMFILE/A, PAREXARGS/F Script: "StripGUIDE.pxs" Comment: This program will crase all commands AmigaGuide* documents, which results in a plain text used file. Useful for those Amiga users who don't have the AmigaGuides program and want to remove all the commands for a more readable text. BORUPCTRL Purpose: remaps black and white print control sequences. Usage: FROMFILE/A, PAREXARGS/F Script: "RemapCTRL.pxs" Comment: This program will convert the white and black sequences as used in programs or textfiles. control knows, since AmigaDOS v2.x the white and black As have switched places. In other words if a program uses colours "\e[31m" under AmigaDOS vi.x prints in white, but under AnigaDOS v2.x and later is printed in black. some users this could be annoying. This program now For PARex v3. 1x - PARexScripts 21 - Page 6 StripCTRL Purpose: removes AmigaDOS print control sequences. Usage: FROMFILE/A, PAREXARGS/F Script: "StripCTRL.pxs" Comment: This program will erase all AmigaDOS print control sequences. ShowPARex Purpose: shows PARex name and version in 3D text. Usage: File: "PARexHeader" Comment: The output looks best under OS u2.x and later. MakePPS Purpose: makes a program script. Usage: SCRIPTMAME/A, PAREXARGS/F File: "_Empty. pps" Comment: Creates a program script called "PAREX: < SCRIPTNAME>". MakePXS Purpose: makes a parex script. Usage: SCRIPTNAME/A, PAREXARGS/F File: "_Empty. pxs" Comment: Creates a data script called "PAREX: < SCRIPTNAME>. pxs"