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OCR: < < <<< PARex v3.10 >> > > > REFERENCE: CODES - Release : 16-Jan-94 Copyright 1991-1994 Chris P. Vandierendonck, [AmiSYS]. Special characters NO : null Ne : ESCape \n : new line \t : horizontal tab Nu : vertical tab : form feed return backspace double quotation mark w : backslash & : ampersand CTRL-codes : CODE CHARACTER DEC DESCRIPTION Nce CTRL-C O NUL (null) NCA CTRL-A 1 SOH (start of heading) NCB CTRL-B 2 STX (start of text) NCC CTRL-C 3 ETX (end of text; break) ACD CTRL-D 4 EOT (end of transmission) NCE CTRL-E 5 ENQ (enquiry) NCF CTRL-F 6 ACK (acknowledge) NCG CTRL-G 7 BEL (beep) ACH CTRL-H 8 BS (backspace) \CI CTRL-I 9 HT (horizontal tabulation) ACJ CTRL-J 10 LF (line feed) ACK CTRL-K 11 VT (vertical tabulation) NCL CTRL-L 12 FF (form feed) \CM CTRL-M 13 CR (carriage return) \CN CTRL-N 14 SO (shift out) \CO CTRL-O 15 SI (shift in) ACP 16 DLE (data link escape) NCQ CTRL-P CTRL-Q 17 DC1 (device control 1 or X-ON) NCR CTRL-R NCS 18 DC2 (device control 2) CTRL-S 19 DC3 (device control 3 or X-OFF) NCT CTRL-T 20 DC4 (device control 4) NCU CTRL-U 21 NAK (negative acknowledge) \CV CTRL-V 22 SYN (synchronous idle) \CW CTRL-W NCX CTRL-X 23 ETB (end of transmission block) 24 CAN (cancel) ACY 25 EM (end of medium) \c2 CTRL-Y CTRL-2 26 SUB (substitute) NCL CTRL-[ 27 ESC (escape) CTRL-\ 28 FS (file separator) \c] CTRL-1 29 GS (group separator) 30 RS NC_ CTRL-^ (record separator) CTRL -_ 31 US (unit separator) " ASCII-codes [0 .. 255] \d# : decimal value, where # is a number in the 0 .. 255 range. The value can have no more than 3 characters. No# : octal value, where # is a number in the 0 .. 377 range. The value can no more than 3 characters. \x# : hexadecimal value, where # is a number in the 0 .. FF range. The value can have no more than 2 characters. 1 Numeric Values : Nd# : decimal value. No# : octal value. \x# : hexadecimal value. 1 Date format codes : DATE CODES : %w -> a two character day name ('Mo' . . 'Su' ) "W -> the full day name ('Monday' . . 'Sunday' ) %d -> two digit day in month (00 .. 31) two digit month (01. . 12) short month name ('Jan' . . 'Dec' ) 20 -> full month name ('Januray' . . 'December' ) %y two digit year (e.g. '93') %Y -> four digit year (e.g. '1998' ) TIME CODES : %h -> hours in 12 hour mode (00. . 11) %H -> hours in 24 hour mode (00 .. 23) %i -> minutes (00 .. 59) seconds (00 .. 59) -> 'AM' or 'PM' DATESTAMP : %D -> days since 1-jan-78 %U -> minutes since 00:00:00 %.I ticks since last minute