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OCR: DiskSalu 2 (011.30) Release Notes This is the fourth public 185/Network release of the DiskSalu 2 program. The DiskSalu program and distribution materials are Copyright 1991-1994 by Dave Haynie, All Rights Reserved. This program is freely redistributable copyrighted software. It may only be distributed as a complete package. No fees other than reasonable copying and media charges may be collected for non-commercial distribution. A shareware fee of US$10 is suggested for anyone using this program. Registered users can order the latest release from me for $10 (please include a copy of your registration form), or obtain it from the nets or Fish disks/CD. When ordered with registration, the latest disk is only US$5. A professional quality printed namal (approximately 100 pages), AmigaGuide on-line manual, and new version (DiskSalv 3) is now available for US$40 as a commercial package -- please see the nanual for more information on this. Anyone who sent for the "seni-commercial" release will get this. I apologize for the delay in getting this out. DiskSalu3 is available only in English directly from ne, sone non-English local connercial distribution agreements are being worked out. DiskSalud is a substantial enhancement of DiskSalu2, though both programs are currently maintained. The commercial price includes one free update. Please see the included "Orderform.txt" for a full schedule of prices, which cover things beyond my control like distant postage, local sales tax, etc. Licensing This Shareware version of DiskSalu may be freely copied subject to the following conditions. No additional restrictions may be added to the distribution of the DiskSalu program sets. No charges other than normal download charges, for BBS/Network systems, or disk media and copying charges (no more than $5.00, including local postage and handling), for disk-based distribution, may be applied. The DiskSalu package must be kept intact. For BBS Network distribution this is in the form of two archives, the main DiskSalu archive and the DiskSalu locale archive. For disk-based distribution, both sets must be included, optionally de-archived. Commercial distribution is permitted for commercial BBS/Network systems, as long as they charge no unusual or presiun Mownload Tees for the Bisksalu system. Connercial distribution for nagazine "cover disks" is permitted as long as they obey the above basic rules for "disk collection" media distribution and return a filled-in copy of the included "CoverDisk.txt" license form. The first version of the commercial program is expected to be released in Jamary of 1994. At this point, I expect the manual to follow with the first update. The initial delay in this (originally forecast for August) is due to my change in focus, not a really bad sense of timing. Originally, the "seni-connercial" deal was for manual only, DiskSalu 2 wasn't changing. Nou it's for DiskSalu 3 with manual. Please see the "DiskSalu3 questions.txt" file for more information. As usual, foreign orders may pay in equivalent local currency, though US funds are preferred. No credit cards can currently be accepted. Please see the "OrderForn.txt" file for complete ordering information. mail: Dave Haynie 234 Remorial Avenue Gibbstown, NJ 08027 USA email! daueichnux.commodore.com hazy oup.portal.com hazyabix.com FAX: 1-609-224-0112 If you want any kind of reply via FAX, please include a REAL return FAX number, not "naybe I'll have my PhoneFak turned on between 7:00 and 7:03MM on alternate Thursdays following the full moon", etc. I don't usually have the time to reply to every letter I get, though I will make a sincere effort to respond to any questions you send me along with any disk I send you. Of course I will answer any letters directly concerned with the DiskSalu business: "I'n interested in carrying DiskSalu 3 in my store", "I'n interested in distributing DiskSalu in Outer Mongolia", "Where the hell is my DiskSalu 3 package ordered last September", "Can I send you a free case of beer", etc. are all good examples of things I will attend to ASAP. "Hey, I found this bug, here's a floppy that demonstrates it is something I'11 be working on a few hours after I get it, though I may not reply immediately. My hard disk isn't working", m're an evil rat-bastard to want dine one in return for DiskSalu", etc. are all examples of wasting both our time. I try to answer sone of these general questions in this file. About DiskSalu DiskSalu is a "Disk Salvage" program. It can recover data from a disk in severe trouble, it can fix a good portion of disk problems directly on the problem disk, and it can locate valid partitions on a disk with an unknown layout or damaged rigid disk block. It supports all AmigaDOS file systems through Amigas 3.1. The included "Cheap" namal details the basic functions available, while the commercial manal covers every little detail, theory of operation, and other good stuff. If you're the type who would rather just run the program and see what happens, type "DiskSalu" or click on the icon to begin. Brief help on individual nem itens and gadgets is available via the HELP key. HELP will active the help message for any gadget or ne iten that's currently under the mouse poister Distribution Contents The DiskSalu 2 distribution comes in two archives for on-line release, one for the program and English documentation, one for the updates locale files. This release contains all of the current translations. For software library distribution, it comes with the progran expanded, the locale and documentation information compressed. The files themselves are the same in any case. The main program distribution (all files have associated info files) is in the file DiskSalu11 30.Iha, and it includes: This file DiskSalu2/README DiskSalu2/Diskalu DiskSaluž/Project.info DiskSalu2/OrderForn.txt DiskSalu2 Bug Report.txt DiskSalu2/Coverbisk.txt DiskSalu2 Install DiskSalu2 MakeBoot The main progran A sample project icon An ASC11 Order Form An ASCII Bug Report form An ASCII Cover Disk license The main install script Install on a bootable floppy DiskSalu2/locale/docs DiskSalu2/locale/docs/english DiskSalu2/locale/docs/english/DiskSalu.doc The documentation files English docs directory The cheap manual, in English As usual, the ".txt" files are in reasonably generic ASCII, though may contain a feu MSI sequences. The documentation files are in full AMSI (eg, ASCII with lots of AMSI formatting codes). This is intended to be sent to the PRT: device, which should allow it to print nicely on any Amiga printer device (since PRT: supports the ANSI codes in a device independent fashion). It can also be viewed on the niga console device, and some other display tools (though I have seen a few that mess up on ANSI sequences). The locale file is called DSLocale11 30.1ha. It should be manually placed in the DiskSalu 2 directory, and it includes the following: Danish catalog German catalog Spanish catalog Spanish docs Freach catalog locale/catalogs/dansk/DiskSalu.catalog locale/catalogs/deutsch/DiskSalu.catalog locale/catalogs/espatol/DiskSalu.catalog locale/docs/espatol/DiskSalu.doc locale/catalogs/frantais/Disksalu.catalog locale/docs/frantais/Diskalu.doc locale/catalogs/italiano/DiskSalu.catalog locale/catalogs/norsk/DiskSalu.catalog locale/catalogs/suomi/DiskSalu.catalog locale/catalogs/svenska/DiskSalu.catalog locale/docs/svenska/DiskSalu.doc French does Italian catalog Norueigias catalog Fimish catalog Swedish catalog Sundish does Not all of these files have been updated for DiskSalu 2 V11.30, so a feu strings may not be translated, depending on the language. Special Acknowledgements First, a quick but neaningful thanks to anyone who sent ne bug reports. And there were many, not all of which I could ignore. Which nakes this release the best DiskSalu ever, unless I screved up elsewhere. Special thanks to those who sent me disks, floppy archives via email, Enforcer hits, or other really good clues. I would like to acknowledge some of the help I had on this project. There are individuals too numerous to mention who had a part, either by naking suggestions or testing. Thanks go to the Connodore-Aniga Software group for help with the GUI development and pushing me to use style-guide standards and post 2.01 things like localization. And I want to call particular attention to those who did the translations for me: Danish translation by Jesper Kehlet email: kehletkehlet.adsp.sub.org French translation by Jean-Francois Dreyfuss email: dreyfus joissy.cnet.fr German translation by Holger Lubitz halcaty.north.de Italian translation by Fabrizio Lodi email: lodi@ghost.sn.dsi.unini.it Norwegian translation by Petter Nilsen of Ultima Thule Software email: petter@pailsen.adsp.sub.org Finnish translation by Jukka Marin email: jarinmessi.uku.fi Spanish translation by Antonio Joaquin Gomez Gonzalez 00685518oboe.etsilg.unioui.es Swedish translation by Mathias Axelsson email: 432nax@txfs1.hfb.se I hope I didn't screw any of these up much I did as little editing as possible on them. Extra special thanks goes to Mathias Axelsson and Jean-Francois Dreyfuss Not only did they manage to each complete a full "cheap" manual translation, but they got the extra stuff for U11.28 out within about a week after I sent the documentation and locale files. Extra special thanks to Antonio Joaquin Gonez Gonzalez, who did the Spanish translation, catalog and manual, in record time. Once again, special thanks go to AUGS (Amiga User's Group Sueden), for organizing sone registrations and converting to US dollars en masse. These guys are more organized than nany companies I have dealt with. Revision History 011.30 SIZE 110752 bytes, CHWNGE 81 bytes 0 More enhancements to the fix-in-place engine Additional tweaking of the directory cache support code. Hou compiled with SAS C 6.51. V11.29 SIZE 110668 bytes, CHINGE +2128 bytes restored. he The cache setting after a fix-in-place was left as "off". Now it's This shouldn't affect single use of the device, but it could have left t cache off for subsequent passes on the same device. Improvements were made to the fix-in-place routine to detect direct ory cross links. Previously, it was possible to miss repairing the case in which 0 directory somehou becomes a child of multiple parent directories. The "Directory Check" pass works from DiskSalu's internal disk nodel (built in the scanning phase), so it doesn't catch this. Hou the hash check routine does. Unformat nou attempts to bring back as much from a disk as possible Earlier versions forced reconstruction of the root block, now every directory encountered will be rebuilt in full. Thus, Unformat is useful back you can" routine as a general "get anything Another bug in the fix-in-place code for Directory Caching file sys was fixed. This was related to the reconstruction of directories from the DiskSalu disk model. Such reconstruction was rare in processing disks under earlier DiskSalu released, but it's used all the time in Unformat now. Memory allocation to support directory reconstruction under fix-in- place operations is nou handled dynamically with respect to directory, rather than dynamically over the course of a whole disk's worth of processing. There shouldn't be much speed penalty, and the nenory usage could be substantially less. 0 In order to support the new Unformat's ability to safely resurrect of a disk, several features have been added. The "purge" routine under Unformat puts any objects detected as deleted at the end of their respective list, so that undeleted objects are considered prior to deleted objects. Object renaming has been implemented, such that several objects under the same name can be restored without causing file systen problems. "AppWindow" drop-in functions are nou implemented for Input, Output and Custon windows. The Input and Custon windous support dropping of either directory or DOSDrivers icons. How compiled with SAS C 06.51 Many, many thanks to Doug Walker for compiler update. I'm looking forward to downing a few good liters when we next weet! 11.28 SIZE 108540 bytes, OWAGE 776 bytes A fix-in-place operation would could change an FFS partition to FFS -Intl. but not back. How it properly matates, though this isn't suggested A failed output device request wasn't always tracked right by the o itput windou gadgets, output to go when it shouldn't. This is fixed. allowing Improved checks in the interlock the "Start" button right "Restore..." requester now reject non-archiv A minor bug in the "Load Device..." function caused an Enforcer hit been fixed. A complex chain of events caused the fix-in-place routine to unduel directories on Directory Caching partitions. This made lots of files an no obvious reason. Both this bug, and a eliminated for even worse "environment vector" on floppies, should allow directories get related problem that made it Extra processing of the nigaDOS identification The "Link Generator" script (written by keywords reversed to the "Makelink" command. of strange devices, especially new ones. DiskSalu) had the "FROM" an has been fixed. This has been improved, to Link processing by the fix-in-place routines any possible contradictions and also deal much better with irresoluable loops. processing A bug in the fix-in-place routines would occasionally cause a trip of "special" file types (special in the way DiskSalu processe visable on the outside). This has been correc ted, of rare and hard-to-reproduce problems ith manifested itself as DiskSalu not finding some ra ther then, nothing necessarily which should eliminate a number Disksalu which usually easy-to-find error. 011.27 SIZE 107764 bytes, CHWNGE +384 Fixed minor bytes a bug in the gadget text formatting code. 0 All locales, and internal cleaned up a bit and tested for proper fit on a 640x200 Workbench with English, Topaz 8 font. V11.25. It seems that, when 11.26 S12E 107300 bytes, OVAGE -11340 bytes 0 One major bug was reported in DiskSalu launched from Workbench, it wasn't being freed upon exist. So you would waste a little over 100K every time DiskSalu was started. This is nou fixed. A surprising inefficiency in DiskSalu's fix-in-place code on very large files (10MB-) was called to my attention. There was apparently a small bit of processing which increased at roughly Mt, where N is the number of blocks in a file. When acting on such large files, specially on slower it could appear for all the world like DiskSalu been recoded. This part of the fix-in-place routine has a bit more nenory for small files, but the technique also eliminates sone code. out of DiskSalu's 434 anywhere. While they were is now more like M. This weren't actually being Four or so C functions each reasonably small, they have called been eliminated. The window is no longer automatically activated when the program st changes. This makes it much cleaser to use in the "background" Log files nou record activity for "Restore..." and "Caston..." operations as well as normal salvages. The scanner windou nou includes the device or path name being accessed as part of its informational display. A warning generated if DiskSalu can't requester is now locking is enabled. file or lock disk given, This usually happens when another an open on that device. Scanning a device that disk activity going on it is not recommended, as it can to improper DiskSalu operation. CLI keywords, such as those for "MODE" and "FILESYSTE can now be in either English or the localized language. The code that traps on OS releases prior to U37 (KS2.04) will nou actually run under OS releases prior to U37. Previously, this was accidently dependent on several 2.0x features, and had a couple of bugs as well. A few changes were made in files. They're now compiled for 70 columns, since the documentation a few people complained about then not quite fitting on the printer. I changed the text compiler to for a Fred use core compatible ANSI codes, in preparation Fish disk release. This should no effect on actual printing of the files. Hou compiled with SAS 06.3. Since You Asked I mentioned earlier. I don't have the time to aver risksal From time to time I have received various questions about DiskSalv. As questions. This is not to say I don't think such questions are not important, only that my time is better spent working on improvements to DiskSalu than answering every leter I get. [1] Where the hell is DiskSalu 37 It should be shipping, or nearly so, by the time you read this, depending on when I decide to release this DiskSalu 2 update. That's some time in April, certainly by the end of April. If you have ordered DiskSalu 3 and do not receive it in early May. something was probably wrong with your order. Also, this will go out on disk to registered DiskSalu 2 users who have requested updates. not Superman. This and like most, it . 0 files 0 This . This y reject d a better "TO" avoid 0 ate 0 0 0 0 properly and has assuming has other progran has easily lead Parameters to specified just hung up. It may use time for processing a file about [6] Yeah, about that it's [2] Don't you feel like a jerk in getting DS3 out so late? Yup. It's sobering to realize that you're DiskSalu thing is very much an experiment, involves new things. I haven't tried to be a whole company before this, and find it does take than one night think. If I spend a week releasing updates. DiskSaly 3 is week later. If I get sick, or I'm just too to stay up 'till SAM, DiskSalu 3 is delayed. And so on. But ultimately, it does get done. For everyone who pre-ordered, you'll definitely get your package sone time in May. You'll also get the first update, which will benefully an out in the ser. what hopefully go out in the I know exactly sunner. is going into that release, not some "wouldn't that be nice" thing I made up to make everyone feel better. [3] Hey, about that update thing. I ordered DiskSalu 2 updates, but haven't heard from you in months It is my policy only really I suppose to send out updates when you could make a DiskSalu-of-the-month my opinion, a fair of your money. I it thing, not, in use update if a new release nearing completion. In has taken ne auhile to get the DiskSalu 2 release of this is the DiskSalu 3 workload, part is simply of the fixes in this new release have been evidenced for some time, but proved rather difficult to track down. And I try to get some testing on things before a general release. [4] I wrote you last year about problems my IC-IGUPI PropTronics letc.] [computer hard diskivideo you haven't written back. I an only doing technical support for my own products at this address. This is not C, GUP, or anything other than my own business, which at preset in only DiskSalu. I do currently for Commodore Technology (Commodore's Engineering Branch), and while I am for any technical support. I do try on occasion not responsible to answer questions about Connodore that because stuff, and Amigas in general, on the nets. I do I do what I can the Aniga community as a whole. But time is scarce, even someone like me who sleeps about 4 hours a night. Please write ne these other things. You can send email to BIX accounts on these matters, and I'11 attempt to answer as I would any other if registered you're a registered DiskSalo in question. well. me user. I try a bit harder where's my disk? [5] I sent my $10, The Shareware Registration If you tell isn't for a disk, it's simply a fee registration fee, and earns you a registration certificate by return mail. If you registered, you will eventually get one of these, signed by with, with your number on it. I know some other authors of "shareware" do it differently. It's connonplace, for example, under MS-DOS and MS-Windous, for folks to send in money for a "registered version. You'll notice, however, that many of these make that necessary, since redistributable version can be classified as "guiltuare" or "crippleware" In the forner case, you get a "friendly reninder" that you need to register the progron every time you run it. In the latter case you get a subset of features. I chose to do neither of these, and to keep the registration fee low. So you can feel right about paying for Disksalu without having to pay for a program you already have. And I don't have to time crippling my code or doing redundant mailings. For folks who there is DiskSalu 3. DiskSalu 3. Why should I pay $40 when the shareware registration is just $10. Isn't it the same program? program. It does, and it does other than it does everything DiskSalu 2 things. The has reworked, and I think it's easier to use than DiskSalu 2. Does everyone need DiskSalu 37 While I wish they did, some probably don't. Many folks already have a good backup program, don't care about disk checks or cleaning, etc. Many are happy with DiskSalu 2 and understand its If you, that's ok, I don't want use completely. a program they don't want. DiskSalu 2 exists to sell anyone to give every Amiga user the chance at having a disk recovery program they can resort to they need it. never need it. Sone won't pay, thinking basic disk recovery should OS (a belief I happen to share, but, since it doesn't with the 05, do consider where it does come from next time you an usregistered If you want more features, an extensive printed and on-line manual, and more stuff to come, get DiskSalu 3. [7] But aren't you betraying the Grand Spirit of Amiga Freeware? Say what? Oh, you must be from Berkeley. But seriously folks... Some people urite code just for the fun of it. And they give it away. Great, that's the way software and personal computers started out. I was there. Of course, this uasa't necessarily great software, it might have had problems, but it was free, after all. Since who reading this really was using microcomputers back in the 70s?), people made money on software. Others still give it away for free, sone give it away and denand money. You even find sone, like that Richard Stallman gay up at MIT, who clain selling ("hording to use his words) software is inmoral. You're all correct. look outside the world of at parallels a computer, feu would software. When I design argue that it's inmoral to sell copies of that computer. to pay for the materials. And the cost technology, and supporting the livelihood developed this technology. And maybe even of the company supporting work, since, unless you have some more altruistic agency such work, noney made on such sales is to continue the venture. And as any fan of modern genetics will tell you, altruism is not a viable strategy. as hardware. Materials Software follows the same set of rules costs are less, development costs often nore, but the same financial model applies. Another parallel is found world a book, in the of the arts. If I wrote I don't think anyone would be complaining about having to buy that book in order to read not a professional writer, I do occasionally write, and do get paid for it. like writing, few free articles. I it. I'm but I I'm not writing just for the money I and while I'm sure Amigliorld would love a don't know that writing their specific requirements would be my first choice of how to spend an evening were they not paying. Most of you, hopefully, not be bothered by having to pay $3.95 ($4.95 in Canada) for issue of Anigallorld. If I spent my time instead out a bokken or two in painting a few pictures or carving (which occasion), you wouldn't expect of that free. to get the fruits Who knous, naybe Hayale Bokkens would demand not morally troubled a preniun Amiga shows. The point being. I am an by receiving some payment for my work. My nain point is not the money, but I doubt I would have put up with Connodore all these years if money was the main point of my miga hardware work. Yet, ultimately, I must feed myself and my family. And I need CDs. Lots of them. Pusic sere has improved in the 90s. If you object to paying for a work of nine, than feel free to not pay and work out the morality of that for yourself. for DiskSalu 3, just as not paying Just keep in mind that not paying for an A3000, you jail in most parts of the world. Ayn Rand is illegal and could land For more elaborate words on the subject. I recommend "The Dispossessed" by Ursula K. LeGuin and "Atlas Shrugged" by [8] But who in the world would buy DiskSalu 3 at $10 when DiskSalu 2 registration To date, the registration is so much less? tally runs 40 for DiskSalu 3, 60 for DiskSal This has actually been fairly even since I've had a large enough sample to have some statistical significance. I expect when DiskSalu 3 shows up i computer stores this balance will tip in favor of DiskSalu 3. [9] Didn't I see you playing keyboards with some orchestra in Greece? is a tad longer, and usually ti No, that was Yanni. I'n taller, ny hair back. then (and tired necessary DiskSalu). board when just Let's nachines, have longer spend have letc.), this supporting with and also the freely want more, Some I don't this that has been fixed. out. come come use send last with need then. but that's out an it some lock the imp Part honestly After of developing of the folks the financial one, work to improve i for don't my C or then just the all, we the who have viability that would last my garage I do on work for at