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***************** ADAM_V3 ********************
************ calculation-program *************
*************** documentation ****************
Introduction :
ADAM_V3 is the third version of a calculation program that is able
to calculate numbers to a length of some thousand digits before
and after the decimal point.
The program needs no disk-resident libraries, only the file `pidat`
should be in the same directory as ADAM_V3 (Otherwise the program
shows an errormessage and you can only use 8 digits of pi).
Starting ADAM_V3 :
To start the program either doubleclick on the icon or type
`adam_v3_600` in the cli but be shure the current directory is
the directory the program is in.
When you start from the icon the commands "iconx" and "run" must
be in the c: directory.
The program opens a window and displays the main menu.
How to use ADAM_V3 ---- The Main Menu :
From the main menu you get to the two branches of the program
and you can leave it here with `f1`.
By pressing `f2` you get to the `calculation part` where you can
type numbers in and calculate with them, like on a pocket calculator.
You can now type in a number (or many numbers !), press <ENTER>
and type for example `*`, press <ENTER> again and type the second
number and then the result is printed. Then you can press
f1 for the main menu
f2 to calculate again
f3 to calculate again with your result as first number
f4 to change the printing format
when the format is `formatted` the numbers after
the decimal point are printed in columns.
f5 to copy your result to the memory and calculate again
f6 to display the heltext (same as in the main menu)
Pressing `f3` starts the pi-calculation-routine. At the beginning
the count of iterations is requested (e.g 30). Then the calculation
starts. It can be interrupted by pressing the left mousebutton.
Then you can save the result to a file.
`f4` shows the helptext that explains in detail the typing in
of numbers and displays all commands.
Whith `f5` you can change the language from English to German and
vice versa. Default is English.
Sorry :
I tried to prevent my program from crashing caused by user entries
(it detects various errors e.g. division by 0 and others) but
you can never be shure ... At least my program has never crashed
in this version on my Amiga500.
There are two versions of my program. The one called `ADAM_V3_600`
has 300 digits before and as many after the decimal point and the
other one `ADAM_V3_1400` has 700 before and 700 after it.
Copyright :
This programm is published as public domain. That means you can
make use of the program and the sourcecode as you like whithout ANY
restrictions. My only request : When you copy the program to your
friends you should copy ALL files in the directory.
Some internal information :
The following part tells about the structure of ADAM and is
probably only interesting for other programmers.
The program was written on the SEKAV3.0 assembler and is my third
(and probably last) version of a program that was intended to be
able to calculate numbers of ANY length before and after the
decimal point. That was soon limited most gravely by the 68000
processor`s 7 MHz speed. It should be no problem to assemble
it whith any other assembler because it uses no include files.
The (german) sourcecode is included in the file `ADAM_V3.source`.
About the arrays of numbers :
Each number is represented completely in the fixed point array,
i.e. the exponential representation (3.45 * 10^67) is not possible.
The number is coded in bcd-technique, that means each byte holds
two decimal digits.
The size of the number can be varied seperately for the pre- and
post- decimalpoint-part. It is defined as a constant in the
sourcecode, i.e. it cannot be changed by the program but
it must be newly assemled. In the constant declaration at the
beginning of the sourcecode are the two most important variables:
e.g. vst=200
vst is the number of dezimal digits before the decimal point and
nst the number of digits after it. Both numbers must be dividable
by 4 without rest !!!.
Structure of a number array :
As I said each byte holds two dezimal digits, so the first
vst+nst/2 bytes of an array hold the number digits. The following
ten bytes contain some information about the number.
After the constant definition for vst ( VorkommaSTellen) and
nst ( NachkommaSTellen ) there are three other constants:
sb is vst+nst/2 i.e. the binary length of the number. Supposing
in a0 the basic adress of the array then in st1(a0) is the number
of decimal digits before the decimal point, in st2(a0) is the
number of decimal digits after the decimal point and in st3(a0)
is the sign (1 = 0, 2 = +, 3 = -).
An example :
number : 67.038
representation in the array :
00 00 00 67 03 80 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 03 00 02
The number 0 is represented as
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01
In the sourcecode each array is only a longword that holds the
basic adress of the array. If you need more variables you have
to put them in in the `allocmemory` routine.
Accuracy :
The basic mathematical routines ( +, -, *, / ) are exact to the
last digit ( at division and multiplikation the last digit is
rounded). There can only problems with repeated square-rooting
because of addition of inaccuracies.
The calculation routines :
unsigned :
plusu, minusu, veru, feldloesch, kopieren, tausch
signed :
pluss, minuss, mals, div, vers
and :
sqrroot : squareroots a number
fakultaet : faculty
quadrat : square
integer : deletes the part after the decimal point
sinus : sinus function
zahlein : reads a number
druck : prints a number
alldruck : prints all bytes of an array (like a hex-dump)
Errors :
These errors do not display a message :
- window could not be opened
- not enough memory
After one of these error has been recognized it is reported on the screen
and the prorgram continues whith the main menu.
- vst or nst are irregular (program ends)
- division by zero
- error in signword (when you have a wrong basic adress for an
array). This error does usually not occur when you work whith
the program. It can happen when you write your own calculation
- squareroot of a negative number
- overflow at addition, multplikation and division
- error at faculty
Calculation of pi :
As an example for the use of my calculation routines I have
writte a routine that calculates pi with the arcustangens series
by Machin :
pi = 4 * ( 4*arctan(1/5) - arctan(1/239) )
arctan(x) = x - x^3/3 + x^5/5 - x^7/7 + x^9/9 ...
After each iteration pi gets roughly one decimal digit more
Speed :
When you have small numbers (to about 400/1000) you can follow
the development very well, but with increasing nst you can go
to a concert while your computer calculates like mad and still
does not get ahead.
It takes some time to print the result of each iteration to
screen so I included the possibility to let it run without
printing. You can achieve this by typing `q` after you have inter-
rupted the calculation with the left ratbutton ( I admitted the
right shiftkey too because my left mousebutton is fucked up).
You can make the program print the result again by interrupting
it again and typing `q`.
Accuracy in calculating pi :
When you let the program run with nst=600 you get 597 digits
of pi. You can extend this to longer numbers.
In one run I had following data:
After a time of roughly 2 1/2 hours the result was accurate to
3240 digits.
Name of the program :
Why does this weird German programmer call his work ADAM ?
I tell you here : 1. It was my first BIG machine code program
2. It is a reference to ADAM RIESE who intro-
duced calculating w