error0:File format does not conform to uuencoding rules.
error1:To save the file drag its icon to a directory display.
error2:This file does not appear to contain any uuencoded or base64 data.
error3:UUcoder cannot code or decode applications or directories. Archive the application or directory and try again.
error4:Cannot create Choices file. Either <UUcoder$Dir> has become unset or UUcoder is on a read only medium such as CD-Rom or the Resources filing system.
error5:The variable Wimp$ScrapDir does not exist. Double click on a !Scrap application and try again.
error6:An application that loads files of this type has not been found by the Filer. Drag it to a directory display or an application icon.
error7:Cannot save file to this location. Either the file name is incorrect or you are trying to save to a read only location.
error8:The file "Mapping" in the UUcoder Resources directory, used for mapping PC file extensions to RISC OS filetypes, is missing.
error9:Bad data in "Mapping" file. File extensions should be 3 characters max, filetypes should be hex numbers no greater than fff.
errora:UUcoder cannot encode this file.
errorb:Not enough memory to run UUcoder. Clear some memory and try again.
errorc:Cannot use DosMap settings from host machine.
errord:Problems using ScrapFile, cannot read and/or write to the file. UUcoder cannot run.
Action:This is the UUcoder main window.|MClick MENU for Info on UUcoder,|Mto select the Choices dialogue box,|Mor to Quit.
Action0:This is the instruction icon in the UUcoder main window.|MText in this icon gives instructions or reports progress.
Action1A:This is the decode icon in the UUcoder main window.|MTo save the file drag its icon to a directory display|MOR type a full pathname and click SELECT on the OK icon|MOR double click on the icon.
Action1B:This is the decode icon in the UUcoder main window.|MDrag a uuencoded file here to decode.|MUuencoded files are text files with rows of characters beginning with 'M'.|MCode starts with 'begin' and finishes with 'end'.
Action2A:This is the code icon in the UUcoder main window.|MTo save the file drag its icon to a directory display|MOR type a full pathname and click SELECT on the OK icon.
Action2B:This is the code icon in the UUcoder main window.|MDrag a file here to uuencode.|MUuencoding converts binary files to coded text for text based systems|Msuch as Internet e-mail and newsgroups.
Action3:This is the filename icon in the UUcoder main window.|MType a filename here and drag its icon to a directory display|MOR type a full pathname here and click SELECT on the OK icon.
Action4:This is the OK icon in the UUcoder main window.|MClick SELECT here to save a file after typing a full pathname in the|Mfilename icon.
Action5:This is the Cancel icon in the UUcoder main window.|MClick here if you want to abandon any coding or decoding in progress.
Ibar:This is the UUcoder application which encodes and decodes uuencoded files.|MUucoding allows binary files to be sent over text systems.|MClick SELECT to open the UUcoder main window.|MClick MENU for other options or to Quit.
Info:This is the UUcoder Info window.|MUuencoding converts binary (8-bit) files into coded text for text based|Msystems like e-mail and Newsgroups.|MThe author can be contacted at
Info3:The author can be contacted at|M |MMany thanks to the many people who have e-mailed me with useful|Msuggestions for improvements. Keep them coming!
Menu0:The Info window gives details of UUcoder's author and the current|Mversion number.
Menu1:The Choices dialogue box allows you to set various parameters to|Mcontrol the form in which files are produced.|MIn particular it allows you to decide whether large coded files should be|Msplit before saving.
Menu2:Click SELECT here to display the Halp file in an editor window.
Menu3:Click SELECT here to quit UUcoder. |MUnsaved data will be lost when you Quit.
Split:This dialogue box allows the output ofUUcoder to be customised.
Split1:Select this to split uuencoded files for e-mail messages or posting |Mto newsgroups. When this is not selected UUcoder will|Mproduce a single output file of uuencoded data.
Split4: This is the maximum length of a uuencoded file when the split option is|Mselected, longer files will be split at this point into a second file,|Mand so on. The maximum length can be altered by the arrows to the right.
Split5:Click here to use the settings displayed in the window, but not to|Msave them for use in future sessions with UUcoder.
Split6:Click on this icon to decrease the maximum file length.
Split7:Click on this icon to increase the maximum file length.
Split8:The file prefix will be used as the first part of each split file name.|MThe name of each file will be [prefix]xx[suffix] where xx is the part|Mnumber. The prefix can be a full filepath.
Split9:Click here to revert to the settings before the window was opened,|Mabandoning any changes made.
Splita:The file suffix will be used as the last part of each split file name.|MThe name of each file will be [prefix]xx[suffix] where xx is the part|Mnumber. The suffix can be left blank or be a file extension.
Splitb:Click here to use the settings displayed in the window and to save|Mthem for use every time UUcoder is loaded.
Splite:This name will be suggested for files where the option to split is not|Mselected, or for files shorter than the maximum length.|MIt can be a file name or a file path and can have an optional file extension.
Splitf:Select this if you want to retain file extensions on decoded files.|MIf not selected, the file extension will be removed.