norma:Your computer is not sufficiently endowed with memory for me to complete that request. Try quitting a few applications
ydw:Do you really want to do a @ find and move all the found @s into the Bin?
nsp:You have not entered a öy to õ
sp:Problem: '%0' is not a öy. Either you have entered an incorrect õ path or I have mis-recognised the number of hard discs you have.
tmn:Too many õ names entered. Only the first ten can be used
fl:£ File Find:
not:Filetype not known
jean:Sorry, but there is insufficient memory to do this
tmd:Due to the ridiculously large density of öies on your disc, £ was unable to fully õ it. Some @s may not have been found.
tmf:More @s have been found than can be displayed in the window. Search aborted
fft:Time taken : %0'%1"
hug:This @ has been ~d
bub:Do you really want to pass %0 to the £?
bob:Do you really want to destroy %0?
gon:* '%0' has been Binned *
gob:* '%0' has been Deleted *
ddd:* Directory Deleted *
dt:Bin Directory Contents:
MEN1:Open Dir
MEN2:Can't Squash
MEN3:Bin Dir
MEN5:Run App
MEN6:Bin App
MEN7:Run File
MEN10:Bin File
FF:\T£ File Finder
FF2:\Töy where the õ will begin. You can enter more than one öy by separating them with a \\.Drag a öy here to add it to this list
FF6:\Tname of the @ you want to õ for. You can enter more than one name by separating them with a \\. Wildcards can be used.
FF7:\S`case sensitivity
FF9:\T(optional) @ type to õ for. Drag a @ to this window to make that the current õ type
FF10:\Sget a @type menu
FF12:You can use this to õ for @s of a certain size. In fact, any mathematical operator can be used
FF17:\Sget a menu of the available Actions
FF18:\Smove all @s into the Bin as they are found
FF21:\S`between a normal õ, showng the progress of the õ, and a fast õ showing no information
FF27:\S`a 'Sounds Like' õ. For example if you õ for 'Messages', Sounds Like will also find 'Mussagus', Misages', etc.
FF28:\TAction which will be performed on finding a matching @.
FF29:If this is ON, then a list of all @s found will be displayed as the õ progresses. If you have selected the 'List Details' action, then this option is always ON.
FFB0:\Sstart the õ
FFB3:\Töy currently being õed
FFB4:\Tnumber of @s found
FFB5:\Ttotal size of the found @s
FFW:\Tlist of @s found by £.|M Click MENU over an entry to get some options. \Sopen the parent öy of a @