snail mail: (if you want to send money, software, or X-mas cards)
Dave Probert,
121 The Greenway,
Middlesex, UB8 3PQ.
(Until I leave!)
What is it for:
This small application will allow you to quickly create application shells ie. A directory with !boot, !Run, Templates, etc. within.
Everything is optional.
For general usage its probably quicker to use the standard wimp creation bits, but for 'C' users it can generate source code to create a basic application - wimp or not.
How to use it:
Run it in the normal way. Click on the icon and you will be presented with a window.
The only pre-requisite in this window is the ...$Dir section, this is for the task directory alias. The Author & Purpose sections are only for the info box on an iconbar menu.
The wimpslot will set the 'max' value for the wimpslot (for 'min' you will have to edit the !Run file).
All the rest of the icons will create the relevant files within the application.
The 'C' section is roughly context sensitive and will allow the creation of 'C' source code with code fragments to handle the various parts.
I use a multi-file format for my 'C' programs and so this is tailored to my style - you should not have too many problems creating your own style from these files!
The 'MakeFile' is ready-to-run (although it sometimes gives an error, it still works).
Once you have finished selecting the options Click on Ok - this will give you a save box, just name the application and drag to a directory. The Application will be created.
As a test, activate all the options and save off an App. Run the MakeFile and then run the program. It should appear on the iconbar and give you a window with menus. Its as simple as that!
The source's used are mostly inside the !SetUpApp directory under resources, but be careful - I append some of the files with code generated from within the program.
If you need other code or a different setup let me know, give me details and I'll do a version for you.
Please feel free to use or discard this application as you see fit - give it to your friends if you want. (Or give it to your non-friends if you don't like it!!)
Conditions of use:
This program is completely FREEWARE, no money should be charged for it unless as supplied on a PD disc/CD-ROM from a reputable PD software house.
PD houses should contact me if they want the latest version.
Contact me if you want small-ish things created and you don't know how. I don't mind putting my Very meagre talents to good use.
Disclaimer :
I accept no responsibility for the usefulness or otherwise of this software. It is unlikely to crash - but if it does please let me know (if you want to), although I cannot be held responsible for any loss of data that so ensues. What is this waffle I am writing??? One of these days I'll wake up and the world will go away and leave me in peace! I think what I'm trying to say is: DONT BLAME ME - I ONLY WORK HERE.