The Datafile PD-CD 3
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58 lines
# Modified from C library messages file for Explain
alarm1:Unable to read monotonic time
alarm2:Not enough memory to set alarm -- increase wimpslot
dbox1:Not enough memory to create dialogue box -- increase wimpslot
dbox2:Templates file not loaded for use with dialogue boxes
flex1:Flex memory error
flex2:Not enough memory, or not within *desktop world
flex3:Flex not intialised
heap1:Not enough memory to create heap -- free some application memory
heap2:Heap_alloc error: %s
heap3:Fatal internal heap error
heap4:Heap_free error: %s
heap5:Heap not initialised
menu1:Not enough memory for menu (1) -- increase wimpslot
menu2:Not enough memory for menu (2) -- increase wimpslot
menu3:Not enough memory for menu (3) -- increase wimpslot
resspr1:Not enough memory to load sprite file '%s' -- increase wimpslot
resspr2:Unable to load sprite file '%s'
saveas1:To save, drag the icon to a directory viewer
template1:Template '%s' not found
template2:Template load failed: %s
template3:Not enough memory to load templates -- increase wimpslot
template4:Cannot open file: %s
template5:Read failed for %s
template6:Template file not found
template7:Not enough memory to load templates -- increase wimpslot
template8:Template load failed
wimpt1:%s has suffered a fatal internal error (type=%i) and must exit immediately
wimpt2:%s has suffered a fatal internal error (%s) and must exit immediately
wimpt3:Not enough memory for active windows -- increase wimpslot
win1:Too many windows
win2:Not enough memory to change window title -- increase wimpslot
xferrecv1:Can't transfer file (use *Set Wimp$Scrap <filename>)
xferrecv2:Data transfer failed
xfersend1:Bad data transfer, receiver dead
misc1:Can't find template %s.
misc2:Not enough memory for this operation. Please make more available and try again
lookup1:Badly formed line (no ':') in %s
main2:Can't make program information dialogue
ihelp:This is the Explain icon. Click SELECT on it to disable Explain. Click SELECT again to re-enable Explain.
ihelp0:Move to the right to display information about Explain.
ihelp1:Click SELECT to Quit Explain.
info:This window displays information about the Explain program.
info0:This is the name of the Explain program.
info1:This is the description of what Explain does.
info3:This is the version number and date of Explain.
info8:This is the Armstrong Walker Logo.
info9:This is the name of the company who wrote Explain.
info10:This is the name of the company who wrote Explain.