i&=IABS(x&)FReturn the absolute value of fp or int x (ABS) and long int x& (IABS).U
.ADDR _mem
a%=ADDR(var)<Returns the address at which a variable is stored in memory.
.ADJUSTALLOC _mem!p%=ADJUSTALLOC(pcell%, off%, am%)iAdjusts allocated cell pcell% at offset off% by amount am%. A gap is opened if am%>0 and closed if am%<0.,p% = new cell pointer or 0 if out of memory.t
.ALERT _dialogwr%=ALERT(m1$, m2$, b1$, b2$, b3$)
r%=ALERT(m1$, m2$, b1$, b2$)
r%=ALERT(m1$, m2$, b1$)
r%=ALERT(m1$, m2$)
r%=ALERT(m1$)!Displays a simple "alert" dialog.
m1$ Message for the 1st line
m2$ Message for the 2nd line
b1$ Text above Esc button
b2$ Text above Enter button
b3$ Text above Space button
r%= 1 Esc is pressed
2 Enter is pressed
3 Space is pressed
.ALLOC .REALLOC _mem1pcell%=ALLOC(size%)
pcell%=REALLOC(pcell%, size%)
ALLOC allocates specified amount of memory returning pointer to the cell pcell%. REALLOC changes the size of previously allocated pcell% returning new pointer."Both return NULL if out of memory.P
.APP. . .ENDA _opa
APP name
. . .
ENDA(Begins definition of an OPA called name.u
.APPEND _data
APPEND_Appends a new blank record to the end of the current data file and makes it the current record.h
.APPENDSPRITE _spriteGAPPENDSPRITE time%, var bit$(), dx%, dy%
APPENDSPRITE time%, var bit$()2Appends a single bitmap-set to the current sprite.-time% "shatter speed" in 1/10ths of a second.Sbit$() 6 bitmap filenames or "" for no bitmap. Array elements represent bitmaps to:
1 set black
2 clear black
3 invert black
4 set grey
5 clear grey
6 invert greyk
.ASC _string _conv
a%=ASC(a$)LReturns the ASCII character code of the first character of a$ or 0 if a$="".
.AT _text AT x%, y%
Positions the text cursor.
x% text column (1 to 60)
y% text row (1 to 17))The ranges assume using the default font.J
BEEP time%, pitch%
Sounds the buzzer.
time% in 1/32nds of a second (max is 3840 = 2 minutes). If time%<0, BEEP first checks to see if the sound system is free and returns if it is. Otherwise, BEEP waits until the sound system is free.
pitch% 512/(pitch%+1) kHz'freq=440*2**(n%/12), n%=1 for middle A
BEEP 5,300 sounds ok.D
.BREAK _control
BREAK-Exits a DO ... UNTIL or WHILE ... ENDWH loop.
.BUSY _gtext6BUSY str$, c%, delay%
BUSY str$, c%
BUSY str$
Displays a "busy" message.!str$ the message (up to 19 chars)
c% corner position: 0 top left 2 top right( 1 bottom left (default) 3 bottom right
delay% delay time in
.CACHE _mem
CACHE init%, max%
CACHE ON/OFFICreates a procedure cache of init% bytes that can grow up to max% bytes.MCACHE OFF disables the created cache that can be then re-enabled by CACHE ON.U
CACHEHDR addr(hdr%())
Fills 11-element array hdr%() with cache info that changes whenever a procedure is called. The elements of hdr%() (meaningful only if hdr%(10) is not 0) contain:
1 address of cache
2 number of cached procedures
3 max size of cache in bytes 4 current size of cache in byted
5 free bytes in cache36 total number of unused bytes in cached procedures77 offset from start of index to first free index record-8 ...to most recently used record (0 if none).9 ...to least recently used record (0 if none)%10 address of cache index (0 if none)
11 true if cacheing is ON-
CACHEREC addr(rec%()), off%
Fills 18-element array rec%() with cache index record at offset off%. Info changes whenever procedure is called. Elements of rec%() contain:(1 offset to less recently used procedure(2 offset to more recently used procedure
3 usage count34 offset within cache to procedure frame descriptor$5 ...to translated code of procedure
6 ...to end of translated code#7 number of bytes used by procedure-8-15 procedure name, followed by private data
16 address of module name
17 address of cache index
18 true if cache is OND
.CACHETIDY _mem CACHETIDY)Removes any unused procedures from cache.I
.CALL$e%=CALL(s%, bx%, cx%, dx%, si%, di%)
Makes operating system calls.
.CHANGESPRITE _spriteQCHANGESPRITE ix%, time%, var bit$(), dx%, dy%
CHANGESPRITE ix%, time%, var bit$()aChanges the bitmap-set specified by ix% (starting with 1). See APPENDSPRITE for other parameters.J
.CHR$ _string _conv
a$=CHR$(x%))Returns the character with ASCII code x%.t
.CLOSE _data
CLOSE`CLOSE closes the current data file. If the file is stored on a RAM media, it is also compressed.D
Closes the sprite with ID id%.V
.CLS _text
CLSFClears the contents of the text window and resets the cursor position.
.CMD$ _opa
c$=CMD$(x%)BReturns the command-line arguments passed when starting a program.
x% c$
1 Program full path name
2 File full path name
3 "C" (Create) or "O" (Open)
4 Alias information, if any
5 Applicaion name
x%=2 to 5 is for OPAs only
COMPRESS src$, dest$
Copies data file src$ to another data file dest$. If the destintion file already exists, the records are appended. Supports wildcards.z
.CONTINUE _control
CONTINUE]Makes a program immediately go to the test condition of DO ... UNTIL or WHILE ... ENDWH loop.y
.COPY _file
COPY src$, dest$[Copies the file src$, which may be of any type, to the file dest$. Wildcards are supported.g
.COUNT _data
c%=COUNTPReturns the number of records in the current data file (0 if the file is empty).A
SECSTODATE s&, var yr%, var mo%, var dy%, var hr%, var mn%, var sc%, var yrday%-Convert between seconds and other time units.$s& seconds since 00:00 on 1/1/1970
yrday% day in the year (1-366)q
.DATIM$ _date _time d$=DATIM$RReturns the current date and time as a string, such as "Sat 11 Dec 1993 10:14:30".l
Function: returns:
DAY 1-31
MONTH 1-12
YEAR 1900-2155
m$=MONTH$(m%)6Convert d% to the day of the week or m% to month name.
d%= 1 (MON) ... 7 (SUN)
m%= 1 (Jan) ... 12 (Dec)R
.DAYS _date
d&=DAYS(day%,month%,year%)*Returns the number of days since 1/1/1900.E
dBUTTONS p1$, k1%:Defines up to 3 exit keys to go at the bottom of a dialog.
p$ text above a button
k% keycode of the key, e.g., %A is the code for "A" (DIALOG returns keycodes for lowercase letters). Negative value defines a "cancel" key.
.dCHOICE _dialog
dCHOICE var choice%, p$, list$(Defines a choice list to go in a dialog.Qchoice% specifies the initial choice (starting with 1) and accomodates the result
p$ prompt on the left side6list$ possible choices separated by commas ("Yes,No")
.dDATE _dialog _date
dDATE var lg&, p$, min&, max&2Defines an edit box for a date, to go in a dialog.Xlg& specifies the initial date (in days since 1/1/1900) and accomodates the result value
p$ prompt on the left side
min& minimum value allowed
max& maximum value allowed
.dEDIT _dialog+dEDIT var str$, p$, len%
dEDIT var str$, p$-Defines a string edit box, to go in a dialog.