The Datafile PD-CD 3
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Antigrav map editor.
P.S. I know it's bloody awful, but there you go.
Keys - Z X " / to move cursor
Space - place block
M - Map overview
H - Help
f1 - Save
f2 - Load
NOTE - It is best to work on a backup copy of
Antigrav because to alter the map you will need to
alter the map files.
Find a blank disk, copy Antigrav and designer
to a blank disk or hard disk and then reboot the
computer. (Or double click on the new !AntiGrav
!Boot file.)
You can now edit sections of the Antigravity
map, maybe to cheat, or even to design a whole
new complex. Keep in mind the following-
The map is numbered from 1 (bottom left) to
100 top right.
a) Z, X, " and / move the cursor. The currently
selected block type is always displayed under the
cursor. Space puts one of these blocks down. You
can hold down space whilst moving.
b) F1 saves, F2 loads.
c) To use a new block type, just enter it's
number code. Ergo, to put down one of your 30
reactor buttons, type 02. A reactor button platform
is number 17. Unless you use exactly the same
number of reacotrs per level as I did, you will
also need to change Ant Grav's RunImage. But
if you're masichistic enough to design things
using this editor, you can certainly handle trawling
through my code.
d) To design a map takes ages, but you can
speed things up by laying a map using just the
01 and 00 blocks. Then fill in the details.
Its all pretty easy. Have fun.
See ya!
(c) The Raj,
aka Robin Jubber, 36 Burgate, Canterbury,
Kent, CT1 2HA.
0227 464381