Labels:black | darkness OCR: #! /bin/sh The first line tells the operating system which shell to use in # interpreting this script. The script itself ought to be marked as executable; you can make it so with "chmod +x "/.xinitrc". # xmodmap is a program for telling the X server how to interpret your # keyboard's signals. It is *definitely worth learning about. You # can do "man xmodmap", "xmodmap -help", "xmodmap -grammar", and more. # I don't guarantee that the expressions below will mean anything on # your system (I don't even guarantee that they mean anything on # mine) : xmodmap -e 'clear Lock' xmodmap -e 'keycode 176 = Control_R' xmodmap -e 'add control = Control_R' xmodmap -e 'clear Mod2' xmodmap -e 'add Mod1 = Alt_L Alt_R' # xset is a program for setting some other parameters of the X server: xset m 3 2 & # mouse parameters Kset s 600 5 & # screen saver prefs xset s noblank & # ditto xset fp+ /home/larry/x/fonts # for cxterm # To find out more, do "xset -help". # Tell the X server to superimpose fish. cursor over fish. mask, and use # the resulting pattern as my mouse cursor: xsetroot -cursor /home/lab/larry/x/fish. cursor /home/lab/larry/x/fish. mask & # a pleasing background pattern and color: xsetroot -bitmap /home/lab/larry/x/pyramid.xbm -bg tan # todo: xrdb here? What about .Xdefaults file? # You should do "man xsetroot", or "xsetroot -help" for more # information on the program used above. # A client program, the imposing circular color-clock by Jim Blandy: /usr/local/bin/circles & # Maybe you'd like to have a clock on your screen at all times? /usr/bin/X11/xclock -digital & # Allow client X programs running at occs. cs. oberlin. edu to display # themselves here, do the same thing for juju. mcs. xhost occs. cs. oberlin . edu xhost juju.mcs. anl. gov # You could simply tell the X server to allow clients running on any other host (a host being a remote machine) to display here, but this # is a security hole -- those clients might be run by someone else, # and watch your keystrokes as you type your password or something! # However, if you wanted to do it anyway, you could use a "+" to stand # for all possible hostnames, instead of a specific hostname, like # this: # xhost +