if ComPort=="ASK" then XPort=AskLine("Phone Book","Enter modem COM port.%CR%If you have problems dialing, verify%CR%COM port setting in Windows Control Panel","COM1")
if XPort=="" then exit
if XPort!=ComPort then IniWritePvt("FileCmdr","PhonePort",Xport,"WWW-PROD.INI")
then ComPort=XPort
; And here we go. First make a CR/LF and a TAB
; Use Home Directory
; Make sure there is a fonebook.txt file
if !FileExist("FONEBOOK.TXT") then fp=FileOpen("FONEBOOK.TXT","WRITE")
then FileWrite(fp,"Wilson WindowWare%TAB%1-206-938-1740")
then FileWrite(fp,"Emergency Services%TAB%911")
then FileWrite(fp,"Directory Assistance%TAB%1-555-1212")
then FileClose(fp)
; Put up the TextBox so the user can choose a number
CancelCmd="Exit" ; What to do if user hits "Cancel"
num=StrTrim(TextBox("DIALER - Just hit OK to add a new number","fonebook.txt"))
if num!="" then goto zorkle
num=strtrim(AskLine("DIALER","Enter name and number as in","Joe Blough 1-555-1212"))