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Text File  |  1990-04-05  |  122KB  |  1,879 lines

  1. Alphabetical Procedure and Function Index for Object Professional
  2. =================================================================
  3. Extracted from the Object Professional manual, and manipulated into this
  4. format. Contents Copyright (c) 1989, by TurboPower Software. All rights
  5. reserved.
  7. This file provides an alphabetical listing of all procedures, functions, and
  8. methods of documented routines in Object Professional. Each line lists the
  9. volume, chapter, and page where the routine is documented, the name of the
  10. routine, and the unit and object where it is declared. The object name is
  11. '----' for routines that are normal procedures or functions, i.e., not
  12. methods.
  14. Where volume, chapter, and page numbers are replaced by asterisks, the routine
  15. is documented in the READ.1ST file that is archived in README.LZH on the
  16. INSTALL diskette.
  18. Since the file is in strict columnar format, you could use a sort utility
  19. (like Vern Buerg's SORTF) to sort it into different order. The format we've
  20. provided seems to be the most popularly requested one.
  22. Volume  Ch-Page   Procedure                   Unit      Object
  23. ======  =======   ======================      ========  ===========
  24. {3}     14-004    AbsBCD                      OpBCD     ----
  25. {1}      4-175    Activate                    OpWindow  VirtScreen
  26. {1}      4-118    ActivateWrite               OpWindow  StackWindow
  27. {*}      *-***    ActiveChild                 OpWindow  StackWindow
  28. {1}      4-062    ActiveFramePtr              OpWindow  RawWindow
  29. {1}      4-323    ActiveItemPtr               OpMenu    Menu
  30. {1}      4-323    ActiveListPtr               OpMenu    Menu
  31. {1}      4-323    ActiveSubPtr                OpMenu    Menu
  32. {1}      4-324    ActiveWinPtr                OpMenu    Menu
  33. {3}      8-071    Add                         OpRoot    StringDict
  34. {3}      8-080    Add                         OpRoot    StringSet
  35. {*}      *-***    AddAnyHeader                OpFrame   Frame
  36. {2}      6-116    AddArrayField               OpEntry   EntryScreen
  37. {3}      9-003    AddBackSlash                OpString  ----
  38. {3}     14-004    AddBCD                      OpBCD     ----
  39. {2}      6-120    AddBooleanField             OpEntry   EntryScreen
  40. {2}      7-072    AddBooleanField             OpForm    PrintedForm
  41. {2}      7-075    AddBox                      OpForm    PrintedForm
  42. {2}      6-116    AddByteField                OpEntry   EntryScreen
  43. {2}      7-073    AddByteField                OpForm    PrintedForm
  44. {2}      6-119    AddCharField                OpEntry   EntryScreen
  45. {2}      7-073    AddCharField                OpForm    PrintedForm
  46. {*}      *-***    AddChild                    OpWindow  StackWindow
  47. {2}      6-122    AddChoiceField              OpEntry   EntryScreen
  48. {1}      3-095    AddCommand                  OpCmd     CommandProcessor
  49. {1}      4-031    AddCustomHeader             OpFrame   Frame
  50. {1}      4-320    AddCustomHeader             OpMenu    Menu
  51. {1}      4-033    AddCustomScrollBar          OpFrame   Frame
  52. {1}      4-033    AddCustomShadow             OpFrame   Frame
  53. {2}      6-117    AddDateField                OpEntry   EntryScreen
  54. {2}      7-074    AddDateField                OpForm    PrintedForm
  55. {2}      6-117    AddDateStField              OpEntry   EntryScreen
  56. {2}      7-075    AddDirective                OpForm    PrintedForm
  57. {2}      6-090    AddField                    OpSelect  Selector
  58. {2}      7-109    AddForm                     OpForm    Report
  59. {1}      4-324    AddFramedSubMenu            OpMenu    Menu
  60. {1}      4-034    AddHeader                   OpFrame   Frame
  61. {1}      4-320    AddHeader                   OpMenu    Menu
  62. {1}      4-034    AddHeaderColor              OpFrame   Frame
  63. {1}      4-320    AddHeaderColor              OpMenu    Menu
  64. {1}      4-035    AddHotBar                   OpFrame   Frame
  65. {1}      4-035    AddHotHeader                OpFrame   Frame
  66. {3}     11-048    AddHotKey                   OpSwap1   ----
  67. {3}     11-024    AddHotKey                   OpTsr     ----
  68. {1}      4-036    AddHotRegion                OpFrame   Frame
  69. {1}      4-036    AddHotSpot                  OpFrame   Frame
  70. {2}      6-116    AddIntField                 OpEntry   EntryScreen
  71. {2}      7-073    AddIntField                 OpForm    PrintedForm
  72. {1}      4-325    AddItem                     OpMenu    Menu
  73. {1}      4-325    AddItemHelp                 OpMenu    Menu
  74. {1}      4-325    AddItemHelpPtr              OpMenu    Menu
  75. {1}      4-325    AddItemPtr                  OpMenu    Menu
  76. {2}      7-075    AddLine                     OpForm    PrintedForm
  77. {2}      6-116    AddLongField                OpEntry   EntryScreen
  78. {2}      7-073    AddLongField                OpForm    PrintedForm
  79. {3}     14-029    AddLongToPtr                OpInline  ----
  80. {1}      4-251    AddMaskHeader               OpDir     DirList
  81. {1}      4-208    AddMoreHeader               OpPick    PickList
  82. {2}      4-384    AddMoreHelpHeader           OpHelp    AbstractHelpWindow
  83. {2}      6-122    AddMultiLineField           OpEntry   EntryScreen
  84. {2}      6-117    AddNestedField              OpEntry   EntryScreen
  85. {2}      6-118    AddNestedStringField        OpEntry   EntryScreen
  86. {2}      6-121    AddNumericByteField         OpEntry   EntryScreen
  87. {2}      6-121    AddNumericIntField          OpEntry   EntryScreen
  88. {2}      6-120    AddNumericLongField         OpEntry   EntryScreen
  89. {2}      6-121    AddNumericRealField         OpEntry   EntryScreen
  90. {2}      6-121    AddNumericShortField        OpEntry   EntryScreen
  91. {2}      6-120    AddNumericWordField         OpEntry   EntryScreen
  92. {2}      6-122    AddPickStringField          OpEntry   EntryScreen
  93. {2}      7-038    AddPrintMode                OpPrint   Printer
  94. {2}      6-116    AddRealField                OpEntry   EntryScreen
  95. {2}      7-073    AddRealField                OpForm    PrintedForm
  96. {1}      4-252    AddRejectString             OpDir     DirList
  97. {1}      4-037    AddScrollBar                OpFrame   Frame
  98. {1}      4-209    AddSearchHeader             OpPick    PickList
  99. {1}      3-096    AddSecondaryCommand         OpCmd     CommandProcessor
  100. {1}      4-328    AddSeparator                OpMenu    Menu
  101. {1}      4-328    AddSeparatorColor           OpMenu    Menu
  102. {2}      7-075    AddShaded                   OpForm    PrintedForm
  103. {1}      4-037    AddShadow                   OpFrame   Frame
  104. {1}      4-329    AddShadow                   OpMenu    Menu
  105. {1}      4-038    AddShadowColor              OpFrame   Frame
  106. {1}      4-320    AddShadowColor              OpMenu    Menu
  107. {1}      4-329    AddShadows                  OpMenu    Menu
  108. {2}      6-116    AddShortField               OpEntry   EntryScreen
  109. {2}      7-073    AddShortField               OpForm    PrintedForm
  110. {2}      6-120    AddSimpleBooleanField       OpEntry   EntryScreen
  111. {2}      6-118    AddSimpleByteField          OpEntry   EntryScreen
  112. {2}      6-120    AddSimpleCharField          OpEntry   EntryScreen
  113. {2}      6-118    AddSimpleIntField           OpEntry   EntryScreen
  114. {2}      6-118    AddSimpleLongField          OpEntry   EntryScreen
  115. {2}      6-118    AddSimpleRealField          OpEntry   EntryScreen
  116. {2}      6-118    AddSimpleShortField         OpEntry   EntryScreen
  117. {2}      6-118    AddSimpleStringField        OpEntry   EntryScreen
  118. {2}      6-118    AddSimpleWordField          OpEntry   EntryScreen
  119. {2}      6-120    AddSimpleYesNoField         OpEntry   EntryScreen
  120. {1}      4-039    AddSpanHeader               OpFrame   Frame
  121. {1}      4-039    AddSpanHeaderColor          OpFrame   Frame
  122. {3}      8-082    AddString                   OpRoot    StringArray
  123. {2}      6-116    AddStringField              OpEntry   EntryScreen
  124. {2}      7-073    AddStringField              OpForm    PrintedForm
  125. {1}      4-329    AddSubMenu                  OpMenu    Menu
  126. {1}      4-330    AddSubMenuCustom            OpMenu    Menu
  127. {2}      7-072    AddTextField                OpForm    PrintedForm
  128. {2}      6-064    AddTextField                OpSelect  AbstractSelector
  129. {2}      6-064    AddTextFieldCustom          OpSelect  AbstractSelector
  130. {2}      6-065    AddTextFieldDeluxe          OpSelect  AbstractSelector
  131. {2}      6-117    AddTimeField                OpEntry   EntryScreen
  132. {2}      7-074    AddTimeField                OpForm    PrintedForm
  133. {2}      4-384    AddTopicHeader              OpHelp    AbstractHelpWindow
  134. {2}      6-122    AddUserField                OpEntry   EntryScreen
  135. {*}      *-***    AddWindowField              OpEntry   EntryScreen
  136. {2}      6-116    AddWordField                OpEntry   EntryScreen
  137. {2}      7-073    AddWordField                OpForm    PrintedForm
  138. {3}     14-029    AddWordToPtr                OpInline  ----
  139. {2}      6-120    AddYesNoField               OpEntry   EntryScreen
  140. {2}      7-073    AddYesNoField               OpForm    PrintedForm
  141. {1}      4-010    Adjust                      OpFrame   ScreenRect
  142. {1}      4-040    AdjustFrame                 OpFrame   Frame
  143. {1}      4-063    AdjustFrameCoords           OpWindow  RawWindow
  144. {1}      4-064    AdjustWindow                OpWindow  RawWindow
  145. {2}      7-039    AdvanceLine                 OpPrint   Printer
  146. {2}      7-039    AdvanceSingleLine           OpPrint   Printer
  147. {1}      4-247    AllFormat                   OpDir     ----
  148. {1}      4-011    Alloc                       OpFrame   ScreenRect
  149. {1}      4-176    Alloc                       OpWindow  VirtScreen
  150. {3}     12-004    AllocateEmsPages            OpEms     ----
  151. {3}     13-005    AllocateMacro               OpMacro   ----
  152. {2}      6-169    AllocateScreen              OpEntry   ScrollingEntryScreen
  153. {2}      6-103    AllocateScreen              OpSelect  ScrollingSelector
  154. {1}      4-209    AllocateSelectSet           OpPick    PickList
  155. {3}     11-006    AllocateStack               OpInt     ----
  156. {3}     11-048    AllocateStack               OpSwap1   ----
  157. {1}      4-065    AltFramePtr                 OpWindow  RawWindow
  158. {3}      8-044    Append                      OpRoot    DoubleList
  159. {3}      8-034    Append                      OpRoot    SingleList
  160. {3}     14-004    ArcTanBCD                   OpBCD     ----
  161. {3}     14-030    Array2Str                   OpInline  ----
  162. {3}      8-161    ArrayDimensions             OpLarray  AbstractArray
  163. {3}      9-036    Asc2Str                     OpAsciiz  ----
  164. {3}      9-036    AscCenter                   OpAsciiz  ----
  165. {3}      9-036    AscCenterCh                 OpAsciiz  ----
  166. {3}      9-037    AscCharStr                  OpAsciiz  ----
  167. {3}      9-037    AscFromHeap                 OpAsciiz  ----
  168. {3}      9-038    AscLeftPad                  OpAsciiz  ----
  169. {3}      9-038    AscLeftPadCh                OpAsciiz  ----
  170. {3}      9-038    AscLocase                   OpAsciiz  ----
  171. {3}      9-039    AscPad                      OpAsciiz  ----
  172. {3}      9-039    AscPadCh                    OpAsciiz  ----
  173. {3}      9-040    AscToHeap                   OpAsciiz  ----
  174. {3}      9-040    AscTrim                     OpAsciiz  ----
  175. {3}      9-041    AscTrimLead                 OpAsciiz  ----
  176. {3}      9-041    AscTrimTrail                OpAsciiz  ----
  177. {3}      9-041    AscUpcase                   OpAsciiz  ----
  178. {3}     13-005    AssignMacroName             OpMacro   ----
  179. {1}      4-119    AssignNumber                OpWindow  StackWindow
  180. {2}      7-024    AssignPrnObject             OpPrnLow  ----
  181. {3}      8-137    AvailableEntries            OpRoot    Library
  183. {3}     14-005    BCDtoReal                   OpBCD     ----
  184. {3}      9-003    BinaryB                     OpString  ----
  185. {3}      9-003    BinaryL                     OpString  ----
  186. {3}      9-004    BinaryW                     OpString  ----
  187. {3}      8-052    BitIsSet                    OpRoot    BitSet
  188. {3}      8-052    BitsSet                     OpRoot    BitSet
  189. {1}      3-012    BlockCursor                 OpCrt     ----
  190. {1}      3-063    BlockMouseCursor            OpMouse   ----
  191. {3}      9-004    BMMakeTable                 OpString  ----
  192. {3}      9-005    BMSearch                    OpString  ----
  193. {3}      9-006    BMSearchUC                  OpString  ----
  194. {2}      5-064    brOptionsAreOn              OpBrowse  Browser
  195. {2}      5-064    brOptionsOff                OpBrowse  Browser
  196. {2}      5-064    brOptionsOn                 OpBrowse  Browser
  197. {2}      5-078    BrowseStatus                OpBrowse  ----
  198. {1}      4-012    BufSize                     OpFrame   ScreenRect
  199. {3}     14-030    ByteFlagIsSet               OpInline  ----
  201. {3}     14-031    CallOldIsr                  OpInline  ----
  202. {2}      7-025    CallPrnStatus               OpPrnLow  ----
  203. {3}     10-005    CancelAllPrintFiles         OpDos     ----
  204. {3}     10-005    CancelPrintFile             OpDos     ----
  205. {3}      9-006    Center                      OpString  ----
  206. {3}      9-007    CenterCh                    OpString  ----
  207. {3}     11-006    ChainInt                    OpInt     ----
  208. {1}      4-066    ChangeAllScrollBars         OpWindow  RawWindow
  209. {1}      3-012    ChangeAttribute             OpCrt     ----
  210. {1}      4-210    ChangeCommandHandler        OpPick    PickList
  211. {2}      6-144    ChangeConversion            OpEntry   EntryScreen
  212. {2}      7-092    ChangeConversion            OpForm    PrintedForm
  213. {2}      6-065    ChangeCtrlAttr              OpSelect  AbstractSelector
  214. {2}      6-013    ChangeDecimalChar           OpAbsFld  ----
  215. {1}      4-253    ChangeDirectory             OpDir     DirList
  216. {1}      4-314    ChangeDisplayPos            OpMenu    MenuItemNode
  217. {2}      6-066    ChangeFieldAttr             OpSelect  AbstractSelector
  218. {1}      4-067    ChangeHeader                OpWindow  RawWindow
  219. {1}      4-040    ChangeHeaderAttr            OpFrame   Frame
  220. {1}      4-041    ChangeHeaderString          OpFrame   Frame
  221. {1}      4-314    ChangeHelp                  OpMenu    MenuItemNode
  222. {2}      6-066    ChangeHidden                OpSelect  AbstractSelector
  223. {1}      4-042    ChangeHotHeader             OpFrame   Frame
  224. {3}     11-048    ChangeHotKey                OpSwap1   ----
  225. {3}     11-024    ChangeHotKey                OpTsr     ----
  226. {2}      6-066    ChangeInvisibility          OpSelect  AbstractSelector
  227. {1}      4-210    ChangeItemWidth             OpPick    PickList
  228. {1}      4-315    ChangeKey                   OpMenu    MenuItemNode
  229. {1}      4-315    ChangeName                  OpMenu    MenuItemNode
  230. {1}      4-211    ChangeNumItems              OpPick    PickList
  231. {1}      4-211    ChangeOrientation           OpPick    PickList
  232. {2}      6-067    ChangePromptAttr            OpSelect  AbstractSelector
  233. {2}      6-067    ChangeProtectedFieldAttr    OpSelect  AbstractSelector
  234. {2}      6-068    ChangeProtectedPromptAttr   OpSelect  AbstractSelector
  235. {2}      6-068    ChangeProtection            OpSelect  AbstractSelector
  236. {2}      6-144    ChangeRange                 OpEntry   EntryScreen
  237. {2}      6-144    ChangeRequired              OpEntry   EntryScreen
  238. {1}      4-068    ChangeScrollBar             OpWindow  RawWindow
  239. {2}      6-069    ChangeSelectedFieldAttr     OpSelect  AbstractSelector
  240. {2}      6-069    ChangeSelectedPromptAttr    OpSelect  AbstractSelector
  241. {1}      4-315    ChangeSelectPos             OpMenu    MenuItemNode
  242. {1}      4-212    ChangeStringProc            OpPick    PickList
  243. {1}      4-316    ChangeSubPtr                OpMenu    MenuItemNode
  244. {2}      6-145    ChangeValidation            OpEntry   EntryScreen
  245. {3}      9-007    CharStr                     OpString  ----
  246. {3}     13-006    CharToMacro                 OpMacro   ----
  247. {3}     13-019    CharToMacro                 OpReplay  ----
  248. {2}      7-010    CharXlat                    OpPrnLow  BasePrinter
  249. {1}      3-096    CheckForConflict            OpCmd     CommandProcessor
  250. {1}      3-013    CheckKbd                    OpCrt     ----
  251. {*}      *-***    ChildIndex                  OpWindow  StackWindow
  252. {*}      *-***    ChildListPtr                OpWindow  StackWindow
  253. {*}      *-***    ChildPtr                    OpWindow  StackWindow
  254. {1}      3-013    ClassifyCursorType          OpCrt     ----
  255. {1}      4-143    ClassifyError               OpWindow  CommandWindow
  256. {3}      9-007    CleanPathName               OpString  ----
  257. {1}      4-012    Clear                       OpFrame   ScreenRect
  258. {3}      8-009    Clear                       OpRoot    PointerStack
  259. {3}      8-021    Clear                       OpRoot    StaticQueue
  260. {3}      8-073    Clear                       OpRoot    StringDict
  261. {1}      4-068    Clear                       OpWindow  RawWindow
  262. {1}      4-176    Clear                       OpWindow  VirtScreen
  263. {3}      8-161    ClearA                      OpLarray  AbstractArray
  264. {3}      8-053    ClearAll                    OpRoot    BitSet
  265. {3}      8-053    ClearBit                    OpRoot    BitSet
  266. {3}     14-031    ClearByteFlag               OpInline  ----
  267. {1}      4-069    ClearContents               OpWindow  RawWindow
  268. {1}      4-042    ClearErrors                 OpFrame   AbstractFrame
  269. {1}      4-069    ClearErrors                 OpWindow  AbstractWindow
  270. {3}     14-031    ClearFlag                   OpInline  ----
  271. {3}     14-032    ClearLongFlag               OpInline  ----
  272. {3}     13-006    ClearMacros                 OpMacro   ----
  273. {1}      3-014    ClearPage                   OpCrt     ----
  274. {1}      4-254    ClearRejectStrings          OpDir     DirList
  275. {1}      4-212    ClearSelected               OpPick    PickList
  276. {1}      3-014    ClearWindow                 OpCrt     ----
  277. {2}      7-010    ClearXlatCharTable          OpPrnLow  BasePrinter
  278. {2}      5-065    CloseFile                   OpBrowse  Browser
  279. {3}      8-100    CodeVerRegistered           OpRoot    IdStream
  280. {1}      3-014    ColorMono                   OpCrt     ----
  281. {1}      3-097    CommandStringPending        OpCmd     CommandProcessor
  282. {3}      9-008    CompareLetterSets           OpString  ----
  283. {3}      9-042    CompAsc                     OpAsciiz  ----
  284. {1}      4-213    CompleteItemString          OpPick    PickList
  285. {3}      9-009    CompString                  OpString  ----
  286. {3}      9-010    CompStruct                  OpString  ----
  287. {3}      9-042    CompUCAsc                   OpAsciiz  ----
  288. {3}      9-010    CompUCString                OpString  ----
  289. {3}      9-042    ConcatAsc                   OpAsciiz  ----
  290. {3}      9-043    ConcatStr                   OpAsciiz  ----
  291. {1}      3-115    ConflictsFound              OpCmd     CommandPacker
  292. {3}      8-054    ControlBit                  OpRoot    BitSet
  293. {2}      7-088    Convert                     OpForm    PrintField
  294. {1}      4-043    Coordinates                 OpFrame   Frame
  295. {1}      4-012    Coordinates                 OpFrame   ScreenRect
  296. {1}      4-070    Coordinates                 OpWindow  RawWindow
  297. {3}      9-043    CopyAsc                     OpAsciiz  ----
  298. {3}     10-005    CopyEnv                     OpDos     ----
  299. {3}     10-006    CopyFile                    OpDos     ----
  300. {1}      4-013    CopyFromScreen              OpFrame   ScreenRect
  301. {1}      4-177    CopyFromScreen              OpWindow  VirtScreen
  302. {1}      4-177    CopyFromWindow              OpWindow  VirtScreen
  303. {1}      4-013    CopyPartToScreen            OpFrame   ScreenRect
  304. {1}      4-014    CopyToScreen                OpFrame   ScreenRect
  305. {1}      4-178    CopyToScreen                OpWindow  VirtScreen
  306. {1}      4-178    CopyToWindow                OpWindow  VirtScreen
  307. {3}     14-005    CosBCD                      OpBCD     ----
  308. {1}      3-098    cpGetHelp                   OpCmd     CommandProcessor
  309. {1}      3-098    cpGetKey                    OpCmd     CommandProcessor
  310. {1}      3-098    cpKeyPressed                OpCmd     CommandProcessor
  311. {1}      3-099    cpOptionsAreOn              OpCmd     CommandProcessor
  312. {1}      3-099    cpOptionsOff                OpCmd     CommandProcessor
  313. {1}      3-099    cpOptionsOn                 OpCmd     CommandProcessor
  314. {1}      3-100    cpUserHook                  OpCmd     CommandProcessor
  315. {3}      8-137    Create                      OpRoot    Library
  316. {3}      8-138    CurrentEntries              OpRoot    Library
  317. {3}     10-006    CurrentEnv                  OpDos     ----
  318. {2}      6-145    CurrentFieldModified        OpEntry   EntryScreen
  319. {2}      5-065    CurrentFileName             OpBrowse  Browser
  320. {1}      4-330    CurrentItem                 OpMenu    Menu
  321. {2}      6-212    CurrentTime                 OpDate    ----
  322. {2}      6-212    CurrentTimeString           OpDate    ----
  323. {2}      4-385    CurrentTopic                OpHelp    AbstractHelpWindow
  324. {2}      4-385    CurrentXrefTopic            OpHelp    AbstractHelpWindow
  325. {1}      3-015    CursorEndLine               OpCrt     ----
  326. {1}      4-070    CursorInWindow              OpWindow  RawWindow
  327. {1}      3-015    CursorStartLine             OpCrt     ----
  328. {1}      3-015    CursorTypeSL                OpCrt     ----
  329. {1}      4-043    CurUserValue                OpFrame   Frame
  331. {2}      7-065    DataProductsRegister        OpDevice  ----
  332. {2}      6-212    DateDiff                    OpDate    ----
  333. {2}      6-213    DateStringToDate            OpDate    ----
  334. {2}      6-213    DateStringToDMY             OpDate    ----
  335. {2}      6-214    DateTimeDiff                OpDate    ----
  336. {2}      6-214    DateToDateString            OpDate    ----
  337. {2}      6-215    DateToDMY                   OpDate    ----
  338. {2}      6-215    DateToSortString            OpDate    ----
  339. {2}      6-215    DayOfWeek                   OpDate    ----
  340. {2}      6-216    DayOfWeekDMY                OpDate    ----
  341. {2}      6-216    DaysInMonth                 OpDate    ----
  342. {1}      4-179    Deactivate                  OpWindow  VirtScreen
  343. {1}      4-119    DeactivateWrite             OpWindow  StackWindow
  344. {3}     12-005    DeallocateEmsHandle         OpEms     ----
  345. {3}     13-006    DeallocateMacro             OpMacro   ----
  346. {3}     11-007    DeallocateStack             OpInt     ----
  347. {3}     11-048    DeallocateStack             OpSwap1   ----
  348. {2}      6-216    DecTime                     OpDate    ----
  349. {3}     10-007    DefaultDrive                OpDos     ----
  350. {1}      3-118    DefaultErrorProc            OpCmd     ----
  351. {3}      9-011    DefaultExtension            OpString  ----
  352. {1}      4-331    DefaultItem                 OpMenu    Menu
  353. {1}      4-331    DefaultPath                 OpMenu    Menu
  354. {2}      4-387    DefaultTopicMatch           OpHelp    ----
  355. {2}      7-026    DefaultXlatCharTable        OpPrnLow  ----
  356. {3}     13-007    DefineMacro                 OpMacro   ----
  357. {3}     11-050    DefinePop                   OpSwap1   ----
  358. {3}     11-025    DefinePop                   OpTsr     ----
  359. {3}     11-025    DefinePopProc               OpTsr     ----
  360. {*}      *-***    DelayCalibrate              OpCrt     ----
  361. {3}      8-044    Delete                      OpRoot    DoubleList
  362. {3}      8-034    Delete                      OpRoot    SingleList
  363. {3}      9-044    DeleteAsc                   OpAsciiz  ----
  364. {3}      8-138    DeletedEntries              OpRoot    Library
  365. {3}      8-138    DeleteEntry                 OpRoot    Library
  366. {3}     11-026    DeletePop                   OpTsr     ----
  367. {3}     11-026    DeletePopProc               OpTsr     ----
  368. {1}      4-071    DeltaAdjustFrame            OpWindow  RawWindow
  369. {3}      8-132    deOptionsAreOn              OpRoot    DirEntry
  370. {3}      8-132    deOptionsOff                OpRoot    DirEntry
  371. {3}      8-132    deOptionsOn                 OpRoot    DirEntry
  372. {2}      7-063    Deregister                  OpDevice  ----
  373. {1}      4-213    DeselectItem                OpPick    PickList
  374. {3}      9-011    Detab                       OpString  ----
  375. {2}      7-065    DiabloRegister              OpDevice  ----
  376. {1}      4-254    diOptionsAreOn              OpDir     DirList
  377. {1}      4-255    diOptionsOff                OpDir     DirList
  378. {1}      4-255    diOptionsOn                 OpDir     DirList
  379. {1}      3-063    DisableEventHandling        OpMouse   ----
  380. {1}      4-044    DisableHeader               OpFrame   Frame
  381. {3}     11-051    DisablePopup                OpSwap1   ----
  382. {3}     11-048    DisableTSR                  OpSwap1   ----
  383. {3}     11-027    DisableTSR                  OpTsr     ----
  384. {1}      4-166    Display                     OpWindow  PackedWindow
  385. {1}      4-166    DisplayAt                   OpWindow  PackedWindow
  386. {1}      4-316    DisplayInfo                 OpMenu    MenuItemNode
  387. {3}      8-176    DisplayLErrorProc           OpLarray  ----
  388. {2}      7-039    DisposeAllModes             OpPrint   Printer
  389. {3}      9-044    DisposeAsc                  OpAsciiz  ----
  390. {3}     10-007    DisposeEnv                  OpDos     ----
  391. {3}      9-012    DisposeString               OpString  ----
  392. {3}     14-005    DivBCD                      OpBCD     ----
  393. {2}      6-217    DMYtoDate                   OpDate    ----
  394. {2}      6-217    DMYtoDateString             OpDate    ----
  395. {2}      5-065    Done                        OpBrowse  Browser
  396. {3}     14-019    Done                        OpClone   Cloner
  397. {1}      3-100    Done                        OpCmd     CommandProcessor
  398. {1}      4-256    Done                        OpDir     DirList
  399. {1}      4-285    Done                        OpDir     PathList
  400. {2}      6-147    Done                        OpEntry   EntryScreen
  401. {2}      6-169    Done                        OpEntry   ScrollingEntryScreen
  402. {2}      7-092    Done                        OpForm    PrintedForm
  403. {2}      7-109    Done                        OpForm    Report
  404. {1}      4-044    Done                        OpFrame   Frame
  405. {1}      4-014    Done                        OpFrame   ScreenRect
  406. {2}      4-385    Done                        OpHelp    AbstractHelpWindow
  407. {3}      8-162    Done                        OpLarray  AbstractArray
  408. {2}      5-010    Done                        OpMemo    Memo
  409. {1}      4-332    Done                        OpMenu    Menu
  410. {1}      4-214    Done                        OpPick    PickList
  411. {2}      7-040    Done                        OpPrint   Printer
  412. {2}      7-010    Done                        OpPrnLow  BasePrinter
  413. {3}      8-054    Done                        OpRoot    BitSet
  414. {3}      8-123    Done                        OpRoot    BufIdStream
  415. {3}      8-120    Done                        OpRoot    DosIdStream
  416. {3}      8-044    Done                        OpRoot    DoubleList
  417. {3}      8-139    Done                        OpRoot    Library
  418. {3}      8-009    Done                        OpRoot    PointerStack
  419. {3}      8-099    Done                        OpRoot    Root
  420. {3}      8-034    Done                        OpRoot    SingleList
  421. {3}      8-021    Done                        OpRoot    StaticQueue
  422. {3}      8-082    Done                        OpRoot    StringArray
  423. {3}      8-073    Done                        OpRoot    StringDict
  424. {2}      6-070    Done                        OpSelect  AbstractSelector
  425. {2}      6-103    Done                        OpSelect  ScrollingSelector
  426. {1}      4-167    Done                        OpWindow  PackedWindow
  427. {1}      4-071    Done                        OpWindow  RawWindow
  428. {*}      *-***    Done                        OpWindow  StackWindow
  429. {1}      4-179    Done                        OpWindow  VirtScreen
  430. {1}      4-132    Done                        OpWindow  WindowStack
  431. {3}     11-048    DosBusyFlag                 OpSwap1   ----
  432. {3}     11-027    DosBusyFlag                 OpTsr     ----
  433. {3}     11-027    DosCriticalFlag             OpTsr     ----
  434. {3}     10-007    DosVersion                  OpDos     ----
  435. {1}      4-045    Draw                        OpFrame   Frame
  436. {2}      4-386    Draw                        OpHelp    AbstractHelpWindow
  437. {1}      4-072    Draw                        OpWindow  RawWindow
  438. {1}      4-120    Draw                        OpWindow  StackWindow
  439. {1}      4-073    DrawAllSliders              OpWindow  RawWindow
  440. {2}      6-070    DrawField                   OpSelect  AbstractSelector
  441. {1}      4-045    DrawHeader                  OpFrame   Frame
  442. {1}      4-120    DrawHidden                  OpWindow  StackWindow
  443. {1}      4-074    DrawSlider                  OpWindow  RawWindow
  444. {3}     10-008    DumpEnv                     OpDos     ----
  445. {2}      7-093    DupCurrentBlock             OpForm    PrintedForm
  446. {2}      7-093    DupCurrentPage              OpForm    PrintedForm
  448. {2}      6-179    EditArray                   OpEdit    LineEditor
  449. {2}      6-181    EditBoolean                 OpEdit    LineEditor
  450. {2}      6-180    EditByte                    OpEdit    LineEditor
  451. {2}      6-181    EditChar                    OpEdit    LineEditor
  452. {2}      6-182    EditChoice                  OpEdit    LineEditor
  453. {2}      6-181    EditDate                    OpEdit    LineEditor
  454. {2}      6-181    EditDateSt                  OpEdit    LineEditor
  455. {2}      6-180    EditInteger                 OpEdit    LineEditor
  456. {3}     13-016    EditKeys                    OpMacEd   ----
  457. {2}      6-180    EditLongInt                 OpEdit    LineEditor
  458. {2}      6-182    EditMultiLine               OpEdit    LineEditor
  459. {2}      6-182    EditNumericByte             OpEdit    LineEditor
  460. {2}      6-182    EditNumericInteger          OpEdit    LineEditor
  461. {2}      6-181    EditNumericLongInt          OpEdit    LineEditor
  462. {2}      6-182    EditNumericReal             OpEdit    LineEditor
  463. {2}      6-182    EditNumericShortInt         OpEdit    LineEditor
  464. {2}      6-182    EditNumericWord             OpEdit    LineEditor
  465. {2}      6-180    EditReal                    OpEdit    LineEditor
  466. {2}      6-180    EditShortInt                OpEdit    LineEditor
  467. {2}      6-179    EditString                  OpEdit    LineEditor
  468. {2}      6-181    EditTime                    OpEdit    LineEditor
  469. {2}      6-180    EditWord                    OpEdit    LineEditor
  470. {2}      6-181    EditYesNo                   OpEdit    LineEditor
  471. {2}      6-026    efOptionsAreOn              OpField   EntryField
  472. {2}      6-026    efOptionsOff                OpField   EntryField
  473. {2}      6-026    efOptionsOn                 OpField   EntryField
  474. {3}      8-021    Elements                    OpRoot    StaticQueue
  475. {3}     12-005    EmmSigFound                 OpEms     ----
  476. {3}     12-006    EmsActiveHandles            OpEms     ----
  477. {3}     12-006    EmsInstalled                OpEms     ----
  478. {3}     12-007    EmsPageFramePtr             OpEms     ----
  479. {3}     12-008    EmsPagesAvail               OpEms     ----
  480. {3}     12-008    EmsPagesOwned               OpEms     ----
  481. {3}     12-009    EmsStatusOK                 OpEms     ----
  482. {3}     12-009    EmsTotalPages               OpEms     ----
  483. {3}     12-010    EmsVersion                  OpEms     ----
  484. {3}     11-007    EmulateInt                  OpInt     ----
  485. {3}     11-048    EmulateInt                  OpSwap1   ----
  486. {1}      4-332    EnableAllAlternateOpen      OpMenu    Menu
  487. {1}      4-333    EnableAllExplosions         OpMenu    Menu
  488. {1}      4-333    EnableAllNormalOpen         OpMenu    Menu
  489. {1}      4-075    EnableAlternateOpen         OpWindow  RawWindow
  490. {2}      7-040    EnableDefaultFont           OpPrint   Printer
  491. {1}      3-064    EnableEventHandling         OpMouse   ----
  492. {1}      4-320    EnableExplosions            OpMenu    Menu
  493. {1}      4-077    EnableExplosions            OpWindow  RawWindow
  494. {1}      4-320    EnableNormalOpen            OpMenu    Menu
  495. {1}      4-077    EnableNormalOpen            OpWindow  RawWindow
  496. {3}     10-008    EndPrintStatus              OpDos     ----
  497. {1}      3-016    EnhancedKbdInstalled        OpCrt     ----
  498. {3}      9-012    Entab                       OpString  ----
  499. {3}     10-008    EnvFree                     OpDos     ----
  500. {2}      7-065    EpsonLQRegister             OpDevice  ----
  501. {2}      7-065    EpsonMXRegister             OpDevice  ----
  502. {3}      8-073    Equal                       OpRoot    StringDict
  503. {3}     14-006    EqualBCD                    OpBCD     ----
  504. {1}      4-334    Erase                       OpMenu    Menu
  505. {1}      4-078    Erase                       OpWindow  RawWindow
  506. {1}      4-121    Erase                       OpWindow  StackWindow
  507. {1}      4-335    EraseAllSubMenus            OpMenu    Menu
  508. {1}      4-336    EraseClear                  OpMenu    Menu
  509. {1}      4-336    EraseCurrentSubMenu         OpMenu    Menu
  510. {1}      4-121    EraseHidden                 OpWindow  StackWindow
  511. {1}      4-078    EraseSlider                 OpWindow  RawWindow
  512. {1}      4-046    Error                       OpFrame   Frame
  513. {3}      8-100    Error                       OpRoot    IdStream
  514. {3}      8-064    Error                       OpRoot    LargeBitSet
  515. {3}      8-022    Error                       OpRoot    StaticQueue
  516. {3}      8-074    Error                       OpRoot    StringDict
  517. {1}      4-079    Error                       OpWindow  RawWindow
  518. {3}     11-061    Error8087                   Op8087    ----
  519. {3}      8-163    ErrorA                      OpLarray  AbstractArray
  520. {3}     14-027    ErrorRecovery               OpErrHan  ----
  521. {2}      6-146    esFieldOptionsAreOn         OpEntry   EntryScreen
  522. {2}      6-146    esFieldOptionsOff           OpEntry   EntryScreen
  523. {2}      6-147    esFieldOptionsOn            OpEntry   EntryScreen
  524. {2}      6-147    esOptionsAreOn              OpEntry   EntryScreen
  525. {2}      6-147    esOptionsOff                OpEntry   EntryScreen
  526. {2}      6-148    esOptionsOn                 OpEntry   EntryScreen
  527. {2}      6-148    esSecFieldOptionsAreOn      OpEntry   EntryScreen
  528. {2}      6-149    esSecFieldOptionsOff        OpEntry   EntryScreen
  529. {2}      6-149    esSecFieldOptionsOn         OpEntry   EntryScreen
  530. {2}      6-150    EvaluateCommand             OpEntry   EntryScreen
  531. {1}      4-079    EvaluateMousePos            OpWindow  RawWindow
  532. {1}      4-080    EvaluatePos                 OpWindow  RawWindow
  533. {1}      4-132    EvaluateStackMousePos       OpWindow  WindowStack
  534. {1}      4-133    EvaluateStackPos            OpWindow  WindowStack
  535. {3}     11-061    Exceptions8087              Op8087    ----
  536. {3}     14-032    ExchangeBytes               OpInline  ----
  537. {3}     14-032    ExchangeLongInts            OpInline  ----
  538. {3}     14-033    ExchangeStructs             OpInline  ----
  539. {3}     14-033    ExchangeWords               OpInline  ----
  540. {3}     10-009    ExecDos                     OpDos     ----
  541. {3}     10-036    ExecDosSwap                 OpExec    ----
  542. {3}     10-039    ExecWithSwap                OpExec    ----
  543. {3}     10-011    ExistFile                   OpDos     ----
  544. {3}     10-011    ExistOnPath                 OpDos     ----
  545. {3}     14-006    ExpBCD                      OpBCD     ----
  546. {1}      4-081    Extent                      OpWindow  RawWindow
  547. {3}     12-013    ExtMemAvail                 OpExtMem  ----
  548. {3}     12-013    ExtMemTotal                 OpExtMem  ----
  549. {3}      9-013    ExtractWord                 OpString  ----
  551. {2}      7-065    FacitRegister               OpDevice  ----
  552. {3}     14-034    FarCall                     OpInline  ----
  553. {1}      3-016    FastCenter                  OpCrt     ----
  554. {1}      3-017    FastFill                    OpCrt     ----
  555. {1}      3-017    FastFlush                   OpCrt     ----
  556. {1}      3-017    FastRead                    OpCrt     ----
  557. {1}      3-018    FastText                    OpCrt     ----
  558. {1}      3-018    FastVert                    OpCrt     ----
  559. {1}      3-019    FastWrite                   OpCrt     ----
  560. {1}      3-019    FastWriteAttr               OpCrt     ----
  561. {1}      3-020    FastWriteCtrl               OpCrt     ----
  562. {1}      3-020    FatCursor                   OpCrt     ----
  563. {1}      3-064    FatMouseCursor              OpMouse   ----
  564. {1}      4-082    fChangeAttribute            OpWindow  RawWindow
  565. {1}      4-046    fCopy                       OpFrame   Frame
  566. {1}      4-082    fFastCenter                 OpWindow  RawWindow
  567. {1}      4-082    fFastFill                   OpWindow  RawWindow
  568. {1}      4-082    fFastFlush                  OpWindow  RawWindow
  569. {1}      4-082    fFastRead                   OpWindow  RawWindow
  570. {1}      4-082    fFastText                   OpWindow  RawWindow
  571. {1}      4-082    fFastVert                   OpWindow  RawWindow
  572. {1}      4-082    fFastWrite                  OpWindow  RawWindow
  573. {1}      4-082    fFastWriteCtrl              OpWindow  RawWindow
  574. {1}      4-082    fFlexWrite                  OpWindow  RawWindow
  575. {2}      7-094    fGetLastError               OpForm    PrintedForm
  576. {2}      7-095    FieldOptionsAreOn           OpForm    PrintedForm
  577. {2}      7-095    FieldOptionsOff             OpForm    PrintedForm
  578. {2}      7-095    FieldOptionsOn              OpForm    PrintedForm
  579. {1}      4-256    FileCapacity                OpDir     DirList
  580. {3}     10-012    FileHandlesLeft             OpDos     ----
  581. {3}     10-012    FileHandlesOpen             OpDos     ----
  582. {3}      8-139    FileNeedsPacking            OpRoot    Library
  583. {3}     14-034    FillStruct                  OpInline  ----
  584. {3}     14-035    FillWord                    OpInline  ----
  585. {3}      8-140    FindAnyDirectoryEntry       OpRoot    Library
  586. {3}     14-019    FindDefaultsEnd             OpClone   Cloner
  587. {3}     14-019    FindDefaultsStart           OpClone   Cloner
  588. {3}      8-140    FindDirectoryEntry          OpRoot    Library
  589. {3}      8-141    FindEntryByIndex            OpRoot    Library
  590. {2}      7-096    FindField                   OpForm    PrintedForm
  591. {2}      6-070    FindField                   OpSelect  AbstractSelector
  592. {*}      *-***    FindFieldByname             OpSelect  AbstractSelector
  593. {2}      7-110    FindForm                    OpForm    Report
  594. {1}      4-337    FindItem                    OpMenu    Menu
  595. {3}     13-007    FindMacroIndex              OpMacro   ----
  596. {2}      7-096    FindNextField               OpForm    PrintedForm
  597. {*}      *-***    FindNextTopic               OpHelp    AbstractHelpWindow
  598. {2}      6-071    FindTextField               OpSelect  AbstractSelector
  599. {2}      4-387    FindTopic                   OpHelp    AbstractHelpWindow
  600. {3}      8-054    FirstClear                  OpRoot    BitSet
  601. {3}      8-055    FirstSet                    OpRoot    BitSet
  602. {3}     14-035    FlagIsSet                   OpInline  ----
  603. {1}      3-021    FlexLen                     OpCrt     ----
  604. {1}      3-021    FlexWrite                   OpCrt     ----
  605. {3}      8-123    Flush                       OpRoot    BufIdStream
  606. {3}      8-164    FlushA                      OpLarray  AbstractArray
  607. {3}     10-013    FlushDosBuffers             OpDos     ----
  608. {1}      3-022    Font8x8Selected             OpCrt     ----
  609. {3}      9-013    ForceExtension              OpString  ----
  610. {3}     14-007    Form                        OpBCD     ----
  611. {3}      9-014    Form                        OpString  ----
  612. {1}      4-257    Format                      OpDir     DirList
  613. {1}      4-257    FormatMultiFile             OpDir     DirList
  614. {2}      7-041    FormFeed                    OpPrint   Printer
  615. {2}      7-097    fPrinterPtr                 OpForm    PrintedForm
  616. {3}     14-007    FracBCD                     OpBCD     ----
  617. {1}      3-022    FrameWindow                 OpCrt     ----
  618. {1}      4-082    fReadAttribute              OpWindow  RawWindow
  619. {3}     12-014    FreeExtMem                  OpExtMem  ----
  620. {1}      3-065    FullMouseWindow             OpMouse   ----
  621. {3}      9-016    FullPathName                OpString  ----
  622. {1}      4-082    fWriteAttribute             OpWindow  RawWindow
  624. {2}      7-065    GenericEpsonRegister        OpDevice  ----
  625. {3}      8-101    Get                         OpRoot    IdStream
  626. {2}      7-041    GetBasePrinter              OpPrint   Printer
  627. {1}      3-101    GetCmdAssignment            OpCmd     CommandProcessor
  628. {3}      8-141    GetCodeAndVersion           OpRoot    Library
  629. {1}      3-102    GetCommand                  OpCmd     CommandProcessor
  630. {1}      4-143    GetCommandProcessor         OpWindow  CommandWindow
  631. {1}      3-102    GetCommandString            OpCmd     CommandProcessor
  632. {1}      3-023    GetCrtMode                  OpCrt     ----
  633. {2}      7-041    GetCurrentFont              OpPrint   Printer
  634. {2}      6-071    GetCurrentID                OpSelect  AbstractSelector
  635. {1}      4-083    GetCursor                   OpWindow  RawWindow
  636. {1}      3-023    GetCursorState              OpCrt     ----
  637. {1}      4-214    GetDefaultChoice            OpPick    PickList
  638. {2}      7-042    GetDefaultFont              OpPrint   Printer
  639. {3}     10-013    GetDiskClass                OpDos     ----
  640. {3}     10-014    GetDiskInfo                 OpDos     ----
  641. {1}      4-317    GetDisplayPos               OpMenu    MenuItemNode
  642. {3}     10-014    GetDta                      OpDos     ----
  643. {3}     14-047    GetElement                  OpSort    ----
  644. {3}      8-142    GetEntry                    OpRoot    Library
  645. {3}      8-148    GetEntry                    OpRoot    MemLibrary
  646. {3}      8-133    GetEntryLength              OpRoot    DirEntry
  647. {3}      8-133    GetEntryName                OpRoot    DirEntry
  648. {3}      8-142    GetEntryPtr                 OpRoot    Library
  649. {3}      8-148    GetEntryPtr                 OpRoot    MemLibrary
  650. {3}      8-134    GetEntryStart               OpRoot    DirEntry
  651. {3}     10-015    GetEnvironmentString        OpDos     ----
  652. {3}     10-015    GetEnvStr                   OpDos     ----
  653. {3}      8-164    GetErrorProc                OpLarray  AbstractArray
  654. {1}      4-144    GetExitCommandPtr           OpWindow  CommandWindow
  655. {3}     12-014    GetExtMem                   OpExtMem  ----
  656. {2}      7-088    GetFieldAttr                OpForm    PrintField
  657. {2}      6-151    GetFieldCoordinates         OpEntry   EntryScreen
  658. {2}      7-088    GetFieldPos                 OpForm    PrintField
  659. {3}     10-016    GetFileMode                 OpDos     ----
  660. {1}      4-258    GetFileName                 OpDir     DirList
  661. {2}      7-097    GetFooter                   OpForm    PrintedForm
  662. {2}      7-098    GetHeader                   OpForm    PrintedForm
  663. {1}      4-337    GetHelpAttr                 OpMenu    Menu
  664. {2}      6-072    GetHelpIndex                OpSelect  AbstractSelector
  665. {1}      4-144    GetHelpIndex                OpWindow  CommandWindow
  666. {1}      4-215    GetItemCols                 OpPick    PickList
  667. {1}      4-215    GetItemString               OpPick    PickList
  668. {1}      3-103    GetKeyAssignment            OpCmd     CommandProcessor
  669. {1}      3-103    GetKeyPtr                   OpCmd     CommandProcessor
  670. {1}      3-115    GetKeyRecPtr                OpCmd     CommandPacker
  671. {1}      4-216    GetLastChoice               OpPick    PickList
  672. {1}      4-216    GetLastChoiceString         OpPick    PickList
  673. {2}      6-188    GetLastCommand              OpEdit    LineEditor
  674. {2}      6-201    GetLastCommand              OpSEdit   SimpleLineEditor
  675. {1}      4-145    GetLastCommand              OpWindow  CommandWindow
  676. {3}     14-020    GetLastError                OpClone   Cloner
  677. {1}      3-104    GetLastError                OpCmd     CommandProcessor
  678. {2}      6-188    GetLastError                OpEdit    LineEditor
  679. {1}      4-047    GetLastError                OpFrame   Frame
  680. {1}      4-145    GetLastError                OpWindow  CommandWindow
  681. {1}      4-084    GetLastError                OpWindow  RawWindow
  682. {2}      6-151    GetLastField                OpEntry   EntryScreen
  683. {1}      4-047    GetLastHeaderIndex          OpFrame   Frame
  684. {1}      4-048    GetLastHotIndex             OpFrame   Frame
  685. {2}      6-188    GetLastKey                  OpEdit    LineEditor
  686. {2}      6-201    GetLastKey                  OpSEdit   SimpleLineEditor
  687. {1}      4-146    GetLastKey                  OpWindow  CommandWindow
  688. {2}      7-042    GetLPP                      OpPrint   Printer
  689. {2}      7-020    GetLptPort                  OpPrnLow  BiosPrinter
  690. {1}      4-260    GetMatchingFileCount        OpDir     DirList
  691. {1}      4-260    GetMatchingSize             OpDir     DirList
  692. {1}      3-065    GetMickeyCount              OpMouse   ----
  693. {1}      3-066    GetMousePage                OpMouse   ----
  694. {1}      4-261    GetMultiDirPtr              OpDir     DirList
  695. {1}      4-261    GetMultiDirRec              OpDir     DirList
  696. {1}      4-262    GetMultiFile                OpDir     DirList
  697. {1}      4-262    GetMultiPath                OpDir     DirList
  698. {1}      4-285    GetMultiPath                OpDir     PathList
  699. {1}      4-147    GetNextCommand              OpWindow  CommandWindow
  700. {1}      4-216    GetNumItems                 OpPick    PickList
  701. {1}      4-217    GetOrientation              OpPick    PickList
  702. {1}      3-024    GetPagePointer              OpCrt     ----
  703. {1}      3-024    GetPageSegment              OpCrt     ----
  704. {1}      4-286    GetPathName                 OpDir     PathList
  705. {3}     14-021    GetPos                      OpClone   Cloner
  706. {3}      8-101    GetPos                      OpRoot    IdStream
  707. {3}     10-017    GetPrintStatus              OpDos     ----
  708. {2}      7-026    GetPrnObject                OpPrnLow  ----
  709. {3}     10-017    GetProgramStr               OpDos     ----
  710. {3}     11-028    GetPSP                      OpTsr     ----
  711. {3}      8-102    GetPtr                      OpRoot    IdStream
  712. {2}      7-043    GetRegisteredType           OpPrint   Printer
  713. {1}      3-104    GetSecondaryKeyPtr          OpCmd     CommandProcessor
  714. {1}      4-217    GetSelectedCount            OpPick    PickList
  715. {1}      4-263    GetSelectedDir              OpDir     DirList
  716. {1}      4-263    GetSelectedDirRec           OpDir     DirList
  717. {1}      4-264    GetSelectedFile             OpDir     DirList
  718. {1}      4-264    GetSelectedPath             OpDir     DirList
  719. {1}      4-287    GetSelectedPath             OpDir     PathList
  720. {1}      4-265    GetSelectedSize             OpDir     DirList
  721. {3}      8-102    GetSize                     OpRoot    IdStream
  722. {3}      8-103    GetStatus                   OpRoot    IdStream
  723. {3}      8-064    GetStatus                   OpRoot    LargeBitSet
  724. {3}      8-010    GetStatus                   OpRoot    PointerStack
  725. {3}      8-022    GetStatus                   OpRoot    StaticQueue
  726. {3}      8-074    GetStatus                   OpRoot    StringDict
  727. {3}      8-083    GetString                   OpRoot    StringArray
  728. {3}      8-083    GetStringPtr                OpRoot    StringArray
  729. {2}      7-020    GetTestAndMask              OpPrnLow  BiosPrinter
  730. {2}      4-388    GetTopicChoice              OpHelp    AbstractHelpWindow
  731. {2}      7-098    GetUserData                 OpForm    PrintedForm
  732. {3}      8-134    GetUserPointer              OpRoot    DirEntry
  733. {2}      6-152    GetUserRecord               OpEntry   EntryScreen
  734. {2}      7-099    GetUserRecord               OpForm    PrintedForm
  735. {2}      6-152    GetUserRecordSize           OpEntry   EntryScreen
  736. {2}      7-099    GetUserRecordSize           OpForm    PrintedForm
  737. {2}      7-021    GetXlatErrorFunc            OpPrnLow  BiosPrinter
  738. {2}      7-043    GetXRatio                   OpPrint   Printer
  739. {2}      7-043    GetYRatio                   OpPrint   Printer
  740. {1}      4-147    GotError                    OpWindow  CommandWindow
  741. {2}      5-066    GotoLine                    OpBrowse  Browser
  742. {2}      5-041    GotoLineCol                 OpEditor  TextEditor
  743. {2}      5-066    GotoOffset                  OpBrowse  Browser
  744. {2}      5-041    GotoOffset                  OpEditor  TextEditor
  745. {1}      3-024    GotoXYAbs                   OpCrt     ----
  746. {*}     **-***    GrabKeyboard                OpSwap1   ----
  747. {*}     **-***    GrabKeyboard                OpTsr     ----
  748. {3}     14-007    GreaterBCD                  OpBCD     ----
  749. {3}     14-008    GreaterEqualBCD             OpBCD     ----
  751. {3}     10-018    HandleIsConsole             OpDos     ----
  752. {1}      3-066    HardMouseCursor             OpMouse   ----
  753. {3}      8-075    Hash                        OpRoot    StringDict
  754. {1}      4-015    HaveContents                OpFrame   ScreenRect
  755. {1}      4-218    HaveSelected                OpPick    PickList
  756. {3}      8-045    Head                        OpRoot    DoubleList
  757. {3}      8-035    Head                        OpRoot    SingleList
  758. {1}      4-084    Height                      OpWindow  AbstractWindow
  759. {1}      4-317    HelpString                  OpMenu    MenuItemNode
  760. {1}      3-025    HercGraphicsMode            OpCrt     ----
  761. {1}      3-025    HercModeTestWorks           OpCrt     ----
  762. {1}      3-026    HercPresent                 OpCrt     ----
  763. {3}      9-016    HexB                        OpString  ----
  764. {3}      9-017    HexL                        OpString  ----
  765. {3}      9-017    HexPtr                      OpString  ----
  766. {3}      9-017    HexW                        OpString  ----
  767. {1}      3-026    HiddenCursor                OpCrt     ----
  768. {1}      3-067    HiddenMouseCursor           OpMouse   ----
  769. {2}      4-415    HideBlock                   OpHelp    ScrollingHelpWindow
  770. {1}      3-067    HideMouse                   OpMouse   ----
  771. {1}      3-067    HideMousePrim               OpMouse   ----
  772. {2}      4-388    HighestTopic                OpHelp    AbstractHelpWindow
  773. {3}     14-036    HiWord                      OpInline  ----
  774. {2}      6-217    HMStoTime                   OpDate    ----
  775. {2}      7-065    HPDeskJetRegister           OpDevice  ----
  776. {2}      4-389    hwOptionsAreOn              OpHelp    AbstractHelpWindow
  777. {2}      4-389    hwOptionsOff                OpHelp    AbstractHelpWindow
  778. {2}      4-389    hwOptionsOn                 OpHelp    AbstractHelpWindow
  780. {2}      6-218    IncDate                     OpDate    ----
  781. {2}      6-218    IncDateTime                 OpDate    ----
  782. {2}      6-219    IncDateTrunc                OpDate    ----
  783. {2}      6-219    IncTime                     OpDate    ----
  784. {2}      4-390    InHelpMode                  OpHelp    AbstractHelpWindow
  785. {2}      5-067    Init                        OpBrowse  Browser
  786. {3}     14-021    Init                        OpClone   Cloner
  787. {1}      3-116    Init                        OpCmd     CommandPacker
  788. {1}      3-105    Init                        OpCmd     CommandProcessor
  789. {1}      4-265    Init                        OpDir     DirList
  790. {1}      4-287    Init                        OpDir     PathList
  791. {2}      6-189    Init                        OpEdit    LineEditor
  792. {2}      5-042    Init                        OpEditor  TextEditor
  793. {2}      6-153    Init                        OpEntry   EntryScreen
  794. {2}      6-170    Init                        OpEntry   ScrollingEntryScreen
  795. {2}      7-099    Init                        OpForm    PrintedForm
  796. {2}      7-110    Init                        OpForm    Report
  797. {1}      4-048    Init                        OpFrame   Frame
  798. {1}      4-015    Init                        OpFrame   ScreenRect
  799. {2}      4-390    Init                        OpHelp    AbstractHelpWindow
  800. {3}      8-165    Init                        OpLarray  AbstractArray
  801. {3}      8-165    Init                        OpLarray  EmsArray
  802. {3}      8-165    Init                        OpLarray  EmsRCArray
  803. {3}      8-165    Init                        OpLarray  OpArray
  804. {3}      8-165    Init                        OpLarray  PrimitiveArray
  805. {3}      8-165    Init                        OpLarray  RamArray
  806. {3}      8-165    Init                        OpLarray  RamRCArray
  807. {3}      8-165    Init                        OpLarray  VirtualArray
  808. {3}      8-165    Init                        OpLarray  VirtualRCArray
  809. {2}      5-010    Init                        OpMemo    Memo
  810. {2}      5-022    Init                        OpMemo    MemoFile
  811. {1}      4-338    Init                        OpMenu    Menu
  812. {1}      4-218    Init                        OpPick    PickList
  813. {2}      7-044    Init                        OpPrint   Printer
  814. {2}      7-019    Init                        OpPrnLow  BasePrinter
  815. {2}      7-021    Init                        OpPrnLow  BiosPrinter
  816. {2}      7-019    Init                        OpPrnLow  DosPrinter
  817. {3}      8-055    Init                        OpRoot    BitSet
  818. {3}      8-124    Init                        OpRoot    BufIdStream
  819. {3}      8-135    Init                        OpRoot    DirEntry
  820. {3}      8-120    Init                        OpRoot    DosIdStream
  821. {3}      8-045    Init                        OpRoot    DoubleList
  822. {3}      8-043    Init                        OpRoot    DoubleListNode
  823. {3}      8-065    Init                        OpRoot    LargeBitSet
  824. {3}      8-143    Init                        OpRoot    Library
  825. {3}      8-125    Init                        OpRoot    MemIdStream
  826. {3}      8-149    Init                        OpRoot    MemLibrary
  827. {3}      8-010    Init                        OpRoot    PointerStack
  828. {3}      8-099    Init                        OpRoot    Root
  829. {3}      8-035    Init                        OpRoot    SingleList
  830. {3}      8-033    Init                        OpRoot    SingleListNode
  831. {3}      8-023    Init                        OpRoot    StaticQueue
  832. {3}      8-084    Init                        OpRoot    StringArray
  833. {3}      8-075    Init                        OpRoot    StringDict
  834. {2}      6-202    Init                        OpSEdit   SimpleLineEditor
  835. {2}      6-104    Init                        OpSelect  ScrollingSelector
  836. {2}      6-091    Init                        OpSelect  Selector
  837. {1}      4-148    Init                        OpWindow  CommandWindow
  838. {1}      4-162    Init                        OpWindow  LoadableColorSet
  839. {1}      4-167    Init                        OpWindow  PackedWindow
  840. {1}      4-085    Init                        OpWindow  RawWindow
  841. {1}      4-122    Init                        OpWindow  StackWindow
  842. {1}      4-180    Init                        OpWindow  VirtScreen
  843. {1}      4-133    Init                        OpWindow  WindowStack
  844. {1}      4-219    InitAbstract                OpPick    PickList
  845. {1}      4-219    InitAbstractDeluxe          OpPick    PickList
  846. {2}      5-022    InitAndAlloc                OpMemo    MemoFile
  847. {3}     14-022    InitAndFind                 OpClone   Cloner
  848. {2}      5-042    InitBuf                     OpEditor  TextEditor
  849. {2}      5-042    InitBufCustom               OpEditor  TextEditor
  850. {2}      5-067    InitCustom                  OpBrowse  Browser
  851. {3}     14-021    InitCustom                  OpClone   Cloner
  852. {1}      3-105    InitCustom                  OpCmd     CommandProcessor
  853. {1}      4-266    InitCustom                  OpDir     DirList
  854. {1}      4-288    InitCustom                  OpDir     PathList
  855. {2}      5-044    InitCustom                  OpEditor  TextEditor
  856. {2}      6-153    InitCustom                  OpEntry   EntryScreen
  857. {2}      6-170    InitCustom                  OpEntry   ScrollingEntryScreen
  858. {2}      7-100    InitCustom                  OpForm    PrintedForm
  859. {2}      4-391    InitCustom                  OpHelp    AbstractHelpWindow
  860. {2}      5-011    InitCustom                  OpMemo    Memo
  861. {2}      5-023    InitCustom                  OpMemo    MemoFile
  862. {1}      4-339    InitCustom                  OpMenu    Menu
  863. {1}      4-220    InitCustom                  OpPick    PickList
  864. {2}      7-045    InitCustom                  OpPrint   Printer
  865. {2}      7-022    InitCustom                  OpPrnLow  BiosPrinter
  866. {2}      6-072    InitCustom                  OpSelect  AbstractSelector
  867. {2}      6-104    InitCustom                  OpSelect  ScrollingSelector
  868. {2}      6-091    InitCustom                  OpSelect  Selector
  869. {1}      4-148    InitCustom                  OpWindow  CommandWindow
  870. {1}      4-085    InitCustom                  OpWindow  RawWindow
  871. {1}      4-122    InitCustom                  OpWindow  StackWindow
  872. {2}      5-024    InitCustomAndAlloc          OpMemo    MemoFile
  873. {2}      4-392    InitDeluxe                  OpHelp    AbstractHelpWindow
  874. {1}      4-221    InitDeluxe                  OpPick    PickList
  875. {1}      4-168    InitFromMemory              OpWindow  PackedWindow
  876. {2}      4-394    InitHelpFrame               OpHelp    AbstractHelpWindow
  877. {1}      3-068    InitializeMouse             OpMouse   ----
  878. {3}     10-045    InitKbdVectors              OpEnhKbd  ----
  879. {3}     13-008    InitMacros                  OpMacro   ----
  880. {2}      4-394    InitMem                     OpHelp    AbstractHelpWindow
  881. {2}      4-394    InitMemCustom               OpHelp    AbstractHelpWindow
  882. {2}      4-395    InitMemDeluxe               OpHelp    AbstractHelpWindow
  883. {3}     11-028    InitPops                    OpTsr     ----
  884. {3}     13-019    InitScrapMacroPtr           OpReplay  ----
  885. {1}      4-223    InitSequence                OpPick    PickList
  886. {3}     11-008    InitVector                  OpInt     ----
  887. {2}      7-045    InLandscape                 OpPrint   Printer
  888. {3}      8-045    Insert                      OpRoot    DoubleList
  889. {3}      8-035    Insert                      OpRoot    SingleList
  890. {3}      9-045    InsertAsc                   OpAsciiz  ----
  891. {*}      *-***    InsertBlockAtCursor         OpEditor  TextEditor
  892. {*}      *-***    InsertBlockedStringAtCursor OpEditor  TextEditor
  893. {3}      9-045    InsertStr                   OpAsciiz  ----
  894. {2}      5-045    InsertStringAtCursor        OpEditor  TextEditor
  895. {2}      5-045    InsertTextAtCursor          OpEditor  TextEditor
  896. {3}     11-062    Installed8087               Op8087    ----
  897. {3}     11-052    InstallModule               OpSwap1   ----
  898. {3}     11-028    InstallModule               OpTsr     ----
  899. {3}     13-020    Int16                       OpReplay  ----
  900. {3}     14-008    IntBCD                      OpBCD     ----
  901. {2}      6-013    InternationalCurrency       OpAbsFld  ----
  902. {2}      6-220    InternationalDate           OpDate    ----
  903. {2}      6-220    InternationalTime           OpDate    ----
  904. {3}     11-008    InterruptsOff               OpInt     ----
  905. {3}     11-048    InterruptsOff               OpSwap1   ----
  906. {3}     11-008    InterruptsOn                OpInt     ----
  907. {3}     11-048    InterruptsOn                OpSwap1   ----
  908. {3}     11-009    IntReturn                   OpInt     ----
  909. {1}      4-086    InWindow                    OpWindow  RawWindow
  910. {1}      4-086    IsActive                    OpWindow  RawWindow
  911. {*}      *-***    IsChild                     OpWindow  StackWindow
  912. {1}      4-341    IsCurrent                   OpMenu    Menu
  913. {1}      4-086    IsCurrent                   OpWindow  RawWindow
  914. {*}      *-***    IsCurrent                   OpWindow  StackWindow
  915. {3}     10-018    IsDirectory                 OpDos     ----
  916. {1}      4-049    IsFramed                    OpFrame   Frame
  917. {2}      6-221    IsLeapYear                  OpDate    ----
  918. {*}      *-***    IsParent                    OpWindow  StackWindow
  919. {1}      4-317    IsProtected                 OpMenu    MenuItemNode
  920. {1}      4-223    IsProtected                 OpPick    PickList
  921. {1}      4-087    IsZoomed                    OpWindow  RawWindow
  922. {1}      4-224    ItemIsSelected              OpPick    PickList
  923. {1}      4-318    ItemKey                     OpMenu    MenuItemNode
  924. {1}      4-341    ItemsDone                   OpMenu    Menu
  925. {1}      4-342    ItemsDoneCustom             OpMenu    Menu
  926. {1}      4-224    ItemSearch                  OpPick    PickList
  927. {2}      4-396    ItemString                  OpHelp    AbstractHelpWindow
  928. {1}      4-224    ItemString                  OpPick    PickList
  930. {3}     14-036    JumpToOldIsr                OpInline  ----
  931. {3}      9-018    JustExtension               OpString  ----
  932. {3}      9-018    JustFilename                OpString  ----
  933. {3}      9-019    JustName                    OpString  ----
  934. {3}      9-019    JustPathname                OpString  ----
  936. {1}      3-027    KbdFlags                    OpCrt     ----
  937. {1}      3-068    KeyOrButtonPressed          OpMouse   ----
  938. {3}     13-008    KeyToString                 OpMacro   ----
  939. {3}      8-144    KillEntry                   OpRoot    Library
  940. {2}      7-065    KXP1093Register             OpDevice  ----
  942. {3}      8-056    LastClear                   OpRoot    BitSet
  943. {3}      8-056    LastSet                     OpRoot    BitSet
  944. {2}      6-189    leEditOptionsAreOn          OpEdit    LineEditor
  945. {2}      6-190    leEditOptionsOff            OpEdit    LineEditor
  946. {2}      6-190    leEditOptionsOn             OpEdit    LineEditor
  947. {3}      9-019    LeftPad                     OpString  ----
  948. {3}      9-020    LeftPadCh                   OpString  ----
  949. {3}      9-046    LenAsc                      OpAsciiz  ----
  950. {2}      6-191    leSecEditOptionsAreOn       OpEdit    LineEditor
  951. {2}      6-191    leSecEditOptionsOff         OpEdit    LineEditor
  952. {2}      6-192    leSecEditOptionsOn          OpEdit    LineEditor
  953. {3}     14-008    LessBCD                     OpBCD     ----
  954. {3}     14-009    LessEqualBCD                OpBCD     ----
  955. {2}      7-046    LinkToModes                 OpPrint   Printer
  956. {2}      7-046    LinkToPrinter               OpPrint   Printer
  957. {2}      7-063    LJCol2Deci                  OpDevice  ----
  958. {2}      7-064    LJDeci2Col                  OpDevice  ----
  959. {2}      7-064    LJDeci2Row                  OpDevice  ----
  960. {2}      7-065    LJDeviceStream              OpDevice  ----
  961. {*}      *-***    LJFontFRegister             OpDevice  ----
  962. {2}      7-065    LJFontGRegister             OpDevice  ----
  963. {*}      *-***    LJIIRegister                OpDevice  ----
  964. {*}      *-***    LJPlusRegister              OpDevice  ----
  965. {2}      7-065    LJRegister                  OpDevice  ----
  966. {2}      7-064    LJRow2Deci                  OpDevice  ----
  967. {3}     14-009    LnBCD                       OpBCD     ----
  968. {2}      5-068    Load                        OpBrowse  Browser
  969. {1}      3-106    Load                        OpCmd     CommandProcessor
  970. {1}      4-267    Load                        OpDir     DirList
  971. {1}      4-289    Load                        OpDir     PathList
  972. {2}      6-192    Load                        OpEdit    LineEditor
  973. {2}      5-046    Load                        OpEditor  TextEditor
  974. {2}      6-154    Load                        OpEntry   EntryScreen
  975. {2}      6-171    Load                        OpEntry   ScrollingEntryScreen
  976. {2}      7-100    Load                        OpForm    PrintedForm
  977. {2}      7-111    Load                        OpForm    Report
  978. {1}      4-049    Load                        OpFrame   Frame
  979. {1}      4-016    Load                        OpFrame   ScreenRect
  980. {2}      4-397    Load                        OpHelp    AbstractHelpWindow
  981. {2}      5-012    Load                        OpMemo    Memo
  982. {2}      5-025    Load                        OpMemo    MemoFile
  983. {1}      4-343    Load                        OpMenu    Menu
  984. {1}      4-225    Load                        OpPick    PickList
  985. {2}      7-047    Load                        OpPrint   Printer
  986. {2}      7-011    Load                        OpPrnLow  BasePrinter
  987. {3}      8-057    Load                        OpRoot    BitSet
  988. {3}      8-046    Load                        OpRoot    DoubleList
  989. {3}      8-065    Load                        OpRoot    LargeBitSet
  990. {3}      8-011    Load                        OpRoot    PointerStack
  991. {3}      8-036    Load                        OpRoot    SingleList
  992. {3}      8-024    Load                        OpRoot    StaticQueue
  993. {3}      8-085    Load                        OpRoot    StringArray
  994. {3}      8-076    Load                        OpRoot    StringDict
  995. {3}      8-080    Load                        OpRoot    StringSet
  996. {2}      6-105    Load                        OpSelect  ScrollingSelector
  997. {2}      6-092    Load                        OpSelect  Selector
  998. {1}      4-149    Load                        OpWindow  CommandWindow
  999. {1}      4-162    Load                        OpWindow  LoadableColorSet
  1000. {1}      4-169    Load                        OpWindow  PackedWindow
  1001. {1}      4-088    Load                        OpWindow  RawWindow
  1002. {1}      4-123    Load                        OpWindow  StackWindow
  1003. {1}      4-181    Load                        OpWindow  VirtScreen
  1004. {1}      4-134    Load                        OpWindow  WindowStack
  1005. {3}      8-168    LoadA                       OpLarray  AbstractArray
  1006. {3}      8-168    LoadA                       OpLarray  EmsArray
  1007. {3}      8-168    LoadA                       OpLarray  EmsRCArray
  1008. {3}      8-168    LoadA                       OpLarray  OpArray
  1009. {3}      8-168    LoadA                       OpLarray  RamArray
  1010. {3}      8-168    LoadA                       OpLarray  RamRCArray
  1011. {3}      8-168    LoadA                       OpLarray  VirtualArray
  1012. {3}      8-168    LoadA                       OpLarray  VirtualRCArray
  1013. {3}     14-023    LoadDefaults                OpClone   Cloner
  1014. {3}      9-020    LoCase                      OpString  ----
  1015. {3}      9-020    LoCaseMac                   OpString  ----
  1016. {3}      9-021    Long2Str                    OpString  ----
  1017. {3}     14-037    LongFlagIsSet               OpInline  ----
  1018. {3}      9-021    LongIntForm                 OpString  ----
  1019. {3}     14-009    LongintToBCD                OpBCD     ----
  1020. {3}     14-037    LongJump                    OpInline  ----
  1021. {3}     14-038    LongToPtr                   OpInline  ----
  1022. {3}      8-169    lOptionsAreOn               OpLarray  AbstractArray
  1023. {3}      8-169    lOptionsOff                 OpLarray  AbstractArray
  1024. {3}      8-169    lOptionsOn                  OpLarray  AbstractArray
  1025. {3}     14-038    LoWord                      OpInline  ----
  1027. {3}     13-009    MacroAddress                OpMacro   ----
  1028. {3}     13-009    MacroCount                  OpMacro   ----
  1029. {3}     13-009    MacroRecordingOff           OpMacro   ----
  1030. {3}     13-010    MacroRecordingOn            OpMacro   ----
  1031. {3}     13-010    MacrosOff                   OpMacro   ----
  1032. {3}     13-010    MacrosOn                    OpMacro   ----
  1033. {1}      4-089    MainFramePtr                OpWindow  RawWindow
  1034. {1}      3-027    MakeHiddenAttr              OpCrt     ----
  1035. {3}     14-038    MakeInteger                 OpInline  ----
  1036. {3}      9-022    MakeLetterSet               OpString  ----
  1037. {3}     14-039    MakeLongInt                 OpInline  ----
  1038. {3}     14-039    MakeWord                    OpInline  ----
  1039. {1}      3-028    MapColor                    OpCrt     ----
  1040. {1}      4-170    MapColors                   OpWindow  PackedWindow
  1041. {3}     12-010    MapEmsPage                  OpEms     ----
  1042. {1}      3-028    MapMono                     OpCrt     ----
  1043. {1}      4-226    MarkAllSelected             OpPick    PickList
  1044. {1}      4-089    MarkCurrent                 OpWindow  RawWindow
  1045. {3}     12-015    MarkExtMem                  OpExtMem  ----
  1046. {1}      4-089    MarkNotCurrent              OpWindow  RawWindow
  1047. {3}     10-019    MasterEnv                   OpDos     ----
  1048. {3}      8-058    MaxBits                     OpRoot    BitSet
  1049. {3}      8-144    MaxEntries                  OpRoot    Library
  1050. {3}     14-039    MaxLong                     OpInline  ----
  1051. {3}     11-052    MaxParagraphsToKeep         OpSwap1   ----
  1052. {3}     11-029    MaxParagraphsToKeep         OpTsr     ----
  1053. {3}     14-040    MaxWord                     OpInline  ----
  1054. {3}      8-077    Member                      OpRoot    StringDict
  1055. {3}      8-081    Member                      OpRoot    StringSet
  1056. {2}      5-029    MemoError                   OpMemo    ----
  1057. {2}      5-029    MemoStatus                  OpMemo    ----
  1058. {1}      4-344    MenuChoice                  OpMenu    Menu
  1059. {2}      5-013    meOptionsAreOn              OpMemo    Memo
  1060. {2}      5-013    meOptionsOff                OpMemo    Memo
  1061. {2}      5-013    meOptionsOn                 OpMemo    Memo
  1062. {3}     14-040    MinLong                     OpInline  ----
  1063. {3}     14-040    MinWord                     OpInline  ----
  1064. {1}      4-344    mnOptionsAreOn              OpMenu    Menu
  1065. {1}      4-344    mnOptionsOff                OpMenu    Menu
  1066. {1}      4-344    mnOptionsOn                 OpMenu    Menu
  1067. {3}     11-048    ModuleInstalled             OpSwap1   ----
  1068. {3}     11-029    ModuleInstalled             OpTsr     ----
  1069. {3}     11-048    ModulePtrByName             OpSwap1   ----
  1070. {3}     11-030    ModulePtrByName             OpTsr     ----
  1071. {1}      3-069    MouseButtonPressed          OpMouse   ----
  1072. {1}      3-069    MouseButtonReleased         OpMouse   ----
  1073. {1}      3-107    MouseEnabled                OpCmd     CommandProcessor
  1074. {1}      3-070    MouseGotoXY                 OpMouse   ----
  1075. {1}      3-070    MouseInWindow               OpMouse   ----
  1076. {1}      3-071    MouseKeyWord                OpMouse   ----
  1077. {1}      3-071    MousePressed                OpMouse   ----
  1078. {1}      3-072    MouseStateBufferSize        OpMouse   ----
  1079. {1}      3-072    MouseWhereX                 OpMouse   ----
  1080. {1}      3-073    MouseWhereXabs              OpMouse   ----
  1081. {1}      3-073    MouseWhereXY                OpMouse   ----
  1082. {1}      3-074    MouseWhereXYabs             OpMouse   ----
  1083. {1}      3-074    MouseWhereY                 OpMouse   ----
  1084. {1}      3-075    MouseWhereYabs              OpMouse   ----
  1085. {1}      3-075    MouseWindow                 OpMouse   ----
  1086. {3}     12-015    MoveExtMem                  OpExtMem  ----
  1087. {*}      *-***    MoveFast                    OpString  ----
  1088. {1}      3-029    MoveScreen                  OpCrt     ----
  1089. {1}      4-345    MoveWindow                  OpMenu    Menu
  1090. {1}      4-090    MoveWindow                  OpWindow  RawWindow
  1091. {3}     14-010    MultBCD                     OpBCD     ----
  1092. {1}      4-188    MultipleChoice              OpPick    ----
  1093. {1}      4-242    MultipleFile                OpDir     ----
  1094. {1}      4-283    MultiplePath                OpDir     ----
  1096. {1}      4-247    NameFormat                  OpDir     ----
  1097. {2}      7-011    NameOfPrn                   OpPrnLow  BasePrinter
  1098. {1}      4-247    NameSizeFormat              OpDir     ----
  1099. {1}      4-247    NameSizeKFormat             OpDir     ----
  1100. {1}      4-247    NameSizeKTimeFormat         OpDir     ----
  1101. {1}      4-247    NameSizeTimeFormat          OpDir     ----
  1102. {1}      4-247    NameTimeFormat              OpDir     ----
  1103. {3}     14-041    NearCall                    OpInline  ----
  1104. {2}      7-065    Nec3510Register             OpDevice  ----
  1105. {2}      7-065    Nec8800Register             OpDevice  ----
  1106. {2}      7-101    NewBlock                    OpForm    PrintedForm
  1107. {3}     10-019    NewEnv                      OpDos     ----
  1108. {2}      7-102    NewPage                     OpForm    PrintedForm
  1109. {2}      7-012    NewXlatCharTable            OpPrnLow  BasePrinter
  1110. {3}      8-049    Next                        OpRoot    CircularList
  1111. {3}      8-046    Next                        OpRoot    DoubleList
  1112. {3}      8-038    Next                        OpRoot    SingleList
  1113. {3}      8-058    NextClear                   OpRoot    BitSet
  1114. {1}      4-226    NextSelected                OpPick    PickList
  1115. {3}      8-059    NextSet                     OpRoot    BitSet
  1116. {1}      4-351    NoCurrItemAction            OpMenu    ----
  1117. {1}      4-352    NoCustomization             OpMenu    ----
  1118. {3}     10-009    NoExecDosProc               OpDos     ----
  1119. {1}      4-233    NoMoveAction                OpPick    ----
  1120. {2}      4-379    NoNestedAction              OpHelp    ----
  1121. {1}      3-029    NormalCursor                OpCrt     ----
  1122. {3}     14-041    Normalized                  OpInline  ----
  1123. {1}      3-076    NormalMouseCursor           OpMouse   ----
  1124. {3}     14-010    NotEqualBCD                 OpBCD     ----
  1125. {3}     10-020    NumberOfDrives              OpDos     ----
  1126. {1}      4-227    NumSelectableItems          OpPick    PickList
  1127. {3}      8-085    NumStrings                  OpRoot    StringArray
  1129. {3}      9-022    OctalB                      OpString  ----
  1130. {3}      9-022    OctalL                      OpString  ----
  1131. {3}      9-023    OctalW                      OpString  ----
  1132. {1}      4-125    OnStack                     OpWindow  StackWindow
  1133. {2}      5-068    OpenFile                    OpBrowse  Browser
  1134. {3}     10-020    OpenStdDev                  OpDos     ----
  1135. {1}      4-228    OptimizeSize                OpPick    PickList
  1137. {3}      8-145    Pack                        OpRoot    Library
  1138. {3}      8-146    PackedFileSize              OpRoot    Library
  1139. {1}      3-116    PackKeys                    OpCmd     CommandPacker
  1140. {3}      9-023    Pad                         OpString  ----
  1141. {3}      9-023    PadCh                       OpString  ----
  1142. {1}      4-290    paOptionsAreOn              OpDir     PathList
  1143. {1}      4-290    paOptionsOff                OpDir     PathList
  1144. {1}      4-290    paOptionsOn                 OpDir     PathList
  1145. {3}     11-049    ParagraphsToKeep            OpSwap1   ----
  1146. {3}     11-030    ParagraphsToKeep            OpTsr     ----
  1147. {3}     10-020    ParentEnv                   OpDos     ----
  1148. {*}      *-***    ParentPtr                   OpWindow  StackWindow
  1149. {3}     10-021    ParsePath                   OpDos     ----
  1150. {3}      8-013    Peek                        OpRoot    PointerStack
  1151. {3}      8-025    PeekHead                    OpRoot    StaticQueue
  1152. {1}      4-151    PeekLastError               OpWindow  CommandWindow
  1153. {3}      8-103    PeekStatus                  OpRoot    IdStream
  1154. {3}      8-025    PeekTail                    OpRoot    StaticQueue
  1155. {3}      8-013    PeekTop                     OpRoot    PointerStack
  1156. {2}      7-089    pfOptionsAreOn              OpForm    PrintField
  1157. {2}      7-089    pfOptionsOff                OpForm    PrintField
  1158. {2}      7-089    pfOptionsOn                 OpForm    PrintField
  1159. {2}      7-047    pGetLastError               OpPrint   Printer
  1160. {1}      4-199    PickAltStringSearch         OpPick    ----
  1161. {1}      4-199    PickAnyCharExit             OpPick    ----
  1162. {1}      4-199    PickCharExit                OpPick    ----
  1163. {1}      4-199    PickCharSearch              OpPick    ----
  1164. {1}      4-194    PickHorizontal              OpPick    ----
  1165. {1}      4-199    PickNoSearch                OpPick    ----
  1166. {1}      4-194    PickSnaking                 OpPick    ----
  1167. {1}      4-199    PickStringSearch            OpPick    ----
  1168. {2}      4-398    PickTopics                  OpHelp    AbstractHelpWindow
  1169. {1}      4-194    PickVertical                OpPick    ----
  1170. {1}      4-229    pkOptionsAreOn              OpPick    PickList
  1171. {1}      4-229    pkOptionsOff                OpPick    PickList
  1172. {1}      4-229    pkOptionsOn                 OpPick    PickList
  1173. {3}      8-046    Place                       OpRoot    DoubleList
  1174. {3}      8-038    Place                       OpRoot    SingleList
  1175. {3}      8-047    PlaceBefore                 OpRoot    DoubleList
  1176. {3}      8-039    PlaceBefore                 OpRoot    SingleList
  1177. {3}      8-104    PointerRegistered           OpRoot    IdStream
  1178. {3}      8-014    Poke                        OpRoot    PointerStack
  1179. {3}      8-014    Pop                         OpRoot    PointerStack
  1180. {3}      8-026    PopHead                     OpRoot    StaticQueue
  1181. {3}      8-026    PopTail                     OpRoot    StaticQueue
  1182. {2}      7-048    pOptionsAreOn               OpPrint   Printer
  1183. {2}      7-048    pOptionsOff                 OpPrint   Printer
  1184. {2}      7-048    pOptionsOn                  OpPrint   Printer
  1185. {3}     11-049    PopupsOff                   OpSwap1   ----
  1186. {3}     11-031    PopupsOff                   OpTsr     ----
  1187. {3}     11-049    PopupsOn                    OpSwap1   ----
  1188. {3}     11-031    PopupsOn                    OpTsr     ----
  1189. {3}      9-046    PosAsc                      OpAsciiz  ----
  1190. {2}      7-049    Position                    OpPrint   Printer
  1191. {2}      6-073    PositionCursorAt            OpSelect  AbstractSelector
  1192. {1}      4-091    PosResults                  OpWindow  RawWindow
  1193. {3}      9-047    PosStr                      OpAsciiz  ----
  1194. {1}      4-268    PreloadDirList              OpDir     DirList
  1195. {1}      4-291    PreloadPathList             OpDir     PathList
  1196. {1}      4-230    PreMove                     OpPick    PickList
  1197. {3}     10-040    PrepareExecWithSwap         OpExec    ----
  1198. {3}      8-049    Prev                        OpRoot    CircularList
  1199. {3}      8-047    Prev                        OpRoot    DoubleList
  1200. {3}      8-059    PrevClear                   OpRoot    BitSet
  1201. {3}      8-060    PrevSet                     OpRoot    BitSet
  1202. {2}      7-090    Print                       OpForm    PrintField
  1203. {2}      7-049    PrinterReady                OpPrint   Printer
  1204. {3}     10-021    PrintInstalled              OpDos     ----
  1205. {2}      7-050    PrintStr                    OpPrint   Printer
  1206. {2}      7-050    PrintStrPos                 OpPrint   Printer
  1207. {2}      7-012    PrnError                    OpPrnLow  BasePrinter
  1208. {2}      7-013    PrnErrorOp                  OpPrnLow  BasePrinter
  1209. {2}      7-013    PrnFlush                    OpPrnLow  BasePrinter
  1210. {2}      7-014    PrnLastPut                  OpPrnLow  BasePrinter
  1211. {2}      7-014    PrnPutBlock                 OpPrnLow  BasePrinter
  1212. {2}      7-015    PrnPutChar                  OpPrnLow  BasePrinter
  1213. {2}      7-015    PrnRawError                 OpPrnLow  BasePrinter
  1214. {2}      7-015    PrnReset                    OpPrnLow  BasePrinter
  1215. {2}      7-016    PrnStatus                   OpPrnLow  BasePrinter
  1216. {2}      7-016    PrnXlatErrorCode            OpPrnLow  BasePrinter
  1217. {2}      7-102    Process                     OpForm    PrintedForm
  1218. {2}      7-111    Process                     OpForm    Report
  1219. {1}      4-152    Process                     OpWindow  CommandWindow
  1220. {1}      4-154    ProcessAutoPilot            OpWindow  CommandWindow
  1221. {2}      5-069    ProcessSelf                 OpBrowse  Browser
  1222. {1}      4-268    ProcessSelf                 OpDir     DirList
  1223. {1}      4-291    ProcessSelf                 OpDir     PathList
  1224. {2}      5-046    ProcessSelf                 OpEditor  TextEditor
  1225. {2}      6-155    ProcessSelf                 OpEntry   EntryScreen
  1226. {2}      4-398    ProcessSelf                 OpHelp    AbstractHelpWindow
  1227. {2}      5-014    ProcessSelf                 OpMemo    Memo
  1228. {1}      4-346    ProcessSelf                 OpMenu    Menu
  1229. {1}      4-230    ProcessSelf                 OpPick    PickList
  1230. {2}      6-093    ProcessSelf                 OpSelect  Selector
  1231. {*}      *-***    ProcessSelf                 OpWindow  CommandWindow
  1232. {2}      7-103    PromptOptionsAreOn          OpForm    PrintedForm
  1233. {2}      7-103    PromptOptionsOff            OpForm    PrintedForm
  1234. {2}      7-104    PromptOptionsOn             OpForm    PrintedForm
  1235. {2}      7-065    ProPrinterIIRegister        OpDevice  ----
  1236. {1}      4-318    Protect                     OpMenu    MenuItemNode
  1237. {1}      4-346    ProtectItem                 OpMenu    Menu
  1238. {2}      7-065    ProwriterRegister           OpDevice  ----
  1239. {3}     14-041    PtrDiff                     OpInline  ----
  1240. {3}     12-016    PtrToHuge                   OpExtMem  ----
  1241. {3}     14-042    PtrToLong                   OpInline  ----
  1242. {3}      8-015    Push                        OpRoot    PointerStack
  1243. {3}      8-027    PushTail                    OpRoot    StaticQueue
  1244. {3}      8-104    Put                         OpRoot    IdStream
  1245. {3}     14-048    PutElement                  OpSort    ----
  1246. {3}      8-146    PutEntry                    OpRoot    Library
  1247. {3}      8-105    PutPtr                      OpRoot    IdStream
  1249. {3}      8-170    RangeError                  OpLarray  AbstractArray
  1250. {*}      *-***    RawError                    OpWindow  RawWindow
  1251. {3}      8-124    Read                        OpRoot    BufIdStream
  1252. {3}      8-121    Read                        OpRoot    DosIdStream
  1253. {3}      8-126    Read                        OpRoot    MemIdStream
  1254. {1}      4-170    Read                        OpWindow  PackedWindow
  1255. {1}      3-030    ReadAttrAtCursor            OpCrt     ----
  1256. {1}      3-030    ReadAttribute               OpCrt     ----
  1257. {2}      6-178    ReadByte                    OpEdit    LineEditor
  1258. {2}      6-179    ReadChar                    OpEdit    LineEditor
  1259. {1}      3-031    ReadCharAtCursor            OpCrt     ----
  1260. {3}     10-022    ReadDiskSectors             OpDos     ----
  1261. {2}      5-026    ReadFile                    OpMemo    MemoFile
  1262. {1}      4-182    ReadFrom                    OpWindow  VirtScreen
  1263. {2}      6-178    ReadInteger                 OpEdit    LineEditor
  1264. {1}      3-076    ReadKeyOrButton             OpMouse   ----
  1265. {1}      3-031    ReadKeyWord                 OpCrt     ----
  1266. {3}      9-047    ReadLnAsc                   OpAsciiz  ----
  1267. {2}      6-178    ReadLongInt                 OpEdit    LineEditor
  1268. {3}     13-011    ReadMacroFile               OpMacro   ----
  1269. {3}      8-106    ReadPointer                 OpRoot    IdStream
  1270. {3}      8-107    ReadRange                   OpRoot    IdStream
  1271. {2}      6-178    ReadReal                    OpEdit    LineEditor
  1272. {2}      6-178    ReadShortInt                OpEdit    LineEditor
  1273. {2}      6-178    ReadSpecial                 OpEdit    LineEditor
  1274. {3}      9-050    ReadStr                     OpStrDev  ----
  1275. {2}      6-178    ReadString                  OpEdit    LineEditor
  1276. {3}      8-108    ReadString                  OpRoot    IdStream
  1277. {2}      6-202    ReadString                  OpSEdit   SimpleLineEditor
  1278. {3}      8-086    ReadText                    OpRoot    StringArray
  1279. {3}      8-109    ReadUserPointer             OpRoot    IdStream
  1280. {2}      6-178    ReadWord                    OpEdit    LineEditor
  1281. {3}      9-024    Real2Str                    OpString  ----
  1282. {3}     14-011    RealToBCD                   OpBCD     ----
  1283. {3}     14-042    Reboot                      OpInline  ----
  1284. {1}      4-347    Redraw                      OpMenu    Menu
  1285. {3}      8-110    RegisterHier                OpRoot    IdStream
  1286. {3}      8-111    RegisterOldVersion          OpRoot    IdStream
  1287. {3}      8-112    RegisterPointer             OpRoot    IdStream
  1288. {3}      8-115    RegisterType                OpRoot    IdStream
  1289. {3}     11-062    Reinit8087                  Op8087    ----
  1290. {2}      5-014    ReinitBuffer                OpMemo    Memo
  1291. {1}      3-032    ReInitCrt                   OpCrt     ----
  1292. {3}     11-062    ReinitEmulator              Op8087    ----
  1293. {1}      4-269    Reject                      OpDir     DirList
  1294. {1}      4-245    RejectExtensions            OpDir     ----
  1295. {1}      4-245    RejectFiles                 OpDir     ----
  1296. {1}      4-245    RejectNone                  OpDir     ----
  1297. {3}     12-016    ReleaseExtMem               OpExtMem  ----
  1298. {3}      8-047    Remove                      OpRoot    DoubleList
  1299. {3}      8-039    Remove                      OpRoot    SingleList
  1300. {3}      8-077    Remove                      OpRoot    StringDict
  1301. {3}     10-041    RemoveExecWithSwap          OpExec    ----
  1302. {3}     13-011    RemoveMacros                OpMacro   ----
  1303. {1}      4-269    RemoveMultiFile             OpDir     DirList
  1304. {3}     11-031    RemovePops                  OpTsr     ----
  1305. {1}      4-270    RemoveSelectedFile          OpDir     DirList
  1306. {1}      4-270    RemoveSelectedFiles         OpDir     DirList
  1307. {3}      8-135    Rename                      OpRoot    DirEntry
  1308. {3}      8-147    RenameEntry                 OpRoot    Library
  1309. {1}      4-155    RequestHelp                 OpWindow  CommandWindow
  1310. {2}      4-415    ResetBlock                  OpHelp    ScrollingHelpWindow
  1311. {1}      4-271    ResetList                   OpDir     DirList
  1312. {1}      4-292    ResetList                   OpDir     PathList
  1313. {2}      7-051    ResetPage                   OpPrint   Printer
  1314. {2}      6-073    ResetScreen                 OpSelect  AbstractSelector
  1315. {3}      8-066    Resize                      OpRoot    LargeBitSet
  1316. {3}      8-016    Resize                      OpRoot    PointerStack
  1317. {1}      4-092    ResizeWindow                OpWindow  RawWindow
  1318. {3}     11-063    Restore8087                 Op8087    ----
  1319. {3}     11-009    RestoreAllVectors           OpInt     ----
  1320. {3}     11-049    RestoreAllVectors           OpSwap1   ----
  1321. {1}      3-032    RestoreCursorState          OpCrt     ----
  1322. {3}     12-011    RestoreEmsContext           OpEms     ----
  1323. {3}     10-045    RestoreKbdVectors           OpEnhKbd  ----
  1324. {1}      3-077    RestoreMouseCoordinates     OpMouse   ----
  1325. {1}      3-077    RestoreMouseState           OpMouse   ----
  1326. {3}     11-010    RestoreVector               OpInt     ----
  1327. {1}      3-032    RestoreWindow               OpCrt     ----
  1328. {1}      3-033    RestoreWindowCoordinates    OpCrt     ----
  1329. {3}      8-171    RetA                        OpLarray  AbstractArray
  1330. {3}      9-050    ReturnStr                   OpStrDev  ----
  1331. {2}      6-156    RevalidateAll               OpEntry   EntryScreen
  1332. {2}      7-112    rGetLastError               OpForm    Report
  1333. {1}      3-118    RingBell                    OpCmd     ----
  1334. {3}     14-011    RoundBCD                    OpBCD     ----
  1335. {2}      6-221    RoundToNearestHour          OpDate    ----
  1336. {2}      6-222    RoundToNearestMinute        OpDate    ----
  1338. {3}      8-172    SafeRetA                    OpLarray  AbstractArray
  1339. {3}      8-172    SafeSetA                    OpLarray  AbstractArray
  1340. {3}     11-049    SafeToDisable               OpSwap1   ----
  1341. {3}     11-032    SafeToDisable               OpTsr     ----
  1342. {3}     10-023    SameFile                    OpDos     ----
  1343. {3}     11-063    Save8087                    Op8087    ----
  1344. {1}      4-093    SaveContents                OpWindow  RawWindow
  1345. {3}     12-011    SaveEmsContext              OpEms     ----
  1346. {2}      5-026    SaveFile                    OpMemo    MemoFile
  1347. {1}      3-078    SaveMouseState              OpMouse   ----
  1348. {1}      3-033    SaveWindow                  OpCrt     ----
  1349. {2}      4-399    ScreenWordXY                OpHelp    AbstractHelpWindow
  1350. {1}      4-094    ScrollHoriz                 OpWindow  RawWindow
  1351. {1}      4-182    ScrollHoriz                 OpWindow  VirtScreen
  1352. {2}      4-418    ScrollingHelpFile           OpHelp    ----
  1353. {1}      4-094    ScrollVert                  OpWindow  RawWindow
  1354. {1}      4-183    ScrollVert                  OpWindow  VirtScreen
  1355. {1}      3-034    ScrollWindowDown            OpCrt     ----
  1356. {1}      3-034    ScrollWindowUp              OpCrt     ----
  1357. {3}      9-025    Search                      OpString  ----
  1358. {3}      9-025    SearchUC                    OpString  ----
  1359. {3}      8-116    Seek                        OpRoot    IdStream
  1360. {2}      6-026    sefOptionsAreOn             OpField   EntryField
  1361. {2}      6-026    sefOptionsOff               OpField   EntryField
  1362. {2}      6-026    sefOptionsOn                OpField   EntryField
  1363. {1}      4-125    Select                      OpWindow  StackWindow
  1364. {1}      4-318    SelectChar                  OpMenu    MenuItemNode
  1365. {3}     10-023    SelectDrive                 OpDos     ----
  1366. {1}      4-272    SelectedFileInCurDir        OpDir     DirList
  1367. {1}      3-035    SelectFont8x8               OpCrt     ----
  1368. {1}      4-272    SelectItem                  OpDir     DirList
  1369. {1}      4-348    SelectItem                  OpMenu    Menu
  1370. {1}      4-231    SelectItem                  OpPick    PickList
  1371. {1}      4-349    SelectItemByPos             OpMenu    Menu
  1372. {1}      4-350    SelectSubMenu               OpMenu    Menu
  1373. {3}     11-010    SendEOI                     OpInt     ----
  1374. {2}      6-203    seOptionsAreOn              OpSEdit   SimpleLineEditor
  1375. {2}      6-203    seOptionsOff                OpSEdit   SimpleLineEditor
  1376. {2}      6-203    seOptionsOn                 OpSEdit   SimpleLineEditor
  1377. {3}      8-173    SetA                        OpLarray  AbstractArray
  1378. {2}      6-093    SetActionProc               OpSelect  Selector
  1379. {*}      *-***    SetActiveChild              OpWindow  StackWindow
  1380. {1}      3-036    SetActivePage               OpCrt     ----
  1381. {3}      8-060    SetAll                      OpRoot    BitSet
  1382. {2}      6-074    SetAllFieldLinks            OpSelect  AbstractSelector
  1383. {1}      4-278    SetAllFormat                OpDir     DirList
  1384. {1}      4-350    SetAllFrameAttr             OpMenu    Menu
  1385. {1}      4-350    SetAllHeaderAttr            OpMenu    Menu
  1386. {1}      4-350    SetAllHighAttr              OpMenu    Menu
  1387. {1}      4-350    SetAllNormAttr              OpMenu    Menu
  1388. {1}      4-350    SetAllProtectAttr           OpMenu    Menu
  1389. {1}      4-350    SetAllSelectAttr            OpMenu    Menu
  1390. {1}      4-351    SetAllSelectMarker          OpMenu    Menu
  1391. {1}      4-350    SetAllShadowAttr            OpMenu    Menu
  1392. {*}      *-***    SetAltItemAttr              OpCrt     ColorSet
  1393. {*}      *-***    SetAltSelItemAttr           OpCrt     ColorSet
  1394. {1}      4-095    SetBackChar                 OpWindow  RawWindow
  1395. {2}      6-156    SetBeepOnError              OpEntry   EntryScreen
  1396. {1}      3-118    SetBell                     OpCmd     ----
  1397. {3}      8-061    SetBit                      OpRoot    BitSet
  1398. {1}      3-036    SetBlink                    OpCrt     ----
  1399. {3}     10-024    SetBlock                    OpDos     ----
  1400. {2}      5-069    SetBlockAttr                OpBrowse  Browser
  1401. {1}      3-048    SetBlockAttr                OpCrt     ColorSet
  1402. {2}      5-047    SetBlockAttr                OpEditor  TextEditor
  1403. {2}      4-415    SetBlockAttr                OpHelp    ScrollingHelpWindow
  1404. {2}      5-047    SetBlockIndent              OpEditor  TextEditor
  1405. {3}     14-042    SetByteFlag                 OpInline  ----
  1406. {1}      4-231    SetChoice                   OpPick    PickList
  1407. {*}      *-***    SetClearFirstFilter         OpEdit    LineEditor
  1408. {*}      *-***    SetClearFirstFilter         OpEntry   EntryScreen
  1409. {*}      *-***    SetClearFirstFilter         OpSEdit   SimpleLineEditor
  1410. {1}      4-050    SetClipLimits               OpFrame   Frame
  1411. {1}      4-292    SetClusterSize              OpDir     PathList
  1412. {1}      3-107    SetCommandList              OpCmd     CommandProcessor
  1413. {2}      6-193    SetCommandProcessor         OpEdit    LineEditor
  1414. {2}      6-204    SetCommandProcessor         OpSEdit   SimpleLineEditor
  1415. {1}      4-155    SetCommandProcessor         OpWindow  CommandWindow
  1416. {2}      7-091    SetConversion               OpForm    PrintField
  1417. {1}      3-037    SetCrtBorder                OpCrt     ----
  1418. {1}      3-048    SetCtrlAttr                 OpCrt     ColorSet
  1419. {2}      6-018    SetCtrlAttr                 OpField   SelectField
  1420. {2}      5-015    SetCtrlAttr                 OpMemo    Memo
  1421. {2}      6-204    SetCtrlAttr                 OpSEdit   SimpleLineEditor
  1422. {2}      6-075    SetCtrlAttr                 OpSelect  AbstractSelector
  1423. {3}     10-024    SetCurrentEnv               OpDos     ----
  1424. {1}      4-351    SetCurrentItemProc          OpMenu    Menu
  1425. {1}      4-095    SetCursor                   OpWindow  RawWindow
  1426. {1}      3-037    SetCursorSize               OpCrt     ----
  1427. {1}      3-038    SetCursorType               OpCrt     ----
  1428. {1}      4-352    SetCustomStringProc         OpMenu    Menu
  1429. {1}      4-232    SetDefaultChoice            OpPick    PickList
  1430. {2}      5-069    SetDefaultExtension         OpBrowse  Browser
  1431. {2}      5-047    SetDefaultExtension         OpEditor  TextEditor
  1432. {2}      7-051    SetDefaultFont              OpPrint   Printer
  1433. {1}      3-048    SetDelimAttr                OpCrt     ColorSet
  1434. {2}      6-157    SetDelimAttr                OpEntry   EntryScreen
  1435. {2}      6-157    SetDelimiters               OpEntry   EntryScreen
  1436. {1}      4-273    SetDirAttr                  OpDir     DirList
  1437. {1}      4-293    SetDrawingChars             OpDir     PathList
  1438. {1}      4-293    SetDrive                    OpDir     PathList
  1439. {*}      *-***    SetDriveDelim               OpDir     DirList
  1440. {3}     10-024    SetDta                      OpDos     ----
  1441. {2}      5-070    SetEditProc                 OpBrowse  Browser
  1442. {2}      5-048    SetEditProc                 OpEditor  TextEditor
  1443. {3}     13-012    SetEndOfMacroProc           OpMacro   ----
  1444. {3}     13-021    SetEndOfMacroProc           OpReplay  ----
  1445. {3}     10-025    SetEnvStr                   OpDos     ----
  1446. {2}      7-104    SetErrorHandler             OpForm    PrintedForm
  1447. {2}      6-194    SetErrorProc                OpEdit    LineEditor
  1448. {3}      8-174    SetErrorProc                OpLarray  AbstractArray
  1449. {1}      4-156    SetErrorProc                OpWindow  CommandWindow
  1450. {1}      4-157    SetExitCommands             OpWindow  CommandWindow
  1451. {1}      3-048    SetFieldAttr                OpCrt     ColorSet
  1452. {2}      6-018    SetFieldAttr                OpField   SelectField
  1453. {2}      6-204    SetFieldAttr                OpSEdit   SimpleLineEditor
  1454. {2}      6-075    SetFieldAttr                OpSelect  AbstractSelector
  1455. {2}      6-076    SetFieldLinks               OpSelect  AbstractSelector
  1456. {2}      7-091    SetFieldPos                 OpForm    PrintField
  1457. {1}      4-273    SetFileAttr                 OpDir     DirList
  1458. {3}     14-043    SetFlag                     OpInline  ----
  1459. {1}      3-048    SetFlexAHelpAttr            OpCrt     ColorSet
  1460. {1}      3-048    SetFlexBHelpAttr            OpCrt     ColorSet
  1461. {1}      3-048    SetFlexCHelpAttr            OpCrt     ColorSet
  1462. {2}      7-105    SetFooter                   OpForm    PrintedForm
  1463. {2}      7-105    SetFooterFunc               OpForm    PrintedForm
  1464. {2}      6-158    SetForceMode                OpEntry   EntryScreen
  1465. {1}      3-048    SetFrameAttr                OpCrt     ColorSet
  1466. {1}      4-050    SetFrameAttr                OpFrame   Frame
  1467. {1}      4-353    SetFrameAttr                OpMenu    Menu
  1468. {1}      4-096    SetFrameLimits              OpWindow  RawWindow
  1469. {1}      4-050    SetFrameType                OpFrame   Frame
  1470. {1}      4-294    SetFullPathMode             OpDir     PathList
  1471. {2}      6-094    SetGetFieldProc             OpSelect  Selector
  1472. {2}      5-071    SetGetFileProc              OpBrowse  Browser
  1473. {2}      5-049    SetGetFileProc              OpEditor  TextEditor
  1474. {1}      3-108    SetGetKeyProc               OpCmd     CommandProcessor
  1475. {2}      7-106    SetHeader                   OpForm    PrintedForm
  1476. {1}      3-048    SetHeaderAttr               OpCrt     ColorSet
  1477. {1}      4-051    SetHeaderAttr               OpFrame   Frame
  1478. {1}      4-353    SetHeaderAttr               OpMenu    Menu
  1479. {2}      7-106    SetHeaderFunc               OpForm    PrintedForm
  1480. {1}      4-352    SetHelpAttr                 OpMenu    Menu
  1481. {2}      6-195    SetHelpIndex                OpEdit    LineEditor
  1482. {2}      6-205    SetHelpIndex                OpSEdit   SimpleLineEditor
  1483. {1}      4-158    SetHelpIndex                OpWindow  CommandWindow
  1484. {2}      4-400    SetHelpPadSize              OpHelp    AbstractHelpWindow
  1485. {1}      3-108    SetHelpProc                 OpCmd     CommandProcessor
  1486. {1}      3-038    SetHercMode                 OpCrt     ----
  1487. {1}      4-353    SetHighAttr                 OpMenu    Menu
  1488. {2}      5-073    SetHighlightAttr            OpBrowse  Browser
  1489. {1}      3-048    SetHighlightAttr            OpCrt     ColorSet
  1490. {2}      5-051    SetHighlightAttr            OpEditor  TextEditor
  1491. {1}      3-048    SetHighlightItemAttr        OpCrt     ColorSet
  1492. {1}      3-048    SetHotSpotAttr              OpCrt     ColorSet
  1493. {1}      4-232    SetInitialChoice            OpPick    PickList
  1494. {3}     14-043    SetJump                     OpInline  ----
  1495. {1}      3-109    SetKeyPressedProc           OpCmd     CommandProcessor
  1496. {1}      3-109    SetKeyPtr                   OpCmd     CommandProcessor
  1497. {1}      4-158    SetLastCommand              OpWindow  CommandWindow
  1498. {1}      4-354    SetLeftPad                  OpMenu    Menu
  1499. {1}      4-294    SetLineDrawMode             OpDir     PathList
  1500. {2}      5-015    SetLineLimit                OpMemo    Memo
  1501. {3}     14-044    SetLongFlag                 OpInline  ----
  1502. {2}      7-052    SetLPP                      OpPrint   Printer
  1503. {2}      7-022    SetLptPort                  OpPrnLow  BiosPrinter
  1504. {2}      5-073    SetMarkerAttr               OpBrowse  Browser
  1505. {1}      3-048    SetMarkerAttr               OpCrt     ColorSet
  1506. {2}      5-051    SetMarkerAttr               OpEditor  TextEditor
  1507. {1}      4-274    SetMask                     OpDir     DirList
  1508. {2}      5-016    SetMaxLength                OpMemo    Memo
  1509. {2}      4-416    SetMaxScroll                OpHelp    ScrollingHelpWindow
  1510. {1}      3-078    SetMickeyToPixelRatio       OpMouse   ----
  1511. {1}      3-048    SetMouseAttr                OpCrt     ColorSet
  1512. {1}      3-079    SetMouseEventHandler        OpMouse   ----
  1513. {1}      3-079    SetMousePage                OpMouse   ----
  1514. {1}      4-233    SetMoveProc                 OpPick    PickList
  1515. {1}      4-278    SetNameFormat               OpDir     DirList
  1516. {1}      4-278    SetNameSizeFormat           OpDir     DirList
  1517. {1}      4-278    SetNameSizeKFormat          OpDir     DirList
  1518. {1}      4-278    SetNameSizeKTimeFormat      OpDir     DirList
  1519. {1}      4-278    SetNameSizeTimeFormat       OpDir     DirList
  1520. {1}      4-278    SetNameTimeFormat           OpDir     DirList
  1521. {2}      4-400    SetNestedFunc               OpHelp    AbstractHelpWindow
  1522. {2}      6-076    SetNextField                OpSelect  AbstractSelector
  1523. {1}      4-353    SetNormAttr                 OpMenu    Menu
  1524. {2}      6-195    SetPadChar                  OpEdit    LineEditor
  1525. {2}      6-158    SetPadChar                  OpEntry   EntryScreen
  1526. {1}      4-233    SetPadSize                  OpPick    PickList
  1527. {2}      6-195    SetPasswordChar             OpEdit    LineEditor
  1528. {2}      6-159    SetPasswordChar             OpEntry   EntryScreen
  1529. {1}      4-295    SetPathAttr                 OpDir     PathList
  1530. {1}      4-234    SetPickAttr                 OpPick    PickList
  1531. {1}      4-235    SetPickFlex                 OpPick    PickList
  1532. {2}      4-401    SetPickPadSize              OpHelp    AbstractHelpWindow
  1533. {3}     11-057    SetPopTicker                OpSwap    ----
  1534. {3}     11-032    SetPopTicker                OpTsr     ----
  1535. {2}      7-053    SetPositionPrim             OpPrint   Printer
  1536. {1}      4-096    SetPosLimits                OpWindow  RawWindow
  1537. {2}      6-159    SetPostEditProc             OpEntry   EntryScreen
  1538. {2}      6-094    SetPostSelectProc           OpSelect  Selector
  1539. {2}      6-160    SetPreEditProc              OpEntry   EntryScreen
  1540. {2}      7-106    SetPrePageFunc              OpForm    PrintedForm
  1541. {2}      7-107    SetPrePostFormFunc          OpForm    PrintedForm
  1542. {2}      6-095    SetPreSelectProc            OpSelect  Selector
  1543. {2}      4-401    SetPrevTopicHotSpot         OpHelp    AbstractHelpWindow
  1544. {2}      5-073    SetPrinter                  OpBrowse  Browser
  1545. {2}      5-051    SetPrinter                  OpEditor  TextEditor
  1546. {2}      7-053    SetPrintErrorFunc           OpPrint   Printer
  1547. {3}     10-026    SetProgramStr               OpDos     ----
  1548. {1}      3-048    SetPromptAttr               OpCrt     ColorSet
  1549. {2}      6-018    SetPromptAttr               OpField   SelectField
  1550. {2}      6-205    SetPromptAttr               OpSEdit   SimpleLineEditor
  1551. {2}      6-077    SetPromptAttr               OpSelect  AbstractSelector
  1552. {1}      4-353    SetProtectAttr              OpMenu    Menu
  1553. {1}      3-048    SetProtectedDelimAttr       OpCrt     ColorSet
  1554. {2}      6-160    SetProtectedDelimAttr       OpEntry   EntryScreen
  1555. {1}      3-048    SetProtectedFieldAttr       OpCrt     ColorSet
  1556. {2}      6-018    SetProtectedFieldAttr       OpField   SelectField
  1557. {2}      6-077    SetProtectedFieldAttr       OpSelect  AbstractSelector
  1558. {1}      3-048    SetProtectedItemAttr        OpCrt     ColorSet
  1559. {1}      3-048    SetProtectedPromptAttr      OpCrt     ColorSet
  1560. {2}      6-018    SetProtectedPromptAttr      OpField   SelectField
  1561. {2}      6-078    SetProtectedPromptAttr      OpSelect  AbstractSelector
  1562. {3}     11-032    SetPSP                      OpTsr     ----
  1563. {*}     **-***    SetQuickFixMode             OpSwap1   ----
  1564. {3}     10-026    SetRawMode                  OpDos     ----
  1565. {1}      4-275    SetRejectFunc               OpDir     DirList
  1566. {2}      5-016    SetRightMargin              OpMemo    Memo
  1567. {1}      4-236    SetRowLimits                OpPick    PickList
  1568. {2}      6-078    SetScreenUpdateProc         OpSelect  AbstractSelector
  1569. {1}      3-048    SetScrollBarAttr            OpCrt     ColorSet
  1570. {1}      4-236    SetSearchMode               OpPick    PickList
  1571. {1}      4-236    SetSearchStart              OpPick    PickList
  1572. {1}      3-110    SetSecondaryKeyPtr          OpCmd     CommandProcessor
  1573. {1}      4-353    SetSelectAttr               OpMenu    Menu
  1574. {1}      4-276    SetSelectDirAttr            OpDir     DirList
  1575. {1}      3-048    SetSelectedDelimAttr        OpCrt     ColorSet
  1576. {2}      6-161    SetSelectedDelimAttr        OpEntry   EntryScreen
  1577. {1}      3-048    SetSelectedFieldAttr        OpCrt     ColorSet
  1578. {2}      6-018    SetSelectedFieldAttr        OpField   SelectField
  1579. {2}      6-079    SetSelectedFieldAttr        OpSelect  AbstractSelector
  1580. {1}      3-048    SetSelectedItemAttr         OpCrt     ColorSet
  1581. {1}      3-048    SetSelectedPromptAttr       OpCrt     ColorSet
  1582. {2}      6-018    SetSelectedPromptAttr       OpField   SelectField
  1583. {2}      6-079    SetSelectedPromptAttr       OpSelect  AbstractSelector
  1584. {1}      4-276    SetSelectFileAttr           OpDir     DirList
  1585. {1}      4-354    SetSelectMarker             OpMenu    Menu
  1586. {1}      4-237    SetSelectMarker             OpPick    PickList
  1587. {1}      4-295    SetSelectPathAttr           OpDir     PathList
  1588. {1}      3-048    SetSelXrefAttr              OpCrt     ColorSet
  1589. {2}      4-416    SetSendFunc                 OpHelp    ScrollingHelpWindow
  1590. {1}      3-048    SetShadowAttr               OpCrt     ColorSet
  1591. {1}      4-051    SetShadowAttr               OpFrame   Frame
  1592. {1}      4-353    SetShadowAttr               OpMenu    Menu
  1593. {1}      4-052    SetSizeLimits               OpFrame   Frame
  1594. {1}      4-097    SetSizeLimits               OpWindow  RawWindow
  1595. {1}      3-048    SetSliderAttr               OpCrt     ColorSet
  1596. {1}      4-052    SetSliderValue              OpFrame   Frame
  1597. {1}      4-277    SetSortOrder                OpDir     DirList
  1598. {1}      4-126    SetStackProc                OpWindow  StackWindow
  1599. {2}      5-074    SetStatusProc               OpBrowse  Browser
  1600. {2}      5-017    SetStatusProc               OpMemo    Memo
  1601. {3}     11-053    SetSwapMsgAttr              OpSwap1   ----
  1602. {3}     10-041    SetSwapMsgOn                OpExec    ----
  1603. {3}     11-053    SetSwapMsgOn                OpSwap1   ----
  1604. {3}     11-053    SetSwapMsgRow               OpSwap1   ----
  1605. {2}      5-017    SetTabSize                  OpMemo    Memo
  1606. {2}      7-023    SetTestAndMask              OpPrnLow  BiosPrinter
  1607. {1}      3-048    SetTextAttr                 OpCrt     ColorSet
  1608. {1}      4-097    SetTextAttr                 OpWindow  RawWindow
  1609. {2}      4-402    SetTopic                    OpHelp    AbstractHelpWindow
  1610. {1}      3-048    SetUnselXrefAttr            OpCrt     ColorSet
  1611. {2}      7-107    SetUserData                 OpForm    PrintedForm
  1612. {3}     11-054    SetUserExitProc             OpSwap1   ----
  1613. {1}      4-278    SetUserFormat               OpDir     DirList
  1614. {1}      3-110    SetUserHookProc             OpCmd     CommandProcessor
  1615. {3}      8-135    SetUserPointer              OpRoot    DirEntry
  1616. {2}      6-161    SetUserRecord               OpEntry   EntryScreen
  1617. {2}      7-107    SetUserRecord               OpForm    PrintedForm
  1618. {2}      6-162    SetValidateFunc             OpEntry   EntryScreen
  1619. {1}      3-039    SetVisiblePage              OpCrt     ----
  1620. {2}      6-080    SetWrapMode                 OpSelect  AbstractSelector
  1621. {2}      7-023    SetXlatErrorFunc            OpPrnLow  BiosPrinter
  1622. {2}      7-053    SetXRatio                   OpPrint   Printer
  1623. {2}      5-052    SetYesNoProc                OpEditor  TextEditor
  1624. {2}      7-054    SetYRatio                   OpPrint   Printer
  1625. {2}      6-018    sfOptionsAreOn              OpField   SelectField
  1626. {2}      6-018    sfOptionsOff                OpField   SelectField
  1627. {2}      6-018    sfOptionsOn                 OpField   SelectField
  1628. {3}     10-027    ShellWithPrompt             OpDos     ----
  1629. {1}      3-080    ShowMouse                   OpMouse   ----
  1630. {1}      3-080    ShowMousePrim               OpMouse   ----
  1631. {3}      8-087    Shrink                      OpRoot    StringArray
  1632. {3}     14-012    SinBCD                      OpBCD     ----
  1633. {1}      4-188    SingleChoice                OpPick    ----
  1634. {1}      4-242    SingleFile                  OpDir     ----
  1635. {1}      4-283    SinglePath                  OpDir     ----
  1636. {3}      8-048    Size                        OpRoot    DoubleList
  1637. {3}      8-016    Size                        OpRoot    PointerStack
  1638. {3}      8-039    Size                        OpRoot    SingleList
  1639. {3}      8-087    Size                        OpRoot    StringArray
  1640. {1}      3-116    SizeKeys                    OpCmd     CommandPacker
  1641. {*}      *-***    SkipDrives                  OpDir     DirList
  1642. {2}      6-095    slFieldOptionsAreOn         OpSelect  Selector
  1643. {2}      6-096    slFieldOptionsOff           OpSelect  Selector
  1644. {2}      6-096    slFieldOptionsOn            OpSelect  Selector
  1645. {2}      6-097    slOptionsAreOn              OpSelect  Selector
  1646. {2}      6-097    slOptionsOff                OpSelect  Selector
  1647. {2}      6-097    slOptionsOn                 OpSelect  Selector
  1648. {1}      3-081    SoftMouseCursor             OpMouse   ----
  1649. {3}     14-049    Sort                        OpSort    ----
  1650. {1}      4-246    SortDirName                 OpDir     ----
  1651. {1}      4-278    SortList                    OpDir     DirList
  1652. {1}      4-246    SortName                    OpDir     ----
  1653. {1}      4-246    SortNone                    OpDir     ----
  1654. {1}      4-246    SortSize                    OpDir     ----
  1655. {2}      6-222    SortStringToDate            OpDate    ----
  1656. {2}      6-223    SortStringToTime            OpDate    ----
  1657. {1}      4-246    SortTime                    OpDir     ----
  1658. {3}      9-026    Soundex                     OpString  ----
  1659. {3}      8-016    SP                          OpRoot    PointerStack
  1660. {3}     14-012    SqrBCD                      OpBCD     ----
  1661. {3}     14-012    SqrtBCD                     OpBCD     ----
  1662. {1}      4-017    srResult                    OpFrame   ScreenRect
  1663. {2}      7-065    StarMicronicsRegister       OpDevice  ----
  1664. {3}     13-013    StartMacro                  OpMacro   ----
  1665. {3}     13-021    StartMacro                  OpReplay  ----
  1666. {3}     13-013    StartMacroByKey             OpMacro   ----
  1667. {3}     11-033    StayRes                     OpTsr     ----
  1668. {3}     11-055    StayResSwap                 OpSwap1   ----
  1669. {3}      9-026    StLocase                    OpString  ----
  1670. {2}      5-075    Store                       OpBrowse  Browser
  1671. {1}      3-111    Store                       OpCmd     CommandProcessor
  1672. {1}      4-279    Store                       OpDir     DirList
  1673. {1}      4-296    Store                       OpDir     PathList
  1674. {2}      6-196    Store                       OpEdit    LineEditor
  1675. {2}      5-054    Store                       OpEditor  TextEditor
  1676. {2}      6-163    Store                       OpEntry   EntryScreen
  1677. {2}      6-172    Store                       OpEntry   ScrollingEntryScreen
  1678. {2}      7-108    Store                       OpForm    PrintedForm
  1679. {2}      7-112    Store                       OpForm    Report
  1680. {1}      4-053    Store                       OpFrame   Frame
  1681. {1}      4-018    Store                       OpFrame   ScreenRect
  1682. {2}      4-403    Store                       OpHelp    AbstractHelpWindow
  1683. {2}      5-018    Store                       OpMemo    Memo
  1684. {2}      5-027    Store                       OpMemo    MemoFile
  1685. {1}      4-355    Store                       OpMenu    Menu
  1686. {1}      4-238    Store                       OpPick    PickList
  1687. {2}      7-054    Store                       OpPrint   Printer
  1688. {2}      7-017    Store                       OpPrnLow  BasePrinter
  1689. {3}      8-062    Store                       OpRoot    BitSet
  1690. {3}      8-049    Store                       OpRoot    CircularList
  1691. {3}      8-048    Store                       OpRoot    DoubleList
  1692. {3}      8-066    Store                       OpRoot    LargeBitSet
  1693. {3}      8-017    Store                       OpRoot    PointerStack
  1694. {3}      8-040    Store                       OpRoot    SingleList
  1695. {3}      8-028    Store                       OpRoot    StaticQueue
  1696. {3}      8-088    Store                       OpRoot    StringArray
  1697. {3}      8-078    Store                       OpRoot    StringDict
  1698. {3}      8-081    Store                       OpRoot    StringSet
  1699. {2}      6-106    Store                       OpSelect  ScrollingSelector
  1700. {2}      6-098    Store                       OpSelect  Selector
  1701. {1}      4-159    Store                       OpWindow  CommandWindow
  1702. {1}      4-163    Store                       OpWindow  LoadableColorSet
  1703. {1}      4-171    Store                       OpWindow  PackedWindow
  1704. {1}      4-098    Store                       OpWindow  RawWindow
  1705. {1}      4-127    Store                       OpWindow  StackWindow
  1706. {1}      4-184    Store                       OpWindow  VirtScreen
  1707. {1}      4-135    Store                       OpWindow  WindowStack
  1708. {3}      8-175    StoreA                      OpLarray  AbstractArray
  1709. {1}      4-019    StoreContents               OpFrame   ScreenRect
  1710. {3}     14-024    StoreDefaults               OpClone   Cloner
  1711. {1}      3-081    StoreMouseCoordinates       OpMouse   ----
  1712. {1}      3-039    StoreWindowCoordinates      OpCrt     ----
  1713. {3}      9-048    Str2Asc                     OpAsciiz  ----
  1714. {3}      9-027    Str2Int                     OpString  ----
  1715. {3}      9-027    Str2Long                    OpString  ----
  1716. {3}      9-027    Str2Real                    OpString  ----
  1717. {3}      9-027    Str2Word                    OpString  ----
  1718. {3}     14-013    StrBCD                      OpBCD     ----
  1719. {3}     14-013    StrExpBCD                   OpBCD     ----
  1720. {3}      9-029    StringFromHeap              OpString  ----
  1721. {3}      9-029    StringToHeap                OpString  ----
  1722. {3}     13-013    StringToMacro               OpMacro   ----
  1723. {3}     13-022    StringToMacro               OpReplay  ----
  1724. {3}     13-014    StringToScrapMacro          OpMacro   ----
  1725. {3}     13-022    StringToScrapMacro          OpReplay  ----
  1726. {1}      3-040    StuffKey                    OpCrt     ----
  1727. {1}      3-040    StuffString                 OpCrt     ----
  1728. {3}      9-030    StUpcase                    OpString  ----
  1729. {3}     14-014    SubBCD                      OpBCD     ----
  1730. {3}     10-028    SubmitPrintFile             OpDos     ----
  1731. {1}      4-319    SubPtr                      OpMenu    MenuItemNode
  1732. {3}     14-044    SwapNibble                  OpInline  ----
  1733. {*}     **-***    SwapSize                    OpSwap1   ----
  1734. {3}     11-011    SwapStackAndCall            OpInt     ----
  1735. {3}     11-011    SwapStackAndCallNear        OpInt     ----
  1736. {3}     14-044    SwapWord                    OpInline  ----
  1737. {1}      3-041    SwitchInColorCard           OpCrt     ----
  1739. {3}      8-048    Tail                        OpRoot    DoubleList
  1740. {3}      8-042    Tail                        OpRoot    SingleList
  1741. {2}      5-055    teOptionsAreOn              OpEditor  TextEditor
  1742. {2}      5-055    teOptionsOff                OpEditor  TextEditor
  1743. {2}      5-055    teOptionsOn                 OpEditor  TextEditor
  1744. {3}      8-063    TestClearBit                OpRoot    BitSet
  1745. {3}      8-063    TestSetBit                  OpRoot    BitSet
  1746. {3}     10-028    TextFileSize                OpDos     ----
  1747. {3}     10-029    TextFlush                   OpDos     ----
  1748. {3}     10-029    TextPos                     OpDos     ----
  1749. {3}     10-029    TextSeek                    OpDos     ----
  1750. {2}      6-223    TimeDiff                    OpDate    ----
  1751. {3}     10-030    TimeMs                      OpDos     ----
  1752. {2}      6-224    TimeStringToHMS             OpDate    ----
  1753. {2}      6-224    TimeStringToTime            OpDate    ----
  1754. {2}      6-225    TimeToAmPmString            OpDate    ----
  1755. {2}      6-225    TimeToHMS                   OpDate    ----
  1756. {2}      6-226    TimeToSortString            OpDate    ----
  1757. {2}      6-226    TimeToTimeString            OpDate    ----
  1758. {2}      6-226    Today                       OpDate    ----
  1759. {2}      6-227    TodayString                 OpDate    ----
  1760. {3}      8-063    ToggleBit                   OpRoot    BitSet
  1761. {2}      5-076    ToggleHighBitStripping      OpBrowse  Browser
  1762. {2}      5-076    ToggleModes                 OpBrowse  Browser
  1763. {2}      4-405    TopicStackPtr               OpHelp    AbstractHelpWindow
  1764. {1}      4-137    TopWindow                   OpWindow  WindowStack
  1765. {2}      7-065    ToshibaP321Register         OpDevice  ----
  1766. {2}      5-076    Transfer                    OpBrowse  Browser
  1767. {1}      4-019    Transfer                    OpFrame   ScreenRect
  1768. {3}      9-030    Trim                        OpString  ----
  1769. {3}      9-030    TrimLead                    OpString  ----
  1770. {3}      9-031    TrimSpaces                  OpString  ----
  1771. {3}      9-031    TrimTrail                   OpString  ----
  1772. {3}      8-121    Truncate                    OpRoot    DosIdStream
  1773. {3}      8-126    Truncate                    OpRoot    MemIdStream
  1774. {3}     14-014    TruncBCD                    OpBCD     ----
  1775. {2}      7-055    TurnOffAllActiveModes       OpPrint   Printer
  1776. {2}      7-055    TurnOffByID                 OpPrint   Printer
  1777. {2}      7-056    TurnOffByName               OpPrint   Printer
  1778. {2}      7-056    TurnOnByID                  OpPrint   Printer
  1779. {2}      7-056    TurnOnByName                OpPrint   Printer
  1780. {1}      4-100    TweakSlider                 OpWindow  RawWindow
  1781. {3}      8-175    TypeOfArray                 OpLarray  AbstractArray
  1782. {2}      7-018    TypeOfPrn                   OpPrnLow  BasePrinter
  1783. {3}      8-116    TypeRegistered              OpRoot    IdStream
  1784. {3}      8-117    TypeVerRegistered           OpRoot    IdStream
  1786. {3}      8-147    UndeleteEntry               OpRoot    Library
  1787. {3}     11-049    UninstallModule             OpSwap1   ----
  1788. {3}     11-033    UninstallModule             OpTsr     ----
  1789. {1}      4-319    Unprotect                   OpMenu    MenuItemNode
  1790. {1}      4-357    UnprotectItem               OpMenu    Menu
  1791. {1}      4-137    UnstackTop                  OpWindow  WindowStack
  1792. {1}      4-101    Unzoom                      OpWindow  RawWindow
  1793. {3}      9-032    Upcase                      OpString  ----
  1794. {3}      9-032    UpCaseMac                   OpString  ----
  1795. {3}      8-136    Update                      OpRoot    DirEntry
  1796. {3}      8-079    Update                      OpRoot    StringDict
  1797. {1}      4-281    UpdateContents              OpDir     DirList
  1798. {1}      4-296    UpdateContents              OpDir     PathList
  1799. {2}      4-405    UpdateContents              OpHelp    AbstractHelpWindow
  1800. {1}      4-240    UpdateContents              OpPick    PickList
  1801. {1}      4-102    UpdateContents              OpWindow  RawWindow
  1802. {*}      *-***    UpdateContents              OpWindow  StackWindow
  1803. {1}      4-053    UpdateFrame                 OpFrame   Frame
  1804. {1}      4-357    UpdateScreenSize            OpMenu    Menu
  1805. {1}      4-103    UpdateScreenSize            OpWindow  RawWindow
  1806. {1}      3-041    UseColor                    OpCrt     ----
  1807. {3}     11-063    UseEmulator                 Op8087    ----
  1809. {3}     14-015    ValBCD                      OpBCD     ----
  1810. {2}      6-046    ValidateNoBlanks            OpField   ----
  1811. {2}      6-046    ValidateNotPartial          OpField   ----
  1812. {2}      6-047    ValidateSubfields           OpField   ----
  1813. {2}      6-227    ValidDate                   OpDate    ----
  1814. {3}     10-030    ValidDrive                  OpDos     ----
  1815. {2}      6-227    ValidTime                   OpDate    ----
  1816. {1}      4-184    vCols                       OpWindow  VirtScreen
  1817. {2}      6-165    VisitAllEntryFields         OpEntry   EntryScreen
  1818. {1}      4-358    VisitAllItems               OpMenu    Menu
  1819. {2}      6-080    VisitAllSelectFields        OpSelect  AbstractSelector
  1820. {2}      6-080    VisitAllTextFields          OpSelect  AbstractSelector
  1821. {1}      4-358    VisitAllWindows             OpMenu    Menu
  1822. {1}      4-185    vRows                       OpWindow  VirtScreen
  1823. {2}      6-172    VScreenToScreen             OpEntry   ScrollingEntryScreen
  1824. {2}      6-108    VScreenToScreen             OpSelect  ScrollingSelector
  1826. {1}      4-104    wChangeAttribute            OpWindow  RawWindow
  1827. {1}      4-106    wCopy                       OpWindow  RawWindow
  1828. {1}      4-129    wCopy                       OpWindow  StackWindow
  1829. {1}      4-104    wFastCenter                 OpWindow  RawWindow
  1830. {1}      4-104    wFastFill                   OpWindow  RawWindow
  1831. {1}      4-104    wFastFlush                  OpWindow  RawWindow
  1832. {1}      4-104    wFastRead                   OpWindow  RawWindow
  1833. {1}      4-104    wFastText                   OpWindow  RawWindow
  1834. {1}      4-104    wFastVert                   OpWindow  RawWindow
  1835. {1}      4-104    wFastWrite                  OpWindow  RawWindow
  1836. {1}      4-104    wFastWriteCtrl              OpWindow  RawWindow
  1837. {1}      4-104    wFlexWrite                  OpWindow  RawWindow
  1838. {1}      4-106    wGotoXY                     OpWindow  RawWindow
  1839. {1}      4-240    WhereSelect                 OpPick    PickList
  1840. {1}      4-240    WhereSelectAbs              OpPick    PickList
  1841. {1}      3-042    WhereXAbs                   OpCrt     ----
  1842. {1}      3-042    WhereXY                     OpCrt     ----
  1843. {1}      3-043    WhereXYdirect               OpCrt     ----
  1844. {1}      3-043    WhereYAbs                   OpCrt     ----
  1845. {1}      4-107    Width                       OpWindow  AbstractWindow
  1846. {3}     11-055    WillSwapUseEms              OpSwap1   ----
  1847. {1}      4-129    WindowNumber                OpWindow  StackWindow
  1848. {1}      4-054    WithinFrameCoords           OpFrame   Frame
  1849. {1}      4-107    wOptionsAreOn               OpWindow  RawWindow
  1850. {1}      4-108    wOptionsOff                 OpWindow  RawWindow
  1851. {1}      4-109    wOptionsOn                  OpWindow  RawWindow
  1852. {3}      9-033    WordCount                   OpString  ----
  1853. {3}      9-033    WordPosition                OpString  ----
  1854. {3}      9-034    WordWrap                    OpString  ----
  1855. {1}      4-104    wReadAttribute              OpWindow  RawWindow
  1856. {3}      8-124    Write                       OpRoot    BufIdStream
  1857. {3}      8-121    Write                       OpRoot    DosIdStream
  1858. {3}      8-126    Write                       OpRoot    MemIdStream
  1859. {1}      4-172    Write                       OpWindow  PackedWindow
  1860. {3}      9-048    WriteAsc                    OpAsciiz  ----
  1861. {1}      3-044    WriteAttribute              OpCrt     ----
  1862. {3}     10-031    WriteDiskSectors            OpDos     ----
  1863. {3}     13-014    WriteMacroFile              OpMacro   ----
  1864. {3}      8-117    WritePointer                OpRoot    IdStream
  1865. {3}      8-118    WriteRange                  OpRoot    IdStream
  1866. {3}      8-118    WriteString                 OpRoot    IdStream
  1867. {3}      8-089    WriteText                   OpRoot    StringArray
  1868. {1}      4-185    WriteTo                     OpWindow  VirtScreen
  1869. {3}      8-119    WriteUserPointer            OpRoot    IdStream
  1870. {1}      4-110    wWhereXY                    OpWindow  RawWindow
  1871. {1}      4-110    wWhereXYAbs                 OpWindow  RawWindow
  1872. {1}      4-104    wWriteAttribute             OpWindow  RawWindow
  1874. {2}      7-018    XlatCharItem                OpPrnLow  BasePrinter
  1876. {2}      6-179    YesOrNo                     OpEdit    LineEditor
  1878. {1}      4-111    Zoom                        OpWindow  RawWindow