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339 lines
* Copyright (C) 1991 Kendall Bennett.
* All rights reserved.
* Filename: $RCSfile: hash.c $
* Version: $Revision: 1.4 $
* Language: ANSI C
* Environment: any
* Description: Module to implement generic hash tables.
* $Id: hash.c 1.4 91/12/31 19:40:02 kjb Exp $
* Revision History:
* -----------------
* $Log: hash.c $
* Revision 1.4 91/12/31 19:40:02 kjb
* Modified include file directories.
* Revision 1.3 91/09/03 18:28:01 ROOT_DOS
* Ported to UNIX.
* Revision 1.2 91/09/01 16:43:56 ROOT_DOS
* Minor cosmetic changes.
* Added function hsh_kill() to delete a hash table and all the symbols it
* contains.
* Revision 1.1 91/08/16 13:14:45 ROOT_DOS
* Initial revision
#include <stdio.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "debug.h"
#include "hash.h"
#include "ssort.h"
PUBLIC void *hsh_newsym(int size)
* Function: hsh_newsym
* Parameters: size - Amount of memory to allocate for symbol
* Returns: Pointer to the allocated symbols user space.
* Description: Allocates the memory required for a symbol, adding a small
* header at the start of the symbol. We return a reference to
* the user space of the symbol, as if it had be allocated via
* malloc.
if ( !(sym = (HSH_BUCKET*)malloc(size+sizeof(HSH_BUCKET))) ) {
fprintf(stderr,"Can't get memory for BUCKET\n");
return NULL;
return HSH_USERSPACE(sym); /* Return pointer to user space */
PUBLIC void hsh_freesym(void *sym)
* Function: hsh_freesym
* Parameters: sym - Symbol to free
* Description: Frees a symbol previously allocated with newsym().
PUBLIC HASH_TAB *hsh_init(unsigned maxsym,unsigned (*hash_function)(),
int (*cmp_function)() )
* Function: hsh_init
* Parameters: maxsym - Maximum number of symbols
* hash_function - Hash function to the table
* cmp_function - Comparison function for the elements
* Returns: Pointer to the newly created hash table.
* Description: Makes a hash table of the given size and returns a pointer
* to it. Note that we call calloc() to allocate the memory,
* so that all the hash table pointers are initially NULL.
if (!maxsym)
maxsym = 127; /* Default size */
/* |<--- space for table -->|<- and header -->| */
if( (p=(HASH_TAB*)calloc(1,(maxsym*sizeof(HSH_BUCKET*)) + sizeof(HASH_TAB)))
!= NULL) {
p->size = maxsym;
p->numsyms = 0;
p->hash = hash_function;
p->cmp = cmp_function;
else {
fprintf(stderr,"Insufficient memory for symbol table\n");
return NULL;
return p;
PUBLIC void hsh_kill(HASH_TAB *tabp,void (*freeSym)(void *))
* Function: hsh_kill
* Parameters: tabp - Hash table to kill
* freeSym - Pointer to user function to free a symbol
* Description: Kills the hash table tab, by deleting all the symbols in the
* table, and then deleting the table itself. Note that we call
* the user supplied routine (*freeSym)() to free each hash
* table symbol. This allows the user program to perform any
* extra processing needed to kill each symbol (if each symbol
* contains pointers to other items on the heap for example).
* If no extra processing is required, just pass the address of
* hsh_freesym(), ie:
* hsh_kill(mytab,hsh_freesym);
HSH_BUCKET *p,*sym,**symtab;
int i;
if (tabp && tabp->size != 0)
for (symtab = tabp->table, i = tabp->size; --i >= 0 ; symtab++) {
sym = *symtab;
while (sym) {
p = sym;
sym = sym->next;
PUBLIC void *hsh_addsym(HASH_TAB *tabp, void *isym)
* Function: hsh_addsym
* Parameters: tabp - The hash table
* isym - Symbol to add
* Description: Adds a symbol to the hash table. The new symbol is linked
* onto the head of the chain at it's particular hash location.
HSH_BUCKET **p,*tmp;
p = &(tabp->table)[ (*tabp->hash)(isym) % tabp->size ];
tmp = *p;
*p = sym;
sym->prev = p;
sym->next = tmp;
if (tmp)
tmp->prev = &sym->next;
return HSH_USERSPACE(sym);
PUBLIC void hsh_delsym(HASH_TAB *tabp, void *isym)
* Function: hsh_delsym
* Parameters: tabp - The hash table
* isym - Symbol to delete
* Description: Removes a symbol from the hash table. "sym" is a pointer
* from a previous findsym() call. It points initially at the
* user space, but is decremented to get at the BUCKET header.
if (tabp && sym) {
if ( (*(sym->prev) = sym->next) != NULL)
sym->next->prev = sym->prev;
PUBLIC void *hsh_findsym(HASH_TAB *tabp, void *sym)
* Function: hsh_findsym
* Parameters: tabp - The hash table
* isym - Symbol to look for
* Returns: pointer to the symbol if it exist, NULL otherwise
* Description: Returns a pointer to the hash table element having a
* particular symbol, or NULL if the symbol isn't in the table.
if (!tabp) /* Table empty */
return NULL;
p = (tabp->table)[ (*tabp->hash)(sym) % tabp->size ];
while (p && (*tabp->cmp)(sym,HSH_USERSPACE(p)) )
p = p->next;
return (p ? HSH_USERSPACE(p) : NULL);
PUBLIC void *hsh_nextsym(HASH_TAB *tabp,void *i_last)
* Function: hsh_nextsym
* Parameters: tabp - The hash table
* i_last - The last symbol accessed
* Returns: Pointer to the next symbol in the current chain
* Description: Returns a pointer to the next node in the current chain that
* has the same key as the last node found (or NULL if there
* is no such node). "i_last" is a pointer returned from a
* previous findsym() or nextsym() call.
HSH_BUCKET *last = HSH_HEADER(i_last);
for (; last->next; last = last->next)
if ( (tabp->cmp)(i_last, last->next + 1) == 0) /* Keys match */
return HSH_USERSPACE(last->next);
return NULL;
PRIVATE int (*User_cmp)(void *,void *);
PRIVATE int internal_cmp(HSH_BUCKET **p1,HSH_BUCKET **p2)
return (*User_cmp)(HSH_USERSPACE(*p1),HSH_USERSPACE(*p2));
PUBLIC int hsh_ptab(HASH_TAB *tabp,void (*print)(void *,void *),void *param,
int sort)
* Function: hsh_ptab
* Parameters: tabp - The hash table
* print - Routine to printe a symbol
* param - Parameters to the print routine
* sort - True if the table should be sorted
* Returns: True if completed, false otherwise
* Description: Prints the table of symbols by calling the print routine
* for every symbol in the table. If sort is true, the table
* is sorted first before it is printed. The print function
* is called with two arguments:
* (*print)(sym,param)
* Sym is a pointer to a HSH_BUCKET user area.
HSH_BUCKET **outtab,**outp,*sym,**symtab;
int i;
if (!tabp || tabp->size == 0) /* table is empty */
return 1;
if (!sort) {
for (symtab = tabp->table, i = tabp->size; --i >= 0 ; symtab++) {
/* Print all symbols in the current chain. */
for (sym = *symtab; sym ; sym = sym->next)
else {
/* Allocate memory for the outtab, an array of pointers to
* HSH_BUCKETS, and initialise it. The outtab is different from
* the actual hash table in that every outtab element points
* to a single HSH_BUCKET structure, rather than to a linked list
* of them.
if ( !(outtab = (HSH_BUCKET**)malloc(tabp->numsyms * sizeof(HSH_BUCKET*)) ))
return 0;
outp = outtab;
for ( symtab = tabp->table, i = tabp->size; --i >= 0; symtab++)
for (sym = *symtab; sym ; sym = sym->next) {
if (outp > outtab + tabp->numsyms) {
fprintf(stderr,"Internal error [ptab], table overflow\n");
*outp++ = sym;
/* Sort the outtab and then print it. The (*outp) + 1 in the
* print call increments the pointer past the header part
* of the HSH_BUCKET structure. During sorting, the increment
* is done in internal_cmp.
User_cmp = tabp->cmp;
assort((void**)outtab, tabp->numsyms, sizeof(HSH_BUCKET*), internal_cmp);
for (outp = outtab, i = tabp->numsyms; --i >= 0; outp++)
return 1;