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Cmouse.cpp for Borland C++
Thank you for downloading cmouse.zip. Compile and run
cmouse.cpp which includes demo code. A mouse interrupt
handler is provided and should serve most all your
needs. To use cmouse.cpp in your own application,
comment out "#define TEST_CMOUSE_CPP" near the end of
the cmouse.cpp file.
The MicrosoftMouse class provides member functions for
all Microsoft Mouse Driver functions packaged in a
convenient interface. Do not instantiate any instances
of the class - instead access them through MM, the only
instance of MicrosoftMouse!
For example:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cmouse.hpp>
while (!MM.leftPressed) do;
puts("Mouse's left button pressed.");
return 0;
All omouse coordinates are expressed in Borland C++'s
physical screen coordinates rather than the mouse's
virtual coordinates. Be sure to call MM.reset() after
each video mode change to enable this feature!
Since MM is a global instance of the MicrosoftMouse
class, its constructor and destructor take care of
preparing the mouse for use in your program.
Look at the MicrosoftMouse class declaration in
cmouse.hpp. You will soon notice that the member
functions don't typically pass parameters but values
are instead stored directly in the MM instance's data
fields. The reason I don't pass parameters is so you
don't have to provide variables to store them in.
Secondly, cmouse has a special function called
autoEventUpdate() that activates a prewritten mouse
event interrupt handler. All you do is call
MM.autoEventUpdate() and it updates the MM's data
fields whenever a mouse event happens as specified
by MM.eventMask. The mask is preconfigured to request
an update whenever the mouse moves, or a mouse button
is pressed or released. That way your application
simply poles these fields for updates. This should
satisfy most of your requirements. If you need
something more sophisticated, you can use the code
of autoEventHandler() to cookbook your interrupt
For example:
MM.x = 10; MM.y = 20; MM.gotoxy();
// moves the mouse cursor to (10,20).
if (MM.leftPressed)
// if left button pressed.
If you are wondering what the total effect of calling
MM.updateStatusInfo() is you can study the source. If
you want to do any serious mouse programming it would
be a good idea to pick up
"Microsoft Mouse Programmer's Reference."
Bellevue, Washington: Microsoft Press, 1989.
This is the main reference I used in coding cmouse.
Rather than repeat what is in this book or explain what
the mouse functions do, you should reference this book.
By using the book and reading the header of cmouse,
you will soon get the picture of what's going on.
Of course if you had activated the provided mouse
interrupt handler, all you would have to do to see if
the left button was pressed is test the field:
if (MM.leftPressed)
// if left button pressed.
To enable the mouse interrupt handler, you must
call MM.autoEventUpdate(). Check the demo code to see
if you can find this. Also study the display of the
demo. It displays many of the fields of MM. Use
the mouse and see how these fields register the changes.
The function MouseReport() in the demo produces this
report. Look there to see how the fields are accessed.
I have tested the omouse unit with Microsoft Mouse
driver version 7.00 and Microsoft's second generation
serial mouse as well as the ATI VGA Wonder Plus bus
mouse. If the demo won't run in graphics mode the
most likey cause is your mouse driver doesn't support
the more advanced features of your graphics card. I
know, you have a paint program that works fine with
your mouse and driver so it must be cmouse. Well many
paint programs provide their own builtin drivers to
keep you from calling them with the same problem.
Believe me, call your mouse manufacturer and get the
latest driver. If you must call me, don't call in the
middle of the night, please!
Super VGA Modes
At this time I am awaiting information from VESA for
VESA compliant SVGA modes. When I do I'll update
cmouse for those modes. In the mean time if you want
to try it yourself you must modify Xcell[], Ycell[],
LeftTopOfs[], virtualX(), virtualY(), physicalX(),
and physicalY(). The standard modes documented in
the Microsoft Mouse Programmer's Reference are for
video modes 0-13 hex. This made it easy to implement
Xcell, Ycell, and LeftTopOfs in arrays. I'm thinking
that I will simply remap modes 23, 27, 33, 37, 54, 6A,
61, 62, 63, 65, and 67 hex into MM.vmode just above
13 hex so that these arrays can simply be extended.
I use these arrays to automatically convert between
physical screen coordinates and mouse virtual
If you find cmouse useful and are using it in your
applications, tell your friends. You don't need to
register cmouse -- it's freeware! All I ask is that
you leave my copyright notice intact!
Thanks again!
John W. Small
CIS: 73757,2233
PSW / Power SoftWare
P.O. Box 10072
McLean, VA 22102 8072
(703) 759-3838