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CChhaarroonn VVeerrssiioonn 33.11 SSuuppeerrvviissoorr'ss GGuuiiddee
"Charon (Kar'on). In Greek mythology, the
ferryman, a son of Erubus, who transported
the souls of the dead (whose bodies had been
buried) over the river Styx to the lower
His fee was an obolus or other coin, and this
was placed for him in the mouth of the dead
at the time of burial."
"Charon (Kar'on). In Networking mythology,
the gateway, a son of CUTE, who transports
the mail messages and data files of the
office dead (whose text has been relegated to
queues) over the IPX-TCP/IP river to the
other world.
His fee is a PC/XT/AT or other MS-DOS based
processor with ethernet, and this is placed
for him in the back closets and shelves of
empty, sterile computer rooms at the time of
Copyright (C) 1989,90,91 Clarkson University, All Rights Reserved
February 10, 1991
Brad K. Clements
This program is Copyright (C) 1989,90,91 by
Clarkson University, All Rights Reserved.
Clarkson University provides this program to
educational and commercial institutions free
of charge with the following limitations:
1. This program is not for sale, and may not be combined with
programs that are for sale.
2. There is no warranty or claim of fitness or reliability.
Although the author has made every effort to remove bugs,
neither he nor Clarkson University shall be held liable for
any loss of data, down time or other direct or indirect
damage or claims caused by this program.
3. You may NOT charge a distribution fee for giving this
program to others.
4. Please report bugs and other comments to:
1. Charon Version 3.1 Supervisor's Guide Page: 2
CChhaapptteerr 11. IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn
Are you running a mixed networking environment consisting of
Novell Netware LANS and TCP/IP based minicomputers/mainframes?
Do you need to transfer electronic mail messages and print data
between your two environments?
If so, then Charon is the program for you. With Charon you can:
* Transfer Electronic Mail between Novell Servers and TCP/IP
* Transfer Print Files between Novell Servers and TCP/IP
* Translate print files using loadable translates (text to
PostScript, etc)
* Synchronize the time on your Novell Servers to other systems
via RDate.
Charon transfers electronic mail messages between Novell Servers
and TCP/IP based SMTP mailers. It has the capability of
transferring print files from Novell print queues to TCP/IP LPD
print servers, and accepts TCP/IP LPR jobs for queueing on Novell
print queues. Charon can synchronize the server time on your
Novell Servers with each other, and to a Unix host running
RDate. Up to eight Novell Servers can be supported by each
Charon gateway.
11.11. IInnssttaallllaattiioonn RReeqquuiirreemmeennttss
You will need the following to install and run Charon
* An IBM PC/XT/AT or compatible with at least 640K of memory.
This machine must be dedicated to the task of running Charon
* A network interface card and Netware shells for the above
gateway machine.
* An Ethernet card and its corresponding Packet Driver (see
Appendix for a list of Ethernet cards which have Packet
1.1. Charon Version 3.1 Supervisor's Guide Page: 3
* An on-site central SMTP mailer capable of forwarding
messages to 'The Internet'.
* An on-site Domain Name Server (or /etc/hosts.txt files).
* An understanding of Novell Print Queues, and how to use
2. Charon Version 3.1 Supervisor's Guide Page: 4
CChhaapptteerr 22. IInnssttaallllaattiioonn
This section of the manual will give you detailed instructions on
how to install Charon
IInnssttaallllaattiioonn OOvveerrvviieeww
a. Prepare your Novell Servers
b. Generate Domain Name information
c. Configure your central SMTP mailer
d. Configure Charon
e. Prepare a boot disk
22.11. PPrreeppaarree YYoouurr NNoovveellll SSeerrvveerrss
Novell Server preparation involves several steps, most of which
can be accomplished using the PConsole and Syscon Novell
utilities. You will have to log in as Supervisor in order to
perform the installation process.
PPrreeppaarraattiioonn OOvveerrvviieeww
a. Create a Print Server account.
b. Create a Print Server group.
c. Add the Print Server account to the Print
Server group.
d. Create Queues for incoming and outgoing
e. Grant the Print Server account access to the
mail queues.
f. Grant the Print Server group access to the
SYS:MAIL directories.
g. Choose a 'Master' Novell Server.
h. Optionally create a log file and list file
2.1. Charon Version 3.1 Supervisor's Guide Page: 5
directory on the Master Server.
A Print Server Group is created to facilitate the maintenance of
access permissions on the Novell Server. Most of the Novell
maintenance utilities only work with groups and users. But
because Charon runs as a Print Server, a method is required to
grant the Print Server account access to various directories as
if that account were a regular user account. This is accomplished
by making the Print Server account security equivalent to the
Print Server Group, and then manipulating the Print Server Group
using the various Novell utilities. Although you will create a
Print Server called 'Charon', and a User Group called 'Charon',
Novell sees these as two separate bindery objects.
Each Charon gateway can service up to eight Novell Servers. Each
collection of Novell Servers, serviced by a single gateway, will
hereafter be referred to as a Cluster. If you have more than
eight Novell Servers, you will require more than one Charon
gateway. You may wish to group your Novell Servers by function,
by geography or by adjacency to each other.
Carry out the following steps on each Novell Server that will be
serviced by the Charon gateway. Check off the steps as you go.
[ ] UUssee PPCCOONNSSOOLLEE ttoo CCrreeaattee aa PPrriinntt SSeerrvveerr AAccccoouunntt
a. Select PPrriinntt SSeerrvveerr IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn from the Main menu
of PConsole.
b. Press <<IINNSSEERRTT>> to add a Print Server name to the
list of existing Print Servers.
c. Enter the name CCHHAARROONN
d. Exit PPCCOONNSSOOLLEE by pressing <<AALLTT--FF1100>>.
[ ] UUssee SSYYSSCCOONN ttoo CCrreeaattee aa PPrriinntt SSeerrvveerr GGrroouupp
a. Select GGrroouupp IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn from the Main menu of
b. Press <<IINNSSEERRTT>> to add a group to the list of
existing groups.
c. Enter the name CCHHAARROONN.
d. Exit SSyyssccoonn by pressing <<AALLTT--FF1100>>.
[ ] UUssee AADDDDQQGGRRPP ttoo aadddd tthhee PPrriinntt SSeerrvveerr AAccccoouunntt ttoo tthhee
The ADDQGRP program is provided with the Charon
2.1. Charon Version 3.1 Supervisor's Guide Page: 6
package. Type the following command to add the Print
Server Account to the Print Server Group.
Notice! If you subsequently run bindfix on this Novell
Server, you will have to perform this step again to
re-add the print server account to the Charon group.
[ ] UUssee PPCCOONNSSOOLLEE ttoo ccrreeaattee QQuueeuueess ffoorr IInnccoommiinngg aanndd OOuuttggooiinngg
a. Select PPrriinntt QQuueeuuee IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn from the Main
b. Press <<IINNSSEERRTT>> to create a Print Queue.
c. Enter the name MMAAIILLQQUUEEUUEE..
[ ] GGrraanntt CChhaarroonn AAcccceessss ttoo tthhee MMaaiillQQuueeuuee
a. Select MMAAIILLQQUUEEUUEE from the list of available Print
b. Select QQuueeuuee OOppeerraattoorrss
c. Press <<IINNSSEERRTT>> to add a Print Queue Operator to
the Queue.
d. Enter the name CChhaarroonn
This enters the Group Charon as a Print Queue
Operator for this Queue.
e. Return to the PPrriinntt QQuueeuuee IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn screen by
pressing <<EESSCCAAPPEE>>
f. Select QQuueeuuee SSeerrvveerrss.
g. Press <<IINNSSEERRTT>> to add a Print Server to the
h. Enter the name CChhaarroonn
This enters the Print Server Account Charon as a
Print Server for this Queue.
i. Return to the PPrriinntt QQuueeuuee IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn screen by
pressing <<EESSCCAAPPEE>>.
j. Select QQuueeuuee UUsseerrss.
k. Press <<IINNSSEERRTT>> to add an account as a Print Queue
2.1. Charon Version 3.1 Supervisor's Guide Page: 7
l. Enter the name CChhaarroonn
This enters the Print Server Group Charon as a
User of this Queue.
m. Modify the existing list of Queue Users as
The default Queue Users list includes the group
EEVVEERRYYOONNEE. If you do not want Everyone to have
access to the SMTP gateway, remove this group from
the list and enter a different group that
corresponds to those users who you will grant SMTP
access to.
If you will be using the Charon gateway for all
electronic mail transmission (Pmail's UUssee GGaatteewwaayy
AAllwwaayyss option), you should enter whatever groups
you desire to have any electronic mail access, not
just SMTP mail access.
n. Exit PPCCOONNSSOOLLEE by pressing <<AALLTT--FF1100>>
[ ] GGrraanntt tthhee PPrriinntt SSeerrvveerr GGrroouupp AAcccceessss ttoo SSYYSS:MMAAIILL
The Charon gateway requires Create and Write access to
the SYS:MAIL directory on your Novell Server. Without
this access, the gateway will be unable to deliver mail
to user mail accounts.
a. For NW386 servers, issue the following DOS
b. For 2.15 servers, issue the following DOS
[ ] CChhoooossee aa MMaasstteerr NNoovveellll SSeerrvveerr
Each Charon gateway requires one Novell Server to act
as a 'Master' server. The Master server is used as the
repository for mailing lists, log files and incoming
SMTP mail messages.
If your gateway will be servicing more than one Novell
server, you should select one of the servers as your
Master. Choose the Novell server which is logically the
'closest' to your Charon gateway, and the most capable
2.1. Charon Version 3.1 Supervisor's Guide Page: 8
in terms of disk space and performance.
If your gateway is servicing only one Novell server,
your choice is easy.
If you will be running more than one Charon Gateway,
you will have more than one Master Novell Server: carry
out the following tasks on each of those Master Novell
[ ] UUssee PPCCOONNSSOOLLEE ttoo ccrreeaattee aa WWoorrkkqquueeuuee oonn eeaacchh MMaasstteerr
NNoovveellll SSeerrvveerr
a. Select PPrriinntt QQuueeuuee IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn from the Main
b. Press <<IINNSSEERRTT>> to create a Print Queue.
c. Enter the name WWOORRKKQQUUEEUUEE..
[ ] GGrraanntt CChhaarroonn AAcccceessss ttoo tthhee WWoorrkkQQuueeuuee
a. Select WWOORRKKQQUUEEUUEE from the list of available Print
b. Select QQuueeuuee OOppeerraattoorrss
c. Press <<IINNSSEERRTT>> to add a Print Queue Operator to
the Queue.
d. Enter the name CChhaarroonn
This enters the Group Charon as a Print Queue
Operator for this Queue.
e. Return to the PPrriinntt QQuueeuuee IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn screen by
pressing <<EESSCCAAPPEE>>
f. Select QQuueeuuee SSeerrvveerrss.
g. Press <<IINNSSEERRTT>> to add a Print Server to the
h. Enter the name CChhaarroonn
This enters the Print Server Account Charon as a
Print Server for this Queue.
i. Return to the PPrriinntt QQuueeuuee IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn screen by
pressing <<EESSCCAAPPEE>>.
j. Select QQuueeuuee UUsseerrss.
k. Press <<IINNSSEERRTT>> to add an account as a Print Queue
2.1. Charon Version 3.1 Supervisor's Guide Page: 9
l. Enter the name CChhaarroonn
This enters the Print Server Group Charon as a
User of this Queue.
m. Remove the group EEVVEERRYYOONNEE from the list of Queue
Users by scrolling to the group EVERYONE and
pressing <<DDEELLEETTEE>>
[ ] CCrreeaattee aa LLiisstt FFiillee DDiirreeccttoorryy oonn yyoouurr MMaasstteerr NNoovveellll
Create a directory on your Master Novell server.
In this directory you will place membership lists for
each system/cluster wide mailing list.
[ ] CCrreeaattee aa LLoogg FFiillee DDiirreeccttoorryy
Each Charon gateway requires one or more directories in
which to place (optional) log files. You may place
these log files on a local disk (local to the gateway
machine) or on any of your Novell Servers (or several
of them).
It is suggested that you create a log file directory on
your Master Novell Server. You will need to grant
Create, Read and Write access to this directory.
22.22. GGeenneerraattee DDoommaaiinn NNaammee IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn
To accomplish this step you will need to have a detailed un-
derstanding of how the Domain Name Service works, and how your
local DNS server is configured.
If you do not have this information, I suggest that you simply
hand over these instructions to your local DNS administrator and
let them worry about it.
2.2. Charon Version 3.1 Supervisor's Guide Page: 10
The objective of this section is to configure your DNS system to
allow off-site SMTP mail to be sent to your central SMTP mailer
first, then to your Charon gateway. Additionally, the following
DNS configuration allows off-site nodes to determine where to
send mail destined for your Novell Servers.
DDNNSS CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn OOvveerrvviieeww
a. Create an Internet address and Name for the
Charon gateway
b. Create an Internet name for each Novell
c. Create an MX entry for each Novell Server
[ ] CCrreeaattee aann IIPP AAddddrreessss ffoorr tthhee CChhaarroonn ggaatteewwaayy
Using the appropriate local procedure, create an in-
ternet address and name for each of your Charon
gateways. Typically you will request an internet name,
and your DNS administrator will return the assigned in-
ternet address to you. Additionally, you will probably
also receive a netmask value and an internet gateway
address. You will use this information later when con-
figuring Charon
I encourage you to be creative when choosing the
gateway internet name. Perhaps something reflecting
the gatewaying/defender/arbiter nature of Charon's
mythological background.
[ ] CCrreeaattee aann IInntteerrnneett nnaammee ffoorr eeaacchh NNoovveellll SSeerrvveerr
Each Novell server requires an internet name. You may
wish to use the Novell server name with the appropriate
local internet sub-domain name added. In any case,
create/obtain an appropriate internet name for each
Novell server. You will use this information throughout
the installation process.
[ ] CCrreeaattee aann MMXX eennttrryy ffoorr eeaacchh NNoovveellll SSeerrvveerr
Each Novell server requires a DNS MX entry to equate
it's name with an internet address. Because the Novell
servers themselves do not have an internet address, you
will use the MX feature of the DNS to equate mail only
access to an internet address. The equated address
should be the internet address of your central mailer.
Optionally you can set it to the internet address of
your Charon gateway. This isn't recommended because
off-site TCP/IP traffic will probably fair better going
to a large processor (your central SMTP mailer), rather
than to a small PC with limited capacity.
2.2. Charon Version 3.1 Supervisor's Guide Page: 11
At our site, we used both internet addresses, with a
preference for our central mailer first, and if that is
not available SMTP mail will be sent to our Charon
gateway as a second choice.
Our central mailer is omnigate.clarkson.edu.
Our Charon gateway is romulus.erc.clarkson.edu.
We have two Novell Servers with the following in-
ternet names:
* darius.adm.clarkson.edu
* draco.erc.clarkson.edu
We entered the following information into our DNS
configuration files.
draco.erc.clarkson.edu IN MX 0 omnigate.clarkson.edu
draco.erc.clarkson.edu IN MX 10 romulus.erc.clarkson.edu
darius.adm.clarkson.edu IN MX 0 omnigate.clarkson.edu
darius.adm.clarkson.edu IN MX 10 romulus.erc.clarkson.edu
22.33. CCoonnffiigguurree yyoouurr CCeennttrraall SSMMTTPP MMaaiilleerr
This portion of the installation process is another one that can
be passed off to a local 'expert'. Unless you are the local
Your central SMTP mailer may need to be configured to pass off
mail destined for your Novell Servers to your Charon gateway.
If you used the DNS configuration sample given above, you may not
need to do anything to your central mailer's configuration.
However, at our location we had to configure our central SMTP
mailer (running MMDF) as follows. (Your mileage will vary).
In our domain table, we added the following:
draco.erc.clarkson.edu: draco.erc.clarkson.edu romulus.erc.clarkson.edu
darius.adm.clarkson.edu: darius.adm.clarkson.edu romulus.erc.clarkson.edu
This causes MMDF to rewrite mail destined for
user@draco.erc.clarkson.edu into the form
@romulus.erc.clarkson.edu:user@draco.erc.clarkson.edu and then
deliver it to our Charon gateway, Romulus.1
2.3. Charon Version 3.1 Supervisor's Guide Page: 12
22.44. CCoonnffiigguurree CChhaarroonn
Charon uses two configuration files during its operation.
gives Charon information about the networking environment,
including Charon's internet address (IP address), network
mask, subnet information and remote host address in-
gives Charon information about the Novell Servers that will
be accessed, the names of the associated queues, mailing
lists and other management information.
Both of these configuration files are completely read and
processed before Charon 'logs in' to the specified Novell Servers
as a Print Server. The advantage to this technique is that the
configuration files can be stored on a Novell Server and
initially accessed by a Novell User account. The disadvantage to
this technique is that some of the contents of both files are
stored in memory during the operation of the program.
Fortunately neither file is particularly large.
Keep in mind that any change to either data file requires a
subsequent restart of the gateway before that change will take
22.44.11. CCrreeaattee tthhee ccoonnffiigg.tteell ffiillee.
The Charon distribution includes a sample ccoonnffiigg.tteell that will
assist you in creating your own configuration file. You should
simply edit the supplied file and replace the appropriate values
with those specific to your site. The sample file contains
several sections, each section represents different network
related information required by the gateway. You should be able
to obtain the required information from your site's TCP/IP
network administrator.
Use a text editor to alter the supplied ccoonnffiigg.tteell file according
to the following specifications.
[ ] EEnntteerr tthhee GGaatteewwaayy NNeettwwoorrkk IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn
* In section 2.2, you obtained an IP address for
1Yes, we also have a node called Remus. That node is our Novell
Access Server with a Telnet/Rlogin driver. No need for a milking
machine at our site.
2.4.1 Charon Version 3.1 Supervisor's Guide Page: 13
your Charon gateway machine. Enter this IP address
in the mmyyiipp variable section of the file.
* Enter the netmask appropriate for the IP subnet
that your Charon gateway will be using in the
nneettmmaasskk variable section of the file.
Example: A subnet that uses 6 bits of subnetting
would have a subnet mask of 225555.225555.225522.00
[ ] EEnntteerr tthhee GGaatteewwaayy HHaarrddwwaarree IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn
* If you are using a packet driver for network
communication, set the hhaarrddwwaarree variable to
Otherwise select the appropriate interface card
from the list presented in the file.
* If you are not using a packet driver for the
hardware interface, set the following variables to
match your current ethernet hardware settings:
iinntteerrrruupptt, aaddddrreessss, iiooaaddddrr.
[ ] EEnntteerr tthhee DDoommaaiinn NNaammee RReessoolluuttiioonn IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn
There is only one variable that should be set in this
section of the configuration file. You should set the
ddoommaaiinnsslliisstt variable to contain your sites domain
Example: My gateway is RRoommuulluuss.eerrcc.ccllaarrkkssoonn.eedduu my
site's domain name is ccllaarrkkssoonn.eedduu. I set the
domainslist variable to
[ ] EEnntteerr tthhee MMaaiilleerr AAggeenntt IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn
In section 2.3 you configured your central SMTP mailer
to pass mail files to the Charon gateway. This section
of the configuration file contains information about
your central SMTP mailer (referred to as an 'agent').
* Enter the 'short name' of your agent in the nnaammee
variable of this section.
* Enter the 'long name' of your agent in the hhoosstt
2.4.1 Charon Version 3.1 Supervisor's Guide Page: 14
variable of this section.
* Enter the IP Address of your agent in the hhoossttiipp
variable of this section.
[ ] EEnntteerr tthhee DDoommaaiinn NNaammee SSeerrvveerr IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn
You should enter the IP address of at least two Domain
Name Servers. In the sample configuration file in-
cluded with the Charon package, the mailer agent
happens to be the primary domain name server for our
site. You do NOT have to make the primary name server
and the mailer agent be the same host.
You should enter the 'short name', 'long name' and the
IP address of your primary and secondary domain name
server in the appropriate variables of this section of
the file.
[ ] EEnntteerr tthhee IIPP GGaatteewwaayy IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn
In this section of the file, you should enter the
'short name', 'long name' and IP address of the IP
gateway for the subnet that the Charon gateway machine
will be using.
[ ] EEnntteerr OOtthheerr HHoosstt IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn
In this section you may enter additional host
information as desired.
It is recommended that you include an entry for the
gateway machine itself.
22.44.22. CCrreeaattee tthhee CChhaarroonn.DDaatt ffiillee
The Charon package includes a sample Charon.dat file which con-
tains all possible options that can be specified. I recommend
that you create a new Charon.dat file using a text editor of your
choice. Use the sample charon.dat file as a reference only.
The Charon.dat file syntax follows a free form treelike
hierarchy. Specifically that means that:
a. Commands are not case sensitive
b. Commands are not positionally dependant
c. Some commands produce lists internally, and therefore may be
2.4.2 Charon Version 3.1 Supervisor's Guide Page: 15
d. Only the sequence in which commands are encountered is im-
e. Quoted strings are handled specially
The sample Charon.dat file includes comments next to each command
explaining its purpose, the arguments it takes, and the
sequencing that is required.
For the most part, the sample file represents command levels with
In the previous example, the ppoollll command has one argument, the
poll time in seconds. This command is only valid after a
mmaaiillqquueeuuee command, which in turn is only valid after a sseerrvveerr
command. The indentation is not required, and serves only as a
reminder that the command structure is a treelike structure with
Any text following a ';' on a single line represents a comment
and is ignored. Quoted text may contain special escape sequences
which can be used to insert control characters into the
charon.dat file.
Arguments do not need to be quoted unless they contain spaces,
even though the sample charon.dat file quotes many arguments to
make them more noticeable.
The following Conventions will be used in this section to
describe the format of the charon.dat file:
a. Command arguments will be outlined with the '"' symbol.
Example: "Argument"
b. Commands which may be repeated will be followed by the
symbol (11++). Do not include the (1+) in your charon.dat
c. Commands which are not required will be followed by the
symbol (oopptt).
2.4.3 Charon Version 3.1 Supervisor's Guide Page: 16
22.44.33. TToopp LLeevveell CCoommmmaannddss
The following are 'top level' commands. They are listed in the
sequence in which they should appear in the Charon.dat file. Each
command has zero or more sub commands which are described later
in this chapter. Frequently, information entered for a given
command will be referenced in following commands. Pay special
attention to file names, queue names, etc to ensure that the
spelling is consistent through the configuration file.
a. MMYYNNAAMMEE "gateway internet name"
This required command specifies the internet name of the
gateway. In section 2.2A you obtained an internet name for
the Charon gateway. Insert that name here.
b. SSCCRREEEENNSSAAVVEE "screensaver delay time" (opt)
This optional parameter specifies the delay time in seconds
before the screen saver activates. The default delay time is
300 seconds (5 minutes). If you do not want the screen
saver to activate, enter a value of 0. When the screen
saver is activated, the screen is cleared and a crawling
worm appears. The screen is restored when any key is
This optional command enables the Remote Console facility
within Charon (See Chapter NN.XX). If you do not include
this command, the remote console facility will not be
d. SSEERRVVEERR "Novell Server Name" (1+)
This required command specifies the name of a Novell server
that should be serviced by the Charon gateway. This command
has several sub commands that specify login userid,
password, etc. Specify this command once for each server
that requires service by this gateway. See section 2.4.4 for
server sub-command configuration information.
This required command demarks the beginning of the mailer
section of the configuration file. See section 2.4.5 for
mailer sub-command configuration information.
This optional command demarks the beginning of the timesync
section of the configuration file. If you do not wish to
2.4.3 Charon Version 3.1 Supervisor's Guide Page: 17
timesync your Novell file servers, you need not include this
command (nor its corresponding sub-commands). See section
2.4.6 for timesync sub-command configuration information.
This required command demarks the beginning of the aliases
section of the configuration file. At least one alias
(postmaster) must be defined for Charon to operate
correctly. See section 2.4.7 for aliases sub-command con-
figuration information.
This optional command demarks the beginning of the logfiles
section of the configuration file. If you do not wish to
create log files, you need not enter this command (nor its
corresponding subcommands) in the configuration file. See
section 2.4.8 for logfiles sub-command configuration in-
i. LLOOGG (opt)
This optional command demarks the beginning of the log
section of the configuration file. If you do not wish to
write log entries, you need not enter this command (nor its
corresponding subcommands) in the configuration file. See
section 2.4.9 for log sub-command configuration in-
formation. If you do include this command, you MUST also
include the LOGFILES command.
22.44.44. SSeerrvveerr SSuubbccoommmmaannddss
This section outlines the commands which may be used following a
server command. You should repeat the server command for each
server that will be serviced by Charon. After each occurrence of
the server command, enter the server subcommands that correspond
to the previously entered server.
a. UUSSEERRIIDD "Print Server Userid"
This command specifies the userid that will be used by
Charon when it logs into the specified Novell server. If you
followed the installation instructions outlined in section
2.1, you should enter the name "charon".
Keep in mind that this userid is a Print Server name, and is
created using PConsole. You may also have a regular user
account by this name (created by Syscon), or a user group of
the same name (also created by Syscon). They are all
distinct bindery objects!
2.4.4 Charon Version 3.1 Supervisor's Guide Page: 18
b. PPAASSSSWWOORRDD "Print Server Password"
This command specifies the password that should be used to
log in as the specified user on the specified Novell server.
This will typically be the null password (empty quotes "").
Charon version 3.1 is unable to log into NW386 file servers
unless the server console command
sseett uunnaallllooww eennccrryypptteedd ppaasssswwoorrddss == oonn
has been entered on the NW386 server. This is expected to
change very soon. (As soon as I get the appropriate
encryption code from Novell).
The password for the print server is set using PConsole.
This required command specifies the name of the mail queue
on the indicated file server. If you followed the in-
structions outlined in section 2.1, you should enter the
name "mailqueue".
This queue is used by Pmail (and other mailers) to deliver
outgoing messages to Charon You may use the PConsole utility
to control which users have access to the gateway. You must
grant Charon full access to this queue (see section 2.1).
This command has one subcommand.
i. PPOOLLLL "Queue Poll Time" (opt)
This optional Mailqueue subcommand specifies the poll
frequency in seconds. The default is 10 seconds.
22.44.55. MMaaiilleerr SSuubbccoommmmaannddss
This section outlines the mailer subcommands which control how
mail is handled by Charon. Some of these commands are optional.
Some of the commands accept more than one argument.
a. AAGGEENNTT "mailer agent name"
This required command specifies the name of your central
SMTP mailer. In section 2.4.1 you entered the short and long
name of your central SMTP mailer in the CONFIG.TEL file. You
should enter the short name of your SMTP mailer here. Be
sure that the spelling is exactly the same.
Charon will initiate SMTP connections to this host to
deliver all outgoing SMTP mail.
b. LLIISSTTSS "Master Server Name" "Directory Path" (opt)
This optional parameter specifies where mailing list
2.4.5 Charon Version 3.1 Supervisor's Guide Page: 19
information can be found. If you will not be using Charon to
expand any local mailing lists, you need not specify this
The "MMaasstteerr SSeerrvveerr NNaammee" argument specifies the name of the
Novell server where the mailing lists are stored. This name
must match one of the values specified after a server
The "DDiirreeccttoorryy PPaatthh" argument specifies the directory on the
server where the lists are stored. You should not include a
trailing '\' in the path statement. Any '\' that is entered
should be escaped with a leading '\' because the '\'
character has a special meaning in the configuration file.
You may store your lists on a local hard disk (within the
gateway machine), simply specify a path that references the
disk drive letter (eg: C:).
c. SSMMTTPPOOUUTT "Master Server Name" "Work Queue Name" "Poll
Frequency" (opt)
This optional parameter specifies the queue location where
Charon should enqueue outgoing SMTP messages. If you do not
specify this command, the server and queue specified in the
SMTPIN command is used. You are encouraged to make use of a
separate outgoing queue to make Charon's job easier.
Additionally, using this command you may specify a longer
poll frequency for the queue, allowing outgoing SMTP
messages to be batched up and transmitted to the SMTP agent
in a single TCP session.
The "MMaasstteerr SSeerrvveerr NNaammee" argument specifies the name of the
server where the outgoing messages should be queued.
The "WWoorrkk QQuueeuuee NNaammee" argument specifies the name of the
outgoing queue on the master server. If you followed the in-
stallation instructions outlined in section 2.1, you should
enter the name "workqueue".
The "PPoollll FFrreeqquueennccyy" argument specifies the poll frequency
in seconds for this queue. There is no default value, you
must specify one.
d. SSMMTTPPIINN "Master Server Name" "Mail Queue Name"
This required command specifies the location where incoming
SMTP messages should be queued.
The "MMaasstteerr SSeerrvveerr NNaammee" is the name of your master Novell
The "MMaaiill QQuueeuuee NNaammee" is the name of the mail queue on your
master Novell server. If you followed the installation in-
2.4.5 Charon Version 3.1 Supervisor's Guide Page: 20
structions outlined in section 2.1, you should enter the
name "mailqueue".
This optional command specifies the number of addressees of
a mailing list which should be processed per 'cycle'. This
command allows you to tailor the loading characteristics of
Charon with respect to mailing list expansion.
The "CCyyccllee CCoouunntt" argument specifies the number of
addressees which should be processed in a single 'cycle'.
The default is 5. Mail lists with addressees primarily 'off
Novell' represent very little load on Charon, and therefore
the cycle count could be quite large without severely
impacting the operation of the gateway. Local mailing
lists, on the other hand, which have a large number of
Novell recipients, do represent a noticeable load (no more
so than regular mail delivery).
This command works in conjunction with the LISTDELAY
command. You must be careful when determining the
appropriate values to use for each command.
For example, a mailing list with 100 addressees could take
up to four minutes to process if the cycle count is set to 1
and the listdelay is set to 1. A more reasonable value
would be a cycle count of 10 or 20 and a listdelay of 1.
f. LLIISSTTDDEELLAAYY "List Delay Time" (opt)
This optional command specifies the number of seconds which
Charon should suspend processing of a mailing list between
The "LLiisstt DDeellaayy TTiimmee" argument specifies the delay time in
seconds. The default is 1 second.
While Charon delays processing a list, no other mail
messages are handled. Therefore this argument should be
kept small.
NNoottee: BBootthh LLiissttCCyycclleess aanndd LLiissttDDeellaayy ccoommmmaannddss mmaayy bbee
eelliimmiinnaatteedd iinn ffuuttuurree vveerrssiioonnss iinn ffaavvoorr ooff aa mmoorree ddyynnaammiicc
llooaadd bbaallaanncciinngg sscchheemmee.
This optional command instructs Charon to open an SMTP
debugging window which may be used to check the progress of
SMTP transmissions through the Charon gateway. The default
is to NOT open such a window.
2.4.5 Charon Version 3.1 Supervisor's Guide Page: 21
I suggest that you do include this command in your
configuration file, and verify the operation of the gateway
for the first few days. Afterwards you may remove this
command, thereby freeing up memory for other uses.
This optional command specifies the maximum number of SMTPDs
that may be operating at any given time. At least one SMTPD
must be operating at all times. An SMTPD process is used to
receive incoming SMTP mail via TCP/IP. Normally when one in-
coming SMTP connection is established, a new SMTPD will be
created to receive additional messages (if any). However, it
is possible to run out of memory if too many SMTPDs are
The "NNuummbbeerr ooff SSMMTTPPDDSS" argument specifies the maximum number
of SMTPDs that may be operating at any given time. The
default is 1. I recommend that you keep this value less
than 4.
This optional command inhibits Charon from sending broadcast
messages to users when they receive new mail. If you are
using Pmail, you may use the PConfig program to inhibit
broadcast messages on a user by user basis instead of
turning it off for all users.
j. RREETTUURRNNLLIINNEESS "Number of Lines to Return" (opt)
This optional command specifies the number of lines of a
rejected message that should be returned to the sender (or
the postmaster) when Charon is unable to deliver a message.
The "NNuummbbeerr ooff LLiinneess ttoo RReettuurrnn" argument is the number of
lines to return (integer). The default is 10. If you want
all of the original message to be returned, specify a value
of 0.
k. RREETTUURRNNTTOO "Return Rejected Mail To" (opt)
The "RReettuurrnn RReejjeecctteedd MMaaiill TToo" argument specifies the
recipient of rejected mail. It must be one of the following
* sseennddeerr
* ppoossttmmaasstteerr
* bbootthh
2.4.5 Charon Version 3.1 Supervisor's Guide Page: 22
The default value is sseennddeerr.
If you specify ppoossttmmaasstteerr the rejected message will be sent
only to the postmaster, and not to the sender of the mail
l. TTIIMMEEOOUUTT "Timeout Duration" (opt)
This optional command specifies how long Charon should
attempt to deliver or receive a message via SMTP before con-
sidering the connection invalid and aborting the transfer.
The "TTiimmeeoouutt DDuurraattiioonn" argument is the maximum duration of
an SMTP transfer (per message) in seconds. The default is
600 seconds (10 minutes).
Note that batched outgoing SMTP messages (or incoming
messages) reset the timeout counter for each message, not
for the total duration of the SMTP session. Therefore it is
possible to have an SMTP session last longer than the
timeout duration, so long as the session is actively
transmitting messages.
22.44.66. TTiimmeeSSyynncc CCoommmmaannddss
This section describes the configuration commands that relate to
the timesync feature of Charon. Charon has the capability of
synchronizing the server time on attached Novell servers. The
source of the 'official' time may be either another Novell server
or a remote Unix system (or other system) that supports the RDate
In a typical mixed TCP/IP Novell environment, one or more Unix
systems will be synchronized to universal coordinated time (UTC)
via the Network Time Protocol (NTP). Any one of these Unix
systems may in turn become the time source for Charon via the
RDate protocol.
Charon must be a file server console operator to be able to set
the time on your file servers. If you followed the installation
instructions outlined in section 2.1, use SSyyssccoonn to add the Group
CChhaarroonn as a file server console operator on each of your Novell
Servers. (Supervisor Options/File Server Console Operators).
If you do not want Charon to synchronize the time on your Novell
file servers, skip this section.
The following commands are allowed under the timesync section of
the configuration file.
2.4.6 Charon Version 3.1 Supervisor's Guide Page: 23
a. MMAASSTTEERR "Master Time Server Name"
This required command designates the name of the master time
The "MMaasstteerr TTiimmee SSeerrvveerr NNaammee" designates the name of either
a Novell server (specified in the Server section), or a Unix
system (specified in the config.tel file). If you specify a
Unix system, the RDATE protocol will be used to obtain the
current time from the master time server. Additionally, when
using a Unix system as the master time server, enter the
short name of the Unix system for this command. Be sure to
include the short and long name of the Unix system along
with its Internet Address in the config.tel file under the
'Other Hosts' Section.
b. SSLLAAVVEE "Slave Novell Server Name" (1+)
This required command specifies the name(s) of your slave
Novell Servers.
The "SSllaavvee NNoovveellll SSeerrvveerr NNaammee" argument specifies the name
of the slave server (previously specified in the Server
section) which will be synchronized to the master time
A slave may NOT also be a master. Repeat this command for
each Novell server which should be synchronized.
c. PPOOLLLL "Synchronization Poll Frequency" (opt)
This optional command specifies the frequency with which
Charon should attempt to synchronize the slave Novell
The "SSyynncchhrroonniizzaattiioonn PPoollll FFrreeqquueennccyy" specifies the frequency
in seconds. The default is 43200 seconds (12 hours).
You should avoid making this value too small.
22.44.77. AAlliiaass CCoommmmaannddss
This section describes the commands that may be used in the alias
section of the configuration file.
There are three types of alias subcommands that may be used:
* nnooddee
* uusseerr
2.4.7 Charon Version 3.1 Supervisor's Guide Page: 24
* lliisstt
a. NNOODDEE "Novell Server Internet Name" "Novell Server
Name" (1+)
This required command equates a Novell server name with its
Internet Name. You must specify this alias once for each
Novell server defined in the servers section.
The "NNoovveellll SSeerrvveerr IInntteerrnneett NNaammee" argument specifies the
Internet Name of the Novell server. In section 2.2 of this
manual you obtained an Internet Name for each of your Novell
servers. You should enter the fully qualified Internet Name
as the first argument of this command.
The "NNoovveellll SSeerrvveerr NNaammee" argument specifies the Novell
server name (as entered in the Servers section) that
corresponds to the specified Internet Name.
There must be a one-to-one mapping of Internet Names and
Novell server names.
b. UUSSEERR "username" "user@node" (1+)
c. UUSSEERR "username@Server" "user@node" (1+)
This command has two forms as shown above. The first form
takes a simple username and equates it to a specified user
at a given node. The second form takes a username at a given
Novell server, and equates it to a specified user at a
second node.
The "UUsseerrnnaammee" or "UUsseerrnnaammee@@SSeerrvveerr" argument specifies the
name that should be aliased.
The "uusseerr@@nnooddee" argument specifies the result of the alias.
A result must include both the user name and the node name.
Charon resolves aliases from the specific to the general.
That means that if a user name is aliased twice, once as
"fred", and once as "fred@draco", the second form will be
You must enter at least one alias for "postmaster". You may,
if you so desire, create an alias for postmaster at each
node, possibly all being sent to the same user, or to the
supervisors at each node. Your choice.
d. LLIISSTT "ListName" "List File" (opt) (1+)
e. LLIISSTT "ListName@Server" "List File" (opt) (1+)
This optional command specifies a mailing list alias.
2.4.7 Charon Version 3.1 Supervisor's Guide Page: 25
The "LLiissttNNaammee" or "LLiissttNNaammee@@SSeerrvveerr" argument specifies the
name of the mailing list, optionally at the specified Novell
The "LLiisstt FFiillee" argument specifies the name of the list
file. This file must be stored in the LISTS directory
specified in the Mailer section of the configuration file
(see section 2.4.5).
The format of a list file is quite simple. One address per
line is allowed. Both Charon and PMail can share the same
list file.
Future versions of Charon are expected to have a much more
advanced list processing capability, akin to a Bitnet
When a user alias and a list alias have the same name, the
user alias has precedence.
22.44.88. LLooggffiilleess SSuubbccoommmmaannddss
This section outlines the subcommands available under the
Logfiles section of the configuration file. If you will not be
logging any information, you may skip this section and the log
Logfiles are used to record information about message transfers,
errors encountered, warnings etc. Internally, Charon as several
'processes' which actually carry out the work of handling mail
and file transfer. Each process can record information about its
work in a log file. The logfiles concept allows for a lot of
flexibility. For example, you could have all processes write to
the same physical log file. You could have each process write to
a different physical log file. You could even have the same
process write different information to several log files.
To accomplish this, Charon breaks down the logfile information
into two parts:
* llooggffiilleess Where information should be stored
* lloogg what information should be stored
This section describes logfiles, where log information will be
a. FFIILLEE "Internal LogFile Name"
This required command specifies the internal name of a log
2.4.8 Charon Version 3.1 Supervisor's Guide Page: 26
The "IInntteerrnnaall LLooggFFiillee NNaammee" argument is used to demark the
beginning of a log file specification. This name is used in
the log section to refer to 'this' log file.
This command actually begins a new level of subcommands.
Therefore it must be specified before any of the following
commands in the logfiles section.
b. SSEERRVVEERR "Novell Server Name" (opt)
This optional subcommand specifies the name of the Master
Novell server where this log file is to be stored. If you
want your logfile stored on a local disk, do not specify the
SERVER command. If you do specify this command, the logfile
is opened in a deferred mode. This means that it is not
actually opened until Charon is logged in and a process
sends log information to the file.
The "NNoovveellll SSeerrvveerr NNaammee" is the name of the Novell server
(specified in the Servers section) which will contain the
log file.
c. NNAAMMEE "Physical File Name"
This required command specifies the physical name of the log
file. If you did not specify a SERVER (you intend to store
the log on a local disk), be sure to include the drive
letter of the disk.
Charon requires full read and write access to this file. If
you are storing your log files on a Novell server, you may
set up the file flags to enable viewing of the log files
while Charon is in operation.
i. Create an empty file that matches the Physical File
ii. Use FLAG to mark it S R W (sharable Read Write)
iii. Use Grant (as required) to enable Charon to write to
the file. You may optionally use a common
sub-directory to store all the log files. Then grant
Charon access to this sub-directory.
d. MMAAXXSSIIZZEE "Maximum Log File Size" (opt)
This optional command specifies the maximum log file size in
bytes. If this command is not specified, the log file will
grow until disk space is exhausted.
This optional command specifies that Charon should recycle
2.4.8 Charon Version 3.1 Supervisor's Guide Page: 27
the log file to the beginning when the maximum size has been
reached. If MAXSIZE is specified, and RECYCLE has not been
specified, then the log file is simply truncated when the
maximum size is reached. Otherwise when Charon reaches the
maximum size it begins writing log information at the
beginning of the file, overwriting previous information.
f. SSEEPPAARRAATTOORR "Separator data" (opt)
This optional command specifies the separator string that
should be written between log file data items. (see the log
section for more information about data items). The default
is a single space character. This string may contain any
characters, including "\n" (newline). Experimentation will
enable you to determine how best to store log information.
For example, if you will want to incorporate log information
into a spreadsheet, you could set the separator to ",",
which would produce a comma-separated list of data items
which could easily be handled by a spreadsheet program.
This optional command causes Charon to include the data tag
name before each data item. The default is to NOT include
the data tag name. See the Log section for a listing of data
tag names.
h. CCOOLLUUMMNNSS "Column Width" (opt)
This optional command causes output log data to be right
justified in columns of the specified width.
The "CCoolluummnn WWiiddtthh" argument specifies the width of the
column in characters. There is no default value.
Log data values wider than the specified width are
22.44.99. LLoogg SSuubbccoommmmaannddss
This section outlines the subcommands available under the Log
section of the configuration file. If you will not be logging any
information, you may skip this section and the Logfiles section.
In this section of the configuration file you will bind a process
name to a log file name, and specify the log data items that you
want recorded to the log file.
In this version of Charon, there are four processes that may be
2.4.9 Charon Version 3.1 Supervisor's Guide Page: 28
PPrroocceessss NNaammeess
a. ssyysstteemm Informational and Warning Messages
b. ssmmttppoouutt Outgoing SMTP Mail
c. ssmmttppiinn Incoming SMTP Mail
d. mmaaiilleerr 'Local' Mail and Lists
It is important to realize that the mailer process handles ALL
mail that is transferred by Charon, including incoming and
outgoing SMTP messages. If you wish to account for incoming and
outgoing SMTP, you should record smtpout and smtpin data in a
file separate from the mailer data. Otherwise you will count SMTP
mail twice.
Each process generates log data items that you may select for
logging purposes. Different processes generate different log data
items, however all processes generate the following log data
* ddaattee The current date
* ttiimmee The current time
* pprroocceessss The name of the process
The 'system' process generates the following additional log data
* iinnffoo Information Messages
* wwaarrnn Warning Messages
The other three mail related processes generate the following ad-
ditional log data items:
* sseennddeerr_nnaammee The sender's username
* sseennddeerr_nnooddee The sender's node name
* ffiilleessiizzee The size of the message in bytes
* ddeessttiinnaattiioonn_nnaammee The recipient's username
* ddeessttiinnaattiioonn_nnooddee The recipient's node name
2.4.9 Charon Version 3.1 Supervisor's Guide Page: 29
* mmeessssaaggee_iidd The internal message id
a. PPRROOCCEESSSS "Process Name" (1+)
This required command specifies the name of a process to be
logged. This name must match one of the names listed
above. You may specify the same process name more than
once, if you want the process data to be logged in different
ways to different files.
The following commands are really subcommands of PROCESS,
and therefore must follow a PROCESS statement.
b. FFIILLEE "Internal Log File Name"
This subcommand binds the process to a logfile.
The "IInntteerrnnaall LLoogg FFiillee NNaammee" argument specifies the name of
the log file to which data should be logged. This is the
same internal log file name that you specified in the file
statement under the logfiles section.
c. IITTEEMM "Log Data Tag Name" (1+)
This subcommand specifies the log data which is to be
recorded in the log file for this process.
The "LLoogg DDaattaa TTaagg NNaammee" must match one of the Log Data Tag
names listed above (date, info, etc). The order in which
you specify the tag values is the order in which the data is
written to the log file.
Experimentation with the (logfiles/file/separator) command,
the (logfiles/file/showtags) command and the
(logfiles/file/columns) command will allow you to determine
the most suitable format for your log files.
The sample charon.dat file uses only two physical log files.
The first log file, called "system", records both
information and warning messages. Normally, warning messages
should be logged to a separate file from information
messages to ensure that they stand out more. This could be
easily accomplished by adding another (log/process "system")
entry which contains only the date and warn tag names.
The "system" process is a direct copy of the "System
Messages Window" data. Therefore, the text of the warning
and informational messages already contain the current time.
That is why the sample charon.dat file does not include the
"time" tag under the "system" process.
2.5. Charon Version 3.1 Supervisor's Guide Page: 30
22.55. PPrreeppaarree AA BBoooott DDiisskk
The final step in the installation process is the creation of a
suitable boot disk. This is extremely site dependent, so I will
describe the minimum requirements and what we've done here.
When Charon begins operation, it needs to access two files:
* cchhaarroonn.ddaatt
* ccoonnffiigg.tteell
The cchhaarroonn.ddaatt file must be in the 'current directory' when
Charon begins operation. Normally the ccoonnffiigg.tteell file is also in
the current directory. However you may set a DOS environment
variable to point to the location of this file.
DDOOSS SSEETT CCOONNFFIIGGTTEELL=="CC:\\nneett\\ccoonnffiigg.tteell"
You must also set the DOS environment variable, TTZZ to the local
time zone setting. The TZ variable has the following format:
SSEETT TTZZ==ZZZZZZ[++//--]dd[dd][llllll]
Where ZZZZZZ is the three character string that represents the
current time zone, such as 'EST' or 'PST'. [++//--]dd[dd] is a
required field containing an optionally signed number with one or
more digits. This number is the local time zone's different from
GMT in hours. Positive numbers are West of GMT.
[llllll] is an optional three character string that represents the
local time zone daylight saving time (PDT, EDT, etc).
At Clarkson University we use a remote boot Prom to boot many of
our PCs, including our gateway machine. The boot disk image
causes the gateway PC to log in as a user called 'Charon'. The
personal login script of this account maps the first network
drive to the directory which contains the two configuration
files, the program and the log files. It then performs an
eexxiitt "cchhaarroonn"
to begin operation of the gateway.
Your boot disk should work along these lines. You will also have
2.5. Charon Version 3.1 Supervisor's Guide Page: 31
to include appropriate copies of NET, IPX and a packet driver (if
that's how your setup works).
3. Charon Version 3.1 Supervisor's Guide Page: 32
CChhaapptteerr 33. RRuunnnniinngg CChhaarroonn
Begin the operation of Charon by 'booting' a PC using your
previously prepared boot disk. Charon should clear the screen and
begin writing diagnostic information in the System Messages
Window. You may see some rapid screen flashing during the first
few seconds of operation as various windows are opened.
At this point you will see a screen similar to that shown in
figure 1 of Appendix A. You may switch between windows to view
various diagnostic information. The function of each window is
described below.
33.11. OOppeerraattiinngg tthhee CChhaarroonn CCoonnssoollee
Charon has several console windows which present important in-
formation of a diagnostic nature. The windows are arranged in a
circular order. The following keys are recognized:
* <<++>> Show Next Window
* <<-->> Show Previous Window
* <<PPggUUpp>> Page Up
* <<PPggDDoowwnn>> Page Down
* <<LLeeffttAArrrrooww>> Scroll Left
* <<RRiigghhttAArrrrooww>> Scroll Right
* <<HHOOMMEE>> Jump to Top of Window
* <<EENNDD>> Jump to Bottom of Window
* <<EESSCC>> Exit Program
Each window displays a 'scroll indicator' in the upper left
corner of the display. Arrows in the indicator section point to
data off screen that may be viewed by pressing the appropriate
arrow key.
3.1. Charon Version 3.1 Supervisor's Guide Page: 33
Pressing the <ESC> key will cause Charon to exit. Charon will
then switch back to the System Message Window and request that
the operator press <ESC> a second time. This allows the operator
to view closing error messages (if any).
33.22. TThhee SSyysstteemm MMeessssaaggee WWiinnddooww
Appendix A, figure 1 and figure 2 show a typical System Message
Window. This window displays information and warning messages.
All error messages will be reported in this window. You may set
up a log file to record these messages (see section 2.4.9). This
window is approximately 50 lines in size. This allows the
operator to page back to previous messages if desired.
33.33. TThhee SSttrreeaamm SSttaattuuss DDiissppllaayy WWiinnddooww
Appendix A, figure 3 shows a typical Stream Status Display
Window. This window is used to present diagnostic information
about the internal SYS V streams emulation code.
Internally, Charon passes data between processes using Messages
and Data Blocks. There are a fixed number of Data Blocks of
various sizes. The top portion of this window displays
information about the Data Blocks.
Although this information is not required for normal daily
operation, if you experience problems with your gateway an
indication of the number of block allocation refusals could be
useful to the program designer in determining the cause of the
The middle portion of this window displays information about
The bottom portion of this window displays information about
Stream Queues. A symbolic representation of each queue and its
link to other queues is shown on the left side of the window. The
CCoouunntt field indicates the number of Messages enqueued for service
by the queue. The FFllaaggss field indicates if a queue HHas a service
procedure, NNeeds service, if the queue is BBlocked, if the queue
is EEnabled for service, if the queue is FFull, or if the queue is
IInhibited from being enabled for service. Each queue has a high
and low water mark that is used to control the flow of data
through the queue.
3.3. Charon Version 3.1 Supervisor's Guide Page: 34
33.44. TThhee TTaasskk DDiissppllaayy WWiinnddooww
Appendix A, figure 4 shows a typical Task Display Window. Other
than the System Message Window, this window is the most useful.
This window is normally updated once every three seconds.
Charon uses a non-preemptive tasking scheme with round-robin
scheduling. Each task is either runnable, or sleeping. Tasks may
be signaled by receiving data, waking up from an alarm, or by
being killed.
The top line of the window displays the number of tasks, the
free memory that has nneevveerr been allocated for use by the program,
the up time, and the current date and time.
The second line of the window shows the load average (a very
rough estimate of how hard the gateway is working), the amount of
memory that has been allocated to processes (in bytes), the total
Heap memory that has been allocated (including process memory),
and the total heap memory that was once used and is now free for
allocation. The total free memory is the sum of the heap free
memory and the free memory that has never been allocated
(displayed on the top line). This sum is not shown in this
Subsequent lines of this window display information about each
task, one per line. The IIDD field gives the paragraph offset of
the task, and is useful in making a distinction between multiple
instances of the same task. The DDeessccrriippttiioonn field gives the name
of the task. The CCyycclleess field gives the total number of times
that the task has had a chance to run. The UUssaaggee field gives an
approximate percentage of processor time that has been used by
the task. This value is a weighted smoothed sum that is con-
tinually updated. It is meant to give a relative indication of
which tasks are using the most processor time. The SSiizzee field
gives the amount of memory (in paragraphs, which is 16 bytes)
that is being used by the task. The total of all the Sizes is the
process memory displayed on the second line (displayed in bytes).
The SSiiggnnaall field shows the current pending signal (if any) for
the task. The SSttaattee field shows the current state of the task. It
will be either Sleeping or Runnable. Finally, the WWaakkee field
shows the next wakeup time for a sleeping task. If the task is
sleeping but has no wakeup time, it will not wake up until it
receives a signal.
Following is a quick description of each of the tasks.
3.4.1 Charon Version 3.1 Supervisor's Guide Page: 35
33.44.11. TThhee RRCCOONNSSOOLLEE TTaasskk
The RCONSOLE (remote console) task interfaces the window
management code with a telnet session. If Rconsole is not
enabled, an Rconsole task will still be created, but it will be
only a stub function.
When the Rconsole is enabled and activated, this task is
responsible for verifying that the user has access to the remote
console facility. Once verified, the remote users screen is
updated once per second. During a remote console session you will
see the cycles and usage increase for this task. When the remote
console session is inactive, this task will be sleeping.
33.44.22. TThhee NNeettwwoorrkk PPrroocceessssoorr TTaasskk
This task is always running and will never sleep. It is
responsible for ensuring that the underlying TCP/IP connections
are handled properly.
33.44.33. TThhee KKeeyybbooaarrdd HHaannddlleerr TTaasskk
This task accepts keystrokes from the keyboard and from the
remote console. It instructs the window manager to switch
windows, scroll the screens, etc.
This task also runs the screen saver, when it is enabled. This
task will never sleep.
33.44.44. TThhee QQuueeuuee MMaannaaggeerr TTaasskk
This task is the main queue manager task for the entire program.
It is responsible for polling all Novell queues. It also updates
the information displayed in the Queue Manager window. This task
determines when it must next be awoken by examining the poll
times of each queue and scheduling a wakeup of itself at the
appropriate time.
Additionally, various other tasks (mailer, smtp_deliver) will
send wakeup signals to this task when they have completed their
33.44.55. TThhee FFiinnggeerrDD TTaasskk
This task spawns a TCP_DStream task to listen on the finger
daemon TCP port. When it receives a connection it polls the
attached Novell servers and returns the requested finger
information to the TCP connection.
When a TCP connection is opened, the FingerD task will spawn a
3.4.5 Charon Version 3.1 Supervisor's Guide Page: 36
clone of itself. The clone will reopen a listening TCP port to
handle subsequent connections. The original FingerD task will die
when its job is complete.
See section 5. for more information about the FingerD task.
33.44.66. TThhee TTCCPP_DDSSttrreeaamm TTaasskk
This task interfaces the CUTCP TCP/IP libraries to the internal
SYS V streams emulation. Whenever a TCP/IP connection is
listening or open, one of these tasks will exist to handle it.
When a TCP_DStream task is first created, it spawns a TCP Worker
task to assist it. Depending on the type of open, the TCP Worker
may complete its task quickly (outgoing TCP connections) or may
linger waiting for incoming connections (listening connections).
33.44.77. TThhee TTCCPP WWoorrkkeerr TTaasskk
This task assists the TCP_DStream task in handling TCP
connections. For TCP connections opened in listen mode, this task
is awoken by the Network Processor task when a connection is
established. It then signals the TCP_DStream task and dies.
For outgoing TCP connections, this task handles any domain name
resolution, opens the connection to the remote host, then wakes
up the TCP_DStream task and dies.
33.44.88. TThhee SSMMTTPPDD TTaasskk
This task listens on the SMTP TCP port (25). It waits for
incoming SMTP mail messages and processes them accordingly.
This task will sleep until awoken by the TCP_DStream task. When a
new connection is established, the SMTPD task may spawn a clone,
depending on the settings of max_smtpds in the charon
configuration file. (See section 2.4.5).
33.44.99. TThhee SSMMTTPP_DDeelliivveerr TTaasskk
This task delivers mail messages to the SMTP agent. It spawns a
TCP_DStream task to obtain a TCP/IP connection. Only one of these
tasks should ever be running. You will only see this task when
mail is actually being transmitted to the SMTP agent.
33.44.1100. TThhee TTeellnneettDD TTaasskk
This task processes incoming Telnet connections for the Remote
Console by translating the Telnet protocol to a data stream which
3.4.10 Charon Version 3.1 Supervisor's Guide Page: 37
the Remote Console can understand. It spawns a listening
TCP_DStream to listen on the telnet port (23).
This task will only exist if the RConsole feature is enabled.
33.44.1111. TThhee MMaaiilleerr TTaasskk
This task moves mail messages from the mailqueues to user mail
directories or to the outgoing workqueue. It handles mail list
expansion (in version 3.1), and broadcast message deliver. This
task will only exist during the actual delivery of mail.
33.55. TThhee QQuueeuuee MMaannaaggeerr WWiinnddooww
Appendix A, figure 5 shows a typical Queue Manager window.
This window displays information about attached Novell servers
and the queues that are being processed by Charon
The top portion of the window displays information about each
attached server. This information is updated once every five
minutes, or when an incoming FingerD connection is established.
The bottom portion of the window displays information about each
The SSeerrvveerr field displays the name of the attached Novell server.
The QQuueeuuee field displays the name of the associated queue. The
MMooddee field displays the mode of the queue. The queue mode will be
one of:
* IInnccoommiinngg Incoming Print Queue
* OOuuttggooiinngg Outgoing Print Queue
* MMaaiillQQuueeuuee MailQueue or WorkQueue
The DDeesstt HHoosstt field displays the destination host name for
outgoing queues. It is not useful for incoming or mail queues.
The DDeesstt PPrriinntteerr field displays the destination printer name for
outgoing queues. It is not useful for incoming or mail queues.
The IInniitt field displays the number of bytes contained in an
optional initialization string for incoming and outgoing queues.
The RReesseett field displays the number of bytes contained in an
optional reset string for incoming and outgoing queues. The PPoollll
field displays the poll frequency in seconds for outgoing/mail
queues. The NNxxtt PPoollll field displays the next poll time for
outgoing/mail queues. The LLaasstt HHoosstt field displays the host name
3.5. Charon Version 3.1 Supervisor's Guide Page: 38
of the last user of the queue. For mail queues this will display
the host name of the sender. The LLaasstt UUsseerr field displays the
username of the last user of the queue. For mail queues this
will display the user name of the sender. The FFiilleess field
displays the total number of files transferred through the queue.
The BByytteess field displays the total number of bytes transferred
through the queue. When the key mode is not idle, the bytes field
displays the number of bytes remaining to be transferred through
the queue (outgoing) or the number of bytes transferred
(incoming). The AAvvgg SSiizzee field displays the average size of each
file/message transferred through the queue. The EErrrroorrss field
gives a count of the total number of errors experienced by the
queue. The TTrrnnssTTiimmee field displays the total time spent
transferring data through the queue. When the queue is not idle,
this field shows the total time spent transferring the current
file/message. The TThhrrpptt field displays the average throughput in
Kbytes/second of the queue. The SSttaattuuss field displays the current
status of the queue. Values displayed in this field might be:
* OOkk
* TTiimmeeOOuutt The last operation timed out
* HHeelldd The queue is currently held
* EErrrroorr General Error Condition
The LLaasstt FFiillee field displays the name of the last field
transferred through the queue. For mailqueues, this field shows
the name of the last mail process which accessed the queue.
Possible processes are:
* MMaaiilleerr Mailer Deposited a File into this queue
* SSMMTTPP--IInn An incoming SMTP message was last put into this
* SSMMTTPP--OOuutt An outgoing SMTP message was last transferred by
this queue
The QQuueeuueedd field displays the number of files/messages currently
waiting in the queue. The SSeerrvveerrss field displays the number of
servers currently attached to the queue. The MMaapp NNaammee field
displays the name of an associated Map file (if any). The CCooddee
field displays the hexidecimal error code of the last error that
occurred on the queue (if any). The LLaassttXXffeerr field displays the
time of the last transfer through the queue. The QQuueeuuee MMooddee
field displays the current mode of the queue. Possible modes
3.5. Charon Version 3.1 Supervisor's Guide Page: 39
* IIddllee
* OOppeenniinngg Opening a Connection to a remote host
* WWoorrkkiinngg Internally transferring data
* TTrraannssmmiittttiinngg Actively transmitting data to a remote
* RReecceeiivviinngg Actively receiving data from a remote
* CClloossiinngg Closing a connection
The FFoorrmm NNaammee field displays the name of the last form type
transmitted through the queue. This field is blank for
33.66. TThhee SSMMTTPP DDeebbuugg WWiinnddooww
Appendix A, figure 6 shows a typical SMTP Debug Window. This
window displays information about incoming and outgoing SMTP
sessions. An understanding of RFC821 will assist you in
determining the cause of any SMTP transfer problems that you may
4. Charon Version 3.1 Supervisor's Guide Page: 40
CChhaapptteerr 44. RRCCoonnssoollee -- TThhee RReemmoottee CCoonnssoollee
The RConsole (Remote Console) facility enables system managers to
remotely view Charon console information via the telnet
The RConsole process assumes that a remote user will 'telnet' to
the gateway using a VT100 compatible terminal. The remote user
will be required to 'log in' to the gateway by entering a userid
and password. After a successful login, the remote user may
switch screens and view them.
44.11. RRCCoonnssoollee IInnssttaallllaattiioonn
Two installation steps are required to enable the RConsole
a. Add the RCONSOLE command to the charon.dat configuration
b. Create a group on one (or all) of your Novell Servers called
RRCCOONNSSOOLLEE. Add remote console users to this group. (Only
users may be in this group, not other groups).
44.22. LLooggggiinngg iinn uussiinngg RRCCoonnssoollee
When you telnet to the Charon gateway, you will be presented with
a list of attached Novell file servers. The 'default' file server
is the first one listed.
You will be presented with a login prompt. At this prompt you
must enter the Novell userid of a user who is a member of the
RCONSOLE group. If that user (or group) is not on the default
file server, you may select another server from the displayed
list and enter that before the user name in the standard Novell
login fashion:
You will then be prompted for a password. Enter the password for
4.2. Charon Version 3.1 Supervisor's Guide Page: 41
the previously entered userid. The password will echo with '*'
During the login process you may press <DELETE> or <BACKSPACE> to
erase the previous character, <CTRL-U> to erase the entire line,
or <ESCAPE> to abandon the login process.
The Telnet protocol is not overly secure and the password you
enter will be transmitted in the clear (the same as any regular
unix login). For security considerations, you may wish to create
a Novell account which has a station restriction that does not
exist. Enter this account into the RCONSOLE group. If a network
snooper captures the password, the worst that could happen is
that the snooper could remotely control the gateway. He would be
unable to login into your novell server due to the station
restriction. The Charon gateway uses the
VerifyBinderObjectPassword call to determine if the password is
valid, it does not actually login the user.
44.33. RReemmootteellyy CCoonnttrroolllliinngg tthhee CCoonnssoollee
After successfully logging in as a remote console operator, you
may use the following keystrokes to control the gateway:
* <<++>> Show Next Window
* <<-->> Show Previous Window
* <<UU>> Scroll Up
* <<DD>> Scroll Down
* <<PP>> Page Up
* <<NN>> Page Down
* <<LL>> Scroll Left
* <<RR>> Scroll Right
* <<HH>> Jump to Top of Window
* <<EE>> Jump to Bottom of Window
* <<QQ>> Exit Remote Console
Pressing the <ESC> key will not cause Charon to quit.
5. Charon Version 3.1 Supervisor's Guide Page: 42
CChhaapptteerr 55. TThhee FFiinnggeerr DDaaeemmoonn
The FingerD task allows a remote 'finger' of the attached Novell
servers. Users must finger the internet address/name of the
gateway, not the attached servers. The username specified in the
finger command may be:
* bbllaannkk
* AA NNoovveellll SSeerrvveerr NNaammee
* AA UUsseerr NNaammee
Optionally, the string '/a' may be appended to the username to
display the network address of users instead of their login
Example: My gateway is called Romulus.erc, it is attached to
Novell servers Draco and Darius. On a Unix system, I can enter
the following commands:
ffiinnggeerr @@rroommuulluuss.eerrcc
(This will display all users on all attached Novell Servers)
ffiinnggeerr ddrraaccoo@@rroommuulluuss.eerrcc
(This will display only the users on the Novell server Draco)
ffiinnggeerr bbkkcc@@rroommuulluuss.eerrcc
(This will display only information about user bkc on any
attached Novell server)
ffiinnggeerr bbkkcc//aa@@rroommuulluuss.eerrcc
(This will display information about user bkc on any attached
server, and show the station addresses instead of the login
6. Charon Version 3.1 Supervisor's Guide Page: 43
CChhaapptteerr 66. CCoonnffiigguurriinngg PPeeggaassuuss MMaaiill ffoorr uussee wwiitthh CChhaarroonn
Pegasus Mail2 Version 2 may be configured to use Charon as a mail
gateway. The PPCCOONNFFIIGG program is used to configure Pmail for use
with the Charon gateway.
The following installation instructions must be followed for each
Novell server that will be running Pmail and Charon
[ ] LLoogg iinnttoo yyoouurr NNoovveellll SSeerrvveerr aass SSuuppeerrvviissoorr
[ ] EExxeeccuuttee tthhee pprrooggrraamm PPCCoonnffiigg
[ ] SSeelleecctt DDeeffiinnee CCllaarrkkssoonn IInntteerrffaaccee
[ ] EEnntteerr tthhee QQuueeuuee NNaammee
If you followed the instructions outlined in section
2.1, you should enter the name mmaaiillqquueeuuee in the queue
name field.
[ ] EEnnaabbllee tthhee QQuueeuuee
Enter the value 'Y' in the Enabled field.
[ ] SSeett tthhee PPrreeffeerrrreedd FFiieelldd
If you are not using an MHS gateway, enter 'Y' in the
Preferred field. Otherwise, you must decide which
gateway will have preference.
[ ] SSeett tthhee UUssee AAllwwaayyss FFiieelldd
You must decide if you want Charon to handle all mail
delivery on your Novell Servers. If you want Charon to
only handle SMTP mail, enter the value 'N' in the Use
Always Field. Otherwise enter the value 'Y' to cause
Charon to be used for all mail transactions.
[ ] SSeett tthhee SSeerrvveerr NNaammee FFiieelldd
In section 2.2 you obtained an Internet Name for this
Novell server. You should enter that Internet Name in
the Server Name Field.
[ ] SSeett tthhee TTiimmee ZZoonnee FFiieelldd
Set this field to the name of the local, current
2Copyright (C) 1991 David Harris, New Zealand
Appendix A Charon Version 3.1 Supervisor's Guide Page: 44
┌─>─V─────────────────────────System Message Window────────────────────────────┐
│21:36:19 Info: Found Server DRACO │
│21:36:19 Info: Found Mail Queue MAILQUEUE │
│21:36:19 Info: Found Server DARIUS │
│21:36:19 Info: Found Incoming Queue FOLAS │
│21:36:20 Info: Found Mail Queue MAILQUEUE │
│21:36:20 Info: TimeSync: added slave server draco │
│21:36:20 Info: TimeSync: added slave server darius │
│21:36:20 Info: Found SMTP_Out Queue WORKQUEUE Poll 10 │
│21:36:20 Info: Found SMTP Incoming Queue draco/MAILQUEUE │
│21:36:20 Info: Log File Open Deferred for file 'vol1:usr\staff\bkc\sys_warn.ac│
│ │
│21:36:20 Info: Opened Log File 'vol1:usr\staff\bkc\sys_warn.act' │
│21:36:20 Info: Log File Open Deferred for file 'vol1:usr\staff\bkc\sys_info.ac│
│ │
│21:36:21 Info: Opened Log File 'vol1:usr\staff\bkc\sys_info.act' │
│21:36:21 Info: Log File Open Deferred for file 'vol1:usr\staff\bkc\smtp.act' │
│21:36:21 Info: Opened Log File 'vol1:usr\staff\bkc\smtp.act' │
│21:36:21 Info: Created Logger Process system │
│21:36:21 Info: Created Logger Process system │
│21:36:21 Info: Created Logger Process smtpout │
│21:36:21 Info: Created Logger Process mailer │
│21:36:21 Info: Created Logger Process smtpin │
Figure 1.
┌─>^V─────────────────────────System Message Window────────────────────────────┐
│21:36:21 Info: TimeSync: Activated │
│21:36:21 Info: Deferred Open on Log File 'vol1:usr\staff\bkc\sys_warn.act' ok │
│21:36:21 Info: Deferred Open on Log File 'vol1:usr\staff\bkc\sys_info.act' ok │
│21:36:26 Info: RConsole:: Listening on Telnet Port │
│21:36:26 Info: Video regs ax=1a00 bx=f1 vmode=3 │
│21:36:26 Info: VideoSubsystem 1 Display 3 │
│21:36:26 Info: Started Charon 3.1 │
│21:36:32 Info: TimeSync: Checking times │
│21:36:32 Info: TimeSync:Sent RDate request to omnigate │
│21:36:32 Info: TimeSync: Gateway time changed by 1 seconds. │
│21:36:33 Info: Time on Server DARIUS changed by 1 seconds. │
│21:36:41 Info: RConsole Open From │
│21:37:04 Warn: RConsole::Attempted Login by Non_Console Operator DARIUS/BKC │
│21:37:05 Info: RConsole Closed │
│21:37:05 Info: RConsole:: Listening on Telnet Port │
│21:37:08 Info: RConsole Open From │
│21:37:34 Info: RConsole: User DRACO/BKC Logged In │
│21:38:20 Info: DRACO/MAILQUEUE Opened MailJob 496 │
│21:38:20 Info: Mailer: DRACO/MAILQUEUE:496 Deliver to user bkc at omnigate.cla│
│son.edu Class 3 Result 1 │
│21:38:21 Info: DRACO/WORKQUEUE Created Job 256 │
│ │
Figure 2.
Appendix A Charon Version 3.1 Supervisor's Guide Page: 45
┌─>─V─────────────────────────Stream Status Display────────────────────────────┐
│ Data Block Buffers │
│Allocations: 102 Deallocations: 102 Refusals: 0 Oversize: 0 │
│ Size Count (Bytes) Free Perc Allocations Perc Refused (Bytes) │
│ │
│ 64 64 4096 64 100% 52 50% 0 3328 │
│ 128 32 4096 32 100% 4 3% 0 512 │
│ 256 16 4096 16 100% 1 0% 0 256 │
│ 512 8 4096 8 100% 45 44% 0 23040 │
│ 1024 8 8192 8 100% 0 0% 0 0 │
│ │
│ Total 128 24576 128 102 17289 │
│ Message Block Information │
│Messages: 120 Free: 120 Allocations: 102 Refusals: 0 │
│ Queue Information │
│ Name Count Flags High Low Msgs DataBytes │
│┌─ TCP_Down 0 H--E-I 4192 1024 0 0 │
│└─ SMTP_Down 0 ------ 4192 1024 0 0 │
│ │
│┌─ SMTP_Up 0 H--E-- 4192 1024 0 0 │
Figure 3.
┌─>─V──────────────────────────Task Display Window─────────────────────────────┐
│Tasks: 15 Free Mem: 129792 Up 0 Days 0 Hrs 2 Mins Sat Feb 09 21:39:23 1991│
│Load : 37% Proc Mem: 28272 Heap Mem Used: 128832 Free: 4880 │
│ID Description Cycles Usage Size Signal State Wake │
│ │
│7af8 TCP_DStream 21 0% 12 None Sleeping │
│7b05 TelnetD 0 0% 21 None Sleeping │
│785b Stream Status Display 120 9% 583 None Sleeping 21:39:28 │
│76a3 Task Display 59 22% 380 None Sleeping 21:39:25 │
│7640 TimeSync 11 0% 3 None Sleeping 00:36:33 │
│74c4 TCP_DStream 0 0% 12 None Sleeping │
│763a TCP Worker 1 0% 58 None Sleeping │
│746a SMTPD 0 0% 89 None Sleeping │
│72f0 TCP_DStream 0 0% 12 None Sleeping │
│7466 TCP Worker 1 0% 58 None Sleeping │
│72ce FingerD 0 0% 33 None Sleeping │
│6b5c Queue Manager 17 0% 345 None Sleeping │
│6b6e Keyboard Handler 2K 1% 6 None Runnable │
│6b4a Network Processor 2K 5% 3 None Runnable │
│603f RConsole 119 0% 152 None Sleeping 21:39:24 │
│ │
│ │
│ │
Figure 4.
Appendix A Charon Version 3.1 Supervisor's Guide Page: 46
┌─>─V─────────────────────────────Queue Manager────────────────────────────────┐
│Server Userid Version Current/Peak/Max Connections │
│DARIUS LPR 2.15 7/ 44/100 │
│DRACO LPR 3.1 24/ 59/250 │
│Server Queue Mode Dest Host Dest Printer │
│Init Reset Timeout Poll Nxt Poll Last Host Last User │
│Files Bytes Avg Size Errors TrnsTime Thrpt Status Last File │
│Queued Servers Map Name Code LastXfer Queue Mode Form Name │
│0 0 10 60 --:--:-- │
│0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0.0 Ok │
│0 0 folas --:--:-- Idle │
│0 0 10 10 21:39:33 draco.erc.clark BKC │
│1 423 423 0 00:00:12 0.3 Ok SMTP-Out │
│0 1 None 21:38:36 Idle │
│0 0 10 10 21:39:33 │
│0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0.0 Ok │
Figure 5.
┌─>^V───────────────────────────SMTP Debug Window──────────────────────────────┐
│21:36:21 SMTPD: Created │
│21:38:34 SMTP_Deliver: Created │
│21:38:34 SMTP_Deliver: Entering Parsing State from state 2 │
│21:38:36 SMTP_Deliver: RESP: 220 omnigate.clarkson.edu Server SMTP (Complaints│
│ugs to: postmaster@omnigate.clarkson.edu) │
│21:38:36 SMTP_Deliver: Sending: HELO romulus.erc.clarkson.edu │
│21:38:37 SMTP_Deliver: Sent Hello. Waiting │
│21:38:38 SMTP_Deliver: RESP: 250 omnigate.clarkson.edu │
│21:38:38 SMTP_Deliver: Sending: MAIL FROM: <BKC@draco.erc.clarkson.edu> │
│21:38:40 SMTP_Deliver: RESP: 250 OK │
│21:38:40 SMTP_Deliver: Sending RCPT's │
│21:38:40 SMTP_Deliver: Sending: RCPT TO: <bkc@omnigate.clarkson.edu> │
│21:38:41 SMTP_Deliver: RESP: 250 Recipient OK. │
│21:38:41 SMTP_Deliver: Sending DATA │
│21:38:44 SMTP_Deliver: RESP: 354 Enter Mail, end by a line with only '.' │
│21:38:44 SMTP_Deliver: Data:..........:Done │
│21:38:48 SMTP_Deliver: RESP: 250 Submitted R,
│21:38:48 SMTP_Deliver: Message Accepted │
│21:38:48 SMTP_Deliver: RESP: 221 omnigate.clarkson.edu says goodbye to romulus│
│rc.clarkson.edu at Sat Feb 9 21:38:49. │
│21:38:48 SMTP_Deliver: Connection Closed │
│21:38:48 SMTP_Deliver: Destroyed │
Figure 6.
1. Introduction ............................................... 2
1.1. Installation Requirements ................................ 2
2. Installation ............................................... 4
2.1. Prepare Your Novell Servers .............................. 4
2.2. Generate Domain Name Information ......................... 9
2.3. Configure your Central SMTP Mailer ...................... 11
2.4. Configure Charon ........................................ 12
2.4.1 Create the config.tel file. ............................ 12
2.4.2 Create the Charon.Dat file ............................. 14
2.4.3 Top Level Commands ..................................... 15
2.4.4 Server Subcommands ..................................... 17
2.4.5 Mailer Subcommands ..................................... 18
2.4.6 TimeSync Commands ...................................... 22
2.4.7 Alias Commands ......................................... 23
2.4.8 Logfiles Subcommands ................................... 25
2.4.9 Log Subcommands ........................................ 27
2.5. Prepare A Boot Disk ..................................... 29
3. Running Charon ............................................ 32
3.1. Operating the Charon Console ............................ 32
3.2. The System Message Window ............................... 33
3.3. The Stream Status Display Window ........................ 33
3.4. The Task Display Window ................................. 34
3.4.1 The RCONSOLE Task ...................................... 35
3.4.2 The Network Processor Task ............................. 35
3.4.3 The Keyboard Handler Task .............................. 35
3.4.4 The Queue Manager Task ................................. 35
3.4.5 The FingerD Task ....................................... 35
3.4.6 The TCP_DStream Task ................................... 36
3.4.7 The TCP Worker Task .................................... 36
3.4.8 The SMTPD Task ......................................... 36
3.4.9 The SMTP_Deliver Task .................................. 36
3.4.10 The TelnetD Task ...................................... 36
3.4.11 The Mailer Task ....................................... 37
3.5. The Queue Manager Window ................................ 37
3.6. The SMTP Debug Window ................................... 39
4. RConsole - The Remote Console ............................. 40
4.1. RConsole Installation ................................... 40
4.2. Logging in using RConsole ............................... 40
4.3. Remotely Controlling the Console ........................ 41
5. The Finger Daemon ......................................... 42
6. Configuring Pegasus Mail for use with Charon .............. 43