Black Box 4
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1,043 lines
─────────────────────────────────────Main Menu
Welcome to JEPRS, the
|J|ournal &
JEPRS is a database system designed to
manipulate "references" or "citations" to the
(scientific) literature. You can add, list,
export, search, or format any or all of the
references in the database. JEPRS (pronounced
|Jeepers!|) is a user friendly program that's
menu driven. You usually have the option of
pressing the |F1| (Help) key, which will give
you instant help.
|Selecting Commands & Using Function Keys|
The first thing you see is the Main Menu
(at the top of this screen). This is the
heart of the program. To select a command,
either type the first letter of that command,
or use the left and right arrow keys to high-
light one of the commands, and then press
|Enter|. For the Help and Exit commands, you
also have the choice of using the function key
shown (|F1| or |Esc|, respectively). Note that
the Global Defaults (|F2|) command does not have
a corresponding letter command. If you're not
sure what a command does, enter it anyway and
then press the |F1| key. This will give you
help with the current command. (Help is
always context-sensitive.)
Note that some function keys have the
same functions no matter what section of the
program you are using. For example, |Esc| will
always bring you back to the previous menu,
and |F1| will always get you help.
While in the Help Screen (as you are
now), you can use several keys to move around.
The up & down arrow keys move the text up or
down 1 line at a time. The |PgUp| & |PgDn| keys
move the text up or down one screen at a time.
|Home| moves you to the first screen and |End|
moves you to the last. Finally, |Esc| brings
you back where you were before you asked for
|JEPRS's Screen Design|
Screens are generally broken up into 5
sections. At the very top is the Screen Name,
such as "Main Menu" or "Search Menu". Below
that is the Menu Line, which lists all the
available commands. The lower 23 lines are
divided into 3 sections. The top left is
generally a "Format" section which tells you
which format will be used. The bottom left is
a "Messages" section, which tells you which
function keys you can use, as well as giving
you a short description of what you are sup-
posed to do.
Finally, the right side of the screen
shows you the currently selected "Defaults".
If on the Main Menu it says:
|Unregistered Version|
in bold letters near the bottom right side,
then it means you have not registered (paid
for) your copy of JEPRS. To get more infor-
mation on ordering JEPRS, go to the Global
Defaults Menu (press |F2| while at the Main
Menu), then press |D|efaults, and then
|O|rdering information. Once you have
registered your copy of JEPRS, you will no
longer be bothered with the opening reminder
screen, and your Main Menu will say:
|Registered Version |
|Command Line Parameters|
JEPRS can be started with the following
command line parameter:
C:\>|JEPRS <Config filename>|
... where |<Config filename>| is a valid file-
name for your Config file, including a path if
necessary (e.g., |JEPRS2.Cfg| ...or...
For the input, you must specify where
JEPRS can expect the reference numbers to come
from. Valid choices are:
|K|eyboard. This is the default. When you
specify this input, you will be queried for
each reference number that you want to use.
|N|umber File. If you specify this, JEPRS
will automatically look for a file by the name
specified on the Main Menu next to "Number
File Name". (You can change the name of this
file on the Global Defaults Menu.) The Number
file should be a DOS text file containing the
numbers of the references you wish to use.
Each reference number MUST be on a separate
line, and MUST be the first thing on the line
(but you can place comments anywhere to the
right of the numbers).
|R|eference File. When this is selected,
you will then be asked to enter the number of
the first reference, and then the number of
the last reference, to be used. The defaults
are the first and last references of the cur-
rent Reference File listed on the Main Menu.
You can change the name of this file on the
Global Defaults Menu.
|W|ord Processor File. If selected, JEPRS
will search through the file specified on the
Main Menu next to "Word processor input file"
and look for JEPRS codes for reference numbers
(such as {J#123} for reference #123). It
will then use these reference numbers for
output. JEPRS can also replace these codes
with numbers, or authors and years.
JEPRS has the ability to direct its
output to any of a variety of places. The
default is always the screen, but you can
request any combination of the following.
|S|creen. The results of the current oper-
ation are directed to the screen. For example
during a Search, the matched references are
displayed on the screen and you can scroll
through them using the cursor keys; during a
Format or Export operation, the formatted
references are displayed on the screen and
you can press the |Scroll Lock| key to stop
and re-start the display.
|P|rinter. The results of the current
operation are directed to your printer.
Please make sure your printer is turned on
and is "on-line" before selecting this as
|T|ext File. JEPRS will automatically send
the output to the file specified on the Main
Menu as the "Text File Name" (this file name
can be changed on the Global Defaults Menu.)
The output will be automatically formatted
according to the currently defined Format
Style (see the Format Menu). There are two
important things to note:
1. When sending output to a Text File
from the Search Menu, none of the printer
codes will be sent to the file. If you want
printer codes within your Text File, the out-
put MUST be generated at the Format Menu. In
addition, the margins are predefined as:
left margin = 8, characters per line = 65,
and lines per page = 54.
2. If "Text Formatting" = "No" on the
Global Defaults Menu, then the left margin is
equal to zero and no printer codes are sent
to the Text File.
|N|umber File (not available on all menus).
Rather than having the TEXT of the reference
sent to a file, the NUMBER of the reference is
sent to a file if this output is selected. It
is sent to the file called "Number Filename"
listed on the Main Menu. This filename can be
changed on the Global Defaults Menu. The
Number File can also be used as INPUT for for-
matted output on the Format Menu and the
Export Menu.
|W|ord Processor File (not available on all
menus). The name of this file is listed on
the Main Menu next to "Output word processor
file". JEPRS will send the text of each
reference to this file, which is compatible
with your word processor.
╦────────────────────────────────Save/Edit Menu
If you have modified your Printer and/or
Format Style Definitions, you can now perma-
nently save them in your Config file. Just
press |S|ave to save them. Otherwise, press
|Esc| to return to the Global Defaults Menu;
in that case, the changes you made will be
kept in memory, but will be lost once you
choose a new Definition or exit JEPRS.
If you want to modify the same or a
different Definition, choose |E|dit.
─────────────────────────────────Format Styles
You can now choose one of the Format
Styles you have previously defined. You sel-
ect a format by using the up and down arrow
keys, the |PgUp| and |PgDn| keys, and pressing
|Enter|. Or just enter the number of the
format at the "Format Style:" prompt.
If you decide you want to use the format
style that has already been selected, just
press |Esc|, and no change will be made.
The format styles can be edited at the
Global Defaults Menu by selecting |D|efaults and
then |J|ournal Definitions. More help is
available when you are editing the journal
────────────────────────────Edit Format Styles
You can now modify this definition in
order to specify the output styles that you
need for your work. Remember, you can modify
any of the 30 format styles in your Config
Move around the screen from field to
field by using the up & down arrow keys. Each
field can be edited using JEPRS's standard
editing keys: |Ins|, |Del|, |BackSpace|, left &
right arrow keys, |Home|, and |End|. You can also
use |^P| (hold down the |Ctrl| key and press the
|P| key once) to enter control characters. When
you are finished editing, press |Esc| to return
to the menu at the top of the screen.
Here is a brief description of the
entries JEPRS expects for each of the fields:
|Name:| Enter any name; this name will appear
on the menu where you choose which format to
use for output.
|Sort:| Choose |A|uthor if this journal
requires that the references be sorted by
author; |Y|ear if you want the references
sorted by year; |J|ournal to sort by the
journal title; or choose |N|one if no sorting
is required.
|Indent Length:| If the second and subsequent
lines of each reference should be indented a
few spaces compared to the first line, enter
the number of spaces that it should be in-
dented here.
|Replace WP code with:| This is only used if
you specify "Input=Word processor file" at the
Format Menu. If you choose "Author+Year",
then JEPRS codes in your word processor
document are replaced by the author(s) and
year; if it is "Numbers", then JEPRS codes
are replaced by sequential numbers.
|Periods for Initials:| New with version 2.5
is the ability to insert periods between
the authors' initials. For example, if you
enter your authors as "Miranda LM, Wright
WE", then they will be converted to
"Miranda L.M., Wright W.E." upon output.
To get this automatic conversion, choose
|A|dd periods; if you don't want conversion,
choose |N|o periods.
|Journal:| Enter the format specifications that
your journal requires for a reference citation
that is a journal. Use the |User's Guide| and
the codes listed on the bottom of the screen
as a guide.
|Abstract:| Enter the format specifications that
your journal requires for a reference citation
that is an abstract. Use the |User's Guide| and
the codes listed on the bottom of the screen
as a guide.
|Book:| Enter the format specifications that
your journal requires for a reference citation
that is a book. Use the |User's Guide| and
the codes listed on the bottom of the screen
as a guide.
|Comments:| Enter any comments you want in this
field. These comments are for your use only;
JEPRS does not use them.
╩────────────────────────────────Select Printer
Choose one of the printer definitions
listed to use for output to your printer. Use
the up & down arrow keys or type in the number
you want and press |Enter|.
If you press |Esc|, the previously chosen
printer definition will be used.
───────────────────────Edit Printer Definition
This definition is used by JEPRS to send
special codes to the printer for margins,
underlining, bold printing, etc. If none of
these work for you, you will have to modify
one of the pre-existing definitions to suit
your printer, as described here. Note that
if you need to enter a special character
that is not a key on your keyboard (for exam-
ple, a |^R| or DOS decimal character |237|), you
can press |^P| first and then enter the
character via the control key; or press |^P|
and then hold down the |Alt| key and enter the
decimal number on the number pad and then let
go of the |Alt| key (this doesn't work on all
PC clones).
|Name:| Enter the name you want to be displayed
on the printer selection menu.
|Initialization Code:| These characters will be
sent to your printer every time JEPRS is about
to send formatted output to the printer.
|Reset Code:| These characters will be sent to
your printer every time JEPRS is finished
sending formatted output to the printer.
|Title:| These characters will be printed on
the second line of the first page of formatted
|Header:| These characters will be printed on
the top line of each page of formatted output.
You can enter the special code |\P| anywhere on
this line, and it will be replaced by the cur-
rent page number.
|Left margin:| This many characters are skipped
at the beginning of each line to leave a left
|Characters per line:| JEPRS will automatically
wrap text around to the next line when this
many characters have been sent on one line.
|Pause after each page:| Enter "Yes" if you
have to hand feed each sheet of paper to your
printer. Enter "No" if you have continuous
feed paper.
|Top margin:| Enter the number of lines you
want JEPRS to skip at the top of the page.
|Lines per page:| After this many lines are
printed, JEPRS skips to the next page.
|Form feed last page:| Enter "Yes" if you want
JEPRS to eject the last page from your printer
after formatted output is sent to it. Other-
wise, enter "No".
|Bold|, |Italic|, etc.: Enter the codes your
printer needs to Begin and End each of the
special attributes listed. Consult your
printer manual and JEPRS Appendix in the
JEPRS documentation files for more informa-
|Comments:| Enter any comments here; this is
for your use only (JEPRS ignores these).
───────────────────────────────Global Defaults
The Global Defaults Menu allows you to
modify the pre-programmed defaults that are
set either by the Config File or (if you
haven't specified one) by JEPRS itself.
Press |F|iles, then select one of the files
by using the arrow keys or first letter. You
can then change the name (including drive and
subdirectory) of that file. Note that the new
name will be used only until you exit JEPRS;
once you exit, the name will be discarded. If
you want to permanently change the name of the
file, go to the |D|efaults and invoke the |S|ave
defaults+files command. Here is a brief run-
down of the files:
|D|rive and directory refers to the DOS
disk and/or subdirectory where all of the fol-
lowing files are located.
|R|eference file refers to the main data-
base file where the references are kept. You
will also be asked for a reference Key file.
The Key file refers to the file that keeps
track of the position of the references in the
main database (reference) file. (There must
be a Key file for every Reference file!)
|W|ord processor input file is a file you
create with your word processor. JEPRS can
read this file if you put reference numbers in
it like this: {J#123} Then JEPRS will
replace the code above with either sequential
numbers, or with the author & title.
|O|utput word processor file is a file that
JEPRS can create at the Format Menu. It will
contain all the codes your word processor uses
such as boldface, italics, etc.
|T|ext file refers to a file that JEPRS
can create which will contain certain refer-
ences in an ASCII file. This is accomplished
on the |S|earch Menu and the |L|ist Menu by
pressing the |F10| key. It can also be made
by specifying |T|ext file for |O|utput on the
|F|ormat Menu and the |U|tilities/|E|xport Menu.
|N|umber file refers to a file containing
numbers specifying certain references from the
database. You can create this file yourself
with a text editor, or JEPRS can add reference
numbers to it by pressing the |F8| key in the
|S|earch and |L|ist options. It can also be made
by specifying |N|umber file for |O|utput on the
|F|ormat Menu and the |U|tilities/|E|xport Menu.
JEPRS uses the numbers in this file for for-
matting at the |F|ormat Menu.
|C|onfig file refers to the file that
contains the instructions for formatting the
output from the |F|ormat Menu, as well as the
default filenames and other Global Defaults.
|I|mport file allows you to add to your
database by reading in a file that is format-
ted according to one of the standard biomedi-
cal formats (MedLine, CL-MedLine, or BRS/
Colleague). This file is used on the
|U|tilities/|I|mport File Menu.
|E|xport file is the file JEPRS creates
when you export references at the |U|tilities/
|E|xport File Menu.
|E|rror/warning beep refers to a beep
JEPRS will make if it wants to alert you that
something has gone wrong. If you don't want
to hear any noise, "just say No" and JEPRS
will never beep at you!
|T|ext file formatting: If "Yes", then
printer codes will be sent to the Text File
if more than one reference is sent to the Text
File. If "No", then no codes are sent. See
the documentation for more information.
|U|se Printer #: Allows you to choose
which printer definition to use.
|S|ave defaults+files: Saves your
Defaults and Filenames (but not printer or
journal definitions) in the currently defined
Config File.
|J|ournal definitions: You can choose
the journal definition to use for formatting,
edit it onscreen, and save it to your Config
|P|rinter definitions: You can choose
the printer definition for printing, edit it
onscreen, and save it to your Config file.
|C|olors for screen: Allows you to
permanently change the screen colors to all
black & white, to avoid blinking characters,
or to keep the Formatting colors all uniform.
|F|orm-feed to printer: You can use this
to send a "form-feed" to your printer, so it
will eject the current page.
|O|rdering information will present you
with information on how to order the latest
version of JEPRS if you want to update your
copy, or how to order your own copy if you are
currently using someone else's.
|Go to DOS:|
|G|o to DOS allows you to temporarily
return to MS-DOS. You can do this to run
another program or get a directory listing,
for example. Note that you must type |Exit| and
then press |Enter| to return to JEPRS. (You may
mess up your data files if you try to run
JEPRS a second time when you're in the |G|o To
DOS window!)
3────────────────────────────────Add References
The |A|dd command allows you to add ref-
erences to your current database. Simply type
in the title, authors, journal, etc., just as
the screen shows. The authors should be
entered last name first, followed by a space
and then first initials; if more than one
author, separate the authors by commas:
|Miranda LM, Lin VK-O, Wright WE|
Note that you do not add an "and" or "&"
before the last author's name; JEPRS can do
that for you during formatting.
The arrow keys will move the cursor
around on the display. |Home| will take the
cursor to the first character of the line; |End|
will move you to the last character of the
line. |Tab| will move you forward from field to
field; |Shift|+|Tab| will move you backwards from
field to field. |Ctrl| + the left/right arrow
keys will move you from word to word.
|PgUp| will move the cursor to the title;
|PgDn| will move the cursor to the keywords.
|BackSpace| will delete the previous char-
acter (just like a typewriter), while pressing
|Delete| will delete the current character.
|Ctrl|+|End| will delete from the cursor position
to the end of the line.
|Insert| will change the display from
Insert to Overwrite mode or vice versa (you
can check the lower right corner of the
display to see which mode you are in). Insert
mode causes characters to the right of the
cursor to be moved as you type. In Overwrite
mode, characters to the right of the cursor
are simply written over and erased.
When you have finished entering this
reference, press |Esc| to bring you to the menu
at the top of the screen. More help is avail-
able at that menu.
After selecting |S|ave or |A|bandon, you must
then select |C|ontinue (in which case you can
add more references) or |M|ain menu (or |Esc|) to
return to the Main Menu.
7───────────────────Save/Abandon/Edit Reference
|S|ave will place the reference you just
edited into the database. |A|bandon causes
JEPRS to ignore the edited text. |E|dit will
allow you to go back to the reference and
continue to edit it. |H|elp brings up this
help screen.
L───────────────────────────────List References
You now have the ability to view the
database one reference at a time. Just type
in the number of the reference you wish to
see. Or, you can press |PgUp| to see the previ-
ous reference in the database, or |PgDn| to see
the next one (...except if you got here from
the Search Results screen; in that case |PgUp|
will display the prior found reference, and
|PgDn| will display the next found reference).
|Function Keys:|
The |F4| key will allow you to Edit the
reference you are now viewing. More help is
available at the Edit Menu.
|F8| will insert only the number of the
current reference into a Number File, for sub-
sequent formatting at the |F|ormat command on
the Main Menu, or for exporting at the |E|xport
command on the Utilities Menu.
Pressing |F9| will take the reference
currently displayed and print it on your
printer in the currently defined journal
|F10| will insert the current reference
into a Text File using the currently defined
journal format.
As always, |Esc| will take you back to
the Main Menu.
e───────────────────────────────Edit References
The Edit command (|F4|) allows you to edit
references, in case you made a mistake in your
original entry or new information becomes
available. Since JEPRS doesn't have a Delete
Reference function, the Edit function can be
used to overwrite an old reference, and
replace it with a new one. The command keys
are exactly the same as the ones for the |A|dd
command, and are described below for your
The arrow keys will move the cursor
around on the display. |Home| will take the
cursor to the first character of the line; |End|
will move you to the last character of the
line. |Tab| will move you from field to field,
and |Shift|+|Tab| will move you backwards from
field to field.
|PgUp| will move the cursor to the title;
|PgDn| will move the cursor to the keywords.
|BackSpace| will delete the previous char-
acter (just like a typewriter), while pressing
|Delete| will delete the current character.
|Insert| will change the display from
Insert to Overwrite mode or vice versa (you
can check the lower right corner of the
display to see which mode you are in). Insert
mode causes characters to the right of the
cursor to be moved as you type. In Overwrite
mode, characters to the right of the cursor
are simply written over and erased.
When you have finished editing this
reference, press |Esc| to bring you to the menu
at the top of the screen. More help is
available at that menu.
~───────────────────────────────────Search Menu
To start a search, enter the |T|erms you
wish to search for, then enter the |G|o command.
(More help is available when entering |T|erms.)
You also have the option of changing any of
the defaults or the outputs listed on the
right side of the screen. Press |O| to change
the Output, or |D| to change the Defaults.
|O|utput allows you to specify where the
references found in a search are directed to.
The default is the screen, but you can turn on
any combination of screen, printer, text file,
and number file.
|B|egin allows you to specify the reference
number at which the search will begin. The
default is #1.
|E|nd allows you to specify the reference
at which searching will end. The default is
the last reference in the database.
|M|atches allows you to specify the maximum
number of references that JEPRS should find in
the current search. (|B|egin, |E|nd, and |M|atches
can be used together in order reduce the total
search time used; they are useful if you have
some idea of the total number of references
you want, or their location within the data-
base.) The default is the total number of
references in the database.
|U|ppercase determines whether the current
search is case-sensitive or case-insensitive.
If Uppercase = No, then the terms are searched
for exactly as you type them. If Uppercase =
Yes, both the search terms you enter, as well
as the references in the database, are con-
verted to uppercase before comparing them.
|S|ort determines whether the references
are sorted before being displayed. If |S|ort is
is set to |A|uthors, the references are sorted
by first author; if |Y|ear, then they are sorted
by reference year; if |J|ournal, then they are
sorted by journal title before being sent to
the specified output. If |S|ort=|N|one, then the
references are displayed in the order they
were found in the database file.
é──────────────────────────────────Search Terms
The search |T|erms are the field(s) you
wish to search through (e.g., |A|uthors or
|T|itles) and the text for which you are search-
ing. The Messages window contains a list
of all the valid Terms. The simplest search
is just one term, but you can also combine
terms by separating the field names with
operators (|+| |-| & |/|) and parentheses (see
An example of a simple search would be if
you were looking for all the articles written
by "Wright" in your database. To find them,
enter |A| at the "Enter Search:" prompt. Then
enter |Wright| on the next line. Note that
the "A" blinks to let you know that you should
be entering text for an |A|uthor search. Once
back at the Search Menu, press |G|o to start the
|Compound Searches:|
The next level of complexity would be a
double search: you want to find all refer-
ences for articles written by "Wright" that
also appear in the "Journal of Cell Biology".
At the "Enter Search:" prompt, enter |A+J|
(|A|uthor and |J|ournal). On the first blank
line, enter |Wright| (note that the "A" after
"Enter Search:" will blink to remind you to
enter text for an Author search). On the 2nd
blank line, enter |J Cell Biol| (this time, the
"J" blinks as a reminder). Again, enter |G|o at
the Search Menu to start the search.
More complex searches are possible. To
search for articles written by "Wright" or
"Miranda", but not "Farmer" or "Lin", that
appeared as an Abstract, enter |(A/A)-(A/A)+C|
at the "Enter Search:" prompt. Then enter all
of the authors' names in the correct order,
and then an |A| (for "Abstract") in the field
for Citation type. Again, the letters will
blink to remind you where you are. Then |G|o at
the Search Menu to start your search.
|Entering Years:|
With one exception, all the text you
enter is searched for as just that: text.
The exception is for the |Y|ears field. If you
specify a |Y| at the "Enter Search:" prompt,
then JEPRS will allow you to enter either a
single year (e.g., "1989") or a range of years
("1975-1984"). Note that you must specify the
ENTIRE year; for example, "1975-77" will give
you a nonsense answer; use "1975-1977"
instead. The only short cut allowed is that
you may skip the first year if you want to
search for all references up to a given year;
that is, "-1975" is equivalent to "1900-1975".
ç────────────────────────────────Search Results
Congratulations! JEPRS has found at
least one successful match for the terms you
entered. Use the up & down arrow keys to
scroll through the list of successful matches.
|PgUp| and |PgDn| can also be used if you have
more than one screenful of references. Note
that a number of features are available
through the use of the function keys, des-
cribed below.
Pressing |Enter| will display the complete
reference for the line that the cursor is
sitting on. This actually brings up the |L|ist
Screen, which will work just as if it were
called up from the Main Menu with one excep-
tion: |PgUp| and |PgDn| will display the next (or
previous) |found| reference in the list,
rather than the next reference in the data-
|Function Keys:|
As always, |Esc| takes you back to the
previous menu, the Search Menu. (To get back
to the Search Results screen without having to
redo your search, press |F3| while at the
Search Menu.)
If you wish to modify this search, press
|F4|. Why? Let's say that this search has
yielded a lot more references than you want to
see; you can now restrict your search by fur-
ther checking those references already found
to see if they match another specification you
provide on the Modify Search Menu. More help
is available at the Modify Search Menu.
Pressing |*| will allow you to Mark and
unMark the reference the cursor is on. Then
the output function keys (for printer and text
& number file output) will output all the
Marked references, rather than just the refer-
ence the cursor is currently on.
|F5| will Mark all the references found.
|F6| will invert all the Marks that you
placed on the references (that is, all Marked
references will become unMarked and all
unMarked references will become Marked). To
clear all the Marks, press |F5|, then |F6|.
|F8| will insert only the number of the
current reference (or all the Marked referen-
ces, if any are Marked) into a Number File,
for subsequent formatting at the |F|ormat com-
mand at the Main Menu, or for exporting at the
|E|xport command on the Utilities Menu.
Pressing |F9| will take the reference
displayed at the cursor (or all Marked refer-
ences, if any are Marked) and print it on your
printer in the currently defined journal
output format (see the Global Defaults).
|F10| will insert the current reference
(or all Marked references, if any are Marked)
into a Text File.
î─────────────────────────────────Modify Search
You have chosen to modify your search.
This is done by entering a |+| (to require a
match on an additional term to your current
search) or a |-| (to search for references that
don't have a specified term) followed by the
first letter of the field (e.g., |A|uthor,
|T|itle, or |J|ournal) that is to be searched.
JEPRS will then ask you to enter the word
or phrase that you want to search for. This
whole process is very similar to the initial
|T|erms command on the Search Menu, except that
here only one additional search term may be
specified each time.
You can modify each original search a
maximum of three times. The first time you
modify it, instructions appear on the Modify
Search screen; each additional time you modify
it, the previous search term modifications
(field name abbreviations and search word(s))
are shown instead.
ù─────────────────────────────Format References
The |F|ormat Menu is where you can tell
JEPRS to format your references exactly the
way you want them. If you like the defaults
just the way they are, just press |G|o and
formatting begins. Otherwise, you can change
any of the options listed below.
|Format Style:|
Here is where you can specify the format
definition to use for formatting your refer-
ences. More help is available when you select
this item.
|I|nput tells JEPRS where to look for the
reference numbers that you want formatted. The
default is the Keyboard, but you also have a
choice of a Number file or a subset (or all)
of the references in a Reference file.
|O|utput allows you to specify where the
exported references are directed to. The
default is the screen, but you can turn on any
combination of screen, printer, text file, and
number file.
|P|age start # allows you to specify the
page number at which JEPRS will start number-
ing. For example, if you enter "29", then the
formatted output will show "Page 29" as the
first page, "Page 30" as the second page, etc.
Note that you must use the |\P| command in the
Heading of the Printer Definition in order
for the page number to be displayed.
|R|eplace |"| with |"|. This command is useful
if you are trying to get comma-delimited out-
put. In that case, if there are any double
quotation marks in your references, they will
be misinterpreted when you try to import this
file into your new database. This command
will therefore allow you to change all the
'"' (double quotes) in your database to some
other character you specify (for example, a
backwards single quote '`').
The |U|tilities Menu allows you to |I|mport
and |E|xport references as well as |C|ompress the
database when necessary. More help is availa-
ble when you select any of these menus.
|I|mport: Select this item when you have a
file containing references you wish to import
into your JEPRS database.
|E|xport: Select this item when you wish
to export any number of references from your
JEPRS database into a format suitable for im-
porting into another program.
|C|ompress database: Use this feature to
reduce the size of your database when you have
a large number of "moved references".
┤───────────────────────────────────Import File
|I|mport provides you with the ability to
add to your database by reading in a file for-
matted according to any one of several bio-
medical format types. This includes MedLine
(PaperChase, Current Contents on Diskette,
and Reference Manager, among others) as well
as CL-MedLine (a slightly different format)
and BRS/Colleague. Use your communications
or database software to create these files
during a search. They can then be imported
directly into JEPRS.
Make sure that the Import File listed on
the Global Defaults Menu is the name of the
file you want to import. If not, press |Esc| to
return to the |U|tilities Menu, then press |F2| to
go to the Global Defaults Menu.
|R|emove subheadings: MedLine files in-
clude some information that is not useful to
most people, such as source of funding, and
keyword subgroups. If this is |Y|es, JEPRS
strips this material away before importing the
|E|dit during import: If set to |N|o, JEPRS
reads through the import file and imports all
the references without allowing you to edit
or discard them. If you change this to |Y|es,
then as each reference is imported, you are
placed in Edit mode and you can modify the
reference before saving it to the database.
You also have the option of saving the
imported reference as is or discarding it
╣─────────────────────────────Export References
In order to provide compatibility with
other biomedical reference management systems,
JEPRS allows you to |E|xport references in the
MedLine format. Once you check the |D|efaults
to make sure they're what you want, just press
|G| to Go.
|I|nput tells JEPRS where to look for the
reference numbers that you want exported. The
default is the Keyboard, but you also have a
choice of a Number file or a subset (or all)
of the references in a Reference file.
|O|utput allows you to specify where the
exported references are directed to. The
default is the screen, but you can turn on any
combination of screen, printer, text file, and
number file.
|R|emove printer codes: JEPRS lets you
insert printer codes (for underlining, bold
face, etc.) into your text as you add refer-
ences to your database. However, these codes
are not compatible with any other program.
Therefore, if you choose |Y|es for this option,
these codes will be stripped from your text as
it is exported, preventing any problems with
importing it into another program.
|U|ppercase keywords: All MedLine formats
have their keywords in uppercase letters, but
JEPRS lets you have them in uppercase, lower-
case, or mixed case. Set this to |Y|es if you
want your keywords converted to uppercase as
they are exported.
╛─────────────────────────────Compress Database
JEPRS stores your references as effi-
ciently as possible. Because of this, how-
ever, JEPRS has to move the references
around in the database whenever you edit them.
This causes some space to be wasted in your
reference database file. The |C|ompress Data-
base screen and the |M|ain Menu both display the
quantity of these "moved references". So if
you're running out of disk space, you can use
the |C|ompress Database feature to get rid of
those moved references.
Just press |G| to start the compression.
|Insufficient Disk Space|
In order to compress your database, JEPRS
must make a temporary file that is the same
size as your reference file. If there is not
enough room on the current default drive,
JEPRS will tell you to select a new disk drive
for the temporary files. Place a new floppy
disk in one of your drives and then enter the
letter for that drive (or enter the letter for
a hard disk).
If you don't have any disks with suffi-
cient space, just press |Esc| to return to the
|U|tilities Menu.